Strikhanov Mikhail Nikolaevich biography. Strikhanov Mikhail Nikolaevich

The scientist linked the success of the university with the opening of the department of theology and the local church

MEPhI Rector Mikhail Strikhanov said at the IV Christmas educational readings Southern Vicariate of Moscow that the successes of the nuclear university are associated with the opening of a house church in it in 2009 and the department of theology in 2012. And he cites as proof the position of the university in various tops and rankings. They say that in the top 100 strongest universities, MEPhI ranks 36th in natural sciences in terms of international rating. And according to another ranking, the university is in 75th place in the world out of five thousand educational institutions.

“How does physics combine with faith? It fits very well, because our deep conviction is that the younger generation from the very beginning should profess values ​​that are unshakable,” said Strikhanov.

“I have been ashamed of my university for a long time,” writes Vladimir D.

“Phase shift,” another student supports him.

It’s bad that he links successes with spiritual values ​​and bonds, and traditional values ​​in his understanding are unthinkable without Orthodoxy, argues Sergei Sh sensibly.

And some students found justification for the actions of the head of the university. Like, the rector was speaking in front of a crowd of priests, what else could he say? Since the kindness and politeness of the rector did not allow him to speak differently (or maybe there is no “otherwise”?), he can still mention in the list of those responsible for the success, for example, the leading physicists of the university or Nobel laureates who worked and studied at MEPhI? But God is with them...

At one time, the opening of the theology department in 2012 and the local church in 2009 caused heated debate in the university. And not only because MEPhI, as an institute (National Nuclear Research Institute, by the way), has little connection with any religion in principle. After all, Moscow State University also has its own temple. Students at the then secular university could not understand why something that was in the realm of private choice was being imposed on them? And not all of them were atheists, and no one spoke out against Orthodoxy as such.

The relationship between science and religion in Russia has always been difficult. The balance found in the 90s (science and religion are just different systems knowledge of the world), apparently did not suit everyone. A significant preponderance in favor of religion, which can no longer be ignored, terrifies people who are accustomed to separating the warm from the soft. And the fact that university rectors can actually award success nuclear physics some unscientific phenomena, makes students think: after the test, won’t they have to go and beg for a “D” to the temple?

It’s funny that in this situation no one thinks about either the image of the university or the image, God forgive me, of Orthodoxy itself. And this is not the first time they have put him under attack. But on Monday they carried out searches in the apartments of the defenders of the Torfyanka park: they do not want to be deprived of a public garden near their house, even if they build a temple there. And they accused the activists, which is typical, of neo-paganism. Maybe it is so. It’s only strange why they began to look for them precisely among those who opposed the construction of a temple in the park. Maybe it’s worth looking among the students who are dissatisfied with the rector, since there is such hysteria?

Against this background, the statement of the rector of Moscow State University Sadovnichy, made back in the spring of 2015, seems ironic. The head of the first university in the country said then that there were no plans to create a faculty of theology at the university. Or maybe in vain, Viktor Antonovich? Yes, with God's help, and the University will rise in various rankings, and scientists will begin to return to the country, and then the Nobel Prize will not be far away.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs searched the apartment and office of the rector of MEPhI.

As Kommersant learned, yesterday police officers conducted searches and seizures of documents at the home and office of the rector of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, member of the Presidential Council for Science, Technology and Education Mikhail Strikhanov, as well as the deputy head of Roscosmos Vladimir Ivanov, who previously worked at this university. For now, they are witnesses in the case of the theft of budget funds allocated for the construction of the MEPhI facility. The university told Kommersant that they themselves had identified the abuses and were trying to sue the contract executor for money.

Early in the morning, operatives of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived first at the home of MEPhI rector Mikhail Strikhanov, and then to the MEPhI building on Kashirskoye Highway, 31. Searches took place in the university’s accounting department and the office of rector Strikhanov, from where a computer and documents were seized. At the same time, similar investigative actions were carried out in Roscosmos by employees of the FSB Directorate for Moscow and the Moscow Region. There, security officers searched the office of the deputy head of the Federal space agency Vladimir Ivanov, who from 2010 to 2011 was vice-rector for construction at MEPhI. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation confirmed to Kommersant that investigative actions were being carried out at MEPhI, but refrained from making detailed comments, citing the secrecy of the investigation.

According to Kommersant, the police seized documentation concerning the relationship between MEPhI and the Odintsovo-based Vybor-Stroymontazh LLC. In September 2010, a government contract was concluded between them for the construction of a scientific and laboratory complex intended for conducting applied research in nanotechnology areas and personnel training. Two years later, “Vybor-Stroymontazh” for 627 million rubles. built a four-story building with a technical floor and a basement.

It is unknown whether the security officers found anything important. Mr. Ivanov told Kommersant that he has been in the hospital for two weeks and knows nothing about the events that took place.

The basis for the initiation at the end of September of this year by an investigator of the Odintsovo Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud in special large size") were the results of operational search activities, from which it follows that the cost of construction and installation work, which was ultimately accepted by the customer represented by MEPhI, turned out to be overestimated by 84.5 million rubles. However, in August 2013, the builders voluntarily returned almost 29 million rubles. The remaining 55.5 million rubles are believed to law enforcement agencies, were cashed and stolen. The investigation has not yet established who exactly.

MEPhI Rector Mikhail Strikhanov told Kommersant that GUEBiPK operatives confiscated copies of documents that university representatives handed over to them in March last year. They talked about numerous deficiencies on the part of Vybor-Stroymontazh LLC (for example, there was no finishing of the premises), as well as an overestimation of the volume of work performed by this organization by more than 68 million rubles. “In April 2013, we terminated the government contract with this company and filed a claim in the arbitration court,” Mr. Strikhanov noted to Kommersant. “The defendant categorically objects to any overstatements in the performance of work, in connection with which MEPhI petitioned for a construction examination "Recently, its results were submitted to the court." The website of the Moscow Region Arbitration Court states that MEPhI is trying to recover more than 43 million rubles from the LLC. The trial began in November last year, but a decision has not yet been made.

As for the discrepancies in the figures that appear in the materials submitted by MEPhI to the police and the criminal case, the rector explained that the police, apparently, involved their own experts in the study. “MEPhI hopes that those responsible for the theft will be brought to criminal responsibility and at least partially compensated for the damage,” noted Mikhail Strikhanov.

After the search, Mr. Strikhanov was questioned as a witness. Investigative action lasted about an hour and a half. According to lawyer Andrei Pavlov, the investigator was interested in the circumstances of the conclusion of the contract with Vybor-Stroymontazh LLC, as well as the participation in it of the former vice-rector Vladimir Ivanov, who oversaw construction issues at the university. Kommersant was unable to obtain comments from Vybor-Stroymontazh LLC yesterday. In turn, the Ministry of Education and Science promised to “provide active assistance to the investigation in identifying the causes of the incident.”

What is Mikhail Strikhanov known for?

Personal matter

Strikhanov Mikhail Nikolaevich was born on July 18, 1952 in Krasnodar. Graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (1974) with a degree in Theoretical Nuclear Physics.

After studying at MEPhI, he worked his way up from a research intern to vice-rector for international educational and scientific activities. Since 1998 - Deputy Head of the Scientific and Research Department research work Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In 1999 he headed the development and planning department scientific research ministries. In 2003-2004 - Deputy Minister of Education Vladimir Filippov. Since 2004 - Deputy Director of the Department of State Scientific, Technical and Innovation Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science. On April 16, 2007, he was elected rector of MEPhI.

He is a member of the Presidential Council on Science, Technology and Education and the Council on Grants for Young Scientists. Member of the scientific and technical council of the state corporation "Rusnano". Chairman expert council at the highest and postgraduate education under the State Duma Committee on Education. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Author of a number of monographs, teaching aids and 244 scientific works in nuclear physics.

What is Vladimir Ivanov famous for?

Personal matter

Ivanov Vladimir Nikolaevich was born on November 17, 1956 in the village of Pikhtovoye Omsk region. Graduated from the Kamyshin Higher Military Construction Command School (1978).

Since 1978, he served at the 1st State Test Cosmodrome (Plesetsk), rising from deputy commander of the operational and technical company to deputy head of the cosmodrome for construction. Since 2001 - Deputy Head, since 2004 - Head of Construction, Engineering Support and Accommodation space force. In 2010 he retired from military service and came to work at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI as Vice-Rector for Construction. Since June 2011 - Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities." Since September of the same year - head of the department of investment programs and capital construction of Roscosmos. On April 12, 2014, he was appointed deputy head of Roscosmos.

Honored Builder of the Russian Federation. Awarded the Order"Honour", medal "For Courage", and other awards.

Graduated from MEPhI with honors in 1974 with a degree in Theoretical Nuclear Physics.

1974-1997 - research intern, assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor at MEPhI, director of the scientific center of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

1997-1998 - Vice-Rector for International Educational and Scientific Activities of MEPhI.

1998-1999 - deputy Head of the Department research works of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

1999-2003 - Head of the Directorate for Development and Planning of Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

2003-2004 - Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation.

2004-2007 - Deputy Director of the Department of State Scientific, Technical and Innovation Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

2006 - present - head of the department at MEPhI.

2007 - elected rector of MEPhI.

2009 – re-elected rector of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

Married, has a daughter.

Scientific activities

In 1978 he defended candidate's thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences on the topic “Interaction of radiation with matter.”

In 1984 awarded academic title Associate Professor

In 1992 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

In 1996 he was awarded the academic title of professor.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (nuclear physics) (since 1992).

Citation index H=46 (Web of Science as of December 2010).

Government Prize Winner Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for 2009 and in the field of education for 2004 and 2010.

Head of the MEPhI group in the STAR experiment (detection of quark-gluon plasma) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA) (since 1993).

Participant of the ALICE experiment (CERN) (since 1997).

Social activities

Member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science, Technology and Education.

Member of the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists and state support leading scientific schools Russian Federation.

Member of the Government Commission on High Technologies and Innovations.

Member of the Board of the Russian Foundation basic research.

Member of the Scientific and Technical Council state corporation"Rosnanotech".

Chairman of the Expert Council on Higher and Postgraduate Education under the Education Committee State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Rector of MEPhI Strikhanov Mikhail Nikolaevich

Interesting information about the activities of Strikhanov M.N. posted on Wiki. In order to record it in the form of “as is” (as it is) and to prevent the possibility of subsequent manipulation (it has been repeatedly noticed how information that compromises personalities or authorities is removed from Wikipedia), I took (01/18/2013) a screenshot of the Wikipedia page dedicated to Mikhail Nikolaevich Strikhanov b Special attention It is suggested that you refer to the “Criticism” section.

The second part provides current information on current moment information.



I would like to draw attention to the “image” of Strikhanov as an administrator and government official. With the advent of Strikhanov as rector, the saying about the “broom” was fully realized. Almost all the previous personnel were removed from key positions, and “our own” people from the IPPE were put in their places. The institute is flooded with purely nominal personnel who are enrolled in positions (mostly part-time), but rarely appear at the institute. I have long appealed to the Government and the President in order to draw attention to the very inadequate material remuneration that does not correspond to high rank scientist. IN recent years, the funds allocated from the budget for science have increased significantly, but control over the results of using these funds has not improved (as I spoke about in my addresses). The “fragmentation” of items for which specific employees receive specific money has increased. At the same time, the base rates (which, in fact, determine the work for the main “purpose” of the employee) remain ridiculous in principle (is it possible to live normally on this money). For the average lower-level worker (engineer, laboratory assistant, teacher) - 5-7 thousand rubles per month - i.e. the state is not interested in these workers performing their basic functions.

Taking into account the above, Putin’s statement looks like empty talk: “We must punish the leaders of the regions where people have to live on 5 thousand rubles.”

It is necessary to punish the leaders of regions where people have to live on 5 thousand rubles

Did someone punish Moscow Mayor Sobyanin?

Strikhanov and priests at a concert in the Kremlin 2012.11.23

Academicians demand the expulsion of the church from MEPhI

A collection of signatures has begun on the Internet against the department of theology opened within the walls of MEPhI. The appeal, which states that the work of the department reflects the general clericalization of society, was signed by more than ninety members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The Department of Theology, which opened at the MEPhI nuclear center last year, almost immediately caused a certain tension and irritation in the scientific community, and especially among MEPhI teachers. But now scientists have come out against her work. An appeal appeared on the Internet on the website, which was signed by corresponding members and academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The opening of the Department of Theology is perceived by scientists and university teachers as a landmark event, reflecting general trend the growing clericalization of society, the text of the appeal says. In other countries, similar departments exist either in private universities, or as a tribute to a centuries-old tradition. The appearance of such a structure in a modern polytechnic university contradicts world practice and is absurd, the authors of the appeal believe and explain that students high school an exact scientific approach must be taught.

Evgeniy Aleksandrov, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences: If we use your terminology, of course, this is brainwashing, because, from my point of view, everyone cultured person must have an idea of ​​history and religion, in general about such a phenomenon as religion, but any scientific activity religious education cannot give anything, because in this sense science and religion are completely different hypostases. That is why I signed this letter along with the others. I think this is a ridiculous idea. I think that these are simply consistent actions of the Russian Orthodox Church with the aim of increasing the clericalization of education.

Petition "Stop the activities of the Department of Theology at MEPhI"

Poll No. 1.

1. Is it necessary to stop the activities of the Department of Theology at MEPhI?
Yes - stop - 2735
No - let them continue - 198
Difficult to answer - 2

The opening of the Department of Theology at MEPhI on October 15, 2012 ( is perceived by scientists and university teachers as a landmark event, reflecting the general trend of increasing clericalization of society. That's why this fact raises particular concerns.
Russia is a secular state. It is significant that all major world religions, as well as all major denominations of Christianity, are represented in our country. Appearance in state university Department of Theology under the leadership Orthodox priest is in direct contradiction with the Constitution of Russia (Article 14) and with common sense Same.
In other countries, similar departments exist either in private universities, or as a tribute to centuries-old tradition, since medieval universities were originally created to train ministers of worship. The appearance of such a structure in a modern polytechnic university (created by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in 1942) contradicts world practice and is absurd. Nuclear safety cannot be ensured with the help of theology, and nuclear technology does not require faith, but purely scientific approach, whose upbringing is the most important task higher school.
The issues of humanities education for students can be quite successfully addressed by the existing departments of philosophy and sociology. The appearance of theology in state scientific and technical universities has and will continue to cause justifiable indignation among the majority of scientists and teachers in Russia. I would like to remind you that at one time the system of party bodies and Komsomol organizations in government institutions was based on the effect of Art. 6 of the USSR Constitution, however, the overall result of its activities does not require reminders. Therefore, the penetration of the church into the system public education it is difficult to characterize otherwise as actions outside the law.
We demand that the activities of this “department” and funding be immediately stopped religious activities from funds educational institutions.

01.06.2013 17:21


06/03/2013 08:01 (added)

The text of the appeal itself repeats (except last sentence) appeal of academicians of Russia, this appeal was signed by:
1. Corresponding Member of the RAS Agol Vadim Izrailevich
2. Academician Alexandrov Evgeniy Borisovich
3. Corresponding Member of the RAS Andronov Alexander Alexandrovich
4. Corresponding Member of the RAS Evgeniy Viktorovich Antipov
5. Corresponding Member of the RAS Arseev Petr Ivarovich
6. Corresponding Member of the RAS Balega Yuri Yuryevich
7. Corresponding Member of the RAS Belavin Alexander Abramovich
8. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Bisikalo Dmitry Valerievich
9. Corresponding Member of the RAS Bondar Alexander Evgenievich
10. Corresponding Member of the RAS Borisov Alexander Borisovich
11. Academician Boyarchuk Alexander Alekseevich
12. Corresponding Member of the RAS Brazhkin Vadim Veniaminovich
13. Academician Dmitry Alexandrovich Varshalovich
14. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeniy Andreevich Vinogradov
15. Corresponding Member of the RAS Mikhail Iosifovich Vysotsky
16. Academician Gantmakher Vsevolod Feliksovich
17. Academician Gaponov Sergey Viktorovich
18. Academician Gaponov-Grekhov Andrey Viktorovich
19. Academician Gershtein Semyon Solomonovich
20. Academician Grigoriev Viktor Mikhailovich
21. Academician Gurevich Alexander Viktorovich
22. Corresponding Member of the RAS Mikhail Vladimirovich Danilov
23. Corresponding Member of the RAS Danilyan Gevorg Vardkesovich
24. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dimov Gennady Ivanovich
25. Academician Dmitriev Vladimir Vladimirovich
26. Corresponding Member of the RAS Olga Anatolyevna Dontsova
27. Academician Zheleznyakov Vladimir Vasilievich
28. Academician Zakharov Vladimir Evgenievich
29. Academician Zeleny Lev Matveevich
30. Corresponding Member of the RAS Zybin Kirill Petrovich
31. Corresponding Member of the RAS Ioffe Boris Lazarevich
32. Academician Kagan Yuri Moiseevich
33. Corresponding Member of the RAS Kaminsky Alexander Alexandrovich
34. Academician Kaplyansky Alexander Alexandrovich
35. Academician Nikolay Semenovich Kardashev
36. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Konstantin Odisseevich Keshishev
37. Academician Viktor Alekseevich Koroteev
38. Corresponding Member of the RAS Vladimir Vladilenovich Kocharovsky
39. Corresponding Member of the RAS Kuznetsov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
40. Academician Kuleshov Alexander Petrovich
41. Academician Litvak Alexander Grigorievich
42. Academician Lukyanov Sergey Anatolyevich
43. Academician Mikhail Yakovlevich Marov
44. Academician Matveev Viktor Anatolyevich
45. Corresponding Member of the RAS Melnik Oleg Eduardovich
46. ​​Academician Mesyats Gennady Andreevich
47. Corresponding Member of the RAS Meshkov Igor Nikolaevich
48. Corresponding Member of the RAS Murtazaev Akay Kurbanovich
49. Corresponding Member of the RAS Nikitov Sergey Apollonovich
50. Corresponding Member of the RAS Novikov Igor Dmitrievich
51. Academician Osiko Vyacheslav Vasilievich
52. Academician Pariysky Yuri Nikolaevich
53. Corresponding Member of the RAS Parkhomchuk Vasily Vasilievich
54. Corresponding Member of the RAS Parshin Alexander Yakovlevich
55. Academician Pitaevsky Lev Petrovich
56. Corresponding Member of the RAS Lyudmila Andreevna Prozorova
57. Corresponding Member of the RAS Ragulsky Valery Valeryanovich
58. Corresponding Member of the RAS Vladimir Ivanovich Ritus
59. Corresponding Member of the RAS Rozanov Nikolai Nikolaevich
60. Academician Rubakov Valery Anatolyevich
61. Academician Oleg Vladimirovich Rudenko
62. Academician Mikhail Vissarionovich Sadovsky
63. Academician Salikhov Kev Minullinovich
64. Corresponding Member of the RAS Sergeev Alexander Mikhailovich
65. Corresponding Member of the RAS Sibeldin Nikolai Nikolaevich
66. Corresponding Member of the RAS Evgeniy Viktorovich Sklyarov
67. Academician Skrinsky Alexander Nikolaevich
68. Academician Vladimir Petrovich Skulachev
69. Academician Slavnov Andrey Alekseevich
70. Academician Alexey Alexandrovich Starobinsky
71. Corresponding Member of the RAS Stepanov Alexander Vladimirovich
72. Academician Stishov Sergey Mikhailovich
73. Academician Suris Robert Arnoldovich
74. Academician Timofeev Vladislav Borisovich
75. Corresponding Member of the RAS Tkachev Igor Ivanovich
76. Academician Ustinov Vladimir Vasilievich
77. Corresponding Member of the RAS Khazanov Efim Arkadevich
78. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitry Removich Khokhlov
79. Corresponding Member of the RAS Khriplovich Joseph Bentsionovich
80. Academician Chaplik Alexander Vladimirovich
81. Academician Cherepashchuk Anatoly Mikhailovich
82. Corresponding Member of the RAS Chernov Alexander Alexandrovich
83. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeniy Mikhailovich Churazov
84. Academician Shalagin Anatoly Mikhailovich
85. Corresponding Member of the RAS Shatunov Yuri Mikhailovich
86. Academician Shirkov Dmitry Vasilievich
87. Corresponding Member of the RAS Boris Mikhailovich Shustov
88. Academician Shcherbakov Ivan Aleksandrovich
89. Corresponding Member of the RAS Yakovlev Dmitry Georgievich
90. Corresponding Member of the RAS Yalandin Mikhail Ivanovich
91. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Romanovsky Mikhail Yurievich
(signatures of Academy members continue to be sent to the Department of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences [email protected], but it is better to duplicate letters to the editorial address [email protected], especially if the message did not reach and the information has not been updated)

To complete the picture, I will present the pre-election debates of proxies of presidential candidates on Radio Mayak, in which rector Strikhanov acted as Putin’s confidant

Pre-election debates of presidential candidates' proxies on Radio Mayak


On February 29, the Mayak radio station hosted pre-election debates between representatives of presidential candidates. IN live the confidants of V.V. Putin and S.M. Mironov met - the rector of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI M.N. Strikhanov and the chief researcher of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences L.I. Nikovskaya. Topic of debate: youth policy, education, science.

M.N. Strikhanov noted tangible achievements in the system Russian education over the past 12 years. First of all, the rector of NRNU MEPhI drew attention to the reduction in the volume of paid services at universities compared to 2000, associated with the introduction of the Unified state exam. “The Unified State Exam has actually opened the doors of the best and prestigious universities for schoolchildren from the outback, from different regions. And the information system that has now been introduced by the state exam allows people, without leaving their hometown, enter the capital's universities, universities major cities and enroll in equal conditions with those who live in major cities"- emphasized M.N. Strikhanov.

“As for the starting conditions, now they have leveled out much more than they were 12 years ago. This manifests itself both when entering a university and when enrolling in various positions in higher education institutions,” he noted.

The rector presented social elevator as the most important necessary requirement, which provides a competitive system of education and science. But, according to him, the social elevator cannot work without energy: “In order for it to work, appropriate conditions are needed.”

M.N. Strikhanov noted the enormous work being done recently in the field of education to equip educational institutions and, above all, universities. “We now have a university system that has facilities comparable to the best foreign universities. Schools were also equipped. We have a number of schools that are equipped with excellent technology options,” he said.

The rector of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI called common opinions about bureaucratization in the education system a myth. “Recently, and these measurements have been carried out, the ratio of funding for the administrative apparatus and the teaching staff of the university is usually thirty and seventy percent,” he stated (as this is consistent with the difference in the rector’s salary - let me remind you about 1 million rubles per month in 2009 and employees who enter into additional employment contracts for 5200 rubles - full rate in 2013? The wage gap is probably 200 times trusted persons Putin maybe? approx. author).

The rector of NRNU MEPhI spoke in detail about the ongoing modernization of the Unified State Exam. According to him, the Unified State Exam is only one of the tools that allows you to monitor the quality of education. In recent years, issues regarding the inclusion of additional knowledge control tools in addition to the Unified State Exam have been actively discussed. For example, in order to determine whether a student is worthy of studying at a university, schools introduce student portfolios that reflect their academic activity. “I don’t think people from poor families are restricted from going to university. There are many examples of liberalization at NRNU MEPhI. Previously people, before entering university, thought about different things: will I get in, will there be enough money for travel, will this be a wasted trip, etc. Now everything is done autonomously, remotely, and a person knows in advance whether he is enrolled in the university or not,” he said.

Until recently, the problem of federal educational standards. In secondary schools it was proposed to make the Russian language, mathematics and physics elective subjects. According to M.N. Strikhanov, this project standard was returned for revision with the connection of leading scientists of the country. The experts’ goal is to present a new Federal State Educational Standard, taking into account the requirements of the country’s innovative economy. As the rector noted, the country’s innovative economy is, first of all, “the development of production, the development of engineering sciences and, naturally, the development of humanitarian and social sciences" In his opinion, in the Federal State Educational Standards the block natural sciences was disproportionately reduced. “I agree that the standard was seriously flawed and should not have been approved. Today its modernization is being carried out by a group of scientists with physical and, naturally, mathematics education. I think that new standard will be radically different from what it was,” the rector concluded.

M.N. Strikhanov called the development of education and science a priority public policy. According to him, in recent years a lot has been done to confirm this priority choice of the state. “We know that over the past few years, significant attention has been paid to financing the increase in salaries at the Russian Academy of Sciences; salaries have been increased several times. We know that much attention was paid to the re-equipment of leading universities, and quite large funds were allocated for these purposes. We also know that in lately it was decided to build 6 world-class mega-installations in Russia to study latest issues physics, nuclear physics, physics elementary particles. These installations will certainly become centers of concentration of efforts of both the Russian Federation and the international community for the most modern problems natural sciences. I must also say that in addition to fundamental science, the state supports applied and defense science very well; amounts are allocated for this, which are an order of magnitude higher than the amounts allocated 10 years ago. We also know that now there is a so-called renaissance of the nuclear industry - that priority area in which Soviet Union, and the Russian Federation have always been strong,” the rector noted, “Despite some failures in space, space industry is also developing very much and all defense science is also currently experiencing a significant rise. Much attention state comes down to the fact that people working in these sectors understand the priority of young people entering these sectors. If we talk about NRNU MEPhI, large number young people have entered science over the past 5-7 years. I think that in the future this support will increase, and we will reach the level of leading countries in the world in terms of the level of scientific support.”

The rector of NRNU MEPhI denied his opponent’s statement about an increase in the number of young specialists leaving abroad. “The numbers tell a completely different story. As for the “brain drain”, in 2000 there were 250 thousand people. In 2011 there were already 40 thousand. The brain drain has stopped for many reasons. Firstly, it has become more comfortable for young people to live in the country, including in science. Secondly, in 2000 there were still vacancies in foreign universities And scientific centers. And now they are full. I completely disagree with the fact that young people do not go into science. There are 3 different sectors in science: academic, university, industry. Everyone has their own pains. I think that young people willingly go to the university sector. The numbers show this very clearly. And young people go not only for a salary, but also to realize their ambitious plans, work on equipment and make modern projects"- noted M.N. Strikhanov.

He also emphasized that in the program of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, these problems are carefully considered: “As you know, the program statement says that funding will be increased approximately 6 times and will amount to 25 billion rubles. Thus, bringing the financial indicator closer to the average project that exists in the USA or Europe. These problems have accumulated over huge amount time, and I think it will take us a few more years to close the middle-age gap in science.”

M.N. Strikhanov answered questions from radio listeners.

Question: What needs to be done, in your opinion, for science to become a factor in the growth of our specific capabilities in modern world? So that it truly becomes the sector of our public space where the best would go. What's missing? What needs to be done?

Answer: First, support science. And this is in the plans of presidential candidate V.V. Putin, this is already outlined in the budget format. Secondly, it is necessary to ensure that science bears the fruits that the state expects from it. If science is fundamental, then there are global proportions that allow, say, one percent of fundamental work to be developed and commercialized. As you know, great scientists who do great basic science not very much. I think that the rest of science should, to some extent, immediately focus on end result of its activities. When this happens and a link between science and innovation is built, or maybe a link between science and education and innovation, commercialization of results in industry, then interest in science will immediately increase not only from the state and the budget, but also from the main business players and industrial players who are in the Russian Federation. Already now there are such connections in the Academy of Sciences; various branches of the Academy of Sciences cooperate with industry. The same is true in the university sector. There is the latest order of the Government, which allows the commercialization of university developments and the issuance of money not to universities, but to enterprises, so that the university can participate in joint research projects. I think this is what attracts young people. The innovation belt that will be and is already being created around universities and institutes of the Academy of Sciences will allow us to solve this problem.

Question: Why do reputable universities introduce their own exams, in addition to the Unified State Exam?

Answer: This is not true. Eat creative universities, art, art universities, which are allowed to have one additional exam. All other universities, including MEPhI, except for one specialty in information security, have standard set requirements that are implemented through the Unified State Exam. Of course, you can follow the Soviet system, only the country is different and the world is different. And, in this sense, the state and the Government are very actively working to improve the Unified State Exam, understanding it as only one of the possible tools for admitting our youth to higher education. The country in which we live has been torn apart by air and rail transportation tariffs, and in these conditions, canceling the Unified State Exam simply means denying access to the capital's universities and universities in large cities to schoolchildren from the outback of Russia.

Question: What really gives today academic degree?

Answer: Formally, an academic degree provides a small amount of funding for candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences who work in educational institution or scientific organization. The main thing that an academic degree provides is the opportunity to move up the career ladder.

Question: Do the “brains” who leave have to pay for the education they received in Russia?

Answer: If we talk about my position, then they should. If we talk about legislation, then no. Probably, in the near future the state will take the necessary measures to ensure that those leaving pay budget education, which they received in the Russian Federation.

Question: How do you see military education in Russia?

Answer: My personal opinion is that military education can be implemented both in military universities and in civilian ones. Many specialties that are needed in the army can be obtained at civilian universities. This can be organized in different ways. Including the consolidation of military departments of military faculties in leading civilian universities. In the context of optimizing the system of military universities, I think that the main burden technical education military personnel should go to leading civilian universities. This issue is very important and requires urgent solutions.

Answer: You know, the system is debugged. Every student can apply to any foreign university. To do this, you need to prepare the papers accordingly, including the results of the exam. TOEFL exam etc.

Of course, we are not ready to share our applicants. And we are doing everything possible to ensure that they remain in the country.

Question: What is your competition at the university?

Answer: AT NRNU MEPhI different competition in different specialties. There is a specialty for which there are 18 people per place, this is Information security and Applied Physics. On average, the university has 3 people per place. And this is already based on certificates. And I want to say that the Unified State Examination is being improved. It is still a living mechanism. Various commissions actually high level They are trying to respond to this painful reaction of society and adjust this toolkit accordingly.

Question: Rural schools are destroyed. What to do?

Answer: The destruction of rural schools will cause enormous social damage. We have huge country, huge territory. The rural way of life has been consistently destroyed for many years Soviet power and after this we must not allow the destruction of the last centers of this way of life. Every effort must be made to preserve rural schools. Schools have been transferred to the municipal level, federal subjects and municipalities must pursue a patriotic policy and find the necessary funds to maintain the school.

Question: How much does it cost taxpayers to conduct the Unified State Exam for 12 years? If this money went to schools, there would be good education.

Answer: Here you need to count: scenario one and scenario two. There is the Unified State Exam and this is an event that requires costs. First of all, on the introduction of a secure system, on testing the kits measuring materials, tests, etc. It is rightly said that tests should be improved and should not contain questions that can be simply guessed. Therefore, these are some costs. If there is no Unified State Exam, what costs will the state incur in a strategic sense? Then, for most children from the regions, the path to universities in large cities will be denied both due to the high cost of tickets and due to the uncertainty of the situation. This is the second scenario, and it is necessary to calculate the state’s expenses to compensate for the loss of such talented young people. I think the numbers are not comparable.

Question: Article 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that service in the armed forces is an honorable duty and duty of a citizen of Russia. Will women and girls aged 18 be called up for military service?

A: I think too much gender equality leads to bad demographics. It is not right to equate women and men too much. This is made in the USA and this is the one bad experience, which we don't need to adopt. The program of presidential candidate V.V. Putin talks about the creation of a voluntary army. If girls express a desire to serve in the Armed Forces, then please.

Question: If the Unified State Exam is so good, then how do you explain that highest score are they taken by people who cannot write an application for admission without errors?

Answer: I am not saying that the Unified State Exam is wonderful and free from all shortcomings. And none of those people who are seriously involved in this matter say this. We are talking about two scenarios: there is a Unified State Exam or there is not. And we believe that if there is no Unified State Exam, it will cause much more harm to the country than if it is improved. He is improving and that's a fact. The admission rules that existed a year ago are radically different from those that exist now. And those who will be in next year, will be radically different from those that exist now. Now, by the way, it is said that a portfolio will be created for schoolchildren, which will include not only Unified State Examination scores, but also grades in grades 9-10, and the results of his activities will also be recorded, and this will make it possible to summarize this data in the Unified State Examination.

At the end of the debate, the rector of NRNU MEPhI called on radio listeners to support the country’s course towards economic modernization. He emphasized that “the country we live in in 2012 is strikingly different in better side from the country in 1999, whether gross national product, average salary and an increase in the birth rate." As for science and education, “today all the necessary prerequisites have been created for science and education in the Russian Federation to reach the level of world standards.”

Well, isn't it a farce? Cancel an order for formal reasons three years after its issue. Now more details.

I see everything as follows. A lot of interesting things happened in 2004. Putin stayed for a second term, then Education Minister Fursenko came and sits there to this day. And Mikhail Nikolaevich Strikhanov, after a year in the post of Deputy Minister of Education, moves to a new one, with a more sonorous title: “Deputy Director of the Department of State Scientific, Technical and Innovation Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.” Also this year, two orders are issued: dated February 17, 2004 N 697 “On approval of candidate examination programs” and dated April 30, 2004 N 2009 “On the validity period of candidate examination results”. The last one says:

  • Establish that the results of candidate exams passed before July 1, 2005 (except for the results of candidate exams passed under programs approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated February 17, 2004 N 697) are valid until January 1, 2009.
  • Control over the implementation of this Order is entrusted to Deputy Ministers V.N. Nevolin and M.N. Strikhanov.
  • So, Mikhailo Nikolaich sat down in the warm innovative office of the next Organa(Tverskaya st., 11 ) , whose activities (described here are aimed at maintaining a unified register of research results... etc, in a word - control. And he began to wait for the antediluvian candidates of sciences and, as they say abroad, Ph.D. - Doctors of Philosophy to run from all over our vast country, so as not to lose their statuses and benefits. But three years later it became clear that nothing would come of this, and interest in all sorts of scientific pranks remained, because money had already flowed in this direction, due to the deep scientific and technological backwardness of this country (take, for example, ONEXIM, whose head, by the way,, made friends with the main actors This story is still considered the main opponent of the great and terrible in the election race). And the nano gears spun and spun, not like in civilized countries, but with all the scope of the Byzantine Rospilia, but that’s a completely different story (

    Let's return to the events surrounding the candidates' orders. Three years passed, the bright year 2007 arrived, the end of Voldemort’s 8-year reign was approaching, and he began to prepare for himself not just a parachute, but, as current events have shown, a new takeoff pad. The kids understood that it is not the old personnel that need to be shaken up, but the young, modern, relevant ones. And Strikhanov was appointed rector of MEPhI, then still a simple state university. And at the same time, stupid orders No. 697 and 2009 were canceled by a new order, smart, dated October 3, 2007 No. 269, due to the fact that “there is nothing to catch there.” With the wording: " in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Rules for the preparation of normative legal acts of federal executive authorities and their state registration"What does this paragraph 15 tell us?
    Here's what it's about:

    "...15. Regulatory legal acts, the state registration of which is refused, are returned by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation to the body that issued them, indicating the reasons for the refusal.
    Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the refusal of state registration, the head of the federal executive body or the person performing his duties issues a corresponding document on the repeal of the normative legal act, the registration of which was refused, and sends a copy of it to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. (paragraph added) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 11, 1999 N 154)..."

    A new order was issued under this law within 10 (!!!) days after receiving a refusal from the Ministry of Justice, let me remind you that it was issued on October 3, and was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 19, that is, 16 days before. So tell me, what did they do with the stupid old order during THREE years??? They came up with a reason for the refusal, or hoped for success, or maybe they were waiting for a decree... this will remain a secret.

    A new direction has been defined. All that remains is to spread the straws where necessary: ​​here you, %username%, and RosNano and RosAtom and RosTechnology and StroikaSochi, and all at the end of 2007 ( BE%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B0% D1%8F_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F). They left instructions for everyone, and in May 2008 they safely imprisoned the pseudo-liberal lame duck, but the iPhone-youth one. And the duck began to promote this topic in every possible way until the appointment of MEPhI in October 2008 as a National Research Institute Nuclear University. In 2009, Strikhanov’s ballot was successfully renewed. And again they began to saw under the guise of science and high technology. Here the government is approaching the culmination of its enchanting nano-epic. In 2009, the majestic science city of Skolkovo was erected, into which managers of all stripes, from the rich to the astronomically wealthy, were placed with direct appointments. And they call this farce the Russian Silicon Valley. But in fact, silicon has only one name, but everything is so bad that the misadventures of Phobos-Grunt began in orbit, where microcircuits that did not have the necessary radio resistance doomed an epic project worth 5 billion rubles. to fall into the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

    Here is a story that tells us that greed not only prevents us from moving forward, but is destructive even for those areas in which the country was considered at least somewhat successful. To all these words I can add the most revealing fact of how this country encourages scientific activity and personnel growth. In that very National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, to which the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church himself came (attention here), a thing hitherto unthinkable, because science and religion are not only incompatible, but also contradict on many points, in that same forge of hi-end young specialists, a scholarship for a graduate student and applicant candidate's degree is 1300 rubles! For this I will remain silent, read books, dear friends.

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