Winter morning, is the joy of the lyrical hero constant? Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”

Poem " Winter morning"from the first line immerses the reader
body into the atmosphere have a wonderful day: “Frost and sun;
wonderful day! "And then - an appeal, a call,
an invitation to a walk through the sparkling winter
snow. The poet chooses the form of dialogue in order to re-
giving the intonations of a casual conversation.
Everything in this poem is built on contrasts
and in the succession of dissimilar paintings. And every picture
full of simple, but at the same time very expressive
vital details.
The second and third stanzas are built on the reception
contrasts: the second stanza is “yesterday”,
and the third is “today.” Yesterday the blizzard was angry,
the moon was barely visible through the clouds, and “you’re sad
was sitting." And today the sky is blue and the snow sparkles on
bright sun. Overnight there was a drastic change,
and everything around became unrecognizable. But these two lines
phs, too, in turn, are opposed to distant

the next image. From the picture that is visible
from the window of a village house, the poet takes us back to
a room where it's warm and cozy and crackles cheerfully
flooded stove. Good home! But isn't it better
order the sleigh to be brought and “indulge in the running of the impatient
horse"? A variety of expressions were used
nal means of language. Talking about yesterday's
year, the poet chooses the following epithets: the sky is cloudy;
moon - pale spot; you're sad - everything is colored
in a sad tone. In addition, Pushkin uses pro-
I’m standing, but it’s a telling metaphor: “The blizzard has poured in. .
And in the third stanza everything is already flooded with bright light
fine morning and such details are visible that
It was impossible to notice them in yesterday's blizzard.
Sonorous and bright epithets emphasize the contrast with
yesterday afternoon (the sky is blue; the carpets of snow are great
molded; the forest is transparent), and also convey joy,
which overwhelms the poet (wonderful day; friend
flattering). It creates beautiful visual images:
a spruce green through the frost, a river shining under
ice. In the third stanza repetition is used - ana-
handicap (N spruce - N river):
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice.
And in the fourth stanza the reader not only sees
room, illuminated by an amber shine, but you can also hear
sounds like a flooded furnace crackling, because the poet
uses the technique of sound writing (alliteration) - play
your role hard sounds: t, r. Sensation conveyed
peace and quiet of the home.

V last stanza Pushkin uses interest-
epithet: “let us give in to the running of an impatient horse.”
Why did the author call the horse impatience?
In answer to this simple question, one can imagine
real living picture. Probably the horse is not worth it
in place because the frost is pinching him, so is he
overwhelmed by the feeling of a brisk winter morning and eager to
forward. Only one skillfully told about all this
the word chosen by the author.
The poet's feeling of joy in the poem all the time
grows and demands movement - now he already wants
visit places dear to your heart.
The poet connects words different styles: tall,
bookish (Aurora, charming, illuminated, bliss, gaze,
appear), colloquial (bed, sleigh, filly),
dialectal (vecher, ban). And the author of the poem himself
creation appears before us as kind, simple,
a person close to the people - this has been achieved and the language
com (the vocabulary chosen by the poet, the use
short sentences and appeals), and topic, and
general TONE.
The entire work is written in bright, cheerful
worthy colors, so characteristic of
creativity of A. S. Pushkin.
The poem is written in iambic tetrameter.

Poem "Winter Morning" Pushkin wrote on November 3, 1829. At that time the poet was not in the best state of mind, his life was full of sadness and loneliness. Therefore, the bright and enthusiastic poem “Winter Morning”, glorifying the beauty of the Russian winter, came as a pleasant surprise to critics and friends of Alexander Sergeevich.

Pushkin's work is literally permeated with lyrical works. The poet has repeatedly admitted that he not only treats legends, myths and folk traditions, but also never ceases to admire the magic of Russian nature. “Winter Morning”, without exaggeration, can be considered one of Pushkin’s most successful poems on this topic.

Writers attribute this work to genre landscape lyrics . Its name already sounds romantic. Beautiful pictures of Russian nature, trees in a dazzling snowy decoration, immediately appear in the reader’s imagination.

Structurally, “Winter Morning” is divided into five stanzas, each of which is a six-line line. In the first stanza, the poet conveys his admiration for the Russian frosty winter and gently calls on his beloved to wake up. In the second stanza, the author's mood changes. Pushkin recalls the gloomy and stormy evening yesterday, which was filled with the violence and indignation of the elements. Therefore, the lyrical hero is delighted with the wonderful weather in morning hours. Antithesis in the second stanza gives the whole work a special flavor.

The fourth stanza, after describing a fine morning, returns the reader to a warm room, where the cheerful crackling of logs in the stove is heard. The last part of the work again invites the reader to admire the winter landscapes while taking a sleigh ride. Pushkin saturates the dynamically changing pictures of nature with bright and precise details: the amber shine of fire, magnificent carpets of snow, a shining river under ice.

"Winter Morning" is written melodiously iambic tetrameter with mixed rhyme (AABCSV), which gives the work a special lightness. Four lines with feminine rhyme (first and second, fourth and fifth) are diluted in each stanza with two lines with masculine rhyme (third and sixth).

The nouns in the poem create a vivid image of a frosty winter morning: sun, sky, ice, frost, river, spruce, frost. Equally successfully, Pushkin uses verbs that saturate the text with the dynamics of life: appear, lie, wake up, shine, turn black, turn green.

Wonderful day, magnificent carpets, transparent forest, amber shine, cheerful crackling, dear friend - so positive epithets awaken a joyful mood in the reader's soul. But to depict evening bad weather, Pushkin uses phrases and comparisons with a negative connotation: "the moon is like a pale spot", "on cloudy sky» , "dark clouds". For blizzards and haze the poet uses personification, gives them properties characteristic of humans: "the darkness was rushing", "The blizzard was angry".

Peculiar in “Winter Morning” and syntactic structure language. At the beginning of the work the author uses declarative sentences. They are easy to read. Then the plot changes and becomes agitated, which is reflected in exclamatory sentences. There are also questions, one of which is rhetorical.

Pushkin widely uses appeals(beauty, lovely friend, dear friend), introductory words and direct speech, which creates in the reader a feeling of involvement in the event. Alliteration with the help of hissing and sonorous consonants, as well as successful consonance of vowels (assonance), both the creaking of snow and the clatter of horse hooves are conveyed. In the first stanza, the sound of a cold winter morning – “es” – is often heard, and in the second six-line the sound “el” is repeated, conveying the sensations of frosty air. Effect "amber glow of fire" and the crackling of dry logs emphasizes the hard consonants “t” and “r”. The same purpose is served by a deliberate tautology - "crackles".

Lyrical hero The work appears before the reader as a poetic, subtle person who loves his native nature and knows how to discern beauty. The cheerful and joyful tone of the poem creates a feeling of something bright and festive.

Pushkin’s legacy includes many works with winter landscapes, but “Winter Morning” differs from others in its special skill and vitality.

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Alexander Sergeevich devoted a very significant place in his work to lyrical works. Pushkin had special respect for Russian customs, legends and myths, but he especially loved and therefore repeatedly endowed the sea, sky, trees, steppes with human character traits, feelings and desires. The poet, like an artist, tried to masterfully convey all the colors of the spring garden, summer meadow, autumn forest. Pushkin wrote the poem “Winter Morning” in 1829. This work is considered one of the most bright examples lyrics, because it is imbued with an optimistic mood, joyful, bright feelings.

Just a few lines - and the reader sees the delightful beauty of nature, created by an interesting duet of sun and snow. Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning” by Pushkin allows us to understand the author’s mood. The work is based on contrast, the poet says that just yesterday a blizzard was raging, the sky was covered with darkness and it seemed that there would be no end to the endless snowfalls. But morning came, and nature itself pacified the blizzard, and the sun came out from behind the clouds. Each of us knows that feeling of delight when, after a night snowstorm, a clear morning comes, filled with blessed silence.

Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning” by Pushkin allows us to understand how open the poet was in his feelings. His fellow writers in those days tried to hide their admiration behind restrained and pretentious phrases. In Alexander Sergeevich’s poem one can clearly hear the call to go for a walk, and not sit at home in front of the fireplace. Not enjoying the beauty to the fullest winter nature seems like a real crime. The mood is lifted by the sight of a snow-white blanket that covered the fields, a river sleeping under ice, a forest dressed in frost sparkling in the sun.

The poem “Winter Morning” is written very easily, melodiously and naturally. Pushkin shows the absence of allegory and hidden meaning) in his work he tried to embody the maximum of beauty, light and tenderness. Although there is a description of bad weather here, the colors are not thickened, so the blizzard is not able to overshadow the onset of a clear day filled with calm and tranquility.

Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning” by Pushkin reveals the poet’s true feelings towards Russian nature. He is fascinated by her and bows to her endless wisdom. Alexander Sergeevich is very surprised by the dramatic changes that occurred in just one night. It seems like yesterday the blizzard was howling, the snowfall did not stop, but today everything has calmed down, a sunny, quiet and calm day has arrived.

Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning” by Pushkin allows us to understand that the poet perceives nature in the form of a sorceress who tamed the blizzard and gave people a delightful gift in the form of a morning filled with creaking snow, frosty freshness and a pleasing snow-white blanket, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow under the rays of the sun. In such weather, you want to run outside and fully feel the happiness of contemplating the changeable, but so beautiful nature.

Among all the works of the great Russian poet special role play those in which he describes natural scenes. It is known that from the very early years Alexander Sergeevich was characterized by a love for his native nature. Over time, it only intensified, and was reflected in numerous works of the poet, for example, in “Eugene Onegin”. “Winter Morning” is one of the brightest poems by A. S. Pushkin. It was written in 1829, at the very beginning of his literary activity.

History of creation

In analyzing the poem “Winter Morning,” a student may mention that it was not written during the best period of the poet’s life. At that time, A.S. Pushkin was in exile in Mikhailovskoye. However, these years were full not only of loneliness, but also happy feelings associated with sincere friendship and love, a surge of creative inspiration. The poem came as a pleasant surprise to the friends of the great poet and critics. “Winter Morning” was written by Pushkin very quickly, in one day. The work can be called one of the poet’s most successful poems in the genre of landscape lyricism.


The poem “Winter Morning” is one of the most popular poetic works great Russian poet. You can start analyzing the poem “Winter Morning” with a description of its first line. The poem begins with an exclamation of complete admiration: “Frost and sun; wonderful day!” And after this, the lyrical hero immediately uses pleasant and warm words to address his beloved: “beauty,” “lovely friend.” The vocabulary well conveys the mood of the narrator, and therefore the poem can rightfully be called lyrical. Bright, inspired images of the morning are closely intertwined with the theme of love. natural picture can be compared to the feelings of a lover lyrical hero.

In the analysis of the poem “Winter Morning,” the student can also tell that according to its structure, it is divided into five stanzas. Each of them is a six-line poem. At the beginning of the work, the poet conveys his delight in the Russian winter and gently calls on his beloved to wake up. In the second stanza, the mood changes - the lyrical hero recalls the gloomy yesterday, which was full of the indignation of the natural elements, the violence of bad weather. IN lyrical analysis In the poem “Winter Morning” it can be mentioned that such a contrast gives even more admiration for the beauty of nature in the morning. After the beauty of the winter landscape has been described, the reader returns to the warm room and hears the crackling of logs in the stove.

Basic information about the poem

In his poem, the great Russian poet describes the beauty native nature, the winter morning that replaced winter night. This is the theme of the work, which needs to be mentioned in the analysis of the poem “Winter Morning”. The idea is that the poet wants to show the extraordinary beauty winter landscapes, express your love and admiration for your homeland and its nature. As for meter, the poet used iambic tetrameter to create his work. The rhyme in the poem is mixed. Lyrical plot weakly expressed in the work. It is based on the narrator’s contemplation of the beauties of nature, which became the impetus for him to take action. The work belongs to the genre of landscape poetry and belongs to the literary movement called romanticism.

Analysis of the poem “Winter Morning” according to plan

Sometimes you not only need to write an essay, but also prepare a structured analysis of the work. An approximate plan according to which a student will analyze a work could be as follows:

  • The history of the creation of the poem.
  • Topic and main idea.
  • Composition.
  • How does the poet imagine the lyrical hero.
  • Artistic media.
  • Size, rhyme.
  • My opinion about the poem “Winter Morning”.

This is an approximate algorithm for analyzing the poem “Winter Morning” by Pushkin according to plan. The student can add his own points to it.

Language means of expression

In the poem you can find many positively colored epithets. These are the expressions “transparent forest”, “amber shine”, “dear friend” and many others. There are also negative epithets emotional coloring: “cloudy sky”, “dark clouds”, “empty fields”. The poet also uses the device of metaphor: “the moon turned yellow.” The reader encounters a personification: “The blizzard was angry.” Comparison in the poem: “The moon is like a pale spot...”.

Syntactic means

At the beginning of the poem, the reader discovers declarative sentences. It is with their help that the poet expresses the calm intonation of his work. But gradually the voice of the lyrical hero becomes more and more restless and agitated. Despite the fact that there is practically no exclamation sentences, behind the external calm of the narrator hides his depth emotional experiences. There is also in the poem interrogative sentence- this is a rhetorical question.

Phonetics of the work

The great Russian poet also uses the technique of alliteration, which is also worth mentioning to a schoolchild when analyzing Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning.” This is manifested in the pumping of hissing w, h, w, z. Voiced consonants are also used - b, v, p, l, n. The technique of assonance is also used in the poem - the vowel sounds a, o, i, e are intensified. Using these sound means, the poet strives to convey the clatter of a horse, the creaking of snow in the cold, the clinking of ice.

Lexical features of the first two stanzas

In the first stanza, it is worth paying attention to the 4th and 6th lines. In them the reader can see two examples of the use of outdated grammar. By analyzing Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning,” we can talk about these features. Firstly, this is the phrase “open... your eyes.” Currently last word used completely differently. The gaze can be lowered, averted, or fixed, but not opened in any way. The fact is that the poem has obsolete meaning- "eyes". And it is in this sense that it is used in many poems by poets of the first half of the 19th century century.

Also of interest is another word - “closed”. It is a truncated participle - its use represents one of the most beloved liberties of many poets of that time.

The line below also awaits the reader interesting facts, which require further explanation. Firstly, the poet mentions the word "Aurora". It's written with capital letters, however, here it is not a proper name, but a common noun. A. S. Pushkin uses the name of the goddess of dawn to designate the dawn itself. On the other hand, according to the rules of the Russian language, it should be in dative case: "Towards northern Aurora." However, there is no typo or error here - it is an obsolete form. Once upon a time, the preposition towards, according to the rules of grammar, required genitive case, and for Alexander Sergeevich and his contemporaries this was the norm.

It is also worth mentioning that the phrase “star of the north” is not used here in its direct meaning - “ celestial body”, which means “the most beautiful and worthy lady in St. Petersburg.” In the second stanza the words “evening” and “mist” are mentioned. The first means "yesterday evening." The word "haze" in its usual meaning denotes darkness or gloom. A. S. Pushkin uses this word to refer to snow, which hides everything around in its fog, like a veil.

Third and fourth stanzas

The winter landscape is described here. And the picture that the poet describes is largely created using the description of flowers: “under blue skies", "the forest alone turns black." In the third stanza of the poem there are no outdated forms, she doesn't need additional explanations. In the last stanza there is an unusual word form “zaprochat” instead of the usual “harness”. This is poetic license, which is allowed by the poet for rhyming, which can also be mentioned when analyzing Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”. Briefly describe all obsolete grammatical means a diligent student is unlikely to be able to, therefore, if you need to provide condensed analysis, you can mention one or two.

The last two stanzas are connected by the word “shine,” with the help of which the reader imagines even more clearly both the natural landscape and the comfort of a warm room. If in the third stanza the shine is winter, then in the last it is warm, amber. Pushkin also uses tautology, but in in this case it is completely justified. When the reader hears the expression “crackling,” it is as if the reader is hearing the sound of a flooded furnace.

So we've looked at brief analysis poem "Winter Morning". The poet's feeling of joy increases towards the end of the work. He increasingly wants to visit the “fields”, “forests” and “shore”. The latter should not be understood literally as a river bank - rather, the poet wanted to talk about those places that are close and dear to him.

1) Date of writing and publication.

The poem “Winter Morning” was written by A.S. Pushkin on November 3, 1829 during his exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye. Then the poet’s life was filled with loneliness, boredom and sadness. However, it was during these years that Alexander Sergeevich was struck by inspiration.

2) Artistic method.

This work belongs to the literary movement of romanticism.

3) Choosing a genre of tradition.

This poem can be classified as landscape lyric poetry.

4) Main theme.

The leading theme is the theme of a winter morning, the theme of the beauty of Russian nature in winter.

5) The meaning of the name.

The title of the poem sounds very poetic. Just listen, “Winter Morning”! Nature in white winter decoration immediately appears before your eyes. Thus, the title expresses the content of the work as a whole.

6) Lyrical plot and its movement.

Plot lyrical work weakened. The poem is based on contemplation of nature, which became the impulse for lyrical experience.

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