Blue tooth building. "Blue Crystal (Glass, Blue Tooth, Zenith)" on Yugozapadnaya

Many people want to go there, but we went!

The most famous “unfinished building” in Moscow.

Why "the most"? Firstly, because it’s gigantic: 100 thousand square meters. Secondly, because it is wildly expensive: $100 million was invested in its construction. Thirdly, his story is scandalous and even detective. And fourthly, the building is unusually impressive: a futuristic composition of beveled volumes lined with mirror glass. No wonder he has several nicknames: “blue crystal” or “blue tooth”.

For Moscow in the early 90s, this was a genuine breakthrough. There were no buildings here that were entirely mirrored, or glass pieces of such radical shapes. Although this trend has existed all over the world for a long time and has managed to acquire the flavor of commercial architecture. Academician Aganbegyan discovered the immediate source of inspiration in Italy, it was an office building built by Luciano Perini. Academician, then a great strength, wanted to build something similar in Moscow for his Academy national economy.

The classic of Soviet modernism, Yakov Belopolsky, took up the matter, who (together with the young architect Nikolai Lyutomsky) significantly transformed the original idea, taking it away from the banalities of Euro-modernism to almost Suprematist forms. Of course, if you look at it, there is nothing supernatural in the architecture here, the move is the same everywhere: different volumes are assembled, and then a certain segment is cut off at the top of each. However, the themes that emerged - for example, the grotesque image of a pitched roof - were very funny and anticipated many attempts at modernization national forms(Erik van Egerath in particular).

The building, located next to the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, fit perfectly into the modernist landscape of the 60s and 70s and became, thanks to the novelty of its forms and cladding, a noticeable landmark. Alas, its further fate was tragic; it stands virtually without a roof, rotting - and at any moment it will disappear from the face of Moscow.

The security guard escorted us to the stairs, along which we immediately went up to the 5th floor; we hadn’t taken any photos before.
At the top left you can see a red window, next to which there is an exit to one of the roofs.

Look down.

In some places the curb is knee-deep, not a very pleasant feeling. The guard also warned that you could fall into the elevator shaft... :)

There is a lot of garbage everywhere, the building has been abandoned for 15 years.

Everyone decided to go to the roof.

First we went to the wrong floor and found this window. In general, there is nothing to photograph inside; it’s the same on all floors.

We found an exit to the roof, it turned out to be on the 8th floor. A look back.

Almost a continuation of the previous photo on the right side.

And also, since our people exit through glass, before and after exiting onto the roof, there are heaps of broken glass.

At the bottom left you can see piles of glass and our “entrance”.

Everything on the roof was overgrown, from moss and grass to small bushes and trees.

There are even mushrooms! And there is also the presence of civilization, and a very recent one at that.

The glass in the first photo. Previously, apparently, they climbed through it until they cut another entrance :)

And just like that. Cute, right?)

Houses on Lobachevsky Street, as well as the 31st city hospital.

On the left in the photo there is a small superstructure, there are several of them, we climbed into one of them.

Nothing fancy, on the second floor there are cabinets for equipment and a bunch of scattered wires.

And this is the landscape behind the legs. Entrance to the Academy of National Economy and MIREA.

We begin to move back to the hole in the window to rise higher.

Let's go inside. We look for the stairs and go up the floor, looking for something interesting.

We walked through the floors, somewhere up to 9, but didn’t find anything interesting. We started to climb further, and on the stairs between 9 and 10 (I may be slightly wrong with the numbers), there was a barricade of ventilation pipes, about 2 meters high. It’s good that there was a small reinforcement ladder there. At first it was scary to climb over, because it was completely dark and it was not clear what this barricade was there for and what was under it, but then they finally decided to do it. By the way, in front of the barricade, on the wall of the stairs was written in chalk “GO BACK!” :)

On many floors the picture is something like this.

Who, how and why does this is unknown. Apparently people have nowhere to put their energy. If only they would guide her to peaceful course... Everyone would live well in Rus')

The view from the windows is basically this...

We walked along this floor to the other side of the building. Almost nothing has changed.

MIREA in the sun.

We decided not to walk around the floors anymore, because it was the same everywhere. The layout is the same, the garbage is the same. In general, we wanted to go up to the roof. There were no more problems with this. The only thing is the 22nd floor up the stairs in the dark.

There is a huge winch on the roof, under which there is a hole with garbage - one beer bottles and cans of cocktails. At first we took pictures carefully, then we climbed onto the winch.

The winch itself.

A piece of the roof on the lower right and a view of the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station. Big White House on the left is the new building "Elena".

Several photos from another camera, so they differ in both quality and resolution.

Bus depot, followed by a market. On the right is also a new building, which, in my opinion, does not fit anywhere at all.

Construction site near MIREA, Gazprom building. View of Vernadsky Avenue towards Lobachevsky.


"Crosses" on Koshtoyants Street, Moscow State University and other famous new skyscraper buildings in the background.

Well that's all, thanks for your time! :)

"Blue tooth" - the main unfinished building in Moscow May 24th, 2014

This building of memorable shape and color (both are aptly reflected in its “folk” name) is familiar to every resident of the South-West. But I think only the attentive and curious will guess that this is unfinished, in fact, beautiful and very expensive ruins. In any case, I had no idea until they told me this place was among the “stalker” objects in Moscow.
This grandiose unfinished building has official name Business center "Zenith", 22 floors high and area 100,000 square meters. It has not only a remarkable appearance (very innovative for the city, especially considering that it appeared long before CITY and other extravagant Moscow remakes), but also complicated story, which I will try to briefly outline.
The idea of ​​construction arose in the late Soviet years from the then rector of the Academy of National Economy (which owned the territory in the South-West) A. Aganbegyan. The construction was financed mainly by the Italians and they also made the metal frame of the building (which was then assembled in Moscow) and many other materials. Construction began in 1991 and by 1995 was no less than 80% completed: according to Wikipedia, a 10-story atrium with panoramic elevators and escalators, a swimming pool, concert hall, and they even managed to bring bathtubs into the apartments.
And then, as a result of anti-corruption investigations in Italy, the company that carried out the construction ceased to exist, and leapfrog began with forms of ownership, privatization and owners of the building in Russia; as a result, construction was stopped at the last stage. Since then, everything has only been falling apart: (and it is unlikely that it can now be restored.
From the inside there (judging by the photographs and reports) there is a real stalker's jungle, amateurs regularly sneak in there, despite the solid fence and security (it seems that you can negotiate with her), an external inspection was enough to satisfy my curiosity.

There is a small boulevard from the metro to the Blue Tooth

WITH close range the crumbling state of the building is, alas, obvious

"Blue Tooth" is notable for the fact that different sides has completely different appearance.

Although this part of the unfinished building is not fenced off with a solid green fence and looks quite decent from the outside, it, alas, is also uninhabited.

Next door is a gigantic territory, the owner of which is named on a sign (one of the successors of the Academy of National Economy, which once began construction)

There is still some construction going on in the rear.

Like this strange story. Truly, Moscow is a city of miracles...
Update. I am adding the latest information via the link from the comments.

The building in 2012 was transferred to the balance of the Academy (RANEPA, successor to the Academy of National Economy)... First of all, there was an urgent question of conducting a comprehensive assessment and examination of what had survived over two decades... In addition to the technical and economic component and large number safety criteria, it was also necessary to analyze the aspect of compliance with the various standards that are in force today. (For example, now there are completely different rules in the field of fire safety, and not those that were at the time of construction in the 90s, etc.). Since almost all construction documentation was lost, it became clear that everything would have to be restored step by step. In April 2012, the Academy announced an open competition to carry out work on the technical inspection of the Zenit center.

The inspection findings refuted the worst fears: the building structure is in an acceptable condition for further operation. At the same time, according to preliminary calculations, it turned out that the cost of completing the administrative and educational building could amount to about 6 billion rubles, and a new administrative and educational building (with dismantling of the existing one) would cost less - about 5.4 billion rubles. The Academy appealed to the Government Russian Federation with a request to resolve the issue of the fate of Zenit and consider the possibility of financing decision taken. To date, we have accomplished everything possible actions regarding this object and we are waiting for the Government’s decision. In any case, it’s too early to put an end to this story.

In general, Demolition cannot be completed...

To complete one of the most famous long-term construction projects in Moscow, the Zenit educational and business center next to RANEPA in the southwest of Moscow, the Russian government will allocate 8.7 billion rubles. The project is planned to be completed in 2021

Educational business center Zenit (Photo: Lori)

The Russian government has decided to complete the construction of the famous glass skyscraper near the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station in Moscow. The building at 82 Vernadskogo Ave., building 5, is proposed to be included in the Federal Targeted Investment Program for 2017 and the planned years 2018 and 2019. Complete the reconstruction project worth RUB 8.7 billion. planned for 2021. Information about this is contained in the bill on federal budget for these years.

The materials for the draft budget indicate that funding is allocated according to the state program “Development of Education” for 2013-2020. Construction of a building “located on one plot of land with the main campus of RANEPA ( Russian Academy national economy and civil service under the president. — RBC), will almost completely solve the problem of shortage of academy space in Moscow,” the explanation states. In addition, the completion of the reconstruction will “eliminate the damage caused architectural appearance cities."

Academic unfinished construction

The decision to build the Zenit business center was made back in 1989. The initial project assumed that courses in international business would be held here for students of the Academy of National Economy (the name of the university before the reorganization). The project was initiated by the rector of the academy, Abel Aganbegyan, who agreed on the implementation large-scale project with the Italian company Valany International.

According to the development plan in a 20-story multifunctional complex with an area of ​​more than 100 thousand square meters. m it was planned to accommodate a five-star hotel with 300 rooms, retail space, conference room, gym, restaurant and underground parking for 400 cars. About 35 thousand sq. m was planned to be allocated for offices, and 15 thousand sq. m. m should have been occupied by the business school itself. The building, for the appearance of which the famous Soviet architect Yakov Belopolsky was responsible (he also worked on the building of the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue and the monument to Yuri Gagarin on Leninsky Prospekt), was a giant crystal covered with reflective mirrors.

Valany International, which became the general contractor for the construction, raised a loan of $50 million guaranteed by the Soviet government. Construction began in 1992, and within two and a half years it was planned to put the facility into operation. However, by the time the building was 80% ready, at the end of 1994, the anti-mafia operation “Clean Hands” took place in Italy. As a result, almost the entire management team of Valany International was accused of complicity Sicilian mafia, the company’s accounts were frozen, and at the same time the construction of the educational complex in Russia was suspended.

The debt for the unfinished Zenit and other Soviet obligations became part of negotiations between VEB and the Paris Club of creditors in 2001. A year later, in 2002, the Russian government transferred VEB's commercial business, which included the Zenit lending business, to VTB. In turn, the Ministry of Finance in 2004 included the demand for this loan in its claim against OJSC “ graduate School international business", arresting the Zenit building, which was on the balance sheet of the GSMB. The latter received the facility on the orders of Abel Aganbegyan.

After many years of arrest, last year the facility was transferred to RANEPA, which allowed the construction to be unfrozen, Vedomosti wrote.

Educational only

Unlike the original project, the new one does not provide space for a business center, RANEPA Vice-Rector Igor Danilov told RBC. " Usable areas will be divided approximately equally between the hotel and classrooms, he said. — At the same time, the price includes all finishing and modern equipment building, as well as a complete replacement of the building’s cladding.” The final distribution of areas and the appearance of the building will be clear only after the design is completed, Danilov noted. According to him, a study of the building's load-bearing structures, carried out over the past year and a half, has proven that they are in excellent condition, and the skyscraper can be completed. “However, final conclusions will be drawn only after a detailed study,” he says.

At one time, the construction of this facility was one of the most advanced, but, unfortunately, it was never completed, complains the chief architect of the UNK Project bureau, Yuliy Borisov. “As a result, the city received one of the most famous long-term construction projects,” he says. “The fact that the project will still be completed will have a positive impact on the appearance of the city.” At the same time, the architecture of the complex looks modern and quite appropriate for this part of the city, the architect concluded.

The press service of the capital's Construction Complex did not answer RBC's questions.


Not far from the station. m. Yugo-Zapadnaya there is an extremely popular place - the unfinished business center "Zenith". The building has been abandoned almost since the 90s, during which time an insane number of people visited the Zenit business center. Naturally, the building has become overgrown with many local legends and unofficial nicknames: “Blue (blue) Tooth”, “Crystal”, “Lump”, “Bluetooth” :) There is a lot of information on this object on the Internet, even more than one person has written about it in the media twice, so I won’t describe in detail the footage of the building and the history of construction, because... firstly, it’s not interesting, and secondly, everything is Googled. Let me just say that good old Bluetooth still amazes with its huge size and underground atmosphere.

The object is guarded. A few years ago, when there were no guards inside the Zub, it was not difficult to get there for free. Then, according to rumors, a couple of corpses were taken out of the elevator shaft, some of the new stalkers were severely bitten by stray dogs, and the guards moved to the first floor of the Cob. Of course, the access regime has not become much stricter, but now you almost always have to pay.

Why did we go there? Well, I used to climb a lot. Then he grew a little and practically stopped, but my brother started climbing :) Then he also grew a little, some time passed, and this spring he and I decided to climb old objects. Moreover, I continue to experiment with the cross-process, and such trashy shots require suitable interiors.

In general, since there are already a lot of people going to Zub, it’s okay if I write how to get there, so that the pioneers don’t rack their brains.

I’ll say right away that we were not prepared at all. Not only did I run out of film, and I filmed almost nothing, but I also got caught by the wrong security, and as a result, I was banned for nothing. That is, in fact, they didn’t get off successfully.

Now, in order.

How to find. We leave the metro to the metro station. Southwestern. We are looking for McDuck. The block is already clearly visible from McDuck (and, in general, visible from the metro).

There are three ways to get into the Tooth.
The first way is to not pay anyone anything. You can enter the territory through the fence from the street. Academician Anokhin (in the summer the grass is trampled in this place, and in the winter there is a path in the snow :)) Then we walk through the territory, pretending to be a shoe, without being scorched, we go around the Lump on the right. We see a rather low fence, an abandoned UAZ type Bukhanka, and a staircase that leads inside the Zub. We go inside, then the main thing is to quietly go upstairs without meeting the guards. The route looks like this.

The second way is to pay everyone. On the street Koshtoyants we approach the checkpoint, negotiate, go into the territory, then we break directly to the guard of the Tooth, negotiate, go through. The route looks like this.

The third method is combined. We climb over the fence, already inside the Zub we look for guards and come to an agreement. We used just this method.

Now the report itself.

The tooth is beautiful)

Both outside and inside.

Since Glyba is a huge atrium with mirrored windows, not much light gets inside, especially in cloudy weather, and electricity is not supplied everywhere) In general, a tripod can be useful. They can still brush off dogs, so it’s better to take them, of course. And a flashlight! Don't forget the flashlight!)

Despite the fact that everything is beaten up and stolen, the place is extremely interesting.

In short, wander around to your heart's content. The view from the roof, in my opinion, is not very good, since the area is not the most picturesque, but inside the building, of course, is impressive.

Now a few words about how we were kicked out of there)
We entered the Zub, found the security room, and went to negotiate. We look: there is a home-made punching bag hanging from the ceiling, some kind of dog is bristling and it’s somehow not comfortable) Well, we shouted, called the security - no one came out. It was scary to get closer because of the dog.

We spat, feet in hands - and up. That's when they removed us :) The security downstairs didn't respond, because... I went upstairs to walk around the building. In general, when we came face to face with them, it was already difficult to explain what we supposedly wanted in an amicable way) It was not possible to come to an agreement with them, and we were escorted to the exit. The security guys, both big and goofy, escorted us out in a surprisingly civilized manner, without even swearing.

So we weren’t able to climb thoroughly, but we weren’t particularly upset, since we’d already been there and didn’t expect to find anything new.

In general, we ended up with the wrong guard, but experience tells us that there are usually no problems with them.

Shot on Fujichrome Velvia 100F

Business Center "Zenith" (formerly Educational and Business Center of the Academy of National Economy)
Address: Vernadsky Avenue, 82
Designer: Mosproekt-1, workshop No. 11
Architects: Yakov Belopolsky, Nikolai Lyutomsky, Luciano Perini
Customer: Academy of National Economy
1992 - 1995

Another major Moscow unfinished building is a mirror-blue building at the intersection of Akademika Anokhin and Koshtoyants streets, which was supposed to turn into the Zenit business center. Its construction, which started in 1993, according to the Federal Property Agency, began under the patronage of academician Abel Aganbegyan, who was then rector of the Academy of National Economy under the Russian government (ANH). According to the project, total area the building is 100 thousand square meters. m.
The construction was carried out by an Italian construction company, which, due to still unspecified circumstances, disappeared from the construction site in 1995. By that time, the business center was approximately 80% ready. Later, the Prosecutor General’s Office opened a criminal case against Mr. Aganbegyan, suspecting him of “abuse of official powers” ​​and “illegal participation in entrepreneurial activity" This was due to the withdrawal of assets, including the glass, from the Academy of National Economy.
The Russian government had to solve problems with creditors. Then the Ministry of Finance filed a claim against the Academy of National Economy for the recovery of 37.3 million euros. In court, the parties chose to conclude a settlement agreement, transferring the unfinished business center into federal ownership as compensation. Before this transaction, the property had to be appraised, which requires documentation that is now being held by one of the construction lenders. The court decided to provide time to resolve the issue, but the Zenit business center still remains under arrest.

Initially, the building (“3rd Academic Building of the Academy of National Economy” is the official name) was supposed to be 10 floors higher. But our firefighters forbade it)). So the building design itself was redone on site.
At first, the contract was for the construction of only the building (without interior decoration) - which was done on time. At this time, they began to actively advertise new office premises (without finishing, renovations were supposed to be done by the companies themselves). The demand was huge. Then they decided that it would be more profitable to rent out the premises with finishing - they quickly concluded new agreement with the same company interior work. At the same time, they again started a new advertising campaign - this time the prices for offices were exorbitant. At that time, one of the most expensive office buildings was Park Place on Leninsky. They looked up to him, but they set even higher prices. People suddenly began to refuse...
But due to the fact that they extended the contract with the Italians, the builders did not preserve the building: they were supposed to further work. Now the building is oh-so-very poor condition- inside the concrete floors are overgrown with moss (!), leaking from all the cracks...
As it was absolutely correctly said, at that moment that same Italian company went bankrupt. The Italian builders have gone home. In memory of them, a bunch of two-story change houses remained on the territory of the Academy of National Economy (one of them can still be seen on the approach to the building itself). The houses were quickly inhabited by people from Armenia. (Now it’s been several years since these change houses were demolished).
In addition, when the interior decoration of the building was planned, a countless number of finishing materials- both tiles and plumbing...)) EVERYTHING was stolen in ONE YEAR.
For a long time near the wall of this building (almost up to the tower) stood a construction crane - clearly, no one cared about it either. Then some extreme skydivers became interested in him. After people began parachuting from this crane in the evenings, the crane was quickly dismantled.
I also heard a version that, in parallel with the ruin of the Italians, the tax inspectorate came to the Academy of National Economy and imposed a significant VAT fine on this construction...
And now this building is no longer academic. But in my opinion, it was not transferred to Moscow either.

We took the liberty of posting several photographs from this report on our website.

The Moscow Arbitration Court on Wednesday recognized the unfinished Zenit business complex in the south-west of Moscow as federal property, for the construction of which Russia has already paid €208 million within the Paris Club. Now ambitious project the early 90s, which has been idle for more than ten years, may be put up for sale, writes the Kommersant newspaper.
Construction of a 22-story tower with an area of ​​100 thousand square meters. m on Vernadsky Avenue, near the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, began in 1991 and was supposed to be completed in 1995. The complex was to become the largest business center in the capital. The building was conceived as educational complex Government Academy of National Economy (ANH), in addition, it was supposed to house a five-star hotel, 36 thousand square meters. m was allocated for offices. To finance construction in 1990, the USSR Council of Ministers authorized a loan of $150 million from a consortium of European banks led by the Italian Banca Popolare di Novara. The loan was supposed to be repaid using income from the use of the building.
Privatization disrupted the plans. In 1993, an independent state-owned enterprise, the Higher School of International Business (GSMB), was spun off from the Academy of National Economy, and the Zenit under construction was transferred to its balance sheet. In the same 1993, the Russian government pledged to repay Italian loans. After that, in 1994, the GSMB became a joint-stock company, privatizing the entire unfinished construction: 51% of the shares were received by the Academy of National Economy staff, 25% plus one share - Moskomimushchestvo, another 25% minus one share, which were supposed to be put up for investment competition, remained undistributed. Among the shareholders of the OJSC were, in particular, the rector of the Academy of National Economy Abel Aganbegyan and academician Pavel Bunich.
In 1995, construction was frozen, and in 1998 the Accounts Chamber became interested in it, which revealed numerous privatization violations. Inspections followed from the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance. Criminal cases were initiated against A. Aganbegyan twice, which, however, did not end in anything.
And last year, Vnesheconombank (VEB) filed a claim with the arbitration court, repaying Italy’s debt of €208 million on behalf of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Paris Club rules. VEB demanded that all rights to Zenit be transferred to the state. This was also demanded by the Federal Property Management Agency, which, unlike the bank, has the right to accept property into state ownership and register rights to it. The Federal Property Management Agency referred to the illegality of privatization, which did not raise any objections among the participants in the process. The question of what the disputed object was took a long time to figure out: none of the participants in the process had information about the state registration of rights to the Zenit building or to the unfinished construction site. It turned out that the glass tower in the southwest of Moscow legally did not exist. The documents that made it possible to legally define the object were presented only yesterday, which allowed the court to rule in favor of the Federal Property Management Agency. Now the government can put the object up for competition.
A leading commercial real estate expert at Penny Lane Realty, Maxim Zhulikov, estimated the cost of the unfinished center at $150-250 million, noting that “the volume of further investments in the project will depend on the situation with communications, the efficiency of space distribution, etc.” “On average, the cost of putting a building into operation will be about $500 per sq. m. m (about $50 million),” the expert predicts. And Aleksey Zlobin, director for investment project development at the Komstrin development company, does not rule out that the new owner will prefer to demolish the unfinished building and start construction anew: “The facility has stood unfinished for too long.”
However, experts are confident that the auction will arouse serious interest among investors. “First of all, Western players who are actively investing in the Russian market, as well as structures close to Gazprom and RAO UES, whose offices are located nearby, will be interested in the purchase,” suggested M. Zhulikov.


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