14 What questions does literature ask a person?

In order to correctly answer questions on literature, you will have to remember many of the works that were taught at school; it will also not be superfluous to watch Russian cartoons and fairy tales on TV, because on large number They will help you answer questions. There are also questions about foreign literature, but there are only a few of them and most of them are familiar to us even before school. Add our site to your bookmarks and it will help you answer all subjects at Avataria school every day.

Imagine living in a tiny apartment in the middle of nowhere. Your books are hidden in the storage room. Who will find you? Who will find your books? Or maybe you live in several scattered and dilapidated houses at the same time, moving from one to another without really making anything your own, without giving it your own personality. It's also not very useful to sell books.

What's important there is that it adapts to your work, not that you use it as bookstore. The platform is essentially a network virtual place information and meetings. There are non-web-centric platforms, but they are slowly becoming obsolete.

A.S. Pushkin wrote about...
Answer. About the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born... in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Mikhailovsky, Boldino
Answer: in Moscow

A fable is:
Answer: Poem or prose work moralizing, satirical character

Which institution did A.S. Pushkin study at? at school, Lyceum, self-taught, Gymnasium, Institute
Answer: At the Lyceum

What is the ideal platform for a writer?

But you will always need a primary place to return to. Then you can add using social media and other tools, all the wings and terraces you want. This is a meeting and information site. Part of that base and then you have a selection to choose from. Here is a list of links with articles that talk about how to use some fundamental networks as a writer.

And remember: it's better not to be on more platforms, but to know how to work well in one or two

This also has a surprising answer.

Remember title of the fable which had the following moral: How many times have they told the world that flattery is sad and harmful; but everything is of no use, and a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart
Answer: Crow and fox

Choose the correct continuation of the statement: Lyrics -
Answer: Reproduces the subjective personal feeling or mood of the author

Gurus don't agree on an exact percentage, but most will say that you should devote 50% of the time allocated to creating and 50% of that time to promoting. Worrying, isn't it? After all, during this time allotted for writing, you also need to.

Submit and contact zero readers to apply their suggestions. And during the time dedicated to promotion, at least you need. Read articles and books about other authors' experiences in these areas. Create an online presence, that platform we talked about.

How much soldo did Buratino sell the alphabet for?
Answer: For 3 soldi (in reality 4 soldi, but there is a mistake in the game, Pinocchio himself suggested)

From which work are the following lines taken: Alienated by his misfortune from the community of people, he grew up dumb and powerful, like a tree growing on fertile soil...
Answer: Mumu

Which poem are these lines from: In a difficult moment of life, does sadness crowd in the heart...
Answer: Prayer (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Go to meetings, conferences, presentations, etc. And it also turns out that you have a job, or you have kids, or you need to do other things that feed you, because let's be honest, it's going to take a long time for you to see money coming out of your job.

How important is writing to me? Is this one of my life priorities?

If the answer is yes, you have one more thing to do. For example, there are bloggers who write 20 articles a year and spend the rest of their time moving those articles and promoting their brand. Others write almost every day and thereby accumulate attention and visits. No matter what you choose, be systematic.

What was the name of Cippolino's girlfriend? Radish, Onion, Carrot, Whistling
Answer: Radish

What was the name of the narrator in the story by N.V. Gogol's Missing Letter?
Answer: Foma Grigorievich

What was the name of the creator of the fairy-tale wooden boy?
Answer: Papa Carlo

What is the name of Lermontov's poem dedicated to the Battle of Borodino?
Answer: Borodino

No promotions without a calendar or schedule, right or left, without thought. Promotion doesn't have to be boring. My big weakness is “Let’s try this” and “Let’s try that.” If you are a disciplined and logical person, you will try, you will give closed time for such a test and if it doesn't work you will indicate how and why. If you're a crazy head like me, you'll waste a lot of time trying to just try without giving them the time or tactics needed to use them.

You will devote, for example, hours and hours of your life to bring up your personal bullshit on a blog, without thinking what it might be good place to share your experience as an author. Learn from my mistakes! Learn from the professionals. Read books and blogs of successful authors, many are curious to tell you how they achieved such success. Of course, idealism is meaningless and meaningless. And many times those who charge them are only trying to make money from rejected information that they did not even bother to put into practice and verify.

What is the name of the part of the epic poem by N.A. Nekrasova Who can live well in Rus', dedicated to Matryona Timofeevna?
Answer: Peasant woman

Which fairy tale characters A.S. Pushkin lived together for thirty years and three years?
Answer: Old man and old woman

What weapon was Grinev wounded in a duel?
Answer: Sword

What color roses did the Queen order to be planted? (Alice in Wonderland)
Answer: White

Of course, if you read an author's blog that talks about the most consistent things, then sell more difficult book, buy e-book. But don't go blindly to get a lot of people's books without any validity or real effort. Unfortunately, some of the world's best professionals write in English.

It's not about tactics, it's about strategy

Tactics are practices that we test, that we put into operation. But they must match overall strategy. Tactics are short term, strategies are long term. One strategy would be, “I'm going to find people who might like my books so they can sell them,” or “I'm going to sell enough to move to the Bahamas.”

Are traditional tactics used?

Another great question. Many of us are still accustomed to traditional market practices. Presentation and signing tours, book fairs, paper merchandising, media contacts, etc. some of these tactics still work, but we must remember that we are in the age of the Internet and immediacy.

Which fairy tale hero belong to the words: Do not be sad, go with God...?
Answer: Goldfish

Which of his lyceum friends did Pushkin call My First Friend, My Priceless Friend? Delvig, Danzas, Kuchelbecker, Pushchin
Answer: Pushchin

The comic nature of the characters in N.V. Gogol's comedy The Inspector General is revealed in the comedic situation of substitution. Who exposed the substitution of the auditor in the play? Mayor, real auditor, postmaster, judge
Answer: Postmaster

The best way to get someone to buy your book is no longer maintaining the brand and random visibility with traditional means. More than ten years ago, he collaborated online literary creativity. This was the time when these types of websites were born and we were the pioneers. El Pais gave us an interview for the Andalusian publication on paper.

That day our visits multiplied by five; Many of those who visited our website remained users and we grew exponentially. We're so bombarded with information that it's really hard to get anyone's attention, much less even click on a link to a book.

To whom A.S. Pushkin dedicated the poem: Friend of my harsh days, My decrepit Dove! Alone in the wilderness of pine forests. You've been waiting for me for a long, long time...
Answer: Nanny

Who attacked Gerda in the dark forest?
Answer: Robbers

Who wrote the book Captain Grant's Children?
Answer: Jules Verne

Who wrote the fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
Answer: Brothers Grimm

Thus, we must make it simple and easy for the potential reader. So we resort to strategy again. If your strategy is to create an image that people will recognize you as a writer and consume your products, physical presentation is very good idea. You will have few sales, but you will achieve interaction with readers that will reinforce your observation. If your strategy is to make money by selling copies, or if you are an introverted person who finds this type of thing intimidating, 1 presentation is not necessarily a good idea.

Lyudmila, the heroine of the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila, was the daughter
Answer: Vladimir Red Sun

Name the formidable weapon of the Nightingale the Robber?
Answer: Whistle

Name Kolobok's place of birth:
Answer: Oven

What is the name of the playwright who was considered the founder of Russian social comedy and whom A.S. Pushkin called the brave ruler of Satire in the novel Eugene Onegin.
Answer: Fonvizin

Perhaps you have more success, offering your book in numbers and providing potential readers with a package of several of your works at a corresponding discount, encouraging them to buy multiple books at once and thereby save money, to give an example of the tactics associated with said strategy.

What should I do?

First, get the idea out of your head. With very few exceptions, books are not the taste of all readers. Write what you want to write and then worry about marking and thinking about your target audience. In this sense, they say that it is important to know your niche. Read books of your gender, learn the tricks of the trade.

Find the quotient: 804: (154 - 87) = ?
Answer: 12

A short story containing a lesson is:
Answer: Parable

The lake in which Sadko caught the Golden Feather fish?
Answer: Ilmen

What fairy tale do we owe to the little daughter of K.I. Chukovsky, who did not want to wash her face?
Answer: Moidodyr

The parable recalled by Pugachev about the raven and the eagle is:
Answer: Kalmyk fairy tale

But it's important to know your audience so you can reach your potential readers. We have already said that strategies are long-term. Of course, there are quick tactics to get a ton of sales in short time. But they listen little if the cricket chirps during the rest of the year.

There are immediate and unexpected successes. But usually they respond to luck, prestigious contacts, luck and the latter are few. Great triumphs tend to last long history work and disappointment. Don't eat the ear of everyone you meet in your book. Follow your strategy with respect for the time and interests of others.

Continue the poem Bronze Horseman: On the shore of desert waves....
Answer: He stood there, full of great thoughts

How many dwarfs did Snow White have?
Answer: Seven

How old was A. Gaidar when he volunteered for the Red Army?
Answer: 14 years

To achieve high results When participating in the Literature Olympiad, it is not enough to be an excellent student and successfully master school curriculum. Cope with Olympiad tasks those students who have shown determination and hard work, devoting a lot of time to preparation, will be able to.

This page contains examples test tasks and open questions of the Literature Olympiad for 5th grade. The proposed set of tasks can be used both in class and at home. You can evaluate yourself by checking the answers recorded at the bottom of the page.

No one judges you are looking for a person who is going crazy to find your book with dinosaurs porn and porn offer their book with dinosaurs at a decent price. They can look at writing dinosaur porn, but that's their problem. There are two main problems with asking this question, or any of its variations.

I didn't read the answer to the previous question. Believe that you can live from literature. You should know that most your income probably comes not from your books, but from related activities. You can't get up one morning and say, “I'm going to give it my all and live off what I write,” and set yourself up for it. Well, you can, but you'll starve to death. Firstly, because writing something halfway decent usually takes years and years of practice.

Literature Olympiad 5th grade

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It takes years and years of patience to see some money in sales. It's very difficult. But if you really want to get it, you better get up at five in the morning to write every day before taking the kids to school, and re-read all of the above and get to work promoting your product.

Because you might have best book in the world: if no one sees it, if it is invisible, you will eat it with potatoes. Another day we talked about the problem of introversion in writers. Due to the nature of our work, we tend to be introverted, even timid people. Saying “I’m embarrassed to speak publicly” is not really an excuse.

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Test tasks

1. An entertaining story about unusual, fictional events and adventures:
A) fairy tale
B) story
B) story

2. A short poetic or prose story of a moralizing nature, having an allegorical, allegorical meaning:
A) poem
B) fable
B) tale

To this day, for some sectors this is not enough for our language. If you liked this article, don't forget to share it. You can also follow me. And if you like the content of the blog in general and want to know more about my stuff.

In our article we will question this idea, which seems problematic from two points of view. On the one hand, how is literature the “answer” strictly to this question? Nussbaum does highlight in his detailed analyzes the answer to the question of right life? On the other hand, more radically, how does this answer the “question” correctly? Doesn't the literature encourage us to reframe this question differently?

3. Allegorical depiction of an object or phenomenon with the goal of most clearly showing its essential features:
A) allegory
B) antithesis
B) analysis

4. An event that marks the beginning of the development of action in epic and dramatic works:
A) climax
B) beginning
B) denouement

5. Find out the hero of a literary work by portrait (description of appearance).
"White-faced, black-browed,
The character of such a meek one"
A) stepmother;
B) young princess;
B) Vasilisa the Beautiful

In Martha Nussbaum's book “Love” is a way to answer the question “how to live”? In our article we question this idea, which seems problematic on two fronts. Do you really want to answer this question? Does Nussbaum mean the answer to the question of the good life, in his detailed analysis novels? We find in the works that make up the Knowledge of Love a tension between two ideas. Indeed, Nussbaum seems to advocate a life ideal where perception is most important, as opposed to moral laws and support for the application of moral laws.

6. Which hero is not in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”:
A) miracle Yudo;
B) Ivan Tsarevich
B) Vasilisa the Beautiful.

7. In M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Borodino”, the day after the battle the Russian army was ready:
A) retreat;
B) continue the fight
B) strengthen your position.

8. In the fairy tale by K. G. Paustovsky “ Warm bread“Filka realized that he had committed a disgusting, evil act when:
A) offended the horse;
B) the frost intensified;
B) heard my grandmother's story

9. The hero of L.N. Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, Russian officer Zhilin, while being captured by the Tatars:
A) constantly thought about escaping
B) was sad, bored and waiting for redemption;
C) did not hope for a successful release.

10. What words of his grandfather and father did Vasyutka, the hero of V. P. Astafiev’s story “Vasyutkino Lake,” remember when he got lost in the taiga:
A) “You have to be friends with the taiga!”
B) “Taiga doesn’t like flimsy people!”
C) “There is nothing to do alone in the taiga!”

Open questions

Lukomorye has green oak;
Golden chain on the oak tree:
Day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes round and round in a chain...

Question 2
Arrange the genres of folklore and literary works In order of increasing volume, start with the shortest and end with the longest:

Question 3
Water got onto the page of A.S. Pushkin’s book and washed away the ink. You are an expert on fairy tales and can reconstruct the line.
“S.er...o.e..a.r..u. .O. .o.o.o..a,
S. .to...o.e..a.i.i.s. .O. for,
A s.r..b..o.e..a.y.i..o u. u...t.r..a"

Question 4
The action of some fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin is connected with the sea. Name the fabulous inhabitants of this element using the following clues.
1) The character symbolizes a happy occasion, which main character I never used the fairy tales for myself.
2) The fairytale guard with its leader, protecting order.
3) Character symbolizing feminine beauty and the ability to love.

Question 5
Correct the mistakes by correctly combining the first and last names of Russian and foreign writers.
Mikhail Yurievich London
Mikhail Mikhailovich Bradbury
Anton Pavlovich Leskov
Mark Lermontov
Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet
Jack Twain
Viktor Petrovich Nekrasov
Nikolai Alekseevich Chekhov
Ray Douglas Prishvin
Nikolai Semenovich Astafiev

Answers to tests

Test task № 1 № 2 № 3 № 4 № 5
Answer A B A A B
Test task № 6 № 7 № 8 № 9 № 10
Answer A B IN A B

Answers to discovery questions

Answer to question 1: A. S. Pushkin, poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”
Answer to question 2: Proverb, ditty, poem, story, novel.
Answer to question 3:
“From the first click the pop jumped to the ceiling,
From the second click I lost my tongue,
And with the third click it knocked the old man’s mind out.”
Answer to question 4:
1. Goldfish
2. 33 heroes and Chernomor
3. Swan Princess
Answer to question 5:
Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Mark Twain
Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet
Jack London
Viktor Petrovich Astafiev
Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov
Ray Douglas Bradbury
Nikolai Semenovich Leskov

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