Riddles for children about fairy-tale characters. Riddles about fairy tale heroes

1. River- (Dream Interpretation Medium miss Xacce)
Clean, bright - a lot of happiness; swimming in it is wealth; fall into it and be carried away by the current - you will hear the news. Swim across - hopes will be fulfilled; hear the sound of water - hear an oath; flood - your plans will be late
2. River- (Modern dream book)
Seeing the clean and smooth surface of a river in a dream predicts that a sea of ​​pleasures will soon await you, and prosperity will be even greater than you expected. If the water in the river is dirty and turbulent, then fierce disputes and quarrels await you ahead. If you are cut off from land by a river flood, then temporary difficulties in commercial affairs await you. Your reputation may also suffer if your antics become known. If, while swimming along the clear surface of the river, you see corpses at the bottom, then soon the current joys and pleasures will be replaced by troubles and sorrows. Seeing a dry riverbed in a dream foretells illness and failure.
3. River- (Miller's Dream Book)
If you dream about the smooth, calm surface of a river, it means. You will soon enjoy the most delightful joys, and your well-being will delight you with tempting opportunities. If the waters of the river are muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings await you. If in a dream your path is blocked by a flooded river, you will face troubles at work, as well as fear for your reputation, which may suffer due to your daring antics. If you dream that you are swimming in clean, transparent water and see sunken corpses at the bottom of the river, it means that you will have to part with joy and good luck for some time. If you dream of a dry river, it means... Sorrows await you.
4. River- (Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov)
Sail - profit, benefit, gain, benefit; to see, to be on the shore - a long journey; wade, walk in water - an obstacle, a delay. Also see Wash.
5. River- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The river, like any water stream, symbolizes ejaculation and pregnancy. Riding on the river, on a boat, kayak, speedboat, water skiing, etc. symbolizes sexual intercourse. Walking along the riverbank symbolizes sexual dreams and fantasies. If a woman bathes in the river, then she may soon become pregnant from her loved one. If a man bathes in the river, then he prefers to engage in self-satisfaction. If you catch fish or crayfish in the river, then you want to have children. If you haven’t caught anything, then your sexual failures arise due to your inherent inferiority complex.
6. River- (Esoteric dream book)
Time. Smooth, slender - quiet time, leisurely life. Stormy, mountainous - stormy times, fateful events. Swimming in the river, swimming - to be in tune with time, this is to live in accordance with the Law of the Cosmos, of Existence. See "swim", "swim". Entering the river - it begins new period life. To bathe someone in the river is to be a mentor, a leader. Wash, rinse in the river - be the master of your life, your time. Drink from the river, draw water - time works for you, giving you wisdom and skill. Overflowing the banks, flood - a “troubled” time, uncertainty and lawlessness in society; if the water gets to you too, then you will be affected, and perhaps “washed away” by the events of the “troubled” time. The river caresses you - time will be kind to you. A dry riverbed is a very bad sign, your time is up.
7. River- (Intimate dream book)
If you dreamed of a wide river, this indicates that in life you are often overwhelmed by sexual fantasies that you are embarrassed to admit to your other half. What are you afraid of? Swimming in a river in a dream - a dream means that in at the moment you are experiencing a feeling of falling in love that captures you completely, and you have forgotten about business and responsibilities. Take a more sober look at life.

Water is a symbol of life, without it it would simply be impossible for humanity to exist. Rivers flowing into oceans and seas are revered all over the world. Often people have dreams like this. Since ancient times, it has been known why a river is dreamed of. But in order to find out the meaning of this dream, it is still better to turn to the dream book.

Water is a symbol of life

Dreams in which a person sees a river are considered to be a projection of his own life. It is impossible to unambiguously interpret such a vision. It is necessary to take into account its size, depth, and also pay attention to the banks and the living creatures present in the overall picture:

  • transparent - a period of serenity and calm is expected;
  • cloudy - unpleasant changes are coming;
  • cold - a surprise is expected soon, which can cause not only positive emotions, but also negative;
  • fast - life will take on new, bright colors;
  • underground - you should think about your actions, how true they are;
  • frozen – get important information will not succeed in a timely manner;
  • deep - the dreamer will be lucky in business, it is necessary to take advantage of it;
  • seething - the development of events is not in favor of the sleeper;
  • small - you should avoid significant expenses, soon your income will become significantly less;
  • parched - decrease in career ladder, ruin;
  • warm – good luck in business;
  • beautiful - life will become measured and harmonious;
  • black - to achieve the goal, you will have to overcome many obstacles;
  • green – recovery;
  • dairy - welfare and prosperity;
  • white - life change in better side, new romantic relationships are possible;
  • dark - problems in business, difficult ones are expected life period;
  • huge - quarrel.

River in the dream book (video)

Why do you dream of a river with a fast current?

One of the important symbols in a dream is the nature of the flow that characterizes the river. If a person dreamed of a river with a flow, which he closely watched, then in reality he will soon be faced with violent emotions, which, although they will concern not him, but his acquaintances, will not escape the dreamer himself.

  • A rapid flow portends a hectic period of life. Another ominous sign is debris floating on the water. Such a dream can be considered a warning, since health problems, quarrels with those closest to you, and problems at work may soon arise.
  • If in your dreams you had to swim across a body of water with a fast current and swim to the opposite shore, then you can soon count on significant successes, but to achieve them, you will have to work hard.

Rapid flow portends a hectic life period

But a mountain river, characterized by a fast flow and very clear water, indicates that soon life will begin to rapidly change for the better and the dreamer will have difficulty keeping up with the turn of events.

Seeing a river with clean water in a dream

Clean water dreamed by the sleeping person does not mean anything bad; on the contrary, the person will improve his financial condition, improve his health and improve relationships in the family.

Clean water dreamed of by a sleeping person does not mean anything bad

But in order to clearly understand why such a vision occurred, it is necessary to take into account additional details:

  • large - income will increase significantly and a comfortable life will begin, an important conversation is possible, good news is expected;
  • blue - luck;
  • green – promotion up the career ladder;
  • black – serious problems;
  • stormy - stormy but positive changes are coming;
  • seething - the character of the sleeper will cause stagnation in business, you should be as restrained as possible;
  • stones at the bottom are obstacles that can be easily overcome;
  • stormy mountain - health problems;
  • fast flow - rapid change of events;
  • with fish - the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Crossing a river in a dream

A dream in which you have to cross a river may mean that in reality the dreamer is in a hurry in doing business, which is inappropriate. It is recommended not to force things, but to slow down a little.

A dream in which you have to cross a river may mean that in reality the dreamer is in a hurry to do business

The vision in which you have to swim across a body of water has a completely different interpretation. The fulfillment of most desires is expected.

It is worth noting that any attempt in dreams to get to the opposite shore expresses a desire to change own life in reality, make it much more interesting and eventful and go no matter what to the intended goal. In this case, it matters end result. If you managed to get to the shore, then the goal will certainly be achieved.

Attention should also be paid to how clean the water is. Transparent waters symbolize happy life, but dirty ones foreshadow quarrels and many problems in both personal and family life.

To dream that a river has overflowed its banks

A river overflowing its banks is not the most favorable sign. If you believe the esoteric dream book, then soon the dreamer may face problems in the work sphere. If the spill led to the entire area being flooded, then it is quite possible that in reality the dreamer will not do the best thing in his life.

A river overflowing its banks is not the most favorable sign

The modern dream book interprets such a vision differently. River waters go beyond their limits in the dreams of those people who will soon become rich. A comfortable, prosperous life awaits them, in which there will be no financial problems at all.

A dream in which dirty, rather muddy water has overflowed its banks should alert you. It is possible that the sleeper will have serious health problems. You should listen carefully to your own body so as not to neglect treatment.

A frozen or dried up river in a dream

Naturally, dreams in which a frozen or shallow river is seen have their own meaning. Details in in this case no less important:

  • to see ice on the water - difficulties in completing the work started, which will come from envious people and ill-wishers;
  • walk on ice - all difficulties will be successfully overcome;
  • the river is wide, and the ice is strong and durable enough - problems will be solved as quickly as possible and will not cause difficulties;
  • a thin crust of ice, if you walk on it you can fall - fear of acceptance independent decision. The sleeper needs to be more decisive and take responsibility for the actions and deeds that he commits;
  • drying up of the reservoir - there is not enough in life vivid impressions and violent emotions. It is possible that there is severe fatigue and there is a need for recovery vital energy. It is also possible that an event is expected soon enough that will be unpleasant for the sleeper and will upset him.

Why do you dream about a river (video)

The river, however, like all bodies of water, is a favorable symbol. Most often, such visions foreshadow serious changes in life. In this case, it is necessary to remember all the details of the scenario that was seen in the dream: the interpretation depends on them. But even if the dream book does not promise good news, there is no need to despair. It is quite possible that this is not a harbinger of trouble, but simply a tricky joke of the subconscious.

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The waters of a river seen in a dream can tell a lot about the future and present. A plot in which the river surface was calm and smooth promises only all sorts of life benefits and pleasures. The dream book predicts an incredibly happy period of life. But how can we explain why we dream of waves and dregs? You will find an explanation below.


Swimming is a good sign. The Dream Book of Wanderers says that you are currently in complete harmony with yourself and with the people around you. But the dream should be understood this way only if the water seen in the dream was clean. Swim in muddy water in the river - to change. You don't have to wait for negative ones life changes. It is quite possible that a series of not very pleasant events will ultimately help you achieve what you want and change your life for the better. Did you dream of swimming in a clear river? Grishina's dream book claims that you will be able to cope with all the difficulties and problems that arise along the way. Swimming in a cold river in a dream means that in reality you will have good health.

Swim and cross

Miller describes what it means to dream of crossing a stormy stream. Miller's dream book warns that life will soon take a sharp turn. Hurry up to take advantage of all the good chances that fate will give you. You really need change now. Swimming across a wide river in a dream means fulfilling all your intentions. Consider that the goal has already been achieved. Fording - to making hasty decisions, which, nevertheless, will help solve complex problems. Walking along the bottom of a dry river in a dream means quickly achieving absolutely all your goals. Aesop's Dream Book reports that absolutely no obstacles will arise on your path in the near future.

Spilled and dry

Seeing in a dream that a river has overflowed its banks is not a very good omen. The esoteric dream book believes that such a plot predicts troubles in the service. If a river overflows its banks and floods the entire area in the area, then real life you will commit a very daring act. An explanation of why river waters flood in dreams is also available in the interpreter of the 21st Century. This source believes that this dream promises material enrichment. Life will be prosperous and not overshadowed by financial difficulties. If a river overflowed in a dream and the water was cloudy and dirty, you should expect health problems. Try not to ignore the alarm signals that your body sends you. To dream of a shallow river symbolizes a lack of vital energy. Most likely, you are overtired and need full recovery. Sanatorium rest – best option in your case. The women's dream book warns that a dry riverbed often dreams of sad events. In real life, something will happen very soon that will seriously upset you.

Bridge over the river

Why such a plot is dreamed of is described in detail by the Universal Interpreter. If you dreamed of a bridge over a river, then you will soon have to go through a difficult period. At this time, you will be able to fulfill your dreams, but for this you will have to work hard. If the bridge you saw in a dream is large and strong, then you have chosen in life the right way. Both the profession and the person next to you are exactly what you need. Try not to lose what you have. Did you dream of a small bridge? This predicts that soon the current stage will end and a new one will begin. If you dreamed of crossing the river was woven from a rope, and there was seething water below, this means that in reality you will face major upheavals. Miller's dream book advises not to give in to emotions and solve all problems as they arise.

Drowning in the waters

Grishina explains why such a plot is dreamed of. Grishina's dream book believes that drowning in a river is a sign of joy and happiness. But it is worth interpreting what you saw in a dream in this way only if the waters were clean and calm. Falling into dirty water and feeling like you are going to the bottom is a bad sign. It means that in reality a certain person is deprived of any moral principles, forcing you by cunning and deception to give up a substantial sum of money. If you are not sure whether you can trust a new acquaintance, it is better not to trust him. Before you decide with this person money matters try to get to know him better. Aesop also has an interpretation of the dream in which you saw yourself in the role of drowning. Aesop's Dream Book states that drowning in a river means certain financial difficulties. Moreover, in this case, it does not matter what kind of water you saw in the dream: clean or dirty.

Ice River

Did you dream about ice on the river? This means that in current case, in which you are taking part, certain difficulties will arise. Moreover, the cause of difficulties will be your ill-wishers. Walking along a frozen river in a dream means successfully overcoming all the problems that arise on the way to your goal. If the ice in the dream was strong and durable, then difficulties will be resolved easily and in short term. The meaning of the dream in which you saw a crust of ice on the surface of the river can also be found in the universal interpreter. This dream book suggests that such a dream is a sign that indicates the need to become more independent. Stop waiting for help from other people. Rely only on yourself. Miller explains why you dream about ice drifting on the river. It is believed that ice drift signifies imminent participation in real life in a very profitable event. Moreover, a profitable business will be associated with either trade or fishing.

Various interpretations

The children's dream book compares the river with life. So, if you saw a fast flowing mountain river in a dream, then life will be interesting and eventful various events. If you dream of calm waters, then they promise a rather boring and unremarkable existence. The fast flow of dirty water symbolizes the bad rumors that are circulating around you. The Eastern Dream Book recommends finding out who the source of gossip is and taking measures that will preserve your reputation.
A dream about a cliff over a river predicts a hopeless situation in reality. Jumping from this cliff straight down into the water - to big problems. Velesov's dream book believes that you will be able to overcome difficulties only if you gather all your will into a fist. Otherwise, circumstances will manage to break you. Standing on the bank of a river and seeing fish swimming in its waters means winning money. If it was small, then the income will be small. Another interpretation of what fish means in dreams is that it will soon join the family. Seeing a deep river of blood means changes that will arise in relationships with relatives. Sailing along a bloody river on a boat means being in harmony with your loved ones.

But having deciphered them, we “open” our eyes to many important things. In the article, we look at examples of dreams to understand why you dreamed about a river, a spring, or a crossing.

Dreams continue our daily reality, reflecting the experiences and events associated with it.

Our subconscious communicates with us through dreams ( Higher Powers or the Spirit of Dreams, as you wish), sending us information that helps us assess our mental state and find the cause of current life situations.

Movement through life

Water has the main property of fluidity, which is best embodied in the symbol of the river. Our existence, like a river, flows without stopping, from birth to death, renewing itself along the way, changing character and speed.

How often to the question: “How is life?” we hear in response: “It’s flowing little by little,” “Burbling,” “It’s flowing somehow,” “It’s flowing like a fountain,” “Something is stagnant,” etc.

Just as water moves in a dream (a thin stream, a wide stream, a mountain stream), so we move in our spiritual development, in its reality.

Clean and calm river means clarity of thoughts, a calm and measured existence.

Fast and stormy river- fast-paced events and strong emotions, which overwhelm and can . You need to stop and take a breath so that you don’t “drift” into the wrong “steppe”.

Standing and muddy water in the backwater- stagnant feelings, “stuck” in some situation, thoughts, no clarity, no joy of being. Required new energy, change of impressions, rest.

Obstacles in the river(logs, snags, mud, stones, rapids, dams) - ours negative emotions, mental states and thoughts that prevent you from living a calm and relaxed life. Most often it is fear of current events and uncertainty.

Dream. Swimming in the river between the logs

I see a rather wide and beautiful river with matte blue water. I want to swim and I easily dive into the water with a running start. I surface and see two men in a boat, I talk to them. Suddenly huge logs begin to surround me, they are everywhere, I have to maneuver, stopping or accelerating in order to avoid a collision and get to the shore safely.

I cope with the obstacles and go ashore, the men in the boat also moor to it.

I had a dream during the period of “grating” with publishing house Reader's Digest. The dreamer says:

“We were forced to have a ‘preferential’ subscription to the magazine. From the mailings it was concluded that we would not get anything useful from cooperation, but in materially we'll lose. As they say, “cheese is only free in a mousetrap.”

When this understanding came, we began to refuse mailing lists and subscriptions, but the organization insisted, in a rather arrogant and commanding manner, on continuing and paying for the subscription.

Although we understood that we were right, the commanding tone in the letters and outright blackmail instilled fear. Having comprehended the dream, I realized that I should stick to the chosen position and everything would return to normal.”

A beautiful river and blue water in a dream are beautiful promises and enticements of the Reader's Digest organization.

Muddy (dull) water in a dream means an unclear situation and disturbing thoughts.

Logs - fear and obstacles in terminating the subscription.

Movement in time

If you are carried forward by the current(sail on your own, on a boat, ship, raft) - a dream can symbolize future events or yet unfulfilled plans and dreams.

If you are carried against the current, effortlessly, easily- perhaps there is a situation in the past with unfinished experiences and thoughts that needs to be dealt with in order to return energy to your life that is “stuck” in the past.

Water terminology

We often use it in relation to:

to certain events or psychological states.

We use the following expressions: “”, “like a fish in water”, “thoughts are like a river”, “swimming shallowly”, “water off a duck’s back”, “looking into the water”, etc.

To our colloquial speech:

The words “river” and “speech” have a direct connection. Speaking about speech, we use the same words as for water: “smooth speech”, “words flow”, “pour from empty to empty”, “where is it taking you”, “muddies the water” and others.

Our speech is like a river or stream:

it can be as calm and quiet, passionate and stormy, or soft and exciting, intermittent, stuttering. And the voice is sometimes like a flowing stream or a menacing stream rolling over boulders.

Through speech we express our thoughts, expectations, experiences, hopes.

All this should be kept in mind when interpreting dreams about a river:

If you leave the river in a dream- perhaps you are renouncing something.

Fighting against currents or obstacles- you argue, you prove to someone that you are right, your point of view.

You are carried along the river- There are two possible interpretations here:

you completely trust life and fate, abandoned volitional control.

Uncontrollability- you are carried through life, you do not control it, you are controlled and decided for you by other people or circumstances. When you have such a dream, think about what carries you through life, what emotions, ideas and thoughts guide you, whether you need it.

Spring in a dream

Most often serves as a symbol of the beginning of new states: influx vitality after a period of spiritual decline, illness, readiness to open up to joy and love.

Love is the engine of our life in every way. When we love, we are happy and relaxed, we can easily find answers to exciting questions and the necessary solutions.

Clean spring with cool water- displays harmony internally and with outside world, portends a successful start in business.

Dirty abandoned or littered spring- these are actions, thoughts, emotions that prevent you from loving and enjoying life. Possible connection with family (parents, relatives).

Become aware of what is stopping you from finding peace. Let go of unnecessary and outdated worries about the past by forgiving yourself and others.

Dream. Spring.

I am looking for water with a man in a transparent forest with sparse trees. I see the bed of the spring, it has dried up. Nearby, water slowly flows in a wide strip. Me and the man (he’s kind of like my husband) try the water, it’s warm and tasteless, I want it cool.

I start picking at the ground and it’s as if I’m picking out something white that looks like putty. It’s as if with my gesture I’m removing the blocking and closedness from the “putty” hole. The water poured out quickly and abundantly. She's cold! I call my husband and we drink from the spring together.

According to the dreamer:

“We were going through a difficult period in our marriage. Coldness, closedness, accumulated grievances - everything laid a heavy layer on our relationship and did not allow us to open up to true feelings, because we still love each other.

The day before I was a little sick and had a fever. But what was more upsetting was the cooling relationship with her husband. Before falling asleep, I thought about this for a long time and turned to the Spirit of Dreams with a request to improve my relationship with my husband. At night I saw this dream, which I remembered surprisingly well.”

The dream can be interpreted as follows:

Looking for water in a dream- look for love, energy, that is, life itself.

Dry spring bed- lack of energy, love, life.

Remove putty from the spring- free yourself from mutual grievances and claims, emotional blocking.

Cold fast water - renewal of love, vitality, mutual understanding and joy of relationships.

The dreamer did a good job in her dream and her relationship with her husband soon improved.


Sometimes in a dream we have to swim not with the current, but across it, to reach the opposite shore.

Crossing in a dream is a multifaceted symbol:

  • Moving to another level in your development;
  • Changes in psycho-emotional state;
  • Overcoming emotional barriers;
  • Resistance to life itself.

Your daily psychological state will change as successfully as the crossing in the dream was more successful.

Be sure to pay attention to what you are rushing towards, what awaits you on the other side.

If you are attracted to your father's house, then in a dream we're talking about about returning to yourself, to your true “I”, to your natural essence. And this implies liberation from other people’s influence, stereotypes imposed by society or other people.


If you dreamed of a river, treat such a dream carefully. It will tell you what worries you on a subconscious level, what experiences and thoughts slow you down in your development and movement through life.

The image of a river in a night dream is associated with the passage of time, the transition from the present to. Such a dream foretells success and prosperity if the water is clean and clear, and misfortune in different areas of life if the water is dirty and cloudy.

To find out what else a river means in a dream, you need to remember the smallest details of the dream and compare them with several proven dream books.

What do the interpreters say?

    Miller's Dream Book

    calm river predicts a stable period in life, financial wealth and prosperity, as well as getting a chance to realize oneself. Muddy, dirty promises disagreements with loved ones, a quarrel with superiors or random conflict which will have huge consequences.

    If in a dream a river suddenly appeared in front of a person, then this is a harbinger of imminent troubles in the service. The dreamer, with his rash actions, will provoke a series of events that will lead him to collapse.

    Seeing ice on a river in a dream is a negative sign. Such the dream portends various troubles, in addition, some ill-wisher wants to harm you.

    Swimming in river waters in a dream means the dreamer's firm decision to follow his dream no matter what. Finding yourself in the company of drowned people or drowning indicates that luck will not smile on the dreamer for a very long time, so he will have to rely only on his own strength.

    Dry river - to painful losses and strong feelings.

    Freud's Dream Book

    A river flooding in a dream suggests that in reality, the dreamer has secret intimate fantasies that he is afraid to tell his partner about. the dream indicates excessive modesty a partner to whom he is even afraid to propose such experiments.

    Float with the river means that a person completely surrenders to his feeling of falling in love in reality, without noticing anything around. For a woman, such a dream indicates her falling in love with a person who is not worth it.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Fall into the river in a dream means that the dreamer’s affairs will soon improve and he will receive a lucrative job offer. The dream also promises material gain.

    Fall into the river with your clothes on means that neither the dreamer nor his loved ones will need anything. Swimming against the flow of the river speaks of the strength of character of the sleeper, which will help him cope with all trials.

    Swim ashore from a stormy stream denotes that after several obstacles and trials the person will finally become rich.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Wash your face river water promises loss and anxiety. Swimming across a river in a dream means that in reality a person will have to face serious troubles. Swimming ashore portends receiving good news.

    See how a dam is being built across the river, indicates imminent testing of obstacles on the way. Catching something from the river predicts sorrow and sadness, catching a snake in the water predicts financial well-being. Fishing in the river means winning a love battle, taking your loved one away.

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    I dreamed of a clean river in a dream - this denotes satisfaction with your current life and reluctance to change anything in it. Muddy water in the river predicts imminent quarrels and conflicts between the dreamer and people around him.

    Falling into the river prophesies an opportunity to prove yourself, to show your talent at its best.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Washing with water from the river means that the dreamer will have to solve some problems, which without his intervention will increase many times over. Clear water in the river promises success, while muddy water predicts financial difficulties and possible job loss.

    Wash with water from a waterfall or mountain river warns of the danger of getting sick.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Watch the river flow from the shore portends an interesting and long journey or business trip. Swimming in the water promises increased income, promotion, and getting a more profitable and significant place. Rowing a boat on the river predicts a big win or receiving an expensive gift.

    Ford or swim across a river indicates many obstacles on the way to what you want.

    Dream Interpretation of Hasse

    A clean and fast river in a dream prophesies many joyful events, reward to the dreamer for years of labor and suffering. Swimming in river water promises an inheritance, enrichment at someone else's expense, or a reward for some service.

    Fall into the river in a dream predicts receipt of important news, information that can change the dreamer's current lifestyle.

    Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

    Spilled river in a dream represents the path that a person follows: if the waters are clean and transparent, then the person will successfully implement all his plans, but if the waters are cloudy, then the person will never achieve anything along this path.

    Swim against the tide - This means that in real life a person will begin to lose energy, money, people’s affection, and health. All this happens because he forgot about his purpose and turned in the wrong direction.

    Cross a river in a dream indicates the dreamer's thirst for knowledge, on his desire to constantly study and learn something new.

    Dream Interpretation of Grishina

    Watching the river flow in a dream indicates the sleeper’s readiness for change. Swimming in the river means leading people, being a teacher or mentor for someone. Washing things in the river or washing any objects indicates that the dreamer is the master of his own destiny.

    Drinking water from the river indicates to increase the dreamer's potential, to develop his talent and inner strength.

    Dream Interpretation of Taflisi

    Seeing a river in a dream means that the dreamer will soon meet important person which will significantly affect his life. Drinking river water portends receiving help and support from powerful of the world this.

    If river water tastes salty, there is a possibility that the dreamer will be forced to commit a crime or he will witness it. If the water turns out to be sweet, then a love interest will interfere in the dreamer’s business matters.

    Catch fish from the river portends prosperity and well-being in the sleeping person’s family.

    Muslim dream book

    Sailing a river on a boat means that the man will be busy soon important matter . Going with the flow indicates luck and success, and the fact that a person is under the protection of higher powers.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Watching an object plunge into the river, means the dreamer's involvement in a dubious operation, loss of profit and reputation. Seeing garbage in the river indicates that it is time to start over without regretting the past.

The image of a clean transparent river portends the receipt of pleasant news or profit, the opportunity to meet interesting people. A muddy, dirty river indicates a difficult period in life, problems and financial losses. Muddy water also promises trials in the love sphere.

Calm river flow talks about small troubles and vanity, and a river with a fast flow means the dreamer is conflicting and uncompromising, which is why he often quarrels with people.

frozen river indicates a period of stagnation and boredom. A dry river means health problems, as well as a person’s tendency to hysterics and despondency.

Big and wide river speaks of the dreamer’s intimate fantasies which he cannot bring to life. A narrow river indicates the sleeper’s dependence on something or someone.

Shallow river - lack of vitality. Perhaps these are the consequences of exposure to magical rituals.

Dry river means the dreamer takes advantage of someone else's fame or success to increase self-esteem. A mountainous, raging river symbolizes unexpected changes in life, in particular in the personal sphere.

If the water overflows its banks

If in a dream a river overflows its banks, then this promises troubles in the service and financial difficulties. If the river has flooded the entire surrounding area, including the sleeping person’s house, this foreshadows the commission of a daring act or a risky action.

If a river spills onto a stone embankment, this promises unexpected enrichment and promotion social status dreamer If the water in the river was cloudy, this indicates health problems.

Stand on the edge

Standing calmly on the bank of the river means a peaceful solution to the conflict, harmonious, successful relationship with the opposite sex. The dream promises a young girl a move to another city, where she will meet her chosen one.

Standing on the bank of a fast and noisy river speaks of a person’s propensity for risk and adventure. Standing on the shore during a thunderstorm or storm foreshadows a stormy showdown with your significant other, scandals in the family.

Standing on a steep river bank promises danger and trouble related to violation of the law. Standing on the shore and watching fish splash in the water promises monetary reward and profit.

Your actions in a dream

Swimming in the river indicates that a person is at peace with himself and with the people around him. Swimming in muddy water predicts imminent changes in the way of life, the cause of which will be an accident. Swimming in clear water means good health and longevity.

Swim across the river - means to cope with all the trials and obstacles in life. Swimming against the current in a dream means that the dreamer is betraying his dream and following strangers. Wading across a body of water indicates the dreamer’s rash actions, taken in the heat of the moment.

Walking along the bottom of a dry river means that the dreamer will achieve his goals easily and quickly. Walking on the surface of the water speaks of receiving a priceless gift from your relative.

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