Public opinion as a means of moral education. Law

Techniques and means of formation public opinion in the military team, its use in the educational process.

Collective opinion is the aggregate of individual opinions of the majority of personnel. It expresses the assessment position, views and beliefs of military personnel.

The opinions of the military collective take shape and develop under the influence of public ideology of morality, requirements military oath and charters, orders of the commander, decisions of various kinds of meetings. Therefore, it acts as an indicator of consciousness, the ideological orientation of the maturity of the team, a factor that actively influences the psychology of the warrior’s personality. A correctly formed opinion helps to effectively influence the increase in the combat effectiveness of a unit and strengthen discipline.

It is known that every soldier, willingly or unwillingly, weighs his actions and activities with the opinion of the commander and the majority of the personnel, as well as the most authoritative colleagues. This is a kind of pattern, because the collective opinion, expressing the mind, will and feelings of the majority, causes a person to strive for self-improvement. The motivating power of collective opinion is also explained by the fact that the individual is afraid of negative assessments by the majority, which reduce his authority in the team.

The cohesion of the military team plays an important role in shaping public opinion. Thus, when a team is just being created, it is much more difficult for the commander to form a common opinion, because the soldiers have not yet become close and do not understand each other. It is known that a young soldier with increased attention relates to his commander, to senior and authoritative warriors. During this period, so-called compliance is observed, or, in other words, the susceptibility of newcomers to the individual opinions of individual unscrupulous soldiers. It is then that an individual-group opinion may appear in the team that differs from the opinion of the commander and the majority of the personnel. Since, as a rule, a negative group opinion takes under the protection of careless, undisciplined individuals and comes into conflict with the general opinion of the team.

Research shows that the opinions of commanding officers educational structures on various service issues for most warriors play decisive role in the formation of their certain views and judgments. Power and experience, respect and trust make every word of the commander, educational officer, authoritative and impressive. This alone, not to mention other reasons, obliges the officer to avoid rash judgments and conclusions. Psychologists recommend: before uttering any thought out loud, an officer must think it over carefully, since it will certainly affect the behavior of his subordinates. The persuasiveness and categoricalness of the officer’s words, as evidenced by the practice of everyday life, do not leave even a shadow of doubt about the correctness and clarity of the position, especially in combat conditions.

The effect of collective opinion in battle, as well as in the performance of responsible tasks in Peaceful time(combat duty, guard duty, exercises, etc.) is distinguished by a special unity of views and value judgments, and a high degree of compliance with statutory requirements.

The decisive prerequisite for the stability of collective opinion is ideological conviction, love for the Motherland, faith in the commander and one’s weapon. This position is confirmed by the experience of combat activities of the Armed Forces during the Second World War, local wars and conflicts. Deep ideological conviction, patriotism, and unity of thoughts among commanders and subordinates provided our military teams with steadfastness in battle and the will to win in the most difficult conditions.

It is well known that politics produces the desired results when it is based on precise consideration of the interests of classes, social groups, and individuals. Society is specific people, they have specific interests, their own ideas about life, its real and imaginary values. This idea is also true for the military collective, in which specific interests of specific military personnel become the source of group and collective assessments and judgments. Everyday practice confirms that the higher the quality of individual-ideological influence on a warrior, the sharper his political vigilance and the more effective the opinion of the collective.

Close spiritual contact with a person, the ability to understand his thoughts and interests is a guarantee of mutual respect, unity of views and maintaining a healthy moral and psychological atmosphere in the unit. Where individual educational work is weakened, where they do not know how to carry it out, do not listen to the voice of subordinates, do not give timely necessary advice, recommendations, various unfounded judgments and even negative opinions arise.

Public opinion as a socio-psychological process has three conditional stages of development:

AT THE FIRST STAGE of development, warriors perceive, experience and evaluate an action or event, each has their own subjective assessment and a strictly individual opinion - judgment.

AT THE SECOND STAGE of forming a common opinion, warriors exchange thoughts, assessments, and judgments. This stage can take place calmly within each group.

AT THE THIRD STAGE, groups of warriors, as a rule, argue, defend their assessments, points of view, emotionally convince each other, coming to a unity of views.

In order to optimize the management of public opinion, an experienced commander or educator will not miss the moment of the first stage, when soldiers are still experiencing the event that has excited them and their attitude towards it has not yet been formed.
The main thing at this moment is to prevent the emergence of immature views and biased assessments. In this regard, the officer is assisted by activists, informal leaders among colleagues, who quickly respond to the news, give it the correct assessment, and form a positive attitude toward the perception of information.

At the second stage, it is more difficult for an officer to change the incorrect judgments of individual military personnel, since individual-group opinion has a certain inertia. In this case, only by opposition can additional facts be communicated to the team without mentioning incorrect judgments.

Managing public opinion and providing principled criticism and self-criticism is not easy. The experience of working to form a mature collective opinion shows that it is necessary to criticize, first of all, not minor mistakes and individual statements, but serious violations of military discipline or a stable negative orientation of the individual.

Unfortunately, when some individual young officers try to make almost every case of violation of statutory provisions a subject of discussion among personnel, trying to enlist the support of a collective opinion, which in practice does not justify itself.

Public opinion is successfully formed at general meetings. In advanced units they are preceded by a lot of organizational work. They also give an important place to group conversations.

The methodology for conducting these conversations is quite simple. Questions, as a rule, are posed by an officer, and one of the soldiers answers them, others complement or refute him. The officer directs the conversation so that everyone has their say. Sometimes this doesn’t work out, because some warriors are silent, embarrassed to appear funny or incompetent. A separate conversation is conducted with the silent ones, during which the commander finds out their opinion on this or that issue. The officer carefully analyzes the results of group and individual conversations and draws a conclusion about the nature of public opinion on this issue.

IN in some cases written questionnaires and personal conversations - interviews are used to analyze public opinion. They may contain questions that reveal information about an individual or a team, facts of behavior in the past and present, an assessment of events or attitudes towards an individual warrior, group, collective. It is advisable to conduct conversations as often as possible in order to record the level of development of the psychology of the team and the dynamics of public opinion.

The material collected using questionnaires, conversations, surveys, meetings and other methods about the judgments and views of groups and the team as a whole is subjected to careful processing by comparing and contrasting the received answers from their analysis.

Thus, constant and reliable communication with personnel, regular information about current events, improvement of ideological, political and moral education warriors, an active offensive struggle against petty-bourgeois psychology are the most important conditions for managing public opinion. A military team, psychologically prepared to overcome difficulties and dangers, quickly eliminates individual tension and does not allow emotional conflicts or panic. Such a team is capable of successfully performing any combat mission.


The multi-stage structure of the concept of “public opinion” is considered as a state of public consciousness, reflecting a certain collective position on problems and phenomena. Public opinion today is considered a powerful driving force, spiritual power in military organizations, a significant factor in the management, education and regulation of the educational process. Positively directed public opinion of the military collective develops the social activity of soldiers, helps to strengthen discipline and order, increase the level of cohesion and combat readiness of units and units of the army and navy. Public opinion in the military collective performs the following functions: analytical, evaluative, constructive, directive and control. The features and stages of formation of public opinion in military groups are presented. The method of persuasion is described as an important component of the formation of public opinion in military educational organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.


public opinion

higher education


1. Vlasichev A.N. Pedagogical ways of forming public opinion among military personnel of the Strategic Missile Forces: dis. ...cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01 / A.N. Vlasichev; Military University. – M., 2009. – 235 p.

2. Zheshko V.N., Bogatyreva O.V. Basics of organizing educational work in the department: tutorial/ V.N. Zheshko, O.V. Bogatyreva. – Penza: PAII, 2016. – 206 p.

3. Klimenko O.A., Patukhin A.A. Study of the process of forming public opinion using cellular automata // Young scientist. – 2014. – No. 16. – P. 161-164.

4. Markov K.V. Individual psychological characteristics of future military specialists / K.V. Markov // Innovative pedagogical technologies: materials of the international. scientific conf. (Kazan, October 2014). – Kazan: Buk, 2014. – P. 297-300.

5. Psychology and pedagogy. Military psychology and pedagogy: textbook / A.V. Beloshitsky, M.V. Petrovskaya, Yu.F. Semonenko, A.G. Tereshchenko, I.Yu. Ustinov; under general ed. G.V. Zibrova. – Voronezh: VAIU, 2012. – 333 p.

6. The role of public opinion in the military collective. – URL: http:// psyhologiya/114-voennaya-psyhologia.html?start=19.

Modern disintegration processes in society require a comprehensive analysis of their impact on the defense capability of our state. New conditions also dictate new approaches to solving traditional problems of maintaining the combat readiness of units, military discipline and order, and moral and psychological training of personnel at the proper level. At the same time, new tasks emerged, dictated by the defensive nature of the military doctrine, the reform of the Armed Forces, and their significant reduction. Acute problems have arisen related to the social and legal protection of military personnel and members of their families.

Today, commanders and military specialists need comprehensive scientific knowledge specific features, the essence and meaning of social skills, the conditions of its functioning and formation, the ability to study and take into account in practical activities assessments and judgments of military personnel about facts and problems.

Public opinion today is considered a powerful driving force, spiritual power in military organizations, a significant factor in the management, education and regulation of the educational process.

Public opinion is one of the phenomena that with great difficulty amenable to comprehensive analysis and strict definition. Currently, you can find many definitions of public opinion. However, at the moment, one point of view is reflected in most scientific works and is considered generally accepted. Public opinion is a form of mass consciousness in which the attitude (hidden or explicit) of various groups of people to events and processes of real life that affect their interests and needs is manifested.

Positively directed public opinion of the military collective develops the social activity of soldiers, helps to strengthen discipline and order, increase the level of cohesion and combat readiness of units and units of the army and navy.

It is important to note that public opinion performs a number of main functions of management activities:

  • analytical;
  • evaluative;
  • constructive;
  • directive;
  • test.

When a problem or event arises that affects the interests and needs of the military collective, a systematic group discussion and analysis of the features of what is happening begins. At this moment, there is a kind of public examination of the event and facts, the value and significance of which is determined by the experience of people, their official position, level of knowledge and education.

Analytical judgments inevitably lead to evaluative judgments. Matching ratings reflect positive or negative attitude to a fact or event. And these assessments cannot be ignored in plans for the educational work of officials of military collectives. It must be borne in mind that value judgments, especially prevailing ones, create the general psychological mood of people towards certain actions, behavior, and relationships with the ensuing consequences. The attitude towards a fact, event, problem is not limited to their analysis and assessment. At the same time, people think about how to use the fact, how to solve the problem that has arisen in their own interests, in the interests of the team and society. In consciousness, appropriate designs of measures and approaches are built, goals and means of achieving possible (desirable) results are comprehended. And if these designs basically coincide and are fired for the most part social community, if they are reflected in the corresponding judgments, we are dealing with the constructive function of public, collective, group opinion.

The constructive function is closely related to the directive function. In the case when the constructive function is superimposed on the understanding of the masses vital necessity solve the problem in an appropriate way, public opinion acts as a directive force.

The management functions of public opinion also include the control function. Control of the masses, control from below has been and will always be important means democracy of management. This form of control is distinguished by its versatility and continuity. Everything that affects the interests and needs of the masses is the subject of their constant close attention. They are always up to date. And they watch with particular passion how the decisions that have become their business are implemented.

In military educational organizations higher education The role of group, collective and public opinion is especially great as education factor, conscious, purposeful and systematic formation of the cadet’s personality, his preparation for socially useful activities. The prevailing judgments and evaluations in the educational department, as well as in other social communities, play an educational role in two aspects. Firstly, as a condition of education. Secondly, as a means educational influence.

Public opinion has characteristics:

  • focus ( opinions reflect the general qualitative assessment problems, attitude towards it in the form of judgments);
  • intensity;
  • stability (opinions exist for a long time);
  • information saturation;
  • social support;
  • scale;
  • coherence (consistency);
  • prevalence.

The formation of public, collective opinion in a military team is a complex and purposeful, specially organized process that has its own characteristics and directions.

Let us briefly consider the features of the formation of public, collective opinion in military educational organizations of the Ministry of Defense.

The ultimate goal of forming public opinion is the necessary, progressive, mature attitude of the absolute majority of members of the military collective towards a specific fact, event or problem. It is the goal that serves as the core criterion for assessing the formation of necessary relationships to the fact.

Sphere of military activity - special area. It is characterized by moral and physical stress, stressful situations, and also a threat to life. That is why any military problem, as a rule, affects the interests of not only the collective, but also each soldier. Many intra-military problems are perceived by military personnel more acutely, closer, and more interested than global, national, and regional problems. Training in military educational organizations radically changes the conditions of their life, breaks the usual civilian way of life, causes qualitative changes in the consciousness, instilling spiritual values ​​in the personality of a warrior.

Public opinion emerges gradually, going through the main stages.

On first stage there is an indirect or direct perception, obtaining certain information about a fact, event, public life, the life of a military collective. Military personnel show interest, certain feelings and ideas about the source of interest begin to arise. Here it is very important to ensure that from the very beginning, military personnel receive information about the fact that will work to develop the desired attitude towards the fact. To miss this opportunity is to put yourself in the position of “do-over”. And remaking is often harder than creating something new. Everything must be done to ensure that information about a fact that distorts its essence is not decisive.

Second phase. There is a process of comprehending the information received about the fact, and the comprehension is individual character. In the sphere of individual consciousness, the perception and evaluation of information occurs. It is at this stage that a personal opinion is formed through the prism of one’s own experience, based on interests and specific conditions. A feature of the period is an intense thought process. During this process it is produced own position, personal attitude to the fact. At this stage, officials are obliged to notice differences in individual opinions, evaluate their nature and direction, and correct them if necessary.

Third stage. It is characterized by the fact that the formed personal opinion begins to manifest itself. In the process of discussion and discussion, opinions and assessments are exchanged. Based on this exchange, differences in opinions and judgments arise, and their struggle occurs. Both individual and social consciousness are involved in such a process. For example, a survey of graduating year cadets of the Kazan branch of the Chelyabinsk Tank Institute showed that 75 percent of them continue to discuss controversial problems of seminars in social and humanitarian disciplines in the unit, dormitory, with their families, and with friends outside the university. This is where many people experience new opportunity in the process of communication, receive confirmation of your point of view, not only developed during the second stage, but also by recording the reaction of other listeners, that is, receive not just semantic (knowledge), but also psychological (emotional) support for your position.

Fourth stage . Individual opinions and points of view identified during discussions and debates are consistently grouped and united around the general fundamental foundations of the problems being discussed. Coinciding judgments and assessments are united, and points of view opposing the prevailing ones become obvious.

It is important for everyone who is engaged in studying and forming public opinion to remember that any discussion or clash of opposing opinions must be completed. Therefore, when selecting a leader for such an event, you should take into account all possible options outcome of the discussion. The leader must be professionally prepared, helpfully polite to all participants in the discussions, erudite, able to subtly respond to all changes in mood during the dispute, predict the possible outcome, goal, and final result.

Fifth stage. The stage of quantitative and qualitative growth of public opinion. Depending on its character, they intensify positive functions, negative ones decrease.

In essence, each of the named stages is associated with a single and holistic process formation of public opinion among military personnel. All stages are in a certain relationship and interdependence.

It is important for officers, teachers and psychologists to remember the stages of formation of public opinion among military personnel and their sequence.

In a military collective, the leading method of forming public opinion is suggestion. With the help of suggestion a certain psychological atmosphere and a favorable environment for the formation of the necessary attitude towards the ongoing processes among the relevant group of military personnel. It has been noted that through organized or random, direct or indirect suggestion (especially at the initial stage) there is a very strong and tangible impact on the formation of the opinion of soldiers. In this case, the degree of suggestion can be different. Usually it is directly dependent on the level of knowledge, general development, life and service experience, will and character of the warrior’s personality.

When using persuasion as a method of forming public opinion, one should not lose sight of the active participation of military personnel in communication and perception of information. In the process of discussing a particular issue, people themselves develop certain beliefs based on their interests, goals, ideals and specific conditions in which they live, are on combat duty, and perform military service duties. The process of communication between military personnel and discussion of pressing issues turns them into a subject of opinion formation. This moment is extremely important and fundamental for guiding the process of forming public opinion.

The process of forming a collective opinion can be observed in various forms of communication between soldiers: during a meeting, in a friendly conversation during rest, when discussing films, books, and press materials. By participating in these forms of communication, observing how agreement is reached on positions and views on issues of concern to personnel, how differences are overcome, commanders draw conclusions about the significant moral and psychological characteristics of the team.

The mechanism for forming the necessary attitude of military personnel to a socially significant event, important issue, ultimately, is intended to eliminate the characteristic of the formation object, i.e. that does not meet the requirements. In solving this problem, it is extremely important to take into account the dependence of the results of the activity on the level of preparedness of the subject, on the correspondence of the means of forming opinions to the intended goals, on the availability of the necessary opportunities and real conditions and, of course, on that starting position, on that stock of knowledge and beliefs , from which the formation is carried out. These dependencies are permanent and objective nature. We rightfully consider them as patterns in the formation of the necessary attitudes of military personnel to socially significant events and problems. It is these patterns that are the basis of the principles of forming public opinion, most of which constitute the general principles of training and education. A number of principles deserve special emphasis:

  • focus on eliminating the characteristic of the formation object;
  • an integrated approach to considering and solving problems of formation;
  • scientific organization of the formative process;
  • the appropriateness of formative actions;
  • coordination of efforts;
  • unity of understanding of the goals of formation.

The study of public opinion is the process of obtaining, accumulating, storing and processing information that records the state and dynamics of public opinion of the military collective, functioning in the form of value judgments of military personnel about socially significant events in their lives. This information is obtained by various methods. These include surveys, observations, study of documents, scientific and practical conferences and other methods. The activities of commanders in studying public opinion make it possible to reveal a number of significant aspects in the life of military personnel, record their reaction to certain events related to solving the problems of combat readiness, combat training, and judge their effectiveness, which, in turn, is one of the important prerequisites promotion social activity military personnel and expanding communications between command and military personnel. When determining specific methods for studying public opinion, it is advisable to proceed from practice-tested general methodological principles, which allows a scientific approach to defining the subject of public opinion research, setting tasks and developing a research program, choosing appropriate research methods and practical recommendations for commanders and their deputies for educational work.

To successfully overcome problems in the life of various military groups caused by the economic, political, social, spiritual situation in the country, it is extremely important to correctly and systematically study such a social phenomenon as the public opinion of military personnel, and effectively use it to improve performance military service.

Bibliographic link

URL: (access date: 03/31/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

In the system of means of moral education, an important place belongs to public opinion. Being a value judgment of classes and other social communities of people on issues of public life, it affects their interests, expresses the public’s attitude towards various events, facts, phenomena, activities and behavior of people. Public opinion as a value judgment expressing the attitude of the public is organically connected with morality. Moral norms rely on the strength of public opinion, are established and supported by it, just as public opinion, in turn, relies on moral norms. It is clear that education in the spirit of morality cannot but rely on it.

Public opinion, embodied in collective opinion, is the most important spiritual force of the team. However, the opinions of the team and society do not always completely coincide. If public opinion is the state of consciousness of society as a whole, then collective opinion is the state of consciousness of the collective, a set of value judgments shared by the majority or all members of the collective, the general position of the collective, its attitude to certain events and facts of life.

This or that collective has its own moods, views, judgments, that is, its own consciousness, which often does not completely coincide with the mood, views and judgments of each individual member, as well as with similar manifestations in other groups. Collective opinion expresses what most fully expresses common interests. But it does not capture all the shades of views and judgments of each member of the team.

The opinion of the collective is embodied in the decisions it makes (of course, the imperative force of the decision depends on the nature of the collective), in the norms operating within it, social attitudes and other formations of collective consciousness. Through collective opinion, control is exercised over people’s actions, their psychological preparation for solving the goals and tasks facing the collective. It acts as one real power which sometimes has a decisive impact on human behavior. Under its influence, the process of transforming external requirements into internal ones occurs, perseverance, determination, consistency arises, and the ability to mobilize one’s capabilities and energy is formed.

The educational role of collective opinion is that the individual uses it to judge the opinion of society as a whole and perceives the demands of the collective as the demands of society. Furthermore, she looks at the world, evaluates events and facts, largely under the influence of the collective. The level and nature of collective opinion leaves deep trace in the individual consciousness of a person. Under its influence, a person learns which actions the collective approves and which they condemn. Opinion for him becomes a measure of expediency and reasonableness of behavior from the standpoint of the collective.

Public opinion carries out its educational role mainly through moral control of people’s activities and behavior. The function of moral control is determined by the fact that the most important aspect of all relations existing in society are moral relations. In socialist collectives, they develop in accordance with the norms of communist morality, act as the relationship of a person to a collective, a person to a person, a collective to other groups, a collective to a person, a collective to society and are subject to the control of public opinion.

In our society, perhaps, there is no such group, no matter how small or large it may be, which would not, through its opinion, influence the relations between people and their behavior. The variety of relationships and connections that arise in the process of a person’s participation in the life of groups such as work, education, family, and sports contributes to the harmonious development of the individual. At the same time, the purposeful formation of a moral personality is impossible without the coherence and consistency of such groups in their requirements for human behavior, without proper moral control. Lack of coherence of moral control can give rise to duality in consciousness and behavior. Thus, it has been noticed that not all people still have firm convictions about the need to comply with moral standards. One of the reasons for this is the difference in moral requirements that are presented to a person by different groups. Moreover, even if such beliefs have developed, then during the transition, for example, from a work team with high demands to a work team with low demands, the belief in the need to comply with moral standards loses its support and may lose its binding nature.

A person’s attitude to general opinion, that is, to public and collective opinion, depends to a certain extent on the person’s position in the team, in society. Let's say the director of a plant is a member of the production team and at the same time acts as a leader in relation to it. The position of a leader obliges you to listen sensitively to the opinion of the team, but at the same time it opens up the opportunity to put your own opinion above the collective one and not take it into account. And in life there are often cases when a team criticizes its leader, but he abuses his official position and interferes with the expression of collective opinion. For such leaders, collective opinion is not authority, and not because it is unfair, but because these leaders have an incorrect understanding of their place in the team.

Psychologically, this is explained (but is by no means justified) by the fact that not all managers understand and feel their responsibility to the team in which they work. For some of them, the team is only subordinates, and they expect flattery and admiration from them, but not blame, condemnation and not even praise. Praise assumes the superiority of the one who praises, but they do not recognize the superiority of the team.

The positive role of collective opinion and social influence is becoming more and more noticeable in the life of our society. At the same time, the enormous advantages of educational influence from collective opinion in comparison with administrative measures become more obvious.

Under administrative influence, a person acts as an object of education. When addressing him as a member of the team, responsible not only for himself personally, but also for the team, a higher type of responsibility for his behavior is exercised - moral responsibility. Collective opinion is addressed to a person’s conscience and duty, that is, to the consciousness of responsibility for one’s behavior before the collective.

The same demands, but expressed not by an individual, but by a collective opinion, are perceived by a person in a different way: they are more quickly perceived as objective and fair. For example, a penalty imposed by the administration of an enterprise can be protested by a group of fellow workers. But if the public condemns, then a person has to think more seriously about his behavior. A person evaluates his actions in accordance with the judgments of general opinion, which acts as a “measure of himself” for a person. Acting in such a role, the opinion of the collective thereby acquires great value in moral education.

In comparison with administrative influence, public opinion also has the peculiarity that it has a constant impact on the individual. Therefore, by exercising constant moral control over human behavior, it can prevent violations of social norms.

Public opinion, speaking out on specific actions of people, invades the sphere of their moral beliefs and feelings, influences them, giving an assessment of people's behavior and their actions from the standpoint of communist morality.

Moral feelings are high and complex shape expressions inner world person. They arise when a person in his behavior begins to proceed not from private, but from public interests. This presupposes a high level of consciousness of the individual, his understanding of the need to combine his personal interests with public interests. When there is no such understanding, then a person’s desires and aspirations are not based and not supported by high moral feelings and convictions. It is in such a situation that public opinion comes to the rescue, supporting and reinforcing moral convictions with its authority.

The strengthening and development of moral beliefs and feelings depends on the constant demands of public opinion on individual behavior. If a person’s act, which does not correspond to moral standards, is not condemned by the collective with all severity and justice, then this person’s sense of conscience becomes dulled. If the general opinion of the team does not react at all to such actions, then this leads to the fact that when a person violates moral norms, he gradually ceases to feel remorse. On the contrary, general collective condemnation of an immoral act causes a heightened sense of shame in front of one’s comrades.

General opinion, which constantly and timely reacts to a person’s immoral actions, exerts its influence not only by expressing its judgments, but also by the very possibility of such a statement. Therefore, knowledge of the requirements of collective opinion for the behavior of an individual strengthens his consciousness and sense of conscience and duty.

Under the influence of public opinion, a person develops a feeling self-esteem. What this feeling will be like also depends on the demands on a person’s behavior. A healthy general opinion will not allow this feeling to develop into conceit, arrogance, or arrogant pride. By nurturing moral beliefs and feelings, it gives integrity moral character a person whose knowledge, understanding of the principles of behavior and feelings organically merge.

Performing the functions of moral control, public opinion cultivates highly moral incentives for people's activities and behavior. Thus, the incentives for work activity include both personal motives (material and spiritual) and social (ideological) motives. Personal motivations for a person’s labor activity include material interest in the results of their work and the desire to gain public recognition. Public recognition of a person’s labor merits to the team and society evokes elation and a desire to work even better. Sensitivity to public praise, along with material interest, is one of the incentives creative activity. Praise, recognition of a person’s merits to the team expresses a common opinion.

The general opinion has a strong emotional impact directly both on the person to whom it is addressed and on others, calling for them to imitate a worthy example.

A person’s motives for work are far from being limited to his personal material interest and the desire to gain public recognition. They also include ideological motives determined by awareness of public interests. The importance of ideological incentives to work is enormous. They help overcome difficulties encountered along the way and encourage selfless work. Ideological motivations, such as Soviet patriotism and devotion to the cause of communism, were manifested in the scope of socialist competition for the successful implementation of the decisions of party congresses.

Supporting patriotic causes Soviet people in the development of new forms of socialist competition, public opinion strengthens ideological incentives to work, exalts and morally encourages work, contributes to the formation and strengthening of positive traditions in the world of work. And by strengthening such traditions, it also directs the development of personal incentives to work. In all this, the huge role of collective opinion is reflected.

Work collectives have already accumulated extensive experience in material and moral incentives. However, not all issues related to the effective use of incentives have already been resolved. L.I. Brezhnev, speaking at the 16th Congress of Trade Unions of the USSR, said that while improving material incentives, it is at the same time necessary to seriously increase the role of moral incentives.

It is very important to reduce moral incentives not only to awards, but also to be able to create such an atmosphere, such an opinion, so that at every enterprise, in every team, they know well who works and how, and give everyone what they deserve. Everyone should be confident that good work and decent behavior in the team will always receive recognition and appreciation.

Moral stimulation of work activity by public opinion is the most important prerequisite for increasing social activity and an indicator of the increasing role of public opinion in moral education in modern conditions.

Thus, public opinion, influencing a person’s beliefs and feelings, condemning immoral behavior and, on the contrary, praising highly moral behavior, forms a moral personality.

The influence of public opinion on the formation of habits and traditions.

Exercising moral control and maintaining moral incentives for people's activities and behavior allows public opinion to form habits in the individual consciousness, and traditions of moral behavior in the collective and public consciousness. The formation of habits and traditions can also be considered as one of the important functions of public opinion in moral education.

Habits of moral behavior are the needs, inclinations, and aspirations of a person for actions that have moral value and methods for their implementation that are relatively stable.

V.I. Lenin repeatedly drew attention to the need to develop habits. But he did not limit the issue of developing habits only to the area of ​​​​simple norms human hostel. In his work “From the destruction of an age-old way of life to the creation of a new one,” Lenin wrote about turning the need to work for the common good into a habit.

The importance of instilling habits of proper behavior in our society is already quite understood. The existing prejudice in this regard stems from a misunderstanding of the nature of habits, especially moral habits, which are complex psychological formations. The point is that habit excludes supposed belief and leads to automatism, and since this is so, there should be no emphasis on developing habits.

In habit there is, undoubtedly, an element of automatism in performing actions. Hegel also said that in this concept, conscious activity is combined with the opposite unconscious mechanical flow of processes, in which the individual is more invisible, and only the general is brought to the fore. When a person, for example, learns to read or write, every letter and every line forms a very noticeable representation, but when, through long exercises, he fully learns to read and write, he notices only the whole, and not the individual. But automatism in no way exhausts the concept of habit. Arising through long repetitions and exercises, a habit includes in its content the purposeful activity of consciousness.

Moral habits of action are associated with a person’s thinking, understanding a specific situation, planning, etc. They are very flexible forms of behavior, for which, unlike elementary, say, hygienic habits, strictly defined actions and operations are not assigned. At the same time, the presence of moral habits helps to navigate in certain moral situations, since a person develops an attitude towards observing the moral code of the builder of communism in his behavior.

Habit, therefore, does not and cannot exclude belief. It develops, as a rule, on its basis and becomes one of the forms of its implementation in human behavior. Conviction is strengthened by the presence of appropriate habits. There are many cases in life when a person who has committed an immoral act knows moral standards and understands that they cannot be violated. And this happens precisely because conscious attitude he had not yet become accustomed to questions of behavior. Formed habits allow one to overcome the emerging contradictions between the awareness of proper behavior and the implementation of this awareness. Moral beliefs and feelings become moral qualities as they begin to be embodied in practical behavior due to the organic need for a certain course of action. That is why, when solving problems of moral education, the question of habits inevitably arises.

The role of public opinion is also great in the formation of traditions, including moral ones. Traditions accumulate the social experience of people and through them pass them on from one generation to another. Thanks to traditions, continuity of the past, present and future is ensured.

In socialist society, a whole system of revolutionary, military-patriotic, labor and family traditions has developed. Moral traditions are included in their content without losing their specificity due to the relative independence of moral relations. The moral experience of our society is concentrated in moral traditions.

The purposeful formation of traditions in the process of moral education presupposes knowledge of their specifics, the principles of the approach to their formation, as well as the conditions and sources of their formation and development. In philosophical, sociological, ethical literature, when defining traditions, some of them are highlighted common features: relative stability, ability to pass from generation to generation. However, researchers are faced with difficulties in determining the essence and nature of traditions. Some of them attribute traditions to social consciousness and consider them as norms of behavior (especially moral), norms public relations. Others do not completely identify traditions with consciousness and include ideological relations in their content. Still others connect traditions with both ideological relations and material relations.

Traditions, apparently, should not be reduced to the sphere of consciousness and considered only as spiritual phenomena. Firstly, they exist as a reality inherent in the social relations of people and their activities. Secondly, they exist as a reflection of reality in the consciousness, enshrined in certain ideas and views, in symbols, in images, etc. Forms and methods of manifestation of real social relations of people and their activities, regularly repeating, take on a traditional character, become traditions , As K. Marx noted, “if a form has existed for a certain time, it is strengthened as a custom and tradition...”.

The existence of traditions - as reality, as an aspect of social relations and people's activities, as a reflection of this reality in consciousness - creates considerable difficulties in the process of overcoming old, outdated traditions, when the relationships that gave rise to them have already been eliminated, and reflection in the form of ideas, views, rituals, etc. are preserved as relics of the past and interfere with the establishment of the new. This also creates obstacles in the formation of new traditions. The difficulties are reflected in the fact that while the forms of manifestation of socialist social relations, for example, in everyday life, have not assumed a traditional character, the implantation of new civil rituals requires considerable effort.

The understanding of the essence and nature of traditions in social science was affected by the existence of traditions as real forms and ways of human activity and social relations (material and ideological), as a reflection of reality itself. This was expressed primarily in the interpretation of tradition only as a category social psychology, in reducing its content to spiritual elements.

Due to the fact that traditions are realities that exist both in consciousness and outside consciousness, and are inherent not only in ideological but also in material relations, they have great stability, vitality and play a significant role in all spheres of social life (this role can be positive or negative, because both progressive and conservative traditions can take place in society). The content and role of traditions are determined by the social relations in which they act as forms of manifestation.

Socialist traditions are associated with socialist social relations and in their content accumulate vast social experience accumulated in the struggle for the establishment of a new social system, in the process of socialist and communist construction. Socialist traditions are historically arose, strengthened and passed on from generation to generation forms of social relations, people's livelihoods, and their way of life.

The source of the formation of socialist traditions is social practice. Social relations, repeating themselves in the lives of a number of generations, lead to the emergence of traditions. For the formation of traditions, therefore, a historically certain period of time is necessary, during which the forms of social relations and human activities are passed on from generation to generation, acquiring a stable, traditional character. The continuity of social relations and the forms of their manifestation becomes characteristic of the traditions themselves.

The formation of traditions is essentially a natural-historical process. At the same time, people can consciously strive to create new moral relations and to form appropriate traditions. In this sense, it is legitimate to talk about conscious principles in the formation and development of tradition. And these principles are becoming increasingly widespread under socialism. It is clear that the question of spontaneity in the formation of new traditions does not go away, but conscious principles prevail under socialism. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the role of purposefully organized public opinion in the formation and strengthening of traditions.

The role of public opinion is reflected in the fact that its demands are embodied and consolidated in the ideological content of traditions. Differences between public opinion and traditions can be represented as differences between the present and the past in the consciousness of society. What worries people today, the issues that they are currently solving, are the subject of public opinion. Constantly repeating social practice, approved by public opinion, consolidates the forms of manifestation of certain social relations, activities, and behavior of people in strong institutions, i.e. in tradition.

The ideological content of traditions has some independence in relation to the phenomena that gave rise to them and can lead to a weakening of the connection between them. At the same time, there is a need for support from public opinion. In establishing new traditions, it is important to rely on the experience acquired by party and other public organizations in their formation and use in ideological and educational work. As an example, we can refer to the experience of a number of regional party organizations; Odessa, Yaroslavl, Irkutsk, etc. Thus, the Odessa regional party organization has accumulated considerable experience in working on patriotic education. Odessa Komsomol members were one of the initiators of the All-Union campaign of Komsomol members and youth to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory of the party and people

Socialist labor traditions as a necessary feature of the socialist way of life have developed throughout history Soviet society and are now becoming widespread. For example, when forming new labor traditions in Yaroslavl region great attention Communists are turning to their every possible strengthening and widespread use in the life of labor collectives. “Notable in this regard is the activity of the party organization and the administration of the Yaroslavl Motor Plant, where they skillfully use the best labor traditions to solve pressing problems... development of production... The party organization in every possible way develops an innovative attitude to work inherent in the traditions that the Stakhanovites and shock workers of the first five-year plans passed on to the modern working class » The Irkutsk party organization also pays close attention to continuity and further development labor traditions. In both areas, they attach great importance to the use of such new rituals and ceremonies in the education of workers as ceremonial initiation into workers, honoring leaders of production, labor veterans, etc.

The experience of the Odessa, Yaroslavl and Irkutsk party organizations allows us to judge that the formation, strengthening and transmission of socialist traditions under the influence of public opinion is a constant concern of communists.

Role public opinion in the fight against deviations from socialist moral norms.

The CPSU Program gives high mark the role of public opinion in the fight against the remnants of the past and indicates the increase in its importance as our society moves towards communism. At the 25th Congress of our Party, attention was drawn to the need for widespread use in the fight against deviations from socialist moral norms, along with other means, of the opinion of the labor collective 3 .

The effectiveness of public opinion is revealed in the struggle for the establishment of socialist morality. The difficulties that arise in this case are due to the fact that individual consciousness is formed not only under the influence of social life, it is also influenced by the specific conditions of a person’s life and his environment. Therefore, under the influence of certain undesirable phenomena, he may develop incorrect ideas and views. It is primarily the responsibility of the public to combat misconceptions and views, as well as the reasons that gave rise to them. Under its beneficial influence, a person assimilates the ideas and views contained in the public consciousness.

The daily life of our society provides numerous evidence of improvements in people's behavior under the critical influence of general opinion. A person listens to the judgments of collective opinion because he is faced with the need to answer for his actions before the collective, society. It is this necessity that has a strong influence on the criterion of his personal judgments. By holding an answer to the team, the basis of his comrades' judgments about his behavior becomes especially clear to him, and he begins to see himself as if from the outside. And the point is not that he was not previously aware of the collective requirements for the behavior of its members. Condemnation by his comrades of his behavior shows that the demands of the collective apply to him personally. A person begins to realize the rightness of the collective, its opinions in assessing their misdeeds. The experience of collective condemnation of comrades gives rise to a feeling of shame and repentance.

But does a turning point immediately occur in the consciousness and feelings of a person who has been subjected to collective condemnation, or not? Of course, this does not always give quick positive result. Sometimes such condemnation causes him offensive annoyance, which does not turn into a feeling of shame and does not lead to repentance. And yet, in most cases, condemnation from the general opinion forces the violator of social norms to submit to the demands of the collective. At the first burrows, this may be external in nature, which is already a certain step towards correction. Acceptance of collective demands for fulfillment under the control of common opinion leads to the accumulation of moral experience and further to an internal awareness of the justice of the collective’s demands.

Condemnation expressed through general opinion can cause a person to quickly change his desires, feelings and aspirations. Such a restructuring takes place if it is expressed unanimously and very persistently.

However, along with condemnation, the general opinion also encourages exemplary behavior. In our society, progressive people are surrounded by honor and respect, and others are educated by their example. And yet, for the education and self-education of people, it is very important to find and praise what acts as a positive beginning in every person.

A person who has strayed from the right path in life becomes the subject of discussion in the team. This form of influence is positive and mostly justifies itself. At the same time, it is far from ideal, since there is also coercion involved.

Many people experience moral censure in one form or another in their lives. The principle of criticism and self-criticism has firmly entered our lives. Moral coercion is often associated with more difficult emotional experiences and the expenditure of moral strength than administrative coercion. It affects not only the person at whom the criticism is directed, but also those who criticize.

In life, there are such cases: a person, before committing an immoral act under the influence of some unfavorable circumstances, was a leader in production, an active social activist. The discussion at the team meeting boiled down to serious condemnation of his given act. It is clear that a bad deed must receive appropriate assessment. But moral condemnation is perceived not simply as a condemnation of a wrong action, but as an assessment of a person. And when all attention is focused on the perfect act, then through it the person is assessed as an immoral person. This is very difficult for a person to perceive.

A correct assessment of a person’s behavior should apparently include both condemnation and support for the good and worthy things that he had in his life. A reminder of the best pages of a person’s life, along with severe condemnation, makes him think about his behavior in general. Praise from the team causes a surge of new strength. It elevates a person in his own eyes and generates a feeling of gratitude for the team and society.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal state budget educational

institution of higher professional education

"Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University"

Faculty of Energy, Transport and Marine Technologies

Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Vocational Education


in the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy"

Personality and public opinion in the team


1. Personality and team



The team, as a group of people striving to achieve goals necessary and useful to society, has a strong impact on the formation of personality development and human behavior, since the team is always also a part of society. As a particle of society, it also carries the features of society as a whole: ideological, political, economic, moral, etc., therefore the impact on a person’s personality from the collective is diverse. In a team, an individual acquires various experiences: social, interaction with other people, achieving goals, social behavior. However, each member of the team has a certain influence on the team as a whole.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that personality and public opinion in a team are one of those fundamental problems of social and humanitarian knowledge, the relevance of the study of which does not weaken over time. Moreover, taking into account the realities and opinions of modern society, the need to study the relationship between the individual and the team is only intensifying.

In this work we will consider two main lines of interaction: the influence of the individual on the team and the influence of the team on the individual.

Purpose of the work: to consider the main characteristic phenomena that arise between the relationship of the individual and the team.

During the research process, the following tasks need to be solved:

Consider the concept of a collective and what role the individual occupies in it;

Study models of individual and team development;

Explore the positive and negative sides the influence of the team on the individual;

Analyze the well-being of the individual in the team.

1. Personality and team

The social essence of a person is manifested, first of all, in his activities and communication with other people. A person isolated from other people cannot develop as a person. Only active labor social activity provides a person with a means of subsistence and contributes to the development of many personal qualities. The social environment and relationships at work are a decisive factor in the formation and development of the psyche, the emergence of a specifically human property - consciousness.

Historical living conditions led to the fact that people united into nations, states, parties, and other communities. Throughout life, a person directly communicates with other people, realizing his social essence. This communication occurs in groups and teams that provide big influence on the position, orientation and self-esteem of the individual, etc. These communities are heterogeneous and can be classified on several grounds: the proximity and depth of the developing relationships, the principle of education, the attitude of the individual to the norms of the group, etc. Depending on the proximity and depth of the developing relationships, a primary group is distinguished.

Primary group - relatively stable and small in composition, associated common goals an association of people in which there is direct contact between its members. Everyone who enters it knows each other personally and communicates with each other in the process of solving the problem facing them. The size of the primary group cannot be less than two, but does not exceed 30-40 people.

Groups such as a family, a production team, an airplane crew, winter workers at a polar station, a school class, or a student group can be called primary groups. A person can simultaneously belong to several primary groups. Contacts in primary groups are not dosed. Everyone can communicate with everyone as desired and necessary. In practice, group members give preference to some over others. They communicate more often, contacts are close in nature (personal or business basis). This is the so-called social circle, which takes the form of a microgroup. As a rule, such a group is small (2-7 people). The person remains a member of the primary group and does not break contacts with it.

According to the principle and method of education, real and conditional, official and unofficial groups are distinguished.

Real and conditional groups.

A real group is actually existing associations of people with real connections and relationships between their members, with goals and objectives. A real group can exist for a short time or a long time, be small or large.

A community of people, composed nominally, is called a conditional group. For example, sports journalists decide to form a team consisting of the best football players in the world. They select stars of the first magnitude and combine them into a list. These people will never get together and play together. But this group is composed and exists conditionally.

Official and unofficial groups. An official (formal) group is created on the basis of a staffing table, charter or other official documents. Departments in production and staff are examples of formal groups. Business contacts regulated by documents are established between members of such a group. They imply subordination or equality, greater or lesser responsibility for completing a task. Such a group can be restructured, but again on the basis of an order or resolution.

Relationships in an official group, even with the same instructions, cannot be identical, since groups with unique character traits, temperament, abilities, and communication styles come into contact. Business relationship supplemented by personal, unprovided instructions. Psychological closeness (likes, respect, friendship) cements the official group, helps establish a favorable psychological climate, which ultimately contributes to successful work. In an official group, other relationships may develop that are not conducive to the success of the business (antipathy, disrespect, neglect, enmity).

Informal groups arise on the basis of a single psychological motivation—sympathy, similarity of views and beliefs, recognition of authority, and competence. There is no such group staffing table or bylaws. This is how groups are formed based on common interests or hobbies. Sympathies and affections cement the group. If they disappear, the group disbands.

Based on the individual’s attitude to the norms of the group, a reference group is distinguished.

A reference (standard) group is a real or imaginary group whose views and norms serve as a model for the individual. A person can be part of a group whose values ​​he recognizes and supports, and considers them to be the best. Then the individual not only adheres to these norms, but also defends them, and sometimes even promotes them. Sometimes a person, being a member of one group, considers the ideal values ​​of another group.

So, the primary group can be viewed from different points of view. But in any case, the primary group has a strong influence on the formation of various aspects of the personality. The collective was named as the primary group.

A team is a group of people united by common goals subordinate to the goals of society.

The signs of the collective were clearly and completely revealed by A.S. Makarenko, who defined it as follows: “A collective is a purposeful complex of individuals, organized, possessing the organs of the collective. And where there is an organization of a collective, there are organs of the collective, there is an organization of authorized persons, trustees of the collective, and the question of the relationship of comrade to comrade is not a question of friendship and not a question of love, not a question of neighborhood, but this is a question of responsible dependence.” At the same time, he noticed that the team is united by the presence of socially significant goals. Therefore, we can say that every collective is a group, but not every group is a collective.

A person in a group is connected with other individuals and together with them expresses the direction of the community. During historical interaction with the material world and communication with people, a person not only acquires individual experience, on the basis of which individual traits and properties are formed, but also appropriates social experience, which becomes the most important component of his spiritual wealth.

The relationships between the individual and the team are diverse. Two aspects can be distinguished: the influence of the team on the individual and the influence of the individual on the team. The influence of the collective on the individual is carried out mainly through the so-called small groups, in which a person has direct contact with other people.

The influence of small groups on the individual has been examined in detail, especially in recent years, when the collective was no longer considered as a homogeneous entity and began to recognize the presence of different groups in it.

Both in society as a whole and in individual organizations, a socially isolated individual is extremely rare. When a person gets a job or comes to educational institution, he immediately begins to make acquaintances and friends, usually from among those with whom he works together most time, and soon becomes involved in one or more social groups. Human behavior in such groups usually undergoes significant changes under the influence of the collective.

The small group of people who work together every day makes up the real social group(team). Its members usually call each other by name. They get to know each other better through close personal contacts. They communicate with each other not as private individuals, i.e. not just as employees, but as full-fledged individuals with their own hopes and fears, ambitions and aspirations, inclinations and troubles, social and family problems, etc. Individual group members usually identify with their group, so that they embrace the group's values ​​as their own. The group develops the idea that there is correct behavior for its members.

2. Models of personal and team development

Each person strives to assert himself in the team and take the desired position in it; only the degree of desire differs. But for subjective and objective reasons, everyone fails to achieve this. Not everyone can, due to their capabilities, achieve visible success, critically comprehend differences with the team, or overcome shyness. The greatest difficulties are experienced junior schoolchildren, their self-esteem and self-awareness are not yet sufficiently developed, the ability to correctly assess how comrades and the team treat you, and to find a place in it according to their capabilities. These reasons are subjective, but objective ones include monotony of activity, narrow range social roles available for acceptance by a schoolchild in a team, monotonous and content-poor organizational forms of communication in a team, insufficient educational culture, inability to notice in a friend those moments that deserve attention.

The conducted research made it possible to identify the most common models of development of relationships that develop between an individual and a team:

Conformism - the individual submits to the collective;

Harmony - optimal relationship between the individual and the team;

Nonconformism - the individual subordinates the collective to himself.

Each of these models has several lines of relationship, when, for example, the team rejects the individual or, conversely, coexistence occurs based on the principle of non-interference.

The first model shows that an individual can naturally and voluntarily submit to the demands that the collective makes of him, can yield to him, as superior force, but can continue to maintain their individuality and independence, while submitting to the team only formally, outwardly. The collective conforms the individual to the norms, traditions and values ​​of his life, absorbing him.

The second line of behavior states that the paths of development of events can be different: the individual either maintains his internal independence, obeying the demands of the collective externally, or the individual openly conflicts, resists, or rebels. The motives that encourage an individual to adapt to the group, its values ​​and norms are also different. The most common and common motive, for example, in a school community, is the desire to avoid unnecessary and unnecessary troubles, complications, and the fear of spoiling characteristics. In this case, the student outwardly perceives the values ​​and norms of the team, behaves as is customary in the team and says what the team expects from him. But outside the school community, his reasoning and thoughts are different; he is guided by the social experience that he had previously. The student may be in this state temporarily, it may be transitional, or it may remain forever. The last option arises when the social experience that an individual has developed is inadequate to the established experience in a team, while his (the student’s) experience is reinforced by other groups (friends in the yard, family, etc.).

In our time, there is rarely an open rebellion of the individual against the collective. They rebel only sometimes, on unprincipled issues; a sense of self-preservation takes over. When a team breaks a person, he becomes a gendarme, and this contradicts the principle of humane education and is a reason for teachers to think and develop ways to improve the relationship between the individual and the team.

The third model, in which the individual subjugates the entire team, is very rare. But this model cannot be ignored, since there are informal leaders who manifest their activities, and double or even triple value systems in the team. Team members may notice a bright personality with certain individual experiences. Such a person becomes attractive to the team because of his personal qualities, unusual actions or judgments, original position or status. It is then possible that the social experience of the collective will change. This process has a rather dual nature, since in the case of a lower value system of the informal leader compared to what already exists in the team, this situation can lead to impoverishment of the social experience of the team, and vice versa, if its value system is higher, it can lead to enrichment.

As many psychologists note, very often members of teams show their individuality in a hidden form. Many individuals gladly take on a new job, especially if it is a responsible one; the motive for their diligence is the opportunity to show off their skills and knowledge, to be visible, to demonstrate their superiority, both against the background of others and at the expense of others.

These models, of course, do not illustrate all the existing diversity of relationships that develop between the individual and the team. When considering each such situation, one must be guided by the psychological mechanisms of motivation for activity, personal behavior, the laws of psychology and social pedagogy.

3. The influence of the team on the individual

Researchers highlight the positive and negative aspects of the influence of the team on the individual. The positive influence of the team on the formation and development of the individual is as follows:

1. In a team, an individual meets people who are the main source of spiritual culture for him.

2. Relationships between people that develop in a team carry positive social norms and value orientations that are acquired by an individual included in the system of group relationships.

3. The team is a place where an individual practices his communication skills.

4. From the members of the team, the individual receives information that allows him to correctly perceive and evaluate himself, preserve and strengthen everything positive in his personality, and get rid of the negative and shortcomings.

5. The team provides the individual with a system of positive emotional reinforcements necessary for his development.

Only constant communication of an individual with individuals more developed than himself, possessing valuable knowledge, skills and abilities, provides him with the opportunity to become familiar with the corresponding spiritual values. Almost every person has something to learn from other people, and in almost every group he meets such people.

To develop certain virtues, an individual needs appropriate incentives and positive reinforcements. Their main source is also the people surrounding him in groups.

Thus, for the development of the individual as a person, the group seems indispensable. The same thing, and even in still to a greater extent, concerns a highly developed team. In the life and work of every individual, he plays an irreplaceable positive role, about which such famous teachers as A.S. have written and spoken a lot. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and others. However, the collective realizes its positive role in the development of the individual only when there is no ideological distortion of his and her (this role), when psychological and pedagogical theory the collective is not subject to political manipulation.

If much and well has been written about the positive impact of a group on an individual (collective on an individual), both pedagogical, sociological and psychological literature, then about the facts negative impact little is known. In any case, until recently, due to a certain idealization, psychologists and teachers preferred to remain silent about these facts. Particularly a lot of data on the possible negative influence of a group on an individual has been accumulated in the social psychology of small groups, which began with the research of domestic and foreign scientists conducted at the beginning of the 20th century.

At first, psychologists interested in solving this issue used large social communities such as crowds and unorganized masses of people as the object of study, and only then did attention shift to studying the influence of the collective on the individual.

The French researcher G. Lebon, in a book entitled “Psychology of the Popular Masses,” published in 1895, tried to derive general laws of human behavior in an unorganized community of people. He argued that the average person in a mass of people, in a crowd, displays a lower level of intelligence than outside it. In a crowd, he is more trusting, aggressive, bitter, impatient, immoral and even capable of behaving like an animal. Obviously, G. Lebon exaggerated bad influence crowd on the individual, but nevertheless his judgments and conclusions contained a certain amount of truth. It was confirmed by subsequent experimental studies. Those specific changes in human psychology and behavior under the influence of the crowd, to which Le Bon was one of the first to draw attention, have been carefully studied in social psychology under the names “depersonalization” and “deindividuation.”

It has been shown that when a person experiences the influence of some fairly large social community, which is not internally organized, in his psychology and behavior what is common to this group is manifested to a greater extent, and to a much lesser extent what constitutes his own individuality . A person in a crowd often ceases to be a person, which is why this phenomenon is called “depersonalization.”

4. Well-being of the individual in the team

The well-being of an individual in a team is the general psychological state, emotional and moral mood that dominates the individual as a result of a long stay in a given team. In order to more accurately determine the well-being of the majority of individuals in a group, psychology uses the concept of psychological climate. We have already touched on it earlier, but now we will look at it in a little more detail.

With the help of this concept, the moral and emotional aspects of the system of human relations that have developed in a team are designated. The psychological climate includes a set of moral norms and values ​​that guide group members in their relationships to the cause that unites them and to each other. The psychological climate essentially characterizes the prevailing emotional mood in the team.

In addition to general phenomena associated with the psychological climate, the collective integrally describes the influence that it, as a whole, has on the individual. On his part, this influence primarily appears in the form of an emotional and moral attitude (well-being, mood, etc.).

Analyzing the dynamics of relationships in various microgroups - dyads and triads, we can say that small groups different levels developments influence people’s relationships in different ways, as if turning them towards the business and towards each other, sometimes positive, sometimes negative side or leaving them indifferent. This means that the psychological climate that has developed in the team can actualize either the best or worst qualities person's personality.

Let's consider what impact a team can have on the emotional well-being of its members, in particular, on the removal of interpersonal bias and anxiety.

Almost always we perceive and evaluate people under the influence of a certain attitude. This attitude can be constant and changeable, depending on the circumstances and characteristics of the perceived people. Being stable and little connected with the personalities of the people being assessed, such an attitude can take the form of prejudice and give rise to a biased attitude towards the person. He, in turn, rightly believing that he is being treated with prejudice, responds in kind. This is how difficult, conflictual relationships develop, from which it is difficult to find a way out, since the parties involved do not see in themselves the primary source of the conflict situation.

The cause of conflict between people, most often encountered in practice, is the dishonest, unfair, unkind, dishonest attitude of one person towards another. The way to remove prejudice is, in turn, to overcome interpersonal mistrust and inspire people to trust each other.

There are several ways to remove bias in group relationships:

1. Creating situations in which people will perceive each other as equal in status. This can be done, for example, using role-playing games such as socio-psychological training.

2. Development of each group member’s ability to correctly perceive and evaluate people, skills and interpersonal communication skills.

3. Stimulating and encouraging direct interpersonal contacts of people who distrust each other.

4. Enriching the individual experience of a prejudiced person by observing the attitudes of other people towards those towards whom he feels a sense of prejudice (meaning people whose opinions he values).

In the last few decades, a lot of attention in connection with the emotional and motivational issues of regulating human behavior in small groups has been attracted by the anxiety that arises among individuals in a group (situational anxiety).

The phenomenon of anxiety arises in a team during emotionally unfavorable, suspicious relationships associated with distrust of each other and alienation. The main way to relieve such anxiety is the same one that is used to prevent and resolve conflicts: increasing openness and mutual trust among group members.


collective personality conformism

In conditions of democratic education, when freedoms and human rights are respected, the issue of relations between the collective and the individual becomes particularly important. In Russian literature, the question of how a person’s personality is formed under the influence of a collective has not been considered for several decades. It was believed that the individual must unconditionally submit to the collective. Today, in accordance with the spirit of the times, taking into account the experience of world pedagogy and philosophical concepts of man, there is a need to look for new solutions.

Where a person finds himself in the collective system depends most on individual social experience. It determines the nature of a person’s judgments, line of behavior and system of value orientations. Experience may or may not correspond to the judgments, behavioral traditions and values ​​that have developed in the team. When the coincidence is obvious, the individual is much more easily included in the system of already established collective relations. When an individual has a different experience, it is a little more difficult for him to establish relationships with the team. The most difficult situation is for an individual whose social experience contradicts the values ​​accepted in the group, while a clash of opposing views on life and lines of behavior that can lead to the most unpredictable results is almost inevitable. How the relationship between the individual and the team will develop depends on both the qualities of the individual and the team. According to existing experience, relationships develop most favorably in a team that has achieved high level development, is a force based on public opinion, traditions and the authority of self-government. It is such a team that can easily establish normal relationships with the individual who is part of it.

List of sources used

1. Ilyin, E. P. Emotions and feelings / E. P. Ilyin. - M.: Peter, 2013. - 773 p.

2. Stolyarenko, A. M. Psychology and pedagogy / A. M. Stolyarenko. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2012. - 526 p.

3. Grishina, N.V. Psychology of conflict / N.V. Grishina. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2010. - 533 p.

4. Lebon, G. Psychology of peoples and masses / G. Lebon. - M.: Academic project, 2011. - 238 p.

5. Gurevich, P. S. Psychology and pedagogy: textbook / P. S. Gurevich. - M.: Unity-Dana, 2012. - 320 p.

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The role of public opinion in the military collective.

The ideological attitudes of the team have a decisive influence on the formation of public opinion, moods and relationships within it, which together constitute the socio-psychological climate. His capacity depends on them. The origins of healthy opinions, moods, and relationships in military groups should be sought in the level of educational work carried out at school. The military leader must have certain information about nature structural components team psychology.

Public opinion, being a system of rational evaluations shared by members of the team, has normative influence and significant motivating power. Credibility, publicity, emotionality, continuity, and the demanding nature of public opinion began to influence the mind, feelings and will of everyone (give an example)

The military leader, in the interests of uniting the team, increasing the educational forces of its socio-psychological climate, always strives to ensure that public opinion is ideologically and morally consistent. In order to direct the process of forming public opinion in the wrong direction, the military commander relies on his conviction and knowledge of his business.

Moods are emotional and evaluative group reactions of a team to the behavior of people, events, phenomena, facts. Favorable general sentiments the team stimulates working energy in soldiers or students, increases their activity, and also affects their mood. Therefore, military instructors, in words and by personal example, always strive to maintain a high emotional state among their subordinates and students, and try to prevent the emergence of passive moods.

Traditions are important in the structure of the psychological climate of the team and in its unity. Each warrior, having joined the military team, becomes the heirs and continuer of its traditions. Traditions are very diverse in their content, areas of occurrence and affiliation, but their mobilizing and educational influence is always enormous. Active use traditions in the educational process contributes to the growth of the ideological maturity of personnel, their combat prowess, the strengthening of military discipline, team unity, and the prevention of the emergence of negative phenomena.

Relationships between people are an indicator of their cohesion, firstly, because they reflect the nature of objective, socially determined interpersonal connections(give an example).

In the structure of relationships, several spheres are usually distinguished: official, socio-political, interpersonal, psychological relationships.

Service and socio-political relations are the basis for the interaction of personnel in the performance of official duties. These relationships are enshrined in the organizational structure of any military team, in general military regulations, and manuals. They act as prescribed rules and norms of behavior that encourage warrior and volitional mobilization; self-control in actions, self-order, making demands on oneself.

Interpersonal psychological relationships (friendship and hostility, sympathy and antipathy, etc.) develop mainly spontaneously, they are not formalized organizationally, and are less visible than official ones. These circumstances are often the reason for underestimating their significance. In fact, interpersonal psychological relationships play a significant role in the life of a team and require the closest attention and constant study.

The main features of relationships in a military team.

1. Normative-volitional relationships are built on the basis of the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and charters

2. Cognitive ones are associated with the process related to official activities. This is how circles of technology lovers and book lovers are created, studying the ways of the unit and its traditions.

3. Emotional relationships arise on the basis of certain feelings: optimism, gratitude, satisfaction or, on the contrary, pessimism, resentment, depression.

The first contributes to the creation of accepted norms of relationships, the second leads to their violation (give an example).

Typical in the unit are the statutory relationships between soldiers, corresponding to morality, imbued with the spirit of military camaraderie and friendship.

There are many conditions for the formation of statutory relationships. The main ones include:

Active, skillfully organized work aimed at the ideological and moral education of soldiers and students;

Purposeful, explanatory work that equips soldiers with a moral understanding of the principles of statutory relationships and their implementation in specific conditions;

Practical organization of life and activities of personnel in strict accordance with regulations;

Individual and differentiated approach to soldiers and students, taking into account the characteristics of each category of people

Particular attention should be paid to this type of relationship in a military team as authority, i.e. the psychological influence of one person or group of people on other people.

Among the socio-psychological phenomena, the management of which serves to unite the team, one can name such as the arrangement of people, their movement, the movement of information, joint activities, and personnel management.

The placement of personnel is carried out primarily on a principled basis. Creating a strong core in a team is the most important condition correct placement of military personnel. When selecting people, it is necessary to take into account some socio-psychological factors: the ratio of age, educational level, life experience etc

The importance of collective opinion in life and activity

Depending on the degree of unity and agreement in the dynamics of public opinion of a military collective, its three main stages are distinguished: diffuse, polarized and unified collective opinion.

Diffuse opinion is a difference in views and judgments. Warriors have contradictory, discordant positions; some of them find it difficult to determine their point of view, cannot objectively evaluate the judgments of their comrades and consciously join any position.

Polarized opinion occurs if the leading points of view have already been determined, as a result of which the personnel are divided into two or three groups, each of which has its own position and defends it. This condition may have Negative consequences, conflict.

A single collective opinion is characterized by maximum agreement and the presence of one, common, consciously and sincerely shared position by all.

The process of forming a collective opinion can be observed in various forms of communication between soldiers: during a meeting, in a friendly conversation during rest, when discussing films, books, and press materials. By participating in these forms of communication, observing how agreement is reached on positions and views on issues of concern to personnel, how differences are overcome, commanders draw conclusions about the significant moral and psychological characteristics of the team.

In interaction with the team, the individual appears as a self-regulating system in social environment. From this point of view, collective opinion can be considered as a feedback channel, as the most important source of socio-psychological information about the immediate environment for an individual. It informs a person about the reaction to his actions and actions on the part of other people and, thus, contributes to making adequate decisions. Moreover, the group itself carries out certain social sanctions against the individual. It continuously compares the behavior of each of its members with the system of norms that exists within this group, and the results are expressed in the characteristics of the attitude towards this person in the team, which can reflect approval and praise or, conversely, condemnation.

It should be noted that collective opinion is not only a multifaceted phenomenon, but also a very dynamic one. In the dynamics of the formation and development of public opinion, a number of degrees are distinguished.

The formation of correct public opinion is facilitated by positive traditions and sentiments existing in the military collective.

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