A white general who wanted to become a god. Non-Silk Road

Exactly 55 years ago, on August 5, 1962, the most famous sex symbol of the 20th century, Marilyn Monroe, died. To this day, her sudden death at the age of 36, at the peak of her career, is one of the biggest mysteries of the last century. Long years the whole world was sure that the sexy blonde had committed suicide, but 2 years ago the revelations of Norman Hodges, the ex-CIA agent who killed Monroe, hit the Internet. So where is the truth?

Marilyn's body was discovered on August 5, 1962, without clothes, with a telephone receiver in her hand. Psychoanalyst Greenson and therapist Engelberg arrived and determined barbiturate poisoning. Suicide - everyone decided, attributing it to an accidental overdose of drugs due to depression. But 53 years later, CIA special agent Norman Hodges admitted that he killed the actress on orders from management. The reason for this was Marilyn’s friendship with the communists - she could convey important information.

Despite her frivolous image, Monroe stood up for world peace, friendship of peoples - this is where the actress’s love for the ideals of communism began. In 2006, the Associated Press news agency published an FBI archive in which a denunciation of the TV personality was discovered. From the document it follows that Monroe is a communist, her husband Arthur Miller is a leader communist party Monroe, who provides finance for the subversive activities of bohemian communists. Monroe's commitment to communism is also evidenced by her patronage of Ella Fitzgerald.

And at the end of 2015, a terminally ill retired special agent made a sensational confession - on the orders of the CIA, he killed Monroe. Norman Hodges admitted that he entered the diva's bedroom on August 5 and injected her with a lethal injection of a barbiturate and a sedative. He did it for America, his boss, Jimmy Hayworth, told him she had to die. Hodges has 37 more stars to his name various sizes, among whom Monroe was the only woman.

After Hodges' confession, the FBI became involved, but no evidence could be found. Soon the applicant himself died, and the case was “hushed up.”

Meanwhile, there are many more versions of Monroe's death. One of them is the fatal passion of the blonde and President John Kennedy. In 1961, a whirlwind romance began between them, but it turned into a painful passion for the beauty. She began to threaten the president with exposure, and he assigned his brother Robert to distract her. It was he who last saw Monroe on the night of August 4, and (possibly) their quarrel escalated into a scandal and subsequent murder.

Another possible culprit is her psychoanalyst, Ralph Greeson. He worked with many stars, but his therapy was questioned. Instead of helping, he pumped Monroe with drugs that made her hysterical. He looked after the diva in every possible way, and in the end she realized that they needed to stop communicating. Before her death, they talked for six hours, and many are sure that he drove her to suicide.

Another guess is that Monroe could have been removed by the American “mafia”. One of Marilyn's lovers was Frank Sinatra, who was connected to the US underworld. The CIA recorded that the day before her death she met with a former lover.

One way or another, this is all just speculation. It is still unknown why Monroe was naked, why there were many pill bottles next to her but no water, and who she was trying to call that fateful night.

Marilyn Monroe- world sex symbol, American model, actress. Today it is one of iconic figures in American culture, as well as the most recognizable sex symbol of all time. However, behind Monroe's photogenic smile there was actually a fragile girl who went through a difficult childhood without a father. sexual violence and poverty. You will learn about this and much more further.


Norma Jean Mortenson born July 1, 1926 in Los Angeles. Gladys Baker's mother (Monroe was her maiden name) was mentally ill, which is why most The daughter spent her childhood in foster families and shelters. Who was Norma's father? At that time, Gladys was married to Martin Mortenson (a Norwegian emigrant); upon learning of the pregnancy, he ran away and refused to recognize the child as his own. As you know, before pregnancy Gladys had several lovers. During Norma's baptism, the mother insisted that the girl be given the surname of her second husband - Mortenson.

2 weeks after Norma was born, Gladys gave her to a foster family - Bolender for upbringing, where she lived for 7 years. The family was devout.

"They were terribly strict..." Marilyn

In the fall of 1933, Gladys took Norma home, and they lived together for some time. But in 1934, the mother’s condition worsened, and she was hospitalized with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia (severe mental condition). The norm constantly changed from one orphanage in another, where she was raped several times. Changed 10 foster families. In one of the foster families, she was almost suffocated with a pillow because she cried loudly, in another they were forced to wash in dirty water, where all family members had previously bathed. She later admitted that she was raped when she was 11 years old, and could no longer tolerate the abuse and saw only one way out of this situation - to get married.

First husband

When Norma turned 16, her adoptive parents decided to leave California forever. To avoid getting back into Orphanage, Norma decided to marry James Dougherty, who lived next door, whom she had previously met at school. The wedding took place on June 19, 1942. After which, James got a job at merchant navy, and Norma worked at an aircraft factory (she painted parts of airplanes and installed propellers). From this stage the girl’s stellar career begins.

Carier start

In 1945, there was a chance meeting with the American photographer David Conover, who came to an aircraft factory to take a couple of photographs of women at work. Noticing the beautiful Norma, he offered to work as a model for her, the girl agreed, and soon left the factory.

The girl became famous after photographer David posted one of the photographs on the cover of a magazine. Norma received offers from modeling agencies, and soon she appeared on 33 covers of fashion magazines.

1946 Marriage of Norma Jeane Mortenson and James Dougherty ended. The husband did not like that his wife was devoting too much time to her career. He hoped to the end that she would give up her dream and become a quiet, obedient housewife. But this did not happen, Nora’s business was rapidly going uphill, she received more and more offers from modeling agencies.

Career blossoming

The rapid rise of Norma Jeane's career began after meeting 53-year-old influential Hollywood film agent Jonny Hyde. He came up with the pseudonym Marilyn Monroe and a bright image of a sexy blonde. On July 23, 1946, Joni persuades Twentieth Century-Fox Studios to sign a 7-year contract with Marilyn. They soon began a romance, which provided her with roles in such films: “Choir Girls” 1948, “The Asphalt Jungle” 1950, “All About Eve” 1950. In the movie "The Asphalt Jungle", Marilyn was not big, but a vital role, which brought her a lot of success.

In 1950, her lover Johnny Hyde died suddenly of a heart attack. Despite Marilyn's success, she feels insecure, she does not consider herself beautiful, and often experiences emptiness, despair, and hopelessness. As a result of all this, depression appeared, which became the cause of addiction to alcohol. To improve Monroe's condition, doctors prescribe antidepressants such as Seconal, Nembutal, even at the very beginning of her career. These drugs were easily available in Hollywood. All the stars accepted them. They helped me sleep well at night and be a “Star” during the day. Monroe's first leading role was in the 1952 film "Knock In."

"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul" Marilyn

In 1953, having starred in such a blockbuster as “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” Monroe packed movie theaters.

Second husband

In January 1954, Marilyn married Joe DiMaggio. However, the happiness did not last long, only 9 months. Joe was very jealous, he was outraged by Marilyn's popularity among other men. He wanted his wife to leave her career and devote herself to the family. The marriage was doomed to fail from the very beginning. They divorced in 1954.

“When I married him, I wasn’t sure I was doing the right thing, I had too many desires to be a housewife.” Marilyn

It is known that it was Joe DiMaggio who loved Marilyn until the end of his life, and only he came to the funeral of all her lovers.

Monroe, suffering from insomnia, increasingly takes antidepressants. Tablets of this kind reduce the activity of the central nervous system, slow down the heartbeat and breathing, put the brain to sleep, and they are also addictive.

In 1954, Marilyn was recognized as one of the best actresses in Hollywood and was awarded the title “Most Popular Actress.”

In 1955, the star created his own corporation, Marilyn Monroe Productions. After which he starred in several more films.

Third husband

1956 Monroe married the famous American playwright Arthur Miller. The marriage was the longest, and Marilyn was happy, because next to her was the man she dreamed of: smart, caring, attentive. Marilyn demanded from her husband increased attention to herself, she wanted his life to belong completely to her. Arthur soon grew tired of it.

1959 The film “Some Like It Hot” appears on screens, bringing world fame Marilyn.

End of career

1961 Marilyn and Arthur's marriage breaks up. State of mind The actress's condition worsened, she told the psychoanalyst that she began to have thoughts of suicide. After which Monroe was placed in mental asylum. Marilyn was more frightened than ever, her condition deteriorated sharply, in fact, she suffered from the same disease as her mother. The actress was released after the visit ex-husband Arthur Miller, who threatened to destroy the hospital brick by brick.

Marilyn Monroe was murdered. There is no doubt in my mind. Displaying vials of barbiturates and stimulants is just a distraction and an emphasis on her addiction to drugs. It’s just convenient to blame everything on them. In the evening of 08/04/1962. Three people came to see her - her doctor Greenberg, actor and friend Wolford and Robert Kennedy. The housekeeper and her brother, who were there at the time, saw him. At first they were silent out of fear. But before her death, the housekeeper still said how it was and who was there. They were ordered to get out. There were wiretapping bugs in the room where everything was happening. The mafia took care to install them to extract incriminating evidence on love affairs Marilyn and D. Kennedy. These bugs recorded voices and screams when she was beaten in the face and demanded a certain diary that she kept. Then someone said WHAT WILL WE DO WITH HER NOW? This meant that she was already unconscious. And most likely she was suffocated with a pillow. She was taken from the guest room to the bedroom. They took everything off her and laid her flat and face down. As the first arriving policeman, who had seen a lot of people poisoned by an overdose, was immediately surprised, it couldn’t be so. It immediately became clear to him that the body had been transferred from somewhere. In those who are poisoned, the body twists in spasms and convulsions. And here it’s smooth and ostentatious. small intestine no traces of capsules were found. And the presence in the blood and liver was 14 mg per liter. This is from 40 to 42 capsules that had to be taken at once. And the crystals of the latter would still not be dissolved in the stomach. But they were not there!!! Then the examination reports were redone to suit the version of self-poisoning. Samples disappeared mysteriously. But dissenting experts guessed that it was fatal saturated solution barbiturates and chloral hydrates were administered to her using an enema when she was turned off by Greenberg's injection. They noticed traces and injury in the large intestine. The actual date of death was 22-45 08/04/1962. The housekeeper's brother Yunni testified that there were two more with the said trio, but he did not know them at all. And they had not been there before. Quite recently there was a sensational article that, in his dying state at the age of 80, a certain retired CIA officer did not want to take with him something to the grave and showed that at that time he was carrying out very delicate tasks to eliminate people dangerous to America. He had 37 eliminated. And only one of them was a blonde woman. According to him / when she was carried into the bedroom and everyone left, then it was his turn to do the job. He administered a deadly dose... And that’s it... Everyone who knew remained silent on pain of death. Some fell silent immediately or not immediately forever. And before their death in 1986. Yunni, apparently also having a hard time experiencing all this and feeling her involvement, told the correspondents. One might say, she repented before her death. And in general, the investigation was one-sided from the very beginning. What they wanted, they saw, what they didn’t want, they didn’t take into account. This is the real MURDER! She was buried on August 8, 1962. at the Westwood Village Memorial in the CRYPT. And ironically, it was on this day that she was supposed to have her birthday. re-wedding With former second husband Joe DiMaggio... He was faithful to her until his death and brought her red roses once a week, as he once promised at the wedding...

Marilyn Monroe died of a drug overdose on August 5, 1962 at her home in Brentwood, California. Since then, her death has been the subject of some of the most enduring "conspiracy theories" in history. However, the actual details of her death are as shocking and interesting as the word-of-mouth "conspiracy theory" stories.

Marilyn Monroe died from an overdose of Nembutal, but no pills were found in her stomach

Pathologist Thomas Noguchi explained the absence of tablets in the stomach by the fact that Monroe was already for a long time took drugs. The pills in Monroe's stomach were digested faster than they would have been in a person who had never taken drugs.

On the night of Marilyn's death, the housekeeper was washing her bed linen.

Sergeant Jack Clemmons of the Los Angeles Police Department was the first person to arrive at Monroe's house. He later wrote that housekeeper Eunice Murray was doing laundry when he arrived. He also noted that Murray behaved strangely and was evasive in her answers.

Conspiracy theorists use Murray's behavior on the day of Monroe's death as evidence that there was something out of place and strange, and that perhaps the housekeeper knew more than she was letting on.

She left an ominous message before she died

Monroe spoke to several people on the phone the night she died. Among them was Peter Lawford, old friend actress and brother-in-law of John F. Kennedy. Monroe appeared to be under the influence of drugs, Lawford said.

This report, however, further fuels conspiracy theories that perhaps JFK and the government were somehow involved in Monroe's death.

Conspiracy theories surrounding Monroe's death did not spread until the 1970s

Norman Mailer was one of the first to suggest possible romance Monroe and Kennedy. Mailer was the first to suggest that her relationship with him led to her death. He was torn apart by critics, and later admitted: “ten to one that Monroe’s death was an accidental suicide.”

Also in 1975, journalist Anthony Scaduto published an article claiming that Monroe had been ordered to kill the Kennedy brothers and that she kept a “red diary” in which she allegedly kept secret government information that Kennedy had entrusted to her.

She went from happiness to death in less than 30 minutes

Between 7:00 and 7:15 p.m., Monroe had phone conversation with DiMaggio Jr., who told her that he had broken up with a young woman whom Monroe did not like. The housekeeper confirmed that Monroe was very happy after the conversation.

The police were not the first to be notified of her death

Monroe's death was reported to the police only after a visit to her home by Monroe's psychiatrist, Dr. Greenson, and physician Hyman Engelberg. The Los Angeles Police Department was called around 4:25 a.m., nearly an hour and a half after Monroe stopped responding to the housekeeper's voice at 3 a.m. During this time, Eunice Murray, Dr. Greenson and Dr. Engelberg were alone in Monroe's house.

When Sergeant Jack Clemmons asked why police were not notified sooner, he said he “had to get permission from the studio publicity department before he could tell anyone.”

The case was almost solved in 1982

Following numerous conspiracy theories published in the 1970s, Prosecutor General Los Angeles-based John Van de Kamp in 1982 ordered a retrial of the actress' death case, which covered 29 pages and took three and a half months to prepare.

After a thorough investigation, Van de Kamp found that there was no fraud in Monroe's death.

The housekeeper's testimony changed frequently.

Marilyn Monroe's housekeeper Eunice Murray constantly changed her testimony. She initially claimed that she woke up at approximately 3 a.m. and saw a light under Monroe's door, which made her feel anxious. She said she called Greenson, who arrived at the scene a few minutes later. However, according to Sergeant Jack Clemmons, she called Greenson around midnight.

These discrepancies in timing were interpreted as evidence that Greenson and Murray were a front, as they did not call the police until 4:25 am.

She was supposed to get married three days after her death

Joe DiMaggio and Monroe were originally married on January 14, 1954, but their marriage lasted only 274 days - they divorced in October 1954. They remained friends over the years, and when Monroe was admitted to a mental hospital in 1961, she appealed to him to get her released. According to biographers Norman Mailer and Donald Spoto, the couple was to be married on August 8, 1962, three days after Monroe's death. After her untimely death, DiMaggio sent roses to her grave several times a week for twenty years.

Joe DiMaggio arranged her funeral

Di Mmaggio was devastated by Monroe's death. He organized the star's funeral in a very private ceremony, attended exclusively by her most famous Hollywood friends. People like Frank Sinatra and Peter Lawford were deliberately not invited by DiMaggio, who believed that her Hollywood friends and acquaintances had driven her to the point that led to her untimely death. Only thirty people from Monroe's close friends and relatives were invited.

Monroe was buried in a green Emilio Pucci dress, and her permanent makeup artist, Whitey Snyder, applied makeup to her face for the very last time.

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