What is the relief of Eurasia. Relief of Eurasia


  1. educational: to generate knowledge about general outline and features of the relief, the main stages of its formation and mineral resources of Eurasia;
  2. educational: to continue the formation of a scientific worldview while revealing the issue of the nature of the relief and mineral resources of Eurasia;
  3. developmental: develop the ability to work with a textbook, additional material, interactive whiteboard, contour maps, computers.

Be able to:

  • compare and analyze maps in order to obtain new knowledge,
  • according to a standard plan, characterize the main landforms,
  • draw up sheets of reference signals (VOC), draw conclusions.

Equipment: Interactive whiteboard, multimedia installation, physical map hemispheres and Eurasia, computer, notebooks, flashcards, handout with a list of nomenclature.

Lesson progress (40 min.)

1. Org. moment (1 min.)

2. Test of knowledge and skills (5 min.)

A) individual cards-3 people

B) Game "Tic Tac Toe"
Today I invite you to remember a game that your grandparents probably played many years ago. Yes, and some of you sometimes get carried away with this game during breaks. It is called “tic-tac-toe”, and its conditions are known to everyone.

On interactive whiteboard The grid for this game is drawn - nine cells.

The class is divided into 2 teams (team – “crosses”, team – “toes”). In order for players to have the opportunity to enter their icon in the box, they must answer correctly geographical issues. The row can be anything - horizontal, vertical and diagonal.

  1. What is the lithosphere? ( Stone shell of the earth.)
  2. What is a rift? ( A fracture in the earth's crust.)
  3. What plate is the African-Arabian Plate part of? ( African.)
  4. Why is the continent of Australia called the calmest continent in geological terms? ( There are no active volcanoes or earthquake areas.)
  5. What do these numbers 1960, 1970, 1985 mean? ( Earthquakes in South America, in the Andes.)
  6. Why do they say that it continues in Antarctica? ice age?
  7. The highest peak in Africa? ( Kilimanjaro.)
  8. The highest point of the Andes and everything Western Hemisphere? (Aconcagua - up to 6960 m.)
  9. What large landforms are characteristic of North America? (Cordillera, Appalachian Mountains, Central Plains, Great Plains, Sub-Mexican Plain, Mississippian Plain, Atlantic Plain, Rocky Mountains).

3. Updating knowledge and skills (3 min.)

Task No. 3. Volcanism is widespread in folded areas. Using atlas maps, match:

Answer: 1.D, 2.B, 3.B, 4.A, 5.G.

So, we looked at the relief, internal structure earth's crust. What Is there a missing component in this logical chain?(Minerals.)

What can already be said about P/I Eurasia? (P – varied, p/i – varied.)

Working with the atlas page 6.

Task No. 5. Eurasia is rich in mineral resources. Match:

Answer: 1.B., 2.G, 3.A. 4.B,D, 5.E.,V.

Draw a conclusion about the patterns of distribution of mineral resources across the territory of Eurasia.

(There is a pattern between the distribution of minerals and tectonic structures: On the plains, predominantly sedimentary minerals occur, while in folded areas, igneous and metamorphic minerals predominate.)

5. Consolidation (5 min.)

Test control

  1. The territory of Eurasia, unlike other continents, is formed by:
    1. one large ancient platform,
    2. several relatively small ancient platforms.
  2. Ancient platforms in Eurasia include:
    1. South American and Siberian
    2. Siberian and East European
    3. Eastern European and Australian
  3. Match:
  1. Match:

Grading standards:

  • No errors – rating – “5”
  • 1 mistake – score – “4”
  • 2 mistakes – score – “3”
  • More than 2 errors – score – “2”

Returning to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson, what can we say: How can we explain this diversity of the surface of Eurasia? (reason: history of the development of the continent, diversity of relief forms).

6. Homework

Mark on contour maps studied geographical features; instruction D/Z.

“3” – 60.61; k/k – label the main relief forms, be able to show them on a wall map.

“4” – How does the relief of Eurasia differ from the relief of other previously studied continents?

With which continent does Eurasia have great resemblance in relief?

“5” - The highest mountains of Eurasia, the Himalayas and other large mountain systems are located in the interior of the continent, at some distance from the oceans, while on other continents the mountains are located on the coasts of the oceans. How can we explain this? Why are the Himalayas the highest mountains on Earth?

Differs in considerable complexity geological history and mosaic geological structure. The skeleton of Eurasia is fused from fragments of several ancient continents: the East European (Russian) platform, the Siberian, Chinese, Arabian and Indian platforms. The platforms are expressed in relief as plains (physical map).

Education of the main features modern relief Eurasia was founded back in the Mesozoic, but in the Neogene-Anthropocene the continent was engulfed by new tectonic movements, and these movements manifested themselves here more intensely than anywhere else on Earth. These were vertical movements of large scale, which activated not only the Alpine folded structures, but rejuvenated, and often revived mountainous terrain in older structures that experienced leveling towards the Cenozoic. Intensity newest movements determined the predominance of mountains in Eurasia (the average height of the continent is 840 m) with the formation of the highest mountain systems (Himalayas, Karakoram, Hindu Kush, Tien Shan) with peaks exceeding 7-8 thousand m. The massive Western Asian highlands, the Pamirs, and the Pamirs were raised to significant heights. Tibet. These uplifts are associated with the revival of mountains in a vast belt from Gissar-Alai to Chukotka, the Kunlun, Scandinavian and many others.

During the recent uplifts, the middle mountains of the Urals, Central Europe, etc., and, to a lesser extent, the vast plateaus and plateaus (Central Siberian Plateau, Deccan, etc.) experienced rejuvenation. From the east, the continent is bordered by marginal uplifts (Koryak Highlands, Sikhote-Alin Mountains, etc.) and is accompanied by mountain-island arcs, among which there are East Asian and Malay arcs. Rift structures also play a major role in the relief of Eurasia - the Rhine graben, the basins of Baikal, the Dead Sea, etc. Young folded belts and structures of revived mountains are characterized by particularly high seismicity - only South America can be compared with Eurasia in terms of intensity and frequency of destructive earthquakes. Volcanism often participated in the creation of the relief of young uplifts (lava sheets and volcanic cones of Iceland and the Armenian Highlands, active volcanoes of Italy, Kamchatka, island arcs in the east and southeast of Asia, extinct volcanoes Caucasus, Carpathians, Elbrus, etc.).

Recent subsidences have led to the flooding of many of the outskirts of the continent and the isolation of the archipelagos adjacent to Eurasia ( Far East, British Isles, swimming pool Mediterranean Sea etc.). The seas have repeatedly attacked different parts of Eurasia in the past. Their sediments formed the sea plains, which were subsequently dismembered by glacial, river and lake waters.

The most extensive plains of Eurasia are the East European (Russian), Central European, West Siberian, Turanian, Indo-Gangetic. In many areas of Eurasia, sloping and basement plains are common.

Ancient glaciation had a significant impact on the relief of the northern and mountainous regions of Eurasia. Eurasia contains the world's largest area of ​​Pleistocene glacial and aquiglacial deposits. Modern glaciation developed in many highlands of Asia (Himalayas, Karakoram, Tibet, Kunlun, Pamir, Tien Shan, etc.), in the Alps and Scandinavia, and especially powerful on the Arctic islands and Iceland. In Eurasia, underground glaciation - permafrost and ice wedges - is more widespread than anywhere else in the world. In areas where limestone and gypsum occur, karst processes are developed. The arid regions of Asia are characterized by desert forms and types of relief.

In the depths of Eurasia there are minerals, the exceptional diversity of which is explained by complex structure earth's crust ( tectonic map). Ore minerals are confined to the outcrops of igneous and metamorphic rocks of folded regions or platform foundations (for example, deposits of Hindustan, northeast China, the Scandinavian Peninsula, the Kursk magnetic anomaly, the Pacific mountain belt, etc.) in foothill troughs and in tectonic basins of platforms, filled with thick layers of sedimentary rocks, formed richest reserves oil and gas (Arabian Peninsula, Western Siberia, Mesopotamia, Caspian Sea, etc.), coal (Kuznetsk, Tunguska, Donetsk basins, deposits of the Chinese Plain, etc.)

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Eurasia has a varied topography. Its territory contains the highest mountain systems globe- Himalayas. Highest point globe - the city of Chomolungma (8850 m). The Tibet plateau rises 4.5 km. The lowlands and plateaus are enormous and stretch for thousands of kilometers. Three-quarters of Asia's surface is covered by plateaus, highlands and mountain ranges. In Europe there are fewer mountains; most of the territory is occupied by lowlands. The oldest parts of Eurasia are the Eastern European and Western Plains.

Young mountains of new folding lie in the form of two giant belts of folded mountains. In the southern part of Eurasia, the Alpine-Himalayan belt stretches from the Atlantic and almost to the Pacific Ocean. It includes the Pyrenees, Apennines, Alps, Stara Planina (Balkan Mountains), Carpathians, Caucasus, Pamir Highlands, Himalayas. Between the marginal ridges lie large highlands, most of all the Iranian ones.

The Pacific belt of folded mountains begins in Kamchatka and ends on the islands of the Malay Archipelago. The oldest mountains are the Scandinavian ones. Age Ural mountains, Altai and Tien Shan, which appeared later, is almost 300 million years old. For many millions of years the ancient and ancient mountains were destroyed external processes and smoothed out. During subsequent uplifts, they were broken by faults into separate blocks, some of which rose to a considerable height (Altai, Tien Shan). The formation of mountains continues today.

About 300 million years ago, a huge glacier formed on the territory of Eurasia. The British Isles were completely covered by a glacier; in two tongues it descended to the East European Plain, reaching the latitude of Dnepropetrovsk; along the Western Lowland it dropped to the sixtieth parallel. For the most part northern Asia cold climate led to the emergence permafrost. The dry and hot deserts of Asia are characterized by dunes and dunes.

Most of the earthquakes that accompany the formation of mountain systems occur in the territory of Eurasia in giant belts of mountains of new folding. The Earth's Pacific seismic belt surrounds Pacific Ocean. On the mainland, which belongs to this zone, earthquakes occur very often, especially in the Japanese and Philippine islands. The Euro-Asian seismic belt passes southern part Eurasia and coincides with the Alpine-Himalayan belt of folded mountains. There are many active volcanoes in Eurasia. There are especially many of them in the Pacific volcanic belt, which is called the Pacific "Ring of Fire". High active volcano Eurasia - Klyuchevskaya Sopka on the Kamchatka Peninsula (4750 m). There are active volcanoes in the Alpine-Himalayan mountain belt. The Mediterranean is home to Europe's tallest volcano, Mount Etna, and the only active volcano on mainland Europe, Vesuvius.

Analysis of the map allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1. Eurasia is significantly higher than other continents.

2. The highest mountain systems on the globe are located on its territory. The highest of them is the Himalayas with the peak of Chomolungma (Everest, 8848 M).

3. The plains of Eurasia are enormous in size and stretch for thousands of kilometers. There are much more of them than on other continents.

4. In Eurasia, elevation fluctuations are especially large. Difference between depression Dead Sea and the highest peaks of the Himalayas exceed 9 km.

How can we explain this diversity of the surface of Eurasia? The reasons should be sought in the history of the development of the continent, the basis of which is the Eurasian lithospheric plate, areas of which are of different ages. The most ancient are the East European, Siberian, Sino-Korean and South China platforms. Later mountain-building processes connected these platforms, expanding the area of ​​the continent.

Subsequently, platforms were attached to Eurasia - fragments of ancient Gondwana, lying at the base of the Arabian and Hindustan peninsulas.

On the southern borders of the Eurasian plate, at its junction with neighboring plates, powerful mountain-building processes occurred and are occurring, which led to the formation of the highest mountain systems. In the east of the continent, where the Pacific plate goes under the eastern edge of the Eurasian lithosphere of the plate, island arcs and deep-sea trenches have formed. This part of Eurasia is different great activity earth's crust.

On the territory of Eurasia, through which the giant seismic belts of the globe pass, there is most earthquakes on Earth. The most active is the Pacific seismic belt, many earthquakes are associated with it. One of them in 1923 destroyed the capital of Japan - the city of Tokyo. More than 100 thousand people died. The Euro-Asian seismic belt runs along the southern edge of Eurasia.

TO seismic belts also confined to areas of volcanism. There are especially many volcanoes in the Pacific " ring of fire" The highest active volcano in Eurasia is Klyuchevskaya Sopka, its height is 4750 m. The Krakatoa volcano, known in the past for its powerful eruptions, is located on one of the Greater Sunda Islands.

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are associated with the most destructive natural disasters. Almost all of them are associated with mountain building processes. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are especially frequent in the Pacific belt of folded mountains on the Japanese and Philippine Islands. Destructive earthquake, which killed tens of thousands human lives, occurred in 1988 in Armenia.

Scientists around the world use latest methods research, identify highly seismic areas and make forecasts possible earthquakes. In these areas, houses of a special design are built that can withstand significant earth tremors.

On the relief of Eurasia great influence the ancient glaciation, which captured northern part mainland. The ancient glacier also covered many mountain ranges.

General features of the relief. Average height the surface of Eurasia above sea level is 840 m. Eurasia owns the highest peak of the planet - Mount Chomolung Ma (8848 m) (Fig. 11) and the deepest fault on the Earth's land - the basin of Lake Baikal (-1637 m).

Eurasia has the most extensive plains and longest mountain systems on the planet. Main feature its relief - diversity - is the result of the mutual action of internal and external relief-forming processes.

Relationship between relief and geological structure. The territory of Eurasia, like a mosaic, is made up of platform blocks connected by folds of different ages with your belts. Therefore, its relief combines large forms: vast plains and extended high-mountain belts.

In Eurasia, the most powerful mountain systems are located inside the continental massif(see pictures). The central part of Asia is the most elevated: the mountain systems of the Tien Shan, Pamir, Tibet, and Kunlun rise to a height of 4.5-8.6 km. On both sides - from the south and from the east - the “top of Asia” is bordered by mountain barriers stretching parallel to the southern and along the eastern edges of the continent.

They are formed by modern folded belts. In the south, in the Alpine-Himalayan belt, the Pyrenees, Alps, Apennines, Balkans, Carpathians, Caucasus, Asia Minor, Armenian, Iranian plateaus, Pamirs, Himalayas, and the mountains of Indochina rise (Fig. 15). In the Pacific belt, the eastern chain is formed by the mountains of Kamchatka, the Kuril, Japanese and Philippine islands. Both belts articulate at the junction of the Malay Archipelago. In both zones absolute altitudes exceed 5 km, earthquakes with a magnitude of up to 8-9 are typical. Volcanism occurs in the Pacific belt.

IN Eurasia largest plains occupy the peripheral parts of the continent. In the west and north - these are North German, Greater Poland, West Siberian Lowland; East European Plain, Central Siberian Plateau; they correspond to the Laurasian platforms. On the southern edge of Eurasia - the Rub al-Khali plain and the Mesopotamian lowland on Arabian Peninsula, Deccan plateau(see picture below) and the Indo-Gangetic lowland - in Hindustan, corresponding to the ancient Gondwana platforms. Tectonic processes on platforms are passive and manifest themselves in slow surface vibrations.

Relief-forming work external forces. Plains and mountains, created by internal forces, constantly change their relief (surface) under the influence of external forces. The vastness of the territory of Eurasia determines the diversity of external forces, the processes they generate and the forms they create. Therefore, the mountains and plains of Eurasia are diverse not only in height and geological structure, but also in its appearance.

Landforms created by rivers, are widespread on the mainland: the slopes of the mountains are dissected by gorges and canyons, the surfaces of the plateau are terraces. River sediments - alluvium - composed largest plains of Eurasia- Great Chinese, Indo-Gangetic, Mesopotamian (in the figure below), West Siberian. In the southeast and southwest of Eurasia - the Indo-China Peninsula, in the Mediterranean, and in the Caucasus, karst forms are widespread. The limestones that make up the surface are dissolved by water seeping into the rock mass. And bottomless abysses appear on the surface, and deep underground - caves, blocked by palisades of stalagmites and stalactites.

Do you know that...
The word “stalactite” translated from Greek means “drop by drop”. When water drips through the ceiling of a limestone cave, the drops leave behind small quantity minerals from which a stone ledge is gradually formed - a stalactite. The stalactite grows downwards like an icicle. In places where seeping drops of water fall on the cave floor, minerals also remain. A stalagmite gradually grows from them. Growing towards each other, they sometimes grow together - and a stone column is formed. The length of the world's largest stalactite in a karst cave in Ireland exceeds 7 m, and the height of the largest known stalagmite - in a cave in the south of France - is more than 29 m; and it continues to grow.

For southern, south-eastern outskirts and central parts Eurasia Where heavy rainfall occurs seasonally, a dense network of ravines and gullies created by temporary water flows is typical. Plains composed of loose rocks have been transformed into badlands(see picture).

Inside the continent- in continental climates - in dry, cold highlands Central Asia And Southern Siberia, in the hot deserts of Arabia - relief is formed by physical weathering. The plateaus are covered with stone placers, the slopes are covered with “stone rivers” of crushed stone and gravel. In the lowlands, the wind moves sand ridges and dunes. In the north and east of Siberia, permafrost terrain is typical: heaving mounds, polygons of fragmentary material interspersed with thawing thermokarst basins (see figure).

Mainly in the outskirts and the most high mountains - Alps, Himalayas, Caucasus, in the Tien Shan, on the Japanese Islands and Kamchatka relief formed mountain glaciers : they carved pointed peaks and ridges, deep valleys - troughs.

IN Relict forms are widely represented in Eurasia, created by ancient ice sheets more than 10 thousand years ago. Mountain slopes of the Scandinavian and Taimyr peninsulas, Northern Urals, North Islands Arctic Ocean polished (see figure below), cut by troughs, and the coasts are dissected fjords(see figure below) and are framed by numerous islands - skerries. In northern Europe, Western Siberia and the Central Siberian Plateau, glacial plains and lowlands alternate with chains of moraine uplands, with numerous lake basins. The forms created by the ancient glacier are clearly expressed in the relief of Belarus.

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