Dyakonov German Sergeevich resignation. German Dyakonov was charged with millions

German Dyakonov was charged millions

The court, on the second attempt, began considering the case of the ex-rector of KNRTU-KKhTI .

In the Vakhitovsky District Court of Kazan, on the second attempt, a hearing was held in the case of the former rector of KNRTU-KKhTI German Dyakonov. He is accused of fraud. Unlike the hearing, which did not take place due to the defendant’s failure to appear, he appeared in court at the next hearing along with other defendants, although not without the help of employees of the authorized bodies. Dyakonov himself is confident that the case is fabricated.

The prosecution's version is as follows: the Gazprom company - the curator of KNITU-KKhTI - transferred 23,800,000 rubles to the university's account as a donation for the development of the educational institution. Then the rector German Dyakonov gave an order to the vice-rector of the university Alexander Kochnev cash out some of these funds. He, in turn, passed on the instructions from his superiors to the assistant of the department of “Innovation in Chemical Technology” Igor Dubovik, and through friends he found fly-by-night companies with which he could cash out money. According to investigators, fictitious agreements were concluded between these companies and KNITU-KKhTI, according to which current accounts 1 million 282 thousand 685 rubles were transferred to front offices.

Today the rector is under house arrest. He explains the reason for not appearing at the meeting on time by saying that he was not in the know, since he had not received any summons. And he cannot come to court on his own - he needs to write notes in order to leave the house. While waiting for the trial to begin, Dyakonov smiles in the court corridor and even jokes, saying that he should have committed this crime, although it would not have been so offensive.

As told Midhat Kurmanov(formerly the Minister of Justice of Tatarstan. - Ed.) - Dyakonov’s lawyer, at the preliminary hearing he filed a petition about a violation that was committed by the investigators. The materials include 11 criminal cases, and one of them has two identical decisions of the investigator - dated March 22 and July 19. This practice is prohibited by Article 6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which states that no one can be criminally liable twice for the same crime.

There are 11 cases in total, the court only has 10. Where is the other one? - the lawyer is perplexed. - This is not a mistake, this is a violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure! The eleventh case was reopened. Look, it is indicated that a group of people committed theft for a total amount of 64 million rubles, but no case was initiated for 64 million,” explains Kurmanov.

The defense lawyer is sure that it is impossible to combine the cases, otherwise there would only be one case, and not the 11 that were mentioned we're talking about. Kurmanov adds that the materials indicate that Dyakonov committed the theft of funds by deceiving employees, while the “injured” party represented by Gazprom claims that Dyakonov did not deceive them, they have no claims and all the work was completed. However, the investigator puts forward a statement that the ex-rector deceived the employees of KNRTU-KKhTI.

You are journalists, not lawyers. How many frauds do you think can be committed with one contract? - Kurmanov asked a question.

“One thing,” the press representatives answered unanimously.

And he, it turns out, committed five. The maximum you can do is two,” the lawyer added to the journalists. - As a lawyer, I must say that there is no deception, only negligence; if you stretch it, it’s misappropriation, but not fraud.

Kurmanov also told the story with Gazprom, when the money was allegedly taken to Moscow to some employee of the state company. The investigator called this man, he came and said that he had never worked for Gazprom and had never taken any money.

Another piece of information to consider is the fact that an agreement was signed between KNITU-KKhTI and various companies for the purpose of carrying out experimental design work (R&D). However, none of the agreements contain Dyakonov’s signature. Kurmanov himself is sure that his client basically did not know about these agreements. The investigation did not conduct any examinations, shifting responsibility to the court.

The well-known ex-vice-rector of the university for scientific work was also brought to the preliminary meeting Ildara Abdullina. He was taken from the pre-trial detention center. Abdullin is involved in another episode - under an agreement between the university and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. As part of the agreement, a contract was allegedly concluded for a total amount of 160 million rubles, of which 40, according to investigators, were stolen.

Let us note that on December 14, 2015, the Moscow District Court found Abdullin guilty of particularly large-scale fraud. According to the investigation, the vice-rector established a scheme for the systematic theft of funds allocated for the development of the university and scientific developments. So, in 2013, through the mediation of the vice-rector, laboratory equipment was purchased for the university for 40 million budget rubles. The purchase was made without an auction. According to experts, the equipment actually costs 34 million. As the investigation established, this supply was carried out by a commercial structure controlled by Ildar Abdullin. As a result, such fraud caused damage to the university in the amount of 28 million rubles. The court sentenced the vice-rector to six and a half years in prison in a general regime colony.

However, even during the trial, Abdullin sent to law enforcement agencies a letter in which he accused the then rector of KNRTU-KKhTI German Dyakonov of systematically receiving large bribes and kickbacks from employees related to government contracts.

But while he was rector, they did not touch him. When the university management changed, the investigation received “ green light" And now in court the prosecution is trying to prove Dyakonov’s own involvement in the criminal schemes.



A package with a surprise: Mikhail Skoblionok was blown up by business competitors

The suspect must appear on surveillance cameras and in the visitor log.

Kazan remembered the “dashing nineties”. On Monday, October 15, an explosion occurred in an office on Poperechno-Noksinskaya Street. An attempt was made on a well-known businessman in Tatarstan Mikhail Skoblionka. Who ordered the entrepreneur? It's today main question both among investigators and ordinary people. Skoblionok is a well-known personality not only in Kazan.

On an ill-fated Monday morning, the businessman received a package. When the businessman began to open the box, there was an explosion, which left an impressive hole in the desktop.

Skoblionok received burns to his face, after which he was promptly taken in a moderate condition to the Republican Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital, where he underwent surgery.

The businessman’s life is not in danger, doctors will be able to preserve his vision, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan told a KazanFirst journalist.

The regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a case under the article “Attempted Murder.” At the time of the explosion, his assistant was in the office with the businessman. She was also injured and was hospitalized. There is no information about her condition.

At the time the editorial journalist arrived at the site, the territory was not cordoned off - despite the fact that the press was not allowed in, trucks came in unhindered. FSB, Investigative Committee, traffic police, and police cars are parked near the base.

As security officers working at Takpo said, they did not hear any pops.

They called us and told us to let the ambulance through, then people in uniform arrived,” recalls one of them, but finds it difficult to answer the question of who asked to do this.

To get to Skoblionok’s office, you need to go through the entrance, and before that call from a landline phone located on checkpoint, then the employee records the visitor’s data, only after this procedure does the person gain access to the office center.

In addition to the checkpoint of guests and the entry of cars, three cameras are recorded, two of which are installed on opposite sides gate, the third removes the perimeter. A few hours after the incident became known, investigators released footage from the scene. It shows a hole in the table with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters left by an explosive device. According to the task force, the attackers used TNT.

It’s clear that they didn’t want to kill, they say in the Investigative Committee.

An expert in the field of chemistry and explosives is confident that it is possible to synthesize TNT at home, even if you have the necessary laboratory equipment And vocational education in this area, it is very difficult.

TNT can only be purchased legal entities, who have the right and license to work with this substance, but there are shadow channels where you can purchase this, notes a KazanFirst interlocutor who wished to remain anonymous.

Mikhail Skoblionok was born in Kharkov in 1946. Graduated engineering education in KKhTI, in 1987 he created JSC "TAKPO" and to this day is engaged in the development various types business. The entrepreneur's areas of interest include restaurants, hotels, construction, and production of packaging film. Skoblionok is also the owner of the Nechama rehabilitation center and the Regina hotel chain.

People who know Mikhail call him “ difficult person" He defends the interests of business. At one time, Skoblionok even sued the brothers Airat and Ilshat Khairullin. Then the entrepreneur demanded that the decision to put into operation the second stage of the Koltso shopping center be declared invalid.

1 /0

Both teams passed the first round of the playoffs in one breath, not allowing their opponents to win a single match. The army team completely rolled around the Chelyabinsk Traktor, sending six pucks into its goal in almost every match.

But such is the will of the hockey gods: CSKA of Vyacheslav Bykov and Ak Bars of Zinetula Bilyaletdinov crossed their sticks already at the quarterfinal stage. Confrontation on the coaching bridge between two former partners according to the national team Soviet Union- an excellent defender and striker - subtle strategists overshadowed the battles in the other three pairs of the ¼ finals.

The first duel on the day of his 53rd birthday on the opponent’s ice in front of a full house, which happens extremely rarely at the CSKA Ice Palace, was brilliantly won by Bilyaletdinov. More precisely, his players won. The score 6:0 does not at all reflect the events that took place that evening on the ice rink of the CSKA Sports Palace. There was no “Baby Beating”, there were heroes.

For example, one can call Kazan goalkeeper Robert Ash, who has become, perhaps, the most valuable acquisition of the Leopards this season. The American spun like a squirrel in a wheel, helping out his partners seemingly in unthinkable situations. Just look at the army team's five-on-three play for almost two minutes in the second period. The defense of Ak Bars, led by Ash, bent, but did not cave in. They survived thanks to dedication. This moment was key in the match, after which the Muscovites became despondent, deciding to save their strength for the next battle. After all, on Friday the game starts with clean slate. The battle of the titans will continue.

Another factor in the success of the Kazan team was their strong start.Already by the tenth minute of the meeting, Ak Bars first line forward Danis Zaripov scored a double. At the beginning of the third period, Jukka Hentunen made the score big in favor of the guests, taking advantage of the removal of Peter Schastlivy. In the third period, the Kazan team turned on the lights behind the goal of young Ivan Kasutin three more times, who replaced him in the second period. the last frontier Army of Thomas Lawson.

Thus, the score in the series up to three wins became 1:0 in favor of the vice-champion; on March 14 in Moscow the teams will fight again. Bykov needs to rehabilitate himself and take revenge at all costs - he is the national team coach after all.

The remaining quarterfinal matches of the Russian Championship among Super League teams took place in Ufa, Magnitogorsk and Yaroslavl. Victories in them were celebrated by Salavat Yulaev, Metallurg and SKA. The Ufa team beat the main opening of the playoffs from Cherepovets Sevrestal with a score of 3:1, Magnitogorsk only broke the resistance of Moscow Dynamo in a shootout series - 4:3, and Yaroslavl Lokomotiv unexpectedly lost heavily to St. Petersburg on their ice SKA with a score of 0:4. On March 14, the teams will continue to sort things out in the second matches of the best-of-three series.

CSKA (Moscow) - Ak Bars (Kazan) - 0:6(0:2, 0:1, 0:3). March 13. Moscow. Ice Palace of Sports CSKA. 5,700 spectators. Judge - Biryukov (Moscow). The series score is 0:1.

Goals: Zaripov, 9, 10; Hentunen, 22; Buravchikov, 46; Chajanek, 52; Arkhipov, 57.

Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan

Born in 1964. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan (2002), Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor. Laureate of the Russian Government Prize and State Prize RT in the field of science and technology. Rector of KSTU (KSTI). Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan (2012).

G.S. Dyakonov is a specialist in the field theoretical foundations chemical technology and physical chemistry. Basic scientific directions, developed by G.S. Dyakonov: development of molecular statistical calculation methods physical and chemical properties multicomponent gas-liquid phase systems; theoretical methods, description of mass transfer in two-phase multicomponent systems; development and implementation of new contact elements; optimal design and reconstruction of separation devices in industrial chemistry; development mathematical description interconnected processes of heat and mass transfer, complicated chemical reaction; mathematical modeling synthetic rubber production processes. A significant result scientific research G.S. Dyakonova is a creation scientific foundations, technical development and industrial application fundamentally new technologies and devices for fast gas and liquid phase processes in turbulent mode in the chemical, petrochemical and oil industries.

Author over 200 scientific works, 11 patents, 3 teaching aids. G.S. Dyakonov conducts teaching work, including training highly qualified personnel. Under his scientific leadership, 11 candidates and 4 doctors of science were trained, and work is underway to train 10 candidates and doctors of science.

G.S. Dyakonov made a significant contribution to the development and establishment of KSTU (KSTI) as an innovative complex, including scientific, educational and production components.

G.S. Dyakonov’s considerable merit in the creation of the Khimgrad technopolis on the site of OJSC Tasma-Holding, designed to interact between universities of the Republic of Tatarstan and petrochemical enterprises in the formation of a petrochemical cluster. An integral part technopolis is a technopark in the field high technology, created in accordance with the federal program.

G.S. Dyakonov is the head working group on the creation of the Development Program innovation activity RT, adopted in 2005; heads the group for the formation of a comprehensive project “Development of nanoindustry in the Republic of Tatarstan”. Currently he is a member of the Scientific Coordination Council of the Federal Targeted Program “Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Scientific and Technical Complex of Russia for 2007 – 2012.” under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

G.S. Dyakonov - member of the editorial board of the journal TOKhT, editor-in-chief journal "Bulletin of Kazan Technological University" and interuniversity collection scientific works"Heat and mass transfer processes and apparatuses of chemical technology", member Expert Council Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation in Chemistry (section “ Chemical technology"), Chairman of the specialized council for protection doctoral dissertations, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of KSTU (KSTI).


Former rector of KNRTU-KKhTI German Dyakonov was detained by police in Kazan

The largest income among the rectors of Kazan universities was received by the head of KNRTU German Dyakonov - last year he earned 8 million rubles

The head of KNRTU (KKhTI), German Dyakonov, received the most among the rectors of Kazan universities in 2012. His income amounted to more than 7.9 million rubles. The rector owns an apartment with an area of ​​187 square meters. m, three residential buildings (70 sq. m, 48.3 sq. m, 150 sq. m), three land plots with an area of ​​1800 sq. m, 516 sq. m and 3700 sq. meters. Thus, Dyakonov’s property includes a UAZ 31514, a Kazanka 5M4 boat and a trailer for transporting a MZSA 81771D boat.
link: http://www.business-gazeta.ru/article/81733/

German Dyakonov earned the most among Tatarstan university rectors in 2012

Of the rectors of Kazan universities, the rector of Kazan National Research Technical University (KKhTI) German Dyakonov has the highest income. He earned more than 7.9 million rubles in 2012. The rector owns one apartment, 3 residential buildings, and 3 land plots. In second place was the rector of KFU Ilshat Gafurov, who earned more than 5.5 million rubles. He owns 4 apartments, one of which is located on the territory of Ukraine, 2 residential buildings and 4 land plots. The rector of KSUE, Edward Abdullazyanov, earned 4.2 million rubles last year. Thanks to this, he found himself in third place in terms of income among the rectors of Kazan universities. He owns 2 apartments, half a residential building, 2 plots of land.
link: http://www.tatar-inform.ru/ news/kazan/2013/06/11/363568/

Rectors are richer than presidents

Executive income Russian universities, as well as members of their families, were published for the first time by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The report includes six senior officials subordinate to the ministry. educational institutions Tatarstan. The richest was the rector of KNRTU (KKhTI) German Dyakonov - he earned for last year almost 8 million rubles.
link: http://www.intertat.ru/ru/dengi/item/17713-rektoryi- bogache-prezidentov.html

The incomes of the rectors of Kazan universities have been announced

The rector of the Kazan National Research Technological University, German Dyakonov, had the highest income among the heads of Kazan universities of federal subordination. In 2012, the Doctor of Chemical Sciences earned 7,932,050 rubles.
link: http://www.rg.ru/2013/06/11/reg-pfo/rektor.html

KNRTU together with NKNK organized large-scale celebrations in Nizhnekamsk, dedicated to the Day chemist

On the stage of the Nizhnekamsk SKK "Neftekhimik" the Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin, the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan Ravil Zaripov, the head of the Nizhnekamsk region Aidar Metshin, the rector of KNRTU Professor German Dyakonov, the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Tatarstan Tatyana Vodopyanova, the general director of OAO Nizhnekamskneftekhim, delivered congratulations. Vladimir Busygin, General Director of the Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Pakhomov, Deputy general director OJSC Tatneftekhiminvest-Holding Haris Mustafin and other officials.
link: http://www.business-gazeta.ru/article/80709/

In Tatarstan, the highest income among rectors was indicated by the rector of KNRTU (KKhTI)

According to these data (the list contains five rectors of universities subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), the highest income in 2012 was in the family of the rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kazan National Research Technological University" German Dyakonov - 7 million 932 thousand rubles. He is followed by the rector of KFU Ilshat Gafurov, who indicated income of almost 5 million 586 thousand rubles. True, Gafurov personally owns four more apartments, two houses and four land plots
link: http://regnum.ru/news/polit/ 1669587.html

Vladimir Kokurkin answered for Rustam Minnikhanov’s “elevators”
Busygin stated that the design institute actually missed the deadlines for the ABS plastics project. In his opinion, the projects of the SKhPP are “below the plinth”, the institute is not at all involved in its development, and it is led by former trade union workers. The President of Tatarstan, in turn, publicly criticized the rector of KNRTU-KKhTI German Dyakonov, who is in charge of the design institute, and said that his institute was falling apart. According to Minnikhanov, if the design institutes of Tatarstan, including the agricultural production enterprise, are not rebuilt, their level of work will only be worthy of the construction of an elevator.
link: http://www.business-gazeta.ru/article/81092/

German Dyakonov was confirmed as rector of KNRTU until 2017

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved German Dyakonov as rector of KNRTU-KKhTI.
link: http://www.tatar-inform.ru/ news/2012/07/20/324259/

"Chemical BOOM" - an intellectual battle for student card KNRTU

Before the start of the filming process, the rector of KNRTU gave a farewell message to the participants. German Sergeevich wished everyone a successful game and reminded the audience of the election articles of Vladimir Putin, who for the first time since the times of the USSR emphasized the importance and highlighted as priority direction Russian development chemical industry. “Those young people who today choose higher education in the field of chemistry, will be guaranteed to be provided with a prestigious, highly paid job and will be in demand at leading chemical and petrochemical enterprises both in Tatarstan and outside our republic,” the rector noted.
link: http://www.knrtu.ru/event.jsp? id=35211

Elections of the rector took place at KNRTU

On May 11, German Dyakonov was re-elected as rector of KNRTU-KKhTI during a conference attended by university teachers, management staff, undergraduate and graduate students of the university.
link: http://www.ehu.by/content/v-knitu-sostoyalis-vybory-rektora

A modern laboratory of the Yokogawa Electric Corporation company opened at KNRTU

The opening ceremony of the laboratory of the Yokogawa Electric Corporation took place today at the Kazan National Research technological university(KNITU). The opening ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, the President of Yokogawa Electric Corporation Shuzo Kaihori, the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Albert Gilmutdinov, the rector of KNRTU German Dyakonov, the general director of OJSC Tatneftekhiminvest-holding Rafinat Yarullin and others.
link: http://portal.tatarstan.ru/index.htm/news/101447.htm

Now you can become a volunteer at KNRTU

The head of the Office - Deputy General Director of the Executive Directorate "Kazan 2013" Larisa Sulima and the rector of KNRTU German Dyakonov walked along the living corridor. The red ribbon is cut to applause.

— Today we opened another Volunteer Recruitment Center. His task is to select 3,000 volunteers from the 4,500 KNRTU students who filled out the questionnaire. It is KNRTU that has been entrusted with the right to concentrate the bulk of the volunteers at the Rubin Arena stadium, where the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the World University Games will be held, and they will also work with spectators at sports facilities,” said Larisa Sulima.

Incredible adventures of the ex-rector of KNRTU-KKhTI: he shouted to the bailiff “Take it, bitch!”, pestered a journalist and got an administrative job

Today, German Dyakonov shocked the participants in the theft case at KNRTU-KKhTI by appearing in court drunk. He demanded that the judge initiate a case against the wife of the former vice-rector, Elmira Abdullina, and after the meeting he created a scandal by refusing to sign the administrative protocol drawn up against him. The BUSINESS Online correspondent also came under the hot hand.


Another appearance in court of the former rector of KNRTU-KKhTI ended in a scandal German Dyakonov. Today he and six other defendants in the case of fraud at KKhTI appeared in the building of the Vakhitovsky District Court, where the trial of theft at the university is taking place. The ex-rector, who usually comes to the process early, was late today. He has such an opportunity - a preventive measure related to restriction of freedom has not been assigned to him, so he is not entitled to a special escort from the Federal Penitentiary Service. As appointed by the judge Almaz Mukhametshin At 10 a.m. even his lawyer, the former Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, began to show concern Midhat Kurmanov, who started calling Dyakonov’s father - also former rector KHTI SergeiDyakonov, apparently to ask where his son was. German Sergeevich himself, according to Kurmanov, did not pick up the phone.

Finally, 15 minutes late, the ex-rector still came to court, but behaved extremely quietly and unnoticed. Our correspondent noticed dirty stains on the defendant's jacket. In addition, Dyakonov sat on a bench at the opposite end of the court corridor, although before that he had come to the trial of his case in the same office at least ten times. Complete serenity and detachment reigned on his face.

When the participants in the trial were allowed into the hall, Dyakonov was one of the last to enter, spreading a smell that could not be confused with anything else. The other defendants in the case immediately understood everything; one of them showed a characteristic gesture, tapping her finger on her neck. Dyakonov calmly sat down at the last bench, but suddenly invited the correspondent of our publication to sit next to him, to which he was refused. The ex-rector smiled and turned to lawyer Kurmanov with a request to file a certain petition.

- Wait, no need, sit. “We’ll figure it out,” his defense attorney asked Dyakonov “not to make a fuss.” What exactly was discussed became clear only at the end of the meeting

Yulia Timoshina (right), Natalya Tikhonova (center), Ekaterina Sergeeva (left) Photo: Regina Shafieva


The meeting itself began casually. Judge Mukhametshin questioned two new witnesses - a professor at the department of clothing and footwear design at KNITU-KKhTI Natalia Tikhonova and Associate Professor of the Department of Plasma-Chemical and Nanotechnologies of High-Molecular Materials of KNITU-KKhTI Yulia Timoshina.

Tikhonova told the court that in 2014 Sergeeva asked her to find a candidate to participate in the R&D project “Armor PE”. Let us remind you that, according to the UBEP and the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the work within the project was fictitious, the money (the amount of 54 million rubles appears in the case) was cashed and transferred to the management of the university. Tikhonova, as follows from her testimony, suggested Sergeeva to a certain university employee Veronica Bezgodova.

“Initially they said it was just enrollment, no work needed to be done at all,” said the witness.

Tikhonova, as follows from her testimony, withdrew money from the card once a month upon a call from Sergeeva and transferred it to the professor and a certain Bezgodovaya, who is also involved in the case in the status of a witness. “Sergeeva called, sent SMS or WhatsApp messages, reported that funds had been received and in what amount,” the judge later read from Tikhonova’s testimony. Total amount funds amounted to about 400 thousand rubles. According to the witness, the transfers ended with the completion of the project.

Associate Professor of the department Timoshina was next called in for questioning, and she gave contrary evidence. As follows from the testimony of a 29-year-old pretty girl, she was invited by Sergeeva to work on the R&D project “Armor PE” ( scientific supervisor Timoshina). Then still a graduate student, from July 2014 to April 2015 Timoshina was involved in the design reporting documentation, research results, theoretical research. For 10 months of work, she received a substantial amount for the university - more than 600 thousand rubles. According to her, she spent this money only on herself and her family - she went with her relatives to Vietnam and paid off the loan. “The amounts there were different, there were not fixed amounts every month. We saved some things, spent some on personal needs, we had unclosed family loans,” Timoshina said. To the prosecutor's question Ruslana Gabitova Whether Sergeeva asked her to transfer funds to anyone, the witness answered negatively.

— As of today, is there any claim against you for 600 thousand rubles in any court? Were you overpaid or did something done to you? From Comrade Osipenko ( Oleg Osipenko, representative of the injured party, lawyer of KNRTU-KKhTIeditor's note) is there a claim? — Dyakonov’s lawyer Kurmanov asked Timoshina.

“No,” answered the girl.

Elmira Abdullina (right) Photo: Regina Shafieva

“Come on, sign it! Why are you arguing? Sign, otherwise they’ll take it away now.”

At the end of the hearing, when the judge had already announced a break until tomorrow and it seemed that no surprises would happen, Dyakonov himself jumped up from the bench. “I have a petition!” - he announced loudly and clearly. Kurmanov tried to save the situation, but he was unable to stop Dyakonov. And the defendant himself began to say “we” - as if Kurmanov had already joined his petition.

“We demand the initiation of a criminal case against Abdullin’s wife for knowingly giving false testimony,” the defendant blurted out loudly. It seems that his emotions are still not settled in his soul after yesterday, where Abdullina spoke about the mysterious packages that were handed over to her husband, and said that his boss threatened to “fire everyone.”

— Do you feel somehow inadequate, or something, Dyakonov? - Judge Mukhametshin looked at Dyakonov more attentively than usual and made a guess. -Are you sober now?

“I’m adequate and sober,” Dyakonov answered and continued. “Yesterday Abdullina gave deliberately false testimony. In response to my question that our employees did not come to his home or hospital, she said no. This is not true, and it's like...

- What exactly did you want? — Mukhametshin interrupted him in bewilderment.

“We demand the initiation of a criminal case for giving false testimony...” Dyakonov insistently rapped out.

“You have a lawyer - please, all questions to him,” Mukhametshin snapped and asked if anyone else had any petitions. Dyakonov no longer had the strength to continue, and the participants in the trial reached for the exit from the hall.

In the corridor, Kurmanov began to convince his client that it was not worth filing a petition like that. However, retribution for unacceptable behavior has already appeared before Dyakonov in the person of the bailiff. It turned out that a report was drawn up against the ex-rector for violating court order. In the presence of bailiffs, a lawyer, a BUSINESS Online correspondent, and a court press secretary Tatiana Salova and other curious Dyakonov loudly declared that he refused to agree with the protocol. He in large letters wrote on the document that he did not agree with it and signed it. FSSP employees reached out to press the panic button.

“Look, he refuses to sign, I’m calling the employees...” one bailiff said to the other. Kurmanov tried to calm everyone down, especially his client, and asked not to call anyone.

- Are we just going to let him go, or what, now? — the bailiff was perplexed.

- Vice versa! He refuses everything because he is not drunk! I am now handing it over to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - and that’s it! Then let them call an ambulance, they find out that he did this and that... He refused - that’s it! I already told you - that’s it! — the FSSP officer raised his tone. “He himself put it in three places, I warned you.”

The FSSP employee assured the defense lawyer that if Dyakonov signed the document, he would be released, and the situation would be resolved by magistrates, and the ex-rector would get off with a judicial warning. And if he protests, he will be detained immediately.

“That’s it, go ahead and sign,” Kurmanov asked Dyakonov.

But Dyakonov was not going to sign anything. He was extremely angry about the situation. It seemed that a few more seconds - and he would completely lose control of himself.

“I tell him normally, he doesn’t understand,” the bailiff turned to the lawyer.

“I understand, I served a year in prison,” Dyakonov objected.

“I’m not saying anything, whether they sat or not, it doesn’t concern me,” the bailiff was already tired of this situation.

- Sign it! Why are you arguing? Sign, otherwise they’ll take it away now,” Kurmanov did not give up trying to reason with Dyakonov.

- No, ***, - literary speech Dyakonova no longer expressed emotions.

“Now they’ll take it away...” Kurmanov said doomedly.

- Take it! - demanded the ex-rector. - Take it, bitch! Last words were turned to the bailiff.

Here the prisoner was taken through the hall of the first floor; it was necessary to vacate the premises. Kurmanov, Dyakonov, the BUSINESS Online correspondent and the bailiff went into the corridor.

And then Dyakonov suddenly made a “knight’s move.” He suddenly changed his anger to mercy and turned to the BUSINESS Online correspondent with a request to sign the document.

“Regin, Regina, sign,” the defendant asked affectionately.

“Tell him to sign,” Kurmanov also joined this request.

“I can’t sign,” answered the BUSINESS Online correspondent. This caused a new attack of anger in Dyakonov.

“I’ll break his neck now, ***,” he said and looked convincingly at the bailiff.

- No need to wring your neck. Come on, you haven't had enough of this yet. Let's sign. Here, take a pen. Regin, tell me - from last bit of strength Kurmanov pleaded.

And here Dyakonov’s behavior crossed all boundaries.

“Let’s put the question specifically: will you agree to draw a close relationship with me?” — Dyakonov looked into the eyes of the BUSINESS Online correspondent with a smile and a bit of hope.

“No, I’m not ready yet,” Kurmanov answered for our correspondent. But Dyakonov, after the bickering, nevertheless signed the protocol and calmly headed towards the exit, as if nothing had happened. “You had to be smart enough to come to court drunk!” — Kurmanov commented on what happened in a conversation with a BUSINESS Online correspondent.

According to our publication, a protocol was drawn up against Dyakonov under Article 17.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, namely, “Failure to comply with a legal order of a bailiff to ensure established order activities of the courts on the termination of actions that violate the rules established by the court.” In the protocol, the bailiffs indicated: “I arrived at court with signs of alcohol intoxication: a strong odor of alcohol on my breath, slurred speech, etc. I tried in every possible way to get to court, but did not respond to the demands of the bailiffs under the OUPDS.” The bailiffs have already informed the judge about the administrative violation, a source of our publication said. In accordance with the Administrative Code, Dyakonov faces a fine of 500 to 1 thousand rubles.

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