A person with low moral responsibility. Moral choice in the activities of law enforcement officers

Moral responsibility

Moral responsibility is a measure of moral freedom. It is customary to distinguish between moral responsibility, which objectively follows from the nature of the actions and deeds performed, and moral responsibility as the opportunity and ability of an individual, on the basis of free choice, to accept any important decision, consciously commit an act that meets social and moral requirements, contributing to the implementation of public goals and objectives. In the first case, responsibility manifests itself when a person endowed with moral consciousness, knowing the norms and principles moral behavior, the laws of the society in which he lives, at the same time violates them. As a result, his actions contrast personal and public interests. In this case, society determines the punishment for violation of public duties, norms and rules of behavior. Basically, this form of responsibility extends to negative actions and deeds of a person, caused by the social need to be responsible for violation of laws, rules of conduct, for failure to comply social task, assigned work. IN scientific theory this form of moral responsibility is called negative and is the subject of study not only of ethics, but also of law. Negative form liability that has legal specificity and is authorized government agencies, laws, differs from negative moral responsibility.


Morality refers to extra-institutional forms of regulation, while law refers to institutional forms. There are no organizations or institutions that create morality.

Morality regulates human behavior in all spheres of reality: in work, in everyday life, in law enforcement, in science, in family, intragroup and other relationships.

It authorizes and supports certain social foundations, a way of life, or requires their change. Morality regulates the behavior of both the individual and society.

Since the function of regulating behavior is carried out not only with the help of moral requirements, but also legal norms, administrative regulations, technical, social and hygienic rules, etc., moral regulation should be distinguished from any other, and, above all, from legal.

The main ethical requirements regulating the selection process itself are: the unshakability of the ideological positions from which he must consider all issues of the fight against crime; intolerance to any violations of the law; implementation of professional duty as a moral imperative (the highest moral requirement); avoidance of formalism, negligence, indifference and haste in decision-making, indifference to the fate of a person.

Conflict is the understanding, imagination or fear of at least one party that its interests are being violated, infringed or ignored by the other party or parties. The parties are ready to fight to capture, suppress or destroy the interests of rivals in order to satisfy their own interests.

Moral responsibility is a measure of moral freedom. It is customary to distinguish between moral responsibility, which objectively follows from the nature of the actions and deeds performed, and moral responsibility as the opportunity and ability of an individual, on the basis of free choice, to make any important decision, to consciously commit an act that meets social and moral requirements, contributing to the implementation of public goals and objectives . In the first case, responsibility manifests itself when a person endowed with moral consciousness, knowing the norms, principles of moral behavior, and the laws of the society in which he lives, at the same time violates them. As a result, his actions contrast personal and public interests. In this case, society determines the punishment for violating public duties, norms and rules of behavior. Basically, this form of responsibility extends to negative actions and deeds of a person, caused by the social need to be responsible for violation of laws, rules of conduct, for failure to fulfill a social task or assigned task. In scientific theory, this form of moral responsibility is called negative and is the subject of study not only of ethics, but also of law.

moral law enforcement extra-institutional

Responsibility is the awareness of compliance (or non-compliance with moral standards of a person’s actions, as well as the results and consequences of his actions. It is morally responsible behavior that gives a person the right to have freedom.

A person's moral responsibility depends on:

His capacity;

Ability to understand and correctly interpret requirements;

The influence of external circumstances on the result of actions.

In addition, a moral response means responsible behavior towards other people: respect for the personality of another person, helping people, etc.

A sense of responsibility exists in two forms - positive (a sense of significance, influence on what is happening) and negative (uncertainty in the ability to achieve positive results).

Irresponsible behavior refers to actions taken without considering their consequences. This behavior is associated with inadequate self-esteem, indifference, selfishness, etc.

Moral responsibility suggests the following. conditions:

Freedom of action (an act committed by a person not of his own free will does not imply responsibility for it);

Intentionality of the act (unintentionality of the act mitigates responsibility, but does not exclude it completely);

A person’s ability to be aware of what is happening, the ability to voluntarily stop an action leading to negative consequences. (Mentally ill people are considered insane. From a legal point of view, artificially induced insanity (alcohol, drugs) aggravates the guilt.)

During historical development people community, the level of personal freedom increases, as well as the level of a person’s moral responsibility for himself and for his family. In this regard, the philosopher E. Fromm argued that many people are burdened by this responsibility and try to evade it (sometimes unconsciously). He identified mechanisms that allow a person to relinquish freedom and responsibility at the social level:

Totalitarian regime (the leader takes responsibility for the life of society and its members);

- “automating conformism” (uncritical acceptance of other people’s opinions, transformation of society’s opinions into one’s own).

8 . Good and evil.

The central category of morality is good. Good is the highest moral value; doing good is the main regulator of moral behavior. The opposite of good is evil. It is anti-value, that is, something incompatible with moral behavior. Good and evil are not “equal” principles. Evil is “secondary” in relation to good: it is only the “other side” of good, a deviation from it. It is no coincidence that in Christianity and Islam God (good) is omnipotent, and the devil (evil) is only capable of tempting individual people to violate the commandments of God.

The concepts of good and evil underlie the ethical assessment of human behavior. Considering any human act to be “kind” or “good”, we give it a positive moral assessment, and considering it “evil” or “bad” - a negative one.

Considering human behavior from an ethical point of view, one can notice that many behavioral acts are morally neutral, that is, they deserve neither positive nor negative moral evaluation. In fact, washing and dressing, eating, reading, walking, going to the theater - all these are activities that in themselves are neither moral nor immoral. Only those actions that, firstly, are committed intentionally and, secondly, have social significance, that is, directly or indirectly affect the interests of other people, create or destroy some values, receive a “non-zero” moral assessment. Such actions are called deeds. Buying bread is not an act, but if a person shares bread with a starving person or takes it away from a suffering person, these are actions (receiving a moral assessment with a plus or minus).

Good is the concept of morality, the opposite of the concept of evil, meaning an intentional, selfless and sincere desire for the implementation of good, a useful act, for example, helping one’s neighbor, as well as a stranger, or even the animal and plant world. In an everyday sense, this term refers to everything that receives a positive assessment from people, or is associated with happiness, joy, or love. In the religious sense, Good is a characteristic of phenomena from the point of view of their correspondence to God's providence

Evil is the concept of morality, the opposite of the concept of good, meaning the intentional, deliberate, conscious infliction of harm, damage, or suffering on someone. In the everyday sense, evil refers to everything that receives a negative assessment from people, or is condemned by them from any side (that is, contrary to the rules of morality). In this sense, both lies and ugliness fit the concept of evil. The question of the predominance of evil or good in the world in everyday terms is the subject of dispute between pessimists and optimists.

Moral responsibility is an expression of the ability to cope with one’s activities, actions and actions on one’s own. At all times this type of responsibility had great importance, but in times of crisis and in conditions of transformation of society, moral responsibility for each person acquired a special meaning.

Moral responsibility plays important role in all spheres of personality - cultural, political, economic, family. First of all, any responsibility entails an understanding of moral norms and principles.

Types of moral responsibility

Types of responsibility are determined in such a way as and to whom this responsibility is borne by a person. There are three main ones:

  1. Responsibility to yourself. A person makes a choice and, as a result, settles on his life, his destiny, and therefore bears responsibility for them. This type often manifests itself in a person’s doubts and regrets.
  2. Responsibility for actions before others. The type of such moral responsibility is often associated with administrative and legal responsibility.
  3. Responsibility to the world and others. The manifestation of such responsibility is determined by concern for the world, subsequently caused by anxiety. This type of responsibility is considered the most difficult, since a person believes that he is responsible for everything and everyone. A person may deny and not realize this responsibility.

Moral responsibility of a person for what is happening

Due to the instinct of self-preservation, a person has to bear responsibility for his mistakes and failures, thereby placing everything on fate. Such responsibility is global and daunting, since it requires a person to be included in natural and social connections. Such responsibility is generated from diverse and multiple connections between the individual and society.

Good and evil. These two concepts accompany a person throughout his life. From the moment of realizing oneself as an individual man walking to an understanding of what moral choice is. This is what accompanies a person at virtually every stage. life path and shows the level of her moral development.

Choice is part of human life

Every day a person faces a choice. We can say that every day we solve many problems related to the problem of choice. Philosophers believe that this problem is an integral part of any human activity. Of course, we do not make fateful decisions every minute, but it is from these small steps that the long road of life is formed. Therefore, we can say that every second of our existence we choose our future. Well, this theory has a right to exist. However, like many others. After all, the question of choice is very acute in philosophy and ethics. This especially applies to such a concept as moral choice. This is the fundamental point of morality and value system human society. This topic I would like to look at it in more detail.

Moral choice - what is it?

Any choice presupposes the activity of the subject of the situation. But a moral choice is an assessment of a value system and making a decision in favor of one of them in certain situations. In more in a broad sense this concept is perceived as a problem of the struggle between good and evil, a decision in favor of the dark or light side.

Moral choice people in favor of one side or another is not always constant value, in repeated similar situations the subject may make a completely different decision. This is due to his moral values ​​and experience gained. In addition, it is worth considering the conditions in which the individual was raised. After all, every society has its own boundaries of good and evil. That is, in the case when two subjects of a situation make a choice in the direction of good, these may be completely different directions in the system of moral and ethical norms.

Responsibility of moral choice

Moral choice is the responsibility that an individual will bear after making his decision. This responsibility is an unbearable burden for many representatives of society, so they try to avoid making one decision or another. But in any case, every person at least once in his life faces a moral choice that reveals all his ethical and psychological deformations. After all, in similar situations an individual must identify himself with some social group, and with its brightest and most characteristic part.

If we take into account the fact that moral choice is a responsibility, then we can confidently say that, falling into this situation, its subject must advance in his moral development to a certain level.

The moral component of the individual

To understand what moral choice is, we need to understand what exactly motivates a person to make definite decision. In philosophy, the moral component of a person is considered decisive. It can be presented in the form of a scan of his soul, which displays all the goals, ways to achieve them, priorities and the meaning of life for this particular individual. It is the moral component that gives an assessment of the actions of other people and one’s own, including. It characterizes a personality as positive or negative in the prism of certain actions. It is worth understanding that in the case individual person this assessment is very subjective, but in other situations it may show moral consciousness the entire society as a whole.

Moral consciousness of the individual

Social consciousness has many forms. But one of the most important is the moral component of public consciousness. It represents a kind of cement that consolidates the rules of morality and ethics in a particular society and determines the evaluative criteria for people’s behavior. It is worth noting that moral consciousness is a static value and includes the principles and set of ethical standards accepted in society.

Objects of moral choice

You should not consider the problem of choice without noting the objects this process. They can be represented as follows:

  • individual;
  • a separate group of people;
  • social structure;
  • numerous stratum of society or class.

In any case, the individual must make a decision in favor of someone. This may be a choice between the subject and the group, or a decision that does not affect the interests of the subject at all and concerns a group of other people.

Faced with a moral choice, a person finds himself in a situation of moral choice. It can only exist in the case of several decision options. Moreover, each of the options must be understandable to the individual and amenable to a reasonable explanation.

The situation of moral choice does not imply an unlimited number of decision options; they cannot go beyond the understanding of good and evil. This is an indispensable condition for the current situation, otherwise the choice cannot be considered moral.

Freedom of moral choice

It is worth noting that the problem of choice has a number of features and given conditions, outside of which the situation completely ceases to exist. Moral freedom of choice is an indispensable condition of the situation. An individual must make a decision based only on his own own ideas and given the scale of values, no one should put pressure on him and create special boundaries.

Freedom of choice consists of the opportunity received to make a decision and real ability perform one or another action in order to indicate one’s position.

Conditions for moral choice

The choice between good and evil requires strict adherence to the conditions; they are the basis of the proposed situation and make it static, despite the mass of solution options:

1. Range of possibilities.

Each individual must be aware of and evaluate all choices and their consequences. If according to various reasons he does not have the opportunity to conduct an objective analysis, then the choice is not in full degree will reflect the moral values ​​and foundations of the individual.

2. Social conditions.

Each person always makes a choice within his own social class, where certain norms of behavior and values ​​are accepted. This allows you to make a decision rationally, assigning yourself to a certain group.

3. Understanding the need for choice

The individual must clearly realize that he follows his principles and moral standards, and does not make a decision because everyone does it, or no one does it.

If all these nuances are observed, the individual becomes the subject of the situation.

Moral conflict

There are situations when a moral choice arises from certain circumstances that do not lead to a clear victory of good over evil. This problem called moral conflict. An individual falls into it when, in the given circumstances decision will become evil in a different scale of moral and ethical norms and values. In such a situation, a person cannot decide on one option or another.

The choice in a moral conflict can only be determined by the individual’s purely personal moral values. In this situation, the norms accepted in society fade into the background, and the individual is left alone with his principles. Quite often, with such a problem, we can talk about the maturity of the personality as a whole, obtained life experience and the set of fixed norms will become what motivates decision-making.

Topic: Moral responsibility

Goals: show the connection between a freely chosen action and responsibility for the choice or action made; lead to the understanding that only the presence of responsibility makes choice a moral act; developing the ability to formulate your thoughts and motivate your point of view.

During the classes

Org moment.

We all managed to get together,

Get to work together.

Let's think, reason,

We can start the lesson.

Updating knowledge.

Let's remember: What is morality? Morality is the rules of human behavior and socially accepted ideas about good and evil, conscience, and justice.

What is a moral standard? Moral standards - example correct behavior in society.

Does knowledge of moral standards guarantee that a person will certainly comply with them? (No)

What can ensure compliance with moral standards? (study answers)

The only guarantee of moral behavior is the personal ability of each individual person to act morally.

Is it possible to turn moral standards into state laws? (No)

There are no legislative, social or other guarantees of morality. There is only one guarantee - it is in every person, in his ability to act morally. It means that moral responsibility lies with each of us. Announcement of the topic.

Lesson plan:

1.What is moral choice.

2.Freedom is responsibility.

3. How to cultivate responsibility

1.Moral choice.

A person can be kind, honest, noble, etc. But he is also capable of meanness, lies, betrayal, and cruelty. A person himself always decides what to do: to observe or not to observe moral standards.

Here's a simple example. You have two apples, one of them is large and beautiful, the other is clearly worse. A friend has come to see you. The thought arises: should I treat you or not? And if you give me a treat, which one should you take for yourself? What does morality teach? (always share with your neighbor, give the best piece to a friend) But there is another, selfish morality: your shirt is closer to your body.

Are you wondering what to do? (study answers)

This is the choice of action or moral choice– when a person not only internally chooses his moral (good or evil) attitude, but also acts in accordance with his choice. You can also say this: moral choice- this is the choice of your attitude (good or evil) towards other people.

But there are more complicated cases than treating yourself to apples.

Situation. The whole class gathered at Sergei's birthday. The guys looked with interest at the collection of car models collected by his father. Friends were having fun and playing. The evening flew by unnoticed.

And a week later, two friends, Sergei’s classmates, decided to go to the cinema. Vadim went behind Kostya and saw a familiar little car on the shelf in the hallway. It was a red racing model, which he had recently held in his hands at Sergei’s birthday. Vadim doubted and decided to ask his friend directly. Kostya admitted. The car was so good that he couldn’t resist and took it for himself. He asked Vadim not to give him away...

What choice did Vadim face? (tell Sergei about the theft or remain silent)

What choice does Kostya have? (confess to the wrongdoing)

Which path would you choose? (study answers)

So why does a person act badly in one case, and morally, honestly, kindly in another?

How will a person who violates moral standards be punished? (learn the answers)

It’s hard to live next to such a person; he can always offend.

If a person does not learn to feel the people around him, then by the end of his life he may be left completely alone.

Have you ever had to make your own choices, find yourself in a situation of moral choice? (study answers)

Conclusion. A person always has a choice. It’s true that acting in accordance with good morality is not easy, because you have to think not only about yourself, but also about others.

All our actions have consequences.

2.Freedom is responsibility

In life, each of us is like a fairy-tale hero standing in front of a stone with the inscription: “You will go to the right... To the left... Straight...” Where to go? Think, decide, choose. You are free.

What does it mean to be free?

What is the most important thing in freedom?

Freedom is the ability to do whatever you want.

Freedom is independence from someone.

Freedom is the absence of constraints and restrictions.

Freedom is permissiveness.

Freedom is the ability to choose.

Let's consider the situations.

1. During a math lesson I felt an uncontrollable desire to eat (sing, dance, stand on my head).

2. Guests have come to you. You're having fun, the music is blaring, and it's already late.

3. Friends call you outside. You really want to go, but your mother is sick.

If you make a choice, you will be responsible for your actions yourself. Because freedom and responsibility are like two sides of the same coin: one is impossible without the other.

Why should a person limit his freedom?

Freedom without responsibility is irresponsibility.

With irresponsible free choice, the consequences can be harmful not only to the one who committed the act, but also to all those associated with it common cause. This is why freedom is impossible without responsibility.

1. Read the situation.
2. Define the problem of choice in terms of freedom and responsibility.
Situation 1
On your day off, you and your friends are going on a trip to a concert of your favorite band. You've been waiting for this moment for a long time. Tickets paid. Transport has been ordered. But the day before you find out that your parents’ work schedule has changed, and you need to spend time with your elderly, sick grandmother.
Situation 2
While walking in the park in the evening with friends whose opinion you value very much, one of the friends suggested, for fun, to paint the portraits on the Alley of Heroes with spray paint. Everyone agreed. What will you do?
Situation 3
During the lesson, during the teacher's explanation, one of the classmates exploded a firecracker to disrupt the lesson. The teacher is nervous. Asks the culprit to confess to the offense committed. You know who did it, but you're afraid of the consequences. What to do in such a situation?
- What can a wrong choice lead to? (a person may get hurt, or you yourself may get hurt)

Eat different types responsibility, but the main one - responsibility moral, responsibility to one's own conscience.

Moral responsibility presupposes a person’s ability to evaluate his own actions, foresee their consequences and not remain indifferent to the needs and problems of another person.


We're tired, we've been sitting too long. We wanted to warm up.

They looked at the wall, then looked out the window.

Now let's turn our heads - better brain will work. (Rotate your head.)

Turn right, turn left, and then vice versa. (Turns the body.)

3.How to instill responsibility in yourself?

About whom do they say: “He is a responsible person”? (study answers)

Important with early years develop strong moral responsibility, be able to promote good and resist evil.

What is needed for this?

1. We must try to behave in a disciplined manner, not to violate the requirements set by teachers, parents, other adults, as well as the requirements that you set for yourself.

It would seem so simple: don’t do what you shouldn’t do. But many things prevent us from being disciplined (ridicule from friends, lack of concentration, bad habits). But everything can be overcome if you want.

2. The one who realizes the significance of this quality of character for himself and for all people will become responsible. Such people are respected. These are reliable friends; you can always rely on them in everything.

3. You need to learn to control yourself. To do this, it is useful to ask yourself: did I do the right thing? Did I cause harm by my action? Have I let someone down with my lack of obligation?

What prevents you from becoming responsible? (self-justification, sometimes achieves miracles of ingenuity)


Select character qualities that help you be responsible: honesty, accuracy, kindness, aggressiveness, sloppiness, hot temper, hard work, accuracy, laziness, courage, politeness, commitment.

check yourself

Answer the questions (yes or no)

Do you always keep your promises?

Was there a time when you confessed to a teacher what you did?

Is it easier for you to admit to a bad deed or to deceive someone?

If you have had to give more “no” answers than “yes”, you should consider strengthening your sense of responsibility.

Conclusion.Moral responsibility- this is responsibility before one’s conscience. A moral person will not allow himself to commit a crime, even if no one finds out about it. The judgment of his own conscience is always higher for him than the judgment of others. You will help your comrades gain responsibility if you trust them, treat them with respect, show that you rely on them, and do not doubt their good qualities.

The sage was asked: “What is the best life?” he replied: “When we don’t do what we condemn in others.” Guys, everything is in your hands!

Reflection. Today you worked well, showed that you can answer questions and reason. What do you think the knowledge gained can be useful for?

I worked well in class today

I worked “excellently” in class today



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