Physical natural phenomena in English. Weather description in English with translation

1. Choose an adjective or an adverb to make sentences grammatically correct.

Examples: It is clear. I see it clearly.

1. It is (correct, correctly).
2. Spell the word (correct, correctly).
3. You know it (good, well).
4. Of course it is (good, well).
5. It is (cold, coldly) in the room.
6. Don’t look so (cold, coldly) at me.
7. It is (easy, easily).
8. I can do it (easy, easily).
9. It is (warm, warmly) today.
10. He always greets us (warm, warmly).

2. Give the Comparative and Superlative Degrees.

Sad, grey, bad, old, happy, free, far, dry, big, near, shy, unusual, able, mountainous, little, polite, famous, well-known, heavy.

3. Put adjectives into correct forms.

1. John is (young) of the 3 brothers.
2. The Sun is (bright) the Moon.
3. Is the diameter of Jupiter (big) than that of the Earth?
4. That room is (light) than yours.
5. This room is (large) than the one upstairs.
6. It doesn’t take (much) than four days to cross the Atlantic, does it?

4. Choose the correct form of an adjective.

1. Jane is the (taller - tallest) of the 2 girls.
2. Father was the (eldest - elder) of seven sons.
3. Albert is (elder - older) than John.
4. I think your plan is the (best - better) of the two.
5. This is the (most large-largest) power - station, I’ve ever seen.
6. Henry is the (oldest - eldest) of the 3 brothers.

Right answers:

1. Choose an adjective or adverb to make the sentences grammatically correct.

1. correct | 2. correctly | 3. well | 4. good | 5. cold | 6. cold | 7. easy | 8. easily | 9. warm | 10.warmly

2. Give comparative and superlative degrees.

sad - sadder - (the) saddest
gray - greyer - (the) greyest
bad - worse - (the) worst
old - older (elder) - (the) oldest (eldest)
happy - happier - (the) happiest
free - freer - (the) freest
far - farther (further) - (the) farthest (furthest)
dry - drier - (the) driest
big - bigger - (the) biggest
near - nearer - (the) nearest
shy - shyer - (the) shyest
unusual - more unusual - (the) most unusual
able - abler - (the) ablest
mountainous - more mountainous - (the) most mountainous
little - less - (the) least
polite - politer - (the) politest
famous - more-famous - (the) most-famous
well-known - more well-known - (the) most well-known
heavy - heavier - (the) heaviest

3. Put the adjectives in the correct form.

1. youngest | 2.brighter | 3. bigger | 4. lighter | 5. larger | 6. more

4. Choose the correct form of the adjective.

1. tallest | 2. eldest | 3. older | | 5. largest | 6. eldest

Our amazing planet is mysterious and extraordinary. It is full of unique phenomena and mysteries. Every day nature pleases us with beautiful sunsets, autumn cobwebs, and a starry sky. Someone enjoys the morning dew, others breathe the frosty air while admiring the white canvas of hoarfrost. But often nature amazes and makes admire such phenomena that literally fascinate or, conversely, induce terrible fear.

You can observe various natural phenomena in different places on Earth. For example, aurora can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere. For the first time the northern lights saw the Scandinavian peoples, deciding that this is a manifestation of the wrath of the gods. In fact, the aurora has an electrical origin. Millions of charged particles collide in air molecules thereby forming a glow. Thanks to oxygen, light is reflected in yellow, green, red. Blue and purple are formed with nitrogen.

Rainbow is the most joyful and amazing phenomenon of nature. A rainbow can be observed immediately after a rain, in the form of reflection of sunlight in water droplets that remain in the air after a rain. The light is refracted and gives us seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. Rainbow is also double.

The inhabitants of the earth very often can observe an amazing cosmic phenomenon - star rain or stargazing. If you look at the sky, we will see a lot of luminous points that fly from top to bottom towards our planet. During the flight, these points, like her small stars, leave behind a trail of luminous stripes. They do not reach the earth, and burn in the atmosphere in the form of a bright flash. In fact, as scientists explain, falling bodies are not stars, they are meteors. Meteor rain is formed annually during the collision of the Earth with the cosmic flow of meteor particles.

Our amazing planet mysterious and extraordinary. She's full unique phenomena and riddles. Nature pleases us every day with beautiful sunsets, autumn cobwebs, and starry skies. Some enjoy the morning dew, others breathe in the frosty air admiring the white sheet of frost. But often nature amazes and makes you admire such phenomena that literally fascinate or, on the contrary, instill terrible fear.

Watch different natural phenomena possible in different places on Earth. For example, the aurora can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere. The Scandinavian peoples saw the northern lights for the first time, deciding that this was a manifestation of the wrath of the gods. In fact, the aurora is electrical in origin. Millions of charged particles collide with air molecules, thereby forming a glow. Thanks to oxygen, light is reflected in yellow, green, and red colors. Blue and violet colors are produced with the help of nitrogen.

Rainbow is the most joyful and amazing phenomenon of nature. A rainbow can be observed immediately after a rain, in the form of reflection of sunlight in water droplets that remain in the air after the rain. Light is refracted and gives us seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Rainbows can also be double.

The inhabitants of the earth can often observe amazing cosmic phenomenon - star Rain or starfall. If we look at the sky, we will see many luminous points that fly from top to bottom towards our planet. During their flight, these dots, similar to small stars, leave a trail of luminous streaks behind them. They do not reach the ground and burn up in the atmosphere in the form of a bright flash. In fact, as scientists explain, falling bodies are not stars, they are meteors. A meteor shower is formed annually during the collision of the Earth with a cosmic stream of meteor particles.

KARST (German Karst) (karst phenomena), phenomena associated with the dissolution of rocks by natural waters (gypsum (see GYPSUM), rock salt (see ROCK SALT)). Karst is characterized by a complex of underground (caves (see CAVES), cavities, passages,... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

PHENOMENON- see art. Essence and phenomenon. Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: Soviet encyclopedia. Ch. editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983. PHENOMENON... Philosophical Encyclopedia

phenomenon- I'm with. 1) outdated, book. Arrival, arrival of someone; advent. The phenomenon of genius. Meanwhile, Onegin’s appearance at the Larins’ house made a great impression on everyone (Pushkin). Synonyms: appearance Antonyms: disappearance... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Phenomenon (philosophy)- This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

phenomenon- ▲ change intermittent phenomenon qualitative change conditions; change of states. phenomenon unusual phenomenon (# of nature). phantom is a bizarre phenomenon. effect (physical #). happening. cases of what (# theft). fact (# violations). ▼ event, action... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

phenomenon- phenomena, cf. 1. units only Action according to verb. appear in 1 value and show up at 2 digits. (book obsolete, church). The appearance of Christ to the disciples. The appearance of relics (discovery). 2. Part of an act or action, in which the composition of the characters does not change (lit., theater.) ... Dictionary Ushakova

“APPENANCE AND MEANING”- “APPENANCE AND MEANING. Phenomenology as a basic science and its problems” work by G. G. Shpet, published in Moscow in 1914 by the Hermes publishing house (reprint: Tomsk, 1996). It represents the first detailed consideration of phenomenology in Russia... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

PHENOMENON- PHENOMENON, I, cf. 1. see appear. 2. In philosophy: manifestation, expression of essence, that in which it is revealed. Self and essence. 3. In general, any detectable manifestation of anything. Physical self. Natural phenomena. Social phenomena. 4. Event, incident... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

"APPENANCE AND MEANING- Phenomenology as a basic science and its problems" - the work of G.G. Shpet, published in Moscow in 1914 by the Hermes publishing house (reprint: Tomsk, 1996). This is the first in Russia detailed consideration of Husserl’s phenomenology based on the material of 1... Philosophical Encyclopedia

phenomenon- APPEARANCE, APPEARANCE, I; Wed 1. to Appear. I am a popular genius. Ya to the scene of the main character. * Meanwhile, Onegin’s appearance at the Larins made a great impression on everyone (Pushkin). // Advent. I. Christ. 2. Part of an act, action (in a play), in which... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Phenomenon- 1) in common usage. meaning this word means an event perceived by a person. But sometimes by “I” we mean such processes that are accessible only to internal vision, such as, for example, see Dreams or see Visions (1 Samuel 3:5; Dan 8:1; Acts ... ... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia


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  • The art of making fire. For those who prefer the beauty of nature to urban everyday life, Hume D. Fire is the most important element of human culture. He left a deep mark on the genetic memory of each of us and in many ways continues to determine the course of life not only of the community as a whole, but...

Mother Nature can act rather scary sometimes. Almost every day TV channels, radio and newspapers report on natural disasters striking different parts of the world. Scientists say that earthquakes, tornados, floods, droughts, tsunamis, landslides and hurricanes are happening more frequently nowadays. Global warming, pollution and growing industrialization lead to imbalance in our echo-system.

A natural disaster can be defined as an uncontrollable extreme disruption which causes ecological and financial damage and victims of vulnerable population. Sometimes the events can be predicted by special meteorological warning systems and they often happen in the same geographical area because they are related to climate and physical characteristics of the region. For example, Florida is constantly suffering from tornadoes and hurricanes, and Japan – from earthquakes.

An earthquake happens when tectonic plates of the earth move and they make the area shake violently. According to the Richter scale the magnitude of earthquakes is measured from 1 to 10 points. The most powerful earthquake was recorded in 1960 in Chile, its magnitude was 9.5.

Volcanic eruptions occur when hot red magma eruptions from the earth's crust and flows from the top of the volcano. It also throws volcano ashes into the air which are harmful to inhale for human beings and animals.

A tsunami is a series of dangerous huge ocean waves, usually caused by underwater earthquakes. This natural disaster attacks the shore all of a sudden and often results in thousands of deaths. The height of the waves can reach 30 meters.

Flooding is another natural disaster. Floods happen when the water level in rivers and seas becomes too high. Sometimes flash floods can even wash away whole villages.

During extremely hot dry summers our world usually suffers from vast forest fires and severe droughts. Wildfires are especially dangerous in windy weather when they spread very easily. Droughts may result in famine because the land becomes dry and people can’t grow any plants and vegetables on it.

A tornado is an enormous column of twisting wind that moves very fast and destroys houses, raises in the air and throws people, animals and heavy things. Hurricanes and tornados are very common in America and the Atlantic Ocean.

Landslides happen when earth and rocks on slopes become loose or water-laden and they fall down the hills or mountains.

People face great problems after disasters: the water is usually infected, the communication lines (electricity, telephone) are often damaged, most of the buildings and property are destroyed, agricultural crops are also damaged. Natural disasters are great tragedies to many countries and nations. They take a lot of people’s lives. Thousands of people become homeless, unemployed. They need medical and psychological help.


Mother Nature can be quite terrifying at times. Almost every day, television channels, radio and newspapers report on natural disasters affecting various parts of the world. Scientists say earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, tsunamis, landslides and hurricanes are occurring much more frequently today. Global warming, environmental pollution and developed industry lead to an imbalance in our eco-system.

A natural disaster can be defined as an uncontrollable extreme destruction that results in environmental and financial damage and casualties of vulnerable populations. Sometimes events can be predicted using special weather warning systems, and often they occur in the same geographic area because they are related to the climatic and physical characteristics of the region. For example, Florida constantly suffers from tornadoes and hurricanes, and Japan from earthquakes.

An earthquake occurs when the earth's tectonic plates move and violently shake an area. According to the Richter scale, earthquake magnitudes range from 1 to 10. The most powerful earthquake was recorded in 1960 in Chile, its magnitude was 9.5.

Volcanic eruptions occur when hot red magma erupts from the Earth's crust and flows out from the top of a volcano. It also releases volcanic ash into the air, which is harmful to the breathing of humans and animals.

A tsunami is a series of dangerous giant ocean waves, usually caused by underground earthquakes. This natural disaster attacks the coast unexpectedly and often results in thousands of deaths. The height of the waves can reach 30 meters.

Flooding is another natural disaster. Floods happen when water levels in rivers and seas become too high. Sometimes flash floods can wash away entire villages.

During abnormally hot, dry summers, our world is typically subject to widespread wildfires and severe droughts. Forest fires are especially dangerous in windy weather and spread very easily. Droughts can lead to famine as the land becomes dry and people cannot grow any plants or vegetables on it.

A tornado is a huge column of vortex wind that moves very quickly and destroys houses, lifting people, animals and heavy objects into the air and throwing them down. Hurricanes and tornadoes are common in America and the Atlantic Ocean.

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