US geologists: a catastrophic earthquake in California could lead to an eruption of the Long Valley volcano and even Yellowstone. WNCT News: "Could the super-volcano beneath Yellowstone National Park erupt soon?"

There is already so much information about the probable explosion of Yellowstone that sometimes the topic is a super-volcano, which " will demolish half of America"is perceived with skepticism... however, not everything is so simple - on August 22, 2016, 17 earthquakes with a magnitude from 0.9 to 3.5 were recorded in the area of ​​​​the Californian Long Valley caldera, and in the US Yellowstone National Park, which is closed to the public, fish are dying en masse, the count runs into tens of thousands, and a 295 km section of the river of the same name has been urgently closed . The Federal Investigation Agency has previously reported that employees of the US National Geological Survey from Oregon are predicting the complete destruction of the North American continent due to a large-scale earthquake. The next intensification of tectonic activity in Cascadia will set off a chain of events that could lead to complete destruction North America. And it's only a matter of time...

Below is a selection of materials that will help you evaluate how justified such expectations are...

To begin with, some headlines from the English-language press for lately, which show that the topic has not been made up of nothing:

- Daily Mail: "Timed bomb under Yellowstone: Experts warn of 90,000 immediate deaths and 'nuclear winter' in US if Supervolcano erupts":

- CNN: "The magma layer beneath the Yellowstone supervolcano is more extensive than thought":

- WNCT News: "Could the super-volcano beneath Yellowstone National Park erupt soon?":

- Daily Express: “Will Yellowstone erupt in 2016? Shocking video shows dramatic change in seismic activity":

- Business Insider: "Supervolcano beneath Yellowstone—here's what will happen if it erupts":

Employees of the US National Geological Survey from Oregon predict the complete destruction of the North American continent due to a large-scale earthquake

The next intensification of tectonic activity in Cascadia will set off a chain of events that could lead to the complete destruction of North America. And this is only a matter of time: according to preliminary estimates, a disaster could occur within the next 50 years.

On August 22, 17 earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 0.9 to 3.5 were recorded in the Long Valley caldera area of ​​California. The portal “Volcanoes” reports this.

Satellite images show that the level carbon dioxide Now the Yellowstone area is one of the most concentrated in the world.

Moreover, in the state of Wyoming over the past week alone there have been 40 small tremors.

Last time The Yellowstone supervolcano erupted more than 700 thousand years ago. If a volcano begins to erupt, it could cause global catastrophe, especially in the US, where two-thirds of the country will become uninhabitable immediately. In addition, the US agricultural industry will be in ruins, and most The country will be covered with a 10cm layer of ash, writes Express.

ABOUT increased activity Scientists started talking about a supervolcano a couple of years ago, which can be read in detail on the Volcanoes website. Let's just dwell on a few points.

Given the cyclical nature of Yellowstone's eruptions, the Geological Society of America initially assumed that the volcano will explode no earlier than in 20 thousand years. However latest events forced scientists to change their minds. At first they said that the eruption would happen within 75 years, but now many agree that the event could happen in the coming years. Where do these conclusions come from? The fact is that since the beginning of 2014, a lot of things have happened in Yellowstone Park interesting events, which influenced the forecasts of volcanologists:

1. In rivers and lakes national park The temperature of the water rose significantly, reaching boiling point in some places. Geysers became active, including large ones that had previously been dormant for more than 100 years.
2. From January to July 2014 alone, more than 60 aftershocks occurred in Yellowstone. The strongest of them, measuring 4.8 on the Richter scale, occurred on March 30.
If at the beginning of 2014 earthquakes occurred at a depth of 10-30 km, now they are from 5 to 10 km. Based on the nature of earthquakes, we can conclude that so-called “seismic nails” appear in the caldera - vertical tremors that contribute to the appearance of tears and cracks.
3. In April 2014, residents of surrounding settlements began to notice that bison and deer were running from the park, and, as you know, animals are acutely aware of approaching disasters.

4. As of mid-2014, the soil in the caldera area had risen by 178 centimeters. Further information about her rise is carefully hidden.
5. B different corners park, the appearance of Helium-4 gas, which usually appears on other volcanoes shortly before an eruption, was recorded.
6. In May 2015, aggressive movement of magma was noticed in the volcano’s caldera; seismic sensor readings went off scale from time to time.
7. In the first half of 2015 seismic activity noticeably intensified around the world, volcanoes began to erupt in Asia, South America, on the Pacific Ring of Fire.

There are many indirect facts indicating that an eruption will occur. It is known that the US government has been preparing for the coming catastrophe for a long time. In particular, several years ago they turned to South Africa with a request to accept refugees in the event that the volcano exploded. Moreover, every year for 10 years they pledged to pay South Africans $10 billion.
After South Africa’s refusal to conclude such an agreement, the Americans turned their attention to Liberia, where road infrastructure and entire cities are now being built, writes the Vulcans portal.

In May 2014, military bases located near the volcano were removed ballistic missiles.
From time to time, Yellowstone Park is closed to tourists for unknown reasons, and a webcam aimed at the geyser Old Faithful, sometimes it simply turns off.
If we talk about latest news, then, along with Yellowstone, there is an activation of the Long Valley supervolcano located in California, in the caldera of which 398 tremors were recorded in February 2015 alone. If he starts to act, Yellowstone will not be left behind.

29-08-2016, 15:15

There is already so much information about the likely explosion of Yellowstone that sometimes the topic of a super-volcano that will “destroy half of America” is perceived with skepticism.

Below is a selection of materials that will help you evaluate how justified such expectations are...

To begin with, some headlines from the English-language press recently, which show that the topic is not just a joke:

: "Timed bomb under Yellowstone: Experts warn of 90,000 immediate deaths and" nuclear winter"in the USA if there is a Supervolcano eruption"

At the same time, we note that as of August 20, the world is at the stage high activity there are 32 volcanoes.

However, the greatest concern is at the moment still evokes the famous monster - the Yellowstone volcano. More frequent earthquakes may provoke an increase in its activity.

The Foreign Policy Relations news agency reports that the cause of the mass death of fish in the river of the same name, which originates near the deadly dangerous supervolcano Yellowstone.

Therefore, US authorities urgently closed to visitors not only one section of the river, approximately 295 km long, but also hundreds of kilometers of surrounding areas for fishing, walking, boating and other activities.

As of August 19, four thousand dead fish were discovered, but, according to environmentalists, there are many more of them - tens of thousands of lifeless fish, the reason is still unclear.

At first official version The US Department of Fisheries stated that the reason was a drop in oxygen levels in the water due to rising temperatures.

Among the dead species are trout and whitefish, such mass extinction puts everything at risk fishing industry this region.

The death of whitefish, which specialists from the Department of Fisheries and wildlife Montana recorded last week continued at a rapid pace. If a few days ago scientists were talking about 400 dead fish, then by August 17, 2016 their number had increased to a thousand. Some experts say that the figure is greatly underestimated and should be about 10,000, notes the pages “ Foreign economic relations» author Polina Perova.

Andrea Johnson, a department spokeswoman, believes that large number whitefish sank or were eaten by "scavengers". The ecologist is confident that only a tenth of all dead fish is found on river banks. Dead fish are being found throughout the Yellowstone River.

Water samples from the river and samples of dead fish are still in the laboratory. Scientists promised to announce the results in a couple of weeks.

Experts note that never before in the history of Yellowstone has such environmental disaster One can only guess why it happened.

Increased level CO2 emissions near Yellowstone in the US have sparked fears that the deadly volcano is on the verge of a catastrophic explosion.

Carbon dioxide release (the higher the concentration, the darker the color)

A high concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) is usually observed just before the start of an eruption, due to increasing pressure under the surface, writes the British Express.

Satellite images show that carbon dioxide levels in the Yellowstone area are now among the most concentrated in the world.

Moreover, in the state of Wyoming over the past week alone there have been 40 small tremors.

The last time the Yellowstone supervolcano erupted was more than 700 thousand years ago. If the volcano begins to erupt, it could lead to a global catastrophe, especially in the United States, where two-thirds of the country will become uninhabitable immediately. In addition, the US agricultural industry will be in ruins, and most of the country will be covered with a 10cm layer of ash, writes Express.

Scientists started talking about the increased activity of the supervolcano a couple of years ago, which can be read in detail on the Volcanoes website. Let's just dwell on a few points.

Given the cyclical nature of Yellowstone's eruptions, the Geological Society of America initially assumed that the volcano would explode no earlier than in 20 thousand years. However, recent events have forced scientists to change their minds.

At first they said that the eruption would happen within 75 years, but now many agree that the event could happen in the coming years. Where do these conclusions come from? The fact is that since the beginning of 2014, many interesting events have occurred in Yellowstone Park that influenced the forecasts of volcanologists:

1. In the rivers and lakes of the national park, the water temperature has risen significantly, reaching boiling point in some places. Geysers became active, including large ones that had previously been dormant for more than 100 years.

2. From January to July 2014 alone, more than 60 aftershocks occurred in Yellowstone. The strongest of them, measuring 4.8 on the Richter scale, occurred on March 30.

If at the beginning of 2014 earthquakes occurred at a depth of 10–30 km, now they are from 5 to 10 km. Based on the nature of earthquakes, we can conclude that so-called “seismic nails” appear in the caldera - vertical tremors that contribute to the appearance of tears and cracks.

3. In April 2014, residents of surrounding settlements began to notice that bison and deer were running from the park, and, as you know, animals are acutely aware of approaching disasters.

4. As of mid-2014, the soil in the caldera area had risen by 178 centimeters. Further information about her rise is carefully hidden.

5. In different parts of the park, the appearance of Helium-4 gas, which usually appears on other volcanoes shortly before an eruption, was recorded.

6. In May 2015, aggressive movement of magma was noticed in the volcano’s caldera; seismic sensor readings went off scale from time to time.

7. In the first half of 2015, seismic activity increased noticeably around the world; volcanoes began to erupt in Asia, South America, and on the Pacific Ring of Fire.

There are many indirect facts indicating that an eruption will occur. It is known that the US government has been preparing for the coming catastrophe for a long time. In particular, several years ago they turned to South Africa with a request to accept refugees in the event that the volcano exploded. Moreover, every year for 10 years they pledged to pay South Africans $10 billion. After South Africa’s refusal to conclude such an agreement, the Americans turned their attention to Liberia, where road infrastructure and entire cities are now being built, writes the Vulcans portal.

In May 2014, ballistic missiles were removed from military bases located near the volcano. From time to time, Yellowstone Park is closed to tourists for unknown reasons, and the webcam aimed at the Old Faithful geyser is sometimes simply turned off. If we talk about the latest news, then along with Yellowstone, there is an activation of the Long Valley supervolcano located in California, in the caldera of which 398 tremors were recorded in February 2015 alone. If he starts to act, Yellowstone will not be left behind.

In July 2016, 71 earthquakes were recorded, their strength was very small, no more than 2.5 points.

But here it is worth noting that not all information about tremors ends up in the media.

Thus, the National Geological Survey has banned access to online broadcasts of earthquakes in the Yellowstone Calderier.

Also alarming is the fact that some areas in the National Park, where Yellowstone is located, are completely closed not only to tourists, but also to scientists, the publication writes.

The next fact is that the volcano is preparing for its awakening - the appearance of new geysers and an increase in temperature in the lakes.

Not far from Yellowstone, crevices appear from which carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide come out.

Scientists at the University of Utah have calculated in detail what will happen after the eruption begins. Powerful explosion will be accompanied by earthquakes up to 10 points and lava flows reaching speeds of up to several hundred km/h. Hot lava will sweep away everything in its path, pyroclastic flows will spread to a distance of up to hundreds of kilometers from the volcano, people will begin to die from suffocating smoke and hydrogen sulfide, and the ash will cover huge territories. The states of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Iowa will be wiped off the face of the earth. As a result of the emergence ozone hole The level of radiation on the mainland will approach Chernobyl levels.

Serious troubles await southern part Canada, the explosion of Yellowstone will lead to the activation of many volcanoes in Pacific Ocean which will cause giant tsunamis. The waves will be so high that they will wash away not only the coastal cities of the Pacific basin, but also reach central parts continents. Tonnes of ash thrown into the atmosphere will cover the sun, a sharp cooling will begin, and then nuclear winter will begin. Its duration will be from 3 to 5 years, which will not allow farming and will destroy many plants.

Almost everyone who follows events in the world knows about Yellowstone supervolcano. This supervolcano was widely distributed PR en Western media. Some Russian patriots frankly cannot wait for the eruption of this supervolcano to begin :). And the Internet is constantly agitated by reports that the Yellowstone supervolcano is supposedly about to erupt. But all the time it turns out that the messages are fake.

At the same time, very few people know about another supervolcano in the United States. I mean the Long Valley supervolcano ( Long Valley Caldera). Meanwhile, this supervolcano is worthy of more attention than the Yellowstone supervolcano.

Long Valley Supervolcano (Long Valley Caldera) is a depression in eastern California. The valley is one of the largest supervolcanoes on Earth: measuring about 32 km in length ( from east to west), 18 km wide ( from north to south) and ~910 m depth. Latest catastrophic eruption The volcano occurred about 760 thousand years ago, with about 750 cubic meters entering the atmosphere. km of volcanic ash.

Activity in the Long Valley supervolcano caldera began in 1980. In May 1980 there was four magnitude 6 earthquakes directly in the caldera and next to the caldera of the supervolcano. As a result of these earthquakes, a dome-shaped rise of the supervolcano caldera by 25 cm was formed.

After these powerful earthquakes total quantity earthquakes in and near the caldera increased to 150-200 earthquakes per week, at times reaching 2000 earthquakes per week. The activity of thermal springs and fumaroles in the caldera has also increased.

In 1989, the forest near the Long Valley caldera began to die. As it turned out, the cause was the seepage of volcanic gases from the caldera. At the same time, the growth of the caldera dome continued.

In 1998, to determine the degree of danger of the eruption of this supervolcano, the US Geological Survey drilled a well in the center of the caldera. Based on the results of drilling, it was announced that there was no danger of a major eruption, since temperature measurements in the well at a depth of 3 km showed only 100 degrees Celsius. From this it was concluded that the magma at a depth of 5 km under the caldera had cooled ( congealed magma).

It would seem that this could put an end to the question of a possible Long Valley eruption. But the fact is that after 1998, the number of earthquakes in the Long Valley caldera did not decrease, and the caldera dome continued to grow every year.

Here are the data obtained when drilling a well in the caldera in 1998:

Please note that from 2 km to 3 km depth the temperature does not change at all. In theory, this is not possible, since as the depth increases, the temperature usually increases. There is even a special term - geothermal gradient. The geothermal gradient usually ranges from 0.5–1 to 20 °C and averages about 3 °C at 100 meters. And in in this case we see that the geothermal gradient is 0 degrees per 100 meters between 2 km and 3 km. Strange, isn't it?

But it's not the only fact compromising data obtained by the US Geological Survey from a well in the Long Valley Caldera. The fact is that a geothermal power plant has been operating in the Long Valley caldera since 1986 ( Mammoth Geothermal Complex) 45 MW. This geothermal power plant lifts water heated to an average of 170 degrees. Waste water is pumped back to a depth of 600 meters. This is a repeating work cycle. Thus, we can conclude that at a depth of 600 meters the temperature is at least 170 degrees.

On at a depth of 600 meters the temperature is 170 degrees, and at a depth of 3 km the temperature is 100 degrees. The paradox is that at a depth of 3 km it is colder than at the surface ( 600 meters). It seems to me that someone is lying. Or employees of a geothermal power plant or the US Geological Survey.

A geothermal power plant has been operating in the Long Valley Caldera for 30 years. (supplies electricity, pays taxes) and is going to build a new power unit with a capacity of 30 MW there, in the Long Valley caldera. In this regard, she even released a promotional video

IMHO, it is obvious that the US Geological Survey is lying ( By political reasons ). Based on data from a geothermal power plant ( 170 degrees at a depth of 600 meters), the geothermal gradient is 25 degrees at 100 meters. Thus, it turns out that at a depth of 3 km the temperature is 750 degrees, and at a depth of 5 km about 1250 degrees. So at a depth of 5 km in the Long Valley caldera liquid magma, not solidified magma(congealed magma).

In this case, the annual growth of the caldera dome and the increase in the number of earthquakes in the caldera of the supervolcano become clear. The magma chamber of the caldera fills with liquid magma, which causes the dome-shaped growth of the Long Valley caldera and new swarms of earthquakes.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in 2006, aggressive emissions began from hot springs in the Hot Creek River flowing through the caldera. As a result, several people died. New fumaroles have also appeared near the Hot Creek River. Authorities were forced to close access to this part of the Hot Creek in 2006. Access is closed to date.

And in 2016, the number of earthquakes near the surface of the caldera sharply increased.

These circumstances indicate an increase in the likelihood of an imminent eruption of the Long Valley supervolcano.

I would also like to draw attention to possible consequences Long Valley eruptions. As is known, the eruption of the Long Valley supervolcano should cause global climate cooling for several years ( analogue of nuclear winter). In theory, this cooling should last 3-5 years, but since we live during an interglacial period called the Holocene, which is already coming to an end, there is a danger of falling into a real ice age.

According to the Milankovitch cycles, the current interglacial should already be over.

Factors contributing to a new start ice age have already taken shape at the present time. All it takes is a push to start an ice age.

Apparently this will be the impetus possible eruption Long Valley supervolcano.

So perhaps it’s worth starting to prepare for a new ice age :)

The Long Valley caldera is one of the largest on our planet. Its appearance is associated with the eruption of a huge volcano that occurred about 760 thousand years ago. Volcanic activity was so colossal that the magma chamber below the summit emptied to the point of collapse, and the now destroyed volcano literally fell into the ground. Its crash caused a series of fires that burned an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers and covered almost the entire western part modern United States.

Location: California, USA
Depth: 910 m
Type: caldera
Number of eruptions: unknown

Long Valley is located in eastern California, near the Mammoth Mountains. Its length reaches 32 km from east to west, width – 18 km from north to south. The caldera is an oval basin up to 910 meters deep with a high rim, reaching a height of 2600 meters in some places. Not far from the center of the basin there is a resurgent dome, in the place of which there is a constant rise in soil, and the southeastern slopes are filled with hardened ash ejected during the eruption 760 thousand years ago.

On the southwestern edge of Long Valley rise the Mammoth Mountains, a complex of 12 rhyodacite and dacite domes formed during a long series of eruptions between 110 and 57 thousand years ago. Along the western rim of the caldera you can see a chain of Mono-Inyo craters, stretching for a distance of about 40 km from the Mammoth Mountains to northern shores Mono Lakes. Recent eruptions in these craters occurred from 40,000 to 600 years ago.

History of Long Valley eruptions

Scientists still cannot explain the reason for the volcanism of the caldera. As a rule, volcanoes appear at the junction tectonic plates or over hot spots, such as . There are no faults or hot spots beneath Long Valley. The history of its appearance began several million years ago, when magma began to accumulate at a shallow depth below the surface. Volcanic activity concentrated in the immediate vicinity of the present location of the caldera in the period from 3.1 to 2.5 million years ago and was accompanied by rhyodacite eruptions.

After some time, rhyolite volcanoes began to form on the territory of the modern caldera, filling an area of ​​about 3,900 square kilometers with lava. All of them were completely destroyed by an explosion 760 thousand years ago, during which 630 cubic kilometers of volcanic material were thrown into the atmosphere. About half of this material formed pyroclastic flows that reached temperatures of 820 °C.

The rest of the tephra was thrown by the explosion to a height of about 40 km, after which the winds scattered it as far as Nebraska and Kansas. Some of the volcanic material sank to the ground in the Long Valley area and formed two-thirds of its rim. Subsequent eruptions from magma chamber were limited to the caldera perimeter. The largest of them occurred from 700 to 600 thousand years ago, and then at intervals of about 200 thousand years.

Current state of Long Valley Caldera

In May 1980, a series of major earthquakes magnitude up to 4.0, associated with the growth of the resurgent dome. The ground in the caldera rose by 25 cm during that period. This event marked the beginning of an active period of disturbance that continues to this day. Since then, constant aftershocks and rising ground, accompanied by changes in hot spring water temperature and gas emissions.

There is already so much information about the probable explosion of Yellowstone that sometimes the topic is a super-volcano, which " will demolish half of America"is perceived with skepticism... however, not everything is so simple - on August 22, 2016, 17 earthquakes with a magnitude from 0.9 to 3.5 were recorded in the area of ​​​​the Californian Long Valley caldera, and in the US Yellowstone National Park, which is closed to the public, fish are dying en masse, the count runs into tens of thousands, and a 295 km section of the river of the same name has been urgently closed . The Federal Investigation Agency has previously reported that employees of the US National Geological Survey from Oregon are predicting the complete destruction of the North American continent due to a large-scale earthquake. The next intensification of tectonic activity in Cascadia will set off a chain of events that could lead to the complete destruction of North America. And it's only a matter of time...

Below is a selection of materials that will help you evaluate how justified such expectations are...

To begin with, some headlines from the English-language press recently, which show that the topic is not just a joke:

- Daily Mail: "Timed bomb under Yellowstone: Experts warn of 90,000 immediate deaths and 'nuclear winter' in US if Supervolcano erupts":

- CNN: "The magma layer beneath the Yellowstone supervolcano is more extensive than thought":

- WNCT News: "Could the super-volcano beneath Yellowstone National Park erupt soon?":

- Daily Express: “Will Yellowstone erupt in 2016? Shocking video shows dramatic change in seismic activity":

- Business Insider: "Supervolcano beneath Yellowstone—here's what will happen if it erupts":

Employees of the US National Geological Survey from Oregon predict the complete destruction of the North American continent due to a large-scale earthquake

The next intensification of tectonic activity in Cascadia will set off a chain of events that could lead to the complete destruction of North America. And this is only a matter of time: according to preliminary estimates, a disaster could occur within the next 50 years.

On August 22, 17 earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 0.9 to 3.5 were recorded in the Long Valley caldera area of ​​California. The portal “Volcanoes” reports this.

Satellite images show that carbon dioxide levels in the Yellowstone area are now among the most concentrated in the world.

Moreover, in the state of Wyoming over the past week alone there have been 40 small tremors.

The last time the Yellowstone supervolcano erupted was more than 700 thousand years ago. If the volcano begins to erupt, it could lead to a global catastrophe, especially in the United States, where two-thirds of the country will become uninhabitable immediately. In addition, the US agricultural industry will be in ruins, and most of the country will be covered with a 10cm layer of ash, writes Express.

Scientists started talking about the increased activity of the supervolcano a couple of years ago, which can be read in detail on the Volcanoes website. Let's just dwell on a few points.

Given the cyclical nature of Yellowstone's eruptions, the Geological Society of America initially assumed that the volcano would explode no earlier than in 20 thousand years. However, recent events have forced scientists to change their minds. At first they said that the eruption would happen within 75 years, but now many agree that the event could happen in the coming years. Where do these conclusions come from? The fact is that since the beginning of 2014, many interesting events have occurred in Yellowstone Park that influenced the forecasts of volcanologists:

1. In the rivers and lakes of the national park, the water temperature has risen significantly, reaching boiling point in some places. Geysers became active, including large ones that had previously been dormant for more than 100 years.
2. From January to July 2014 alone, more than 60 aftershocks occurred in Yellowstone. The strongest of them, measuring 4.8 on the Richter scale, occurred on March 30.
If at the beginning of 2014 earthquakes occurred at a depth of 10-30 km, now they are from 5 to 10 km. Based on the nature of earthquakes, we can conclude that so-called “seismic nails” appear in the caldera - vertical tremors that contribute to the appearance of tears and cracks.
3. In April 2014, residents of surrounding settlements began to notice that bison and deer were running from the park, and, as you know, animals are acutely aware of approaching disasters.

4. As of mid-2014, the soil in the caldera area had risen by 178 centimeters. Further information about her rise is carefully hidden.
5. In different parts of the park, the appearance of Helium-4 gas, which usually appears on other volcanoes shortly before an eruption, was recorded.
6. In May 2015, aggressive movement of magma was noticed in the volcano’s caldera; seismic sensor readings went off scale from time to time.
7. In the first half of 2015, seismic activity increased noticeably around the world; volcanoes began to erupt in Asia, South America, and on the Pacific Ring of Fire.

There are many indirect facts indicating that an eruption will occur. It is known that the US government has been preparing for the coming catastrophe for a long time. In particular, several years ago they turned to South Africa with a request to accept refugees in the event that the volcano exploded. Moreover, every year for 10 years they pledged to pay South Africans $10 billion.
After South Africa’s refusal to conclude such an agreement, the Americans turned their attention to Liberia, where road infrastructure and entire cities are now being built, writes the Vulcans portal.

In May 2014, ballistic missiles were removed from military bases located near the volcano.
From time to time, Yellowstone Park is closed to tourists for unknown reasons, and the webcam aimed at the Old Faithful geyser is sometimes simply turned off.
If we talk about the latest news, then along with Yellowstone, there is an activation of the Long Valley supervolcano located in California, in the caldera of which 398 tremors were recorded in February 2015 alone. If he starts to act, Yellowstone will not be left behind.

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