Gushchin trigonometric equations. Trigonometric equations

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MBOU "Mordovsko-Paevskaya secondary school" of the Insarsky district of the Republic of Moldova

Completed by: Pantileikina Nadezhda,

11th grade student

Head: Kadyshkina N.V.,

mathematic teacher

Table of contents


Chapter I. About trigonometric equations…………………………………..…5

1) Basic types of trigonometric equations and methods for solving them:

1. Equations reduced to the simplest. …………………………………..5

2. Equations reducing to quadratic……………………………….5

3. Homogeneous equations acosx + b sin x = 0……………………………...6

4. Equations of the form acosx + b sin x = c, c≠ 0…………………………………7

5. Equations solved by factorization…………………...….7

6. Non-standard equations………………………………………………….8

Chapter II. Basic concepts and formulas of trigonometry…………………….8-10

Chapter II I. The equations proposed on Unified State Examinations of the past years…………...……10-14





« The only way leading to knowledge is activity...”

Bernard Show

Relevance of the work.

In a few months I graduate from school.

So that there are no problems with further choice life path, necessary obtain a school certificate, and in order to obtain a school certificate, you must pass two mandatory exam V Unified State Examination form- and one of themmathematics. What can I say? final exams- a crucial period in the life of any schoolchild, on which not only depends final grade in the certificate, but also his professional future, income and career.

Single State exam- This is an important test before moving into new life and admission to a university or college. It is especially important to pass it on good scores. The Unified State Examination in mathematics is a serious test and without a good foundation, a student will not be able to claim a decent result.

How to avoid failing the exam and get good scores? To do this, you need to solve the tasks well. I don't pretend to maximum score However, I am preparing diligently. And I noticed that even on the first task of part C, namely, on solving trigonometric equations and their systems, I make mistakes.At first glance, task C1 is relatively simple equation or a system of equations that may contain trigonometric functions,One of the main approaches to solving them is to sequentially simplify them in order to reduce them to one or several simplest ones.So why am I wrong?

Relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that students must understand certain methods of solving trigonometric equations.

Therefore, I set myself the followingtarget:

Systematize and expand knowledge and skills related to the use of methods for solving trigonometric equations.

Object of study is the study of trigonometric equations in Unified State Examination tasks.

Subject of study- is the solution to trigonometric equations

Thus, main goal writing this course work is the study of trigonometric equations and their systems, methods of solving them.

In accordance with the goals, object and subject of the study, the following are defined: tasks:

1). Study all the tasks related to solving trigonometric equations offered at Unified State Examination works previous years and when performing diagnostic work;

2) Study methods for solving trigonometric equations.

3). Identify the main possible mistakes when solving such equations;

4). Find out the reason for making such mistakes.

6). Draw conclusions.

In my work I will solve several trigonometric equations, show possible errors in solving them and try to answer the following questions:

1). Is it possible to avoid mistakes when performing type C1 tasks?

2) If I practice solving equations of this type, then I can

Is it possible to carry out such tasks without errors?

For this purpose, I studied all the demos and training tasks spent with us, Unified State Exam materials previous years;

studied reference sources;

independently solved tasks from the Internet;

consulted her teacher in case of difficulty;

I learned to analyze and correctly format the results.

Chapter I. About trigonometric equations.

1) Definition 1. A trigonometric equation is an equation containing a variable under the sign trigonometric functions.

The simplest trigonometric equations are the equations type sin x = a,

cos x=a, tg x=a, ctg x = a.

In such equations, the variable is under the sign of the trigonometric function, and is the given number.

Solving a trigonometric equation consists of two stages: transforming the equation to obtain its simplest form and solving the resulting simplest trigonometric equation.

2) Basic types of trigonometric equations.

    Equations reduced to the simplest.

Solve the equation



    Equations reducing to quadratic.

1) Solve the equation 2 sin 2 x – cosx –1 = 0.


    Homogeneous equations: asinx + bcosx = 0

a sin 2 x + b sinxcosx + c cos 2 x = 0.

Solve the equation 2sinx – 3cosx = 0

Solution: Let cosx = 0, then 2sinx = 0 and sinx = 0 – a contradiction with

that sin 2 x + cos 2 x = 1. This means cosx ≠ 0 and we can divide the equation by cosx.

We get


Example: Solve the equation



    Equations solved by factorization.

Priper: Solve the equation sin2x – sinx = 0.

Solution: Using the formula sin2x = 2sinxcosx, we get

2sinxcosx – sinx = 0,

sinx (2cosx – 1) = 0.

The product is equal to zero if at least one of the factors is equal to zero.


    Non-standard equations.

Solve the equation cosx = X 2 + 1.


Let's look at the functions

Chapter II. Basic concepts and formulas of trigonometry.

Trigonometric equations - required topic any math exam.

ABOUTx, how much agony learning trigonometry causes students.

Certain difficulties arise even if there is a teacher nearbymathematics and explains every little detail. This is understandable, only basic formulas there are more than twenty. And if we count their derivatives... The student gets confused in the calculations and cannot remember the mechanisms by which these formulas allow one to find, for example, .

You know the formulas - it's easy for you to decide. If you don’t know, you won’t understand, even if they give you the formula.You don’t just need to know the formula, but you need to know where it can be applied, how to open it, and what the essence of the formula is, and for this you need to solve examples specifically for those problems that are difficult to solve.

At first it seemed to metrigonometry is a boring set of formulas and graphs. However, as I got acquainted with new concepts of trigonometry and methods for solving trigonometric equations, I became convinced every time how interesting and fascinating the world of trigonometry is.

Firstly, to successfully solve trigonometric equations you need to know well trigonometric formulas, not only the main ones, but also additional ones (converting the sum of trigonometric functions into a product and products into a sum, formulas for reducing degrees, and others),since use on Unified State Exam cheat sheets And mobile phones prohibited

(Annex 1)

Secondly , we must know clearly standard formulas roots of the simplest trigonometric equations (useful to remember or be able to obtain using trigonometric circle simplified formulas for the roots of equations)

Each of these equations is solved using formulas that you should know. These are the formulas:

a) Functiony= sinx. The function is limited: it is within [-1; 1]. This means that when solving equations likesinx=2 orsinxsinx

1) sinx =a,x= (-1) n arcsin a +n,n Z

2) sinx = - a,x= (-1) n+1 arcsin a +n,n Z

Also, you need to know special cases: 1) sinx =- 1,

2)sinx =0,

3)sinx = a,

You also need to be able to solvein the form of two series of roots

2. Function y = cos x . The function is limited: it is within [-1; 1]. This means that when solving equations likecosx=2 orcosx=-5 the answer turns out to be: no roots. Formulas for the function y=cosx:

1. cosx =a, X=± arccos a+2n,n Z

2.cos x=-a, X=±(  - arccos a)+2n,n Z

Special cases: 1. cosx =-1, X = +2 n, n Z

2. cosx =0,

3. cosx =1, X= 2n,n Z

3. Functiony= tgx.

There is only one formula, without special cases:tgx = ± a .

X = ± arctan a+n,n Z

Thirdly, you need to know the values ​​of trigonometric functions;

(Appendix 2)

Fourthly, If in an equation the trigonometric function is under the radical sign, then such a trigonometric equation will be irrational. In such equations, you must follow all the rules that are used when solving ordinary equations. irrational equations(area taken into account acceptable values both the equation itself and when freed from a root of even degree).

V. Equations offered on the Unified State Exam of previous years.

“A method of solution is good if from the very beginning we can foresee - and subsequently confirm this - that by following this method we will achieve the goal.”


1. Equations that reduce to quadratic.

C1. Solve the equation:

Solution: Using the basic trigonometric identity,we rewrite the equation in the form

Replacementcos= tthe equation reduces to quadratic:2t 2 + 9 t-5 =0, which has rootst 1 = ½ andt 2 = -5. Returning to the variable x, we get

The second equation has no roots since |cosx |≥1, and from the first x =± +6k, k Z

Answer: =± +6k, k Z

Conclusion: When introducing a new variable, you need to take into account that the values ​​of sin x and cos x are limited by the segment
, otherwise extraneous roots will appear.

2. Equations solved by factorization

Task C1 (2011)

a) Solve the equation

b) Indicate the roots of the equation belonging to the segment

Solution: a) solve by factoring the left side:

group and take out common multiplier beyond brackets, we get

Equation 1) has no solutions.

The second equation is homogeneous, can be solved by dividing term by term by cosx ≠0, we get
, where


Answer: a)


1. When solving an equation of this type, firstly, you need to know that |sin x|≤1 and |cosx |≤1, and the equation sinx =-2 has no solutions;

2. Secondly, justify division by cosx ≠о (since if cosx = 0, then sin x = 0, but this is impossible;

thirdly, it is reasonable to select roots belonging to a given interval

.Equation for applying reduction formulas

C1 (2010) Given the equation

a) solve the equation;

) Indicate the roots belonging to the segment

Solution: Using the reduction formulas, we get:

sin 2 x – cos x =0,

2 sinx cosx- cosx =0,

With osx (2 sinx -1)=0, whence cosx= 0 or sinx =½,

b) Let us find the values ​​of k at which the roots will belong to

the specified interval. To select the roots. belonging to a given interval, we present the solution in the form:


) Find the values ​​of k at which the roots will belong to the specified interval.


Solving this inequality, the whole

we won’t get values ​​for k.

Answer: a)



When solving an equation of this type, it is necessary to know the formulas of the given equation and apply it correctly; be able to present a solution
into two series of roots; choose the correct roots belonging to a given segment.

4. Systems of trigonometric equations

C1 (2010). Solve system of equations

Solution: O.D.Z

A fraction is equal to zero if the numerator is 0 and the denominator is not 0.

From the equation 2sin 2 x – 3 sinx +1 =0, solving by introducing a new variable, we find

or sin x =1.

1) Let
, Then
and y = cos x = ›0 (using basic trigonometric identity)

- there is no decision.

2) Let sinx = 1, then y = cos x = 0 – there is no solution.

and y =

Conclusion: 1) it is necessary to take into account the limitations of trigonometric


2) Record and take into account O.D.Z.

5. C1 (USE 2011) Solve the equation:

O.D.Z. – cos x ≥ 0, sin x ≤ 0.

4sin 2 x + 12 sinx + 5 = 0 or cos x =0

sinx = t

4 t 2 + 12 t + 5=0, from where t 1 = -½, t 2 = -

sinx = -½ sinx=- - has no solution

x =

x =

taking into account O.D.Z. x =

Answer: x =

Conclusion: Write down the answer taking into account O.D.Z.


In the work I did, I studied solutions to trigonometric equations, considered recommendations for solving trigonometric equations, methods for solving trigonometric equations, and considered errors that are possible when solving them.

I came to the following conclusions:

1. Type C1 tasks test the ability to solve trigonometric equations. These tasks are, indeed, simple, which gives excess self-confidence and lulls attention. The only difficulty of these tasks is that, having solved an equation or system of equations, one must discard extraneous roots.

2. Task C1 is the most simple task group C. When solving it, cumbersome transformations and complex calculations. If they appear, you immediately need to stop, check the solution and try to understand what is wrong here.

3. Ultimately,The main requirement is that the solution must be mathematically literate, and the course of reasoning must be clear from it.You need to try to write down your decision briefly and clearly, but most importantly - correctly!

4. And most importantly, in order to learn how to solve equations without errors, you need to solve them! After all, as Polya said, “If you want to learn how to swim, then feel free to dive into the water, and if you want to learn how to solve problems, you need to solve them!”

Annex 1 ( basic formulas trigonometry)

1) basic trigonometric identitysin 2 α + cos 2 α= 1,

Dividing this equation by the square of the cosine and sine, respectively, we have

2) double argument formulassin2α =2sinα cos α,

cos 2α =cos 2 α -sin 2 α ,

Cos 2α = 1- 2sin 2 α,

3) formulas for reducing the degree:

4) formulas for the sum and difference of two arguments:

sin(α+ β )= sinα cosβ + cos α sinβ

sin(α- β )= sinα cos β - cos α sin β

cos(α+ β )= cosα cos β + sin α sin β

cos(α- β )= sinα cos β + sinα sin β

5) Reduction formulas

Reduction formulas are formulas of the following form:

Sums and differences of trigonometric equations


Cosine-even, sine, tangent and cotangent, that is:


Sine and cosine - . Tangent and has

,cotangent 0; ±π; ±2π;…


Functionsy = cosx, y = sinx -

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