Without a certificate: what to do? What will your daughter or son become? Admission to the correspondence form without the Unified State Exam.

The system of passing the Unified State Exam, which is both graduation from a secondary educational institution and an assessment point upon admission to a university, in Russian Federation was introduced gradually, being introduced and improved in several stages. Since 2001, the Unified State Exam was introduced in some regions of the country; the system became mandatory throughout Russia by 2009.

Nowadays it is no longer possible to imagine entering a university without passing the Unified State Exam. But in life there are exceptional cases when a person, for some reason, wants to receive further education without passing the Unified State Exam. And the question of where you can go without the Unified State Exam is asked every year by more than a dozen young people in our country.

Reasons why the Unified State Exam result may be missing.

Absent Unified State Exam results may in the following cases:

  1. For citizens who received secondary education in another state. So if a foreigner asks the question where he can enroll without the Unified State Exam in the Russian Federation, the answer will be positive from almost any university. A foreign national can only provide the selected institution with a document confirming his graduation from a secondary educational institution in the country from which he came. The Government of the Russian Federation provides quotas for the number of foreign students.
  2. For citizens with disabilities or limited physical and mental capabilities. Such citizens are admitted to universities (not all) without the Unified State Exam, or they can take entrance exams inside the university. However, almost every establishment has a quota for this category of citizens.
  3. Average educational institution was completed before the introduction of the Unified State Exam, or a lot of time has passed since passing the Unified State Exam.
  4. Unfortunately, the human factor can also play a cruel joke - people who are late, overslept or too busy can also miss the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam.
  5. There are not enough points for admission based on the Unified State Examination results.

The lucky ones who don't have to take the Unified State Exam

These lucky ones include:

  1. Pupils of schools who successfully participated in all-Russian Olympiads and became winners. Such students will be admitted to any university without the Unified State Exam or other exams, but only on the basis of victory in such Olympiads.
  2. Students who took part and won in the Olympiad from the university. It is realistic to try to win such an Olympiad by thoroughly preparing for it in advance and knowing the conditions.
  3. Those wishing to have a second higher education are also exempt from compulsory presence of the Unified State Exam. Such citizens must present a diploma from the first university and undergo testing or examination within the new one.
  4. Students admitted to a university on the basis of transfer from another or who have taken academic leave and those who want to recover do not take the Unified State Exam.

Where can you go without the Unified State Exam? Foreign universities, for example, accept Russian citizens and without the Unified State Exam. To do this, you need to clarify which exams are required to be passed on site at the selected university. Sometimes there is no need to take exams at all.

Come back next year, or even in two or three

There is, of course, the option of re-taking the exams in a year, if you don’t mind the time and are ready to carefully study textbooks and go to tutors during this year in order to pass the Unified State Exam. And in the breaks between the textbook and the repeater, you can start labor activity and get your first salary.

Another long-term option is to go to college or technical school, study there for two or three years and get a specialty, and then apply to a university. In order not to waste precious years, you can go to college and study in ninth grade.

Where you can go after college without the Unified State Exam is up to you. However, you should remember that the university will not require you to pass the Unified State Exam and will offer an accelerated program if you want to study in the same profile as in college.

Where can you apply with a certificate without the Unified State Exam?

What to do if the exams are passed, the certificate is received, but the passing grade for the university is not sufficient? There aren't many options here. Don’t forget the option of secondary vocational education. The doors of a technical school or college where you can enter without the Unified State Exam are always open for you. After graduating from these, you can enter a university.

If, however, you would like to get a “tower” without wasting a year on your secondary education, vocational education, it is worth considering universities where you can enroll without the Unified State Exam in absentia or remotely. True, this option often involves paid education.

You can also consider creative directions professions. Fortunately, on creative faculties they pay little attention to the number of points scored, and to enter them you need to pass creative exams, you just need to show talent.

Mathematics - the queen of sciences

Mathematics is an important subject in passing the Unified State Exam. Since 2015, it has also been divided into 2 levels - basic mathematics and profile. That is, if a student plans to enter a faculty where mathematics is compulsory subject, then you need to choose specialized mathematics. Basic mathematics is a little easier to pass, but it is not taken into account when entering a university and is only required when receiving a graduation certificate.

If you are the owner humanitarian warehouse mind and exact sciences not quite for you, then in this case it is better to choose basic level mathematics. Humanitarian universities There are plenty of places where you can enroll without the Unified State Exam in specialized mathematics in our country. However, it should be remembered that in some regions the university will take two exams, and upon admission you will need to pass an internal exam at the educational institution.

Universities where you can enter without the Unified State Exam

Of course, such institutions are primarily all theatrical, vocal, artistic and humanitarian institutions. We list those specializations for which admission is not required to pass exams, or there is no Unified State Examination profile level mathematics:

  • journalism;
  • All medical directions(dentistry, pediatrics, medical biochemistry, biophysics, etc.) - in this case, you should intensively prepare for biology, physics, chemistry;
  • veterinary medicine;
  • acting skills;
  • musical direction;
  • art direction;
  • customs affairs;
  • philology;
  • psychology;
  • jurisprudence;
  • foreign languages;
  • Faculty of Physical Culture;
  • social work;
  • cultural studies;
  • international relations;
  • tourism and much more.

You just need to familiarize yourself with the corresponding “List of directions and specialties” that each university has.

Study, study and study again

In conclusion, it is worth noting that in fact a lot depends on your life goals and own desire get some kind of education.

Life circumstances may develop in such a way that any education (even three-month courses, not to mention higher education) can be very useful and subsequently become the main source of income. So you need to take your studies seriously and responsibly and never neglect it.

How/where to apply without a certificate?

    You shouldn’t despair if you don’t have a certificate for grade 11, but want to continue studying. The fact is that the best option would be reinstatement in school. Of course, you can’t literally sit down at a desk, but you can go to an external course. Only here you will have to make a lot of effort, because in an intensive form you will have to study and assimilate a lot of material. Having studied externally, you can take the Unified State Exam and go to university.

    If you don’t want to go to school, you can choose a technical school and enroll there based on your 9th grade certificate. And after that I went to university.

    There is no other legal option. No university will accept you without a certificate, and if you try to buy a certificate, it’s easy to check and instead of studying, you can go to other places.

    You can enroll in a college (technical school) without a certificate. Only then to the university. Moreover, after studying for three years at college, sometimes it is not possible to enroll not only in the 4th year of the institute, but even in the 3rd, due to the fact that the programs in some subjects do not match. So, the college-institute option may turn out to be longer than two years of school and college.

    This is how my son went to college after college. The subjects are the same, but it turns out that fewer hours were allocated for their study. I had to take several extra exams in the next session.

    Information on evening schools can be obtained from the Department (or management) of education at your place of residence. There, at the same time, find out the possibility of studying externally.

    If you plan to further study at a university in Moscow, maybe it makes sense to finish your 10th and 11th grades as an external student here. As a rule, you can take two classes in a year. Considering that you have completed 9th grade a long time ago, you may need additional consultations or individual lessons.

    Here or here you can find several schools offering external secondary education in Moscow. Take an interest in the correspondence course (formerly external studies). Sometimes there is information about recruiting groups of those over 18 years of age. Obviously, it takes into account that in the years that have passed since studying in the 9th grade, something might have been forgotten.

    Indeed, without a certificate they do not admit you to higher educational institutions.

    The way out of this situation is either to enroll and study at college, and then go to college, or to try to unlearn and pass the 10th and 11th grade program as an external student.

    Of course, it's up to you to choose, but I would prefer the first option. After college, you can go to college immediately for the 3rd (sometimes 2nd) year.

    In this case, the optimal solution, as I see it, is still evening school.

    There you can pass the Unified State Exam (after all, now you can’t get into a university without it), and receive a full-fledged certificate of secondary education.

    The college option is only good if there is a specialized one, a language one, in your chosen specialty.

    Most likely, you know a foreign language very well. It’s not for nothing that you lived abroad for ten years. That's why you want to be a certified translator. If I were you, I would pass my studies at school as an external student, then I would enter higher education. educational institution on correspondence department. And right now I would go to work as a translator. I think that after an interview at any foreign company, you and an excellent foreigner would easily be hired. So good luck to you and good earnings!

    The surest option would be to enroll in a technical school. A technical school is a secondary specialized school. educational institution. The duration of study is on average three years. After it, they go to a university (higher educational institution). First, four years for a bachelor's degree, and only then, if desired, for a master's degree (two years). Although they say now that a tower is not needed, it’s impossible without it, this is the base, now even they won’t hire a janitor without a tower.

    To enter the institute you need not only a certificate, but also the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, foreign language, history and, possibly, literature. This means that you must master the secondary education program, otherwise you will not pass the Unified State Exam. That's why best option in your case, this is evening school. Moreover, you can master the program on your own and ask to take (the subjects you study) at school as an external student. Although there is a nuance: literature as an admission to the Unified State Exam is taken in early December.

    But after college, it will no longer be possible to enroll in the 3rd year of college, as could have been done before, at the chosen university since 2017, since the corresponding law has been adopted.

    Pass as an external student school curriculum 10th and 11th grades. I think this is not possible, especially at 25 years old. I know for sure that there are evening schools. Not the most respectable students or people with similar fates study there. Go there, to be honest, everything is not very strict there and attending school 2-3 times a week will be the norm for you. In the meantime, study in the evening, during the day you can work in your profession.

    To enter the institute you need Unified State Examination results and a certificate, Unified State Examination results will be crucial for enrollment in an institute, therefore, it is not possible to enter a higher educational institution with documents confirming the completion of the 9th grade. Evening school is a way out of the situation, there you can go through grades 10 and 11 in just one year, pass the Unified State Exam and receive a certificate, you will definitely receive specialized subjects University maximum quantity points and then you will definitely enter the institute; for this, attend special courses to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Or go to college, from which you can start studying in your chosen specialty from the third year.

I didn't pass the State Examination Test in 9th grade. Where can I go to study in 8th grade? Which college to go to, please tell me?

Where to go to study in Moscow, on the basis of the 8th grade, if you did not pass the GIA in the 9th grade?

For some reason, some 9th grade graduates are unable to pass the State Exam. The fault may not only be insufficient knowledge, but also simple stress, which can block mental centers.
In this situation, you should not relax and panic, but you need to go and learn further. Moscow has many colleges and vocational schools, which accept applicants for the GIA without crusts on the basis of 8 classes. Here are some completely acceptable options for getting an education if you are not in a hurry to pass the State Examination.

1) College of the service sector No. 10 invites you to study on the basis of 8 classes in the profession of “Seamstress”, professional training for graduates of special (correctional) schools. The duration of training in the specialty is 2 years.
College contacts:
First division
Main building, 300 meters from the Timiryazevskaya metro station.

Second division
from the Sokol metro station by trolleybus No. 59 to the Levitana Street stop (one stop from the metro).

Third division
from the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station by buses No. 672, No. 194 (express), No. 179, No. 63, No. 191.

What to do if a child does not pass the OGE?

If in the ninth grade your child suffered a complete fiasco, did not pass the GIA or was not allowed to take the exam, this does not mean that all doors are closed in front of him. Instead of a certificate, they give a certificate. Let's figure out together what to do with it and where to go to study next.

Shall we try again?

According to the law, children who have completed the 9th grade with a certificate of the established form can try to pass the GIA again in a year as an external student. In this case, subjects for which unsatisfactory scores were obtained must be taken.

If desired, your daughter or son can stay for re-education and pass the GIA along with new classmates next year. As a rule, this applies to those who were not admitted to certification.

Where to go with help?

Until 2015 in order to undergo training in various programs vocational training professions, mainly blue-collar workers, a school certificate was a prerequisite. Now you can enroll in a secondary specialized educational institution with a certificate.

What will your daughter or son become?

The list of working specialties and employee positions is not limited to the janitor, plumber and turner, with which they love to scare teenagers. In fact, there are many more professions:

  • educator;
  • private security guard;
  • cook;
  • driver;
  • seamstress;
  • driver;
  • flight attendant;
  • dog handler;
  • hairdresser;
  • electrician, etc.

If your son or daughter succeeds in their profession, they can earn very good money. Here, as elsewhere, the main thing is effort and desire.

You can find out which colleges accept students with an 8th grade education in your area from your local department public education. In most cases, training is provided on a paid basis.

Why should you go to college?

Admit it, after thinking: “What a horror! You didn’t pass/didn’t pass the State Examination Test!” the next one was: “He’ll lose a whole year, what should I do?!” Idleness has a destructive effect even on an adult, let alone a teenager who is already not averse to neglecting his studies. In this situation, primary and secondary vocational education is a good option.

  • First of all, the child will be busy with work, and will not sit for days at the computer or hang out in an unknown place.
  • College education for children with a certificate lasts up to 6-8 months. They study specialized disciplines and gain practical skills in production. Classes usually start in October. Just a year will pass before the retake. During this time, your child will receive a profession and an appropriate rank.
  • If your son or daughter successfully passes the State Examination, they will be able to continue studying for free in any specialty. An honors college degree provides certain advantages for admission to college. specialized university. In addition, many colleges and universities participate in the college-university program; their graduates can immediately enroll in the 2nd or 3rd year of a specialized university.

As you can see, college offers good prospects. If your son or daughter gets ready to study right away, they will be successful in the future.

How to prepare for retaking the State Examination Test?

Without passing the state final certification your son or daughter can get a profession, increase their rank, but their level of education will remain the same. Employers always pay attention to this column in work book. Therefore, you will still have to take the State Examination Test. We have already written about the rules and deadlines for retaking the State Examination Test.

  • A professional tutor will prepare your son or daughter, but the lessons are very expensive and may be disrupted due to his illness or other urgent circumstances. After all, he is also a human being.
  • Many colleges have preparatory courses. They are slightly cheaper than the courses in educational centers, but not always effective, since there is always large groups. Classes are taught by the same college teachers.
  • In educational centers, classes are never canceled. Groups consist of 5-6 people. Teachers are often certified State Examination and Unified State Examination experts and are focused on high results.

There are no hopeless situations. If your child received a certificate instead of a certificate, do not rush to blame only him for everything. You are involved in this too, admit it. In some places they were not forced to sit down for lessons on time, in others they were allowed to miss a day. Instead of looking for someone to blame, make the most of the situation. possible benefit. Focus on getting into college and preparing to retake the GIA.

With the introduction of the unified state examination system and the formal principle when checking exam papers More schoolchildren today receive, instead of a certificate, a certificate stating that they studied at an educational institution. What to do without a certificate?



If a school graduate does not have an 11th grade certificate, he can enter college on the basis of a 9th grade certificate, graduate from college and enter a university to study in a shortened program, or prepare to retake the Unified State Exam. But what should a student do without a certificate at all? If a student does not receive a certificate in 9th grade, he can try to retake the exams in next year by preparing for the OGE in courses or on your own. However, the child will lose a year.

Without a certificate based on 8th grade, they are accepted into a number of colleges. There are not many of them; they train workers and service sector workers. On the basis of 8 classes, they are accepted for pre-profile training with obtaining the basic general education with in-depth study of the field of technology (cook, pastry chef, hairdressing, hotel service). Without a certificate, schoolchildren go to courses and receive the profession of a flight attendant, manicurist, hairdresser, makeup artist, programmer and other specialties that can be mastered in 3 months, six months or a year.

Having graduated from school without a certificate, you can also get an education and get a job, so you shouldn’t give up if suddenly the circumstances are such that your child graduated from school without a certificate.

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