Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. "Institute of General History

Institute All general history RAS is a leading research institution within the Russian Academy of Sciences, studying world history. The Institute was created in October 1968. Before this, in 1934-1968, work on general history was carried out as part of the single Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The IVI RAS employs more than 200 people, including 6 academicians of the RAS, 4 corresponding members of the RAS, more than 180 doctors and candidates of science.

Main areas of research:

  • modern models of the historical process;
  • problems of interdisciplinary dialogue;
  • historical and cultural anthropology;
  • collective memory and historical consciousness;
  • history of religion and church;
  • formation and development of civil society.

The focus is traditionally on the history of Western and Eastern Europe and individual European regions, Northern and Latin America, African countries. Selected directions research formed at the Institute in the early 2000s - Russia in world history, history of the CIS countries. The Institute pays special attention to the problems of interaction and mutual perception of cultures and societies in the world historical process.

One of the key areas of the Institute’s work is the integration of science and education. In 2003, on the basis of the Institute of History and History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of History State University humanities The Scientific and Educational Center for History was created. The Institute actively cooperates with leading research and educational centers Russia and abroad.

  • World history in 6 volumes. Volume 5. The world in the 19th century: on the way to industrial civilization.[Djv-42.4M] Responsible editor of the volume V.S. Mirzekhanov. Scientific publication. Artist V.Yu. Yakovlev.
    (Moscow: Nauka Publishing House, 2014. - Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of World History)
    Scan, OCR, processing, Djv format: mor, 2015
    • CONTENT:
      INTRODUCTION XIX century in world history: problems, approaches, models of time. V.S. Mirzekhanov (5).
      Industrial revolution in the 19th century. A.V. Revyakin, V.S. Mirzekhanov (21).
      Economic growth, demographic shifts and mass migrations. V.A. Melyantsev, V.S. Mirzekhanov, S.B. Wolfson (42).
      Social processes. A.A. Iserov (72).
      Languages ​​of culture of the 19th century. K.V. Kondakov (Languages ​​of Russian culture - V.S. Parsamov) (92).
      Education and science. A.N. Dmitriev, N.V. Rostislavleva, M.V. Loskutova (137).
      Medicine of the 19th century. A.M. Stochik, S.N. Zatravkin (173).
      Religion and church. S.G. Antonenko (192).
      Politics and society. N.P. Tanshina, M.P. Aizenshtat (210).
      Empire and nation in the “long 19th century.” A.I. Miller (246).
      Rach Britannica: Great Britain. M.P. Aizenshtat (264).
      Pax Britannica: Dominions. A.A. Iserov, A.N. Uchaev (296).
      Rah Britannica: India. L.B. Alaev (309).
      France: from Napoleonic despotism to parliamentary democracy. A.V. Revyakin (322).
      Sunset spanish empire. I.Yu. Mednikov (362).
      Portugal: fading great empire. A.P. Black (376).
      The Netherlands: a small European country - a big one colonial power. G.A. Shatokhina-Mordvintseva (390).
      Belgium: kingdom and empire. A.S. Namazova (403).
      Southeast Asia: from traditional to colonial society. V.L. Tyurin (416).
      Sub-Saharan Africa: local civilizations And colonial section. A.S. Balesin (431).
      Russian XIX century. V.S. Parsamov (450).
      The Habsburg monarchy in the 19th century: from an absolutist empire to a constitutional state. E.V. Kotova (504).
      The Ottoman Empire in the 19th century: the long search for renewal. S.F. Oreshkova, M.S. Meyer (527).
      Arab world. B.V. Dolgov, E.A. Prussian (545).
      Iran under the rule of the Qajar dynasty. A.I. Polishchuk (559).
      China and the world: contradictory processes of modernization. O.E. Nepomnin (574).
      Japan is on its way to the “club of great powers.” S.B. Markaryants, E.V. Molodyakova (596).
      Germany: the embodiment of a national dream. A.G. Matveeva (617).
      Italy in the 19th century: Risorgimento. Z.P. Yakhimovich, A.A. Mitrofanov (642).
      Northern Europe is on the road to prosperity. V.V. Roginsky (664).
      Becoming nation states V Southeast Europe. O.E. Petrunina (675).
      Western Hemisphere: Continuity and Change. A.A. Iserov (686).
      USA: on the path to power. B.M. Shpotov (694).
      Latin America: a century of independence. M.S. Alperovich (722).
      Napoleonic Wars and Vienna system international relations. V.V. Roginsky (752).
      International order, wars and diplomatic relations mid-19th century. V.V. Roginsky, V.N. Vinogradov (789).
      World politics of the last third of the 19th - early 20th centuries. A.V. Revyakin (811).
      The world in the 19th century: historical results and looking to the future. V.S. Mirzekhanov (845).
      Chronological table (compiled by G.A. Shatokhina-Mordvintseva) (861).
      Selected literature (877).
      Index of names (compiled by A.A. Kritsky, E.A. Prusskaya) (895).
      Pointer geographical names(compiled by S.A. Eliseev, B.S. Kotov) (915).

Publisher's abstract: The volume is dedicated key issues"long 19th century" (from the Great french revolution before the First World War), meaningful from the standpoint the latest achievements historical science, - the industrial revolution, urbanization, as well as scientific and technological progress And economic growth, the formation of modern political institutions of citizenship, constitutionalism and parliamentarism, the ideologies of liberalism, conservatism, socialism, nationalism, the colonial redistribution of the world and the dominance of Europe, unprecedented in history. The publication includes an introductory theoretical section, summarizing the history of the century throughout the world and focusing on the increased intensity of macro-processes in the period under review, as well as chapters that describe the history of individual countries - empires and nation-states.
For historians and wide range readers.

A leading research institution within the Russian Academy of Sciences, engaged in the study of world history.

The institute was created in October 1968. Prior to this, work on general history was carried out as part of a single institute, created in 1934.

The priority areas of research at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences are: theoretical and methodological problems studying world history; global studies; comparative study of ancient and medieval civilizations; history of the 20th century; story European countries, USA, African and Latin American countries; Russia in world history; history of the post-Soviet space; history of religion and church; special historical disciplines.

Currently, the staff of the IVI RAS includes 60 doctors and 87 candidates historical sciences. Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.O. work at the Institute of World History. Chubaryan, A.B. Davidson, I.H. Urilov, corresponding members of the RAS A.I. Ivanchik, S.M. Kashtanov, P.Yu. Uvarov.

IN different times World famous scientists worked at the Institute: academicians S.D. Skazkin, E.V. Tarle, E.M. Zhukov, E.A. Kosminsky, G.M. Bongard-Levin, N.N. Bolkhovitinov, G.G. Litavrin, G.N. Sevostyanov, as well as A.Z. Manfred, B.F. Porshnev, S.L. Utchenko, A.P. Kazhdan, A.Ya. Gurevich, Yu.L. Immortal, etc.

Many leading researchers of the Institute were elected professors of the largest universities in Europe and the USA, members of international scientific societies, honorary members of foreign academies.

Periodicals of the Institute:

"Bulletin" ancient history"(published since 1937);

"The Middle Ages" (since 1942);

- (IRI RAS) scientifically research institute Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of history. Contents 1 Foundation history 2 Directors of the Institute ... Wikipedia

IRI (Dmitry Ulyanov Street, 19). Created in 1968 after the division of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences (formed in 1936) into the Institute of General History and the Institute of History of the USSR (since 1992 modern name). Conducts research on a wide range of problems... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

Institute of General History RAS (IVI RAS) research institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of history Address IVI RAS 117334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 32A Contents 1 History of foundation 2 Directors of the institute ... Wikipedia

RAS (IVI RAS) scientific research institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of history Address IVI RAS 117334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 32A Contents 1 Founding history 2 Directors of the institute ... Wikipedia

Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IVI RAS) research institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of history Address IVI RAS 117334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 32A Contents 1 Foundation history 2 Directors of the institute ... Wikipedia

32a). Created in 1968 after the division of the Institute of History (formed in 1936) into the Institute of General History and. The main activities of the institute: development theoretical problems world history, history of civilizations and civilizational systems... Moscow (encyclopedia)

- (Dmitry Ulyanov Street, 19). Created in 1968 after the division of the Institute of History (formed in 1936) into the Institute of History of the USSR (since 1992 modern name). Conducts research on a wide range of problems national history with… … Moscow (encyclopedia)

RAS (IRI RAS) is a scientific research institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of history. Clock on the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences Contents 1 History of the foundation ... Wikipedia

Institute Russian history RAS (IRI RAS) is a scientific research institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of history. Clock on the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences Contents 1 History of the foundation ... Wikipedia


  • Dialogue with time. Almanac of Intellectual History, 33, 2010, . Almanac Dialogue with Time - a scientific periodical publication specifically devoted to the problems intellectual history who studies historical aspects all types of creative activities...
  • Dialogue with time. Almanac of Intellectual History, 44, 2013, . Almanac "Dialogue with Time" is a scientific periodical publication specifically devoted to the problems of intellectual history, which studies the historical aspects of all types of creative…

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