Feast of the Bastille. Bastille Day: how the national holiday is celebrated in Paris

Officially fr. Fete Nationale Otherwise fr. Quatorze Juillet Meaning in memory of the Feast of the Federation - the first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution, as well as the storming itself as a symbol of the overthrow of absolutism Installed July 6, 1880 Noted France France date the 14 th of July Celebration holiday sales, parade, concerts, festivities Associated with Great French Revolution Bastille Day at Wikimedia Commons


Then, for many decades, no special celebrations took place on July 14th in France. The main public holiday was celebrated on September 22 (declaration of France as a republic, 1793-1803), August 15 (St. Napoleon's Day, 1806-1813), June 30 (closing of the Paris World Exhibition, 1878). The situation changed closer to end of the 19th century century. After the parliamentary elections held on January 5, 1879, the unpopular pro-monarchy President MacMahon was forced to resign on January 30. President Jules Grévy, who replaced him, together with the majority of the National Assembly, began to take steps to unite the country around republican values- in particular, “La Marseillaise” was adopted as the national anthem. But the choice of date for the country's main holiday dragged on for more than a year. Only in May 1880, deputy Benjamin Raspail - the son of the famous scientist and revolutionary Francois-Vincent Raspail - proposed the date of July 14, 1789. The anniversary of the storming of the Bastille immediately aroused warm support from some deputies, who considered it a glorious page of history, and equally ardent rejection from others, who considered it a senselessly bloody episode. In the end, the parties managed to reach a compromise, as a result of which the law adopted on July 6, 1880 did not refer to any historical event. Accordingly, the history of the National Day can be counted from the storming of the Bastille or from the Federation Day. Thus, accepted in some foreign languages naming the holiday (Russian) Bastille Day, English Bastille Day, date. Bastilledagen, tour. Bastille Günü, etc.) is, strictly speaking, incorrect.

One of the main events marking the National Day is the military parade, which is currently held on the Champs-Élysées. But the location of the parade has changed many times throughout history. In the first years after the establishment of the holiday and until 1914, the parade was called a “review” and was held on Longchamp Hippodrome. At the end of the First World War, the parade moved to the Champs-Elysees with the passage of the three victorious marshals (Joffre, Pétain and Foch) at the head of the troops under the Arc de Triomphe. But since 1921, the ceremony has changed due to the establishment of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier next to the arch. At the end of World War II in 1945, the parade took place at Place de la Bastille. Then the location (and direction) of the parade also changed many times: Place de la Bastille, Place de la République, Avenue Vincennes, Champs-Élysées. It was not until 1980 that the modern ceremony was adopted.


The July 14th celebration program includes various events in almost all French populated areas and even abroad. Often, especially in small towns and villages, they begin the evening before, so their residents can take part in the festivities twice - on July 13 at their place of residence, and the next day go to Big City. The program often includes musical events of the most different styles and focus - from local amateur performances to world stars; So, in the festival that took place on July 14, 2014 classical music About half a million people took part in the Champ de Mars. In many communes, folk festivities are organized - balls indoors or on outdoors. Among the balls, the purely French firemen's ball stands out, the tradition of which goes back a hundred years - shows organized by local fire brigades with music, dancing and all kinds of entertainment.

The main state ceremony of the National Day is military parades, the main of which is held in Paris. The parade takes place with the participation of the President of the French Republic, the Prime Minister, members of the government, the chairmen of the Senate and the National Assembly, and the diplomatic corps. Often, top officials of foreign countries are also present at the parade - for example, US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump were present at the 2017 parade. Since 1980, the parade has been held on Champs Elysees. At 9:10, columns of troops begin their movement along the main avenue of the French capital from Place Charles de Gaulle and the Arc de Triomphe towards Place de la Concorde, the Elysee Palace and the Louvre. Active military personnel, cadets of military schools and civilians (police officers) take part in the parade. About 4,000 pedestrians, 240 horsemen, 80 motorcyclists, 460 units of other equipment are passing along the Champs-Elysees, and 60 aircraft. Foreign military personnel often also take part in parades: for example, in 1994, soldiers marched along the Champs Elysees Eurocorps, that is, for the first time since the end of World War II German soldiers marched through Paris, which caused heated controversy. Not all soldiers march at the same pace during a parade: for most military units the established rhythm is 120 steps per minute - the tempo of such marches as "La Marseillaise" and "Regiment of the Sambre-et-Meuse", but the Alpine shooters and huntsmen march faster - at a tempo of 130 steps per minute (the rhythm of the song "Sidi Brahim"), and the Foreign the legion finishing the parade moves at a pace of 88 steps per minute (the rhythm of the Legion's anthem "Le Boudin"). The parade ends around noon.

External video files
Fireworks on July 14, 2014 in Paris. "Wars and Peace (1914-2014)"
Fireworks on July 14, 2017 in Paris

On the evening of July 14 (and in small towns sometimes the day before) there are fireworks displays, the main one of which starts at 23:00 on the Champ de Mars near the Eiffel Tower and lasts up to half an hour. Unlike fireworks and salutes held in some other countries, French fireworks are a real light and sound show. It is characteristic that fireworks are one of the few symbols of the Old Order that Republican France retained: it first took place on November 21, 1615, on the wedding day of Louis XIII and after that remained a symbol of the absolute monarchy.


  1. France: Large linguistic and regional dictionary / Under general edition the doctors philological sciences L. G. Vedenina. - 2nd edition, corrected and expanded. - AST-Press, 2008. - P. 381. - 976 p. - 4000 copies.
  2. - ISBN 978-5-462-00894-8.
  3. Détails de la fête Nationale, du 14 Juillet 1790, arrêtes par le Roi. - Imp. Garnery, 1790. - 8 p. Archived from the original on August 24, 2017. Pierrick Herve. La fête nationale du 14 juillet (French). Présidence de la République française
  4. . Retrieved July 14, 2017. Archived May 27, 2017. La fête nationale du 14 juillet 22 September 1792: Avènement de la République française. Retrieved July 14, 2017. Archived March 18, 2016.

Tells the history of the holiday and how the French celebrate it today.

The Bastille is a fortress in Paris, built in 1382, it served as a place of imprisonment political criminals.
Bastille Day commemorates a historical event that occurred during the French Revolution. On July 14, 1789, the French took possession of the Bastille prison, which symbolized the overthrow of absolutism and despotism of royal power.

Today the celebration is celebrated on a grand scale: ceremonial processions, balls, parties and picnics are organized. Every city in France holds mass celebrations, the scale of which can only be compared with the New Year.

How is Bastille Day celebrated today?

Every year a festive ball is held in the Tuileries Gardens, and traditional picnics are held on the streets of the city.

A grandiose military parade is held on the Champs Elysees. This year, US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania flew to France for the occasion. They were invited by French President Emmanuel Macron. In this way, the authorities of both countries wanted to show the improvement of relations between France and the United States.

The military parade starts at Place de l'Etoile and goes all the way to the Louvre. Every year the parade is hosted by the President of France.

More than 200 people took part in the parade alongside the French military. American soldiers. In total, about 3,700 military personnel, 200 pieces of equipment and 241 horses were involved in the celebration.

The celebration will end with fireworks near Eiffel Tower.

Bastille Day: bright photos and video, detailed description and reviews of the Bastille Day 2019 event.

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In the history of every country there are holidays that become an element of national pride. For France, such a significant event was Bastille Day. Every year on July 14, the French pay tribute to the events of past years that radically changed the life of the entire country.

Bastille - former prison, in which many people of different classes and eras served their sentences. A symbol of suffering and doom, in 1789 it was attacked by armed forces, which marked the beginning of french revolution.

Currently, only the remains of ruins remain from the ancient fortress. The rebels destroyed the prison, and in its place they put a sign on which in large letters It says "They're dancing here." And indeed, for some time the site where the Bastille used to be was used for dancing evenings. And today this place still remains a symbol of freedom and equality.

In memory of the daring transformation of the stronghold of sorrow, folk festivities begin with dancing. On the evening before the holiday, all the dance floors in Paris are crowded, and music can be heard everywhere. Spectators are also attracted by the numerous parties organized (who would have thought?!) by fire brigades.

The storming of the Bastille became a symbol of open free thought. And these days, the ability to openly express one’s position is reflected in the Gay Ball. This is perhaps the most unusual sight that can be observed on the holiday. Adherents of traditional morals gladly take part in the Great Picnic, held in all regions of the country.

With the onset of the holiday morning, everyone rushes to the Champs-Elysees, where a military parade led by the president takes place. Jet military planes fly over the heads of those marching in formation. The parade is completed by fire brigades, tired after yesterday's celebrations, receiving thunderous applause from the spectators.

The festivities last all day, and in the evening crowds of people gather on the Champ de Mars, and a grandiose fireworks display unfolds in the sky. Most restaurants are ready to offer tourists an entertainment program. And even those who find themselves outside the capital on holiday take part in local celebrations, which are no less intense than those in Paris.

The Bastille celebration is a very large-scale event in France. How New Year in Russia, when the whole country is immersed in a festive atmosphere for several days, and everyone feels involved this event. This celebration lasts for several days. This is a great reason to go to France. And if you have already arrivedlive in France for permanent residence,then surely the Bastille holiday will very quickly become your favorite holiday.

Historical origin of the holiday

As the name suggests, the holiday was established due to the capture of the famous Bastille prison by the rebels - an analogue Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, where political prisoners were once held. There were only seven prisoners in the Bastille at the time, but the fact that they were released in 1789 was seen as a symbol of the end of royal despotism. A year later, the Bastille was destroyed. Its end meant both the end of absolutism and the beginning of a new free life for French people. From the day of the storming of the Bastille, a revolution began in France, which led to the overthrow of the monarchy, the execution of the king and - the irony of fate! - the accession to the throne of Emperor Napoleon, raised to power by this very revolution. Bastille Day is comparable to Russian, or rather Soviet, day October revolution. However, the French still celebrate this holiday, without strongly tying it to specific historical and revolutionary events, which, to be honest, always have two sides and are associated with many victims. Bastille Day in France is celebrated precisely as the day of freedom and independence of the French people. A day that reminds us that tyranny is over, that now and always everyone who was born in France or came live in France for permanent residence, has its own human dignity, their rights and freedoms, which no one can infringe. Therefore, for the French, who value their dignity and independence, this is truly a holiday of holidays and a wonderful reason to relax and rejoice. In my own way internal meaning This holiday is more like Russian Independence Day.

On Bastille Day in Paris, and in other cities, there is always something to see and is held a large number of events that true Frenchmen never get tired of, although they attend them every year. Well, for those who have just arrived, it will be even more interesting to look at all this and feel the truly French atmosphere that permeates this wonderful holiday.

Ball in the Tuilliries Garden

The Feast of the Bastille begins to be celebrated the day before, namely on July 13th. On this day, the famous ball takes place in Tuillirie Park. Usually not even a ball, but a whole complex of balls that differ from each other in music and dance style, so that you can find those dances and music that were in fashion in the very year of the Bastille, and later ones, and completely modern options. Those who know how to dance classical and modern dances should definitely go to such a ball. And those who do not can enjoy this event as spectators. This preparatory stage It is also a favorite holiday for many people and brings a lot of positive impressions and emotions.

Parade on the Champs Elysees

This is the most solemn part of the event, and it begins on July 14, that is, directly on the day of the storming of the Bastille. In terms of its significance, scope and content, this parade is most similar to the Victory Parade in Moscow on May 9. From the very morning, the military on the Champs Elysees line up and prepare for the solemn procession. At 9 o'clock everything is ready for the parade and it begins. At 10.15, the military greets the president of the country, after which a procession begins, which ends by noon. This is very spectacular, usually such a parade is broadcast on all French television channels, and in other cities they try to organize something equally spectacular, even on a smaller scale. One way or another, Bastille Day has long become a kind of day of triumph for France and French self-awareness, French values. Therefore, almost all Parisians try to take part in such a parade or in watching it. Moreover, on this day everyone is free and not busy with work, because in France Bastille Day is an official day off for everyone, just like Sunday. By the way, you won’t even have the opportunity to purchase groceries in most stores either on Sunday or on public holidays. This is unusual for those who have only recently arrived, but this is the norm of French life. And if you decide come to France for permanent residence, then you too will soon get used to it. Buy all the products and, in general, everything that you need for the holiday in advance, and then you will know for sure that you will spend the Bastille holiday exactly the way you would like, and this holiday will be associated for you only with positive emotions and will not cause any inconvenience.

Horse racing at Longchamp racecourse

Surprisingly, the French are still big fans of horse racing. And therefore, horse racing is necessarily included in the program of such a holiday as Bastille Day. They take place at the large Longchamp racecourse in the center of Paris. Only the best horses and their riders deserve the right to attend such races; this is truly a magnificent spectacle for everyone who appreciates events involving horses and is a gambling person. Today, such races are also very popular and are broadcast on television. If you have already attended such events, then nothing will stop you from staying at home with your family and watching the races, while enjoying delicious food and natural French wine. This is the choice of many Parisians, especially since you will also experience emotions and excitement even while at home, and today you can even place bets on a particular horse via telephone or the Internet to get the “full presence effect”. But if you have never visited a race of this level before, then it is better to go to the hippodrome. The opportunity to see everything with your own eyes and feel the atmosphere of celebration and competition still cannot be compared with anything else.

This event usually starts around 5:30 pm and consists of eight races. Often the horse racing then turns into a night disco right at the hippodrome. This also attracts many people, especially young people, who try to do everything to make Bastille Day eventful and memorable for a long time.

Concert at the foot of the Eiffel Tower

The concert traditionally starts at 21.30. Only the best, most professional performers and musical groups have the right to take part in this concert. But almost everyone who wants to immerse themselves in the world of high-quality, high-quality music has the right to listen to such splendor. The national orchestra of France always performs at such a concert, and this alone is worth coming and listening to. You can also count on many classical works, starting from Mozart and Berlioz and ending with Verdi. As a rule, the concert attracts many thousands of people, and of course it is also broadcast on different channels, and not only broadcast, but also repeated for many days in a row on television, because this is one of the best music events year, and people are given many chances to visit it, at least virtually.

Fireworks on the Champ de Mars

And finally, the holiday is crowned with a grand fireworks display. It can be seen from almost all corners of Paris, not to mention television. Here, the main struggle and the main efforts of the Parisians revolve around getting more “advantageous” seats that would allow a good view of the entire event. If you want to watch the fireworks for free, then the best option is the bridges over the Seine, from where you can see everything perfectly. True, if you arrive 10 minutes before the start of the fireworks, then most likely you will not be able to squeeze through even to the bridge, let alone go to its middle, because there are more than enough people who want to watch the fireworks from the bridges. If you want to watch in more comfortable conditions and with less competition, then booking seats in advance can be a good option - for example, in large restaurants that provide excellent views from the windows (although needless to say, the cost of booking such restaurants on that day is much higher higher than in common days), or from the roofs of museums. By the way, in France, in general, many houses and buildings have fairly free access to the roof, and booking a place on the roof or simply finding a roof to watch the fireworks is all quite possible.

After the end of the holiday program, most townspeople do not intend to leave at all, because all entertainment establishments, including bars, cafes, restaurants, nightclubs are open on the night of July 13-14 and from 14 to 15 full power, and if you want to continue the fun, there's somewhere for you to go. However, do not forget that in France everything needs to be booked and agreed upon in advance. If you want to come unannounced, then free seats It may well not be, and this applies to all options for entertainment venues. Almost from May, the French begin to think about where and how they want to celebrate Bastille Day, in much the same way as the residents of Russia have been thinking about the New Year since the fall. Think about this too. If you have already celebrated this day in France, then you should come up with something new so that this celebration is not similar to the previous one. If you have never celebrated before and have just arrived, visit the parade in the morning, and the concert and fireworks in the evening. This will allow you to feel the very spirit of this holiday - Bastille Day, and you can rightfully say that you participated in the main French celebrations. This means we are very close to being French.

What to remember when celebrating Bastille Day in France

Firstly, as already mentioned, all stores are usually closed on this day. Make sure you buy everything you need in advance.

Secondly, wherever you go, there will be a lot of people, and you will have to push through the crowd. This, of course, cannot spoil your impression of the spectacle that you are about to see, be it a parade or a horse race. But you still need to be prepared for this.

Thirdly, where there are a lot of people and crowds of people, pickpockets operate there. Therefore, do not take anything too valuable with you; it is better to take cash instead credit card and hide it in the inner pocket. It is better not to take bags at all, except for very small ones, even to make it easier for you to pass through the crowd. And you must hold your bags in your hand, this is the only way you can be sure that your valuables will not be snatched from you.

Fourthly, try to book all places in advance, be it a cafe or a place to watch equestrian competitions. This will allow you not to have any troubles on the very day of the holiday and immediately go to your place.

Fifthly, if you go to a concert and fireworks in the evening, you need to keep in mind that many people you meet will no longer be sober. Here it is important to stay away from obvious troublemakers, and most importantly, monitor the amount of alcohol you drink yourself. French police actively take away those who are not on their feet, and local thieves consider them the best prey. It’s better to be sober, but if you want to drink your favorite wine, then it’s better to go to a cafe or do it there, or return home and continue celebrating the holiday with friends or family so that nothing disturbs it.

And finally, don’t sit at home on this day, because there really is something to see. Many cafes and restaurants on this day offer the most exclusive and unusual dishes, and entertainment programs on high level. Going on a holiday with friends or with your family, you will be sure that you will spend a day that can become one of the brightest days of your entire life.

According to many of those who for some reason left France, the Bastille holiday is exactly what they miss. This holiday is no longer celebrated in any other country, and many French people - by blood or spirit - who live outside of France, try to come here for at least a few days in the middle of summer to take part in such celebrations. If you are wondering when is the best time to come to France, then Bastille Day is one of the best options, because it is a national holiday, which is celebrated throughout the country on a special scale and is remembered by everyone for a long time.

On July 14, France celebrates the main national holiday of the Republic - Bastille Day (L "anniversaire de la prise de la Bastille).

Bastille is a fortress in the suburb of Saint-Antoine, in western region Paris, was built at the end of the 14th century, expanded and strengthened in the 16th and 17th centuries.

It was supposed to serve as a fortification on the approaches to the capital. Soon the fortress began to serve as a prison, mainly for political prisoners. For 400 years, among the prisoners of the Bastille there were many famous personalities of France - the moralist writer Francois de La Rochefoucauld, the playwright Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais, the philosopher Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire was twice a prisoner of the Bastille. Under King Louis XV (1710-1774), the Bastille acquired bad reputation royal prison, whose prisoners disappeared forever into underground casemates. For many generations of the French, the fortress was a symbol of the omnipotence and despotism of kings. By the 1780s, the prison had practically ceased to be used.

TO end of the XVIII century, France found itself on the verge of bankruptcy; a third of the population of Paris were beggars and vagabonds. In search of a way out of the financial impasse, King Louis XVI of France was forced on May 5, 1789 to convene the Estates General (the highest class representative institution convened by the king at critical moments French history). Refusing to discuss specifics, on June 17 the deputies proclaimed themselves the National Assembly, and on June 23 they refused to obey the royal decree dissolving them. On July 9, 1789, the Assembly called itself the Constituent Assembly, declaring its goal to develop the constitutional foundations of a new political order.

The reason for the siege of the Bastille was rumors about the king’s decision to disperse constituent Assembly, as well as the removal from the post of state controller of finances of the reformer Jacques Necker. Outraged Parisians took to the streets. On July 11 it became known about the concentration royal troops near Paris.

On July 14, 1789, Parisians decided to resist the troops, hoping to take possession of the weapons stored there. None of the rebels thought of the storming of the Bastille as a symbolic event. It is traditionally believed that the assault was undertaken with the aim of freeing the Bastille prisoners.

At that time, there were seven prisoners in the fortress - four counterfeiters, two mentally ill and one murderer; the Bastille garrison numbered 110 soldiers. The assault on the fortress lasted about four hours. The crowd broke into the fortress, the chief of the garrison was torn to pieces, and the prisoners were released.

In response to what happened, Louis XVI reinstated Necker and withdrew his troops from Paris. The townspeople greeted the news with an explosion of jubilation. Legend has it that the inscription “They dance here” appeared on the ruins of the Bastille.

After July 14, the Parisian municipality decided to demolish the Bastille. Within three years until May 15, 1791, the fortress was dismantled.

Currently, on the site of the demolished fortress is the Place de la Bastille - the intersection of a dozen streets and boulevards with the underground hub of the Paris metro and the Paris Opera. In the center of the square stands the July Column (Colonne de Juillet). It was installed in memory of the events of the July Revolution of 1830, as a result of which absolute monarchy Charles X was abolished and replaced by a constitutional monarchy led by the Citizen King Louis Philippe.

The height of the entire structure, including the pedestals, is more than 50 meters.

The column is crowned by a gilded bronze statue of the winged Genius of Liberty by Auguste Dumont. In one hand the Genius holds the torch of Civilization, and in the other - the broken chains of Slavery.

The storming of the Bastille is considered the beginning of the French Revolution. The holiday was officially established on January 31, 1879. Since then, the storming of the fortress has been considered a symbol of harmony and unity of the French nation, and Bastille Day is actually the country's Independence Day.

The official celebration program begins on July 13th. On this day, a number of gala balls take place in France. The next day opens with a military parade on the Champs Elysees, which begins at 10 a.m. at Place de l'Etoile and moves towards the Louvre, where it is received by the French President.

The obligatory finale of the celebration is a grandiose fireworks display at the Eiffel Tower and on the Champs de Mars at 10 pm.

Except official program, all over the city - in discos, bars, nightclubs, houses and on the streets - there are continuous parties. In every Parisian quarter, in every provincial town, they organize noisy balls, festivities, carnivals. Tables with refreshments are set up on the streets. Across the country, the sky lights up with thousands of fireworks.

July 14 at the French embassies in different countries ceremonial receptions are held around the world.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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