How to find the mass of a substance in physics. Let's consider a more complex calculation example

In the nature around us, mass is interconnected with volume (we mean exact sciences). Absolutely any body has both mass and volume. Mass represents the heaviness of a body, that is, its size, and the volume of a body is its actual size. And thanks to these two parameters, we can calculate either mass or volume. So how do you find volume through mass? Read about it below.

First formula

It is worth noting that the rules given below are suitable for both physics and chemistry.

The most basic way to find the required volume is to use density. That is, we divide our mass by the available volume. Here is the formula: ρ = m/V. It follows from it that the required volume is: V = m/ρ.

Remember that mass various substances in the formula can be equal, even if the substances are not the same, but the volume will always be different, as well as their densities.

Second formula

The science of chemistry, has an example (model) ideal gas: per mole with volume (this molar volume is always constant). The formula looks like this: V = 22.4 moles per liter. The represented gas always has this volume at pressure and temperature (they are constant). If we consider this issue from the science of physics, then it (the volume) may change. Here are the suitable formulas: V m - molar volume is equal to Vv - the volume of a portion of gas divided by n in - the amount of substance. (Vм = Vв/nв). And the amount of the substance itself is calculated using the formula of dividing the mass of the desired substance by the molar mass (nв = mв/Мв). It follows from this that: Vв = Vм*mв/Мв.

Third formula

When in the problem given to you the concept of the substance itself is provided, then the required volume can be easily expressed according to the formula: c = n/V = m/M/V. In this formula, M is the mass of the substance (molar).

We hope that we have helped you, dear readers, understand how to find the volume, knowing the mass of the substance provided. We wish you success in chemistry and physics.

In life, we very often say: “weighs 5 kilograms,” “weighs 200 grams,” and so on. And at the same time we don’t know that we are making a mistake when we say this. The concept of body weight is studied by everyone in the physics course in the seventh grade, but the erroneous use of some definitions has become so mixed up among us that we forget what we have learned and believe that body weight and mass are one and the same thing.

However, this is not true. Moreover, body weight is a constant value, but body weight can change, decreasing down to zero. So what is the mistake and how to speak correctly? Let's try to figure it out.

Body weight and body weight: calculation formula

Mass is a measure of the inertia of a body, it is how the body reacts to an impact applied to it, or itself affects other bodies. And the weight of a body is the force with which the body acts on a horizontal support or vertical suspension under the influence of the Earth’s gravity.

Mass is measured in kilograms, and body weight, like any other force, is measured in newtons. The weight of a body has a direction, like any force, and is a vector quantity. But mass has no direction and is a scalar quantity.

The arrow that indicates body weight in pictures and graphs is always directed downward, just like the force of gravity.

Body weight formula in physics is written as follows:

where m is body mass

g - acceleration free fall= 9.81 m/s^2

But, despite the coincidence with the formula and direction of gravity, there is a serious difference between gravity and body weight. The force of gravity is applied to the body, that is, roughly speaking, it presses on the body, and the weight of the body is applied to the support or suspension, that is, here the body presses on the suspension or support.

But the nature of the existence of gravity and the weight of a body is the same as the attraction of the Earth. Strictly speaking, the weight of a body is a consequence of the force of gravity applied to the body. And, just like gravity, body weight decreases with increasing altitude.

Body weight in zero gravity

In a state of weightlessness, the weight of the body is zero. The body will not put pressure on the support or stretch the suspension and will not weigh anything. However, it will still have mass, since in order to give the body any speed, it will be necessary to apply a certain force, the greater the more mass bodies.

Under the conditions of another planet, the mass will also remain unchanged, and the weight of the body will increase or decrease, depending on the strength of the planet’s gravity. We measure body mass with scales, in kilograms, and to measure body weight, which is measured in Newtons, you can use a dynamometer, a special device for measuring force.

Mass as a physical quantity is a parameter that characterizes the force of a body’s influence on gravity. To calculate body weight in physics it is required to know two of its quantities: the density of the body material and its volume.


Let a certain body be given with volume V and density of its substance p. Then it's mass calculated like this:
m = p*V. For clarity, here is an example:
Let an aluminum block with a volume of 5 cubic meters be given. meters. The density of aluminum is 2700 kg/cubic. meter. In this case, the mass of the block will be:
m = 2700/5 = 540 kg.

Please note

The concept of mass is often confused with another, no less rare, physical quantity - weight. Weight is measured in n/m and characterizes the force that acts on the fulcrum. Mass, by its nature, does not have any point of support, and, as noted, affects only the gravity of the Earth.

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If it is not possible to accurately measure the geometric dimensions of a body, use Archimedes' law. To do this, take a vessel that has a scale (or divisions) for measuring, lower the object into water (into the vessel itself, equipped with divisions). The volume by which the contents of the vessel will increase is the volume of the body immersed in it.

If the density d and volume V of an object are known, you can always find its mass using the formula: m=V*d. Before calculating mass, convert all units of measurement into one system, for example, the SI international system of measurement.

The conclusion from the above formulas is as follows: in order to obtain the desired value of mass, knowing the density and volume, it is necessary to multiply the value of the volume of the body by the value of the density of the substance from which it is made.


  • how to find mass

Mass body usually determined experimentally. To do this, take a load, put it on the scales and get the measurement result. But when solving physical problems given in textbooks, measuring mass for objective reasons is impossible, but there is certain data about the body. Knowing these data, you can determine the mass body indirectly by calculation.


According to this table density is 2300 kg/m³. Then in order to find mass concrete slab, simple algebraic action: m = 15*2300 = 34500 kg, or 34.5 tons. Answer: the mass of the concrete slab is 34.5 tons

Please note

When carrying out the calculation using the above formula, it is necessary to realize that in this way the rest mass of a given body is determined. An interesting fact is that many elementary particles have an oscillating mass, which depends on the speed of their movement. If elementary particle moves with the speed of the body, then this particle is massless (for example, a photon). If the speed of a particle is lower than the speed of light, then such a particle is called massive.

Useful advice

When measuring mass, one should never forget in which system the given mass will be given. end result. This means that in the SI system mass is measured in kilograms, while in GHS system mass is measured in grams. Mass is also measured in tons, centners, carats, pounds, ounces, poods, and many other units depending on the country and culture. In our country, for example, since ancient times mass was measured in poods, berkovets, zolotniks.


  • weight of concrete slab

For example, you need at least 15 cubic meters for the winter. meters of birch firewood.
Look for the density of birch firewood in the reference book. This is: 650 kg/m3.
Calculate the mass by substituting the values ​​into the same specific gravity formula.

m = 650*15 = 9750 (kg)

Now, based on the load capacity and capacity of the body, you can decide on the type vehicle and the number of trips.

Video on the topic

Please note

Older people are more familiar with the concept of specific gravity. Specific Gravity substances are the same as specific gravity.

There are situations when it is necessary to calculate mass liquids contained in any container. This may also happen during training session in the laboratory, and when solving a household problem, for example, when repairing or painting.


The simplest method is to resort to weighing. First, weigh the container along with it, then pour the liquid into another container of suitable size and weigh the empty container. And then all that remains is to subtract from greater value anything less and you get it

Many of us in school time wondered: “How to find body mass”? Now we will try to answer this question.

Finding mass through its volume

Let's say you have a two hundred liter barrel at your disposal. You intend to completely fill it with diesel fuel, which you use to heat your small boiler room. How to find the mass of this barrel filled with diesel fuel? Let's try to solve this seemingly simplest problem together with you.

Solving the problem of substances through its volume is quite easy. To do this, apply the formula for the specific density of a substance

where p is the specific density of the substance;

m - its mass;

v - occupied volume.

The values ​​will be grams, kilograms and tons. Volume measures: cubic centimeters, decimeters and meters. Specific density will be calculated in kg/dm³, kg/m³, g/cm³, t/m³.

Thus, in accordance with the conditions of the problem, we have at our disposal a barrel with a volume of two hundred liters. This means that its volume is 2 m³.

But you want to know how to find mass. From the above formula it is derived as follows:

First we need to find the value of p - specific Find given value you can use the reference book.

In the book we find that p = 860.0 kg/m³.

Then we substitute the obtained values ​​into the formula:

m = 860*2 = 1720.0 (kg)

Thus, the answer to the question of how to find the mass was found. One ton and seven hundred and twenty kilograms is the weight of two hundred liters of summer diesel fuel. Then you can make an approximate calculation of the total weight of the barrel and the capacity of the rack for the barrel of solarium in the same way.

Finding mass through density and volume

Very often in practical tasks in physics you can find quantities such as mass, density and volume. In order to solve the problem of how to find the mass of a body, you need to know its volume and density.

Items you will need:

1) Roulette.

2) Calculator (computer).

3) Capacity for measurement.

4) Ruler.

It is known that objects with equal volume, but made of various materials, will different mass(for example, metal and wood). The masses of bodies that are made of a certain material (without voids) are directly proportional to the volume of the objects in question. Otherwise, the constant is the ratio of the mass to the volume of an object. This indicator is called “substance density”. We will denote it by the letter d.

Now you need to solve the problem of how to find the mass in accordance with the formula d = m/V, where

m is the mass of the object (in kilograms),

V is its volume (in cubic meters).

Thus, the density of a substance is the mass per unit volume.

If you need to find from which an object is created, you should use the density table, which can be found in a standard physics textbook.

The volume of an object is calculated using the formula V = h * S, where

V - volume (m³),

H - object height (m),

S is the area of ​​the base of the object (m²).

If you can't measure clearly geometric parameters body, then you should resort to the laws of Archimedes. To do this, you will need a vessel that has a scale used to measure the volume of liquids and lower the object into water, that is, into a vessel that has divisions on it. The volume by which the contents of the vessel will be increased is the volume of the body that is immersed in it.

Knowing the volume V and density d of an object, you can easily find its mass using the formula m = d * V. Before calculating the mass, you need to bring everything measuring units into a single system, for example, into the SI system, which is international measuring system.

In accordance with the above formulas, you can do next output: to find the required amount of mass with a known volume and known density, it is necessary to multiply the density value of the material from which the body is made by the volume of the body.

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