What type of verb is played? Formation of imperfect and perfect verbs

The aspect of the verb is the lexico-grammatical category of the verb, expressing the relation of the action to its internal limit. The internal limit is the point in the course of an action when action turns into inaction.

History of the verb aspect category

Until the 20th century In linguistics, 3 types were distinguished:

1. An indefinite appearance, coinciding with the modern imperfect appearance.

2. Multiple view. Examples are: sat, walked.

3. One-time appearance, matching the modern perfect appearance.

How to determine the type of a verb?

IN modern linguistics grammatical types It is customary to differentiate the verb on the basis of semantics, i.e. meanings.

In Russian grammar, there are perfect and imperfect forms.

This can be determined based on the following grounds:

1) Based on semantics.

Verbs perfect form denote an action that has reached an internal limit (for example: did). Imperfective verbs denote an action that has not reached an internal limit (for example: looked, did).

2) For questions.

Perfective verbs answer the question “what to do?”, and imperfective verbs answer the question “?”. For example: (what did you do?) looked, (what did you do?) looked.

3) Based on word formation.

The perfect is formed with the help of prefixes, the imperfect with the help of suffixes. Thus, verbs of the perfect form “looked, did” have prefixes, but verbs of the imperfect form “looked, did” do not.

4) By compatibility.

Imperfective verbs are combined with adverbs “long”, “slowly”, with the words “every day” and others, but perfective verbs do not have this option. So, you can say “I looked for a long time,” but you cannot use the expression “I looked for a long time.”

5) By difference in the set of word forms.

Perfective verbs cannot be in the present tense, and imperfective verbs cannot have 3rd tense forms.

In modern Russian it is a paired (binary) opposition of the perfect and.

Perfective verbs denote an action limited by an internal limit.

Perfective verbs can have the following private meanings:

1. Specific actual value.

Indicates a single action in its entirety: entered, wrote, shouted.

  • - I entered, the old man was reading a newspaper in a chair...
  • (A. N. Tolstoy)

2. Total value.

Indicates the integrity of the action united overall result or purpose; lexical indicators like twice, three times, several times etc.

  • Bulat-Tuganovsky knocked three times short and decisive.
  • (A.I. Kuprin)
  • Mother baked a lot pancakes

3. Present-effective value.

Main - end result actions: the schoolboy came, the father returned.

  • - You probably chill in your dancing shoes.
  • (V. A. Soloukhin)

Grammatical features of perfective verbs

1. Perfective verbs will have two forms - and. They have no forms! This is explained by incompatibility grammatical meanings perfect form and present tense.

2. Perfective verbs form synthetic forms future tense: look - I'll look, sew - I'll sew.

  • write - write Vsh oh, write nn th
  • tell - story Vsh th, story nn th

4. Perfective verbs form: say - skaz V, look - look V, plant - plant V, write - write V .

The study of which includes many rules and exceptions to them. In this article we will touch on the concept of verb aspect and correct use in the speech of verbs of one type or another.

What is the aspect of a verb?

The type of verb in Russian is determined by the question asked about the word. If we ask what to do?- this is an imperfect form if what to do?- perfect. In other words, an action can be either completed at the time of speech, or not completed - this determines the type.

Read a book (what to do? imperfect form) - the action is not completed, it is performed in present moment. Read a book (what to do?)- the action has already been completed, it is completed, therefore, the form of this verb is perfect.

How are verb aspect and tense related?

The tense and aspect of the verb in Russian are very closely related. An action that has not been completed can be spoken of in the form of any tense: I baked pies, I bake pies, I will bake pies. In other words, imperfective verbs can take any of three tenses. It should be remembered that such verbs have the form of a complex future tense (infinitive with a modal verb).

In contrast, perfective verbs can only be in the past or future tense. In other words, the action has either been performed or will be performed. Such words do not have a present tense category. After all, perfective verbs denote either the beginning of an action or its result, while the present tense form implies the duration of the action, the period of its completion. Therefore, these two concepts are mutually exclusive.

When forming the future tense it is used simple form. I baked pies - I will bake pies.

Basic ways of forming types of verbs

Now we have figured out what the type of verb is in Russian. How are words of the perfect or imperfect form formed?

Most often, to form the perfect form, it is enough to add a prefix to the word. As the meaning changes, so does the question. Drive (what to do?) - come, leave, drop by (what to do); swim - swim, swim, swim across; to draw - to draw, to finish drawing, to draw etc.

However, you should not think that the type can be determined by the presence of a prefix. For example, the word buy does not have a prefix, but answers the question what to do?, which means it belongs to the perfect form.

The type of verb in Russian can also be changed using a suffix. To condense - to condense, to invite - to invite, to shout - to shout.

Uncommon case: replacement of the base

There are cases when, by replacing the stem, a different type of verb is formed (table). The Russian language is complex and insidious. For native speakers, there is nothing strange in the fact that when the type changes, the entire word can change completely, but foreigners have to learn a lot by heart. Let's give a few examples.

These are just a few "special" verbs to keep in mind. Special attention the verb should be removed "put"- its root is used only without a prefix, but when adding it it changes to the root -false- ( put, fold etc.).

Bi-aspect verbs

It happens that the aspect forms of verbs in Russian can only be distinguished in context, because words, having different meaning, sound the same. Most often, such words can be recognized by the suffix -irova- or -ova- (-eva-). Attack, reward, vaccinate, start, etc. It took a very long time to start (what did you do?) - He got off to a good start (what did you do?).

To determine the type of such a verb, you need to carefully understand the context and ask the question correctly.

Why do you need to know about verb types?

It would seem that what could be difficult about such a concept as the type of verb? In the Russian language there are rules that are more complex. But, oddly enough, one of the most common mistakes in constructing sentences and even texts is associated with this rule. The fact is that the type of verb and all verb forms(remember that participle and gerund are the same linguistic schools are classified as independent parts of speech, others - as special forms verb) must be uniform in a certain speech segment. That is, the action is either completed (will be performed) or is performed at the moment of speech.

"Grandma baked pies, made tea, invited us to dinner, and we wanted to stay" - in one sentence, verbs of both types alternate, which makes the meaning of the phrase difficult to grasp." When I went to a neighbor's house, I asked if he had salt." - in this sentence the type of gerund and verb do not match, the action seems to have already been completed, but at the same time it has not. It is more correct to construct the phrase like this: " I went to my neighbor's house and asked..."

Let's sum it up

So, the type of verb is very easy to determine: you just need to ask a question (“what to do?” or “what to do?”). Imperfective verbs can be used in any tense form; perfect - only in the past or future. It is very important to correctly use the form of one or another type of verb so that the phrase is logically correct and understandable!

One of the Russian languages ​​is the Verb. The verb denotes an action, a state of an object. His main questions are: what to do? what to do? This part of speech has many factors that determine its place in speech and syntactic role in a sentence. The topic of this article is “Perfective Verbs,” therefore, before talking about them, you need to know the meaning of their category: aspect. The category of aspect is grammatical; it is inherent in all its forms and shows action in time. The verb "decided" and "decided" are similar in meaning, but grammatically different. Decided - verb committed. type, it indicates a completed action, that it is completed and limited. Decided - imperfect verb. type and does not contain limits or completeness of action. There are two types of verbs in Russian: perfect and imperfect.

Just by the name alone - a perfective verb - one can understand that we're talking about about an action that has begun, has been completed, there is a limit, a boundary, a result of the action. Therefore, the questions for the perfect form of the verb are: what to do? what did you do? what did you do? what will you do?

So, for example: in the past tense

“I read the book” means: I read it all to the end;

“I wrote a letter” means: the letter is ready;

“I have learned the language” means: I know the language;

“We sang the song” means: to the end.

Whereas the sentences: “I wrote a letter”, “I read a book”, “I sang a song”, “I studied a language” mean that the action took place, but whether it was completed is unknown.

Verb types differ mainly in meaning and tense forms. Perfective verbs have past and future simple tenses: versil (vert), wrote (will write), played (play), read (read), studied (study). The endings in the future simple are the same as in the present tense for imperfect verbs. view: I read, play.

Verbs imperfect types have forms present, past. and future difficult time. The sentences “We will build”, “We will study” only say that actions will be performed, but not whether they will be completed. Whereas the sentences “We will build”, “We will study” say that something will be built to the end, will be studied and we will know. This one with various education temporary forms leads to errors in using the present tense instead of the future, the future instead of the present in speech.

So, instead of the correct formation of the future tense: I will say, I will go, I will take, I will start, people who have poor command of the language mistakenly say: I will say, I will go, I will start.

Formation and species pairings

The initial form of the formation of perfective verbs is mainly imperfect verbs. type with the addition of prefixes, suffixes, opposition of suffixes, alternation in the root, movement of stress, expression of types with different roots, words. Species pairs are formed.

1. Perfective verbs are formed by adding the suffix -well- to imperfective verbs: jump-jump, swing-swing. These verbs convey the meaning of brevity and immediateness.

Some verbs with the suffix -nu- drop out the last consonants before the suffix: throw-throw, drown-drown, whisper-whisper. The suffix -well- in perfective verbs indicates the result, limit, completeness of the action (disappear, achieve), the one-time action (push, shout, wave), the intense beginning of the action (gush, burst out)

2. Prefixes give the verb the meaning of completeness without changing the main one lexical meaning words: write-write, write off; to go blind; to go blind; turn grey; build-build; do-do; get stronger - get stronger.

But often prefixes give a new lexical meaning to the verb committed. type: read - reread, read, finish reading

Prefixes, along with the meaning of completeness, can introduce other shades into verbs and indicate the relationship of action to time. Thus, the prefix on some verbs brings the meaning of limited action in time, for example: today I read, worked, walked (I read for a while and stopped, worked for a while and stopped working, walked for a short time.)

The prefixes for-, po-, when combined with some verbs, introduce into the word the meaning of the beginning of an action: sing-sing (started to sing); make noise - make noise (started to make noise); fly-fly (started to fly)

For example:

The forest rang, groaned, crackled, the Hare listened and ran out. ( N. Nekrasov)

The eaglets whistled and squealed even more pitifully. Then the eagle suddenly screamed loudly, spread its wings and flew heavily to the sea... ( L. Tolstoy)

3. Sometimes aspectual pairs of verbs are formed from different roots, words: put-put. Remember the words and combinations with which perfective verbs are used: suddenly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, somehow, like, immediately, suddenly, once.


Here is an illustrated text. Find perfective verbs in the text. Explain the difference in the meaning of the verbs perfect. and imperfect kind.


A handsome eagle slowly makes a circle over the sea. His flight is so calm and graceful. So he stopped in the air for a moment, as if someone was holding him by a thread. Something happened. It was a predator who saw prey in the clear water. Suddenly and quickly the eagle began to fall down like a stone.

And already at the very water, in flight, he grabbed his prey with his beak and rose sharply upward. The fish shakes its tail, tries to free itself from its beak, but the eagle holds its prey in a death grip, without interrupting its flight.

Perfect and imperfect forms of the verb. What is the Perfect and Imperfect form of a verb?

  1. Thank you
  2. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  3. The perfect form answers the question WHAT TO DO? (perfect process)
    Imperfect look - WHAT TO DO? (action in progress)
  4. If the question contains the letter C, then this verb is Perfective
  5. Perfect view-wrote
    Not perfect view - wrote
    It's clear?
  6. View verb category, showing the nature of the course of action over time, expressing the relationship of the action to its internal limit, result. The category of aspect is inherent in all verbs of the Russian language in any form.

    Perfective verbs answer the question what to do? and denote an action limited in its duration, having an internal limit, completeness. Perfective verbs can denote an action that has ended (or will end), having achieved a result (learn, draw), an action that has begun (or will begin), and this very beginning of the action is understood as its border, limit (play, sing), a one-time action (push, shout, jump verbs with the suffix -nu).
    Imperfective verbs answer the question what to do? and denote an action without instructions

    to its limit, without limiting its course in time, the action is long or repeated (teach, draw, play, shout).

    Imperfective and perfective verbs form aspectual pairs. A species pair is made up of an imperfective verb and a perfective verb, which have the same lexical meaning and differ only in the meaning of the aspect: read read, write write, build build.

    Imperfective verbs are formed from perfective verbs using suffixes:

    1) -iva-, -ыва-: consider consider, question question, sign sign;

    2) -va: open open, give, give, put on shoes;

    3) -a-(-i): save save, grow up, grow up.

    Perfective verbs are formed from imperfective verbs in various ways:

    1) using specific consoles na-, s-, pro-, you-, po-, etc.: treat cure, bake bake, do make, write write, read read, build build, teach learn, etc. (But more often with the help of the prefix they are formed perfective verbs, which differ from imperfective verbs not only in the meaning of the aspect, but also in a change in lexical meaning, do not form such verbs; species pair: read, re-read, reprimand, read out, etc.) ;

    2) using the suffix -well-: get used to get used to, nod nod, jump jump.

    Some verbs that make up an aspectual pair can differ only in the place of stress: scatter scatter, cut cut.

    Separate aspect pairs are made up of verbs with different roots: speak say, look find, put put, take take.

    Some verbs are monotype. They do not form a species pair and are either only of the perfect form (to appear, to rush, to sleep, to shout, etc.), or only of the imperfect form (to prevail, to be present, to sit, to be).

    There are also two-aspect verbs that combine the meaning of the perfect and imperfect forms in one form. Their type is established from the context: marry, execute, wound, command, as well as verbs with the suffixes -ova (t), -irova (t): influence, use, automate, asphalt, telegraph, etc. For example: Guns from the pier they fire, they tell the ship to land (what are they doing?) (A. Pushkin); Would you like me to order (what will I do?) bring the rug? (N. Gogol).

    The type of verb influences the formation of its forms (primarily tense forms): for imperfect verbs in indicative mood there are forms of all three tenses (and in the future tense they have complex shape) And complete set temporary forms of participles; Perfective verbs do not have present tense forms in the indicative mood (the future tense form is simple) and present participles.

  7. perfect, this is when the verb answers the question what did - did - did, and imperfect - what to do, what did, what is doing
  8. perfect, this is when the verb answers the question what did - did - did, and imperfect - what to do, what did, what is doing
  9. Perfect form of the verb.
    The question begins with the prefix C (written - What did you do)

    Imperfect form of the verb.
    Question without the prefix C (writes - What does it do)

    I study at school in the 7th grade. 2010

  10. the aspect of a verb is the relation of an action to its result. If the action takes place in time and the result is unknown, then this is an imperfect verb. For example, I wrote, I write. It is unknown whether there is a result. And if there is a result, I wrote, I will write, but it is not known how long the action took, this is a perfect verb.
  11. Thank you
  12. Perfective verbs indicate the completion of an action, its result, the end of an action, or its beginning. IN indefinite form they answer the question what to do?.
    For example: run, buy, ring, build, sing.

    Past tense: what did you do? what did you do? what did you do? what did it do?
    ran up, saw, found, rose.

    Future simple tense: what will they do? what will I do? what will he do? etc.
    They’ll go out, I’ll buy it, it’ll float, we’ll do the math.

    Please note that perfective verbs have only two forms of tense: past and future simple. There is no present tense.

    Imperfective verbs denote long-term or repeated actions, without indicating their completion.
    In a vague form they answer the question what to do?.
    For example: sing, seethe, run, dream, reread, jump.

    Past tense: what did you do? what did you do? what did you do? what did it do?
    ran, jumped, searched, came.

    Present tense: what are they doing? what are we doing? what does it do? etc.
    sunbathing, building, getting fit, buying.

    Future difficult time: What will they do? what will I do? etc.
    they will jump, they will laugh, they will listen, they will dance.

    Imperfective verbs have all three forms of tense: past, present and future complex.

  13. perfect, this is when the verb answers the question what did - did - did, and imperfect - what to do, what did, what is doing
  14. What to do and what to do - do you catch the difference?
    Example: write, write))))))))))))
  15. Perfect view - what to do? What did you do? What will it do? That is, the question begins with "S". The action has already been completed, there is no present time. Imperfect - what to do, what will do, what is doing, i.e. without the “s” at the beginning. This, of course, is not an explanation, but it’s easier to remember.
  16. Perfect - what to do.
    Imperfect - what to do.
    It seems like they taught it in Russian, in my opinion, in the 4th grade. Well, who knows?

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