How to find the grammatical meaning of a word. Meaning grammatical meaning in the dictionary of linguistic terms

Grammatical meaning

(formal) meaning. A value that acts as an addition to lexical meaning words and expressive different relationships(attitude to other words in a phrase or sentence, attitude to the person performing the action or other persons, the attitude of the reported fact to reality and time, the attitude of the speaker to what is being reported, etc.). Usually a word has several grammatical meanings. So, the word country has meanings female, nominative case, singular; the word wrote contains grammatical meanings of the past tense, singular, male, perfect form. Grammatical meanings find their morphological or syntactic expression

. They are expressed mainly by the form of the word, which is formed:

a) affixation. Book, books, book, etc. (case meanings);

b) internal inflection. Collect - collect (imperfect and perfect meanings);

c) accent. At home. (gen. fallen. singular) - at home (named. fallen. plural);

d) suppletivism. Take - take (meanings of the form). Good - better (values ​​of the degree of comparison); e) mixed (synthetic and analytically ). To the house (meaning dative case

expressed by preposition and case form). Dictionary-reference book linguistic terms. . Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. 1976 .

Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.

    See what “grammatical meaning” is in other dictionaries:

    Grammatical meaning is a meaning expressed by an inflectional morpheme (grammatical indicator). The difference between lexical and grammatical meanings (each of these rules is not absolute and has counterexamples): grammatical ... ... Wikipedia grammatical meaning - One of the two main sides grammatical unit along with grammatical form. The grammatical meaning accompanies the word and predetermines its boundaries syntactic usage

    Grammatical meaning(the book has the grammatical meaning of the name of the noun. r.).... ... - Generalized, abstract grammatical meaning linguistic meaning , inherent in a number of words, word forms, and finding its regular (standard) expression in the language. In the field of morphology it is general values words as parts... ...

    Grammatical meaning is a meaning expressed by an inflectional morpheme (grammatical indicator). The difference between lexical and grammatical meanings (each of these rules is not absolute and has counterexamples): grammatical ... ... Wikipedia- the meaning of the formal affiliation of the word, i.e. the meaning of the relationship, not expressed as a separate word, but as non-independent elements, additional in relation to the main (meaning) part of the word... Explanatory translation dictionary

    grammatical meaning as opposed to lexical meaning- 1) G.z. is an intralingual meaning, because contains information about relationships, connections between linguistic units, regardless of the presence of these relationships in extra-linguistic reality; L.z. correlates linguistic unit with extralinguistic... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    This term has other meanings, see Meaning(s). Meaning is an associative connection between a sign and the object of designation. Words are distinguished by their lexical meaning, the correlation of the sound shell of the word with the corresponding... ... Wikipedia

    The meaning contained in a word, the content associated with the concept as a reflection in the consciousness of objects and phenomena of the objective world. The meaning is included in the structure of the word as its content ( inside), in relation to which the sound... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    This term has other meanings, see Number (meanings). Number (in grammar) grammatical category, expressing quantitative characteristics subject. The division into singular and plural is perhaps... ... Wikipedia

    Meaning of the word- For the meaning of the word, see Grammatical meaning, Lexical meaning of the word... Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

    - (derivational meaning) one of the basic concepts of word formation; special type meaning of a word that can only be possessed derivative word. Derivational meaning is expressed using a derivational formant and... ... Wikipedia


  • Friedrich Nietzsche. Selected works in 2 books (set of 2 books), Friedrich Nietzsche. Dear reader, we present to your attention two books selected works the great German philosopher, poet and musician - Friedrich Nietzsche. I would like to immediately note that all the syntax...

Grammatical meaning.

Ways of expressing grammatical meanings.

Grammatical categories of words

      Grammar as a science.

Word forms are constructed by means of inflectional morphemes. Thus, a morpheme can be considered a separate unit grammatical structure language. Grammar is the science that studies regular and common features devices of linguistic signs and their behavior. The object of grammar is 1) the patterns of changing words and 2) the principles of their combination when constructing a statement. According to the duality of the object, traditional sections of grammar are distinguished - morphology and syntax. Everything related to the abstract grammatical meanings of a word and its form refers to morphology. All phenomena related to the syntagmatics of a word, as well as the construction and syntagmatics of a sentence, belong to the syntactic sphere of language. These subsystems (morphology and syntax) are in the closest interaction and intertwining, so that the attribution of certain grammatical phenomena to morphology or syntax often turns out to be conditional (for example, the categories of case, voice).

The generalizing nature of grammar allows it to reveal the most essential features of the structure of a language, therefore grammar is rightly considered the central part of linguistics. In the process of development of grammar as a science, the understanding of its object changed. From the study of word forms, scientists moved on to the connection between grammar and vocabulary fund language, as well as to the study of speech functioning.

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Plungyan: Cognition is always asymmetrical: just fragments

in reality, a person tends to perceive as if through a magnifying glass

glass, while others - as if through inverted binoculars. “Cognitive

“deformation” of reality is one of the main properties of human cognition.

Grammatical meanings are exactly those meanings that fall into the field

magnifying glass vision; this is the most important for the user

given linguistic system of meaning.

2.Grammatical meaning.

The focus of grammar is on grammatical meanings and ways of expressing them. Grammatical meaning is 1) a generalized meaning inherent in 2) a series of words or syntactic structures, which finds its regular and typified 3) expression in the language. For example, in the sentence Petrov - student The following grammatical meanings can be distinguished:

    the meaning of a statement of some fact (the meaning inherent in a number of syntactic constructions is regularly expressed by falling intonation)

    the meaning of the fact being related to the present tense (expressed by the absence of a verb; cf.: Petrov was a student, Petrov will be a student)

    singular meaning (the meaning inherent in a series of words is expressed by the absence of an ending ( Petrovs, students),

as well as a number of others (the meaning of identification, the meaning of the unconditional reality of a fact, the masculine gender).

The grammatical meaning of a word includes the following types of information:

    information about the part of speech to which the word belongs

    information about the syntagmatic connections of the word

    information about the paradigmatic connections of the word.

Let us recall the famous experimental phrase of L.V. Shcherby: The glokka kuzdra shteko budlanula bokr and curls the bokrenka. It includes words with artificial roots and real affixes that express the entire complex of grammatical meanings. For example, it is clear to the listener which parts of speech all the words of this phrase belong to, what between budlanula And bokra there is a relationship between object and action, that one action has already taken place in the past, and the other actually continues in the present.

The grammatical meaning is characterized by the following main features:


    obligatory: if nouns, for example, have the meaning of number, then it is consistently expressed in each word in one way or another, regardless of the goals and intentions of the speaker.

    Prevalence on whole class words: for example, all verbs in Russian express the meanings of aspect, mood, person and number.

    Closedness of the list: if the lexical system of each language is open in nature and is constantly replenished with new units and new meanings, then grammar is characterized by a strictly defined, relatively small number of grammatical meanings: for example, for Russian nouns these are the meanings of gender, number and case.

    Typical expression: grammatical meanings are conveyed in languages ​​in strictly defined ways - using specially assigned means: affixes, function words, etc.

Languages ​​differ from each other in what meanings they choose as grammatical meanings. So, the meaning of a number is, for example, grammatical in Russian and English languages, but ungrammatical in Chinese and Japanese, since in these languages ​​a name can serve as the name of one or several objects. The meaning of definiteness/indeterminacy is grammatical in English, German, French and many other languages ​​and ungrammatical in Russian, where there are no articles.

3. Ways of expressing grammatical meaning

The ways of expressing grammatical meanings are varied. There are two leading methods: synthetic and analytical, and each method includes a number of particular varieties.

The synthetic way of expressing grammatical meanings assumes the possibility of combining several morphemes (root, derivational and inflectional) within one word. The grammatical meaning in this case is always expressed within the word. The synthetic way of expressing grammatical meanings includes:

    affixation (use of various types of affixes: going - going);

    reduplication (full or partial repetition of the stem: fari - white, farfaru - white in the Hausa language in Africa);

    internal inflection (grammatically significant change in the phonemic composition of the root: foot-feet in English);

    suppletivism (combining words of different roots into one grammatical pair to express grammatical meanings (Idu - Shel)

The analytical way of expressing grammatical meanings involves separate expression of the lexical and grammatical meanings of a word. Grammatical forms are a combination of full-nominal morphologically unchangeable lexical units and service elements (function words, intonation and word order): I will read, more important, let him go). The lexical meaning is expressed by an unchangeable full-valued word, and the grammatical meaning is expressed by a auxiliary element.

Depending on whether synthetic or analytical ways of expressing grammatical meanings predominate in a language, two main morphological types of languages ​​are distinguished: a synthetic type of language (in which the synthetic way of expressing grammatical meanings dominates) and an analytical type (in which the tendency towards analytism predominates). The nature of the word in it depends on the predominance of a tendency towards analyticism or synthetism in a language. In synthetic languages, the word retains its grammatical characteristics and out of offer. In analytical languages, a word acquires grammatical characteristics only in a sentence.

Grammatical meaning is revealed as a result of contrasting one linguistic unit with another. Thus, the meaning of the present tense is revealed by contrasting several forms of the verb: knew - knows - will know. Grammatical oppositions or oppositions form systems called grammatical categories. A grammatical category can be defined as a series of homogeneous grammatical meanings opposed to each other, expressed by formal indicators (affixes, function words, intonation, etc.) In the above definition, the word “homogeneous” is very important. In order for meanings to be contrasted on some basis, they must also have some common feature. Thus, the present tense can be contrasted with the past and future, since they all relate to the sequence of events being described. In this regard, we can give another definition of a grammatical category: it is a unity of a certain grammatical meaning and the formal means of its expression that actually exists in a language. These definitions do not contradict each other. If we compare them, it becomes clear that the grammatical category includes a generalized grammatical meaning (for example, the meaning of time), particular grammatical meanings (for example, present tense, past tense, future tense), they are called grammemes, and means of expressing these meanings (for example , suffix, function word etc.)

Classification of grammatical categories

      by the number of opposing members. There are two-term categories (number in modern Russian: singular-plural), three-term (person: first-second-third), polynomial (case). The more grammemes there are in a given grammatical category, the more complex the relationships between them, the more features there are in the content of each grammeme.

      Formative and classifying. In formative categories, grammatical meanings belong to different forms of the same word. For example, the category of case.. In classifying categories, grammatical meanings belong to different words. The word cannot be changed according to the classifying criterion. For example, the category of gender for nouns. A noun cannot change by gender, all its forms belong to the same gender: table, table, table - masculine gender;

      but bed, beds, bed is feminine. However, the gender of a noun is important from a grammatical point of view, since the forms of agreeing adjectives, pronouns, verbs, etc. depend on it: the big table, this table, the table stood; but: there was a bed, a large bed.

    By the nature of the transmitted values Objective (reflect real connections

    and relations that exist in reality, for example, the number of a noun) Subjective-objective (reflect the angle from which reality is viewed, for example, the voice of a verb:)

    workers are building a house - a house is being built by workers

Formal (do not reflect objective reality, indicate the connection between words, for example, the gender of adjectives or inanimate nouns)

5. Grammatical categories of words It is necessary to distinguish from grammatical categories grammatical categories

    words A grammatical category necessarily has a system of grammatical forms opposed to each other with a homogeneous meaning. In the lexico-grammatical category such a system of forms is not traced. Lexico-grammatical categories are divided into semantic-grammatical and formal. The semantic-grammatical category has semantic features , distinguishing it from other categories and influencing grammatical features

    words of this category. The largest of these categories are parts of speech. Thus, a noun has the meaning of objectivity and is combined with an adjective. The verb has the meaning of action and is combined with an adverb. Within parts of speech, smaller groups are distinguished, for example, among nouns - animate and inanimate, countable and uncountable, concrete and abstract. Formal categories differ in the way the grammatical forms of the words included in them are formed. These are groupings of words by type of conjugation (conjugative classes), by type of declension (declination classes). There are, in principle, no relations of semantic opposition between formal categories: this

Or several, i.e. is single-valued or multi-valued.

For example, the word "iceberg" means "a large accumulation of ice or a large ice block, detached from the glacier." The word has no other meaning. Therefore, it is unambiguous. But the word "braid" can have several interpretations. For example, "braid" is a "type of hairstyle" (girl's braid), and also - " the bank of the river has a special shape" (went to swim on the spit) and, in addition, it is also a "tool of labor" (sharpen the scythe well). Thus, the word "scythe" is polysemantic.

The grammatical meaning of a word is a certain set of features that allow the word to change its form. So, for a verb, these are signs of tense, person, number, etc., and - tense, present or past, gender, number, etc.

If the main component of the lexical meaning is, as a rule, contained in its root, then the grammatical meaning of a word is most easily determined by its ending (inflection). For example, at the end of a noun it is easy to determine its gender, case or number. So, in the sentence “The morning turned out to be cool, but sunny,” the noun has the following: nominative case, neuter gender, singular, second. In addition, we can say that the word is common noun, inanimate.

If you try to determine the lexical meaning of the word “morning”, then you will probably clarify that this is the time of day following the night, i.e. start of the day.

If you learn to correctly determine the lexical and grammatical meaning of words, you will be able to compose syntactic constructions (and sentences) that are beautiful in expressiveness and correct in terms of grammar and usage.

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At morphological analysis participles need to define it view, which refers to the constant features of a given part of speech. This is very important for the translator, since the one who has changed his view when translated, the participle often changes the meaning of the entire text to the opposite.

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Try to put full communion in a short form. With the passive this is most often possible, it always has both forms, but with the active you are unlikely to be able to perform a similar operation. In any case, in modern literary real participles short form Dont Have. Some dialects have it. Short form of passive participles varies by gender and number. However, some passive participles also in modern times they are usually not put in a short form. For example, "breakable", "readable", etc. In similar cases a short form exists, but belongs rather to the archaic style.

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Some participles turn into adjectives over time. This occurs in cases where a particular action or state is constant sign of this item. These can be both active and passive participles - a walking excavator, canned peas, etc. In this case, there is, of course, no need to determine their type.

Helpful advice

Usually, to determine the type of participle, one attribute is sufficient. But in doubtful cases, apply them all in turn.

The table of forms of participles can be found in many reference books on the Russian language. But for convenience, compose it yourself. It can consist of only three columns and three rows. On the first line write "Signs", " Active participle", "Passive participle". The following lines will contain suffixes that form one form or another, additional questions, presence or absence of a short form.


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A person tries to gain information about himself, his character and his expected future from all available sources. One way to get to know yourself is to find out what your name means. After all, both character and fate depend on this set of letters, which accompanies a person throughout his life.


The vast majority of names have their own. There are a lot of ancient Greek and native Russian names in Russian culture. Each name has a meaning - the word from which it was formed. This word will be the main defining factor of a person. In addition, by name you can trace your character, find out interests and inclinations, and even guess what the names of people with whom it is best to build friendships and inclinations should be. romantic relationship. Books with the meanings of names are sold in any bookstore, in addition, numerous websites will be able to provide the information you are interested in.

According to astrologers, each letter of the alphabet is associated with a constellation or planet and determines some feature of a person. A name is a complex of such letters, therefore, in order to find out the meaning of the name and its influence on a person, it is necessary to decipher each letter individually.

Some experts believe that it is necessary to decipher not the entire name, but only its first letter. And having learned the meaning of the first letters of a person’s last name, first name and patronymic, you will receive extremely clear information about him.

It has been proven that the vibrations that occur during speech, depending on the frequency, have different effects on different parts of the cerebral cortex. A name is something that accompanies a person from infancy and, perhaps, the word that he hears most often. Being under constant influence of certain sounds, a person systematically experiences an impact on areas of the cortex, which shapes his behavioral characteristics and worldview.

You can find out not only the meaning of the name, but also the impression your name makes on others. Every sound evokes associations in people’s minds: big - small, evil - good, active - passive, cold - soft. Numerous websites will help you analyze your name or nickname. You just need to enter it into the search bar, indicating , and you will find out what your name means to others.

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Genus noun ending dependent word(for example, an adjective or participle), and in some cases, the form of the subject (verb, past tense). In words Slavic origin and borrowed ones have to be guided by completely different criteria.

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Put the noun in initial form( , Nominative case). Highlight the ending. A noun belongs to the masculine gender if (wind, computer) or “a”, “ya” (Sasha, uncle). The feminine gender has the endings “a”, “ya” (column, guest) and the sign (night, stove). Neuter gender ends with "o", "e", but there is a group indeclinable nouns neuter with the ending “I”: time, flame.

Meaning GRAMMARICAL MEANING in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms


(formal) meaning. A meaning that acts as an addition to the lexical meaning of a word and expresses various relationships (the relationship to other words in a phrase or sentence, the relationship to the person performing the action or other persons, the relationship of the reported fact to reality and time, the attitude of the speaker to the communicated, etc. .). Usually a word has several grammatical meanings. Thus, the word country has the meaning of feminine, nominative case, singular; the word wrote contains the grammatical meanings of the past tense, singular, masculine, perfective. Grammatical meanings find their morphological or syntactic expression in the language. They are expressed mainly by the form of the word, which is formed:

. They are expressed mainly by the form of the word, which is formed:

b) internal inflection. Collect - collect (imperfect and perfect meanings);

c) accent. At home. (gen. fallen. singular) - at home (named. fallen. plural);

d) suppletivism. Take - take (meanings of the form). Good - better (values ​​of the degree of comparison);

f) mixed (synthetic and analytical methods). To the house (the meaning of the dative case is expressed by a preposition and a case form).

The grammatical meaning of a word can also be expressed using other words with which the word is associated in a sentence. The tram left the depot.— The tram left the depot (meanings accusative case unbending word depots in the first sentence and genitive in the second are created in both cases different connections this word with other words). see also ways of expressing grammatical meanings.

Dictionary of linguistic terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of words and what is GRAMMARICAL MEANING in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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    - a generalized, abstract linguistic meaning inherent in a number of words, word forms, syntactic structures and finding its regular (standard) expression in the language. IN …
    INTERPRETATION - interpretation of a rule of law, which consists in analyzing the structural connection of words to clarify its meaning and content. Gt. suggests that...
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    meaning, …
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The word is one of the basic units of grammar. A word combines its sound matter and its meaning – lexical and grammatical.

Grammatical meaning -generalized, abstract linguistic meaning inherent in a number of words, word forms and syntactic structures, finding its regular (standard) expression in the language, for example, the meaning of the case of nouns, verb tense, etc.

The grammatical meaning is contrasted with the lexical meaning, which is devoid of regular (standard) expression and does not necessarily have an abstract character.

Criteria for distinguishing lexical and grammatical meanings:

2. LZ is individual for each word (is this always true?), and GZ is typical for a whole group of words with different LZ, for example, noun units.

3. LZ remains the same in all forms of the word, GZ changes in various forms words.

4. When the LZ changes, new words are formed, and when the GZ changes, new forms of words are formed.

A characteristic feature grammatical meaning is also recognized standardity, regularity of way of expression. In most cases, meanings traditionally classified as grammatical are actually directly expressed using fairly regular and standard means of expression.

Grammatical forms and grammatical categories. Grammatical formthis is a form of a word in which the grammatical meaning finds its regular (standard) expression. Within the grammatical form, the means of expressing grammatical meanings are special grammatical indicators (formal indicators).

Grammatical categorya system of opposed series of grammatical forms with homogeneous meanings. A necessary sign The grammatical category is the unity of meaning and its expression in the system of grammatical forms as two-way linguistic units.

The concept of a grammatical category is closely related to the concept of grammatical meaning. In this regard, any grammatical category is a combination of two or more grammatical meanings. On the other hand, it is known that each grammatical meaning has its own way of expression or grammatical form(or a number of forms).

a) inflectional – manifest themselves in the process of forming the forms of a given word (for example, case and number of Russian nouns, gender and number French adjectives, mood and tense of the verb);

b) classification categories are inherent this word in all its forms and classify it as a class of similar words.

Members of classification categories are presented in different words, for example, the category of gender of nouns in the Russian language ‘table’ is masculine, ‘desk’ is feminine, ‘window’ is neuter. genus.

33. Means of expressing grammatical meanings.

I. Synthetic products

1. Affixation consists of using affixes to express grammatical meaning: books; read-l-i; mәktәp-lәr. Affixes are service morphemes.

2. Suppletivism. By suppletivism we mean the expression of grammatical meaning by a word with a different stem: I go - walked (GZ past tense), person - people (GZ plural), we - us (GZ R. or V.p), I - me, good - best.

Words with different roots are combined into one grammatical pair. Their LZ is one and the same, and the difference serves to express the GZ.

3. Reduplication(repetition) consists of complete or partial repetition of parts of a word to express grammatical meaning. So, in Malay language orang – ‘ Human' , orang-orang –'People' .

4. Alternation(internal inflection) is a use. changes in sounds. root composition to express grammatical meaning: ‘avoid – avoid’; ‘collect – collect’; ‘sing – sang’.

II. Analytical tools –

GZs receive their expression outside the main word, often in other words.

1. Function words can be used for express.GZ: I will read (weekend time), I would read (conventional mood).

We went to the cafe (V.p.). – We were leaving the cafe (R.p.).

2. Word order.The house (I.p.) obscured the forest (V.p.). – The forest (I.p.) obscured the house (V.p.).

Particularly important, for example, for isolating languages.

The material means of expressing grammatical meaning is not always segmental, i.e. consisting of a chain (linear sequence) of phonemes. It can be supersegmental, i.e. can be superimposed on the segment chain.

3. Accent: hands (I. and V. p. plural) – hands (R. p. singular).

4. Intonation:You will go! - You will go?

Thus, in Russian adjectives we distinguish three forms: ‘ big-big-big’. They express masculine, feminine and neuter meanings. This gives us reason to assert that the adjectives of the Russian language are characterized by the grammatical category of gender.

The grammatical meaning (plan of content) and the formal indicator of this meaning (plan of expression) form a grammatical sign - a grammatical form, a grammeme. Grammemacomponent of a grammatical category, which in its meaning represents species concept in relation to the grammatical category as a generic concept.

A grammeme can have multiple meanings.

Grammema plural nouns in Russian have the meaning: set ‘ tables’, ‘trees’; varieties ‘ oils’, ‘wine’; a large number of ' snow', 'sand'.

The languages ​​of the world differ in the number and composition of grammatical categories. Each language is characterized by its own set of grammatical categories, grammes and grammatical ways expressions of grammatical meaning. When comparing the grammatical structure of languages, one should take into account

the following criteria:

Presence/absence of a corresponding grammatical category;

Number of grammes of a grammatical category;

Ways of expressing grammatical meanings of a given grammatical category;

Word categories with which this grammatical category is associated

34. Methods of linguistics

General scientific methods.

Humanity is accumulating research techniques that help identify the hidden specifics of an object. Methods of scientific research are being formed.

Method– the path and method of cognition of an object, depending on the properties of the object, aspect and purpose of the study.

In linguistics there are:

general methods – generalized sets of theoretical principles, language research methods associated with a specific linguistic theory and methodology,

private– individual techniques, techniques, operations – technical means research into a specific aspect of language.

Each method is based on knowledge of objects and phenomena of objective reality, is based on the properties of realities, but nevertheless it is a mental formation, one of the most important categories subjective dialectics.

TO general scientific methods include observation, experiment, induction, analysis, synthesis.

Observation carried out in natural conditions on the basis sensory perception objects of study. The observation concerns only outside phenomena, its results may be random and not reliable enough.

Experiment makes it possible to repeatedly reproduce observations in the process of deliberate and strictly controlled influences of the researcher on the object being studied.

Induction and deduction refer to intellectual ways of knowing. Induction is a generalization of the results of individual private observations. The data obtained as a result of experience is systematized, and a certain empirical law is derived.

Under analysis refers to the mental or experimental division of an object into its component parts or the isolation of the properties of an object for studying them separately. This is the basis for understanding the general through the individual. Synthesis– mental or experimental connection components an object and its properties and studying it as a whole. Analysis and synthesis are connected and mutually conditioned.

Particular methods of linguistics.

Comparative-historical methodscientific method, with the help of which, through comparison, the general and special in historical phenomena, knowledge of the various historical stages of development of the same phenomenon or two different coexisting phenomena is achieved;

The comparative historical method is a set of techniques that allow you to prove kinship certain languages and restore ancient facts their stories. The method was created in the 19th century, its founders were F. Bopp, J. Grimm, R. Rask, A. Kh. Vostokov.

Descriptive method - system research techniques, used to characterize the phenomena of language at a given stage of its development; This is a synchronous analysis method.

Comparative method – research and description of a language through its systematic comparison with another language in order to clarify its specificity. The method is aimed primarily at identifying differences between the two languages ​​being compared and is therefore also called contrastive. Underlies contrastive linguistics.

IN modern linguistics considerable attention is paid to the study linguistic phenomena statistical methods of mathematics.

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