The role of the adjective in a sentence. Syntactic role of adjectives

Russian language lesson in 3rd grade

Subject: The role of the adjective in a sentence. Definition.

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge and skills.

Target: familiarizing students with syntactic role adjectives in a sentence.

Lesson objectives:

    To form a concept about the syntactic role of the adjective in a sentence.

    Develop sentence parsing skills spelling vigilance, memory.

    Cultivate an interest in reading poetic works.

Methods: verbal, visual, partially search, practical, independent work.

Shapes: frontally – collective, individual, collective, in groups.

Equipment: writing on the board, table “Parsing simple sentence", diagram, textbook.

Lesson progress

    Organizational moment.

    Emotional mood.

Look, my friend, at the window,

what a good day!

Like summer, the sun is shining,

The wind is a gentle passerby.

And to my class today

the rays also ran in,

And they laugh and play,

and not at all tired!

Let this mood

will last the entire lesson.

Let's sayNo, idle friends,

May the lesson be of use to us!

“You are talented children, someday you will be pleasantly surprised at how smart you are, how much and how well you can do, if you constantly work on yourself, set new goals and strive to achieve them!”

Today I wish you to be convinced of the correctness of the words of the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

    Checking homework.

Adjective definition.

Guess the part of speech:

With me your speech is beautiful and precise,

When I’m not there, she, alas, is poor.

People, animals, the world of feelings, concepts, any thing.

I can easily define the inflorescence of wondrous words!

- what do you know about the adjective?

(students remember everything they know about the adjective:

what questions does it answer, what does it mean,

what kind of speech it is, how it changes.

What does it agree with, what role does it play in speech).

Response plan (slide 6)

What is an adjective?

How do adjectives change?

In speech they use... (adjectives are synonyms, adjectives are antonyms)


Summary: (slide 7)

    Independent part speech.

    Indicates an attribute of an object.

    Answers the questions: Which one? Which? Which? Which?

    Updating basic knowledge.

Work in groups.

Group 1 “Winter” - write down the adjectives in groups:

m.r., f. r. With. r.

white green cold

fluffy tender yellow

first small bright

pl. number: tall, soft

2nd group Spring” - choose antonyms

White – black

Curve - straight

Long – short

Hot – cold

Fat – thin (thin)

Soft – hard

Full - hungry

Group 3 “Summer” - replace repeated adjectives with synonyms

Group 4 “Autumn” - “assemble” a sentence, draw a picture.

There was a lot of fluffy snow on the roof of the hut.


"Drawing with the nose" (exercise to strengthen neck muscles)

Close your eyes and imagine that your nose has become long.

Write the word yellow with your nose. What does it mean yellow?

(color of warmth, joy, calm..)

"Far - Close" (exercise to strengthen the eye muscles).

Quickly find the object with your eyes.

(window, notebook, board, textbook, door, desk, ceiling, pen)

Breathing exercises.

On the count of 1, 2, 3, 4 deep breath,

on 1, 2, 3, 4 - stop breathing,

1,2,3,4 - exhale slowly.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Making a notebook using dictation from the board. (slide 16)

    A minute of penmanship

    Vocabulary work"Riddles"

We write down the answers in a notebook (writing on the board)

*Scarlet sugar inside,green velvet caftan.(watermelon)

*There is a long green one in the garden, and a salty yellow one in the tub.. (cucumber)

*It is bitter in haymaking, but sweet in frost. What kind of berry?(rowan)

*A ripe fragrant berry grows in a forest clearing.(strawberry)

*Alenka is standing: green scarf, thin waist, white sundress.(birch)

*Thick grasses are braided, meadows are curled, and I myself am all curly, even with a curl of an horn.(ram)

*It is motley, eats green, gives white.(cow)

*A little boy in a gray army jacket scurries around the yards, collecting crumbs.(sparrow)

*A blue airplane landed on a yellow dandelion.(dragonfly)

*Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere.(cloud)

*The body is made of wood, but the head is iron.(hammer)

Test yourself: (slide 30)

4. Introducing a new lesson topic:

Creative work: “Compose it” (slide 31)

A cold, snowy winter has arrived. Light snow is falling from the sky. He wrapped a small green Christmas tree in a soft fluffy blanket. A huge snowdrift grew under the big old pine tree. The forest is beautiful in winter!

Fill in the missing adjectives;

Determine the case of adjectives;

- 1.2 sentences – complete parsing, determine which part of the sentence is the adjective? – (new topic– the teacher explains)

This means that the ADJECTIVE DEFINES T is a sign of an object!

What can you call a member of a sentence that determines the attribute of an object?


Let's determine which part of the sentence the adjectives are.

What assumptions do you have?

- we know:

(we already know the subject - this is a noun - who?, what?,

predicate is a verb - what does it do?)

Adjectives are minor parts of a sentence.

Conclusion: The adjective in a sentence is a minor member of the sentence -definition. It is emphasized by a wavy line.

5.Reading the rule on page 132

    Test yourself: Checking the assimilation of the studied material.

- Logical dictation. (put a + sign if you agree with the statement;

sign - if you don’t agree with the statement;)

1. an adjective is part of a word;

2. adjectives answer the questions who? What? ;

3. an adjective denotes a characteristic of an object;

4. the adjective changes according to gender;

5. adjectives are only masculine or feminine;

6. the adjective does not change according to numbers;

7. adjectives are secondary members of the sentence;

8. the adjective in a sentence is a minor member - a definition;

9. adjective masculine has endings – й, - ой, - й;

10. a feminine adjective has the endings – aya, - aya;

Peer review

VI. Summing up the lesson.

What part of speech did we talk about and consolidate our knowledge?

What part of the sentence can an adjective be?

How is an adjective indicated in a sentence?


Today in class we did a lot of tasks together, working in groups and pairs. (clap)

How do you evaluate your work? work in pairs? work in a group? (clap)

I think you are convinced that you are talented and smart children. You just need to learn how to apply your knowledge correctly. Good luck to you in achieving your goals! Thanks for the lesson!

VII. Lesson grades with comments.


Open lesson
in Russian language in 3rd grade
Topic: “The role of the adjective in
 To develop students’ knowledge about the role
adjective in a sentence.
 Improve your skills in finding
definitions - as a minor member
 To consolidate students’ knowledge about the name
adjective; about genres
fine arts.
 To develop spelling vigilance in
students, enrich oral and written
 Cultivate diligence,
independence, instill interest in

1. Organizational moment. Emotional mood. Motivation.
Progress of the lesson.
Guys, listen, how quiet it is!
Lessons started at school.
We won't waste our time
And let's get to work right away.
Today in class, I invite you to imagine yourself as artists. To people
this profession needs to be sensitive, attentive and very
2. Design of notebooks. Recording a date, minutes of penmanship.
Ah, ah
Phonetic analysis of the word:
3. Vocabulary work: picture dictation.
I show the pictures on the board and you write them down. vocabulary words.

4. Statement of the problem. Updating knowledge.
Today in the lesson an artist will help us, guess what kind of artist he is:

The whole world knows our artist.
The artist will paint every object.
He will always answer the following questions:
Which? Which? Which? Which?
So, in today's lesson we will consolidate our knowledge about the name
adjective, and find out what its role is in the sentence.
Let's remember:
What is an adjective?
How can an adjective change?
(by gender, number and case)
How to determine gender, number or case of an adjective?
5. Formation of new concepts and methods of activity.
Our speech without adjectives would be like a painting painted with sulfur
paint. Adjectives help convey beauty and diversity
the surrounding world.
Well, since we are artists, we must know the genres of fine art.
Guess what genre we are going to talk about now:
Painting depicting fruits, flowers and others
inanimate objects.
(still life)
Before you is a still life. Let's name the characteristics of each item:

Lemon – by color, shape, taste (yellow, oval, sour)
Apple - by color, shape, taste (red, round, sweet)
Onions - by color, shape, taste (green, long, bitter)
In this task, which part of speech helped to IDENTIFY the characteristics of each
Let's guess next genre:
The image of a person in the painting.

I have a girlfriend. She has
long thick wavy hair.
High forehead and a snub nose. When she
is shy, then the cheeks become crimson.
She is a cheerful and kind girl.
Name the words that define the signs this person.
Do you think if an adjective helps us DEFINE
signs of objects in a sentence, then the main or minor member
is it?
Of course, it is a minor member in the sentence. And it's called
6. Dynamic pause.
A butterfly has arrived.
She sat on the pointer.
Try to follow her
Take a peek.
7. Formation of skills and abilities. Application.
And we have the next genre.
A painting or drawing depicting nature.

Independent work.
Find definitions in the text. Highlight them with a wavy line.
It's a clear winter day. In January
the trees are dressed in white fur coats. Fluffy
snow hung on the branches of the Christmas tree. On the mountain ash
The scarlet berries are burning. They float across the sky
fluffy clouds. Winter painted a wonderful
Peer review. Work in pairs.
8. Monitoring and evaluation of performance results.
Working with signal cards.
Green card – the answer is YES
Orange card - answer NO
An adjective is a part of speech.
An adjective denotes an object.
An adjective denotes a characteristic of an object.
The adjective answers the questions WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO?
The adjective answers the questions WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH?
The adjective in a sentence is the main member of the PREDICATE.
The adjective is a minor member in a sentence -
9. Reflection.
What colors are there in fine arts? (warm and cold)
Arrived New Year. The symbol of this year is the rooster.
Let's color this rooster yourself. If after our lesson you still have
warm mood, then use stickers warm colors, and if they are cold
feelings, then stickers of cool colors.
Thank you for the lesson! You were great!

    Princess Phonetics will provide an opportunity to remember letters and sounds,

    Queen Morphology will remind you about parts of words, parts of speech,

    A King Syntax will introduce us with the syntactic role of adjectives in a sentence.

    3. A minute of penmanship.

    Open your notebooks, write down the number, great job.

    Give characteristics of the letter.

    Student's full name

    Vocabulary work

    Work in pairs

    Turn on

    Independent work

    Final grade

    1. Vocabulary work.

    Here he is shaking the tree
    And the robber whistles,
    Here the last leaf is torn off
    And he spins him around and around. IN eter.

    Over forests, cities,
    Over the expanses of fields
    Caravans are passing by
    Unprecedented ships.
    Heading around the earth
    These miracle ships. ABOUT blac

    He sits under a bush, trembling.
    He sees a wolf and runs. Z ayats

    Knocking all the time
    The trees are being hollowed out.
    But it doesn't hurt them
    But it only heals. D yatel

    The houses stand in two rows,

    Ten, forty, a hundred in a row.

    And square eyes

    They look at each other. U faces

    They are racing the puck here with all their might.
    And they throw everything at the gate.
    Here on the field there is ice everywhere,
    We are glad to have such a game! X ok


    By the way air choose as many adjectives as there are circles around the word. Compose and write down one sentence and parse the sentence - front-end work.

    - What is the definition?


    Definition -

    Name Adjective: - Dear Nouns, let us into your domain, we will help you, we will embellish everything so much that you won’t be able to take your eyes off it!

    Noun: - Please, lovely Adjectives. You can use our forms: gender, number and case. Let everything around you become even more beautiful!

    All: Together we serve - together we are friends.

View document contents
“The syntactic role of adjectives. »

Subject: Russian language

Date: 12/4/13

Topic: Syntactic role of adjectives.

Objectives: to promote the formation of ideas about the syntactic role of adjectives; contribute to the formation of calligraphy skills, spelling literacy, the ability to find a definition in a sentence, development logical thinking, speech, attention; develop skills of self-analysis and self-control; promote organization, activity, and interest in the subject.

Lesson progress:

    Organizational moment.

    Message about the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today we are going to the land of Grammar.

Motivation: “Grammar, grammar! Science is very rigorous. My grammar, I will master you little by little” - In what meaning was the word “I will master” used?

Choose synonyms for this verb, (I will learn, I will learn, I will study, I will overcome difficulties, I will learn to write correctly)

Do you want to learn this?

If so, I invite you all and this amazing country A grammar ruled by the King of Syntax, the Queen of Morphology and the Princess of Phonetics.

Princess Phonetics will provide an opportunity to remember letters and sounds,

Queen Morphology will remind you about parts of words, parts of speech,

A King Syntax will introduce us with the syntactic role of adjectives in a sentence.

This means that we will learn what role the adjective plays in a sentence.

3. A minute of penmanship.

Let's start with a moment of penmanship.

Open your notebooks, write down the number, great job.

Let's play the game "The Letter Got Lost." B, c, d, l, d, g, h

Describe the letter.

Write the letters, do a cursive writing exercise.

Today we will work with a sheet of self-analysis and self-control of grades, at the end of the lesson we will summarize.

Student's full name

Vocabulary work

Work in pairs

Turn on

Independent work

Final grade

    Vocabulary work.

Riddles are provided, students independently write down words and determine spellings.

Here he is shaking the tree
And the robber whistles,
Here the last leaf is torn off
And he spins and spins... IN eter.

Over forests, cities,
Over the expanses of fields
Caravans are passing by
Unprecedented ships.
Heading around the earth
These miracle ships. ABOUT blac

He sits under a bush, trembling.
He sees a wolf and runs. Z ayats

Knocking all the time
The trees are being hollowed out.
But it doesn't hurt them
But it only heals. D yatel

The houses stand in two rows,

Ten, forty, a hundred in a row.

And square eyes

They look at each other. U faces

They are racing the puck here with all their might.
And they throw everything at the gate.
Here on the field there is ice everywhere,
We are glad to have such a game! X ok

Use the first letters to form the last vocabulary word. Air . Self-test and self-assessment on the assessment sheet

What part of speech do all vocabulary words belong to? Tell us everything about the noun.

By the way air choose as many adjectives as there are circles around the word. Compose and write down one sentence and do a syntactic analysis of the sentence - frontal work.

Remember what you know about the properties of air?

- What role does an adjective play in a sentence?

- What is the definition?

- What questions does the definition answer?

- How do we indicate a definition in writing?


Definition - This minor member sentences that answer the questions: “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?” and denotes the attribute of an object. Definitions are usually expressed with adjectives and underlined with a wavy line.

5. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Humble Petitioners.”

Listen and answer why the fairy tale is called that?

Adjective:- Dear Nouns, let us into your domain, we will help you, we will embellish everything so much that you won’t be able to take your eyes off it!

Noun:- Please, lovely Adjectives. You can use our forms: gender, number and case. Let everything around you become even more beautiful!

Author: The Nouns liked the Modest petitioners, took them in, and at the same time lent them their forms. This is how Adjectives still live. To agree with Nouns, they borrow forms of gender, number and case.

All: Together we serve - together we are friends.

Teacher: So, who in the fairy tale are called Humble Petitioners?

Conclusion: What gender, number and case is a noun, what gender, number and case is an adjective.

6.Work in pairs.

Read the word. Match the noun with as many adjectives as possible. With one adjective, compose and write a sentence, determine the gender, number, and case of the adjective.

1p – birch 2p – toy 3p – friend 4p – notebook

5p - pen 6p - pencil 7p - apple 8p - carrot

Physical exercise.

Peed, read,

Get up, walk,

Shout, be silent,

Dance, knock,

Wave, stretch,

Blink, smile,

Sit, whisper,

Calm down, take a nap...

Now everyone get up

And get down to business.

7. "Turn on"

Form adjectives from nouns singular. Write them down. Make up and write down a sentence using the highlighted word. Best offer We write down and parse the sentence. The highlighted word is phonetic analysis.

River - ..., joy - ..., milk - ..., star - ..., sadness - ..., forest-… .

8. Independent work.

Read the text using adjectives in required forms gender and number. Write down the highlighted sentence and do a syntactic analysis of the sentence.

It's deep... autumn outside. Boring picture! It rains often. Autumn... wind rips off the last... leaves from the trees. The birds of passage have long since flown away. The morning frost covered the puddles with thin... ice.

Compose and write with supporting phrases short story on the topic " Winter morning" Underline the adjectives in plural. Determine their case.

Early morning, clean snow, fluffy frost, fragile ice, cheerful guys.

9*. (additional material) Linguistic task - the game “Choose the word”.

* Sunny, cheerful......... day

* Clear, cold............. weather

* Gray, gloomy........... morning

* Brown, blue - ……….. eyes

*Autumn, spring............... holidays

Self-test. ( The teacher reads,)

10. Lesson summary. - Which country did we travel to?

What did Princess Phonetics, Queen Morphology, King Syntax introduce us to?

What role does an adjective play in a sentence?

11. Homework. Page 86 ex. 261


"The syntactic role of the adjective."

Material for the lesson

Russian language in 6th grade

prepared by Nikolaenko N.N.

teacher MBOU Kirov Secondary School No. 5

Kagalnitsky district, Rostov region


Fundamental Question: what part of the sentence can an adjective be?

Tasks: to develop skills in determining the syntactic role of an adjective.

Work plan .

1. Theoretical data about the adjective as a part of speech:

a) definition;

b) predicate;

c) subject.

2.The degree of popularity of using an adjective as a part of a sentence in various fields usage:

a) a work of art;

b) scientific style;

c) oral speech.

3. Conclusion.


Adjective can

to be in sentence

any member of the proposal,

but most often

this is the definition.

Syntactic role of the adjective


Full form

Blue the expanses of the sky are reflected in wide river.

Complex comparative form

More beautiful The drawing was sent to the exhibition.

Superlative form

The most interesting the story was published in the most famous newspaper.

Syntactic role adjective


Full form

His actions were great .

Short form

Amazing the fate of this person.

Comparative and superlative degrees

He was better everyone. She was the most beautiful of us.

Syntactic role adjective


Full form

Beautiful And decisive took a step forward.

Complex comparative and superlative degrees

More durable did not give up their positions. Kindest They decided to make donations from them.

Research results. “The degree of popularity of using an adjective as a member of a sentence in various areas of use.


Oral speech - 5 people;

Literary text - an excerpt from N.V. Gogol’s work “Taras Bulba” (description of the steppe);

Scientific text– paragraph from a biology textbook

6th grade “Structure of seeds”.

Scientific text

100% use of definition.



can do any

syntactic role

but most often it is


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