A beautiful definition of a dream. What does it mean to dream? Whatever you can imagine, you can realize in reality.

Dream … Dictionary of Russian synonyms

DREAM, dreams, family. pl. not used, female 1. Creation of imagination, something imagined, mentally imagined. “Dreams are boiling, in the mind, suppressed by melancholy, an excess of heavy thoughts is crowded.” Pushkin. || original Ghost, vision. “I saw terrible... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Mystery of feelings * Memory * Desire * Dream * Enjoyment * Loneliness * Waiting * Fall * Memory * Victory * Defeat * Glory * Conscience * Passion * Superstition * Respect * ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Dreaming, nonsense, reverie, thought, vision, apparition, illusion, specter, whim, self-deception, self-delusion, utopia, fantasy, chimera, castle in the air, play of imagination, dream, delusion, unfulfilled desire. Shattered illusions.. Wed. . See ideal,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

- “DREAM”, USSR, MOSFILM, 1941, b/w, 100 min. Historical socio-psychological drama. After working on two political ones; With biased films about Lenin, Mikhail Romm turns to the social tragicomedy about... ... which is close to him in theme and genre. Encyclopedia of Cinema

dream- DREAM - an image created by the imagination of something valuable and desirable, but in at the moment inaccessible. In psychology, imagination is often interpreted as a type of imagination directed toward the sphere of the desired distant future. Category M... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

Dream, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams, dreams (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

DREAM, s, meaning. genus. pl. used dreams, women 1. Something created by the imagination, mentally imagined. M. about happiness. M. came true. 2. units An object of desire, aspiration. M. all my life. 3. dream, meaning tale What's n about? very good (colloquial joke) ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

DREAM. The etymology of the word dream is unclear. Dissatisfied with the explanations of Matzenauer, Miklosic, Goryaev and Preobrazhensky, prof. G. A. Ilyinsky assumed the root *mĭk in the word mčьta and compared it with cumikat, mìcnut, vl. mikać blink, mik... ... History of words

dream - necessary condition transformations of reality, the motivating reason, the motive of activity, the final completion of which turned out to be delayed; special shape imagination, localized in a fairly distant future and uniting... ... Big psychological encyclopedia


  • Dream, Maria Lodi. The action of the novels takes place in France in the 60s of the 19th century, during the era of the dictatorial regime of Napoleon III. Parisian boulevards, cafes, embankments, salons and... appear before the reader’s eyes.

Scientists explain this concept as a desire for something specific, for the sake of which a person is capable of performing incredible acts. Everyone is familiar with flight, when, deeply thinking about something desired, you are carried away into another world. This makes it possible to relax and, at least for a moment, escape from reality, which is sometimes very unpleasant.

A dream is an image of what we really want, but at the moment we cannot get. As a rule, everyone is different. This is due to the fact that all people's imagination is developed differently. This is what gives us the opportunity to dream.

The most global and sometimes unrealizable dreams are childhood dreams. Kids dream about what they don't have, about what they would like to become in the future, where to go and what to do. Some people's imagination takes them to a world in which they became an astronaut, a famous scientist or an actor, while others have family, home and friends there. Children's dreams are the most powerful and sincere. They are not limited by anything and have no limits. It will not be difficult for a child to mentally transport himself to a distant galaxy or build a castle. What is a dream if not the most strong desire best for yourself. This is perhaps the strongest motivation for striving for a better future.

What happens next? Why do adults stop truly dreaming? Children grow up and face harsh realities. Life is not as simple and beautiful as they thought. There comes an understanding that in most cases it is very difficult to achieve what you want, and not everyone is capable of it. It is much easier to forget about dreams and “go with the flow.”

What is a dream for an adult, modern man? move forward and do something. Once we reach a certain age, we stop dreaming about something global. Dreams become more material. And in order to bring them to life, a lot needs to be done. For example, to buy an apartment, you need to work, and this requires education and certain skills.

A dream can do wonders for people. They begin to set goals for themselves and gradually achieve them. For this reason, a person is able to work for days, barely sleep, and still feel great. Such people are usually called dreamers. They know exactly what they want and how to achieve it. They are the ones who always good mood, and there is a smile on his face. This is because they know the feeling of complete happiness: when you realize that after all the work and hardships, your dream has come true.

There is a concept close in meaning to a dream - fantasy. something definitely for which a person is not ready to act.

Distinctive features of fantasy:

  1. The person does not believe in its implementation.
  2. A person is not ready to perform any actions or actions for her sake.
  3. A characteristic wish (I would like).
  4. The person does not believe that he is capable of achieving this and does not strive for it.

Having a desire, you need to find out for yourself: is it a fantasy or a real dream. In the first case, it would be wise to part with such thoughts or make them more real. Fantasies are dangerous because they are useless. They occupy a person's thoughts, but do not lead to concrete actions.

What a dream is - everyone determines for himself. The main thing is to really want it to come true. This thought should be so firmly rooted in the head that a person does not doubt future success for a single minute. You need to be true to your dream and go to the end. Nothing should get in your way. Never back down, otherwise you will betray yourself. A doubting person can easily lose his dream and never realize it.

As they say, dreaming is not harmful, but very useful. Don't stop there. The world is open to you. Having realized one dream, start making another come true. everything is subject to control.

January 16, 2018

Dreams and goals have always been the driving force human progress. A dream is often understood as the opportunity to achieve the impossible, something that does not fit into the framework of the usual understanding of the world. We can say that if a person doesn’t have a dream, then he doesn’t have a future either. After all, she is a prototype of the future that is worth striving for.

What can aspirations be?

What is a dream if not the desire to realize one’s highest purpose, something worth living for? It could be:

  • A dream of happiness for yourself, your family and your country.
  • Self-realization in professional field.
  • A journey that will allow you to expand your horizons and learn something new.
  • You can also dream of being able to help others and do charity work.

Dream and passion

Many people would like to understand for themselves what a dream is. The definition of what the goal of each individual person is depends only on himself. But defining a dream is simple. To do this, you need to listen to yourself. In addition to the fact that a person likes a dream, it should arouse passion in him. Therefore, we can recommend this way of defining a dream: first, list all your desires and goals, and then note those that evoke passion. However, we must remember that this feeling also includes pain. In relation to dreams, this is expressed in regret. It will be very painful if the goal is not achieved.

To define your dream, it is also helpful to imagine what life will be like when that goal is achieved. You can imagine yourself in the place of a chess player who knows the consequences of every move. Then the consequences that the fulfillment of desire entails will be clear. This way you can get rid of unnecessary dreams and leave only truly valuable dreams.

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Living the dream

For many, the question of what a dream is is not an easy one. After all, there are many people who are accustomed to living in reality. On the one hand, they can be understood - after all, dreamers cut off from life are often in everyday life turn out to be complete losers who cannot cope with life's difficulties. However, regarding those who live completely only pressing problems, one cannot say that they are absolutely happy.

After all, without dreams and goals, life becomes insipid. Besides, real life is rarely always rosy. Rather, on the contrary, you often want to escape from it into the world of fantasies and dreams. One of the meanings of the word “dream” is the imagination of the future, mental image desired. It is impossible to realize your desires if you do not dream about them and do not have a proper idea about them. And those people who focus their attention only on the problems of reality inevitably miss the opportunities that life presents to them.

Image of the desired future

There is another definition of what a dream is. This is a special form of imagination human and distinguishing him from animals. Designed in a dream best version future. Only humans have the divine gift of dreaming. It allows you, despite any difficulties and obstacles, to go towards your goal. After all, what a dream is has a definition: it is the ability to see the desired result in the absence of any signs of it in the real world.

For example, fat man dreams of becoming thin. In reality, its weight can be 80, 90, 100 kilograms. Maybe those people who hear about his aspirations will twirl their fingers at their temples. However, he has the desired result in his imagination - he sees himself losing weight. And this standard will allow him to reach his goal. Of course, no one says that this path will be easy. However, the higher the value of the dream. After all, her image allows you to move forward, as they say, in spite of all winds.

Dreams and creativity

"What is a dream?" - people ask themselves. Another meaning of this word is: this is a necessary condition with the help of which the transformation of reality occurs, the motive of human activity. Often it is a motivating force for people creative professions. Musicians, composers and sculptors use their dreams to create their masterpieces. Other people sincerely admire their creations. Although they themselves cannot create, for example, a beautiful statue, in their imagination they are able to see their dream embodied in a work of art.

Interesting question: what is a dream? Dictionary definitions

This word has been given a lot different definitions. For example, these are given in Efremova’s explanatory dictionary:

  1. A dream is something imaginary, mental.
  2. An imaginary image of something that attracts a person.
  3. Subject of aspiration.

And in Ushakov’s dictionary you can read following values words "dream":

  • Something imaginary, imagined in thoughts.
  • An imaginary image of something that is the subject of aspiration.

It can be noted that these definitions are very similar to each other. A dream is an ethereal image that allows a person to strive for the best and have a guideline in life. She is a saving shore where you can hide from any bad weather.

The origin of this word will also be interesting. The word "dream" was borrowed from Old Slavonic language- it came from lexical item mčta, which is a derivative of the Upper Sorbian mikać/shimmer. During the time of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin given word meant ghost, apparition.

creative power

IN lately The concept of dream is not used very often. The meaning of this word, however, is clear to everyone. The image of a dreamer does not seem entirely positive - most often this word evokes associations with passivity, combined with the ability to see beauty. However, a person indulges in dreams constantly - when he thinks about the future, about what awaits him in a few years or tomorrow morning.

Every adult makes plans, somehow imagines his future life. Without asking the question “What does a dream mean?”, he still thinks about how he will buy a new dress, a yacht, a house. We can say that dream is synonymous with creation. A man thinks that he would like to have the same mansion as his favorite Hollywood star. And when he manages to achieve this, then we can say that his dream has come true, creating reality. Therefore, thoughts about a good future or happiness cannot be condemned. Rather, only the habit of replacing real life dreams.

A dream must be supported by action

Each person has his own idea of ​​what a dream is. A person can inspire both himself and others with his dream. Or he may constantly indulge in ethereal dreams that will not lead to any goal in the future. Then the dream turns into self-deception. That is why one of distinctive features dreams is its creative power.

The dream is always aimed at making the world a better, more convenient, more pleasant place. And in order to fulfill it, you always need to work a lot. This distinguishes a creative dream from stupid dreams that exist only in fantasy. Those same people who are accustomed to only thinking about a possible wonderful future, but not acting, can be dangerous in making their dreams come true. Often harsh circumstances real life these dreams are crushed so quickly that such would-be dreamers lose the desire to take action to realize their aspirations until the end of their days.

Therefore, a dream is something that a person can achieve through his own efforts. Everything else is ethereal dreams. For example, someone dreams of a family and then creates it. Or he draws rosy pictures of a prosperous life in his mind and achieves it. A real dream should motivate a person to take action.

, about someone or something. Imagining, indulging in dreams about someone or something. “...What millions have dreamed and continue to dream about honest people V capitalist countries, - has already been implemented in the USSR.” Stalin. Dream about traveling. Dream about fame. Dream about an artistic career.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

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