The funniest story. Short stories, funny and interesting from real people's lives

I'll tell you a funny story that happened to my cousin Ella. She really wanted a pet. But her parents refused to give it to her. Mom and dad said that there was no place to keep the dog in a small apartment. The hamster will create a lot of garbage, and the cat will sharpen its claws on the furniture. My sister, of course, was upset.

It was winter. One evening Ella heard a strange rustling at the window. It was as if someone wanted to get into the house and rattled on the glass. My sister ran to the window and saw a bright green parrot on the snow-covered windowsill outside! It had a beak and a long tail blue color! It was clear that he was very cold, probably accidentally flying out of the house.

The sister made a fuss. Her parents came. They began to say that the parrot was already frozen. That he will die soon anyway, even if he is taken home. But still, they decided to take a risk and began to put up the insulated window for the winter. How they tried not to make noise! After all, the bird could get scared, fly away and die in the cold.

As soon as the window opened a little, Ella grabbed the parrot in one deft movement. The bird warmed up in the house and survived. The parrot was named Gosha. So is mine cousin the pet she dreamed of so much appeared! And the little parrot miraculously escaped the harsh winter.

Once an instructive incident happened to me, after which I had to do important conclusions. On summer holidays, my grandparents decided to go for a walk in the forest. They live in their house, and not far away a large river flows and stands green forest. I went with them. We walked along the forest paths for a long time, it was warm, grandmother told interesting stories, and grandfather whistled beautifully. He promised that someday he would teach me to whistle like that. Soon I said that I was tired and my grandmother took a blanket from her traveling bag and laid it on the green grass. We had a picnic.

Soon my grandparents decided to lie down to rest, and I could walk not far from them. I walked along the overgrown path and looked at the trees. I didn't notice how I had moved too far. At first I decided to call for help, but then I remembered what cartoon characters do, and decided to find my way on my own and go back. I began to retrace my steps. Then I realized that I was confused and started crying. Suddenly, I heard my grandfather’s voice and shouted back. It turned out that I had not gone far at all, and our camp was behind two bushes.

After this incident, my grandmother told me that as soon as I realized that I was lost, I should scream and call for help. If I had gone the other way, I could have gone very far and gotten really lost. Now I know that if I lose sight of the adults again, I will stop in place and call for them so as not to get even more lost.

Essay 2 option - A memorable incident

I would like to tell you about an incident on the eve of May 9th. One day, a school organizer came into the classroom and told the students about the idea of ​​visiting all the WWII veterans in our village and helping around the house, doing what the old people asked. We naturally agreed, chose several addresses and shared among ourselves. We ended up with 5 people per 1 veteran.

On the second day, immediately after school, we scattered around the village. The team I was on found a grandmother who lived not far from me. I walked past her yard every day and didn’t know that she was lonely. It seemed like she had a family, because the yard was always clean and tidy. The curtains are always snow-white, large number The flowers on the windows are constantly blooming, which means there is someone to look after them; the gates, although old, are painted every year before Easter.

I wasn’t the only one who was surprised when an old grandmother who walked with the help of two sticks opened the door for us. Tears appeared in her eyes when we explained why we came, but she let us into the yard and found work for everyone. Two of them cleaned the house, two of them went to plant several buckets of potatoes, and I got to clean the kitchen.

Seeing how she really lived, I was upset, because while we were playing and running around the village, we could occasionally come and help lonely people. The greasy dishes haven’t been washed properly for a long time, because the old lady’s hands are not at all the same, the floor is dirty from the dirt caused by the rain the day before yesterday, towels that can’t be washed, but only thrown away, and much more. It turned out that the only thing that helps her is social worker, who comes 2 times a week and also brings groceries from the store.

We completed all the work in just two hours, then we sat for a long time and listened to stories about the war and the life of Tamara Feodorovna. They separated when it began to get dark. After this hike, my friend and I began to visit this grandmother every Saturday and help her as much as we could. Unfortunately, she didn’t live long enough to see the next May 9th, but we didn’t stop working good deed and took custody of an old man living on a nearby street.
This is how one incident, one day completely changed our outlook on life and attitude towards older people.

Several interesting essays

    Only a person who has achieved certain results can be successful. To do this, it is important to be able to set goals. They can be large, global or small, intermediate, characteristic of a certain stage

Municipal educational institution

"Average secondary school No. 30" Syktyvkar

(Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 30”, Syktyvkar)

"30 №-a shor school"

Syktyvkars municipal Velodan institution


Porsyurova Valeria, 7 years old.


Elfimova Svetlana Albertovna,

primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 30".



Funny story.

Every person has friends, boyfriends, girlfriends. I also have a friend. His name is Igor. In the summer and on weekends I go to the village to visit my grandmother. There we meet Igor.

Igor is a boy, and I am a girl, but we have fun together. You will never get bored with my friend. We have a lot of fun: we ride a bike, go hiking in the forest or to the lake, sit by the fire and fry bread. Igor likes to come up with new games. Sometimes he and I look for treasure. Sometimes we run through the forest and look for traces of a bear, and when we find them, we run home, because we become very scared. It happens that we run home, say: “Bye, see you tomorrow!”, and a minute later we are back together, and so on until late in the evening, until our parents call us home.

A funny thing happened to us this summer. We, as usual, were in the village with our grandmother. The summer was very good, warm. A lot of strawberries grew. And although we are not allowed to eat dirty berries from the garden, we climbed into the garden. Igor always dares me to do different pranks. We quietly picked the berries and put them in our mouths. We had just reached the middle of the bed when suddenly one of the bushes began to move! We, of course, got scared and ran away, but we were very curious, and we returned to see what was happening there. There was a little hare sitting in the strawberry bushes, so small, gray, fluffy, with long ears. We were surprised and very happy! Igor took the hare by the ears, raised it up in front of him, and we ran to show the find to our parents. They even forgot that their lips are covered in strawberries, and we might get into trouble.

The parents were very surprised by our find and said that it was a baby rabbit. Apparently, he ran away from his owners and needs to be returned. And we really wanted to keep the fluffy one with us! His parents agreed to shelter him until owners were found.

We named the foundling Krosh and placed him in an enclosure, and then spent the whole day caring for our new friend: we fed him carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, and green grass. Then they rolled him in a stroller and carried him in their arms. It was a lot of fun.

Late in the evening the owners of our rabbit were found, and we were sad. It turns out that all the neighbors' rabbits had run away, and now they were being collected throughout the village. Igor really asked to leave Krosh with us. He made such sly eyes and said: “Well, you won’t take our friend away from us?” But the owners replied that the little rabbit was still small and would not survive alone without a family, and we could come and look after him whenever we wanted.

After this story, Igor and I often run around the garden and hope for a miracle. Maybe someone else will come to us and we will adopt him.

23 chosen

As a child, I was restless and caused my parents a lot of trouble. Recently my mother and I were reminiscing interesting cases from my childhood. Here are some funny episodes:

One day, while walking in kindergarten, my friend and I came up with the idea of ​​whether we should quietly go home and watch cartoons, because it was so boring in kindergarten. And so she and I sneaked unnoticed to the exit; to our joy, the gate was not closed. And finally - freedom!!! We felt like adults and were truly happy. We knew the way home perfectly, since it was located three blocks from kindergarten. We had almost reached the house, when suddenly our neighbor, Uncle Misha, who was going to the bakery, blocked our way. He asked us where we were going and why we were alone, turned us around and led us back to the kindergarten. This is how our first independent trip ended sadly for us, because we didn’t manage to watch cartoons that day, because... we were punished.

And this story happened to me when I was taken to my grandmother for the summer, I was a little over 3 years old. I played in the house with toys while my grandmother was busy in the garden, and then, tired, I crawled under my grandmother’s bed and fell asleep safely there. My grandmother came into the house and began looking for me, first in the house, then in the yard, then all the neighboring children were raised to help, who explored the surrounding areas. They searched behind the garden, near the river and even in the well... More than two hours passed, and adults already joined the search. What was going on in my grandmother’s head then, only God knows. But then, to everyone’s amazement, I appear on the threshold of the house, yawning and sleepily rubbing my eyes. Later, my grandmother and I often recalled this incident, but with a smile.

And another case when I was already going to school. I was 7-8 years old then. I must say that I really loved tinkering with my mother’s box of beads, trying on her high-heeled shoes and various beautiful blouses, but most of all I was partial to my mother’s cosmetic bag. And so, once again, I decided to conduct an audit in my mother’s cosmetic bag and discovered a bottle of new perfume (as I later found out, my dad got this French perfume “Klima” from with great difficulty, like everything in short supply at that time, and gave it to my mother for her birthday). Naturally, I decided to open them right away. But it was not so easy to open them, I tried my best and finally opened them, but at the same time the bottle slipped out of my hands, fell first on the sofa, then rolled onto the carpet. Naturally, there was almost nothing left in the bottle. Mom was very upset then, and a wonderful aroma of perfume hung in the house for a long time.

I conducted a small survey among my friends on the topic of children's pranks and almost everyone got 2-3 interesting stories. A friend told me that she decided to cut flowers out of her mother’s new dress and make an appliqué out of them for a labor lesson. The employee shared the story of how she and her brother threw tomatoes at each other, which my mother had bought the day before for a wedding, but the most interesting thing is that they threw them in the room , which has recently been renovated. And he talked about the reaction of his mother, who came home from work and saw this art.

Surely you have too funny stories from childhood, I would be interested to hear them and laugh with you.

For many writers short stories- Just perfect style work. While writing a novel can be a Herculean task, almost anyone can come up with and, more importantly, draw up on paper short story. As with a novel, the content of a short story should be entertaining and captivating to the reader. With the right approach to selecting ideas, preparing a draft of your manuscript, and then editing it, you can successfully write your own short story in no time.


Part 1

Selection of ideas
  1. Come up with a basic plot or script. Think about what your story will be about and what will happen in the story. Think about what you want to address or illustrate. Decide what your approach or point of view will be to the events that occur in the story.

    • For example, you can start with a simple plot in which main character receives bad news or receives an unwanted visit from a friend or relative.
    • You can also resort to a more complex plot, for example, when the main character wakes up in parallel world or finds out someone's worst secret.
  2. Concentrate on describing the main character's personality traits. Most stories have one or at most two main characters. Try to come up with a main character who has a clear goal or aspiration, but is also full of contradictions. There is no need to choose a clearly good or bad character. Empower your hero interesting features and feelings, so that his image is sufficiently complex and harmonious.

    • As prototypes of the main character you can use real people people you know in life. Or you can watch strangers in public places and take them as a basis for your main character.
    • For example, the main character might be a young teenage girl who wants to protect her brother from school bullies, but also wants to fit in well at school. school team. Or the main character could be a lonely older man who decided to become close friends with his neighbor and, as a result, found out about her criminal activity.
  3. Create a central conflict for your character. In any good story There is always a central conflict in which the main character faces some issue or problem. The conflict must be introduced to the reader at the very beginning of the story. Make the main character's life difficult and difficult.

    • For example, the main character may have a desire or aspiration that he cannot realize. Or the hero may get into bad or even dangerous situation, and he will need to decide how to survive in this situation.
  4. Come up with interesting place actions. One more key element of a short story is the setting, or the place where the main events of the story take place. For a short story you can choose one central place actions and add detailed descriptions of certain episodes involving the characters. Choose a setting that will be interesting to you and that you can imagine in interesting light in front of the readers.

    • For example, the setting of a story might be regular school your hometown. Or the story could take place on a small Martian colony.
    • Try not to overload your short story with too many different settings to avoid confusing the reader. For one a little story Usually one or two locations are sufficient.
  5. Think about a specific topic. Many short stories build on a specific theme and explore it from the point of view of the author or the main character. For a story, you can take one of the broad themes like love, dreams, or loss and explore it from the point of view of your main character.

    • You can also focus on a more specific topic, such as love between siblings, the desire for friendship, or the loss of a parent.
  6. Plan for an emotional climax to the story. All good short stories have a cliffhanger where the main character reaches an emotional climax. The climax usually occurs in the second half of the story or even towards the end. At the climax, the protagonist may feel overwhelmed, trapped, desperate, and even out of control.

    • For example, an emotional climax may occur when a single man confronts his neighbor about her criminal activities. Or the climax may come when a teenage girl finally stands up for her brother in the face of school bullies.
  7. Think about the end with unexpected turn or a surprise. Sketch ideas for different endings that might surprise, shock, or intrigue the reader. Avoid corny endings where the reader can guess the ending ahead of time. Give the reader a false sense of security that they know how the story will end, and then redirect the reader's attention to another character or another situation to shock them.

    • Try to avoid the usual tricks for ending your story. In an attempt to surprise the reader, do not rely on clichés and familiar plot twists. Gradually build tension and suspense as the story progresses so that the reader is shocked at the end.
  8. Read the examples short stories. Understand what makes short stories successful and interesting to the reader by reading stories from experienced writers. Read stories from a variety of genres, from literary fiction and ending science fiction and fantasy. Notice how the authors use the main character, theme, setting, and plot of the story to make their story incredibly effective. For example, you can read the following works:

    Part 2

    Preparing the first draft
    1. Prepare a plot plan. Organize your short story according to plot plan of five parts: exposition, beginning, development of events, climax, extinction of events and denouement. Use this outline as a basis for writing your story so that it has a clear beginning, middle, and ending.

      • You can also try using the snowball method, when you first describe the story in one sentence, then describe individual parts of the story, prepare a description of all the characters in the story, and prepare a list of scenes with their participation.
    2. Come up with a catchy opening. There must be action, conflict, or conflict at the beginning of the story. unusual picture that will attract the reader's attention. Introduce the reader to the main character and setting right in the first paragraph. Attune the reader to the key theme and message of the story.

      • For example, a beginning such as “That day I was lonely...” not only does not say anything at all about the narrator, but also does not interest the reader in any way.
      • Instead of the above example, you could try starting a story like this: “The day my wife left me, I knocked on my neighbor’s door to ask her for sugar for the cake I had no intention of baking.” This line of description introduces the reader to the past conflict, the presence of a wife, and the current tension of the situation between the narrator and the neighbor.
    3. Stick to one narrative angle. Short stories are usually told in the first person, and this narrative perspective remains unchanged. This helps give the story a clear focus and perspective. You can also try to write a story from a third person, however, this can distance you from the reader.

      • Sometimes there are stories in the second person in which the author uses the pronoun “you”. This is usually done when the use of the second person is essential to the writer, as in Ted Chiang's story "The Story of Your Life" or Junot Diaz's story "That's Why You Lost Her."
      • Most short stories are written using the past tense, but a story can be written in the present tense to give the story a more lively atmosphere.
    4. Use dialogue to better reveal your character's character and further development plot. Dialogue in short stories should always serve more than one function. Make sure the dialogue tells the reader something about the character speaking and adds to the story of the plot. Include explanations in the dialogue that will reveal the character and also add more tension and conflict to the dialogue scene.

      • For example, instead of opening a conversation with the phrase “Hi! What's your news?”, try writing “Hey friend, what's up?” or “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you for a hundred years!”
      • Try to supplement the dialogue with the author’s words like “she faltered,” “I hissed,” or “he shouted,” to expand the description of your characters. For example, instead of writing “Where have you been? - she asked a question...”, you can write “- Where have you been? – she asked demandingly...” or “Where have you been? - she yelled at him.”
    5. Turn on the sensual detailed description places of action. Think about what the main character feels, hears, tastes, smells, and sees. Describe the scene from the point of view human feelings so that it comes to life in the eyes of the reader.

      • For example, the building of an old high school can be described as “a giant piece of industrial architecture that smells of sweaty sportswear, hairspray, broken dreams and chalk.” Or you can describe the sky above the roof of your house as “a white sheet covered with thick gray haze from the fires that spread through the nearby forest in the morning.”
    6. Finish with a description of the outcome. The outcome does not have to be direct and obvious. It can be presented as a subtle hint that the characters are beginning to change and see things differently. The resolution can be made open to speculation or complete and clear.

      • It can also be supplemented with an interesting scene or dialogue that reflects the changes that have occurred in the character's character.
      • For example, a story might end with the protagonist turning his neighbor over to the police, even though this means he loses her friendship forever. Or the story may end with a description of a scene like main character helps her bloodied brother get home in time for dinner.
    7. Edit the story to make it clear and harmonious. In most cases, short stories are limited to one to seven thousand words or one to ten pages of text. Don't be afraid to cut parts or delete entire sentences to shorten the story and make it richer. Leave in only those details and moments that are essential to the story you are trying to tell.

      • When it comes to short stories, the rule “shorter is better” usually applies. Don't leave sentences that don't say anything, or scenes that don't have any purpose other than what you like the way they sound. Be ruthless about shortening your story to include just enough information to suffice.
    8. Come up with interesting name. Most editors and readers look at the title first to decide whether they want to read a story. Choose an intriguing or interesting title for your story that will entice the reader to read the story itself. You can also use the story's theme, a specific visual scene, or the name of the main character as a title for a story.

      • For example, the title of Alice Munro’s story “I’ve long wanted to tell you” can be considered a good example, since it is an excerpt from the words of the main character of the story and addresses directly the reader through the pronoun “you,” indicating that the author has something to share with the reader.
      • The title of Neil Gaiman's story "Snow, Mirror, Apple" is also good, as it introduces the reader to three objects at once that are interesting in themselves, but it becomes even more interesting how they are connected to each other in the story.

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