Topic: Are you an honest person? Test: Are you an honest person? Fear of another person's negative reaction, especially anger.



adj., used Often

Morphology: honest, honest, Honestly, honest And honest; more honest; adv. Honestly, honestly

1. Honest They call a person who always tells the truth and is sincere in his interactions with other people.

3. Honest They call actions and actions of a person in which there is no deception.

Honest behavior. |


Act honestly, honestly.

4. If you do something How fair man , this means that in your behavior you are guided by the rules of honor, protect your own and others’ dignity, etc.

He said that, as an honest man, he should get married.

5. Honest methods, ways of doing something mean methods and ways in which there is no deception.

How to make money honestly.

6. Honest words, books, etc. are words, books, etc. that truthfully, reliably present events, facts, and do not hide anything.

I just want to hear from you honest story about everything that happened. | Thank you for your direct and honest answer.

7. You tell someone honestly when you promise him to act without deception or assure him that your words are true.

Honest noble word. | Give your word of honor to someone. | Take someone's word of honor. | Demand a word of honor from someone.

8. If you give something to someone, you are letting someone go. on parole, this means that you believe that this person will not deceive you, you do not require a deposit from him or any other guarantee of his honesty.

9. If something hangs, stays on his word of honor, then this means that this object is not firmly held, attached, or standing.

10. Honest are called a process, action, phenomenon that comply with the law and do not allow fraud.

Honest earnings. | Fair Trade. | Fair elections. | Fair rules of the game. | The President said that Russia is ready for fair competition in the international aviation market.

11. Honest it is called something that is not tainted, not defamed by anything reprehensible, something worthy, noble.

Honest family. | Honest name. | Live an honest life.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev.

D. V. Dmitriev.:



    HONEST, honest, honest; honest, honest, honest. 1. Truthful, straightforward and conscientious, free from all guile. Fair man. Honest character. “It was hard and slow that the honest, poor writer was fading away.” Nekrasov. “You prepared for your homeland... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Conscientious, truthful, direct, straightforward, blameless, irreproachable, impeccable, incorruptible, conscientious, sincere; honestly, in good conscience. Human fair rules. Aristide. Immaculate service. Wed. . See noble, gallant,... ... Synonym dictionary

    HONEST, oh, oh; ten, tna, tno, tny and tny. 1. Imbued with sincerity and directness, conscientious. H. person. Ch. labor. Act honestly (adv.). Honest intentions. Ch. look. 2. Respectable, impeccable. Honest life. Honest name. H... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    honest- honest, concise. f. honest, honest (acceptably honest), honestly, honest and honest; compare Art. more honest. Pronounced [honest]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    honest- absolutely honest, impeccably honest, endlessly honest, deeply honest, terribly honest, extremely honest, extremely honest, crystal honest, extremely honest, incredibly honest, extremely honest, very honest... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

My head is noisy... “It’s strange, am I not sleeping?” - a lonely thought pulsates, it is like a mouse driven into a box, running from corner to corner, bumping into walls in the dark. The eyelids do not lift - a bad feeling of helplessness. “I’m probably still dreaming...” I’m trying to concentrate on the sensations, I understand that I’m sitting in a chair, my chest is tied with some kind of thin rope (wire?) and something is getting in the way on my fingers. Once again I try to open my eyes, this time it works a little - I’m in a room, some sensors are connected to me, someone with a notepad is looking into my eyes with curiosity. “Why with a notepad?” - stupid thought, - “Where am I anyway?”

You've finally woken up! We can continue?

“Continue what?? Who are you really??” - thoughts, just thoughts... there is bewilderment in the eyes, the person, understanding him, replies:

You're in the laboratory, remember? A Polygraph is connected to you, we are conducting tests... do you remember? You need to answer yes or no questions and tell the truth, can we continue?
- YES. – it breaks out on its own, we can.

I close my eyes, the auditory impulses take shape, become three-dimensional and visual.

So, the question is: “Are you an honest person?”

The blood rushes rapidly to my heart, it beats louder and louder, as if I can hear it under water... oh, yes, I am under water! Dark, night-black water. I dive, and my whole being is enveloped by an incredible breathtaking tenderness, mixed with a longing for freedom, for hidden magic, and something terrible seems to me in this impenetrable water surface, something completely alien to this reality and something incredibly familiar, warm, Frank to me! I emerge... inhale... second...
I feel your gaze... you look at me intently, caressing me with desire, filling every curve of my body with languid passion, care... How dear I am to you! Could you imagine that something similar would happen to us, that this something would happen to you?
I come out of the water, exposing my nakedness to the gaze... then you come out - powerful, hot, shrouded in the light of your power, you are a magician! And I know it, I feel it with every cell of mine female body. I can’t help but feel... I can’t help but know...
I go out, slowly get dressed... you look... I feel HOW you look at me... I don’t turn around... if I turn around, I know that I will give up... but I can’t, not in this life... On the shore, a pale shadow, with his arms crossed, sits another, completely different from you, a man, he seems to like my confusion, he grins, gets up, throws a jacket on my shoulders and takes me away without turning around, feeling your accompanying gaze on himself and on me... if he turns around, he lost.

I repeat the question... Are you an honest person?

Summer... you were crushed by your pain, but I couldn’t pass by. What a creature I would be if I could. But this did not happen, I stayed with you, strongly imprinting my sign on your palm. I was there because you needed me. Just like millions of times before. How long have we known each other? Eternity? Two eternities? Three? Do you remember this strange dream, you and I are on different sides of the abyss, and between us there is a silk bridge, light, the colors of the morning dawn, connecting our souls? Why did we choose different sides? But much cannot be changed. And yet, fate persistently brings us together in each new life, time after time, connecting us with a languid shell human bodies. In this life you are a man, I am a woman. What an incredible difficulty for our friendship, and yet... nevertheless or in spite of it - we are together.

Why are you silent? Don't you understand the question? I'm waiting for your answer... Are you an honest person?

The forest... you and I have always been protected by the elements. Revelation and recognition, important for both. A powerful magical amulet... you are nearby, I feel your shoulders and arms, your light pouring through the skin. I always told you the truth, which scratched all decent foundations. I love you, is it possible to hide this feeling? I trust you - could there be anything more secret? I wrap myself in your arms over and over again, feeling how your heart beats, how your muscles play... you hug me, you know who we are... and spreading our wings, we rush into the stars... can we be honest with the world? Can we tell the truth about us...?!

The tension is easing... I feel my breathing returning to normal, the sensors are being removed from me.

Congratulations, the test was successful.

I go out into the street exhausted... it’s hard to deceive my heart, it’s hard to explain to the world what it’s afraid of... I’m overcome with fatigue, fighting so much and so often, for what? To torment our bodies with the tender intimacy of souls, to torment our tongues with the outright ugliness of words. Feelings they do not know how to lie. Where I am? There is a picture painted on the wall, it was you who painted my image, something that only you can see. I hear music, it's you playing it, inspiring me to move on... what would I do if it weren't for you? Would I be able to be honest with myself...?

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1. Even people are always kind to those who need kindness.

Honest people know the value of heart-to-heart conversations. Therefore, other people are drawn to them, try to get to know them better and establish relationships.

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2. Honest people value other people's time.

They are not late and try not to take up more time from other people than is required to solve current problems.

It's interesting that people around you almost always try to spend more time with honest people.

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3. Honest people do good things.

Helping others is an integral part of the life of an honest person, which brings him pleasure.

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4. Honest people give and borrow only when necessary.

Moreover, they enter into debt relationships only with those people they trust.

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5. Honest people are modest.

They need to be reminded of how much they good people. They shy away from receiving praise for their work or achievements.
Therefore, it is extremely important for such people to know their worth.

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6. Honest people are faithful.

They are tall moral principles.
Because of this, one must try very hard to prove to an honest person that he is wrong if he is sure that he is right.

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7. Honest people always apologize.

And they often do it first. If they are wrong, they immediately admit their guilt.
All because of the great responsibility they feel for their mistakes, problems and misunderstandings that they caused.

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8. Honest people are truly honest.

Crystal honesty is their main feature.

They cannot live in a lie - it goes against their essence. Dot!

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9. Honest people trust others.

They believe that a person is not guilty of anything until his guilt is actually proven.
However, if an honest person catches someone in a lie, then he will definitely lose trust in the liar. And it takes a lot of time to restore relationships with an honest man.

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10. Honest people never take advantage of others.

Have you ever asked yourself next questions: What does “being honest” really mean? Do you have to say everything you think to be considered an honest person? Isn't it better to leave some truths unspoken?

To be truly honest means to think, do, say and feel the same things. When you don't act on your thoughts and feelings, you become dishonest with yourself and/or others.

Being honest does not necessarily mean saying everything we think and feel. However, once we decide to speak or act, our words and actions should always correspond to what we think and feel.

Let's look at the fears that keep us from being honest.

Fear of displeasing someone:

Have you ever been asked your opinion about something you didn’t like or found ugly? What did you say? Haven't you acted the same way as most people who, in order not to cause discontent, find good reasons to avoid saying what they really think?

For fear of displeasing their spouses, people often say that they agree with them. And some force themselves to do everything possible to please, and even go so far as to go against their desires.

Fear of another person's negative reaction, especially anger:

One of the main fears that prevents us from being honest is the fear of another person's negative reaction, especially anger. Here are some examples:

  • The mother says to the child: I will allow you to do this, but don’t tell the father.
  • The child hides his school marks from parents.
  • A wife deceives her husband about the price of her purchases.
  • My husband comes up with all sorts of reasons when he comes home late.
  • A wife tells her husband that she was busy all day, when in fact she did nothing but meet with a friend.

People who smoke, drink and eat on the sly from everyone are also afraid of other people's reactions.

Fear of not living up to the desired image:

Strict, tough people who control themselves are often afraid that they will not live up to the image they maintain. The judgment or opinion of others about them is very important to them. Such people always try to look and behave in the best possible way.

They tend to lie to themselves. For example, when they say: “I am no longer addicted to cigarettes,” they are actually controlling themselves and envying someone who has not quit smoking (still smokes).

They also tend to control their weight, what they eat, how they spend time outside the home, what friends they make, what their home looks like, anything that others might judge (as imperfect). Moreover, they sometimes tell lies about their children or spouses if the truth would damage their image of an impeccable parent or spouse.

Fear of not being good enough:

The fear of not being good enough is experienced by people who once agreed to do something, made some commitments, and now feel that they must do it, even if it exceeds the limits of their capabilities. Against their will, they find themselves in a situation that does not suit them true desires feelings. Often these are so-called perfectionists, people who believe that they always do not do enough or that what they have done is not good enough.

Fear of appearing ungrateful:

Here are some examples of lies that hide this fear:

Saying, “Thank you, I really like your gift,” when in reality this is not the case.

Inviting someone whose company you don't really enjoy just because they've invited you before.

Visit your parents regularly, although you prefer to see them less often.

Choose a profession so that your parents are happy, although something else would be more suitable for you personally.

Making love to your spouse when you don't feel like it, just because he/she invited you to a restaurant or a movie or gave you a gift.

Feeling like you need to help someone who helped you before, even though you had already planned to do something else at that time.

Fear of losing, or having little:

People who are afraid that they will not have enough money often deceive the tax office or insurance companies. Some people take sick leave from the doctor, although in fact they are quite capable of working. Or they ask to take time off from work, explaining that they are sick, although they just want to have fun or laze around.

Partners who hesitate to openly admit their feelings to each other are afraid of losing each other. They know that their relationship is superficial, but they prefer to bury their heads in the sand, pretending not to realize it. Some may even appear caring and attentive to their partners, but behind their back they criticize them to anyone who will listen.

These people often say, “I don't care,” when in fact what happened or was said really upset them. In most cases, this behavior is dictated by the fear of losing someone or something.

As you can see, lies hide many fears! When you realize you haven't been honest, try to find the fear that caused your lie. Good side The lie is that it helps you realize your fears, which come from one or more traumas received in childhood. The most common traumas are: being rejected, abandoned, humiliated, betrayed or suffered from injustice.

All of the previously mentioned examples conceal one of these injuries. Lying is a human defense. People who lie believe that by lying they will not feel the pain of their injuries. This belief is false; it only creates the illusion of protection. The wound remains, and fear only fuels it.

Lying to yourself and others leads to harmful consequences:

  • It creates tension in relationships.
  • Lies prevent us from creating our lives according to our needs, thus blocking our creative abilities.
  • If our needs long time are blocked, suffer and, in the end, our physical body. Most often people telling the truth, suffer from diseases of the throat, jaws, teeth, gums, laryngitis and torticollis.
  • People whose fears keep them from moving forward often have problems with their feet, legs, and sciatic nerves.

The severity of the disease is determined by the depth of the wound you experienced in childhood and the degree of fear you have experienced since then. Therefore, it is necessary to decide as quickly as possible to be honest, even if it seems difficult at first.

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