Summary of the story of the attacker for the reader's diary. An investigation is underway, or “Why do you need a nut?”

A very skinny man stood in front of the court investigator. A sullen severity was visible in his eyes because of his thick eyebrows. His hair was tangled and unkempt, which gave him a spidery sternness.

Grigoriev Denis, come here and answer my questions,” the investigator tells him. - On July 7th of this year, railway watchman Ivan Akinfov, when he walked along the line in the morning, saw you unscrewing the nuts on the rails. He stopped you with this nut. Is everything correct?

Did I say everything correctly? Was everything exactly like that?

Of course it is.

Why did you unscrew it?

Stop your “shit” and answer the question clearly: why did you unscrew the nut?

If I didn’t need it, I wouldn’t have unscrewed it,” Denis wheezed, looking at the ceiling.

I repeat: what do you need it for?

We make sinkers from nuts.

Well, we, the people, are all local men, Klimovskys.

“So, don’t play a fool with me here,” the investigator flared up. - Don't lie to me here. Speak clearly.

I’ve never lied, but now that means I’m lying... - Denis muttered, blinking. - What about without a sinker? You can’t catch anything without a sinker, everything loves space: both perch and pike with burbot swim along the bottom.

What are you telling me here? What pike? What kind of burbot?

Well, you asked why. I say, everyone catches it that way.

So you're saying that you unscrewed the nut on the tracks to make a sinker out of it?

Well, of course. Don't play with them.

Well, you can take lead, a piece of scrap metal, a nail….

You need to buy lead, but nails and scrap metal won’t do. There is no better nut, it is both heavy and has a hole already.

Stop fooling around. As if you were a newborn, don’t you understand the consequences of such unscrewing? If the watchman had not been careful, the train would have gone downhill and so many people would have died. They would have died because of you! You would kill them!

Forgive, Lord, and deliver, Your Honor! I didn't kill anyone. I am baptized and not some kind of villain. We’ve lived a century and this hasn’t happened in our heads. We don’t unscrew everything, we leave it. We do it wisely.

Now it’s clear why the train derailed last year,” says the investigator. - It's clear…

I say, now I understand why the train derailed last year.

That's why you are educated to understand, your honor.

During the search, they also found a nut on you. Where did you unscrew it? Where on the route?

I didn’t unscrew it, Ignashka brought it to me, and the one that lies in the sleigh was unscrewed with Mitrofan.


Yes, Mitrofan, haven’t you heard? He makes nets for us and sells them to gentlemen. And for each of them you need ten pieces.

That's it, under Article 1081 you are sentenced to exile to hard labor for the damage caused railway.

What? Why to hard labor? I didn’t cause any harm to anyone, I didn’t know anything!

You're lying, you understand everything, you're pretending to me here!

I’m not lying, nothing can be caught without a sinker. Ask in the village if you don’t believe me...

In the ensuing silence, Denis stands, shifting from foot to foot, examining the investigator’s desk, and he quickly writes something.

Can I go? – Denis couldn’t stand the silence.

No. I have to arrest you and send you to prison.

Why in prison? Your Honor? Didn't steal, didn't fight. For what?!

A little man, Denis Grigoriev, stands in front of the forensic investigator. “His hairy and rowan-eaten face and eyes, barely visible because of thick, overhanging eyebrows, have an expression of gloomy severity. On his head there is a whole cap of hair that has not been combed for a long time, tangled, which gives him even greater, spider-like severity. He's barefoot."
The investigator begins the interrogation. He claims that the railway watchman Ivan Semenovich Akinfov caught the peasant unscrewing the nut that holds the rails together. The nut lies on the investigator's table as physical evidence. The man does not argue with the investigator; he admits that he unscrewed the nut in order to use it as a sinker. The investigator does not believe that the nut was needed for this purpose. Denis talks about what kind of fish is found in their river. The investigator says that he could have found another object for the sinker. But the man stands his ground: “You couldn’t find a better nut... It’s heavy, and there’s a hole.” The investigator gets angry: “What a fool he’s pretending to be! As if he was born yesterday or fell from the sky. Don't you understand, stupid head, what this unscrewing leads to? If the watchman hadn't looked, the train could have gone off the rails and people would have been killed! You would kill people!” Denis swears that he did not have such thoughts; he does not believe that some nuts could lead to a train crash and the death of people. The investigator tries to explain that it is with the help of nuts that the rails are attached to the sleepers. Denis says that they don’t unscrew all the nuts and that “for how many years the whole village has been unscrewing the nuts, and God forbid, but then there’s a crash... If I had taken away the rail or, let’s say, put a log across its path, well, then, perhaps , the train would have derailed, otherwise... ugh! screw!" The investigator again begins to explain the importance of the nuts. He says he now understands why the train derailed last year. The investigator asks where and when Denis unscrewed the nut and how many other nuts he unscrewed. He explains that they gave him one nut, he unscrewed the other together with Mitrofan, and tells who Mitrofan is. The investigator tries to explain that Denis could be sent to hard labor for this. The man says that he is illiterate, does not understand these issues, and begins to talk about fish again. Then he asks if he can go. The investigator says that he must take him into custody and send him to prison. Denis says that he has no time - he is in a hurry to the fair. The investigator is adamant. Denis decides that it’s all about arrears and says that the headman “stumbled up his accounting.” The investigator orders the man to be taken to prison. He still doesn’t understand why he is being arrested.

To the question Summary of Chekhov's attacker!!! I really need it!! ! I don't need full retelling and short***!!! given by the author #L@%k*eg# the best answer is

Answer from Yoyoma Burkov[guru]
The guy, sorry, was stealing nuts from the railroad tracks. They pulled him up like a terrorist, and he, sorry, stole them. They explain to him that a locomotive can go off the rails, but he can’t understand how this can happen because of one nut? Moreover, the whole village is fishermen and everyone there pi nuts, excuse me, they took it. Somewhere like this.

Answer from CHRISTINA.[guru]
If you retell the “plot” from these answers to the teacher, then you are guaranteed a “match.”
The story itself is small, you should do it YOURSELF! I read it in 10-15 minutes...

Answer from Natusik[guru]
From childhood, we were all taught to tell the truth and not to deceive, not to break the law and to be responsible for our actions. If you live honestly, then you will not be ashamed of what you did before. And we were also TAUGHT to think first, and then act, and generally try to act in such a way as not to harm anyone. You think about all this when you read the story “The Intruder” by Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.
Although main character This story - poor skinny man, dirty and unkempt, barefoot Denis Grigoriev - does not deceive anyone. He truthfully answers the investigator's questions in court.
It turns out that his fault is that he unscrewed the nut on the railroad that attaches the rails to the sleepers. He did this in order to make a sinker from a nut for fishing. Otherwise, you won’t catch fish in their area, even the “lowest boy” knows this. Denis Grigoriev did this for several reasons, one of them was poverty: “You won’t find lead on the road, you need to buy it, but a carnation is not good.”
Denis Grigoriev was not going to cause a train wreck: “...I didn’t have such thoughts in my head... We’ve been unscrewing so much... we’re leaving... We’re not doing it crazy... we understand...” It turns out that all the Klimov men unscrew the nuts, and Mitrofan Petrov makes seines “and sells them to the gentlemen. He needs a lot of these same nuts. For each seine, there are, like, ten of them...”. This is the second reason why they unscrew the nuts on the railway: for the master’s nets, because gentlemen also catch fish.
That is, the gentlemen know where the nuts for their seines come from and turn a blind eye to the fact that “damage to the railway... may endanger... transport... the consequence of this should be misfortune.” Both men and gentlemen know this. The men are guilty because of the master's whim. The judge understands that it is impossible to take into custody and send to prison all the gentlemen in the area (after all, it is for them that the men unscrew the screws), and therefore cannot pass a sentence; he writes something without listening to Denis. Denis justifies himself and says that he is not deceiving and is ready to confirm this under oath.
The investigator never made any decision - there is no mention of this in the story. And Denis, resisting two burly soldiers, mutters: “We must judge skillfully, not in vain... Even if you flog, but for the cause, according to your conscience...”. He still doesn't understand what he is accused of.
The attackers in this story are not Denis Grigoriev and his brothers or any of the Klimov men, but those gentlemen because of whom the men break the law. If they really did not act according to their conscience, they would be ready to answer for it, but not in vain! That is, the title of Chekhov's story "The Intruder" is ironic.

Answer from Polya Gavrilyuk[newbie]
Most best story short, it's just all too short and you don't learn much

Answer from Igor Prokofiev[active]
The village man, not understanding the reason for the arrest, and especially why he could be sent to hard labor, suggested that it was because of the machinations of the headman. He starts muttering something about his relatives. It turns out that there are three brothers in the family. He also says that he should not be responsible for their actions. But the investigator has already lost all interest in him and calls his assistants, who must escort the peasant to the cell. The attacker is still trying to defend himself, even remembering the deceased master, who could have decided everything in good conscience. But no one listens to him anymore. This is how it ends summary story "The Intruder". Throughout the entire work, Chekhov only sadly ironizes his character, not trying to draw any conclusions about the man’s guilt, giving the reader the opportunity to decide for himself whether the attacker is guilty or not

Answer from Victoria Zolotukhina[active]
A man was caught loosening bolts on a railroad track. During interrogation, he explained that he needed NUTS as a sinker for fishing. He could not understand that this was a crime, that it could lead to death. dor. disaster and loss of life, because he ONLY needs nuts. And even when he was taken to prison, he kept making noise that he couldn’t go to prison, he had no time, and there was nothing to arrest him for.

Answer from I[newbie]
A man was caught loosening bolts on a railroad track. During interrogation, he explained that he needed NUTS as a sinker for fishing. He could not understand that this was a crime, that it could lead to death. dor. disaster and loss of life, because he ONLY needs nuts. And even when he was taken to prison, he kept making noise that he couldn’t go to prison, he had no time, and there was nothing to arrest him for.

Answer from Ilya Proshkin[newbie]
I'm looking for it myself

Answer from Marat Khabibullin[newbie]
I'm looking for it myself

Answer from Maria Rotkina[newbie]

The investigator finds out that Denis, like other Klimov men, unscrews nuts in order to make sinkers out of them. The defendant sincerely does not understand that such unscrewing could lead to a train accident and loss of life. The investigator sends the attacker to prison, but he still does not understand what he did.

Answer from Grant Gevorgyan[newbie]
I read it in 5 minutes, I read it very quickly and understood the meaning

Answer from Olga Pershina[active]
The trial of the barefoot and thin peasant Denis Grigoriev is underway. He is accused of unscrewing the nut that secures the rails to the sleepers. The peasant does not deny this, but he does not see his guilt.
The investigator finds out that Denis, like other Klimov men, unscrews nuts in order to make sinkers out of them. The defendant sincerely does not understand that such unscrewing could lead to a train accident and loss of life. The investigator sends the attacker to prison, but he still does not understand what he did.

Answer from Alina Babanova[newbie]
Contents: A small, skinny man was caught in the act of unscrewing the nuts that secure the rails to the sleepers. The entire action of this story takes place in a cell, this attacker is interrogated by a forensic investigator. The poor little man still doesn’t understand what he’s being accused of; he doesn’t see anything malicious in his action, because everyone does it.
The story is very funny. I liked it, it even seemed to me at first that the little man was being cunning, just to confuse the investigator. But by the end of the story, I realized that he really didn’t understand anything.
Heroes of the story: Denis Grigoriev - peasant, Investigator, Ivan Semyonov Akinfov - railway watchman, Mitrofan Petrov

In front of the forensic investigator stands a small, extremely skinny man in a colorful shirt and patched ports. His face, overgrown with hair and eaten by mountain ash, and his eyes, barely visible because of his thick, overhanging eyebrows, have an expression of gloomy severity. On his head there is a whole cap of hair that has not been combed for a long time, tangled, which gives him even greater, spider-like severity. He's barefoot.

Denis Grigoriev! - the investigator begins. - Come closer and answer my questions. On the seventh of this July, the railway watchman Ivan Semenov Akinfov, walking along the line in the morning, at the one hundred and forty-first verst, found you unscrewing the nut with which the rails are attached to the sleepers. Here it is, this nut!.. With which nut he detained you. Was it so?

Was it all as Akinfov explains?

We know it was.

Fine; well, why did you unscrew the nut?

Give up your “FAQ” and answer the question:

Why did you unscrew the nut?

If I didn’t need it, I wouldn’t unscrew it,” Denis wheezes, looking sideways at the ceiling.

Why did you need this nut?

A nut? We make sinkers out of nuts...

Who are we?

We, the people... Klimovsky men, that is.

Listen, brother, don’t pretend to be an idiot to me, but speak clearly. There’s no point in lying about the sinker!

I’ve never lied in my life, but now I’m lying... - Denis mutters, blinking his eyes. - Yes, your honor, is it possible without a sinker? If you put a live bait or a crawler on a hook, will it really go to the bottom without a sinker? I’m lying... - Denis grins. - The devil is in it, in live bait, if it floats on top! Perch, pike, burbot always go to the bottom, and if they swim on top, then only a shilisper will grab them, but that’s rare... A shilisper does not live in our river... This fish loves space.

Why are you telling me about the shilishper?

FAQ? Why, you’re asking yourself! This is how our gentlemen catch fish too. The lowest kid won't catch you without a sinker. Of course, the one who doesn’t understand, well, will go fishing without a sinker. There is no law for a fool...

So you're saying that you unscrewed this gogo nut to make a sinker out of it?

So what? Don't play grandmas!

But for the sinker you could take lead, a bullet... some kind of nail...

You won’t find lead on the road, you have to buy it, but a carnation won’t do. You couldn't find a better nut... It's heavy and there's a hole.

What a fool he pretends to be! As if he was born yesterday or fell from the sky. Don't you understand, stupid head, what this unscrewing leads to? If the watchman hadn't looked, the train could have gone off the rails and people would have been killed! You would kill people!

God forbid, your honor! Why kill? Are we unbaptized or some kind of villains? Glory to the Lord, good sir, they lived their lives and didn’t just kill, but didn’t have such thoughts in their heads... Save and have mercy, Queen of Heaven... What are you talking about!

Why do you think train crashes happen? Unscrew two or three nuts, and that's ruin for you!

Denis grins and narrows his eyes at the investigator in disbelief.

Well! For how many years the whole village has been unscrewing the nuts and God preserved them, and then there was a crash... people were killed... If I had taken away the rail or, let’s say, put a log across the track, well, then, perhaps, the train would have deflected, otherwise. ..ugh! screw!

But understand, the rails are attached to the sleepers with nuts!

We understand this... We don’t unscrew everything... we leave it... We don’t do it crazy... we understand... Denis yawns and crosses his mouth.

“Last year a train derailed here,” says the investigator. “Now it’s clear why...

What do you want?

Now, I say, it’s clear why the train derailed last year... I understand!

That's why you are educated, to understand, our dears... The Lord knew to whom he gave the concept... You figured out how and what, and the same guy, the watchman, without any idea, grabs you by the collar and drags you away... You judge, and then carry it! It was said - a man, a man's mind... Also write down, your honor, that he hit me twice in the teeth and in the chest.

When they searched your place, they found another nut... Where did you unscrew this one and when?

Are you talking about the nut that was under the red chest?

I don’t know where you had it, but they just found it. When did you unscrew it?

I didn’t unscrew it, Ignashka, Seeds of the crooked son, gave it to me. I’m talking about the one under the chest, and the one in the sleigh in the yard, Mitrofan and I unscrewed.

With which Mitrofan?

With Mitrofan Petrov... Haven't you heard? He makes seines here and sells them to gentlemen. He needs a lot of these same nuts. For each seine, there are about ten...

Listen... Article One Thousand and Eighty-First of the Code of Punishments says that for any damage to the railway caused with intent, when it could endanger the transport following along this road and the culprit knew that the consequence of this should be a misfortune... do you understand? knew! And you couldn’t help but know what this unscrewing leads to... he is sentenced to exile to hard labor.

Of course, you know better... We are dark people... what do we understand?

You understand everything! You're the one lying, pretending!

Why lie? Ask in the village if you don’t believe me... Without a sinker you can only catch bleak, and what’s worse than a gudgeon, and even that won’t suit you without a sinker.

Tell me about the shilishper! - the investigator smiles.

We don’t have shilishper... We tangle the fishing line without a sinker over the water on a butterfly, a chub comes, and even then it’s rare.

Well, shut up...

There is silence. Denis shifts from foot to foot, looks at the table with the green cloth and blinks his eyes intensely, as if he sees in front of him not the cloth, but the sun. The investigator writes quickly.

Should I go? - Denis asks after some silence.

No. I must take you into custody and send you to prison.

Denis stops blinking and, raising his thick eyebrows, looks questioningly at the official.

That is, what about going to prison? Your honor! I don’t have time, I need to go to the fair; from Yegor you get three rubles for lard... - Be quiet, don’t disturb.

To prison... If there was a reason, I would have gone, otherwise... you live so well... For what? And he didn’t steal, it seems, and didn’t fight... And if you have doubts about the arrears, your honor, then don’t believe the headman... You ask Mr. the indispensable member... There is no cross on him, the headman...

I’m already silent... - Denis mutters. - And what the headman got wrong in the accounting, I’m at least under oath... We are three brothers: Kuzma Grigoriev, therefore, Egor Grigoriev and me, Denis Grigoriev...

You're disturbing me... Hey, Semyon! - the investigator shouts. - Take him away!
“We are three brothers,” Denis mutters, when two burly soldiers take him and lead him out of the cell. “Brother is not responsible for brother... Kuzma doesn’t pay, but you, Denis, answer... Judges!” The dead gentleman-general died, the kingdom of heaven, otherwise he would have shown you, the judges... We must judge skillfully, not in vain... Even if you flog, but for the cause, according to your conscience...

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote his work "The Intruder", a brief summary of which will reveal to the reader the image of " little man", which became popular in traditional literature of that period in 1885. He not only uses this character to express the main idea of ​​​​the story, but also fills it with new meanings.

Meet the main character

Where does Anton Pavlovich begin his story “The Intruder”? The summary, first of all, will introduce the reader to the main character of the work. This is an ordinary, unremarkable man of small stature. His face is completely covered with pockmarks, and because of his thick eyebrows it is difficult to discern his gloomy gaze.

Not only had the peasant’s hair not been cut for a long time, but he hadn’t even seen a comb. Therefore, they began to look like a huge unkempt bunch. His feet are bare, and his clothing befits his rural origin. This is the form in which the attacker appears (in the summary this is what he will often be called in the following) before the investigator.

An investigation is underway, or “Why do you need a nut?”

The government representative asks the defendant for what purpose he unscrewed the nuts on the railroad tracks. The disheveled little man, not at all considering himself guilty, does not even try to come up with something or somehow get out, he speaks the absolute truth. He needed the nuts for fishing, so he decided to borrow them from the rails.

The investigator advises that instead of such nuts, for which you can also get punished, you use lead or nails. But the village peasant explained that lead had to be bought, but a nail was not suitable at all. This is how Anton Chekhov begins his work. The attacker (the summary described his crime in detail) does not even understand the degree of his guilt. He is sincerely surprised and honestly answers the investigator’s questions.

Why did the train derail and people die?

The representative of the law begins to get nervous. He explains to the disheveled accused that due to the fact that he unscrewed this unfortunate nut, the passengers of the train who will pass along this section of the track may die. After all, it is thanks to such nuts that the rails are held on the sleepers. And if they are all unscrewed, then how will the trains move?

To which the village intruder calmly replies to the investigator that he is not the only one who unscrews these spare parts from railway tracks. All the men who live in the village also make a living by tightening nuts. And nothing happens. The trains have traveled and continue to travel. Because they twist them wisely, that is, not all in a row, but in in a certain order. But the investigator objects to the peasant, telling him that it was on this section of the track last year that the train still went off the rails.

Continuation of interrogation, or possible punishment

The story "The Intruder" (the summary continues to follow his narrative) further describes the interrogation scene. An investigator asks a village man about another nut that was found in his house during a search. But the attacker doesn’t even answer and says that he actually has more, and moreover, more than one. The guy talks about fishing, the benefits of such nuts as a sinker, and so on.

But the investigator does not believe the village intruder. Having not received anything intelligible from him, the representative of the law cites the article that applies for such intentional damage and damage to the railway. And he asks whether the defendant understands the full gravity of his crime, as well as the punishment provided for it.

Surprise of a man, or Features of fishing

How does the summary of Chekhov's story "The Intruder" further describe the interrogation process? The village peasant really doesn’t understand why he was captured and brought to the investigator. He is sincerely surprised how an entire train could fall because of a simple nut. After all, if he had stolen the rail itself and slipped a log in its place, then, of course, there would have been malicious intent. And so is an ordinary nut.

The investigator, as best he could, tried to explain to the illiterate villager about the structure of the railway, but was met with complete misunderstanding. He asks in detail when, how much and where exactly the man unscrewed the nuts. He answers without hiding. He even talks about a certain Mitrofan, with whom he went to twist them, who he is and where he lives.

The last lines of the work, or the stupidity of the villager

Intruder (short summary of the story ends unusual description interrogation) told the investigator about the peculiarities of fishing, that the guard who grabbed the man and dragged him to the station must be punished. Because while he was leading him to the investigator, he managed to hit him twice. The representative of the law, unable to bear the stupidity of the disheveled village man, asked him to remain silent.

After a painful silence, the attacker asked if he could go, but the investigator explained that he had to arrest the man and put him in prison. And he begins to shout that there is no reason to put him on trial. If he really did something wrong, got into a fight or stole something, then the villager would even gladly accept any punishment. He tries to explain that he needs to go to the fair, where he is owed money, but the investigator is adamant.

Chekhov. "Intruder." Summary, or the last incomprehensible phrases of the accused

The village man, not understanding the reason for the arrest, and especially why he could be sent to hard labor, suggested that it was because of the machinations of the headman. He starts muttering something about his relatives. It turns out that there are three brothers in the family. He also says that he should not be responsible for their actions. But the investigator has already lost all interest in him and calls his assistants, who must escort the peasant to the cell.

The attacker is still trying to defend himself, even remembering the deceased master, who could have decided everything in good conscience. But no one listens to him anymore. This is how the summary of the story “The Intruder” ends. Throughout the entire work, Chekhov only sadly ironizes his character, not trying to draw any conclusions about the man’s guilt, giving the reader the opportunity to decide for himself whether the attacker is guilty or not.

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