Objects fly around the apartment in a dream. The era of film and evidence


Artyom Luchko

Technologies that allow things to float in the air become more accessible every year. Simple systems made of magnets can bring futuristic aesthetics to the design of modern space. Floating sun loungers, levitating photo frames, flying speakers - these are not sci-fi props at all, but real objects, which can fill the interior with magic.

Flying table

For some, eating at a regular table may have lost its charm. It was for them that designer Jana Christians developed the concept of an unusual piece of furniture. According to her idea, the tabletop must certainly include technology that allows it to float in the air. Yana was inspired by trains that use magnetic suspension rather than old, boring wheels to move around. The concept means that you can easily adjust the height of the table, increasing or decreasing the strength of the magnetic field.

Magnetic cube table

The RockPaperRobot design studio table consists of 64 hollow cubes made of natural wood and covered with precious wood veneer. Each cube has a magnet built into it, and for additional stability of the structure they are all connected by thin steel cables. Thanks to the ingenious design, there is a complete feeling that the cubes are levitating in space on their own. True, such a table can only support a little more than 2 kg.

Cloud sofa

Cloud Sofa is a concept by designers from D.K. & Wei, which is a soft sofa in the shape of a cloud, floating above the floor thanks to a magnetic system. Of course, for now the piece of furniture exists only in the fantasies of designers and in pictures on blogs, but it is likely that in 10 years it could become real.

Silhouette lamp

One of the most important enthusiasts involved in levitation technologies is the Crealev company. Its founders are father and daughter Ger and Angela Jansen. One is responsible for the technology, and the second is responsible for its application and design. So, Angela decided to rethink the classic table lamp. Half of the lampshade was simply “cut off” and launched into the air. The end result is the breathtaking Silhouette and Eclipse. All the magic is due to the integrated technology of electromagnetic components. The lamps shine thanks to LEDs, which makes them also energy efficient. Touch sensors allow you to adjust the light intensity.

Flying carpet for pets

Experimental furniture bureau MiCasa Lab (known for a lamp that predicts the weather using a cloud of nitrogen, and mobile phones in the form of a piercing) has developed a flying carpet for pets. The secret of the device is in six neodymium magnets, thanks to which it can lift a pet above the ground (literally by a few centimeters), whose weight is no more than 2.4 kg and whose height is no more than 7 cm. It is planned that in the next version the product will lift the animal weighing up to 10 kg and height up to 20 cm, but this is in the future.

floating light bulb

Jeff Lieberman's levitating light bulb is also not the subject of manipulation in Photoshop. The light source can hang in the air for many years without physical contact with charger or battery. Surprisingly, the levitation system and wireless power circuit enable the light bulb to consume less than half the energy required by a conventional incandescent light bulb. The bulb and body contain a system that uses electromagnetic feedback to cause the bulb to float at a height of approximately 6cm.

Mouse from the future

The Bat is a levitating computer mouse developed by KIBARDINDESIGN. It does everything that a regular mouse does, but in addition to this it can also hover above the table at a height of 40 millimeters (without load) or 10 mm under the weight of your hand (1 kg). The kit includes a rather bulky base and a mouse with two buttons, surrounded by a magnetic ring. The futuristic device is supposedly designed to relieve pressure on the median nerve in the wrist, which is damaged by prolonged use of a regular mouse.

Photo frame

Another useless but interesting accessory for your desktop, like a lava lamp. The base unit allows various small objects to be levitated, which are sold separately as “accessories” for the system. For example, you can use a round photo frame that will rotate continuously thanks to the same magnetic field.


Levitron is an even more versatile toy than the device described above. You can make almost any object weighing no more than 100 grams fly. A model of an airplane or a figurine of your favorite superhero will only have to be placed on a special stand. The base platform is also backlit, which adds extra drama.

Flying Bluetooth speaker

Audio accessories maker OM Audio has taken a bold step by introducing a new Bluetooth speaker that can float in the air. OM/One is a wireless audio system in the form of a small sphere that levitates due to magnets. The speaker power is 3 W, the maximum volume level is 110 dB. The built-in battery lasts for 15 hours of continuous playback. According to the reviewer

Azar's Dream Book

Flying saucers - The need to have a good rest.

Why do you dream about flying objects?

Dream book of symbols

Flying objects, objects - Indicate the dynamics, transience of the meaning of these objects, as well as spiritual and karmic influences. In addition, they can emphasize the strangeness, unusualness of the situation (for those objects for which flight is not natural) and the interference in the fate of certain external, local energies and also attach their own additional meaning.

Flying objects - For example, flying on a chair indicates professional success. In general, all flying people (images, characters, animals), flights in a dream of the sleeping person reflect spiritual world consciousness, a field of free movement, a certain role and achievements of the sleeper himself (with the exception, of course, of some flying demonic creatures).

Fly on an airplane hot air balloon(especially when aircraft you control yourself) always achieves (with a successful landing).

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. A bright and pleasant dream portends good luck in current affairs and beginnings. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

17th lunar day

A dream, if interpreted correctly, can be significant for the sleeper. Pay attention to your emotional state after waking up. If it's good, you go. the right way, where interesting acquaintances and new business contacts await you. Bad dream promises a lack of communication.

Waning Moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

Since ancient times, people have tirelessly wanted to believe in something supernatural. myths and legends about parallel worlds flew around the world. Scientists to this day are at a loss about the authenticity and truthfulness of these assumptions. have always been an integral part of these stories. It became the subject of lively discussions and debates.

UFO at the dawn of history

In ancient times, people who were interested in astronomy sometimes observed the sky with the help of primitive telescopes. They diligently recorded their research and later tried to study it in order to gain a deeper understanding of the universe. However, no other period is as famous for its speculation as the Middle Ages.

Beginning in the thirteenth century, the English and Irish described in their writings the appearance of “strange objects in the sky.” Some of them specified that they were in the shape of a plate. This is how they imagined the Artists of that time, as quickly as possible, took up the visual depiction of these amazing and mysterious phenomena. In the fifteenth century, a talented painter depicted luminous objects in the sky on the horizon, and thereby provided the public with food for thought and discussion.

The era of film and evidence

Later, when progress stepped forward, such events began to be captured on photographic film or video, which was more significant and irrefutable evidence of the ongoing movement made by an unidentified flying object. There were quite a lot of photos. Similar cases began to become more frequent and the authorities of some developed countries decided to create a commission whose work will be to verify the authenticity of evidence and facts provided.

Since then, the study of unidentified flying objects has become more official look. The results of the work were not in vain and turned out to be quite interesting, because a significant part of the photographs turned out to be genuine.

But what kind of specialist studies unidentified flying objects? Study committees attracted the attention of famous scientists, who subsequently took up the study of these extraordinary phenomena with interest. In the nineties, with the help of computer techniques, it was possible to better study the images available at that time. It became possible to zoom in, scale and examine the object in detail.

Involving scientists and engineers in research

During the research, many experts began to suspect that unidentified flying objects were not guests from outer space, but representatives of the earth’s armed forces. In many prosperous large countries, secret military developments are underway, so it is not at all surprising that flying saucers had a very realistic appearance.

However, scientists hasten to assure that this is nothing more than assumptions and conjectures and that anything related to this topic should not be taken “for at face value"or literally. Despite the fact that many specialists, including scientists and engineers, were involved in the study of this phenomenon, there was no concrete progress in the matter, and no one could understand the mystery of the UFO. Unidentified flying objects remained covered with a layer of mystery and enigma.

revealing the secret

But now the era has come technical progress and people started talking about going into space. At that time, the Universe could only be explored using a telescope, which did not allow great opportunities, and a review. Many were absolutely convinced that human space flight could once and for all answer the question of unknown flying objects that kept appearing in the sky. That momentous day has arrived. It cannot be said that it was a disappointment, because space itself is a miracle of creation, an amazing and limitless diamond that man was lucky enough to look at.

Promising flight into space

However, there was no base with aliens or similar fantasy there. Despite this fact, American scientists from the University of Colorado assembled a group of thirty-seven experts who were supposed to carefully analyze this entire “alien hypothesis.” It was truly a colossal work, because by that time the archive had collected about twelve thousand different facts, observations and evidence. Despite huge amount information and open access to many classified materials, humanity has failed again.

UFOs are still not a scientific fact

The height of the search has passed, and many have come to terms with the idea that this is just an illusion that has lived in their imagination for too long. Others never ceased to zealously defend the existence of aliens and their direct influence on the life of all humanity. Be that as it may, exhaustive scientific explanation existing facts no one could bring it. At the official level, an unidentified flying object is an object that is not associated with familiar earthly concepts and suddenly appears and disappears in the sky.

Are UFOs nothing more than speculation?

In fairness, it is worth noting that a huge number of objects that were previously considered unidentified have now been identified and officially confirmed as those that are not alien.

What can be said about the many stories and stories told by supposed eyewitnesses? Most sane people believe that they should be taken with a certain amount of skepticism. Today, many countries continue their observations of flying objects in the hope of finally clarifying the situation. However, information is increasingly emerging that most unidentified flying objects are actually representatives of various terrestrial military structures.

New question about sea UFOs

Of no less interest are the so-called “Quakers” - marine unidentified flying objects. It turns out that unidentified objects soar not only in the sky, but also dissect depths of the sea. Some believe that this is some form of existence of underwater people, others - it is simply unidentified underwater objects. Many consider such phenomena to be nothing more than the fruit of someone’s sick imagination. Both UFOs and "Quakers" are unconfirmed scientific facts hypotheses, which for the most part are based only on eyewitness accounts.

To trust such information or not is individual choice every person. Despite large number There are conflicting opinions and no one has given a definitive answer to the question posed.

For decades, scientists and engineers have been struggling to solve this difficult puzzle, but even a human flight into space could not dot all the i’s. Every year new legends appear about various unidentified flying objects, "Quakers", etc., but it is important to be picky in the information that comes from outside.

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