Bunin's lyrical hero: analysis of the image. "The bird has a nest, the beast has a hole..."

Like in April at night in the alley,
And the smoke is thinner than the upper branches,
And everything is easier, closer and more visible
The pale horizon behind him.

This top is in the constellations, in their patterns,
Smoky, airy and through,
These leaves rustle under your feet,
This sadness is the same as in spring.

Again the day before. And over the years
The heart doesn't count. I'm coming
With young, easy steps -
And again, again I’m waiting for something.

10. X. 17

"A star trembles in the middle of the universe..."

A star trembles in the middle of the universe...
Whose wondrous hands carry
Some precious moisture
Such an overflowing vessel?

A blazing star, a chalice
Earthly sorrows, heavenly tears
Why, oh Lord, above the world
Have you elevated my existence?

22. X. 17

“In the empty, see-through hall of the garden...”

In the empty, see-through hall of the garden
I walk, rustling dry leaves:
What a strange joy
Trample the past under foot!
What sweetness is all that before
Valued so little, remember!
What pain and sadness - in hope
Find out another spring!

<3. X. 17>

“In a country chair, at night, on the balcony...”

In a country chair, at night, on the balcony...
Ocean lullaby noise...
Be trusting, meek and calm,
Take a break from your thoughts.

The wind comes and goes,
Breathing with the vastness of the sea...
Is there someone who is sleeping in this dacha
Guarding peace?

Is there anyone who measures with due measure?
Our knowledge, destinies and years?
If the heart wants, if it believes,
So yes.

What is in you exists.
Here you are, dozing, and in your eyes
So lovingly the soft wind blows -
How is there no Love?

9.VII. 18

“And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears of corn...”

And flowers, and bumblebees, and grass, and ears of corn,
And the azure, and the midday heat...
The time will come - the Lord will ask the prodigal son:
“Were you happy in your earthly life?”

And I’ll forget everything - I’ll only remember these
Field paths between ears and grasses -
And from sweet tears I won’t have time to answer,
Falling to the merciful knees.

14.VII. 18

"Fire, rocked by a wave..."

Fire rocked by the wave
In space dark ocean
What do I care about the starry mist?
To the milky abyss above me!

Fire, at the whim of the wave
In the distance, rocking, sad...
What do I care about the sky, about the crystal,
Lights at full height!

24. IX. 18

"The bird has a nest, the beast has a hole..."

The bird has a nest, the beast has a hole.
How bitter it was for the young heart,
When I left my father's yard,
Say goodbye to your home!

The beast has a hole, the bird has a nest.
How the heart beats, sadly and loudly,
When I enter, being baptized, into someone else's rented house
With his already old knapsack!

25.VI. 22

“The sadness of eyelashes, shining and black...”

The sadness of eyelashes, shining and black,
Diamonds of tears, abundant, rebellious,
And again the fire of heavenly eyes,
Happy, joyful, humble, -
I remember everything... But we are no longer in the world,
Once young and blessed!

Where do you appear to me from?
Why are you resurrected in a dream,
Shining with timeless charm,
And the delight is wonderfully repeated,
That meeting, brief, earthly,
What did God give us and immediately dissolve again?

27. VIII. 22


It was spring and life was easy.
The fresh grave gaped like hell,
But life was as easy as clouds
Like the smoke that wafted from the censer.

The earth is like a blooming new land,
The blessed one lay before me -
And the first verse and the first love
They came to me with the grave and spring.

II it is you, a simple steppe flower,
Forgotten by me, faded and unknown,
In the morning my days were trampled by death, like a god,
And she took me into the eternal and wonderful world!

9. IX. 22


Everything is a dream: I have a daughter,
And here I am, with tenderness, with longing,
I waited have a joyful day,
When she was taken to the crown,
And myself, with an awkward hand,
He adjusted the gasket of her veil.

Look at the clean brow,
To the timid shine of innocent eyes
For some reason it's hard for me
But still I turn pale with happiness,
Baptizing her at the last hour
To this female communion.

What do I dream about next? After
She’s already with him - how scary he is! -
Then my empty house -
And a strange feeling of youth,

2 104 0

- singer of Russian nature. All his work expresses admiration for beauty physical world, powerful force nature. The poet’s world is always beautiful, but sometimes he is cruel to people or simply indifferent.

The poem contains themes of loneliness, unexpected separation or meeting, the problem of fate and chance. This poem carries great emotional stress. In the poem “Snake” the abstract “I” is at work. It shows inner world a person as a lonely “snake”.

Bunin experienced an “uncontrollable” horror of snakes. I think that the poet was haunted by the “eternal” theme of death. Bunin would even like to deny death and its inevitability: “I don’t believe that I’ll die, I’ll get tired, that I’ll fall asleep in the ground forever - no, - intoxicated with the happiness of life, I’ll just rest until the sun!”. Of course, this could not but affect the poet’s life. Bunin was a merciless, frantic and irreconcilable debater, in everyday communication often scared away with harshness, bile, and even bitterness: “I am gray, dry, thin, but still poisonous”, 1941

The poem “Snake” is so lively that its darkness evokes not only sorrow, but also pride in the human spirit, not broken by difficult circumstances and loneliness...

If this material does not have information about the author or source, it means it was simply copied on the Internet from other sites and presented in the collection for informational purposes only. IN in this case the lack of authorship suggests accepting what is written as simply someone’s opinion, and not as the ultimate truth. People write a lot, make a lot of mistakes - this is natural.

I. A. Bunin is a singer of Russian nature. All his work expresses admiration for the beauty of the physical world, the powerful force of nature. The poet’s world is always beautiful, but sometimes he is cruel to people or simply indifferent.

The poem “Snake” contains themes of loneliness, unexpected separation or meeting, the problem of fate and chance. This poem carries great emotional tension. In the poem “Snake” the abstract “I” operates. It shows the inner world of a person as a lonely “snake”.

Bunin experienced an “uncontrollable” horror of snakes. I think that the poet was haunted by the “eternal” theme of death. Bunin would even like to deny death, its inevitability: “I don’t believe that I will die, I will get tired, that I will fall asleep in the ground forever - no, - intoxicated with the happiness of life, I will only rest until the sun!” Of course, this could not but affect the poet’s life. Bunin was a merciless, frantic and irreconcilable debater; in everyday communication he often frightened people with harshness, bile, and even bitterness: “I am gray, dry, thin, but still poisonous,” 1941.

The poem “Snake” is so lively that its darkness evokes not only sorrow, but also pride in the human spirit, not broken by difficult circumstances and loneliness...

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  2. The early work of Ivan Bunin is colored by romanticism, which is tinged with enthusiasm and admiration for the perfection of the surrounding world. The poet and aspiring writer still have fresh memories of the amazing beauty of forests and fields...
  3. In 1907, Bunin traveled a lot, visiting the Middle East. He carried the impressions of this trip throughout his life, never ceasing to be amazed at the exotic beauty southern countries and those moments of happiness...
  4. Early period Ivan Bunin's creativity is not at all connected with the rose, but with poetry. The aspiring writer was convinced that poetry was the most accurate and figurative form of conveying his thoughts...
  5. Not everyone knows that Ivan Bunin began his journey into literature not with prose, but with poetry. Subsequently, he often returned to poetry, considering it the most accurate...
  6. Bunin the poet is an enthusiastic romantic who never tires of admiring the beauty of the world around him, but at the same time does not give up hope of understanding it and comprehending the greatness of what is created by nature itself. In lyrical...
  7. Ivan Bunin is one of the few Russian writers who, after October Revolution decided to leave Russia, believing that the country in which he was born and raised had simply ceased to exist. Dare...
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  19. The theme of the village and the life of the nobles in their family estates was one of the main ones in the work of Bunin the prose writer. As a creator prose works Bunin announced himself in 1886. At 16 years old...
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Analysis of Bunin’s poem “Like April at night in an alley

Classics Press publishes nonfiction and literature in modern, accessible editions at reasonable prices.

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Vol. 5 The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli April 2019
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Many people know about Ivan Alekseevich Bunin thanks to his outstanding series of stories “ Dark alleys"and the novel "The Life of Arsenyev", these works won the hearts of many readers and received highest marks critics.

But few are aware that Bunin was also a talented poet, and considered himself, first of all, a poet, and only then a prose writer.

This writer’s poetic mindset and perception of reality can be traced even in his novels and short stories. Even complex, and in some ways tragic fate Bunin himself says that this man always wanted to remain true to himself, his view of the world and life. Despite the fact that he was forced to leave his beloved homeland after the devastating October Revolution, Bunin remained devoted and faithful to Russia throughout his life, his work is directly related to the mentality of his country and imbued with boundless love for his homeland.

Bunin's lyrical hero: who is he?

The key state of the lyrical hero Ivan Alekseevich in his poems can be called loneliness and emotional crisis. He plays on this theme in the most various directions, and rather contrastingly presents it to readers state of mind their heroes. Sometimes loneliness is grace and pleasure for human soul, and sometimes it is a gloomy dungeon, imprisonment in which is a curse for his lyrical soul.

Poem " Desolation"shows the depressing and desperate state of the lyrical hero Bunin, but also at the same time - his ardent desire to find peace of mind, to live in harmony with his own inner and sometimes cruel outside world. In Bunin's poetry to a greater extent nature is emphasized, through it the poet and writer tries to show the inner world and subtle, lyrical experiences of his hero. It is through nature that Bunin wants to find harmony in life and peace of mind.

The hero's connection with nature

Such communication with nature is revealed in the poem “ Like in April at night in the alley", the poet shows favorite time The hero’s day is night and his favorite place for reflection. It is felt that through nature, Bunin’s lyrical hero wants to become closer to God, to better understand and feel himself. The symbolism that Bunin uses suggests that it is not by chance that his hero comes to the same place at night; the comparison of this time with April indicates that the lyrical hero is looking for renewal and revival, which is symbolized by such a time of year as spring.

Through the author’s words about nature, we can understand the hero’s mood and thoughts, we will help us feel the experiences that are in the hero’s soul, and therefore in Bunin himself. Both the hero and the author are sad about the strength and youth that have already been experienced, trying to accept the past and look into the future.

Bunin's laconicism, which is embodied in this short poem, is the indisputable advantage with the help of which it is most deeply revealed a little story state of mind of the lyrical hero. The poem describes the sadness and sadness of a person, but Bunin’s mastery of lyrics makes it light and bright, the night and darkness that is shown there are not frightening and do not evoke dark thoughts. Bunin gives his hero a somewhat serene mood and talks about his impressions in colorful and unforgettable words.

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