Minsk Art School. The famous “Glebovka” acquired its own art gallery

College history

Minsk Art School was founded in 1947

After the Great Patriotic War there is not a single artistic work left in Belarus educational institution. And in 1947, everything started anew with the opening of the Minsk Art School, which became the center of artistic life in Belarus.

Belarusian compatriots, graduates of the art academies of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) and Moscow, laid the foundation of the Belarusian national art school. The first graduates of the Minsk Art School continued to study in Leningrad and Moscow, and, from 1953, at the art department of the Belarusian State Theater and Art Institute (now the Belarusian State Academy of Arts). Many of our graduates continue their studies at foreign academies.

Minsk art school since 1969 it has been named after the famous Belarusian artist and teacher Alexei Konstantinovich Glebov.

Among the college graduates - People's Artists of Belarus: Mikhail Andreevich SAVITSKY, May Volfovich DANZIG, Viktor Aleksandrovich GROMYKO, Arlen Mikhailovich KASHKUREVICH, Leonid Dmitrievich SHMELEV, Georgy Georgievich POPLAVSKY, Ivan Yakimovich MISKO, Lev Nikolaevich GUMILEVSKY, Anatoly Vasilyevich BARANOV SKY, Vasily Petrovich SHARANGOVICH and many others who have received international recognition.

Almost fifteen generations artists formed certain style And distinctive features Belarusian painting, graphics, sculpture.

The main advantages of our educational institution have always been the maintenance of classical traditions and the combination of professional skills with modern creative solutions.

In 2011, the school was renamed a college.

Today the Minsk State Art College named after A.K. Glebov - oldest in the country secondary specialized (professional) art educational institution, center for training mid-level specialists in the field of fine, decorative and applied arts and design.

We actively participate in the cultural life of not only Belarus, but also other countries

The college is the founder of the international competition visual arts"BeautyWEEK". Over the years, the competition has increased its geography and number of participants - more than 100 art schools, studios, colleges from Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Moldova, Serbia, Armenia, Iran, India, Sri Lanka, China, Taiwan, Thailand, USA.

Young artists get the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities to an authoritative jury and exhibit their works to the audience in the capital of Belarus.

In 2013 and 2016, the college hosted the full-time stages of the X and XI Republican Open Art Competitions.

College students have repeatedly become laureates and prize-winners of competitions held in Russia, Poland, Germany, Estonia, and Bulgaria.

For the first time in 2015, college student Angelina Vladimirovna Kabanovich took part in the team of the Republic of Belarus in the X Youth Delphic Games of the CIS member states, where she won a bronze medal. In 2017, college student Liya Vladimirovna Goncharuk became the winner of the XII Youth Delphic Games of the CIS member states, taking 1st place in the “Fine Arts” category.

Such as “My other” (2014), “In memorian” (2015) Poland, Lodz, IV International student scientific-practical conference"Sociocultural and professional development personalities in modern world", which was dedicated to the anniversary date, the 250th anniversary of the State Hermitage (2014), the V student scientific and practical conference "World cultural heritage as a source of knowledge and creativity" (2015), competition creative works“Portrait of a living word” (2015) Russia, St. Petersburg, creative competition“Christmas Wave of the Baltics” Estonia, Tallinn (2014), competition within the framework of the international plein air “City on the Elbe” Germany, Dresden (2015).

The geography of plein airs has expanded significantly, today it is not only historical and cultural places of Belarus such as Nesvizh, Polotsk, Grodno, but also international plein airs: the Carpathians (Ukraine), “Wave of Ideas” (Bulgaria, Kranevo), “Man and Nature” ( Bulgaria, Varna), “Intercultural research in art” in Lodz (Poland), plein air in the homeland of I. N. Kramskoy among students of art schools in Russia and the CIS countries (Voronezh, Russia), plein air in Smizhany as part of International Festival“Slovak Paradise” (Republic of Slovakia), international art plein air “Culture on the Border” (Poland), plein air international biennale “Oskar Ostrava 2015”, Czech Republic.

Educational programs have been developed and implemented with the aim of introducing masterpieces of world art, deepening knowledge in specialized disciplines: “Masterpieces of St. Petersburg”, “Germany as a treasury of masterpieces of world art”.

The college actively cooperates with educational institutions in Poland and Russia. In 2014, we organized and held the international plein air “Dialogues” in the Central botanical garden National Academy Sciences of Belarus and on the site of the museum “Ruzhany Palace Complex of Sapieha” together with students Russian College traditional culture St. Petersburg and the Complex of State Art Schools named after T. Makovsky in Lodz (Poland). In 2015, the same educational institutions took part in the international plein air on the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Meetings with representatives of foreign countries are organized at the college. In 2015, master classes were held on book illustration French artist Dominique Corbasción, batik teachers of the Russian College of Traditional Culture in St. Petersburg Yu. V. Kostina and E. S. Saminina, creative meeting with the cultural adviser of the French Embassy Elsa Pignol.

The college actively organizes exhibitions of works by students and teachers at the Museum of the History of the City of Minsk, National Library Republic of Belarus, Yanka Kupala Library (Minsk), Poland, National Theater of Belarusian Drama, New Drama Theatre.

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Educational Institution "Minsk State Art College named after A.K. Glebov" (MGKhK named after A.K. Glebov)
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original name
Closing year

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Year of reorganization

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K:Educational institutions founded in 1947 Coordinates:

Among the graduates of the college are artists, sculptors and teachers of the Republic of Belarus Mikhail Savitsky, May Danzig, Viktor Gromyko, Arlen Kashkurevich, Leonid Shchemelev, Georgy Poplavsky, Yuri Vykhodtsev, Adam Globus, Sergey Bondarenko and others who have received international recognition. The college was named after the Belarusian artist and teacher Alexei Konstantinovich Glebov, a graduate of the Vitebsk Art School - the historical predecessor of the Minsk State Art College.


With the disappearance of the USSR and the creation of a new state in Europe - the independent Republic of Belarus in 1992, the school was transformed into Minsk State Art College named after A.K. Glebov.


People's Artists of the Republic of Belarus - college graduates

  • Victor Gromyko
  • Georgy Poplavsky


  • Shevchenko, Akim Mikhailovich - teacher of painting, 1947-1959
  • Vykhodtsev, Yuri Fedorovich - drawing, easel painting, -1986
  • Mozolev, Alexander Petrovich - painting, graphics
  • Tsukanov, Sergey Maksimovich - director and teacher, 1969-1975

College students from different years

  • Leonid Davidenko - Belarusian Soviet sculptor, painter, graphic artist, teacher.
  • Yuri Karachun - artist, art critic, director of the National Art Museum of Belarus in 1977-1997.
  • Viktor Kopach is a Belarusian sculptor, studied from 1986 to 1990.
  • Maxim Petrul is a Belarusian sculptor.
  • Andrey Sidorenko is an artist.
  • Georgy Skripnichenko is a Belarusian surrealist artist.
  • Andrey Shelluto is an artist and designer.

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  • Belarusian Encyclopedia: U 18 vol. Vol. 10: Malaysia - Mugaraj / Editorial: G. P. Pashkov and others. - Mn.: BelEn, 2000. - T. 10. - P. 412. - 544 p. - 10,000 copies. - ISBN 985-11-0169-9 (vol. 10) (Belarusian)
  • Encyclopedic literature and history of Belarus: U 5th volume. T. 3. Karchma - Naygrysh / Redkal.: I. P. Shamyakin (Gal. ed.) and others. - Mn.: BelSE, 1986. - P. 552-553. - 751 p. - 9500 copies. (Belorian)


  • // “Culture”, No. 50 (816) / 15 - 21.12.2007 (Belarus)

An excerpt characterizing the Minsk State Art College named after A.K. Glebov

I was very sorry that she interrupted this magically flowing narrative!.. But kind, emotional Stella apparently was not able to calmly withstand such stunning news...
Isidora only smiled brightly at her... and we saw another, but even more stunning, picture...
In a marvelous marble hall, a fragile black-haired girl was spinning... With the ease of a fairy fairy, she danced some kind of bizarre dance that only she understood, at times suddenly jumping up a little and... hovering in the air. And then, having made an intricate feast and smoothly flown several steps, she came back again, and everything began from the beginning... It was so amazing and so beautiful that Stella and I took our breath away!..
And Isidora just smiled sweetly and calmly continued her interrupted story.
– My mother was a hereditary Sage. She was born in Florence - proud, free city... in which his famous “freedom” was only as much as the Medici, although fabulously rich, but (unfortunately!) not omnipotent, hated by the church, could protect it. And my poor mother, like her predecessors, had to hide her Gift, since she came from a very rich and very influential family, in which it was more than undesirable to “shine” with such knowledge. Therefore, she, just like her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, had to hide her amazing “talents” from prying eyes and ears (and more often than not, even from friends!), otherwise, if the fathers of her future suitors found out about it, she would remain unmarried forever, which in her family would be considered the greatest disgrace. Mom was very strong, a truly gifted healer. And while still very young, she secretly treated almost the entire city for ailments, including the great Medici, who preferred her to their famous Greek doctors. However, very soon the “glory” about my mother’s “stormy successes” reached the ears of her father, my grandfather, who, of course, did not have a very positive attitude towards this kind of “underground” activity. And they tried to get my poor mother married as soon as possible, in order to wash away the “brewing shame” of her entire frightened family...
Whether it was an accident, or someone somehow helped, but my mother was very lucky - she was married to a wonderful man, a Venetian magnate, who... himself was a very strong sorcerer... and whom you see with us now.. .
With shining, moist eyes, Isidora looked at her amazing father, and it was clear how much and selflessly she loved him. She was a proud daughter, with dignity carrying her pure, bright feeling through the centuries, and even there, far away, in her new worlds, she did not hide or be ashamed of it. And only then did I realize how much I wanted to become like her!.. And in her power of love, and in her power as a Sage, and in everything else that this extraordinary bright woman carried within herself...
And she calmly continued to talk, as if not noticing either our “overflowing” emotions or the “puppy” delight of our souls that accompanied her wonderful story.
– That’s when my mother heard about Venice... My father spent hours telling her about the freedom and beauty of this city, about its palaces and canals, about secret gardens and huge libraries, about bridges and gondolas, and much, much more. And my impressionable mother, without even seeing this wonderful city, fell in love with it with all her heart... She couldn’t wait to see this city with her with my own eyes! And very soon her dream came true... Her father brought her to a magnificent palace, full of faithful and silent servants, from whom there was no need to hide. And, starting from that day, mom could spend hours doing her favorite thing, without fear of being misunderstood or, even worse, insulted. Her life became pleasant and secure. They were a truly happy married couple, who gave birth to a girl exactly one year later. They called her Isidora... It was me.
I was very happy child. And, as far as I can remember, the world has always seemed beautiful to me... I grew up surrounded by warmth and affection, among kind and attentive people who loved me very much. Mom soon noticed that I had a powerful Gift, much stronger than her own. She began to teach me everything that she knew and that her grandmother taught her. And later my father also became involved in my “witch” upbringing.
I am telling you all this, dear ones, not because I want to tell you my story. happy life, but so that you understand more deeply what will follow a little later... Otherwise, you will not feel all the horror and pain of what me and my family had to endure.
When I turned seventeen, rumors about me spread far beyond borders hometown, and there was no end to those wishing to hear their fate. I was very tired. No matter how gifted I was, the daily stress was exhausting, and in the evenings I literally collapsed... My father always objected to such “violence,” but my mother (who herself was once unable to full force use my gift), believed that I was in in perfect order, and that she must honestly practice her talent.
Many years passed like this. I've had mine for a long time personal life and my wonderful, beloved family. My husband was a learned man, his name was Girolamo. I think we were destined for each other, since from the very first meeting that took place in our house, we almost never parted again... He came to us for some book recommended by my father. That morning I was sitting in the library and, as was my custom, studying someone else’s work. Girolamo entered suddenly, and when he saw me there, he was completely taken aback... His embarrassment was so sincere and sweet that it made me laugh. He was a tall and strong brown-eyed brunette, who at that moment blushed like a girl who met her fiancé for the first time... And I immediately realized that this was my destiny. We soon got married and were never apart again. He was a wonderful husband, affectionate and gentle, and very kind. And when our little daughter was born, he became the same loving and caring father. So ten very happy and cloudless years passed. Our sweet daughter Anna grew up cheerful, lively, and very smart. And already in her early ten years, she, too, like me, began to slowly manifest her Gift...
Life was bright and beautiful. And it seemed that there was nothing that could overshadow our peaceful existence with misfortune. But I was afraid... For almost a whole year, every night I had nightmares - terrible images of tortured people and burning fires. It kept repeating, repeating, repeating... driving me crazy. But what scared me most was the image strange man, who came into my dreams constantly, and, without saying a word, only devoured me with the burning gaze of his deep black eyes... He was frightening and very dangerous.
And then one day it came... Black clouds began to gather in the clear sky of my beloved Venice... Alarming rumors, growing, wandered around the city. People whispered about the horrors of the Inquisition and, chilling, living human bonfires... Spain had been blazing for a long time, burning out pure human souls with “fire and sword,” in the name of Christ... And behind Spain, all of Europe was already on fire... I wasn’t a believer, and never considered Christ to be God. But he was a wonderful Sage, the strongest of all living. And he had an amazingly pure and high soul. And what the church did, killing “for the glory of Christ,” was a terrible and unforgivable crime.
Isidora's eyes became dark and deep, like a golden night. Apparently, everything pleasant that earthly life gave her ended there and something else began, terrible and dark, which we were soon to find out about... I suddenly felt a sudden “sick feeling in the pit of my stomach” and began to have difficulty breathing. Stella also stood quiet - she did not ask her usual questions, but simply listened very carefully to what Isidora was telling us.
– My beloved Venice has risen. People grumbled indignantly in the streets, gathered in squares, no one wanted to humble themselves. Always free and proud city did not want to take priests under his wing. And then Rome, seeing that Venice was not going to bow to it, decided to take serious step- sent his best inquisitor to Venice, a crazy cardinal, who was the most ardent fanatic, the real “father of the Inquisition,” and with whom it was impossible to ignore... He was “ right hand"The Pope, and his name was Giovanni Pietro Caraffa... I was then thirty-six years old...

Inspiration alone is not enough to create a masterpiece. It requires knowledge of technology, a broad outlook and the ability to think. Study the world alone and national culture and it is not always possible to reach your potential. Help is nearby: at the Minsk State Art College named after A.K. Glebov they will teach, advise, and inspire. The director of the college spoke about what specialties there are and how the training is conducted. Shantarovich Alexander Valerievich.

– Alexander Valerievich, what specialties are there in the college?
– We have 4 specialties: “Design”, “Painting”, “Sculpture”, “Decorative and Applied Arts”. All of them are popular, this is evidenced by the competition that is being formed in our last years. Last year, for example, budget training in the specialty “Design”, 7.8 people applied. On average, competition for all four specialties has been 3-3.5 people per place in the last few years. Moreover: even on paid training Not everyone applies.
Design is very popular today. Therefore, we recruit the most students for the corresponding specialty: 26 people. The paid form of education prevails here: only 4-5 people from the group study on a budget.
In recent years, interest in painting has grown. This year we are recruiting 16 people. The competition last year was very high, and this is encouraging. Most study on a budget, on on a paid basis total training
4-6 people.
Several years ago there were problems with the specialty “Sculpture”. We had difficulty recruiting groups for this specialty. But last year the competition was 2 people per place, and today, analyzing our work with potential applicants, we think it will be even higher.
As part of the specialty "Decorative and Applied Arts" we are engaged in wood processing. There are only 5 people studying in this specialty, so they always find places for distribution.
By the way, you can study the specialties “Sculpture” and “Decorative and Applied Arts” in our college only on a budgetary basis.

– How is the introductory campaign going?
– To enter an art college, you need to pass a creative exam. It consists of three stages. Those who enroll in the majors “Painting”, “Decorative and Applied Arts” and “Design” must pass entrance examination, which includes tests in drawing, painting, composition (easel, if you enroll in the specialty “Painting”, and decorative, if you enroll in the specialty “Design” and “Decorative and Applied Arts”).
Those who enroll in the specialty “Sculpture” will have to test in drawing, sculpture and sculptural composition.
To prepare for the exams, applicants can take training in preparatory courses who work for us throughout the entire school year and within a month before entrance examinations. There are also Days open doors, training master classes. We invite applicants and conduct rehearsal exams in all three disciplines in a workshop setting. In addition, on the college website you can get acquainted with the requirements for entrance work and the program of entrance tests.

Practical painting lessons

– How are classes going in college?
– All disciplines related to the specialty are practical in nature. When teaching drawing and painting, we start with still lifes. Then we gradually complicate the task and lead students to the most difficult thing - the image of a human figure.
Our colleagues in training musicians, dancers, and artists train future performers, whose task is to be able to perform someone else’s work. And each of our graduates is a composer himself, because he creates his own work. Therefore, it is not enough to teach technique and technology, to train a hand, to develop an eye. It is necessary to develop thinking and consciousness so much that a person can come up with a work himself and convey his thought on canvas or in material. This is much more difficult.
This is difficult to teach. But this is possible if a teacher who knows his stuff teams up with a student who wants to gain knowledge. And then everything will work out.
Therefore we have additional classes aimed at developing the student’s potential and developing professional skills. We organize a large number of outdoor plein airs. Every year on August 31, our first-year students board buses and go to their first plein air. Traditionally, we go to Nesvizh.
We also organize a large number of exhibitions both in the city and throughout the country. We participate in competitions various levels, even organized their own international competition, to maximum amount our students were able to participate and were getting used to the competitive environment.

– Who works with students?
– In recent years, the composition of teachers has been significantly updated. Almost all of them are graduates of the Belarusian State Academy arts Many teachers special disciplines in the past – our graduates.
Preservation best traditions combined with innovations in the field artistic creativity have always been the main and distinctive features our college. Even in 1947, when the college was created, graduates of various art schools came to work here: teachers from the Vitebsk Art College, and teachers from Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltic states. Compound different schools in one has created its own specificity, thanks to which our college is always recognizable.

– Does the college provide hostel accommodation? for out-of-town students?
- Not yet. The new college building and dormitory are currently under construction. Our colleagues from the Belarusian State Academy of Arts and the Belarusian state university Culture and Arts annually allocate places for our students in their dormitories.
There are only a few places available, so we only accommodate children who need housing.

– What can students do after class?
– Our children participate in volunteer projects. We visit orphanages, boarding schools, hospices, children's hospitals, and clinics. The children conduct master classes, draw and sculpt together with the children, and decorate the halls and medical rooms so that they look attractive to visitors. Young patients, looking at the drawings on the walls created by our guys, are distracted from the hospital atmosphere and are less likely to feel a sense of fear before visiting a doctor.
The college also operates an educational excursion project. It’s one thing to study the history of world and Belarusian art from pictures and presentations, and quite another to see it in reality. Culture needs to be seen and felt. To do this, you need to meet and communicate with people who are carriers of this culture, travel around the world and study monuments of art. Therefore, throughout the academic year we organize a series of trips around the country. We travel abroad once a year. This year there was an 11-day trip to Italy, last year - to Germany. We actively cooperate with our Polish colleagues.
We prepare for each trip: students go to additional classes, study the material they will encounter. They all get individual task on a trip, they keep a travel diary with sketches and sketches, and when they return, they present their series of drawings, on the basis of which an exhibition is organized. They also write an essay based on the results of the trip.
For many years we have been implementing the “Portrait of a Veteran” project. Today we have a large exhibition of portraits.
This year we won a UNESCO grant for the implementation of the project “The Legacy of Francysk Skaryna”, dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Belarusian printing. The project involves holding a series of outdoor plein airs in all places that are associated with the life and work of Skaryna, research activities, meetings with representatives of educational institutions of the cities visited. So, during a trip to Italy we visited the University of Padua. And when you see a portrait of our compatriot in the Hall of Forty, a feeling of national pride arises, an understanding of the significance of national culture.
We visited Polotsk, Vilnius, Prague, Krakow, Padua. We wrote works and formed an exhibition that will be exhibited in many exhibition halls across the country. If we implement the project to the end, the last exhibition should be held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. As part of the project, catalogs of plein air works will be published, a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 500th anniversary will be held, and materials will be published.

– Where do graduates go after graduating from college?
– Our graduates choose various places to continue their creative path. Some people go to work after graduating from college, while others go to higher education institutions. Most of enters the Academy of Arts or other universities for the same or related specialties that they mastered in our college.

Protection thesis

– Where are graduates distributed?
– Graduates find their first workplace in art schools, studios, centers additional education. An option is possible when a graduate gets a job in design studios and design departments in organizations where an artist or designer is in demand. It can be different organizations both public and private forms of ownership.
We have HR customers with whom we have long-term contracts. Today we maintain contact with all the main museums in the country, theaters, art schools, and centers of additional education.
Some graduates find placements themselves. If their applications correspond to their specialty and qualifications, we are happy to satisfy them, because the graduate is interested in this workplace and they want to see him there.
We are always attentive to placement and are interested in our students working in places where they will continue to develop professionally.

– Are there any changes planned that future college students should know?
– We do not plan to add new specialties. Our college is the only one in the country where training is provided in all four main specialties at the level of a secondary specialized educational institution in the field of fine arts.
We are constantly adjusting the program, especially the programs for special disciplines of designers. If “Sculpture” and “Painting” are classical specialties that have been established for centuries, then “Design” is a dynamic specialty developing direction. After each semester, we discuss what can be added to the program to make our designer in demand. We are adding more web and digital technologies.

– What qualities do you need to have to study in college?
– The most important thing is hard work. As practice shows, abilities are not all that is needed to achieve success. Of course, there must be a creative component. This is the problem for many of our freshmen. Before entering, they studied in studios or art schools, they were happy to come 1-2 times a week for an hour or two and write something there depending on the mood. And everyone admired their work and said how great it was. Such a pastime is very pleasant: you are at the easel, you realize yourself, you succeed. But this is all at an amateur level.
As soon as such guys come to us, everything changes. Now, regardless of whether you want it or not, whether you have inspiration or not, you must come to the workshop, stand at the easel and work your hours. Sometimes it's four hours, and sometimes it's all 10.
In order to get results, you need to work. Therefore, I would put the ability, desire to work and organize my time in the first place. It’s even better if hard work is superimposed on abilities, which develop more and more from working capacity.
Of course, as in every business, a big component is mastering technique and technology. And if you also “turned on” your individuality, the result will be. It’s very disappointing to see guys who are potentially very strong and could achieve a lot, but due to various reasons cannot organize themselves. And the result turns out to be not as good as it could be.

High school graduation

– What do you need to understand to become an artist?
– First of all, you need to really want to learn. We used to say that we need to finish art school to come prepared and enroll in our college. But in Lately We are increasingly receiving applicants who did not attend art school.
There are cases when a person thinks that he wants to engage in design, painting or sculpture, comes to us, and during his studies he understands: to become an artist, you need to stand at the machine for several hours every day. And somewhere all the desire immediately disappears. It is important to understand: learning from us is a colossal work.


On the occasion of its 70th anniversary, Minsk State Art College named after. A. Glebova, better known by the slightly familiar name “Glebovka,” presented a wonderful gift to all current and future students.

A brand new “Window” was opened in one of the halls of the educational institution - a modern exhibition space where not only the best students and teachers can present their works, but also recognized masters visual arts. An SB correspondent talks about the new exhibition space.

For the significant anniversary, which Glebovka celebrated throughout 2017, the college (or “school,” as the older generation of sculptors and artists calls it in the old fashioned way) began back in 2016. The old house on Petrusya Brovki Street, where the student workshops moved almost 10 years ago, has undergone extensive renovations. Alas, the country’s most famous forge of artistic personnel still does not have its own premises. Since the historical building in which Glebovka was once located was declared unsafe and demolished in 2008, students and teachers have been forced to wander throughout Minsk. Throughout 2009, the workshops were “housed” in three different points- on the Minsk streets of Mendeleev, Rafiev and Bogdanovich. A little later, the administration found an empty premises on the street. Petrusya Brovka - that’s where they moved.

Despite years of cramped conditions, the director of the educational institution, Alexander Shantarovich, remains in good spirits and tries to equip the building to the maximum and settle into the walls that Glebovka has now. He is confident that his own art gallery is an important step towards a compromise between “our” and “foreign” territory of the college:

Director of Glebovka Alexander Shantarovich and professor Vladimir Zinkevich (right).

When exactly will we grow up? new area, it's hard to say. Everyone thought and hoped that if not this year, then next year. Not next year, but in a year... But almost 10 years have passed, hundreds of talented guys have graduated from these walls. We long years exhibited their works at various venues - from the art gallery of Mikhail Savitsky (by the way, our graduate) to the New Theater and the Theater of Belarusian Drama. But over time, we realized that we needed a personal exhibition space. In which we would not be guests, but full owners.

The new gallery, Alexander Valerievich has no doubt, will change artistic life“Glebovki” is for the better. It’s not for nothing that the spacious white hall was called “Window”:

On the one hand, this is a window that will give our children the opportunity to go out into the world and show their creativity to the entire cultural world. On the other hand, through our window students will be able to look into the work of great artists who will be exhibiting with us. Moreover, we will invite graduates of not only Glebovka, but also other educational institutions.

It is planned that over time the new gallery will house part of the college’s rich art fund. Now it has almost 2.5 thousand works - enough for several large art galleries. The earliest surviving one, by the artist (and also the first director of the Minsk art school) Ivan Krasnevsky, is dated 1953. So far it is shown only to the most dear guests - it is a kind of “Gleb” relic. But there is nothing here at all about the works of Alexei Glebov, whose name the college bears since 1969. More precisely, just one: the original “Swimmer” was given as a gift by the master’s son.

Among the famous graduates of Glebovka are all those whose names in Belarusian Soviet art have long become iconic: Mikhail Savitsky and Leonid Shchemelev, Georgy Poplavsky and Mai Dantzig, Vasily Tsvirko and Ivan Misko, Arlen Kashkurevich and Viktor Gromyko. Head of the Department of Monumental and Decorative Art Belarusian Academy arts Vladimir Zinkevich is nostalgic:

I remember my admission in the mid-1960s. It was the only school in the country that trained specialists in fine and decorative arts. The competition is crazy, 20 people per place. I came to enroll, but opera house There is already a huge crowd: everyone wanted to come here to study. I entered right away, and a new time in my life began... At the opening of the gallery, I seemed to plunge back into the years of my youth. The quality of work and attitude towards creativity have been preserved, the level of work is the highest. "Glebovka" was, is and will be a school of serious quality education, but with its own special creative atmosphere.

In the workshop of another famous Glebovka graduate, folk artist Vasily Sharangovich, it still hangs graduation work. Daughter of a master, director of the National Center contemporary arts Natalya Sharangovich says:

My father is very proud of this landscape. And he considers it one of his best, despite the fact that it was written back in student years. The school, both then and today, is high level performing skills, coupled with long-term traditions of education.


Not long ago, the college fund was replenished with a sketch of a monument to Francis Skaryna erected in Polotsk. Glebov’s son, Alexander Alekseevich, presented the drawing after the scientific and practical conference “The Legacy of Francysk Skaryna.”

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