Michael Jackson quotes and sayings.  Jackson Michael - aphorisms, catchphrases, phrases, sayings, sayings, quotes, thoughts with illustrations

This man is known throughout the world as a talented singer, a great dancer and “the man who changed his skin.” Born African-American, he became white-skinned through plastic surgery. Not everyone can endure pain, but he endured everything. The desire for perfection, as he saw it, did not leave the singer until his last breath. Undoubtedly, he was interesting and rich personality. Several sayings and quotes remain from him. You can love Michael Jackson or not, but his words about the most important things will be of interest to many: about friendship and betrayal, about the world that surrounds us (nature, animals, space), about children and adults.

The singer talks about his race, lies, love and dreams

Michael Jackson said quotes in English. Some intonations are lost in translation, so let’s give the floor to the author:

  • Lies run sprints but the truth runs marathons. - A lie is a sprinter, but the truth is a marathon runner.
  • I know my race. I just look in the mirror. I know I"m black. - I know my race. I look in the mirror. I know I’m black.
  • I always wanted to do music that influences and inspires each generation. Let's face it, who wants mortality? - I have always wanted to create music that influences and inspires future generations. Really, who wants to be mortal?
  • Love lives forever. - Love is always alive.

About life

Judging by his statements, he thought a lot about his place in human society. Widely known beautiful aphorisms which he spoke on this topic. But his most real, “uncombed” words are those that were expressed in an interview, without preparation. For example, I remember Michael Jackson's quotes about life. Once he showed a copy of Tutankhamun’s tomb to one correspondent. There was talk about how Michael himself would be buried. He said, laughing: “I don’t want to be buried at all. I would like to live forever."

Michael Jackson quotes about himself

It must be difficult to give yourself an adequate assessment when you are cut off from life. ordinary people and have been involved in show business since childhood. Actually, he didn’t have a childhood. He immediately went to work. No holidays, parties, sleepovers with friends: “I didn’t have the opportunity to play like other guys.” Maybe that’s why Michael seriously considered Peter Pan: “In my heart I am Peter Pan.” When asked about his talent and achievements, he joked: “I don’t have a moonwalk. This is the Moon's - mine."

But seriously, he never gave up in the face of failure: “Nothing good can come from lack of self-confidence. Who will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself?” Groovy and energetic from birth, he considered himself a slave to rhythm. He said that the only thing possible creation dance is feelings. He compared himself to a palette, painting with the colors of the soul that were on it. But thinking about how this happens, breaking it down into alpha and omega is not his thing: “If you start thinking, you are a corpse. This is the most big mistake dancer."

When a person is in the public eye, envy and lies weave a web around. He did not stoop to take revenge. According to those who knew him, he was generally meek. But even the meek can be offended: “I am a person like everyone else. If I cut myself, it will bleed.” He tried to appeal to the intelligence of his neighbors: “Don’t judge in absentia, talk to the person personally, because what you heard are rumors.”

About friendship and betrayal

Being an open person, he suffered from the fact that in the stage world everything is mixed up with lies. Looks like he was missing a friend. People who knew him closely describe how vulnerable he was. One got the impression that he was somehow lost. In many ways his views were idealistic. Having learned about his brother’s betrayal of his wife, he took this event very hard: “Who knows what pain betrayal causes, he will not betray himself.” Seeing the lies around him, he deliberately remained a child. Growing up in his understanding means accepting the rules of the world, betraying ideals: “The children did not let me down and did not betray me.” He remained alone in his soul, although he was surrounded by people. “Even at home I feel lonely. You can’t imagine how hard it is to find real friends.”

He was himself only with children: he played, laughed, climbed trees, gave his bed to a friend so that he could lie on the floor in a sleeping bag. It was for him real life. When he was accused of child abuse, he could not understand how such a thing could be assumed, and believed that over time everything would fall into place. Michael Jackson's words - quotes, divided into statuses, aphorisms, suffered through loneliness.

About children

Michael had a high opinion of children - he considered them pure creatures God. I drew inspiration from conversations with them and wanted to have many sons and daughters. He loved being a dad. Michael Jackson's quotes about children show genuine love for them. He believed that the divine exists in every person, and children, smiling, reveal it to us.

He took them seriously. He knew for sure that a child was no less talented and efficient than an adult. No wonder he was called a “forty-two-year-old dwarf” for his amazing plasticity for an awkward child’s body and his magnificent acting. And he was not even ten years old then. Then these words embarrassed him very much: “Age is not important. If you have a gift and you understand something, they should listen to you.”

Once he was asked about what his children taught him, his answer was reminiscent of the biblical example of Jesus, when the apostles argued about who was greater. The teacher drew their attention to the boy and called for humility. “It reminds you to be kind and humble and to see things through a child’s eyes, with childlike admiration.”

About love

He gave a lot, was emotionally drained on stage, but was charged by the audience with their delight. He rejoiced, seeing how the audience, holding hands, swayed from side to side to his songs. But here's the paradox: loved by millions, he desperately needed love. There was something fake in this worship of the masses. Michael Jackson's quotes about love reveal desperate loneliness: “When a crowd of thousands of fans screams that they love you, everything inside shrinks from loneliness...”

He could not live without love, so he loved himself. He built his own world, established his own rules, and lived by them. Not many people know that he created children. He was sad that modern world The bonds between parents and children are being destroyed: “People no longer sit at the table together. Children want to be hugged, but parents are busy. It's destroying the world."

Michael believed that children have the right:

  • for love, and they don’t have to earn it;
  • consider yourself worthy of adoration (and appearance has nothing to do with it);
  • know that they are a unique value.

He said that as long as love lives in his heart, it is everywhere. And if a person comes and leaves life confident that he is loved, everything in between does not matter.

Oh happiness

Serving people where your place. This could be his motto. His place was the stage. His thoughts and feelings were embodied in songs. And the songs found recognition among people: “My calling is to bring happiness to people.” He once said that what he likes most about performing is making people happy. This is its purpose. He even believed that this was his purpose on Earth. And this brought happiness to himself: “And as long as people enjoy it, I will always be happy.”

About work and success

As long as he lived, his life consisted of rehearsals and performances. Luck has nothing to do with it. This is the result of constant work.

  • “You may have more talent than anyone else, but it will all go to waste if you stop rehearsing and living according to plan.”
  • “The best method of learning is to watch a master of his craft.”

Quotes from Michael Jackson about creativity: “The most important thing is to remain honest with yourself and your loved ones and work hard.” Reasoning about this, he noticed that there will always be those who condemn and do not want to understand. Because success causes envy. They won't hear you, no matter how hard you try to explain. And it hurts.

About the universe

He was a romantic, he loved the planet created by God and everything that filled it. I admired the view of the sunset sky, the rainbow and meteor showers. He spoke about the Universe: “The world is the dance of the Creator.” When he was still a boy touring with his parents and brothers, he fell in love with walks after performances: “It was so good for everyone to walk along the country roads together and talk to the locals!”

He deeply understood how important it was to protect the planet from destruction. How much she gives to people and how ruthlessly she is exploited. He called the Earth a “living, caring being.” He loved animals: “They don’t judge you, they just want to be friends with you.” Once upon a time he got a monkey, and then his pets already made up a whole zoo.

About decency

He never used in speech obscene words, his songs don't have that traditional rap habit. He explained it this way: “I respect parents and older people.” He explains this with an example. Imagine that an elderly lady was sitting in the hall, and he allowed himself to speak too freely, he would be ready to fall through the ground.

Michael believed that courage was needed to be sincere. You need to not just sit and wait for a better future, but believe that it will come. He tried to imitate Jesus and tried to be as pure as a child. His credo was: in a world of hatred, evil, despair and doubt, you must be able to hope, forgive, dream and believe. He was a star, which is why he remains with us today. We can end with a quote from Michael Jackson: “A star never dies. It turns into a smile, dissolving in cosmic music, the dance of life.”

A brilliant American performer, rightfully one of the most successful singers in history. Most quotes from the King of Pop are a story about his soul and personality. You can also find many accurate life observations.

The best quote from Michael Jackson according to the site:
● You can have the greatest talent in the world, but if you don't prepare and work according to plan, everything will go to waste.

● I have always wanted to create music that will influence and inspire future generations. Well, really, who is interested in being mortal?

● I'm just like everyone else. If I cut myself, it will bleed.

● My first love was classical music. IN kindergarten we listened to Tchaikovsky every day. I would love to work with Tchaikovsky or Claude Debussy.

● I am a slave to rhythm. I'm like a palette. I dance the way I feel at this second. If you start thinking, then that’s it, you’re a corpse. Performing is not about the mind, it is about feelings.

● In a world full of hatred, you need to be able to hope.
In a world full of evil, you need to be able to forgive.
In the world full of despair, you need to be able to dream.
In a world full of doubts, you need to be able to believe.

● Angels respond to joy because that is what they are made of. When human minds are clouded with anger and hatred, no angel can reach them.

● Success causes envy. It hurts when you are not understood. And no matter how hard you try to achieve understanding, there will still be those who will judge you.

● I love animals for their natural purity and sincerity. They don't judge you, they don't reason, they just want to be your friends, or at least they don't hide their intentions.

● The world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the blink of an eye, but the dance lives on.

● I continue to dance...and dance...and dance, because there is only...dance.

● But this is my destiny - to make up for the lack of a Childhood that I did not know...

● When I think of courage, I think of the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz. He always ran away from danger. He often cried and shook with fear. But he shared his true feelings with those he loved, even if he couldn't be proud of what he felt.

● I said you have to do it. You said you don't want to. We talked about it and agreed that I could probably help. I said you're wrong. You insisted that you were right. We joined hands and right and wrong disappeared. I started crying. You cried too. We hugged, and a flower of peace grew between us.

● There are rewards that cannot be measured by money, thunderous applause, or prizes.

● In my soul, in my heart I am Peter Pan!

● The main thing is not just to wait for the best, but to believe in the best.

● Don't judge a person until you talk to him personally, because everything you hear is rumors.

● Heal this world, make it better for yourself, for me and for all humanity...

● I’ll take this chance, maybe I’ll stay, heaven will wait...

● At the end of the day, the most important thing is to be honest with yourself and your loved ones and work hard. What exists now will not exist tomorrow. Go for it. Fight. Improve and cultivate your talent. Be the best at what you do. Learn more about your line of work than anyone alive. Use tools to present yourself - be it books, or the floor to dance, or water to swim. Wherever it is, it's yours. That's what I always try to remember.

● I realized that nothing will ultimately save life on earth except faith in life itself, in its power of healing, in its ability to survive our mistakes and welcome us when we learn to correct our mistakes.

● The Earth we all share is not just a rock flying through space, but a living, caring being. She takes care of us; she deserves our care in return.

● My life has taught me that what older man becomes, the more and more demands she places on him.

● Now he is ready to share the joy,
Ready to take care ready to love,
He opened his heart, he has nothing to hide -
Become just like him, if you have the courage.

● What courage is really needed for is sincerity.

● Everything for the sake of money, I will lie for you, I will die for you, I will even sell my soul to the devil...

● If all the residents of Hollywood who had plastic surgery left the city, then there would be no one left there.

● The children showed me with their smiles the divine principle in every person. Their natural wisdom shows us the way to right decisions that are stored in our hearts and waiting for us to find them.

●…I started to believe in this amazing feat, and for the first time I didn't feel abandoned. I was a falcon and a child and a saint. In my eyes, their lives became sacred, and the truth came to me: if all life is realized as something divine, everyone grows wings.

● Some people spend their lives looking for love outside of themselves... As long as love is in my heart, it is everywhere.

● I would like to gather all the tabloids together and burn them!

● I never had the opportunity to have fun like other kids: have sleepovers, parties, go from house to house on Halloween. I didn't have Christmas, I didn't have holidays. Now I'm trying to make up for this loss.

● It doesn’t matter how old you are, but if you have a gift and are good at something, they should listen to you.

● What courage is really needed for is sincerity. Expressing your feelings does not mean baring your soul to someone - it means accepting and honestly showing what is in your heart, no matter what it may be. When you are brave enough to be authentic, you know who you are and can let others see it. It's scary because you feel vulnerable, open, afraid of being rejected. But without self-acceptance, other courage, the courage of movie characters, seems empty. Despite the risk, the courage to be honest and sincere opens the door to self-discovery. It offers us what we all want, the promise of love.

● I like to create music that everyone can relate to, from a farmer in Ireland to a toilet cleaner in Harlem.

● Than more star, the more they aim at it.

● “What does a star do when it stops shining,” I ask myself. “He must be dying.”
“Oh no,” says the voice in my head. - A star cannot die. It becomes a smile and dissolves in cosmic music, in the dance of life.”

● Be strong, confident, and no one will hurt you. Most severe pain a person causes harm to himself, so defend yourself.

● Sometimes I just want to ask: “What happened to the truth? Has it gone out of style?

● If most people think something is wrong, it is not necessarily true.

● My gait is not lunar, it’s just that the Moon has mine.

● I think it is very important to set goals for yourself. Then you know what you are striving for and how you want to achieve it. If you don’t set goals for yourself, then you will never know whether you have reached the mark or not.

● It was like we were in heaven, so why did it end?

● People think they know me, but I think they are wrong.

● You can pray to the angels and they will hear, but best way to call them, they told me, is laughter. Angels respond to joy because that is what they are made of.

● Love is a funny thing to describe. It's so easy to feel, but it slips away when you talk about it. Some people spend their lives looking for love outside of themselves, they think they have to catch it and keep it. Holding love is not so right, but you must learn to hold it easily, affectionately. Let her fly if she wants. If it is free, love will make life alive, joyful and new. As long as love is in my heart, it is everywhere.

● Smile and maybe tomorrow you will realize that life still has meaning.

● Success certainly brings loneliness. This is true. People think: you are lucky, you have everything. They think you can go anywhere and do whatever you want, but that's not the point. A person needs true values.

● I am still amazed by the view of the clouds and the sunset. I always make a wish when I see a rainbow or a shooting star. I saw a meteor shower. The world is full of miracles.

● There is nothing easier than composing songs. Heaven itself gives you everything right into your hands: you know how the strings, how the bass, how the harpsichord, everything will sound.

● The shadow of the Kremlin suppresses me, Stalin’s grave does not allow me to breathe freely...

● I am trying to imitate and follow Jesus, because he commanded to love children, to be as pure and innocent as children, to look at the world through the eyes of children and to see magic in everything that surrounds us.

● Tell me, what happened to my rights? Have I become invisible because you ignore me?!

● Let's understand that change will come when we unite as one!

● If you are thinking of becoming my brother, it doesn't matter whether you are black or white.

● The best education in the world is to watch masters work.

● I am a black American. I am proud of my race. I'm proud of who I am.

● Love is a funny thing to describe. It's so easy to feel, but it slips away when you talk about it. Like a bar of soap in a bath, you have it in your hand until you squeeze it too tightly.

● If you feel that something doesn’t suit you, you need to accept difficult decision, relying on instinct.

● And if you are unsure of yourself, nothing good will ever happen. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, who will?

This page contains all Michael Jackson quotes.

The most successful performer in the history of pop music, known as the "King of Pop", winner of 15 Grammy Awards and hundreds of other awards. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records 25 times. Jackson's records have sold 1 billion copies worldwide. In 2009, he was officially recognized as an American Legend and Music Icon. Michael Jackson made significant contributions to the development of popular music, video clips, dance and fashion. Michael Jackson quotes indicate to us that it was very strong in spirit personality, with a tender heart.

The bigger the star, the more lies.

I'm much more comfortable on stage than anywhere else, the stage is the most wonderful place in the world. I'm just blown away, it's magical. My favorite thing to do when I'm on stage is to make people happy. This is why I am here on Earth, and this is my job. I'll do it as long as people enjoy it, I'll be happy.

The most powerful thing in the world is a person and his prayer.

You can pray to the angels and they will hear, but the best way to call them, I was told, is to laugh. Angels respond to joy because that is what they are made of.

What courage is really needed for is sincerity.

My gait is not lunar, it’s just that the Moon has mine.

In the house, full of people, the easiest thing to do is feel lonely.

If all the residents of Hollywood who had plastic surgery left the city, then there would be no one left there.

You can have the greatest talent in the world, but if you don't prepare and work according to plan, everything will go to waste.

I'm never completely satisfied with anything. I'm a perfectionist, it's part of me. And of course I’m not happy with myself, I try not to look at myself in the mirror.

The one who knows how much it hurts will not betray.

Be strong, confident, and no one will hurt you. A person inflicts the most severe pain on himself, so defend yourself.

Some people spend their lives looking for love outside of themselves... As long as love is in my heart, it is everywhere.

If most people think something is wrong, it is not necessarily true.

The children did not betray, deceive or let me down. And the adults let us down. Adults and the whole world have failed...

In my soul, in my heart, I am Peter Pan!

The best way to learn is to watch a master work.

But all I want is to bring people joy and love!

Love is a funny thing to describe. It's so easy to feel, but it slips away when you talk about it. Like a bar of soap in a bath, you have it in your hand until you squeeze it too tightly.

Don't judge a person until you talk to him personally, because everything you hear is rumors.

Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana. In his biography, Michael Jackson began to conquer the whole world with his talent as a child. His father founded The Jackson 5, which included five of the Jackson family's ten children. Over time, Michael began to stand out among the rest of the participants.

A legend in the world of show business, a black singer turned white thanks to plastic surgery, a performer once hailed as the “King of Pop,” died suddenly on the eve of his planned grand return to the stage. Michael Jackson was only 50.

His most striking quotes:

What courage is really needed for is sincerity.

My gait is not lunar, it’s just that the Moon has mine.

The one who knows how much it hurts will not betray.

I am still amazed by the view of the clouds and the sunset. I always make a wish when I see a rainbow or a shooting star. I saw a meteor shower. The world is full of miracles.

You can pray to the angels and they will hear, but the best way to call them, I was told, is to laugh. Angels respond to joy because that is what they are made of.

Be strong, confident, and no one will hurt you. A person inflicts the most severe pain on himself, so defend yourself.

The main thing is not just to wait for the best, but to believe in the best.

Don't judge a person until you talk to him personally because everything you hear is rumors.

I try to imitate and follow Jesus, because he bequeathed to love children, to be as pure and innocent as children, to look at the world through the eyes of children and to see magic in everything that surrounds us.

People think they know me, but I think they are wrong.

If most people think something is wrong, it is not necessarily true.

In a world full of hatred, you need to be able to hope.
In a world full of evil, you need to be able to forgive.
In a world full of despair, you need to be able to dream.
In a world full of doubts, you need to be able to believe.

It's easy to feel lonely in a house full of people.

Some people spend their lives looking for love outside of themselves...

As long as love is in my heart, it is everywhere.

I love animals for their natural purity and sincerity. They don't judge you, they don't reason, they just want to be your friends, or at least they don't hide their intentions.

The children did not betray, deceive or let me down. And the adults let us down. Adults and the whole world have failed...

“What does a star do when it stops shining,” I ask myself. “He must be dying.”
“Oh no,” says the voice in my head. - A star cannot die. It becomes a smile and dissolves in cosmic music, in dance life.”

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to be honest with yourself and your loved ones and work hard. What exists now will not exist tomorrow. Go for it. Fight. Improve and cultivate your talent. Be the best at what you do. Learn more about your line of work than anyone alive. Use tools to present yourself - be it books, or the floor to dance, or water to swim. Wherever it is, it's yours. That's what I always try to remember.

Success causes envy. It hurts when you are not understood. And no matter how hard you try to achieve understanding, there will still be those who will judge you.

The best way to learn is to watch a master work.

I realized that nothing will ultimately save life on earth except faith in life itself, in its power of healing, in its ability to survive our mistakes and welcome us when we learn to correct our mistakes.

In my soul, in my heart I am Peter Pan!

I'm just like everyone else. If I cut myself, it will bleed.

If you think about it, how old would you be if you didn't know your exact age?

The children showed me with their smiles the divine principle in every person. Their natural wisdom shows us the path to the right decisions that are stored in our hearts and waiting for us to find them.

When thousands of fans scream, greeting you, declaring their love - at the same time, something inside you shrinks from loneliness...

If you come into this world confident that you are loved and leave confident in the same, everything that happens in between is not so important.

The world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the blink of an eye, but the dance lives on.

I'm a slave to the rhythm. I'm like a palette. I dance the way I feel at this second. If you start thinking, then that’s it, you’re a corpse. Performing is not about the mind, it is about feelings.

And if you are not confident in yourself, nothing good will ever happen. After all, if you don’t believe in yourself, who will?

I have always wanted to create music that will influence and inspire future generations. Well, really, who is interested in being mortal?

The Earth we all share is not just a rock flying through space, but a living, caring being. She takes care of us; she deserves our care in return.
You can have the greatest talent in the world, but if you don't prepare and work according to plan, everything will go to waste.

Lies run sprints, but truth runs marathons.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, but if you have a gift and are good at something, they should listen to you.

Heal, heal everything around, starting with yourself, then me, you and all living things around.

The cold shadow of the Kremlin wall suppresses with power, blood and force, the deceased ashes of Stalin cannot rest for almost seventy years. – Michael Jackson

I am close in spirit to the r’n’b direction modern music, although their dancing is terrible and more reminiscent of sports aerobics.

My mission is to follow Jesus. His behests are unshakable for me, among which I highlight boundless love for children, honesty and innocence in thoughts and deeds, looking at the world around us with the tender eyes of boys and girls, spreading mercy and sweet magic around.

The great ones are people too. If I cut myself while shaving, I bleed scarlet.

When my music is clear to everyone, I am in ecstasy, there is grace all around. Irish farmers and Harlem cleaners hum my tunes and imitate Jackson's moonwalk.

M. Jackson: Elite, sought-after education is learning from a master.

Lives only for money. I'm not like that. The public, fame and recognition are important to me. For the sake of a triumphant ascent to Olympus, I will sacrifice everything, even my soul.

Let’s imagine a situation: all the victims of plastic surgery have left Hollywood. We looked around - only an echo remained.

You can endlessly look at the sunset, clouds and sea. A wish will always come true if you make it while looking at a falling star or a multi-colored rainbow. During the meteor shower, thousands of dreams and wishes will come true.

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes from Michael Jackson: read on the pages:

I continue to dance...and dance...and dance, because there is only...dance.

What does a star do when it stops shining, I ask myself. - He must be dying. Oh no, says the voice in my head. - A star cannot die. It becomes a smile and dissolves in cosmic music, in the dance of life.

I'm still not sure if I know anything for sure.

Smile and maybe tomorrow you will realize that life still has meaning.

If you feel that something is not right for you, you have to make a difficult decision, relying on instinct.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, but if you have a gift and are good at something, they should listen to you.

What courage is really needed for is sincerity. Expressing your feelings does not mean baring your soul to someone - it means accepting and honestly showing what is in your heart, no matter what it may be. When you are brave enough to be authentic, you know who you are and can let others see it. It's scary because you feel vulnerable, open, afraid of being rejected. But without self-acceptance, other courage, the courage of movie characters, seems empty. Despite the risk, the courage to be honest and sincere opens the door to self-discovery. It offers us what we all want, the promise of love.

I'm a slave to the rhythm. I'm like a palette. I dance the way I feel at this second. If you start thinking, then that’s it, you’re a corpse. Performing is not about the mind, it is about feelings.

I am a black American. I am proud of my race. I'm proud of who I am.

I never had the opportunity to have fun like other kids: have sleepovers, parties, go from house to house on Halloween. I didn't have Christmas, I didn't have holidays. Now I'm trying to make up for this loss.

Love is a funny thing to describe. It's so easy to feel, but it slips away when you talk about it. Like a bar of soap in a bath, you have it in your hand until you squeeze it too tightly.

In my soul, in my heart I am Peter Pan!

I can't just walk down the street, go to Disneyland, walk in the park, because crowds immediately gather around me. That's why I decided to create Neverland - my own own world, hidden by a gate. Everything I love and everything I like is there.

I try to imitate and follow Jesus, because he bequeathed to love children, to be as pure and innocent as children, to look at the world through the eyes of children and to see magic in everything that surrounds us.

I love the story of the Elephant Man, it's a lot like mine. When I think about him, I often cry because I see myself in this story. But no, I never wanted to buy his skeleton, this is another stupid invention.

The main thing is not just to wait for the best, but to believe in the best.

I'm never completely satisfied with anything. I'm a perfectionist, it's part of me. And of course I’m not happy with myself, I try not to look at myself in the mirror.

The world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the blink of an eye, but the dance lives on.

Be strong, confident, and no one will hurt you. A person inflicts the most severe pain on himself, so defend yourself.

There are rewards that cannot be measured by money, thunderous applause, or prizes.

Success certainly brings loneliness. This is true. People think: you are lucky, you have everything. They think you can go anywhere and do whatever you want, but that's not the point. A person needs true values.

It was like we were in heaven, so why did it end?

Let us understand that change will come when we unite as one!

There is nothing easier than composing songs. Heaven itself gives you everything right into your hands: you know how the strings, how the bass, how the harpsichord, everything will sound.

After I performed the moonwalk for the first time at the 25th anniversary of Motown, I cried for a long time backstage, I felt like I had done everything wrong. But after the concert, on the way to the car, I met a 12-year-old Jewish boy and he said, “It was incredible!” Where did you learn to dance like that??. Then for the first time I felt what I had done good job because children never lie.

Success causes envy. It hurts when you are not understood. And no matter how hard you try to achieve understanding, there will still be those who will judge you.

I have always wanted to create music that will influence and inspire future generations. Well, really, who is interested in being mortal?

People think they know me, but I think they are wrong.

The Earth we all share is not just a rock flying through space, but a living, caring being. She takes care of us; she deserves our care in return.

I am still amazed by the view of the clouds and the sunset. I always make a wish when I see a rainbow or a shooting star. I saw a meteor shower. The world is full of miracles.

It's so nice to feel the support of fans. I never took their love for granted. I'm not proud and I don't consider myself better than, say, my neighbor on the ranch. To be loved great feeling. All my creativity is for this purpose.

I like to create music that everyone can relate to, from a farmer in Ireland to a toilet cleaner in Harlem.

The children showed me with their smiles the divine principle in every person. Their natural wisdom shows us the path to the right decisions that are stored in our hearts and waiting for us to find them.

God bless you all.

The larger the star, the more they aim at it.

My first love was classical music. In kindergarten we listened to Tchaikovsky every day. I would love to work with Tchaikovsky or Claude Debussy.

What courage is really needed for is sincerity.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to be honest with yourself and your loved ones and work hard. What exists now will not exist tomorrow. Go for it. Fight. Improve and cultivate your talent. Be the best at what you do. Learn more about your line of work than anyone alive. Use tools to present yourself - be it books, or the floor to dance, or water to swim. Wherever it is, it's yours. That's what I always try to remember.

As long as love is in my heart, it is everywhere.

My life has taught me that the older a person gets, the more demands she places on him.

When I think of courage, I think of the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz. He always ran away from danger. He often cried and shook with fear. But he shared his true feelings with those he loved, even if he couldn't be proud of what he felt.

I had great time As a child, when I lived with my brothers, we had a lot of fun, but I always felt lonely.

But this is my destiny - to make up for the lack of a Childhood that I did not know...

Don't judge a person until you talk to him personally because everything you hear is rumors.

If most people think something is wrong, it is not necessarily true.

You can have the greatest talent in the world, but if you don't prepare and work according to plan, everything will go to waste.

Tell me, what happened to my rights? Have I become invisible because you ignore me?!

I love animals for their natural purity and sincerity. They don't judge you, they don't reason, they just want to be your friends, or at least they don't hide their intentions.

You can pray to the angels and they will hear, but the best way to call them, I was told, is to laugh. Angels respond to joy because that is what they are made of.

The children did not betray, deceive or let me down. And the adults let us down. Adults and the whole world have failed...

Some people spend their lives looking for love outside of themselves...

If all the residents of Hollywood who had plastic surgery left the city, then there would be no one left there.

I never use obscene language in their songs. I think we need to be more respectful of the older generation. If I make a song like this, and there will be adult woman, then I will feel guilty.

My gait is not lunar, it’s just that the Moon has mine.

I said you have to do it. You said you don't want to. We talked about it and agreed that I could probably help. I said you're wrong. You insisted that you were right. We joined hands and right and wrong disappeared. I started crying. You cried too. We hugged, and a flower of peace grew between us.

I'm called the self-proclaimed King of Pop. Complete nonsense! I never declared myself to be one! Elizabeth Taylor was the first to utter this phrase at some awards ceremony, and this was not in the script. Then it was picked up by the press and fans around the world.

I am a black American. I am proud of my race. I'm proud of who I am.

I realized that nothing will ultimately save life on earth except faith in life itself, in its power of healing, in its ability to survive our mistakes and welcome us when we learn to correct our mistakes.

I think it is very important to set goals for yourself. Then you know what you are striving for and how you want to achieve it. If you don’t set goals for yourself, then you will never know whether you have reached the mark or not.

I'll take this chance, maybe I'll stay, heaven will wait...

I would like to gather all the tabloids together and burn them!

I began to believe in this amazing feat, and for the first time I did not feel abandoned. I was a falcon and a child and a saint. In my eyes, their lives became sacred, and the truth came to me: if all life is realized as something divine, everyone grows wings.

Love is a funny thing to describe. It's so easy to feel, but it slips away when you talk about it. Some people spend their lives looking for love outside of themselves, they think they have to catch it and keep it. Holding love is not so right, but you must learn to hold it easily, affectionately. Let her fly if she wants. If it is free, love will make life alive, joyful and new. As long as love is in my heart, it is everywhere.

Sometimes I just want to ask: What happened to the truth? Has it gone out of fashion?

If you're thinking of becoming my brother, it doesn't matter if you're black or white.

Angels respond to joy because that is what they are made of. When human minds are clouded with anger and hatred, no angel can reach them.

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