Max Lusher - Lusher color test. Max Luscher, a pioneer in the study of emotions, has died

Max Luscher

Born in 1923 in Basel (Switzerland). He received his education in philosophy and psychology at the University of Basel. Doctor of Philosophy (in psychology) since 1949. Taught at the University of Zurich, the Swiss Anthropological Institute and others training centers Switzerland and abroad. Professor of Psychology at the University of Amsterdam (1957-1959). Founder of the Institute of Medical Psychodiagnostics (Germany, 1960). Conducted an active psychotherapeutic practice. Dating back in student years with the works of Rorschach served as an impetus for the development of a color test, which the author has been developing since the early 1940s. In the 1960-1970s. color test becomes one of the most popular psychodiagnostic techniques in the world, translated into 17 languages, including Japanese and Hindi. In addition to the color test, Luscher’s main psychological and philosophical work is “The Four-Color Man, or the Path to Harmony” (1977). Since 1965, Luscher has lived in Lausanne.

At the end of the 1940s. The issue of the meaning of situational variables in relation to data obtained through projective techniques is being discussed quite actively. Assumptions that projective tests would be insensitive to situational variables turned out to be unfounded. For example, when a person had an argument with an examiner or looked at photographs of naked bodies before the examination, his answers to the Rorschach test differed from those given in the absence of the influence of these factors. Accordingly, the data obtained began to be considered as reflecting, along with stable personality parameters, situational factors. The difficult task of separating one from the other arose. Moreover, among a significant part of psychologists, irritation grew at the swelling mass of dubious value of research devoted to identifying the predictive and diagnostic power of certain indicators projective tests(mostly this referred to the Rorschach test).

Despite the criticism, many psychologists maintained their enthusiasm for projective techniques. Proponents of the projective approach were convinced that, as opposed to traditional psychometric tests, taking into account all their advantages, projective techniques are a kind of road leading to amazing world unconscious. Evidence of this is the first congress of specialists on the Rorschach test and other projective techniques, held in August 1949 in Zurich.

In 1949 Raymond Bernard Cattell and others founded the Institute of Personality and Abilities Testing (The Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, IPAT), which was called upon to create and develop appropriate research tools and publish works devoted to them. Finest hour The activities of this institute included the publication of a questionnaire 16 personal factors, developed by R. Cattell and his associates (see below).

Raymond Bernard Cattell

Born on March 20, 1905 in Hilltop, a village on the outskirts of Birmingham (England) into a family of factory owners. The family moved to South Devonshire when the future psychologist was 6 years old. IN early years he was interested in chemistry, but his acquaintance with the works of Cyril Barthes determined his choice future profession. At the University of London, Cattell received all his academic degrees: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (1924), Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (1929), Master of Science in Education (1932), Doctor of Science (1939). The topic of his first doctoral dissertation is “The subjective nature of cognition and the pre-sensory development of perception.” Teaching activities started at the University of Exeter in 1927. From 1932 to 1936 - director of the city children's clinic in Leicester. In 1937, at the invitation of the famous American psychologist Thorndike begins work at Columbia University in the USA. In 1938, he accepted Stanley Hull's offer and became a professor at Clark University. He taught at Harvard from 1941 to 1945. Since 1945, Cattell's life and work have been associated with the University of Illinois. In 1973 he resigns. However, already in 1974 he moved to Honolulu and became a professor at the University of Hawaii and the Hawaiian School professional psychology. Founder and first director of the Personality Assessment Laboratory and group behavior at the University of Illinois (1946). One of the founders of the Institute for Personality and Abilities Testing (IPAT). With him direct participation the “Society of Multivariate” was created experimental psychology” and the journal of this society, “Multivariability of Behavior Research,” was founded. Cattell contributed fundamental contribution into personality psychology and, undoubtedly, became one of those psychologists who determined the face of this science of the 20th century. He published more than 50 books and 400 articles in which he developed modern theory personality, based on empirical data, made the largest contribution to psychological methods analysis and measurement procedures. Raymond Cattell died on February 2, 1998, at his home in Hawaii, while working until last day, despite serious illnesses that tormented him for many years.

Max Lüscher was born on September 9, 1923 in the Swiss city of Basel. At the university he studied sociology, philosophy of law and religion, and clinical psychiatry. In 1949 he defended his dissertation “Color as a tool of psychodiagnostics.”

First report

In 1947 on the first world congress in psychology, Max Luscher, at the age of 23, first presented the basic principles of color diagnostics. After this, Luscher diagnostics gained international fame and quickly spread throughout the world.

Scientific activity

In 1956, Max Lüscher received a position as professor of psychology in Amsterdam. Then he headed the medical-psychological and sociological research conducted using his test in West Germany(Hamburg, Berlin, Munich). During this time, he developed a system that made it possible to encode any planar design and represent it in the form of Lucher colors and shapes. This allows you to analyze various factors of consumer preferences and successfully create designs for different target groups of buyers. He has advised various multinational companies for 40 years.

Primary activity

Since 1966, Max Lüscher has lived in Switzerland. His main activity is related to conducting training seminars for psychotherapists and providing support scientific developments in the field of color diagnostics, as well as lecturing in Eastern and Western Europe, USA and Australia. Lüscher is also an honorary member of the International Rorschach Society in Rome, president of the Lüscher Diagnostic Center in Rome and the Max Lüscher Institute in Padua.


  • Max L?scher: Der L?scher-Test. Pers?nlichkeitsbeurteilung durch Farbwahl. Rowohlt, Reinbek 1985, ISBN 3-498-03812-5
  • Max L?scher: Das Harmoniegesetz in uns, Ullstein, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-548-36656-2
  • Max L?scher: Der Vier-Farben-Mensch, Ullstein, 2005, ISBN 3-548-36797-6

Max Luescher (September 9, 1923, Basel, Switzerland) is a Swiss psychologist and developer of the Luscher Color Test.

In 1947 he published the book The Complete Luscher Color Test. Besides scientific research, training and therapy in Basel, Lüscher worked for international companies on color consulting issues. His book, The Luscher Test, has been translated into more than 30 languages.

Max Lüscher graduated from the Swiss University in 1944, where he studied psychology and philosophy and defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Color as a psycho-diagnostic tool.”

Max developed his own test to evaluate human personality using certain color cards, the so-called “Lüscher test”.

From 1961 to 1965 he taught in Basel and Berlin.

Currently, Max Lüscher lives in the city of Lucerne, where he runs his “Institute for Medical Psychodiagnostics”. The main area of ​​his scientific research is the effect of color on humans from the point of view of socio-psychological aspects, as well as the psychology of color and advice for various companies.

He is internationally renowned for his guest lectures and seminars.

Books (3)

Personality signals

In his work “Personality Signals,” Max Lüscher first presented the results in 1974 practical application functional psychology based on hundreds of thousands of studies conducted using the Luscher Color Test. The knowledge accumulated as a result of these studies is easily understandable because it allows you to clearly understand the answers to the questions that everyone man of sense strives to receive literally every day: “Who am I, exactly? And what kind of personalities other people

The color of your character

It is known that “there is no comrade according to taste.” After reading this book, you will be able to see how diverse people's preferences for colors are and how differences in attitudes towards color reflect not only differences in tastes, but also in a person's mood.

The tests given in the book will help you understand what colors life is painted for you, and interpretations of the answers will explain in detail the nature of the problems you face and tell you how capable you are of coping with them.

Reader comments

Guest/ 10.27.2017 Pavel, what test are you talking about, which is “here”? Which one is in the book or somewhere?

a lion/ 02/08/2015 Passed this test. I didn’t learn much, but what I knew about myself was confirmed. Try it. Works.

Nurlan/ 02/07/2015 I ask you to help me purchase Max Luscher’s book on eight-color psychodiagnostics and others if available [email protected] I will be very grateful

Paul/ 02/18/2014 I speak as a psychologist - the Luscher test, which is here, gives completely crazy results. Those who compiled the program do not understand anything at all about Max Luscher’s color theory. By passing this software test, you will, of course, learn “a lot” about yourself, but it will not correspond to reality.

Marat/ 02.23.2013 dear Max! Thank you for brilliant discovery in psychology. During my lifetime I would erect a golden monument. In Russia you are called the queen of techniques (I. Tsyganok). I provide diagnostics and color therapy for borderline psychosomatic diseases. Marat Karimov, psychotherapist (Ufa).

Simplex/ 04/15/2012 I use the Luscher test in my work all the time, but the cards get wiped all the time. In two years I changed three sets of color cards, but they still became unsuitable for work.
I really like the test, so I started looking for something to replace it with, and found it here I downloaded the program and installed it on my laptop, I’m very pleased and recommend it :-)


First report

In 1947, at the first world congress on psychology, Max Luscher, at the age of 23, first presented the basic principles of color diagnostics. After this, Luscher diagnostics gained international fame and quickly spread throughout the world.

Scientific activity

In 1956, Max Lüscher received a position as professor of psychology in Amsterdam. Then he led medical, psychological and sociological studies conducted using his test in West Germany (Hamburg, Berlin, Munich). At this time, he developed a system that made it possible to encode any planar design and present it in the form of Lucher colors and shapes. This allows you to analyze various factors of consumer preferences and successfully create designs for different target groups of buyers. He has advised various multinational companies for 40 years.

Primary activity

Since 1966, Max Lüscher has lived in Switzerland. His main activities involve conducting training seminars for psychotherapists and supporting scientific developments in the field of color diagnostics, as well as lecturing in Eastern and Western Europe, the USA and Australia. Lüscher is also an honorary member of the International Rorschach Society in Rome, president of the Lüscher Diagnostic Center in Rome and the Max Lüscher Institute in Padua.

Literary activity

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    - Lüscher, Max Max Lüscher Max Lüscher Max Lüscher (2005) Date of birth: September 9, 1923 ... Wikipedia Luscher, Max

    - Max Lüscher Max Lüscher Max Lüscher (2005) ... Wikipedia Luscher Max - Max Lüscher Date of birth: September 9, 1923 Place of birth: Basel, Switzerland: Swiss psychologist and developer of the Luscher color test Max Luscher (September 9, 1923, Basel, Switzerland) Swiss psychologist and developer of the color test ... ... Wikipedia

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  • What color is your life? The law of harmony in us. Practical Guide, Luscher Max. Max Luscher, known as the creator of the color test, is the author of many books on psychology. The idea of ​​the classic of the new direction in psychology is simple: a person who lives in harmony with... Buy for 170 rubles
  • The law of harmony in us. Practical Guide, Max Luscher. Max Luscher, known as the creator of the color test, is the author of many books on psychology. The idea of ​​the classic of the new direction in psychology is simple: a person who lives in harmony with...

Max Luescher (September 9, 1923, Basel, Switzerland) is a Swiss psychologist and developer of the Luscher Color Test.

In 1947 he published the book The Complete Luscher Color Test. In addition to research, teaching and therapy in Basel, Lüscher worked for international companies in color consulting. His book, The Luscher Test, has been translated into more than 30 languages.

Max Lüscher graduated from the University of Switzerland in 1944, where he studied psychology and philosophy and defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Color as a psycho-diagnostic tool.”

Max developed his own test for assessing human personality using certain color cards, the so-called “Lüscher test”.

From 1961 to 1965 he taught in Basel and Berlin.

Currently, Max Lüscher lives in the city of Lucerne, where he runs his “Institute for Medical Psychodiagnostics”. The main area of ​​his scientific research is the effect of color on humans from the point of view of socio-psychological aspects, as well as the psychology of color and advice for various companies.

He is internationally renowned for his guest lectures and seminars.

Books (3)

Personality signals

In his work “Personality Signals,” Max Luscher for the first time in 1974 presented the results of the practical application of functional psychology based on hundreds of thousands of studies conducted using the “Luscher Color Test”. The knowledge accumulated as a result of these studies is easily accessible to understanding because it allows to clearly understand the answers to the questions that every reasonable person strives to obtain literally every day: “Who am I, exactly? And what kind of personalities are other people?”

The color of your character

It is known that “there is no comrade according to taste.” After reading this book, you will be able to see how diverse people's preferences for colors are and how differences in attitudes towards color reflect not only differences in tastes, but also in a person's mood.

The tests given in the book will help you understand what colors life is painted for you, and interpretations of the answers will explain in detail the nature of the problems you face and tell you how capable you are of coping with them.

Reader comments

Guest/ 10.27.2017 Pavel, what test are you talking about, which is “here”? Which one is in the book or somewhere?

a lion/ 02/08/2015 Passed this test. I didn’t learn much, but what I knew about myself was confirmed. Try it. Works.

Nurlan/ 02/07/2015 I ask you to help me purchase Max Luscher’s book on eight-color psychodiagnostics and others if available [email protected] I will be very grateful

Paul/ 02/18/2014 I speak as a psychologist - the Luscher test, which is here, gives completely crazy results. Those who compiled the program do not understand anything at all about Max Luscher’s color theory. By passing this software test, you will, of course, learn “a lot” about yourself, but it will not correspond to reality.

Marat/ 02.23.2013 dear Max! Thank you for your brilliant discovery in psychology. I would erect a golden monument during my lifetime. In Russia you are called the queen of techniques (I. Tsyganok). I provide diagnostics and color therapy for borderline psychosomatic diseases. Marat Karimov, psychotherapist (Ufa).

Simplex/ 04/15/2012 I use the Luscher test in my work all the time, but the cards get wiped all the time. In two years I changed three sets of color cards, but they still became unsuitable for work.
I really like the test, so I started looking for something to replace it with, and found it here I downloaded the program and installed it on my laptop, I’m very pleased and recommend it :-)

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