Marc Levy quotes in French. Marc Levy: touching quotes about love

His novels have been translated into more than 40 languages ​​and sell about 20 million copies each. Just 15 years ago, Mark Levy could not even imagine that he would become a world-famous writer. Then he was just composing fairy tales for his sons, and later Levi's talent made him a multimillionaire. Touching and sensual works are loved by readers from all over the world. We bring to your attention the most touching quotes and statements about love from the works of Marc Levy.

Having not published a word in 40 years of his life, he bursts into literature with his debut novel “Between Heaven and Earth” (What if this is true?). Are newbies lucky? Hardly! Since then, each of his novels has become a bestseller. And, although at 54 years old, Mark Levy does not have a single literary prize, he is considered the most widely read French author in the world.

You know, in my opinion, I am ready to write you all sorts of nonsense, if only you remember me from time to time (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001).

Just knowing that somewhere on this earth there is you will become for me, in my hell, a corner of heaven (quote from the novel “Seven Days of Creation” by Mark Levy, 2003).

Love also has autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one experiences it (quote from the novel by Mark Levy “Those words that we did not say to each other”, 2008).

It’s enough to stop believing for one second and the dream will break into a thousand pieces (quote from the novel “Meet Again” by Mark Levy, 2005).

Time passed so quickly, but it went so slowly (quote from the novel by Mark Levy “Those words that we did not say to each other”, 2008).

Sometimes I forget that you love me so much, and I am ashamed that I cannot love you the same way (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001).

It’s easy to love someone you can’t reach, because you don’t risk anything (quote from the novel “Meet Again” by Mark Levy, 2005).

. “Forget what I said”, “erase from your memory what I did” - are you sure that life is pencil sketch? (quote from the novel “Everyone Wants to Love” by Mark Levy, 2006, words by Valentina).

No the worst loneliness than being alone together (quote from Mark Levy’s novel “Where Are You?”, 2001).

Did you miss you a lot? - Sixty-four cars drove along your street, nineteen of them were green (quote from Mark Levy’s novel “Seven Days of Creation”, 2003, words by Sophia).

Be honest with yourself and especially with her; If your feeling for her is not love, do not give her hope in vain, she good girl(quote from the novel “The Thief of Shadows” by Mark Levy, 2010).

Only when you give what you yourself have little of, do you truly give (quote from the novel “Between Heaven and Earth” by Mark Levy, 2000).

True love is selfless and reckless - we love simply because we love... (quote from the novel by Mark Levy “Those words that we did not say to each other”, 2008).

How strange they are, these days on which you are supposed to rejoice according to the calendar (quote from Mark Levy’s novel “Where Are You?”, 2001).

I will never again be able to calmly look at the credits: “A year later...”, which sometimes appear in movies. I previously did not understand what was hidden behind this modest ellipsis, the meaning of which is obvious only to those who know how lonely a person is who lives in anticipation (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001).

There are days when nothing special happens, but suddenly a wave of melancholy and such a feeling of loneliness rolls over you that then you cannot forget it for a long time (quote from the novel “The First Day” by Mark Levy, 2009).

Learn again to control your suddenly beating heart when you see a familiar silhouette around the corner in the street. Don’t lower your eyes when a couple is kissing on the bench in front of you. And never again, never wait for the phone to ring (quote from the novel “Everyone Wants to Love” by Mark Levy, 2006).

The worst lie is lying to yourself (quote from the novel “Between Heaven and Earth” by Mark Levy, 2000).

If you want to understand what a year of life is, ask a question to a student who failed his annual exam. If you want to understand what a month is, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby and is waiting for him to be removed from the incubation chamber. If it’s a week, ask a person who works on an assembly line or in a mine to feed his family. If it’s daytime, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. If it's an hour, ask a claustrophobic person stuck in an elevator. Just a second - look at the expression of someone who escaped death in a thousandth of an instant, or ask an athlete who just won silver medal on Olympic Games instead of the gold one, for which he trained all his life (quote from the novel “Between Heaven and Earth” by Mark Levy, 2000).

I love you, I can’t stop loving you, I don’t know how or why. I love you this way, because I don’t know any other way. Where you are not, I am not either (quote from the novel “Next Time” by Mark Levy, 2004).

This love is a strange thing: you clearly understand that it is better to leave it for fear of suffering, for fear of being abandoned one fine day. However, we love life, although we know that one day it will leave us (quote from the novel by Mark Levy “Those words that we did not say to each other”, 2008, words by Anthony).

You know what? Letting someone into your life means breaking down the walls that you have built to protect yourself, and not waiting for someone else to break through those walls! (quote from the novel “Everyone Wants to Love” by Mark Levy, 2006).

People are free, and attachment is stupidity, it is a thirst for pain (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001).

Waiting that awakens hopes, little things that remind you of a person you don’t know at all, phone call, turning the day into a holiday, and again silence, and thoughts, thoughts, thoughts that you drive away... (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001).

I am drowning alone, and for the first time in my life it seems to me that I will not be able to swim (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001, words by Susan).

You can’t survive everything, it’s important to experience the main thing, and this is the main thing for everyone (quote from the novel “Between Heaven and Earth” by Mark Levy, 2000).

. <...>a person can come to terms with the thought of own death, but not with the absence of those he loves (quote from the novel by Mark Levy “Children of Liberty”, 2007).

Love is an addiction, even for the most rebellious... (quote from the novel “Where Are You?” by Mark Levy, 2001).

I will fall in love with you tomorrow, because today I have not met you yet (quote from the novel “Children of Liberty” by Marc Levy, 2007).

Don't give up! She's back, she's near. She is waiting for you, looking for you. From now on, time is numbered for both of you. If you refuse each other, it will be even worse than passing by own life, it will be the loss of the soul. The end of both of your journeys will be an incredible failure, and yet the goal was so close! When you meet, try not to miss each other (quote from the novel “Next Time” by Mark Levy, 2004).

One moment of you is worth eternity (quote from the novel “Seven Days of Creation” by Mark Levy, 2003).

It seems that we could walk next to each other without recognizing each other (quote from the novel “Next Time” by Mark Levy, 2004).

Not everyone can find their calling and do what they love, but Mark Levy was able to find his path in life and became one of most popular writers peace. And many readers different continents They are eagerly awaiting his new works.

Some works have already been filmed. For example, famous film“Between Heaven and Earth” and a short series prepared only for a French audience - “Will You Be There?”


Marc Levy is a contemporary French novelist. Famous author of many romantic stories, so beloved by women of all countries. Marc Levy's works have been translated into many different languages. A wonderful work called “Only If It Were True” was his debut in literature and subsequently became a bestseller. And in 2005 it was filmed.

The famous novelist was born in 1961 (October 16) in the western suburbs of Paris. His mother was Jewish and his father was French.

Future celebrity Marc Levy graduated economic university in France, which he entered in 1982. Before training, from 1979 to 1982, he served in the Red Cross. Did business after university. He founded several companies, but after selling his first books, he began to earn money only from writing.

What does Mark Levy write about? Books

The main theme of the writer's works is love. But these stories are not just chewed-up allegory of their love adventures. The writer is looking for examples of real feeling in life. These stories give hope for hard-won happiness and miracles in the midst of adversity.

The philosophy of Mark Levy is not cloying and does not make you gnaw at excessive pathos. The simple prose of life is presented in a real light in his works, but at the same time the reader remains with a feeling of warmth and faith in kindness. This desire for the light of life is what distinguishes Marc Levy's style.

Some consider such prose "vanilla boredom." However, most readers respond to the works with admiration. Of course, Marc Levy's books are romantic, and he is read mostly by women. The list of books written and already published is impressive. He writes with unprecedented energy and inspiration.

  1. "Between Heaven and Earth" - 2000
  2. "Next Time" - 2003
  3. "Meet Again" - 2005
  4. "Children of Freedom" - 2007
  5. "Shadow Thief" - 2010
  6. "Overturned Horizon" - 2016 and others.

The novels brought the Frenchman mass popularity, but he has not yet received a single literary prize.

The best books of the writer

The works of Marc Levy are very soulful, there are no gangsters or murders in them. All heroes are humane and strive for good. One of these good books, “The Overturned Horizon,” was published quite recently. It describes the story of 3 friends, united since their university days by 1 exciting scientific idea. And when an incurable disease breaks into the heroine’s measured life, her two friends decide that it’s time to test their hypotheses in practice.

And in the book "Children of Freedom" there is a story about underground movement teenagers for the liberation of France, where the writer’s father and uncle participated during the Second World War.

Also on the list best books The writer includes the following novels:

  • "Seven Days of Creation"
  • "Shadow Thief"
  • "Those words we didn't say to each other."

And also the novel “Where Are You?” that touches the hearts of women.

Novel "Where are you?": description

One of the best books that Mark Levy wrote is “Where Are You?” The novel tells the story of a little girl whose father and mother loved each other selflessly in their youth, but went their separate ways. different roads. And when her mother dies, the girl comes to her father from a distant country and tries to adapt to new reality, a new land and a strange family.

This story by Marc Levy was a huge success among French readers. Mark Levy established himself in world literature after the release of this book.

Film adaptations of novels

After the first film adaptation of his first novel, released in 1998, the writer also tried himself as a screenwriter for films based on his novels.

In 2005, the debut book with which Mark Levy began such a rapid career was filmed. "Between Heaven and Earth" - a film that became business card writer.

Anyone who has seen this film knows in advance about the author's style. Mark Levy himself, without hesitation, says that he is a great romantic and the same romantic ideas heroes carry it in their hearts.

The following productions were:

  • in 2007, a short series of 4 episodes was filmed based on the book “Where are you?”;
  • 2008 - film “Everyone Wants to Love.”

The most popular, thanks to the movie, still remains the beloved novel “If It Were True.”

It combines intriguing fantasy, love and subtle, sweet humor. And of course, actors such as Mark Alan Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon made the plot even more interesting with their talent.

Quotes from books

A writer like Marc Levy, whose books sell at a staggering rate, can not only come up with exciting stories, but the author's style and thoughts also delight readers.

Many of the author’s quotes will become aphorisms over time, since connoisseurs of his work too often copy lines from books. For example, in the work “The Overturned Horizon,” one of the heroes says to his beloved: “I am sure ... you will love this person with all the strength that I will give you.”

Or another quote: “The thought that I love you made me fear more than ever that I would be like my father; for nothing in the world would I want such a punishment for the woman I love” (from the book) The Strange Journey of Mr. Daldry."

These lines describe love mature personality, a person who has already known the vicissitudes of life. And who knows how much longer wonderful books will be written by Mark Levy. The horizon of his activity is only expanding, and let's hope that the decline of his writing career will not come soon.

Mark Levy born on October 16, 1961 in the city of Boulogne into a Jewish family. French writer, author of the novel “Only If It Were True,” based on which the famous film “Between Heaven and Earth” was filmed in 2005. During World War II, the writer’s father was a member of the Resistance movement in France as part of the 35th International Communist Brigade formed by Marcel Langer in Toulouse.

Losing a loved one is scary, but never meeting him is even worse.

Love at first sight only happens in books. IN real life feelings are born gradually, like a house is built, stone by stone.

In friendship, some things are not said, they are guessed.

It's a dangerous thing to get attached to someone. It's crazy how much this hurts. It hurts just from the fear of losing.

We do terrible things when love and hate are mixed, things for which we then reproach ourselves.

Love also has autumn, and it is experienced by those who have forgotten the taste of the kisses of their loved one.

A tiny seed of hope is enough to sow a whole field of happiness.

One of the most big problems in our life - to figure out who is really your friend.

I have always been amazed at how an unexpected set of circumstances can sometimes radically change our lives.

Sometimes it's impossible to explain how you feel about someone...
you just know that this person is taking you somewhere you’ve never been...

Just loving is not enough, you also need to be compatible. You need to love the life that you have to lead with another, share his desires, aspirations, have common goals, common dreams.

“No years can erase the pages written together.”

You know, I think I’m ready to write you all sorts of nonsense, if only you remember me from time to time.

Everything in the world is possible, and as long as there is life, there is hope.

Sometimes the presence of another person, even silently, helps to cope with despair.

To advertise everything you do means to prove to others that your life is better than theirs. My life is just different, it's my life, not someone else's, so I'll save it for myself.

Every time I told her that friendship between a man and a woman does not exist. Every time she asked me: “What about you and me?”... Each time I lowered my eyes and muttered in embarrassment: “Oh, well, yes, exactly...”

Only when you give what you yourself have little of, do you truly give.

There are people who see things as they are and ask the question “why?” But I see them as they could be, and I say to myself: “Why not?”

Humor is a wonderful way to deal with reality when it hits you.

Marc Levy was born on October 16, 1961 in Boulogne (France). When he turned 18, he went to work for the Red Cross. After three years, he was appointed to the position of Regional Director of the Western Emergency Relief Department in France. So he worked there for six years in total.

In 1981 he entered the Dauphine University in Paris. Already in his second year at university, at the end of 1983 he independently created his own company called Logitech France. A year later, he left for the United States of America, where he founded two more companies - one in Colorado, the other in California. The activities of both companies are based on the creation computer graphics. Things were going well for him, and five years later he created a studio for computer image processing, and is also its director. The studio was located in France near Cannes at the Sophia Antipolis University. However, due to disagreements with his colleagues in the studio, he left it in 1991. This year, as a nearly thirty-year-old man, he had to create everything from the very beginning. But he was helped by his two good friends, who were one an architect and the other an engineer. Together they managed to create a company whose main activity was creating designs for premises and developing architectural projects. In their work they combined three areas: engineering, architecture and technology. Over time, the company, which already had the name "Eurhythmic Cloizlec", was the leading company in France in its field. During its work, the company has developed and implemented about 500 projects. Among the customers were such famous brands as Coca-Cola, Norton, Evian, Perrier, the editors of L’Express magazine, and the Plus satellite channel.

Mark Levy began writing relatively late - almost at the age of forty. And it’s not at all accidental. The inclinations of a writer awoke in him when in the evenings he told his son Louis before bedtime fictional stories. interesting stories. Over time, Mark got used to fantasizing, and he wanted to transfer his fantasies to paper. After some time, he devoted a lot of time to this activity and by the end of 1998 he completed his first manuscript, which was called “Only if it was true” (Russian version of “Between Heaven and Earth”). Mark's sister, having read his work, recommended that he contact the publishing house. A week later he received an answer - his work was accepted. From that moment on, his novel became a bestseller.

After leaving the architectural company, Levi plunges headlong into writing. His novels are published in huge editions, numbering more than millions of copies.

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Today I have prepared for you quotes from the books of Mark Levy. I am sure that they will be appreciated not only by fans of this writer, but also by those who are not yet familiar with his work.

Mark Levy: quotes from books

If you still want us to be together, I will not let loneliness come to you, I will take you by the hand and lead you onto the road along which we will walk together... "Everyone wants to love"

Someone else's pain helps you escape from your own, which you are afraid to face. "Where are you?"

Promise me one thing: today don’t think about the little things that didn’t work out, look at everything you managed to do, it’s wonderful. "Everyone wants to love"

Everything in the world is possible, and as long as there is life, there is hope. "Between Heaven and Earth"

Erase everything from memory, forget promises, spit out poison with the taste of betrayal. How many days and nights will it take this time for the wound to heal? "Everyone wants to love"

“Forget what I said”, “erase from your memory what I did” - are you sure that life is a pencil sketch? "Everyone wants to love"

Tomorrow is a mystery for everyone, and this mystery should evoke laughter and desire, not fear and refusal. "Between Heaven and Earth"

Life has so much more rich imagination than ours! "Everyone wants to love"

They say that a sincere feeling is immortal. "Next time"

I hate October.
- What did he do wrong to you?
- This month buries summer. "Seven Days of Creation"

Life never gives us a second chance to make a first impression. "Everyone wants to love"

He dreamed of ideal love, and she... simply loved him. "Where are you?"

But the most beautiful thing what the earth gave us, what turns us into human beings is the happiness of sharing with someone. Anyone who does not know how to share is a cripple, a disabled person without feelings. "Between Heaven and Earth"

A person can curse his childhood as much as he wants, endlessly reproach his parents for all his misfortunes, weaknesses and vices, blame them for the harsh trials of life, but ultimately he himself is responsible for his destiny and becomes what he wanted to become.

It happens that two souls, having met, merge into one. They become dependent on each other forever. They are inseparable, from life to life they find each other again and again. If, during the next earthly existence, one half breaks away from the other, breaks the oath that binds them, then both will immediately fade away. One cannot continue the journey without the other. "Next time"

One moment of you is worth an eternity. "Seven Days of Creation"

Friendship cannot be built on lies. "Shadow Thief"

Is it really necessary to distance yourself from a person in order to realize what place he occupies in your life? "Everyone wants to love"

Love either comes right away or never. "Where are you?"

True love is selfless and reckless - we love simply because we love... "Those words we didn't say to each other"

I love you, I can’t stop loving you, I don’t know how or why. I love you this way, because I don’t know any other way. Where you are not, I am not either. "Next time"

One human being may be imperfect, but there is nothing more perfect in the world than two loving friend friend of the creature. "Seven Days of Creation"

We do not lose our parents; even after death they continue to live in us. Those who gave us life, who gave us all their love so that we could survive them, cannot leave without a trace. "Shadow Thief"

Love is inseparable from tolerance, which gives it strength. "Meet Again"

There is no worse loneliness than being alone together. "Where are you?"

Time heals wounds, although it does not rid us of scars. "Between Heaven and Earth"

It is important to know not in what city or in what part of the world the other is located, but what place he occupies in your heart. "Those words we didn't say to each other"

Just knowing that somewhere on this earth there is you will become for me, in my hell, a corner of heaven. "Seven Days of Creation"

My dad said that you should never compare people, because every person is not like anyone else, the main thing is to find the dissimilarity that best suits you. "Shadow Thief"

When you love, any distances don't count. "Meet Again"

Memory is lazy and insidious, it stores only the best and the worst, only shocks, but not small everyday events - it erases them. "First Day"

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