Write sentences using your friend skate prompts.

1. Rewrite the following sentences to make rules. - Rewrite the following sentences to form rules

How to choose a safe toy! - How to choose a safe toy!


  1. Don't buy toys with small parts. - Do not buy toys that contain small parts
    You mustn’t buy toys with small parts. - You should not buy toys that contain small parts
  2. Test toys before you give them to your child. - Check the toy before giving it to your child
    You must test toys before you give them to your child. - You should check the toy before giving it to your child.
  3. Throw away the package. - Throw away the packaging
    You must throw away the package - You must throw away the packaging
  4. Throw away long ribbons. - Throw out the long ribbons.
    You must throw away long ribbons. - You should throw away the long ribbons.
  5. Don’t let small children play alone. - Don't let children play unattended.
    You mustn’t let small children play alone. - You shouldn't let children play unattended.
  6. Don't leave metal toys outside. - Do not leave metal toys on the street
    You mustn't leave metal toys outside. - You shouldn't leave metal toys on the street.
  7. Avoid toxic toys. - Avoid toxic toys
    You must avoid toxic toys. - You should avoid toxic toys.

2. Complete the rules with must/mustn’t. - Complete the rules using must/mustn’t.


  1. On a ride, you mustn't stand up.
  2. In the concert hall, you must turn off your mobile.
  3. At the zoo, you mustn't touch the animals.
  4. In the theatre, you must be quiet.
  5. In the art gallery, you mustn't photograph the paintings.
  6. At the fireworks display, you mustn't go near the fireworks.

3.Fill in the gaps with a/an/the - Fill in the gaps with words a/an/the


If you go to Edinburgh, you must visit 1)a museum unlike any other, 2) the Museum of Childhood! 3) The museum has got 4)an interesting collection of children’s toys and games! You and your children can play with 5) the toys and have a great time! In 6) the museum, there is also 7) a shop. In 8) the shop, you can buy gifts and other things. DON'T MISS IT! - If you go to Edinburgh, you should definitely visit one museum, the Museum of Childhood! This museum has an interesting collection of children's toys and games! You and your child can play with toys and have a good time! The museum also has a shop. In the store you can buy gifts and other things. Don't miss it!

4. Match the sentences in column A with the ones in column B to form exchanges. - Match the sentences in Column A with the sentences in Column B to form expressions.


  1. When was Kim's birthday party? - (D) - Last month.
  2. Were you with them? - (E) - No, I wasn’t. I was at school.
  3. I was in New York last week. - (B) - Were you?
  4. He was a great singer. - (A) What was his most famous song?
  5. Was he at the park yesterday afternoon? - (C) - Yes, he was.

5. Underline the correct item. - Underline the correct option.


  1. What time did you left / leave for school this morning? - What time did you leave for school this morning?
  2. They didn't go/ didn’t go to the theater last night. - They didn't go to the theater last night.
  3. I visited/ not visited my grandparents last Saturday. - I visited my grandparents last Saturday.
  4. We have / had a picnic last weekend. - We had a picnic last week.
  5. There wasn't / weren't many shops here thirty years ago. - Thirty years ago there weren’t so many shops here.
  6. She wrote/ write a letter to her friend yesterday. - She wrote a letter to her friend yesterday.

Page 6 of 10

Textbook (Steps 2-10) Textbook (Steps 11-15) Textbook (Steps 16-22) Textbook (Steps 23-30) Textbook (Steps 31-40) Textbook (Steps 41-50) Workbook No. 1 (Units 1, 2) Workbook No. 1 (Units 3, 4) Workbook No. 2 (Units 5, 6) Workbook No. 2 (Units 7, 8)

Step 41

8. Write what the heroes from task 4 do on each day of the week.
They play volleyball on Sunday. They read on Tuesday. They run on Thursday. They play ping-pong on Wednesday. They ride bikes on Friday. They read on Tuesday. They meet and speak on Saturday.

10. Write captions for the pictures by inserting the missing letters.
1. tray 2. snail 3. ball 4. window 5. nail 6. toys 7. coins 8. paint 9. sail 10. purse

Step 42.

1. Complete the captions under these pictures, using the words in the box.
1. Jim Brown is very old. 2. Tommy is not old, he is young. 3. My street is long. 4. Don is small and short. 5. Sally is a fat old cat. 6. Our teacher is thin. 7. Fred is very strong. 8. Andy is not strong, he is weak. 9. The door is narrow. 10. This is a tall tree.

4. Complete the rhyme by naming the objects shown in the pictures.
This and That.
This is a small snail. That is a white sail. This is a short nail. That is a long tail. This is a small ball. That is a big window.

Step 43

10. Read the sentences in which Liz writes about herself. Now write the same sentences about her using the model.
1. She sees five white clouds. 2. She reads her English books. 3. She has a big ball. 4. She sings sad songs. 5. She rides her bike in the park. 6. She counts her chicks in the evening. 7. She plays tennis on Saturday.

Step 44

9. Complete the sentences by writing in the names of professions. Be careful when doing #7.
1. Mr Green plays tennis. He is a tennis player.2. Mrs Brooks sings songs. She is a singer.
3. Mr White runs in the morning. He is a runner.4. Jack plays football. He is a football player.
5. Lizzy paints. She is a painter.6. Mr Brown teaches students. He is a teacher.7. Nelly cooks. She is a cook.

Step 45

9. Complete and write these sentences using the picture prompts.
1. Torn is a thin boy. 2. Sally is strong and happy. 3. little Willy is very cold. 4. Mr Biggs is not cold, he is hot. 5. Are you hungry? 6. Are you thirsty? 7. Molly White is old and very tired.8. Are you fine? - No, doctor. I"m not fine. I"m sick.

10. Write captions for these pictures.
1.frog 2. goose 3. flag 4. gym 5. general

Step 46.

8. Write captions for these drawings.
1. mice 2. face 3. pencil 4. ice-cream 5. cinema

Step 47

11. Copy from the text " The Longs"(task 7) sentences with the verb “to be” in the plural ( are).
Their names are Tom, jack, Timmy, Andy, Sam, Sue, Polly, Cely and Kathie. Tom and Polly are good students. Jack and Kathie are pupils. They and their dad are in London.
Timmy, Andy, Sam, Sue and Bess are not students. They are not pupils. They arc little. Sam and Sue are four. They are twins. They are not in London. They are on the farm.

12. Write the words written down in letters.
ship Jim narrow happy
bench name their student
yes play sick London
that gray cold

Step 48

5. B. Complete these sentences according to the text.
1. His house is not very big. 2. The rooms are big and clean. 3. The walls are yellow.
4. The doors are white. 5. The floors are brown. 6. The windows are narrow.
7. Jack has twenty students. 8. Jack Lipton is a teacher. 9. He doesn't teach English.
10. His students are not old. 11. His students are from Rome, Paris, Madrid and Moscow.12. They like English and their teacher.

Step 49

6. Read the text to yourself, and then out loud and finish it.
What color is winter? Winter is white. The streets, the trees and houses are white in winter. The sky is gray and dark. Days and nights are cold. Pupils are very busy. In the morning and in the afternoon they read, write, count and speak English. Their teachers are very busy too.

7. Choose the correct option and say what professions these people have.
1. Mr James Cook is a farmer. 2. Mark and Willy are pilots. 3. Jane Smith and her mum are teachers.
4. Charles Wing is a painter. 5. Kate Clover is a nurse. 6. Bob and Jim are cooking.

8. Replace the highlighted words with the correct pronouns and write the sentences.
1. Ann Finn has a pet. Her pet is a cat, Pussy. It is a fine cat.2. Mr Lee is from Italy. He is from Rome.
3. Kim and Jane are in Scotland. They are on the farm.4. Betty Smith is a very good teacher. She is from London. It is green and nice.5. Alice and Ben are doctors. They are good doctors.

9. Look at the picture and write who likes what.
Mr Reed likes football. The twins like toys. Ann and Alice like cats. Kathie likes roses. Don't like horses. Jane likes cars.

Step 50

7. Complete the sentences with possessive pronouns and write them.
1. We like our town. 2. They read their English books.3. Rob feeds his pets in the morning. 4. My parrot likes his cage. 5. Mum cooks her cake on Sunday. 6. You see your roses. 7. I write my books. 8. Mum and dad like their room.

8. In the next part of the tutorial you will meet a boy named John Barker. What questions might you ask him if you met him? Use the question words from the box.
1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. What is your address? 4. What is your telephone number? 5. Where are you from? 6. How old is your mum? 7. how old is your dad? 8. Where are your mom and dad from?

Section 5. Homework

2. Fill in the blanks:
Niece (niece), nephew (nephew), aunt (aunt), wife (wife), husband (husband), uncle (uncle), cousin (cousin), parents (parents), daughter (daughter), son (son), mother (mother), brother (brother).

3. Fill in the blanks using:

Old - older - oldest/oldest

Young - younger - youngest/youngest

1) Our Maths teacher is older than our Science teacher. (Our math teacher is older than our science teacher.)

2) Who’s the oldest among your friends? (Which of your friends is the oldest?)

3) My niece is the youngest in our family. (My niece is the youngest in our family.)

4) In 1997 I was two years younger than in 1999. (In 1997 I was two years younger than in 1999.)

5) Pete’s nephew can’t play ice hockey. He is too young. (Pete's nephew can't play ice hockey. He's too small.)

6) My cousin knows this old woman. It’s Stephen’s grandma (My cousin knows this old woman. This is Stephen’s grandmother.)

6 Complete the sentences.

Example: He (find)...? - Yes,...

Did he find his friends? - Yes.

1) Have you written the composition? - No, I haven’t. (Have you written an essay? - No.)

2) Have you decided what to do during the holidays? - Yes, I have. (Have you decided what you will do during the holidays? - Yes.)

3) Has she got the presents from her parents? - Yes, she has. (Did she receive gifts from her parents? - Yes.)

4) Have you cooked the birthday cake for your sister? - No, I haven’t. (Have you prepared a cake for your sister's birthday? - No.)

5) Has she brought the French textbook today? - Yes, she has. (Did she bring a French textbook today? -Yes.)

7 Write a sentence that follows from the first sentence. Use a hint.

Example: Now I understand the story. Teacher (explain) The teacher explained it to me.

1) I am not hungry. I've had lunch. (I'm not hungry. I had lunch.)

2) She cannot tell you where Ann lives. She has forgotten. (She can't tell you where Anne lives. She forgot.)

3) I cannot show you a picture of my friend. I've lost it. (I can't show you a photo of my friend. I lost it.)

4) That is not a new film. I've seen it. (This is not a new movie. I saw it.)

5) It is not cold here now. My Mum has the window closed. (It's not cold here now. My mother closed the window.)

9 Put the word in brackets into the correct place in the sentence.

1) Have you ever been to Scotland? (Have you ever been to Scotland?)

2) Be quiet! The performance has already begun. (Quiet! The performance is already


4) I was just going to leave the room when 1 heard the telephone ring. (I was just about to leave the room when I heard the phone ring.)

5) Her parents have never heard her sing. (Her parents never heard her sing.)

6) Hasn't just turned the comer. (He just turned the corner.)

7) They have already divided the work. (They have already divided the work.)

8) My cousin has recently joined Greenpeace. (My cousin recently joined Greenpeace.)

10. Write your own special sandwich recipe.

A tin of sprats (can of sprats)

A cucumber (cucumber)

A boiled egg (boiled egg)


Verdure (greens)

Sliced ​​brown bread (sliced ​​brown bread)

1) Open the sprats. Take them out if the tin and put on a plate to let some of the oil flow down so that the sandwiches aren’t greasy. (Open the sprats. Remove them from the jar and place them on a plate so that the butter drains and the sandwiches are not greasy.)

2) Wash the cucumber and taste it. If it is bitter, peal the cucumber. (Wash the cucumber and taste it. If it is bitter, peel the cucumber.)

3) Cut the cucumber into slices. (Cut the cucumber into thin slices.)

4) Peal the egg and cut it into slices too. (Peel the egg and cut into slices too.)

5) Put some butter on slices of bread. (Spread a little butter on the pieces of bread.)

6) On each slice put a sprat, a slice of cucumber and a slice of egg. (For each piece of bread, place sprat, a slice of cucumber and a slice of egg.)

11 Put the verbs in the correct form: Past Simple (did) or Present Perfect (have/has done)

1) Yesterday my aunt went shopping and bought apples for a cake. (Yesterday my aunt went to the store and bought apples for the cake.)

2) Don't buy pizza! I have already made an apple-pie. (Don't buy pizza. I already made apple pie.)

1) Let’s have a bite to eat! I've just set the table. (Let's have a snack! I just set the table.)

2) My mother is angry. My elder brother hasn’t taken out the rubbish. (Mom is angry. My older brother didn’t take out the trash.)

3) What plants have you watered so far? (Which plants have you already watered?)

4) I visited my aunt and uncle last Sunday. (Last Sunday I visited my aunt and uncle.)

12 Here are six answers. What are the questions? Write questions that correspond to these answers.

1) We live in the city center.

2) She prefers the area of ​​private houses.

3) His parents bought a terraced house (that is, a house located in a row of identical houses with common walls) five years ago.

4) Our house has a bedroom, a nursery, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.

5) I think this is a living room. It's very nice here.

6) My aunt has a small garden behind the house. She likes to garden.

1) Where do you live? (Where do you live?)

2) What kind of neighborhood does she prefer? (Which area does she prefer?)

3) How much time does his family live in a terraced house? (How long has his family lived in the terraced house?)

4) Could you describe your house? (Please describe your home)

5) What room is it, what do you think? (Which room is this, do you think?)

6) Does your aunt have any garden? (Does your aunt have a garden?)

13 Translate from Russian into English.
1) “What a wonderful park! Have you ever been here before?” - “Yes, I was here last year.”

2) I’ve never eaten biscuits like these. They are marvelous.

3) Yesterday my elder sister swept the floor, washed up, took out the rubbish and watered the flowers after school. I think she got a bad mark.

4) “What a tasty tea!” - “Would you like a cup of tea?” - “With pleasure.”

14 Do you have a favorite place at home? Describe it.

My favorite place in our flat is a kitchen. It is rather small, but very cozy. I spend a lot of time there helping my mum cook or just talking to her. We have recently renovated our kitchen, so now everything is new and very clean there: the distance on the floor, the wallpapers. There are a lot of flowers in wattled pots in the kitchen. All this makes this place in our flat really the most pleasant.

(My favorite place in our apartment is the kitchen. It’s quite small, but very cozy. I spend a lot of time there: helping my mother cook or just talking to her. We recently renovated our kitchen, and now everything is new and very clean : tiles on the floor, wallpaper. There are a lot of flowers in wicker pots in the kitchen. All this makes this place in the apartment truly the most pleasant.

GDZ Biboletova Enjoy English 5-6 Textbook. Lesson 7. Section 5. Homework

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  • Biboletova 6th grade

Verbitskaya M.V. Forward. English for 5th grade. Tests

Ex. 1 Read the story and mark the statements as True (T) or False (F). - Read the story and mark the statements as true or false.

Sparky's story
I am Sparky, a 4-year-old dog, an animal star. Two years ago I was the pet of a family. We lived in the country and there I learned to climb a ladder and to swim. Then a famous producer saw me and invited me to a film studio. Now I live at the film studio.
I played many parts in many films. These films are science-fiction and adventure stories. I want to star in a comedy because I can dance very well. I want to make people laugh.

Sparky's Story
I'm Sparky, a 4 year old dog, pet star. Two years ago I was the darling of the family. We lived in the village, and there I learned to climb stairs and swim. Then a famous producer saw me and invited me to the film studio. Now I live at a film studio.
I have played many roles in many films. These films are Science fiction and adventure stories. I want to do comedy because I can dance very well. I want to make people laugh.

T-1) Sparky is a famous dog. — Sparky is a famous dog.
F-2) Sparky lives with a family in the country. — Sparky lives with his family in the village.
T-3) He learned to swim when he was a family pet. — He learned to swim when he was the family pet.
T-4) He played in many adventure films. — He played in many adventure films.
F-5) Sparky is famous for his comedies. — Sparky is known for his comedies.

Ex. 2 Fill in the gaps with the right word from the box. There is an odd word there! - Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the box. There is an extra word!

All my friends like watching films. Boys like (a) adventure stories where people do many exciting and dangerous things. There are a lot of (b) stunts in these films. Girls enjoy watching (c) comedies which make them laugh. When we were little children we liked (d) cartoons most of all. These films have interesting (e) stories.

All my friends love watching movies. Boys love adventure stories where people do a lot of exciting and dangerous things. There are a lot of stunts in these films. Girls enjoy watching comedies that make them laugh. When we were little children, we liked cartoons the most. These films have interesting stories.

Ex. 3 Write the Past Simple tense form of these verbs. – Write a simple past form these verbs
1) to see - saw - to see
2) to go – went – ​​to go, to walk
3) to do – did – do
4) to win – won – to win, to win
5) to make – made – to do

Ex. 4 Use the prompts to write sentences. You may use the word ‘but’. - Use the prompts to write sentences. You can use the word "but".

1) Usually my mom cooks dinner but today my dad is cooking. — Usually my mother cooks dinner, but today my dad is cooking.
2) Vera likes comedies but today she is watching an action film with us. — Vera loves comedies, but today she’s watching an action movie with us.
3) Kate sometimes plays computer games but this evening she is doing a project. —Kate sometimes plays computer games, but this evening she is doing a project.
4) Sam usually travels by car but at the moment he is flying to America. — Sam usually travels by car, but at the moment he is flying to America.
5) Jim is a camera operator but today he is doing stunts. — Jim is a cameraman, but today he does stunts.

Test 2
Ex. 1

A good girl
Two little girls, Lizzie, six, and Kate, seven, went shopping with their mum. They were looking for hats, shoes and coats. Mother bought new shoes for them. The girls came home wearing them. After lunch their brother and dad went fishing, and the girls wanted to go to the river, too. They liked swimming and it was a hot day. ‘OK, but change your shoes. You mustn’t dive, girls,’ their mum said.
When they were walking through wet grass and mud down to the riverbank, Kate said: ‘Lizzie! Mum's going to be very angry! She told you to change your shoes!’
‘I did,’ Lizzie said. ‘These are yours.’

good girl
Two little girls, Lizzie, six, and Kate, seven, went shopping with their mother. They were looking for hats, shoes and coats. Mother bought new shoes for them. The girls came home wearing them. After lunch, their brother and dad went fishing, and the girls wanted to go to the river, too. They loved to swim and it was a hot day. “Okay, but change your shoes. You shouldn't dive, girls,” their mother said.
As they walked through the wet grass and mud down to the river bank, Kate said, “Lickie! Mom will be very angry! She told you to change your shoes!”
“I did,” said Lizzie. "These are yours."

1) Kate is 7. - Kate 7.
2) Kate and Lizzie are sisters. — Kate and Lizzie are sisters.
3) The girls got new shoes. — The girls got new shoes.
4) The girls went swimming. — The girls went swimming.
5) Lizzie was wearing Kate’s new shoes. — Lizzie put on Kate's new shoes.

Ex. 2 Complete the sentences using degrees of comparison. Think about articles. - Complete the sentences using degrees of comparison. Think about articles.

1) Moscow is the biggest city in Russia. — Moscow is the largest city in Russia.
2) Its population is larger than the population of some countries. — Its population is larger than the population of some countries.
3) This text is easier than the last one. — This text is easier than the previous one.
4) Who is the tallest student in your class? —Who is the tallest student in the class?
5) Who is your best friend? -Who is your best friend?

Ex. 3 Complete the sentences using an adjective or an adverb. - Complete the sentences using an adjective or adverb.

1) Small children can be very noisy. — Small children can be very noisy.
2) My American friend speaks too quickly. — My American friend speaks too fast.
3) This text is easy. — This text is easy.
4) I can easily do this exercise. — I can do this exercise easily.
5) Be careful, please. - Please be careful with it.

Ex. 4

1) Where is the (President’s) White House? — Where is the (presidential) White House?
It's in Washington. - He's in Washington.

2) What are these tall buildings?/What are these? -What are these tall buildings? / What is this?
These are skyscrapers. - These skyscrapers.

3) What would you like to visit/see in the USA/US/America? — What would you like to visit/see in the USA/America?
I'd like to visit the Grand Canyon. — I would like to visit the Grand Canyon.

4) Have you ever eaten brownies? —Have you ever eaten brownie?
No, I’ve never eaten brownies, but I’d like to. — No, I've never eaten brownie, but I would like to.

5) Why do whales and dolphins come to the surface of the sea? — Why do whales and dolphins come to the surface of the sea?
They come to the surface of the sea to breathe. “They come to the surface of the sea to breathe.

Ex. 1 Read the text, look at the plan and fill in the gaps with the right word from the box. There is an odd word there! - Read the text, look at the outline and fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box. There is an extra word!

Our town
Our town is not big but it’s very nice. There is an old castle in Silver Street. Between the castle and the motel there is a lake. Beautiful white birds called swans swim in the middle of the lake. The bus station is near the museum. There is a cinema in front of the museum. I like our town.

Our city
Our city is not big, but it is very nice. There is an old castle on Silver Street. There is a lake between the castle and the motel. Beautiful white birds called swans swim in the middle of the lake. The bus stop is located next to the museum. There is a cinema in front of the museum building. I like our city.

Ex. 2 How did they go? Write sentences. – How do they move? Write sentences.

1) Jane went to New York by plane. — Jane went to New York by plane.
2) Henry went to school by bike. — Henry rode his bike to school.
3) Gerry’s mother went to her office by car. — Jerry's mother went to her office by car.
4) Stan went to the oil rig by helicopter. — Stan flew to the oil rig in a helicopter.
5) Maria went to the seaside by motorbike. — Maria went to the sea on a motorcycle.
6) Dan went to the shop on foot./Dan walked to the shop. — Dan went to the store on foot./Dan went to the store.

Ex. 3 Complete the sentences using the verbs in the Present Perfect Tense. Use the negative form in the last sentence. - Complete the sentences using verbs in the present completed tense. Use the negative form in the last sentence.

This is a popular band. They have recorded a new album. Now they are preparing to make a video. They have chosen the song. The video director has made a story board. The lighting engineer has done the lighting. They haven’t started/have not started yet because the camera operator is not ready.
This is a popular group. They recorded a new album. Now they are preparing to make a video. They chose a song. The video director made a storyboard. The lighting engineer did the lighting. They haven't started/haven't started yet because the camera operator isn't ready.

Ex. 4 Write questions for the following answers. — Write questions for the following answers.

1) What kind of music do you like? - What kind of music do you like?
I like jazz. - I like jazz.

2) Would you like to play any musical instrument? — Do you want to play any musical instrument?
I'd like to play the saxophone. — I would like to play the saxophone.

3) Are you interested in astronomy? —Are you interested in astronomy?
No, I’m not very interested in astronomy. No, I'm not very interested in astronomy.

4) When was the wheel discovered? — When was the wheel invented?
The wheel was invented 5000 years ago. — The wheel was invented 5000 years ago.

5) Can I have your Workbook for a moment? – Can I have your workbook for a moment?
No, I'm sorry. I left it at home. - No, sorry. I left her at home.

6) Have you ever been abroad? —Have you ever been abroad?
No, I’ve never been abroad. - No, I have never been abroad.

Ex. 1 Read the story and circle the right answers. - Read the story and circle the correct answers.

Flag of Alaska
The state flag of Alaska was designed by 13 year-old Bennie Benson from Chignik, Alaska in 1926. In 1926 there was a flag-designing competition for Alaska schoolchildren. Bennie's design was chosen from 142 designs. Benny drew three flags. One had a dog sled and two dogs on a bright green field. Another one showed a large mountain and the yellow sun. The third one had stars on a blue field. This one became the winner.
(excerpt from the text)

Flag of Alaska
The Alaska state flag was designed by 13-year-old Benny Benson of Chignik, Alaska in 1926. In 1926, there was a competition to design the Alaska flag for schoolchildren. Benny's design was selected from 142 entries. Benny drew three flags. One featured a dog sled and two dogs in a bright green field. Another one showed big mountain and yellow sun. The third had stars on a blue field. This one was the winner.
It became the official flag in 1959 when Alaska became the 49th US state. Blue means blue sky and forget-me-not, the flower of Alaska. The flag also has the North Star because Alaska is in the North of America. Benny's prize was $1,000 and a watch with his flag on it. In 1963, Benny donated this clock to the Alaska State Museum and it is still there.

1) Bennie designed the flag of Alaska at the age of thirteen. — Benny designed the Alaska flag at the age of thirteen.
2) Who took part in the flag-designing competition? — Who took part in the flag design competition?
a. Children from Alaska. — Children from Alaska.
3) How many flags did Bennie draw for the competition? — How many flags did Benny make to participate in the competition?
c. 3
4) What does the state flag of Alaska look like? – What does the state flag of Alaska look like?
b. Stars on a blue field. — Stars on a blue field.
5) What can we see in the Alaska State Museum? — What can we see at the Alaska State Museum?
a. Bennie's watch. - Benny's watch.

Ex. 2 Write questions for the following answers. — Write questions for the following answers.

1) What have you eaten today? - What did you eat today?
Today I’ve eaten some sandwiches and a salad. — Today I ate several sandwiches and a salad.

2) What are you going to do this evening? -What are you going to do this evening?
This evening I’m going to play computer games. — This evening I will play computer games.

3) What do you have to do in the classroom? — What should you do in class?
I have to empty the wastepaper bin and to water the plants in the classroom. — I have to empty the trash can and water the plants in the classroom.

4) What time do you have to get up in the morning? — What time should you get up in the morning?
I have to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. — I have to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.

5) Have you got much/little time in the morning?/How much time have you got in the morning? — Do you have a lot/little time in the morning? / What time do you have in the morning?
I have little time in the morning. — I don’t have much time in the morning.

Ex. 3 Complete the sentences using the Past Simple or the Present Perfect. - Complete the sentences using the simple past and present completed tenses.

1) I spent last summer in the country. — I spent last summer in the village.
2) This year I have been abroad for the first time. — This year I was abroad for the first time.
3) I met Kate three years ago. — I met Kate three years ago.
4) We are very close. She has been my best friend for 2 years. - We are very close. She was my best friend for 2 years.
5) We have visited my grandparents together this year. — We visited my grandparents together this year.

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