Formation of water on planet earth. Filled the well

There are several fundamentally different assumptions that have divided scientific minds into two camps: some are supporters of the meteorite or “cold” origin of the earth, while others, on the contrary, prove the “hot” origin of the planet. The first believe that the Earth was originally a large, solid, cold meteorite, while the second argue that the planet was hot and extremely dry. The only undeniable fact is that such a vital important element, like water, appeared on Earth at the stage of formation of the blue planet, that is, long before.

The hypothesis of a “cold” origin of the planet

According to the “cold” origin hypothesis, the globe was cold at the beginning of its existence. Subsequently, due to the decay of the planet’s interior, they began to warm up, which became the reason volcanic activity. The erupted lava brought various gases and water vapor to the surface. Subsequently, with the gradual cooling of the atmosphere, some of the water vapor condensed, which led to a huge amount of precipitation. Continuous rains for thousands of years initial stage the formation of the planet became a source of water that filled the oceanic depressions and formed the World Ocean.

The hypothesis of a “hot” origin of the planet

Most scientists who hypothesize the “hot” origin of the Earth do not in any way connect the appearance of water on the planet with. Scientists have suggested that the structure of planet Earth initially contained hydrogen layers, which later entered into chemical reaction with oxygen present in the earth's mantle at the initial stage of formation. The result of this interaction was the emergence huge amount water on the planet.

However, some scientists do not exclude the participation of asteroids and comets in the creation of water space on huge territory land. They suggest that it was thanks to continuous attacks from large comets and asteroids, which carried reserves of water in the form of liquid, ice and steam, that huge expanses of water appeared, filling most of planet Earth.

At all times, people have wanted to know how planet Earth was formed. Despite the fact that there are many hypotheses, the question of the origin of water on our planet still remains open.

U thor_2006 in the flow... it is said that the oldest traces of life are 3.7 billion years old. Moreover, judging by the nature of the finds, these are not the most ancient representatives of life on Earth: “Stromatolites are important not only as evidence ancient life, noticeable naked eye, but also as complex ecosystems,” explains study lead author Allen Nutman. “This suggests that already 3.7 billion years ago microbial communities were diverse. This diversity means that life arose in the first few hundred million years of Earth's existence and this is consistent with the calculations of biologists, which show that genetic code life - very ancient."

And these are the same traces:

What was the temperature on the surface of the Earth in the first few hundred million years of the Earth’s existence, when life arose on it? Scientists say that it is slightly lower than the temperature on the surface of the Sun. I quote: " So, 4.5 billion years ago, the Earth was formed as a result of the collision of millions celestial bodies young solar system. The temperature was so high that the surface of the Earth resembled a molten ocean"How could it appear in such hell biological life, based on water? - There was no way she could appear.

How did water, the carrier of life, appear on Earth? I quote again: " 4 billion 400 million years ago the age of the earth was approximately 100 million years. Meteorites continued to fall to Earth, but due to the gradual cooling of the core most The surface of the Earth has turned into a crust consisting of dark volcanic rock. Already at this stage began to appear on the surface of the Earth water.

The rocks formed during that period have not survived. However, tiny zircon crystals remained, which helped establish the exact age globe. In addition, these crystals contain traces of water molecules, they can be found in all the oldest zircon crystals.

However the origin of most of the planet's water remains a mystery. As the Earth cooled, its surface released tons carbon dioxide . As a result, a certain amount of water vapor was released. However, some scientists believe that this amount was not enough for the entire planet, since rocks, making up the globe, were too dry and hot. There are scientists who believe that Most of the water came to Earth from outside."

There is absolutely not enough water in meteorite rocks for oceans to appear on Earth. I quote again: “The condensation of water in the atmosphere led to the most powerful flood in the history of the globe. Lightning pierced the sky and rained down on the surface of the Earth. rain that fell for millions and millions of years without stopping. As a result, the Earth turned into kingdom of water. Over 90% of its surface was covered by ocean."

This is already closer to the truth. But again, it is completely unclear: now water vapor in the atmosphere is formed as a result of the evaporation of water mainly from the surface of the oceans. Where did the water come from in the atmosphere when there were no oceans on Earth? After all, the oceans themselves appeared as a result of incessant heavy rain that fell for millions of years. The forty-day biblical rainstorm, the result of which was global flood, just a trifle compared to that initial rain? So where does the water come from?

With water there are miracles. All attempts to explain it natural origin similar to the story of Baron Munchausen about how he pulled himself out of the swamp by grabbing the hair on his head with his hands and pulling it up.

The great mystery of water is connected with the mystery of life on earth. Until this mystery is solved, the version of the supernatural origin of life is even less “crazy” than all modern ones scientific versions. Just imagine what nonsense this is: over a fire-breathing molten ocean, clouds appear out of nowhere and rain from them for millions of years without stopping, as a result of which the ocean of fire turns into an ocean of water. I wonder why it pours from the clouds on Venus sulfuric acid, and life-giving moisture suddenly poured on Earth?

MOSCOW, January 12 - RIA Novosti. The oldest rocks of the Earth from a Canadian island in the Arctic told scientists that the water of our planet existed on its surface originally, and was not brought by comets or asteroids, according to an article published in the journal Science.

“We found that the water molecules in the samples of these rocks contained few atoms of deuterium, heavy hydrogen. This suggests that it came to Earth not after it had formed and cooled, but along with the dust from which it was formed our planet. Most of the water in this dust evaporated, but its remains were enough to form the Earth's oceans,” said Lydia Hallis from the University of Glasgow (Scotland).

Today, planetary scientists believe that the Earth’s waters are of “cosmic” origin. Their source, according to half of them, is comets, while other astronomers believe that water reserves of our planet were “brought” to it by asteroids.
Hallis and her colleagues showed that our planet's oceans may in fact be filled with its own water by studying samples of Earth's oldest basalts found in Baffin Land, Canada, in 1985.

These fragments of the Earth's mantle, as the geologist explains, contain so-called inclusions - small balls of crystals of refractory rocks that formed at the dawn of the solar system, about 4.5-4.4 billion years ago. Due to the fact that they never left the bowels of the Earth and did not mix with rocks earth's crust, they contain the primary matter of our planet.

Hallis's group decided to take advantage of this fact to study the isotopic composition of the water contained in these inclusions and compare it with the values ​​​​in fractions of hydrogen isotopes that are characteristic of the Earth's waters today and for asteroids and comets.

Scientists: Jupiter could destroy “super-Earths” in the young solar systemOur solar system could contain one or more large Earth-like planets early stages of their formation, which were subsequently absorbed by the Sun as a result of the migrations of Jupiter.

As it turned out, the primary rocks of the Earth contained unusually little deuterium, heavy hydrogen, noticeably less than is contained in the waters of modern oceans and in the matter of small celestial bodies. This suggests that the source of water was the primary matter of the gas-dust disk from which the Earth and all other inhabitants of the Solar System were born.

Why is this so? Initially, as Hallis explains, the primary matter of the solar system contained very little deuterium. Deuterium is heavier than “ordinary” hydrogen, and therefore its atoms evaporate into space from the surface of the Earth or other celestial bodies much more slowly than simple protons. Therefore, the more time water spends in open space, the less deuterium it will contain. This explains why the small amount of deuterium in water in samples of these rocks indicates the “terrestrial” origin of water in the oceans of our planet.

Scientists: life on Earth could have existed 4 billion years agoGeochemists from the United States have found possible traces that life on Earth could have arisen almost simultaneously with the cooling of the planet and the appearance of the first bodies of water on its surface, approximately 4.1-4 billion years ago.

Today, very few scientists believe that water and most of the gases in the Earth’s atmosphere could have arisen on our planet “independently.” This is explained by the fact that the Earth is located in the so-called hot part of the protoplanetary disk, where water ice and other frozen volatile substances gradually destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet and other rays of the newborn Sun.

On the other hand, in recent years Planetary scientists have found a lot of evidence and theoretical evidence in favor of the fact that the Earth and some other Earth-like planets in the solar system could have formed in the more distant and cold part of the protoplanetary disk, and then were “driven” from their place into modern orbits by Jupiter and Saturn. The discovery by Hallis and her colleagues may be another argument in favor of this “migration” theory.

There is quite a lot of water on Earth. According to various estimates, there are about 1.38 billion cubic kilometers on the surface of our planet. Where did all this water come from? A new study claims that water may have appeared on Earth along with cosmic dust, from which our planet emerged about 4.5 billion years ago.

Researchers from Germany, the Netherlands and the UK have put forward interesting hypothesis. It states that water could have reached Earth in molecules. They were in the dust of a protoplanetary cloud that preceded the appearance of the planets of the Solar System. The scientists relied on calculations and simulations that were part of their new study.

Where does water come from on Earth?

Astronomers have long been trying to understand how so much water appeared on Earth, the report says. One explanation for this fact states that water came to Earth from comets and. They flew to solar system in the early stages of its formation. They fell to Earth, giving the planet water. Another common explanation is that the Earth was originally rich in water, having been immediately born from water-containing rocks tens of kilometers in size. This hypothesis has no prospects, the report notes, since the ability contain large stones significant amount water is quite limited.

A new study offers another realistic explanation for the appearance of water on early earth. A team of researchers performed interesting calculations. They show that in the region of space where the Earth was born there was an abundance tiny particles dust. Their dimensions were about one millimeter, and they contained . These dust-like grains could then clump together, even forming something like pebbles. And she, in turn, began to grow in size, reaching large volumes.

These rocky debris collided with each other and eventually formed the Earth. Water seeped through them, like through a sponge, and flooded the surface of the young Earth. The events described may well explain the amount of water that we observe on our planet.
The scientists who performed the calculations also showed that it would only take about a million years for small dust grains to collect the amount of water that is on Earth right now. This million-year time scale also fits within the time frame during which the Earth must have been formed from massive rocky debris.

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