The most common hypothesis about the origin of the earth. Theories and hypotheses of the origin of the earth

Probably everyone has paid attention to the division of people according to the degree of success and attractiveness for material goods. Some can easily create happy family, others earn a lot of money without straining. What is most interesting is that it is much more difficult to find a person who is successful in all areas at once, so that there is happiness in the family and money flows like a river. But a lot of individuals complain about success in only one area. As a rule, achieving success in another area is much more difficult, and sometimes even impossible. This happens because each of us has the energy of one dominant color. The color of energy determines what earth resources we will attract. Each person has one primary color in their energy system, which serves as a magnet for its inherent benefits. However, this same color cannot attract benefits that are not characteristic of it.

What is energy? What determines its color?.

Energy is a shell of the energy surrounding us, which we create ourselves. All our thoughts, goals, priorities, attitude towards ourselves and the world around us, principles and actions influence its color and richness. If a person is confident in himself, loves himself, has high self-esteem, knows his way, is energetic, successful and lucky, then his energy will be yellow. If he is energetic, sexy, loves to rule and dominate, knows how to work for full force, then his energy will most likely be red.

There are 10 such colors in total. Of these, three colors are not successful and not pure: brown, black and gray. The others include: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. To summarize: the color of our energy depends on the direction of our thinking and perception of the world. Thus, we are attracted to the benefits that are characteristic of our color. It works as follows: the direction of our thoughts is reflected in the unconscious, which triggers a certain energy center, and that in turn begins to produce a certain energy color. The degree of attraction of related benefits depends on the saturation of the energy shell and its color. The saturation of energy, in turn, is determined by the degree of satisfaction with oneself, one’s life, energy breakdowns and weeds. By learning to think in a certain way, it is possible to change or saturate the energy.

What is energy? Primary colors.

Most often, one energy color dominates in each person, but sometimes another one is mixed in, but in a more weak form. For example, a mixture of yellow energy with orange or green with an admixture is often found blue color. Now let’s take a closer look at the main colors of energy.

Red energy is characteristic of people who are strong-willed, powerful, selfish, loving and able to dominate, as well as occupy leading positions. They are often assertive, sexy, hard-working and aggressive. The energy of these people attracts power, sex with various partners, an active and busy life, and sometimes even extreme adventures. People with red energy tend to achieve their goals without being shy about the methods of achieving it.

Orange color of energy suits individuals who are selfish, loving and know how to enjoy life, often lazy. They love calmness, leisurely decision-making, wrap themselves in comfort and try not to overwork themselves. The energy of such people attracts pleasure and enjoyment of life, tranquility, work for pleasure, comfort and coziness.

Yellow energy is characteristic of individuals who are selfish, self-confident, self-loving, have high self-esteem, are able to enjoy success and believe in good luck. The energy of these people attracts luck, success, money, fame, as well as good attitude other people. Yellow energy tends to be the center of attention and at the peak of success.

Green energy is inherent in people who love all living things around them. As a rule, such people are altruistic, fair and principled. The energy of such people attracts love, justice, and goodness. Green energy can easily build strong and happy family relationships.

Blue energy is characteristic of individuals who are light-hearted, creative and sociable. Carriers of blue energy attract ease in business and life. They strive for creative self-realization.

Blue energy is inherent in people who rely on their intellect, think through their actions one step forward, and have a developed logical thinking. Blue energy attracts intellectual work and a clearly planned life with a minimum of emotions. People with blue energy are prone to professional growth. They accept only the logical world, while rejecting logically inexplicable information.

Violet energy is characteristic of spiritually developed individuals who prefer material world spiritual, possessing considerable wisdom, having the richest inner world and having a huge impact on the people around them. Typical representatives of violet energy are sages. Violet energy attracts spiritual knowledge and provides the opportunity to influence the development of other people.

Now a few words about unsuccessful energy drinks, which include black, brown and gray. Unfortunately, more than sixty percent of the people on earth are carriers of such energies. But there is also positive point- the percentage of bad energy drinks is decreasing. This happens due to the rising standard of living and the gradual spiritual improvement of people.

Black energy is characteristic of people who are angry, envious, vindictive, dissatisfied with themselves and their lives, negative, with a strong blackness. Black energy brings evil to the world, wishing the worst for people. This energy attracts everything that it desires for others.

People with brown energy include people who have a pessimistic outlook on life, with developed complexes, who do not love themselves, who do not respect themselves, and who have low self-esteem. Often such people are not bad, and sometimes even fair and noble, but developed blackness interferes with a pure perception of the world, which introduces negativity, develops complexes and brings bad luck. Brown energy attracts failures, disappointments, stress, stagnation in business and a difficult personal life.

Gray energy is characteristic of persons with a broken energy shell, which deprives a person of vital energy and strength. The breakdown occurs due to the individual’s dissatisfaction with himself or the world around him, self-flagellation and other influences of blackness. Gray energy tries to hide in its world from the surrounding adversities and people, which primarily blocks success, luck and other benefits from them modern world. Gray energy is so devoid of energy that it makes it invisible to the universe.

What is energy? How to develop it.

Any energy can be developed and made more attractive for the benefits of the universe. Energy can not only be forged and saturated, but also even changed depending on the circumstances. It is possible to train energy both by working on your thinking and perception of the world, and by influencing energy centers. There is a wonderful and unique method for developing energy. You can find out by attending the “Four Leaps to Success” training. You can study the details of the “four leaps to success” training by clicking on.

Origin of the Earth determines its age, chemical and physical composition. Our Earth is one of nine planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) solar system. All planets of the Solar System revolve around the Sun approximately in the same plane and in the same direction in elliptical orbits, very close to circles.

Galaxy - Sun and star system. The bulk of stars are located in the ring of the Milky Way. The stars are larger or smaller than the sun. The Sun is located closer to the center of the Galaxy and, together with all the stars, revolves around it.

Outside the Galaxy there are many other Galaxies, which contain from 1 to 150 billion stars. Such a large grouping of stars is called a metagalaxy, or Big Universe. Our metagalaxy was discovered by the American astronomer Edwin Hubble (1924-1926). He established that Milky Way- this is the only one of many " star worlds" which we are observing. Galaxy (Milky Way) has spiral structure. This is an elongated strip of stars with significant thickening in the middle and at the ends.

Countless number of Galaxies relatively close to us make up the Archipelago of star islands, that is, they form a system of Galaxies.

Big Universe is a system of archipelagos, several million galaxies. The diameter of the Great Universe is many billions of light years. The universe is infinite in time and space.

The origin of the Earth has interested scientists since ancient times., and many hypotheses have been put forward on this subject, which can be divided into hypotheses of hot and cold origin.

The German philosopher Kant (1724-1804) put forward a hypothesis according to which the Earth was formed from a nebula consisting of dusty particles, between which attraction and repulsion existed, resulting in the formation Roundabout Circulation nebulae.

The French mathematician and astronomer Laplace (1749-1827) hypothesized that the Earth was formed from a single hot nebula, but did not explain its movement. According to Kant, the Earth was formed independently of the Sun, and according to Laplace it is a product of the disintegration of the Sun (the formation of rings).

In the XIX and XX centuries. V Western Europe a number of hypotheses were put forward about the origin of the Earth and other planets (Chamberlain, Multon, Jeans, etc.), which turned out to be idealistic or mechanical and not scientifically substantiated. Russian scientists - Academician O. Yu. Shmidt and V. G. Fesenkov - made a great contribution to the science of the origin of the Earth and space.

Academician O. Yu. Schmidt scientifically proved that the planets (including the Earth) were formed from solid fragmented particles captured by the Sun. When passing through a cluster of such particles, the gravitational forces captured them, and they began to move around the Sun. As a result of their movement, the particles formed clumps, which grouped and turned into planets. According to the hypothesis of O. Yu. Schmidt, the Earth, like other planets of the solar system, was cold from the beginning of its existence. Subsequently, the decay of radioactive elements began in the body of the Earth, as a result of which the bowels of the Earth began to heat up and melt, and its mass began to stratify into separate zones or spheres with different physical properties and chemical composition.

Academician V. G. Fesenkov to explain his hypothesis proceeded from the fact that the Sun and planets were formed in a single process of development and evolution from a large clump of gas-dust nebula. This clump had the appearance of a very flattened disk-like cloud. The Sun formed from the thickest hot cloud in the center. Due to the movement of the entire mass of the cloud, the density at its periphery was unequal. Denser cloud particles became centers from which the future nine planets of the solar system, including the Earth, began to form. V. G. Fesenkov concluded that the Sun and its planets were formed almost simultaneously from a gas-dust mass with a high temperature.

Planet Earth the only thing famous place where life has been found so far, I say so far because perhaps in the future people will discover another planet or satellite with intelligent life living there, but so far the Earth is the only place where there is life. Life on our planet is very diverse, from microscopic organisms to huge animals, plants and more. And people have always had the question - How and where did our planet come from? There are many hypotheses. Hypotheses for the origin of the Earth are radically different from each other, and some of them are very difficult to believe.

This is a very difficult question. You cannot look into the past and see how it all began and how it all began to emerge. The first hypotheses of the origin of planet Earth began to appear in the 17th century, when people had already accumulated sufficient quantity knowledge about space, our planet and the solar system itself. Now we adhere to two possible hypotheses for the origin of the Earth: Scientific - The Earth was formed from dust and gases. Then the Earth was dangerous place for life after many years evolution, the surface of planet Earth has become suitable for our life: the Earth’s atmosphere is suitable for breathing, hard surface, and much more. And Religious - God created the Earth in 7 days and settled here all the diversity of animals and plants. But at that time there was not enough knowledge to weed out all other hypotheses, and then there were much more of them:

  • Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon. (1707–1788)

He made an assumption that no one would believe now. He suggested that the Earth could have been formed from a piece of the Sun, which was torn off by a certain comet that hit our star.

But this theory was refuted. Edmund Halley, an English astronomer, noticed that our solar system is visited by the same comet at intervals of several decades. Halley even managed to predict the next appearance of the comet. He also found that the comet changes its orbit a little each time, which means it does not have significant mass to tear off a “piece” from the Sun.

  • Immanuel Kant. (1724–1804)

Our Earth and the entire solar system were formed from a cold and collapsing dust cloud. Kant wrote an anonymous book where he described his hypotheses about the origin of the planet, but it did not attract the attention of scientists. Scientists by this time were considering a more popular hypothesis put forward by Pierre Laplace, a French mathematician.

  • Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749–1827)

Laplace suggested that the solar system was formed from a constantly rotating gas cloud heated to enormous temperatures. This theory is very similar to current scientific theory.

  • James Jeans (1877–1946)

Some cosmic body, namely the star, passed too close to our Sun. The sun's gravity tore some mass out of this star, forming a sleeve of hot matter, which over time formed all of our 9 planets. Jeans talked about his hypothesis so convincingly that short time it conquered the minds of people and they believed that this was the only possible emergence of the planet.

So, we looked at the most famous hypotheses of the origin, they were very unusual and diverse. In our time, they would not even listen to such people, because we now have much more knowledge about our solar system and about the Earth than people knew then. Therefore, hypotheses about the origin of the Earth were based only on the imagination of scientists. Now we can observe and conduct various studies and experiments, but this has not given us a definitive answer about how and from what exactly our planet originated.

Man has long tried to study the world that surrounds him. How did the Earth originate? This question has worried people for more than one millennium. Many legends and predictions have survived to this day. various peoples peace. They are united by the fact that the origin of our Earth is connected with the action of mythical heroes and gods. Only in the 18th century did they begin to appear scientific hypotheses about the origin of the sun and planets.

Georges Buffon's hypothesis

French scientist Georges Buffon suggested that our Earth was formed as a result of a catastrophe. Once upon a time, a huge comet crashed into the Sun, causing numerous splashes to scatter. Subsequently, these splashes began to cool, and planets, including the Earth, were formed from the largest ones.

Rice. 1

Rice. 2. Hypothesis of the origin of the Solar system

Georges Buffon was born into the family of a wealthy landowner and was the eldest of his 5 children. Three of his brothers reached the ecclesiastical hierarchy high position. Georges was sent to college at the age of 10, but he studied reluctantly. And I was only interested in mathematics. During this period, Buffon translated Newton's works. He was later appointed intendant of the royal garden, a post he held for 50 years until his death.

Emmanuel Kant's hypothesis

A German scientist had a different opinion Immanuel Kant. He believed that the Sun and all the planets were formed from a cold dust cloud. This cloud rotated, gradually the dust grains became denser and united - this is how the Sun and other planets were formed.

Rice. 3

Pierre Laplace's conjecture

Pierre Laplace- a French scientist and astronomer - proposed his hypothesis about the appearance of the solar system. He believed that the sun and planets were formed from a giant hot gas cloud. It gradually cooled, contracted and gave rise to the Sun and planets.

Rice. 4

Rice. 5. Hypothesis of the origin of the solar system

Pierre Simon Laplace was born on March 23, 1749 into a peasant family in Beaumont-en-Auge, in the Norman department of Calvados. He studied at the Benedictine school, from which he emerged, however, as a convinced atheist. Wealthy neighbors helped the talented boy enter the University of Caen (Normandy). Laplace proposed the first mathematically substantiated cosmogonic hypothesis for the formation of all bodies in the Solar System, called after him: the Laplace hypothesis. He was also the first to suggest that some nebulae observed in the sky are actually galaxies similar to our Milky Way.

James Jeans hypothesis

Another scientist adhered to a different hypothesis, his name is James Jeans. At the beginning of this century, he suggested that there once flew near the Sun massive star and with its gravity tore out part of the solar substance. This substance laid the foundation for all the planets of the solar system.

Rice. 6

Rice. 7. Hypothesis of the origin of the solar system

Otto Schmidt's hypothesis

Our compatriot - Otto Yulievich Schmidt in 1944 he put forward his hypothesis about the origin of the Sun and planets. He believed that billions of years ago a giant gas and dust cloud revolved around the Sun, this cloud was cold. Over time, the cloud flattened and clumps formed. These clumps began to rotate in orbits, and planets gradually formed from them.

Rice. 8

Rice. 9. Hypothesis of the origin of the solar system

Otto Schmidt was born on September 18, 1891. As a child, he worked in a writing instruments shop. Money for the gifted boy’s education in the gymnasium was found from his Latvian grandfather Fricis Ergle. He graduated from high school in Kyiv with a gold medal (1909). Graduated from the Department of Physics and Mathematics Kyiv University, where he studied in 1909-1913. There, under the guidance of Professor D. A. Grave, he began his research in group theory.

One of the founders and editor-in-chief Big Soviet encyclopedia(1924-1942). Founder and head Department of Higher Algebra (1929-1949) of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics/Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. In 1930-1934 he led the famous Arctic expeditions on the icebreaking ships “Sedov”, “Sibiryakov” and “Chelyuskin”. In 1930-1932 director of the All-Union Arctic Institute, in 1932-1938. Head of the Northern Main Directorate sea ​​route(GUSMP). From February 28, 1939 to March 24, 1942, he was vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

As you noticed, the hypotheses of Kant, Laplace and Schmidt are in many ways similar, and they formed the basis modern theory about the origin of the solar system and the Earth as well.

Modern hypothesis

Modern scientists suggest that the Solar system, that is, the Sun and the planets, arose simultaneously from a giant cold gas-dust cloud. This cloud of interstellar gas and dust was spinning. Gradually, clots began to form in it. The central, largest clump gave rise to a star - the Sun. Nuclear processes began to occur inside the Sun, and because of this it warmed up. The remaining clumps gave rise to planets.

Rice. 10. First stage

Rice. 11. Second stage

Rice. 12. Third stage

Rice. 13. Fourth stage

As you can see, scientists’ ideas about the emergence of our solar system and the Earth developed gradually. Today, there are still many controversial, unclear issues that modern science has to solve.

1. Melchakov L.F., Skatnik M.N. Natural history: textbook. for 3.5 grades avg. school – 8th ed. – M.: Education, 1992. – 240 p.: ill.

2. Bakhchieva O.A., Klyuchnikova N.M., Pyatunina S.K. and others. Natural history 5. – M.: Educational literature.

3. Eskov K.Yu. and others. Natural history 5 / Ed. Vakhrusheva A.A. – M.: Balass.

1. The structure and life of the Universe ().

It arose about 4600 million years ago. Since then, its surface has constantly changed under the influence various processes. The earth apparently formed several million years after a colossal explosion in space. The explosion created a huge amount of gas and dust. Scientists believe that its particles, colliding with each other, united into giant clumps of hot matter, which over time turned into the existing planets.

According to scientists, the Earth arose after a colossal cosmic explosion. The first continents probably formed from molten rock flowing to the surface from vents. As it solidified, it made the earth's crust thicker. Oceans could have formed in the lowlands from droplets contained in volcanic gases. The original one probably consisted of the same gases.

They think that the Earth was at first incredibly hot, with a sea of ​​molten rocks on the surface. About 4 billion years ago, the Earth began to slowly cool and split into several layers (see right). The heaviest rocks sank deep into the bowels of the Earth and formed its core, remaining unimaginably hot. Less dense matter formed a series of layers around the core. On the surface itself, molten rocks gradually solidified, forming a solid crust covered with many volcanoes. The molten rock, bursting to the surface, froze, forming the earth's crust. Low areas were filled with water.

Earth today

Although the earth's surface seems solid and unshakable, changes are still taking place. They are called various kinds processes, some of which destroy earth's surface, and others recreate it. Most changes occur extremely slowly and are detected only by special instruments. To form a new mountain range it takes millions of years to powerful eruption volcano or monstrous strength earthquakes can transform the surface of the Earth in a matter of days, hours and even minutes. In 1988, an earthquake in Armenia that lasted about 20 seconds destroyed buildings and killed more than 25,000 people.

Structure of the Earth

In general, the Earth has the shape of a ball, slightly flattened at the poles. It consists of three main layers: crust, mantle and core. Each layer is formed different types rocks. The picture below shows the structure of the Earth, but the layers are not to scale. The outer layer is called earth's crust. Its thickness is from 6 to 70 km. Located under the bark top layer mantle formed by hard rocks. This layer, together with the crust, is called and has a thickness of about 100 km. The part of the mantle underlying the lithosphere is called the asthenosphere. It is approximately 100 km thick and is likely composed of partially molten rocks. the mantle varies from 4000°C near the core to 1000″C in the upper part of the asthenosphere. The lower mantle probably consists of solid rock. The outer core is composed of iron and nickel, apparently molten. The temperature of this layer can reach 55СТГС. The temperature of the subcore can be above 6000'C. It is solid due to the colossal pressure of all the other layers. Scientists believe that it consists mainly of iron (more about this in the article ““).

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