Oseeva three comrades the main idea. Literary reading lesson “V.A. Oseeva “Three Comrades”

Subject. V.A. Oseeva "Three Comrades".

The purpose of the teacher’s activity: create conditions for the formation moral concepts « honor - dishonor» for the development of learning and reading skills.

To form students’ ideas about friendship.


Learn how to characterize a hero based on an analysis of his actions,develop the ability to emotionally perceive text and express when readingfeelings and character characters, develop critical thinking,cultivate the desire to be better, kinder, friendlier.

Planned results (UPD):

personal: apply the rules of business cooperation; evaluate people's actions life situations from the point of view generally accepted norms and values; live the text emotionally, express your emotions; show patience and kindness, trust in the interlocutor;

meta-subject :

regulatory – plan a solution learning task, evaluate performance results, analyze own work;

educational – reproduce from memory the information necessary to solve a learning task, check, find additional information using reference books and the Internet, draw conclusions as a result group work;

communicative – perceive the text taking into account the assigned educational task, find in the text the information necessary to solve it, compose small oral monologue statements, negotiate with classmates about the rules of communication and follow them, learn to work in a group, perform various roles;

subject: perceive by ear literary text performed by the teacher, students; learn to name the author’s name and title, compare a story and a cartoon; highlight the main idea of ​​the work.


Envelope with figures of boys, tree of predictions, multimediaprojector, presentation, “ladder of success”, circles.

Technology: development of critical thinking.

Techniques: forecasting by name, prediction tree, cluster,

reading with stops, syncwine.

Progress of the lesson.

Org. moment. Psychological mood.

Slide No. 1. Reading in chorus.

I will study.

I won't be lazy.

Learn a lot from books.

Speech warm-up

A) Read the tongue twister, read one word at a time.

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

B) Find words in each column that differ by one letter.

wasp poppy

cat mustache

mouth whale

cancer horn

I . Call. 1. Checking homework.

Expressive reading of poetry by S. Marshak, O. Grigoriev, E. Uspensky.
Which poem did you find the funniest? Why?
2. Updating knowledge.
Today we will start our work with a parableLeonardo da Vinci.
- What is this parable about?

Leonardo da Vinci

Children's answers (about friendship, about help)

Children, please tell me what the word “friendship” means to you?- Why does a person need a friend?
-Who can be your friend?
- What is the topic of our lesson?

3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.
We will get acquainted with the workV.A. Oseyeva "Three Comrades".Let's talk about friendship and friends. Let's find out what kind of person might be worthy of this title. Let's find out what we need to do to always be surrounded by true friends.

Teacher: A letter came to our class from a radio studio. We are asked to help withcreating a radio play based on the story by V.A. Oseyeva "Three Comrades".

Slide No. 2 Portrait of a writer. Book "Three Comrades".

In one of the books, Valentina Alexandrovna addressed her readers with the following words:

"Dear guys! When I was like you,

One day my mother asked:

Did you like the story?

I replied:

Don't know. I didn't think about him.

Mom was very upset.

Since then, after reading the story, I began to think about good

and bad deeds of girls and boys, and sometimes

about your own. And since it helped me in life,

then I wrote it for you short stories,

Now we will learn to think about what you read.

Where do we start?

Children: Let's read the story, get to know the heroes of the work,characters, we’ll get used to the character, and we’ll act out a radio play.(The work plan is written on the board and by the students.)


What do you think the story will be about?

Children's guess.

About friendship(strengthened on the tree of predictions).


The envelope contains 4 boy figures(the figures are placed on the board).

Who do you think these boys are?

Children. These are the heroes of the story. Comrades, friends(fixed on a tree


Teacher. Who can you call a friend, comrade?

Write down your opinion on pieces of paper, exchange opinions with your neighbor.

Work in pairs.

Children. State your definition.

A cluster is created. Slide №3.

Physical education minute.

P. Understanding.

4. Introducing a new topic.

Teacher. So, we will now read the story and test our assumptions. Let's get acquainted with the heroes of the work.

A)Primary reading of the text by the teacher with stops.

Reading to words:

- “You probably had it in your pocket, but you should put it in your bag,” said Misha....

Teacher.How do you think this story ends? Children's guess - the boys shared breakfast, Vitya found hisbreakfast(strengthened on the tree of predictions).

b)Independent reading of the story.

Teacher. Read the story and compare your guesses. What surprised you?

Comparing your assumptions with the author’s text (appeal to the tree predictions).

Children. What was surprising was that only one boy shared breakfast with Vitya.

Teacher. Is the title "Three Comrades" appropriate for the story?

c) Work on the images of heroes.

Where did this incident happen? Why did Vitya stand aside and not have breakfast?Read this passage. Select a boy figurine.

( The boys' figures are quite expressive. Vitya, who lost his breakfast,stands with his head down. Kolya is preparing to bite off a large piece of white bread.Misha takes out his breakfast from his briefcase).

What were the names of his comrades? Select Kolya and Misha figures.Did they feel sorry for Vitya? Did they want to help Vita?How should you read the words of Kolya and Misha? Find and read these words with indifference.

How did Volodya behave? With what feeling should one speak his words?

Read it.

What can you say about Vita?

What was his mood?

What words suggest that Vitya was upset?

Read Vitya’s words with upset intonation.

Physical education minute.

III . Reflection

4. Practical work.

Read and label the characters' words. Each group independently prepares role-playing readings.

    Acting out a radio play.

    Creative work. Working in groups.

What would you do in such a situation?

How do you think events will develop next? Come up with

continuation of the story.

7. Game "Collect a proverb".

Slide №4

People have many proverbs about friendship. Proverbs fell apart.

Friends get to know each otherin trouble.

Strong friendship and an axyou won't cut it.

Die yourself, andhelp your comrade.

old friend betternew two.

What is the topic of our lesson?

What did we learn about in the lesson?

Which character meets all the characteristics of a true friend?

( access to the cluster).

How many friends did Vitya actually have?

What does it mean to be good friend?

B. Compiling a syncwine. Your understanding of the word “comrade”.Slide №5.

Who? Comrade.

Which? Loyal, reliable.

What does it do? He will help, support, and advise.

Main idea. He won’t leave one in trouble.

Conclusion. Real

9. Summarizing answers.

What does this story teach us?

There is no direct advice in the story. The author shows a life scene. Reading

we sympathize with some heroes and condemn others. Artistic

the work gives us the opportunity to understand human


10. "Ladder of Success" (drawn on whatman paper, attached to the board).
Evaluate your work in class.

Children attach circles to the ladder, depending on how they ratedyour job.

I worked well

I could do better

I didn't work well

11. Homework. Think of a situation you might end up inVitya, so that he needed the help of his comrades. How will the other characters in the story behave?

The lesson ends with a song

"True Friend"

Slide number 6. In the background of the song there are pictures on the theme “friendship”.

Subject. V.A. Oseeva "Three Comrades".


To form students’ ideas about friendship.


Learn how to characterize a hero based on an analysis of his actions,develop the ability to emotionally perceive text and express when readingfeelings and character of the characters, develop critical thinking,cultivate the desire to be better, kinder, friendlier.


P presentation, “ladder of success”, circles, exhibition of books by V. Oseeva.

Technology: development of critical thinking.

Progress of the lesson.

Org. moment. Psychological mood.

We have a minute to spare.

Are you all ready for the lesson?

What is our motto?

Everything you need is at hand.

We should be fine

Desk, books and notebooks.

We looked at our guests, smiled at them, at each other, and sat down quietly.

1. Checking homework.

2.Updating knowledge

What are you over worked at home? (Above the story “Cookies” by Valentina Oseeva.)

Name the heroes of the story. Did you like all the characters? What were your mother and grandmother preparing for? (To family tea party). What did the boys do with the cookies?

What conclusion can you draw from this story?

Let's listen to you read expressively.

You have already become acquainted with several stories by V. Oseeva. Why are these stories placed in the “Learning to Mind” section? What did they make us think about? (About good and bad deeds). Oseeva has many stories. You can read them in these books (Slide and exhibition), but they all teach us to distinguish honesty, integrity, noble deeds, true friends.

How do you understand the meaning of the words - true friend?
- Why does a person need a friend?
-Who can be your friend?

- Guys, please tell me what the word “friendship” means to you?
- What is the topic of our lesson?

Correctly, the topic of the lesson is “Friends and comrades.”

Teacher: A letter came to our class from a radio studio. We are asked to help with creating a radio play based on the story by V.A. Oseyeva "Three Comrades".
Where do we start?

Children: Let's read the story, get to know the heroes of the work,characters' personalities, get used to the character, act out radio play. (The work plan is written on the board and by the students.)


What do you think the story will be about? (About friendship)

Physical education minute.

P. Understanding.

4. Introducing a new topic.

Teacher. So, we will now read the story and test our assumptions. Let's get acquainted with the heroes of the work.

A) Primary reading of the text by the teacher with stops.

Reading to words:

- “You probably had it in your pocket, but you should put it in your bag,” said Misha....

Teacher. How do you think this story ends? Children's guess - the boys shared breakfast, Vitya found his breakfast (strengthened on the tree of predictions).

b) Independent reading of the story.

Teacher. Read the story and compare your guesses. What surprised you?

Compare your assumptions with the author’s text.

Children. What was surprising was that only one boy shared breakfast with Vitya.

Teacher. Is the title "Three Comrades" appropriate for the story?

c) Work on the images of heroes.

Where did this incident happen? Why did Vitya stand aside and not have breakfast?Read this passage.

What were the names of his comrades?Did they feel sorry for Vitya? Did they want to help Vita?How should you read the words of Kolya and Misha? Find and read these words with indifference.

How did Volodya behave? With what feeling should one speak his words?

Read it.

What can you say about Vita?

Read Vitya’s words with upset intonation.

Physical education minute.

III. Reflection

4. Practical work.

Read and label the characters' words. Each group independently prepares role-playing readings.

5. Creative work in groups. Acting out radio play.

How many friends did Vitya actually have?

What does it mean to be a good friend, comrade?

6.Work on proverbs.

What proverbs do you know about friendship? I suggest you remember some more proverbs.

7. Summarizing answers.

Let's come up with the rules of true friendship.

8. Work in pairs . (We will create a cover for any story by V. Oseeva)

10. "Ladder of Success"(The song “True Friend” plays
Evaluate your work in class.

Children attach circles to the ladder, depending on how they rated your job.

I worked well.

I could have done better.

I didn't work well.

11 . Homework.Read the story on pp. 24-25, come up with a continuation of the story,

Notebook page 15 No. 2,3

Lesson literary reading

Topic: “V.A. Oseeva “Three Comrades”

Target: formation of students' ideas about friendship.


- educational:

improve the ability to analyze text;

consolidate the ability to build a chain of events;

improve expressive reading skills;

teach how to characterize a hero based on an analysis of his actions;

- developing:

develop the ability to emotionally perceive text,

express the feelings and character of the characters when reading;

develop critical thinking;


cultivate interest in reading;

cultivate the desire to be better, kinder, more benevolent;

learn to analyze your behavior through the actions of literary heroes.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, 5 envelopes with proverbs, a prediction tree, posters, markers, texts for each student.

Technology: ICT, RKMChP, health-saving, technology productive reading, problem-dialogue.

Techniques: forecasting (prediction tree), cluster, reading with stops, syncwine, lego reading.


By type of information source: verbal, practical, visual;

By appearance educational activities: independent work(working with episodes), lego reading; problem-search method(when arranging passages in order; collecting proverbs)

Forms cognitive activity:


General class,


Learning Tools: visual, technical, didactic.

Progress of the lesson.

I Organizational moment. Psychological mood.

Since childhood we love to play and laugh,

From childhood we learn to be kind.

I wish I could always remain like this,

To smile and be strong friends!

My philosophers, good afternoon! What's your mood?


Today we will begin our work with a parable by Leonardo da Vinci. Listen, please, and tell me what it’s about?


Poking his head out of the nest, the eaglet saw many birds flying below among the rocks.

“Mom, what kind of birds are these?” he asked.

“Our friends,” the eagle answered her son. The eagle lives alone, such is its lot. But sometimes he also needs to be surrounded. Otherwise, what kind of king of birds is he? Everyone you see below is our true friends.

Satisfied with his mother’s explanation, the eaglet continued to watch the flight of the birds with interest, considering them from now on to be his own. true friends. Suddenly he shouted:

Ay-ay! They stole our food!

What is this parable about? (about friendship, about help)

Children, please tell me what the word “friendship” means to you?

Why does a person need a friend?

Who can be your friend?

What is the topic of our lesson? Slide 1Life is given for good deeds

If we look into explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegov, then we find that

Slide 2 friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection and community of interests.

As you understand:

On mutual trust (there are no secrets from each other),

Attachments (devotion, sympathy),

Community of interests (same interests)

Many children's writers were interested in the relationships between children. One of them is Valentina Oseeva. Slide 3

Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva-Khmeleva is one of the most famous children's writers who tried to unravel the magical power of not only words, but also the actions of young children.

She was born on April 15, 1902. in Kyiv. IN early years dreamed of becoming an actress. She worked in a labor commune for street children and juvenile delinquents. IN free time I composed fairy tales, wrote plays, and staged them with the children.

V. Oseeva recalls: “When I was like you, I loved reading short stories. I loved them because I could read without the help of adults.

One day my mother asked:

Did you like the story?

I replied:

Don't know. I didn't think about him. Mom was very upset. It is not enough to be able to read, you must be able to think.

Since then, after reading the story, I began to think about the good and bad deeds of girls and boys. And sometimes about their own.

This helped her a lot in life. She wrote a lot for you short stories. To make it easier for you to learn to read and think. Slide 4 Pay attention to the exhibition of books by V. Oseeva. Here you can see such books as: “Dinka”, “Dinka says goodbye to childhood”, “ Good hostess», « Magic word"etc.

Today we will get acquainted with the work “Three Comrades”.

What do you think the story will be about? I will record your predictions on the prediction tree.

Who do you think these boys are? (heroes of the story, comrades, friends).

Who can you call a friend, comrade? Discuss as a group and form a cluster. (Each group reads out its own cluster).

IIIFizminutka Slide 5


So, we will now read the story and check our assumptions, get acquainted with the heroes of the work.

Primary reading with stops

How do you think this story ends? (the boys shared breakfast; Vitya found his breakfast - on the tree of predictions)

Read the passage. Compare your guesses. What surprised you? (What was surprising was that only one boy shared breakfast with Vitya).

Is the title "Three Comrades" appropriate for the story?

What feelings did the text evoke? What kind of person is he: sad or cheerful, kind or evil, instructive or not so instructive.

Lego reading

Guys, do you like to play with Legos? It's always exciting. But reading is also like playing with a construction set: words are made from letters, sentences are made from words, and text is made from sentences. Lego consists of many parts, from which something is assembled and folded, inserting into the missing structure.

There are missing words in the story. They need to be inserted. Slide 6

(Missing words: breakfast, guys, aside, asked, lost, said, white, far, turned away, carried, put, asked, held out, eat)

What words are there more? Words that denote actions or objects?


Restore the destroyed text. Put the fragments in the right order. Slide 7


On the left are the boys' names, and on the right is what each of them did. But their actions are mixed up. Connect the characters and their actions with arrows.

Kolya shared a sandwich

Misha gave advice

Volodya expressed sympathy

Vitya lost his breakfast

Look, in the same situation, three guys acted differently: one gave advice, another sympathized, the third shared breakfast. How else could the boys have acted differently?

Whose action did you like best and why?

How did Volodya behave? With what feeling should one speak his words? Read it.

What words suggest that Volodya was upset? Read it.


What would you do in such a situation?

How do you think events will develop further? Come up with a continuation of the story.

Game “Collect a proverb”

People have many proverbs about friendship. Collect the scattered proverbs (work in groups).

VILesson summary

So, what is the topic of our lesson?

Which character meets all the characteristics of a true friend?

How many friends did Vitya actually have?

What does it mean to be a good friend?


Let's make a syncwine of our understanding of the word friend. Slide 8

Loyal, reliable.

He will help, support, advise.

He won’t leave one in trouble.

What does this story teach us? (The work gives us the opportunity to understand human relationships.)

Laws of Friendship

Let's draw up the laws of friendship. Slide 9

The main characters of Oseeva’s story “Three Comrades” are schoolchildren Misha, Kolya and Volodya. During breakfast at the big break, the guys noticed that their friend Vitya was not eating anything. Then Kolya asked Vitya what happened. It turned out that Vitya had lost his breakfast. Kolya, who was eating a piece of white bread at the time, said that it was bad to lose breakfast.

Another friend of Vitya, whose name was Misha, began to find out how Vitya could have lost his breakfast. Misha edifyingly remarked that breakfast should be carried in a bag, not in a pocket. And only Vitya’s third comrade, named Volodya, did not say anything, but simply broke his sandwich with butter in half and shared it with his friend.

That's how it is summary story.

The main meaning of the story “Three Comrades” is that a true friend and comrade is not the one who teaches, but the one who helps. Kolya and Misha only sympathized with Vita, but did not take any action to help their comrade. Real help Vitya was favored by Volodya, who shared his breakfast with him without saying a word.

In the story, I liked Volodya, who acted like a real comrade. He shared food with Vitya and did not speak moralizing words to him.

What proverbs fit the story “Three Comrades”?

There are many advisers, but no helpers.
Call yourself a friend - help in trouble.
You won't recognize a friend without trouble.

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