Works required for passing the OGE in literature. Reference materials for preparing for the OGE in literature

Basic state exam(OGE) in literature 2018 will bring with it some changes in final certification from Federal Institute Pedagogical Dimensions(FIPI) with the support of Rosobrnadzor and the Ministry of Education. Ninth-graders graduating from school who want to connect their lives with the world works of art, must be prepared for new assessment criteria, improvement of instructions and high-quality refinement of existing tasks.

In 2018, 9th grade students will most likely need to take the total 5 subjects instead of 4: 2 compulsory (mathematics and Russian language) and 3 optional, which includes the OGE in literature. In 2020, there may be 6 exams, because today representatives of the Ministry of Education, interested in motivating schoolchildren and encouraging them to conscientiously study courses, are seriously thinking about this high school.

From now on, the results of works written electively will be taken into account when creating a certificate - with this innovation educational system I met you this year. The guys will need to successfully complete everything examination tests(score “satisfactory” or “3” or higher). For those who fail to pass the OGE the first time, the Ministry of Education will provide an additional attempt, but this provision will only be relevant for 2 certifications. Students who are unable to take advantage of this opportunity and fail to cope with at least one of the repeated tasks will not be awarded the coveted document on completion of the high school course. They will be left within the walls educational institution for one more year.

Preparation for the OGE in literature 2018 can begin in different times depending on whether the student wants to write the test in an early or general format, the main difference of which is the dates of the exams. Thus, “early-term” students usually undergo certification starting in the second ten days of April. The start of testing for the main stream of schoolchildren occurs in May/June, and the retake period begins in September. In 2018, early submission of literature is scheduled for April 27 (Friday). The majority of graduates will start writing their work only on June 7 (Thursday).

General information about the examination certification for the subject is as follows:

  • duration – 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes);
  • minimum primary score, corresponding to “three” – 7;
  • number of tasks – 4.

More about retaking

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1394 dated December 25, 2013 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification in educational programs main general education", only certain categories of students will be able to hope for re-admission to take the OGE in the current academic year. It's about about teenagers who:

  1. Received unsatisfactory grades in no more than 2 subjects.
  2. They filed an appeal due to a violation of the rules of the event and were found to be right.
  3. Did not come to the exam or did not complete the test for a valid and documented reason (illness, etc.).
  4. Subsequently canceled work was submitted if third parties were at fault for violating the certification procedure. These may be the heads of examination points (EP), representatives of state commissions, technical specialists, law enforcement officers, medical workers, assistants helping children with disabilities health, and other persons.

The educational organization is notified of the results of writing the work no more than 10 days after the control check. A change in the result or complete cancellation of the test is carried out within 12 days. A teenager admitted to retaking the OGE will need to appear again at the PES (possibly a new one) with an identity document.

Structure of CMMs

Control and measurement materials are tickets that require a written or oral answer to the question posed. IN present moment This knowledge testing system is considered well-established and proven, so FIPI employees are not going to make significant adjustments to the forms. And yet, teachers, students and their parents should know and remember about some new provisions:

  1. Co next year The instructions given to examinees along with the tasks will be more detailed, thorough, consistent and clear. This way, graduates will be able to more clearly understand what is required of them, and therefore unnecessary organizational questions during the exam will be avoided.
  2. The criteria for assessing detailed answers will henceforth be based on the Unified State Exam standards.
  3. The highest score you can get for writing a paper will increase from 23 to 29.

Important! Children will be able to get an idea of ​​the OGE in literature 2018 thanks to open jar tasks, as well as demo versions, specifications and codifiers presented on the official website of FIPI. You can find them in the appropriate sections on the page (menu on the left).

The CMM consists of 2 parts. The first includes fragments of works (prose and poetry), from which the student must choose one for subsequent analysis. The essence of the work is to write detailed, reasoned answers to 3 questions posed. In the first tasks you will need to correctly, harmoniously and completely express your thoughts in 3-5 sentences, and in the last one you will also need to cite comparative analysis two different passages in 5-8 sentences.

The second part will require the student to write an essay of at least 200 words on one of 4 assigned topics. At the same time, here the organizers of the OGE-2018 allow teenagers to use the full texts of works (including lyric works) from the list of references available in official sources to argue their position and quote. The books will be located on a separate examiner’s desk and will be freely available.

The evaluation criteria take into account:

  • meaningful correspondence of the answer to the task (understanding of the given fragments without distorting the author’s point of view);
  • the degree of analysis of images, details, micro-themes, motifs, etc.;
  • factual, logical and verbal accuracy;
  • ability to compare works and work with texts;
  • correspondence of the essay to the topic and its disclosure;
  • mastery of theoretical and literary terms;
  • compositional integrity and consistency;
  • compliance speech norms(maximum possible quantity errors that do not entail loss of points on this item - no more than 2).

For each of the tasks you can get:

  • No. 1 and No. 2 – 5 points each;
  • No. 3 – 6 points;
  • No. 4 (essay) – 13 points.

The final results are correlated with a grade, which is then entered into the certificate:

  • 0-9 points correspond to a “two” grade;
  • 10-17 – “three”;
  • 18-24 – “four”;
  • 25-29 – “five”.

How to prepare

In order to prepare for the OGE in literature 2018, you need to hone your own literacy and engage in tireless analysis and interpretation of works included in the official list of FIPI, required reading for 9th grade graduates.

Video tips from “experienced” ": which books to read first:



"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"


DI. Fonvizin. The play "The Minor"

G.R. Derzhavin. Poem "Monument"


A.S. Griboyedov play "Woe from Wit"

V.A. Zhukovsky poem “Sea”, ballad “Svetlana”

A.S. Pushkin novels: " Captain's daughter", "Eugene Onegin", poem " Bronze Horseman", poems: "Village", "Prisoner", "In the Depths Siberian ores...", "Poet", "To Chaadaev", "Song of prophetic Oleg", "To the Sea", "Nanny", "K***" ("I remember wonderful moment..."), "October 19" ("the forest drops its crimson attire..."), "Prophet", " winter road", "Anchar", "On the hills of Georgia lies darkness of the night...", "I loved you: love still, perhaps...", " Winter morning"", "Demons", "a conversation between a bookseller and a poet", "Cloud", "I erected a monument to myself not made by hands...", "It went out daylight...", "Desolate sower of freedom...", "Imitations of the Koran" (IX. "And the tired traveler grumbled at God..."), "Elegy", ("The faded joy of crazy years..."), "...I visited again..."

M.Yu. Lermontov poem “Mtsyri”, novel “Hero of Our Time”, “Song about... Merchant Kalashnikov”, poems: “No, I’m not Byron, I’m different...”, “Clouds”, “Beggar”, “From under the mysterious, cold half-mask...", "Sail", "Death of a Poet", "Borodino", "When the yellowing field is agitated...", "Duma", "Poet" ("My dagger shines with a golden finish..."), “Three Palms”, “Prayer” (“In a difficult moment of life...”), “Both boring and sad”, “No, it’s not you I love so passionately...”, “Motherland”, “Dream” (“ In the midday heat in the valley of Dagestan..."), "Prophet", "How often, surrounded by a motley crowd...", "Valerik", "I go out alone on the road..."

N.V. Gogol play "The Inspector General", poem " Dead souls", the story "The Overcoat".


A.A. Fet poems: “Dawn bids farewell to the earth...”, “With one push, drive away a living boat...”, “Evening,” “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch...”, “This morning, this joy...”, “Whisper, timid breathing...", "The night was shining. The garden was full of moonlight. Lying...", "More May night»

N.A. Nekrasov poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, poems: “Troika”, “I don’t like your irony...”, “Railroad”, “On the Road”, “Yesterday, at six o’clock...”, “You and I stupid people...”, “Poet and Citizen”, “Elegy” (“Let him speak to us changing fashion..."), "Oh Muse! I'm at the door of the coffin..."

I.S. Turgenev novel "Fathers and Sons"

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin satirical tales: (“The story of how one man fed two generals”, “ The wise minnow», « Wild landowner", novel "The History of a City" (review study)

L.N. Tolstoy epic novel "War and Peace"

F.M. Dostoevsky novel "Crime and Punishment"

I.A. Goncharov novel "Oblomov"

N.S. Leskov one work (of the examinee’s choice), for example, the story “Lefty” or “Lady Macbeth” Mtsensk district».

A.N. Ostrovsky play "Thunderstorm"

F.I. Tyutchev poems: “Noon”, “There is melodiousness in sea ​​waves...”, “The kite rose from the clearing...”, “In the primordial autumn...”, “Silentium!”, “Not what you think, nature...”, “Russia cannot be understood with the mind...”, “Oh, how We love murderously...", "It is not possible for us to predict...", "K. B." (“I met you - and all the past ...”), “Nature is a sphinx. And the more true it is...”


A.P. Chekhov play " Cherry Orchard", stories: "Student", "Ionych", "Man in a Case", "Lady with a Dog", "Death of an Official", "Chameleon"


I.A. Bunin stories: “Mr. from San Francisco”, “ Clean Monday»

A.A. Akhmatova poem "Requiem", poems: "Song last meeting"," She clasped her hands under dark veil...”, “I don’t need anything odic army...”, “I had a voice. He called comfortingly...", " Native land», « Tear-stained autumn, like a widow...", "Seaside Sonnet", "Before spring there are such days...", "I bear with those who abandoned the earth...", "Poems about St. Petersburg", "Courage"

M. Tsvetaeva poems: “To my poems written so early...”, “Poems to Blok” (“ your name- a bird in the hand..."), "Who is created from stone, who is created from clay...", "Longing for the homeland! A long time ago...", "Books in red binding", "To Grandma", "Seven hills - like seven bells!.." (from the series "Poems about Moscow")

M. Gorky play “At the Depths”, story “Old Woman Izergil”

S.A. Yesenin poems: “Go you, Rus', my dear!..”, “Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes...”, “Now we are leaving little by little...”, “Letter to the mother,” “The feather grass is sleeping. Dear plain...", "You are my Shagane, Shagane...", "I do not regret, I do not call, I do not cry...", "Soviet Rus'", "The road was thinking about the red evening...", "The hewn horns began to sing...", "Rus" , “Pushkin”, “I am walking through the valley. On the back of the cap...", "Low house with blue shutters...»

B.L. Parsnip novel “Doctor Zhivago” (review study with analysis of fragments), poems: “February. Get some ink and cry!..”, “Definition of poetry”, “I want to achieve everything...”, “Hamlet”, “ winter night", "No one will be in the house...", " It's snowing", "About these poems", "Loving others - heavy cross...", "Pines", "Rime", "July"

O.E. Mandelstam"Notre Dame", "Insomnia. Homer. Tight sails...", "For explosive valor centuries to come...", "I returned to my city, familiar to tears..."

V.V. Mayakovsky poem “Cloud in Pants”, poems: “Could you?”, “Listen!”, “Violin and a little nervously”, “Lilichka!”, “Anniversary”, “Sitting around”, “Here!”, “ Good attitude to the horses", " An Extraordinary Adventure, who was with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha”, “Giveaway”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”

A.A. Block poem “The Twelve”, poems: “Stranger”, “Russia”, “Night, street, lantern, pharmacy...”, “In the restaurant”, “The river spreads out. Flows, lazily sad..." (from the cycle "On the Kulikovo Field"), "On the Railway", "I Enter dark temples...”, “Factory”, “Rus”, “About valor, about exploits, about glory...”, “Oh, I want to live madly...”

M.A. Sholokhov novel " Quiet Don", story "The Fate of Man"

M.A. Bulgakov novels: “The Master and Margarita”, “ White Guard» (selection allowed)

A.T. Tvardovsky poem “Vasily Terkin” (chapters “Crossing”, “Two Soldiers”, “Duel”, “Death and the Warrior”)

A.I. Solzhenitsyn story " Matrenin Dvor", the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"

A.P. Platonov one piece (of the examinee’s choice)


Prose of the second half of the 20th century: F.A. Abramov, Ch.T. Aitmatov, V.P. Astafiev, V.I. Belov, A.G. Bitov, V.V. Bykov, V.S. Grossman, S.D. Dovlatov, V.L. Kondratyev, V.P. Nekrasov, E.I. Nosov, V.G. Rasputin, V.F. Tendryakov, Yu.V. Trifonov, V.M. Shukshin (works by at least three authors of your choice)

Poetry of the second half of the 20th century: B.A. Akhmadulina, I.A. Brodsky, A.A. Voznesensky, V.S. Vysotsky, E.A. Evtushenko, N.A. Zabolotsky, Yu.P. Kuznetsov, L.N. Martynov, B.Sh. Okudzhava, N.M. Rubtsov, D.S. Samoilov, B.A. Slutsky, V.N. Sokolov, V.A. Soloukhin, A.A. Tarkovsky (poems by at least three authors of your choice)

Drama of the second half of the twentieth century: A.N. Arbuzov, A.V. Vampilov, A.M. Volodin, V.S. Rozov, M.M. Roshchin (work of one author's choice)

In the 2018-2019 academic year, 9th grade graduates in all regions of the Russian Federation will be examined in 5 subjects, of which two will be compulsory (Russian language and mathematics), and the choice of the remaining three will be given to the students themselves and their parents.

In 2018, literature was on last place among optional OGE subjects, after all, only 3% of ninth graders decided to take this subject. Today, as the moment of choosing subjects for graduates of 2019 approaches, many children and parents have a question: is it worth taking the OGE in literature in 9th grade and, if so, is it difficult to prepare for it? Let's try to understand the intricacies of the subject, the features of CMMs and the secrets of preparing for this exam.


Students who will graduate from 9th grade in 2019 will take the OGE at the end academic year. But, as in previous seasons, students will be given the opportunity to take the test early, or try again if they fail to pass the minimum threshold the first time.

The following days are reserved for the literature exam in 9th grade:

Early period

Main day

Reserve day

Main period

Main day

Reserve days

28.06.19 / 02.07.19 / 03.07.19

Autumn retake

1 retake

2 retake

19.09.19 / 21.09.19

Format and features of the literature exam

Literature as one of OGE exams 2019 will be chosen by students who wish to continue their studies in philological classes, because to successfully overcome the test it is necessary:

  • know the biographies of writers and poets;
  • thoroughly study the works included in the school curriculum;
  • be able to analyze and compare texts, draw up portraits of heroes, evaluate their actions;
  • express your own opinion beautifully, concisely and competently.

Home feature of the OGE in literature from other exams taken by ninth-graders in 2019 - this is the fact that the ticket completely lacks tests with answers. Examination card 2019 will consist of 2 parts:

Ninth-graders undergo final certification at their school.

Examinees are given 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes) to complete the work.

Part 1 (text analysis)

Before you begin completing the tasks of Part 1, you need to familiarize yourself with the two proposed options and choose for analysis only one, the closest and most understandable.

Important! You cannot do both options at once.

The length of the detailed answer should be approximately:

Do not use overly complex speech structures. Let the text be concise, but at the same time readable and filled with deep meaning.

Part 2 (essay)

Most of all, graduates who are accustomed to control sections according to different subjects just answer tests, they are afraid of essays, which is integral part of the OGE 2019 in literature.

In fact, the majority of graduates who complete 9th grade complete the second grade without any problems. part of the OGE in literature and in 2019, examinees also have nothing to fear. It is also worth knowing that:

  • in the process of writing an essay you are allowed to use full text a work of art;
  • The length of the essay must be 200 words (works of less than 150 words are not assessed);
  • your judgments must be argued using fragments from the text;
  • When analyzing a work, it is important not to distort the author’s position.

Work evaluation

The OGE 2019 works on literature do not contain a test part, and therefore are fully assessed by independent experts. To determine the final score, each work will be checked by two teachers. As a result, the following scenarios are possible:

  • The assessments agreed - everything was excellent, the score was determined and it was entered into the documentation.
  • In the assessments of two experts there is a difference not exceeding 2 points - the arithmetic average is given.
  • Expert assessments differ by more than 2 points - a third specialist is involved, whose opinion will be decisive.

The grade received by a ninth-grader on the OGE in literature in 2019 will affect the certificate score. When converting test scores for a given subject into grades, a special correspondence table is used:

Thus, if preparation for the OGE in literature in 2019 was weak, and the graduate’s goal was to overcome minimum threshold passing, then it will be enough for him to get only 7 test points. If the subject was chosen for the purpose of entering a specialized class or college, you will need to score at least 15 test points, which already corresponds to a grade of “4”.

Since the OGE in literature has its own specific specifics, graduates of 2019 need to start preparing for the exam as early as possible, because they will need to read a fairly large amount of literature (the list of works is given below) and work on the main topics of the essays.

Where to start?

Step 1. Familiarize yourself with the requirements for the examination paper by familiarizing yourself with the codifier and specifications.

Step 2. We read the works given in the list. Naturally, it is better to read the full text in the original, but if there is no time for this, then it is worth reading the abridged version and criticism, which can be found in special collections or on the Internet.

We present to your attention full list literature for the OGE 2019 in literature with questions that need to be answered while reading the work.

Step 3. Taking notes. Don't rely on possibilities human memory, they, unfortunately, are not unlimited. While reading, take the time to write down in your notebook the basic information you will need to answer questions and write essays.

Step 4. Let's practice completing the tasks of the first part. This will help demo version of the OGE in literature 2019, as well as tickets that were offered during exams to graduates of the 2018-2018 academic year.

Step 5. We practice writing an essay, observing the basic requirements for the text.

It wouldn't hurt to listen to advice experienced teachers, read the analysis of the demo version and recommendations for writing an essay. We invite you to watch one of these video tutorials right now:

1. Soullessness

K. Paustovsky "Telegram"

A. Platonov "Yushka"

A. Chekhov "At the Pharmacy"

2. Selflessness

K. Paustovsky "Meshcherskaya side"

3. Fearless

4. Inhumanity

V. Astafiev "Sad detective"

R. Bradbury "Dwarf"

N. Gogol "The Overcoat"

N. Nekrasov "Railway"

A. Platonov "Yushka"

L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball"

I. Turgenev "Mumu"

Yu. Yakovlev "He killed my dog"

5. Loyalty

V. Bykov "Crane cry".

Herman "My dear man"

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia"

K. Simonov "Wait for me"

6. Mutual assistance

A.P. Gaidar "Timur and his team"

A. Likhanov "The Last Cold"

M. Prishvin "Pantry of the Sun"

7. Inner world person

N. Gogol "Dead Souls"

M. Gorky "Song of the Petrel"

A. Chekhov "Tosca"

8. Choice

I. Bunin "Numbers"

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

L.N. Tolstoy" Caucasian prisoner" + from the block "Moral Choice"

9. Heroism

V. Bykov "Crane cry"

V. Bykov "Sign of Trouble"

V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

B. Vasiliev "And the dawns here are quiet"

B. Vasiliev “Not on the lists”

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

W. Scott "Ivanhoe"

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

A. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

10. Childhood

A. Gaidar "Blue Cup"

M. Gorky "Childhood"

P. Sanaev "Bury me behind the baseboard"

M. Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

M. Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"

A. Tolstoy "Nikita's Childhood"

L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood"

11. Welcome

M. Gorky "The Legend of Danko"

V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories"

V.G. Korolenko "In bad company"

A. Platonov "Yushka"

B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man"

V. Rasputin "French Lessons"

A. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin's Dvor"

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

12. Kindness

A. Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

Shukshin's stories + from the "Dobro" block

13. Precious books

R. Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451"

R. Bradbury "Memoirs"

M. Gorky "Childhood"

M. Gorky "My Universities"

A. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

D. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"

14. Friendship

G.H. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

A. Gaidar "Timur and his team"

N. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories"

The cycle of A. Dumas about the three musketeers

V. Kaverin Two captains"

L. Kassil "Conduit and Swambria"

V. Kataev "The lonely sail is white"

A. Conan Doyle"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"

V. Korolenko "In a bad society"

Yu. Nagibin "My first friend, my priceless friend"

V. Oseeva "Dinka"

A.S. Pushkin "Pushchinu"

E. Remarque "Three Comrades"

A. Rybakov "Dagger", "Bronze Bird"

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "Land of Crimson Clouds"

R. Fraerman " Wild dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love"

A. Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

15. Mental strength

J. Verne "The Mysterious Island"

D. Defoe "Life and amazing adventures the sailor Robinson Crusoe"

B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man"

16. Life values

O. Henry "The Gift of the Magi"

M. Gorky "Song of the Petrel"

A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

17. Envy

Biblical parable of Cain and Abel

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri"

18. True heroism

From the block "Heroism"

19. Beauty

From the blocks "Life Values" and "Nature"

20. Love

A. Green "Scarlet Sails"

F.M. Dostoevsky "White Nights"

V. Kaverin "Two Captains"

N. Karamzin "Poor Liza"

A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet"

A. Kuprin "Lilac bush"

M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

N. Leskov "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk"

V. Oseeva "Dinka"

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia"

A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

A.S. Pushkin "Belkin's Tales"

EM. Remarque "Three Comrades"

I.S. Turgenev "Asya"

R. Fraerman "The Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love"

W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet"

About love for the Motherland from the block "Heroism"

About love for nature from the block "Nature"

21. Mother's love

V.P. Astafiev "Participating in all living things"

K. Vorobyov "Aunt Egorikha"

K. Paustovsky "Telegram"

L. Ulitskaya "Daughter of Bukhara"

22. Mercy

K. Vorobyov "The Tale of My Contemporary"

Boris Ekimov "Night of Healing"

A. Pristavkin "Goldfish"

V. Tendryakov "Bread for the Dog"

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

23. Hope

A. Green "Scarlet Sails"

24. Real art

V. Astafiev "Dome Cathedral"

B. Ekimov "Music of the old house"

K. Paustovsky "The Old Cook"

V. Tendryakov "Date with Nefertiti"

L.N. Tolstoy "Albert"

A. P. Chekhov "Rothschild's Violin"

24. Self-doubt

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

25. Moral choice

A. Adamov "Punisher"

V.P. Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane"

Yu. Bondarev "Hot snow"

V. Bykov "Wolf Pack"

V. Bykov "Obelisk"

V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

N. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

V. Kondratyev "Sashka"

M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman, swashbuckling merchant Kalashnikov"

P. Merimee "Matteo Falcone"

A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

A. Pushkin "Shot"

V. Rasputin "Money for Maria"

V. Rasputin "Live and Remember"

V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

K. Simonov "The Living and the Dead" 28. Responsibility of A. Maurois "Ants"

26. Devotion

27. Betrayal

L. Andreev "Judas Iscariot"

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo"

V. Kaverin "Two Captains"

N.S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk"

S. Lvov "My childhood friend"

V. Rasputin "Live and Remember"

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

28. Nature

A. Astafiev "Tsar Fish"

B. Vasiliev "Don't shoot white swans"

M. Prishvin "Pantry of the Sun"

Works of Turgenev.

29 The role of landscape.

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

A.P. Chekhov "Steppe"

Yu. Yakovlev "Awakened by Nightingales"

30. Indifference (callousness)

A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

A.P. Chekhov "Tosca"

A.P. Chekhov "Man in a Case"

31. Joy

35. Homeland

M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

Poems by Blok and Yesenin about their homeland

36. Self-education

Y. Golovanov "Sketches about scientists"

37. Courage "Life of Alexander Nevsky"

M. Lermontov "Borodino"

A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

I.S. Turgenev "Sparrow"

40. Conscience

A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

41. Compassion

G.H. Andersen "Wild Swans"

G.H. Andersen "The Little Match Girl"

L. Andreev "Biter"

N. Gogol "The Overcoat"

F.M. Dostoevsky "The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree"

V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"

A.I. Kuprin "Wonderful Doctor"

A. Platonov "Yushka"

V. Rasputin "French Lessons"

I. Turgenev "Mumu"

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

42. Justice

V. Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane"

A.S. Pushkin "Station Warden"

V. Rasputin "French Lessons"

43. Happiness

B. Ekimov "Boy on a bicycle"

V. Kaverin Two captains"

V. Korolenko "Paradox"

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

A.S. Pushkin "Blizzard"

L.N. Tolstoy "Youth"

A.P. Chekhov "Darling"

A.P. Chekhov "Gooseberry"

A.P. Chekhov "The Bride"

Sasha Cherny "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

44. Talent

P. Bazhov "Stone Flower"

N. Gogol "Portrait"

D. Granin "Bison"

V. Korolenko "The Blind Musician"

A.I. Kuprin "Taper"

N. Leskov "Lefty"

A.N. Ostrovsky "Talents and Fans"

K. Paustovsky "Book about artists"

45. Partnership

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

D. London "In a distant land"

D. London "Love of life"

46. ​​Teacher

Ch. Aitmatov "The First Teacher"

A. Aleksin "Mad Evdokia"

A. Aleksin "Third in the fifth row"

V. Astafiev "Pass. Theft"

V. Astafiev "Photograph in which I am not present"

V. Bykov "Obelisk"

B. Vasiliev "Tomorrow there was war"

B. Vasiliev "My horses are flying"

V.V. Golyavkin "Drawings on asphalt"

V.K. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"

F. Iskander "The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules"

A.A. Kuznetsov "Bow to the ground"

A.I. Kuprin "Taper"

A.A. Likhanov "Good intentions"

A.P. Platonov "The Sandy Teacher"

V. Rasputin "French Lessons"

G.I. Severin "The Legend of the Teacher"

A. Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

V.F. Tendryakov "Spring Changelings"

Yu. Yakovlev "Kingfisher"

47. Humanity

A.G. Aleksin "Meanwhile, somewhere..."

K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram"

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

B. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear"

48. Honor

A. Beck "Volokolamsk Highway"

V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

M. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

49. Selfishness

M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"

A. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

Ancient Greek myth of Narcissus

M. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

D. London "In a distant land"

A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

D. Fonvizin "Undergrowth" A.P. Chekhov "Anna on the Neck"

The maximum OGE score in literature (GFA grade 9) in 2018 is 33

Passing score of the OGE 2018 in literature in specialized classes - 22

Minimum score (score 3) - 12

Scale for converting OGE 2018 literature scores into grades

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes in secondary schools.

A guideline for selection into specialized classes can be an indicator whose lower limit corresponds to 22 points.

Conversion scales developed by specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FIPI" primary points in marks by five-point scale For conducting the OGE are of a RECOMMENDATIVE NATURE.

System for assessing the completion of individual tasks and exam paper generally

The assessment of the completion of the examination work tasks is carried out on the basis of special criteria developed for the three specified types of tasks that require a detailed answer in different volumes.

Quests basic level difficulties (1.1.1, 1.1.2; 1.2.1, 1.2.2) are checked according to three criteria:

Criterion 1 “Compliance of the answer with the task”,

Criterion 2 (“Using the text of the work for argumentation”,

A maximum of 6 points are awarded for completing each task (1.1.1, 1.1.2; 1.2.1, 1.2.2) (maximum 2 points for each criterion). If criterion 1 gives 0 points, then the task is considered unfulfilled and is not checked further. For other criteria in the “Protocol for checking answers to assignments” 0 points are assigned. If according to criterion 2 0 points are given, then according to criterion 3 the work is not assessed, in the “Protocol for checking answers to assignments” according to criterion 3 0 points are given.

Completing the task higher level complexity (1.1.3 or 1.2.3) is assessed according to three criteria:

Criterion 1 “Comparison of works”;

Criterion 2 “Using the text of the work for argumentation”;

Criterion 3 “Logicality and compliance with speech norms.”

A maximum of 8 points are awarded for completing each task (1.1.3 or 1.2.3) (for criteria 1, 3 - a maximum of 2 points, for criterion 2 - 4 points). If Criterion 1 gives 0 points, then the task is considered unfulfilled and is not checked further. For other criteria, 0 points are given in the answer verification protocol. If according to criterion 2 0 points are given, then according to criterion 3 the work is not assessed, and 0 points are assigned to the protocol for checking answers to criterion 3.

Completion of the task in Part 2 (2.1–2.4) is assessed according to five criteria:

Criterion 1 “Compliance of the essay with the topic and its disclosure”,

Criterion 2 “Using the text of the work for argumentation”,

Criterion 3 “Reliance on theoretical and literary concepts”

Criterion 4 “Compositional integrity and consistency”,

Criterion 5 “Compliance with speech norms.”

The maximum score for completing task 2 is 13 points (for criteria 1, 2, 4 - a maximum of 3 points, for criteria 3, 5 - 2 points each). Criterion 1 is the main one. If, when checking the work, the expert gives 0 points according to criterion 1, the task of part 2 is considered unfulfilled and is not checked further. For other criteria in the “Protocol for checking answers to assignments” 0 points are assigned.

When assessing the completion of tasks in Part 2, you should take into account the volume of the written essay. A minimum length of 200 words is recommended for examinees. If the essay contains less than 150 words (all words, including function words, are included in the word count), then such work is considered incomplete and is scored 0 points.

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