The educational process and its organization briefly. Pedagogical activity in the educational space

What is the educational process? Process (from Latin - to advance) is a set of sequential actions to achieve any result. The pedagogical process at a university is a set of sequential actions of a teacher and a student for the purpose of education, development and formation of the latter’s personality. The educational process is a set of sequential actions of the student to achieve an educational result.

The basis of education is learning Learning Teaching Teaching Education is the process and result of consistent actions of the student

Organization of the pedagogical process is a combination of the most effective action, leading to education and improvement of relationships between the components of the pedagogical process.

Intensification (French) – increase in tension (intensity). Intensification educational process- this is a solution to the question of how to qualitatively improve the training of a specialist with the least amount of time, increasing to the maximum the amount of information in each lesson.

Intensification of the educational process - development strategy and tactics high school, a means of improving the quality of specialist training. It affects various aspects pedagogical system university: - students, - teachers, - forms of organization of the educational process.

The purpose of the lesson is to identify and evaluate the pros and cons of intensifying the educational process, the problems that accompany its implementation, that it generates, to outline possible ways their decisions.

Forms and methods of work Stage 1 - individual diagnostic Stage 2 - microgroup Stage 3 - collective discussion (general discussion) Summing up

Work in microgroups Everyone expresses their views on the questions posed to their colleagues: - the pros and cons of intensifying the educational process, - the problems that it gives rise to, - possible ways to solve them.

Reflection in groups: Did everyone have the opportunity to express their point of view and be heard? Who distinguished himself and enriched group opinion? Who didn't work, why? Who will give a message from the group?

The structure of the pedagogical process is the subject composition (students, teachers, employers), it is the procedural composition (target, content, operational, motivational, control and evaluation components)

What helps students learn? Interest in learning, desire, perspective, hard work Teaching style Material base and organization of training Convenient schedule

What hinders students' studies? Disorganization Combining study with work Poor schedule Teachers Contents academic disciplines

Any profession has a certain structure: - given goals, an idea of ​​the result of work (for us this is the formation of a specialist as an individual and professional); - a given subject (teaching, educational, research process); - a system of means of labor (they differ and can be material and immaterial) - a system of professional job responsibilities (specified labor functions) and rights; - production environment, subject and social conditions labor.

Pedagogical activity- this is: - Formulation of pedagogical goals - Diagnosis of the characteristics and level of training of students - Selecting the content of educational material for classes - Selecting teaching methods - Designing your actions and the actions of students - Establishing discipline, the working environment in the lesson - Stimulating the activities of students - Organizing your activities according to the presentation educational material - Organizing your behavior in real conditions. - Organization of student activities - Organization of results monitoring pedagogical influences and adjustments - Establishing the right relationships with students - Implementation educational work- Analysis of the results of training and education - Identification of deviations of the results from the set goals - Analysis of the causes of these deviations - Design of measures to eliminate these causes - Creative search for new methods of training and education

Abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person, expressing his readiness to master certain types activities. They are formed on the basis of inclinations (innate characteristics). A skill is a method of action mastered by a subject that provides a set of acquired knowledge and skills. Formed through exercise.

1. The ability to convey educational material to students, making it accessible, to present the material or problem clearly and understandably, to arouse interest in the subject, to arouse active independent thought in students (didactic abilities).

2. Ability in the relevant field of science (mathematics, physics, etc.). A capable teacher knows the subject not only within the scope of the training course, but much wider and deeper, constantly monitors discoveries in his science, masters the material, shows great interest in it, leads at least a modest research work(academic ability).

4. The ability to clearly and clearly express thoughts and feelings through speech, as well as facial expressions and pantomimes. The teacher's speech is always different inner strength, conviction, interest in what he says. The expression of thoughts is clear, simple, understandable for students (speech abilities).

5. Organizational abilities are, firstly, the ability to organize a student team, unite it, inspire it to make decisions important tasks and, secondly, the ability to properly organize your own work, which presupposes the ability to properly plan and control it yourself. Experienced teachers develop a unique sense of time - the ability to correctly distribute work over time and meet deadlines.

6. The ability to directly emotionally and volitionally influence students and the ability to gain authority from them on this basis (authoritarian abilities). Availability strong-willed qualities(decisiveness, endurance, perseverance, exactingness, etc.), as well as feelings own responsibility for training and education.

7. The ability to communicate with people, the ability to find the right approach to students, to establish relationships with them that are expedient from a pedagogical point of view, the presence of pedagogical tact (communication abilities).

8. Pedagogical imagination (or predictive abilities) is the ability to foresee the consequences of one’s actions, design the student’s personality, imagine what will come of him in the future, and the ability to predict the development of certain qualities of the student.

So, the teacher must have the following abilities: Didactic Academic Perceptual Speech Organizational Authoritarian Communicative Pedagogical imagination Ability to distribute attention

Gnostic skills: - extract new knowledge from various sources, from research into one’s own activities; - independently work with various sources of information; - highlight the main, essential things in the selection and structuring of educational material and its presentation; - analyze pedagogical situations; formulated pedagogical tasks; - obtain new knowledge necessary for their productive solution, analyze decisions and results, compare the desired result and the real one; - reason logically and carry out logical calculations; - carry out search and heuristic activities; - study, generalize and implement best practices.

Design skills: - implement forward planning strategic, tactical, operational tasks and methods for solving them; - anticipate possible results from the solution of the system pedagogical tasks during the entire educational period for which planning is carried out; - outline the results that need to be achieved by the end of this or that work; - teach students to set and realize goals independent work; - set academic work, plan its achievement, and anticipate possible difficulties; - design content course taught; - design your own teaching activities.

Constructive skills: - select and structure information into newly developed training courses; - select and compositionally structure the content of educational and educational information for the upcoming lesson; - play out different options for constructing classes in the conditions of a system of instructions, technical means training, a certain time during which the solution must be solved specific task; - select forms of organization, methods and means of training; - design new pedagogical teaching technologies, monitor students’ educational activities.

Organizational skills: - organize group and individual work students taking into account all factors; - organize individual and conduct business educational and technological games, discussions, trainings; - manage mental state students at training sessions; - diagnose cognitive abilities and results cognitive activity; - evaluate results academic work, correspondence achieved level mastering educational material software requirements and potential opportunities of students; - carry out correction of educational activities.

Communication skills: - build interaction, relationships between teachers and students for the effective organization of the pedagogical process and achievement positive results labor; - build interaction between teachers and students depending on the goals, content, forms of organization, teaching methods; - individually influence the student during the frontal presentation of educational material; - establish friendly, trusting relationships with students; - develop a common opinion about making the right choice actions, behavior; - motivate participants in the pedagogical process for upcoming activities.

Structure of the pedagogical process Determination of the goals of education, training (target component) Development of educational content (substantive) Determination of the training (upbringing) procedure, interaction of participants (operational-activity) Checking, evaluation, analysis of results (evaluative-effective)

Education as a process

Education is a purposeful process of upbringing and training in the interests of an individual, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of the established state educational levels(educational qualifications). General and special education determined by the requirements of production, the state of science, technology and culture, as well as social relations.

Education is the process and result of mastering systematized knowledge, skills and abilities.

In the process of education, the knowledge of all the spiritual riches that humanity has developed occurs from generation to generation.

In the ordinary understanding, education, among other things, implies and is mainly limited to the teaching of students by a teacher. It may consist of teaching reading, writing, mathematics, history and other sciences.

Teachers in subspecialties, such as astrophysics, law or zoology, can teach only that subject, usually at universities and other institutions of higher education.

There is also teaching of vocational skills such as driving.

In addition to education in special institutions There is also self-education, for example through the Internet, reading, visiting museums or personal experience.

By the educational process we mean a set of educational and self-educational processes aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and personal development in accordance with the state educational standard.

Thus, within the educational process we can distinguish two components, each of which is a process: training and education.

These processes (training and education) have both general and special features. The commonality of the processes of teaching and upbringing in the real educational process lies in the fact that the learning process carries out the function of education, and the upbringing process is impossible without training those being educated. Both processes influence the consciousness, behavior, emotions of the individual and lead to its development. The specifics of the processes of training and education are as follows. The content of the training consists mainly of scientific knowledge about the world. The content of education is dominated by norms, rules, values, and ideals. Training affects primarily the intellect, education - on behavior, the need-motivational sphere of the individual.

The educational process reflects properties characteristic of both learning and upbringing:

Bilateral interaction between teacher and student;

The focus of the entire process is on comprehensive and harmonious development personalities;

Unity of substantive and procedural (technological) aspects;

The interconnectedness of everyone structural elements: goals - the content of education and means of achieving educational objectives - the result of education;

Implementation of three functions: development, training and education of a person.

The development of any field of scientific knowledge is associated with the development of concepts, which, on the one hand, indicate a certain class of essentially unified phenomena, and on the other, construct the subject of this science. In the system of concepts of a particular science, one can single out one, central, concept that denotes the entire field under study and distinguishes it from subject areas other sciences. The remaining concepts of the system of a particular science reflect the original, core concept.

For pedagogy, the role of the core concept is played by the pedagogical process. It, on the one hand, denotes the entire complex of phenomena that are studied by pedagogy, and on the other hand, it expresses the essence of these phenomena. Analysis of the concept of “pedagogical process” therefore reveals the essential features of education as a pedagogical process in contrast to other related phenomena.

Back at the end of the 19th century, P.F. Kapterev noted that “the educational process is not just the transfer of something from one to another, it is not only a mediator between generations; it is inconvenient to imagine it in the form of a tube through which culture flows from one generation to another... The essence of the educational process with inside consists in the self-development of the body; the transfer of the most important cultural acquisitions and training by the older generation to the younger is only outer side this process, covering its very essence.”

Considering education as a process involves, firstly, distinguishing between its two sides: teaching and learning.

Secondly, on the part of the teacher, the educational process always represents, wittingly or unwittingly, the unity of teaching and upbringing. Thirdly, the process of educational learning itself includes, from the student’s perspective, the acquisition of knowledge, practical actions, implementation of training cognitive tasks, as well as personal and communication training, which contributes to its comprehensive development.

Consideration of the pedagogical process as an integrity is possible from the standpoint of systematic approach, which allows us to see in it, first of all, a system - a pedagogical system.

Under the pedagogical system we need to understand many interrelated structural components, united by one educational purpose development of personality and functioning in a holistic pedagogical process. The pedagogical process, therefore, is a specially organized interaction between teachers and students regarding the content of education using teaching and educational tools ( pedagogical means) in order to solve educational problems aimed at meeting the needs of both society and the individual himself in his development and self-development.

Any process is a sequential change from one state to another. In the pedagogical process it is the result pedagogical interaction. That is why pedagogical interaction is essential characteristic pedagogical process.

It, unlike any other interaction, is an intentional contact (long-term or temporary) between a teacher and students, the consequence of which is mutual changes in their behavior, activities and relationships.

Pedagogical interaction includes in unity the pedagogical influence, its active perception and assimilation by the student and the latter’s own activity, manifested in reciprocal direct or indirect influences on the teacher and on himself (self-education). This understanding of pedagogical interaction allows us to identify two in the structure of both the pedagogical process and the pedagogical system: essential components- teachers and students, who are their most active elements.

The pedagogical process is carried out in specially organized conditions, which are associated, first of all, with the content and technology of pedagogical interaction. Thus, two more components of the pedagogical process and system are distinguished: the content of education and the means of education (material, technical and pedagogical - forms, methods, techniques).

The interrelations of such components of the system as teachers and students, the content of education and its means, give rise to a real pedagogical process as dynamic system. They are sufficient and necessary for the emergence of any pedagogical system.

The ways of functioning of the pedagogical system in the pedagogical process are training and education, on which those internal changes, which occur both in the pedagogical system itself and in its subjects - teachers and students.

The relationship between the concepts of “education” and “upbringing” is the subject of many discussions. Frequent use of the words “education” and “upbringing” in the literature as meaning opposite sides the pedagogical process is not correct. Education as a purposeful process of socialization in any case includes upbringing.

Therefore, education is specifically organized activity teachers and students to realize the goals of education in the conditions of the pedagogical process. Training is a specific method of education aimed at personal development through the organization of students’ assimilation scientific knowledge and methods of activity.

Being integral part education, training differs from it in the degree of regulation of the pedagogical process by normative requirements, both substantive and organizational and technical.

For example, in the learning process it should be implemented state standard content of education, learning is also limited by time frame (academic year, lesson), requires certain technical and visual teaching aids, electronic and verbal-sign media (textbooks, computers).

Education and training as ways of implementing the pedagogical process thus constitute educational technologies, in which expedient and optimal steps, stages, stages of achieving the stated goals of education are recorded. Pedagogical technology- this is a consistent, interdependent system of teacher actions associated with the use of one or another set of methods of education and training, carried out in the pedagogical process in order to solve various pedagogical problems: transforming the content of education into educational material; selection of methods, means and organizational forms pedagogical process.

The pedagogical task is elementary unit pedagogical process, for the solution of which pedagogical interaction is organized at each specific stage.

Pedagogical activity within the framework of any pedagogical system, in turn, can be presented as an interconnected sequence of solving countless problems different levels complexity, which inevitably includes students in interaction with teachers.

A pedagogical task is a materialized situation of education and training, characterized by the interaction of teachers and students with a specific goal.

Education as a process reflects the stages and specifics of the development of the educational system as a change in its state over a specific time period. This dynamic characteristic of education is associated with the process of achieving a goal, methods of obtaining results, the efforts expended, conditions and forms of organizing training and education, the effectiveness of training and education as the degree of compliance with the required and undesirable changes in a person. In this process, training and education, the activities of the teacher and the activities of the student interact. An important factor here is the atmosphere and environment in which the educational process is carried out: good relationships between all subjects of the educational process, constant example conscientiousness and creative efforts on the part of the teacher, his help and goodwill towards all students and at the same time rational efficient organization teaching, creating an atmosphere of creative search and hard work, encouraging independence and constant support of interest in learning, etc.

In Russia, from 1917 to the present, education has undergone a number of changes: from a system that ensures literacy for every citizen Soviet Russia, to the mandatory system primary education, eight-year and, finally, compulsory secondary education and further until the reforms of 1980-90. Since 1991, compulsory nine-year education has been adopted in Russia within the framework of the Law “On Education,” and since 1998, Russia has been moving to a 12-year education system. During this period the system school education carried out within the framework of a uniform school in all cities and villages Soviet Union. The educational process was organized according to unified curricula and programs to achieve common goals and objectives.

Since 1991, gymnasiums, lyceums, private schools began to be revived in Russia and new ones appeared educational systems— laboratory schools, creativity centers, additional educational institutions, colleges, etc. In this regard different schools and universities today work according to different curricula and programs, set and solve different educational objectives, provide various educational services, including paid ones.

In the process of education, a person masters cultural values ​​( historical heritage art, architecture). Because achievements educational nature represent the totality of the material and spiritual heritage of humanity, to the extent that the development of the initial scientific provisions is also a gain cultural values. As a result, the didactic concept of culture was formulated - training and education younger generation means of culture.

“Now “education” is closely connected with the concept of culture and ultimately denotes a specific human way transformation of natural inclinations and capabilities.”

Education is the process of transmitting knowledge and cultural values ​​accumulated over generations. The content of education is drawn and replenished from the results of culture and science, as well as from human life and practice. That is, education is a sociocultural phenomenon and performs sociocultural functions.

Therefore, education becomes necessary and important factor development of both individual spheres (economics, politics, culture) and the whole society.

Full intellectual, social and moral development human is the result of the implementation of all functions of the educational process in their unity.

So, the full intellectual, social and moral development of a person is the result of the implementation of all functions of the educational process in their unity.

Education and training determine qualitative characteristics education - the results of the pedagogical process, reflecting the degree of implementation of the goals of education. The results of education are determined by the degree of appropriation of values ​​that are born in the pedagogical process, which are so important for the economic, moral, intellectual state all “consumers” of the educational sphere - the state, society, and every person. In turn, the results of education as a pedagogical process are related to future-oriented strategies for the development of education.

Throughout the educational process, the main task is the development and self-development of a person as an individual in the process of his learning. Education as a process does not stop until the end of a person’s conscious life. It is continuously modified in terms of goals, content, and forms. Continuity of education at the present time, characterizing its procedural side, acts as the main feature.

LECTURE No. 19. Educational process

Educational process- this is learning, communication, in the process of which controlled cognition, assimilation of socio-historical experience, reproduction, mastery of one or another specific activity occurs, which underlies the formation of personality. The meaning of learning is that the teacher and the student interact with each other, in other words, this process is two-way.

Thanks to training, the educational process is implemented, educational influence. The teacher’s influences stimulate the learner’s activity, while achieving a certain, pre-set goal, and control this activity. The educational process includes a set of tools with the help of which the necessary and sufficient conditions for students to be active. The educational process is a combination of the didactic process, the motivation of students to learn, the educational and cognitive activity of the student and the activity of the teacher in managing learning.

In order for the educational process to be effective, it is necessary to distinguish between the moment of organizing the activity and the moment of learning in the organization of the activity. The organization of the second component is the immediate task of the teacher. The effectiveness of the educational process will depend on how the process of interaction between a student and a teacher is structured to assimilate any knowledge and information. The subject of a student’s activity in the educational process is the actions he performs to achieve the intended result of the activity, prompted by one or another motive. Here the most important qualities This activity is independence, readiness to overcome difficulties associated with perseverance and will, and efficiency, which involves correct understanding tasks facing the learner and choice required action and the pace of its solution.

Considering the dynamism of our modern life, we can say that knowledge, skills and abilities are also unstable phenomena that are subject to change. Therefore, the educational process must be built taking into account the renewal in information space. Thus, the content of the educational process is not only the need to master knowledge, skills, abilities, but also the development mental processes personality, formation of moral and legal beliefs and actions.

Important characteristic The educational process is cyclical. Here cycle is a set of certain acts of the educational process. The main indicators of each cycle: goals (global and subject), means and results (related to the level of mastery of educational material, the degree of education of students). There are four cycles.

Initial cycle. Goal: awareness and understanding by the student of the main idea and practical significance of the material being studied, and mastering ways to reproduce the knowledge being studied and the method of using it in practice.

Second cycle. Goal: specification, expanded reproduction of learned knowledge and their explicit awareness.

Third cycle. Goal: systematization, generalization of concepts, use of what has been learned in life practice.

Final cycle. Goal: checking and taking into account the results of previous cycles through monitoring and self-control.

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The educational process is learning, communication, during which controlled cognition occurs, assimilation of socio-historical experience, reproduction, mastery of one or another specific activity that underlies the formation of personality. Thanks to training, the educational process and educational impact are realized.

In order for the educational process to be effective, it is necessary to distinguish between the moment of organizing the activity and the moment of learning in the organization of the activity. The organization of the second component is the immediate task of the teacher. The effectiveness of the educational process will depend on how the process of interaction between a student and a teacher is structured to assimilate any knowledge and information.

Considering the dynamism of our modern life, we can say that knowledge, skills and abilities are also unstable phenomena that are subject to change. Therefore, the educational process must be built taking into account updates in the information space. Thus, the content of the educational process is not only the need to master knowledge, skills, abilities, but also the development of mental processes of the individual, the formation of moral and legal beliefs and actions.

An important characteristic of the educational process is its cyclical nature. Here the cycle is a set of certain acts of the educational process. The main indicators of each cycle: goals (global and subject), means and results (related to the level of mastery of educational material, the degree of education of students). There are four cycles.

Initial cycle. Goal: awareness and understanding by the student of the main idea and practical significance of the material being studied, and mastering ways to reproduce the knowledge being studied and the method of using it in practice.

Second cycle. Goal: specification, expanded reproduction of learned knowledge and their explicit awareness.

Third cycle. Goal: systematization, generalization of concepts, use of what has been learned in life practice.

Final cycle. Goal: checking and taking into account the results of previous cycles through monitoring and self-control.

  • That's why educational process must be built taking into account updates in the information space.

  • 2) how much educational process is process introduction to holistic activities

  • Teaching aids in correctional educational process must comply processes special education.

  • Leading Trends modern development world educational / process. Education. Upbringing.

  • ...level of training of graduates educational institutions, as well as basic requirements for ensuring educational process».

  • The essence of education in the structure: educational process. Education- This process transfer of knowledge and cultural values ​​accumulated over generations.

  • IN educational process verification of educational results is carried out in various ways: 1) analysis of answers to directly posed questions

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9. Educational process
The educational process is a specially created process that develops within the boundaries of a certain educational system interaction between educators and students aimed at achieving the set goal and leading to change individual qualities students' personalities.
Process (from the Latin processus - “promotion”) means, firstly, a consistent, definite change of state, the course of development of something; secondly, a combination of certain sequential actions to achieve a result.
The main unit of the upbringing process is the educational process. The educational process determines, establishes, forms whole system pedagogical relationships between teachers and students. The concept of “upbringing process” has the meaning of a targeted formative influence on the development of personal characteristics. The concept of “educational process” reflects a system of deliberately organized educational interactions.
Objectives of the educational process
1. Determination of the motivational orientation of students’ cognitive activity.
2. Organization of cognitive activity of students.
3. Formation of skills of mental activity, thinking, creative features.
4. Constant improvement of cognitive knowledge, skills and abilities.
Main functions of the educational process
1. The educational function involves the formation of a stimulating direction and experience of practical cognitive activity.
2. Educational function involves development certain qualities, properties and relationships of a person.
3. The developmental function involves the formation and development of mental processes, properties and relationships of a person.
Basic principles of organization and functioning of the educational process
1. Holistic approach to education.
2. Continuity of education.
3. Purposefulness in education.
4. Integration and differentiation joint activities teachers and students.
5. Conformity to nature.
6. Cultural conformity.
7. Education in activities and in a team.
8. Consistency and systematicity in training and education.
9. Unity and adequacy of management and self-government in the pedagogical process.
IN classic structure The educational process includes six components.
1. The goal is development by the teacher and student final result interactions.
2. Principles – defining the main directions.
3. Content is part of the experience of generations.
4. Methods – actions of the teacher and students.
5. Means – ways of working with content.
6. Forms – logical completeness of the process.
The content of the educational process is a specific answer to the question of what to teach, what knowledge to select from all the wealth accumulated by humanity, is the basis for the development of students, the formation of their thinking, cognitive interests and preparation for work is determined by curricula and subject curricula. The curriculum shows what the duration is academic year, as well as the duration of quarters and holidays, full list subjects, distribution of subjects by years of study; number of hours in each subject, etc. For subjects, they are compiled training programs, which are based syllabus.
It can be determined that the educational process is a purposeful, socially conditioned and pedagogically organized process of development of the personality of students.
The content of the educational process should be understood as that system of scientific knowledge practical skills and skills, as well as ideological and moral-aesthetic ideas that students need to master in the learning process, this is that part of the social experience of generations that is selected in accordance with the goals of human development and is transmitted to him in the form of information.
There are various shapes educational process, which are presented in the form external expression pedagogical interaction between teacher and students and are characterized by the number of participants in pedagogical interaction, the time and order of its implementation. The forms of organization of the educational process include the classroom form, which is distinguished by the following features.
1. Permanent composition students of the same age.
2. Each class works according to its own annual plan.
3. Each lesson is devoted to only one subject.
4. Constant alternation of lessons (schedule).
5. Pedagogical management.
6. Variability of activities.
A lesson is a time period of the educational process, which is complete in semantic, temporal and organizational terms and in which the tasks of the educational process are solved.
Thus, having an idea of ​​the basic categorical apparatus of pedagogy, we can say that all these concepts are in constant development in search of effective solution, are inextricably linked and represent a single inextricable system of pedagogical science.

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