Patents – Federal Scientific Center for Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after. Academician V.I.

Source: ANO "Orthodoxy and Peace"

In the laboratory

Professor Viktor Ivanovich Sevastyanov:

- We are developing two main directions. The first is related to the drug delivery system. We all take pills, give injections, use suppositories, and there is also a system for delivering drugs through the skin - medicinal patches. In essence, this is the same dropper; the medicine goes through the skin gradually. We even managed to administer insulin in the same way, that is, instead of injections, we can use patches.

Victor Ivanovich Sevastyanov - a world-renowned scientist in the field of medical materials and products made from them, including delivery systems for drugs and vital cells. Sevastyanov - Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, professor, doctor biological sciences, Head of the Department for Research of Biomaterials of the Federal Scientific Center for Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after Academician V.I. Shumakov, professor.

The second direction is related to the creation of tissue-engineered structures. These are tissues of the liver, pancreas and cartilage. This bio-artificial system consists of a scaffold and the cells that live there and make tissue, and the main task is to create the scaffold. We took two paths: we make a synthetic frame from polymers that gradually self-resorb and are replaced by their own liver tissue, this is the so-called biodegradable matrix. The second way is that we take liver tissue, make a frame out of it and then populate it with cells.

The first thing we worked with was cartilage. We can grow cartilage in a test tube in vitro, but this process is very long, the cells die easily, they need to create conditions for them to live and do cartilage tissue. There is such a system as a bioreactor, where a nutrient medium and special conditions are created. If you look, there are red cells there - cartilage is grown there.

This process will take about 20-30 days. Then there will be testing on animals. Liver and pancreas tissues are grown in the same system.

- That is, successful experiments have already taken place?

Yes, we have good results in vitro. But we cannot work with cells in the clinic yet, because the law on biomedical cell products has not yet been adopted.

We can grow cells and look at them real mode. This is a bone marrow stem cell, it divides. We see not only what happened later, we see the dynamics.

This is where we make cells, we cultivate them in this very box.

-"They make cells"-what does it mean?

We isolate them from the bone marrow, from adipose tissue, cultivate them so that there are many of them, then we connect them to the frame, and they should already turn into tissue. That is, we first make a simple cellular structure, and then we get a tissue structure.

And in drug delivery systems, the most important thing is to find a carrier that pulls the drug through the skin. You understand that if it were so easy, then we would have been mutants long ago, because our skin plays a barrier role. The science-intensive task is to find safe carriers through the skin. We also already have everything for this.

- Are carriers some substances or microorganisms?

Substances. And we isolated the first substance from leeches, but the drug turned out to be very expensive. You can dilute leeches, but then the substance must be isolated separately; in addition to hirudin, there is a lot of other things mixed in there. And we found a synthetic analogue. Insulin passes through the skin precisely thanks to the analogue salivary glands leeches.

- In general, we are standing on the threshold of some kind of revolution...

No, not a revolution. This is all routine and hard work.

- But this is breakthrough work, something that would not have even occurred to us a few years ago.

Yes, of course that didn't happen. We started making these matrices in 2000, but we made them simply to replace soft tissue defects. Then it turned out, when cellular technologies came into being, that they are very good for cells - they are both a framework and a nutrient medium. It is they who contribute to the cells turning into a tissue structure. That's why there was a breakthrough.

But very expensive Consumables. Devices are one thing, but consumables are another. They are all imported. Now that the ruble has fallen, everything has literally become three times more expensive. We have to squeeze things in a little bit now. Nothing! We survived the 90s, and this is nonsense compared to them.

- Are you working together with some Western scientific laboratories?

We had a very close connection with the Americans, now with South Korea, there is a very big breakthrough there now. As Eastern people, it is, of course, difficult to work with them. I couldn’t work with the Chinese; they take everything, but don’t give anything back. But between the academies of sciences we have an agreement on joint work, the symposium is held every two years, one year here, the next year in China. This has been going on for twenty years now; it all started with me.

But it’s difficult to get anything out of them. The Chinese can make a report based on our old books. They somehow started reading, and our metallurgists said: “I taught this ten years ago, why are you telling me now my textbook?” The scandal was terrible! This story was with me. For the first 10 years there was nothing at all from China, they just watched, and then they rushed forward, and very strongly! All their work is done with the Americans, the lion's share of them study there, but they all return back to China.

If you are walking through a laboratory somewhere in the States at 10 o’clock in the evening and you see a light shining, it’s a Chinese person sitting there. Dorm and laboratory - they don't know anything else. The Chinese say: “We don’t see America, we were given the task to come here, gain knowledge and bring it back home.” They rushed very hard, the latest reports surprised me, specifically on medical materials.

Tamara Amelina:

- What limit have you set for yourself?

We need to do what we set out to do.

- Heart, liver, pancreas... will it get to the brain?

About five years ago, already under Sergei Vladimirovich Gauthier, we were here from television. We in Russia were the first to begin this work. And so they pestered me with this printer: “When will you print a person?” I say: “I won’t dare to guess,” - they: “Well, tell me, tell me so that the people know!”

- So did you give an answer to television?

No, I didn't!

And on this device we make liver frames, this porous fabric for rats.

- Why for rats?

Small in size. Porous, light, it will then self-absorb and be replaced by liver tissue. We populate it ourselves with cells. We do it on this Japanese device.

- The Japanese make devices, but they themselves have achieved results in this?

You see, many works are closed, especially on materials, because these works have a dual purpose - we also work for the army, we also have contracts on closed topics, especially for the delivery of medicines. We recently made an antidote carbon monoxide, which will serve both the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the army; we had a large contract with the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

When we do model experiments, we look at which transporter carries drugs through the skin. With this device we can tell whether this substance has passed or not, and how much of it has passed. Very sensitive method for very good specialists. So far we are one of the best in this method, at least in Moscow. Many people turn to us for help.

- Can you show us the printer?

You see, it is impossible to print a person on the current printer, because it is very rough for cells. You can print some kind of non-living prosthetic hand on it. A leg can be printed, a heart can be printed with all its vessels, but it will not be alive. It's just a dummy. The printer is made in such a way that there are special nozzles and tubes, and when a cell passes through them, it dies. If you read what the bioprinter printed living heart- don't believe it. They once said on TV: “Well, American scientists have made a heart,” and they made a dummy.

Now in Germany, through our mutual work, they are making a new printer, a new generation, where the cell is delivered to the right place on the matrix with a laser beam, not through a nozzle. The device is not large, and when we install it, we will use it to carefully place the cells in the matrix in the right place.

- It's still useful for surgeons.

It's useful, yes. Useful to look for some optimal design, For example. But don't grow organs.

As I said, the frame is made of two types of materials - pure synthetics and biofabric. For the cartilage itself we take tendon tissue, and for the liver we take liver tissue. We process it all to remove the immunogenicity. This finely dispersed matrix is ​​made from liver tissue, all cells have been removed from it so that there is no immunogenicity, but the liver cell receptors themselves remain. That is, it will be good for the cell to sit on this matrix and reproduce. Now we are just removing excess water from there, this is freeze drying - removing water by freezing. This drug can be stored for a long time, and when we need it for experiments, we will use it.

The procedure for obtaining this matrix itself is very difficult and lengthy. We have received a patent for this method. We patent a lot, I have about 35-40 patents, I haven’t counted recently.

This is a finely dispersed tissue-specific matrix. If what I showed you, what you picked up, is not specific to any cells, then this is a tissue-specific matrix, specifically for hepatocytes, specifically for liver cells. That is, it is precisely created to ensure that cells feel good and grow. Here we show tissue-specific matrices. Today we are finishing the freeze drying process.

- Then on this matrix you get the liver?

Liver tissue, let's say carefully, but which will perform the function of the liver. We have already succeeded in this with dogs; liver restoration is going well. In general, the liver, if not disturbed, recovers well.

- To get a job with you, who do you need to be? Which university should I graduate from?

For a long time we were the base for the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, I have a lot of biophysics students. They defend themselves in different areas - I have students who are candidates in medical sciences, chemical sciences, biological sciences, and technical sciences, that is, in all areas. There is from the medical and biological faculty of Second Honey. There is a chemistry department at Moscow State University. They all need to be taught, naturally. But the work is hard, sometimes you have to work almost in vain, you work and work, but it doesn’t work out, so we need people who love science more than money. First work, work and work, and then success comes.

By the way, I have a lot of young employees. Perhaps I have one of the youngest laboratories. For me, everyone is focused on work, others don’t come here. The salaries here are not so high, they have only now been increased to a decent level, with the arrival of a new director. And so, indeed, everything was built on enthusiasm and love for our business.


We continue the conversation in the office of the director of the Federal Scientific Center for Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after Academician V.I. Shumakov.

Sergei Vladimirovich Gauthier - surgeon, transplantologist, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Director of the Federal Scientific Center for Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after Academician V.I. Shumakov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Transplantologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Head of the Department of Transplantology and Artificial Organs of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenova, chairman of the all-Russian public organization "Russian Transplant Society", editor-in-chief of the journal "Bulletin of Transplantology and Artificial Organs", member of the board of the International Association of Hepatological Surgeons of Russia and the CIS countries, twice awarded diplomas of the national medical award "Vocation", which is celebrated the best doctors Russia. Twice winner of the Russian Government Prize (for liver transplantation in 2007 and for heart transplantation in 2014).

Tamara Amelina:

-You said that a law on biomedical cell products will soon be adopted. What is he talking about?

It is still impossible for us to use cellular technologies - you cannot introduce someone’s cells into the body, you can only use autocells. It is possible to use only stem cells, this is the same bone marrow transplant, as we used to call it, but these are donor bone marrow stem cells. Everything else is impossible. I cannot grow a culture of cells, eliminate differentiation so that it is universal for any person, and use them as a medicine to treat certain conditions. There is no law, I have no right to do this. And such technologies have already appeared, you just saw them.

Moreover, there is one more important detail here: these will be products that will cost some money, that is, they must be bought and sold like medicine. If in our country organ transplantation is exclusively free, then here it is a product that can be bought and sold, used for treatment various diseases, or for prevention, or for some cosmetic procedures.

Accordingly, this should be somehow spelled out in the legislative framework. We even heard the draft of this law in the Public Chamber, that is, it is ready, it passed the first reading in the Duma.

- And now the rich and famous will be able to update everything for themselves, look younger and live forever?

We are not yet at such a level, and neither is world medicine, to understand everything like this. But the unfortunate elderly Rockefeller has already had his sixth heart transplanted. He is over ninety years old.

- Sixth?!

It's already the sixth! He underwent a heart transplant for the sixth time. We could have done this too, we also do retransplantations, but we didn’t get to six.

- Besides, he's probably already replaced all his joints? Like Bulgakov, “monkey ovary” and so on?

I don't think he is a monkey ovary recipient ( laughs).

I have an employee, Professor Semenovsky, he is a cardiac surgeon, he is 87 years old, and I am very proud that he works at our institute. The year before last he replaced two knee joints. If earlier he operated while sitting, now he operates standing! So, you see, what does Rockefeller have to do with it? I have my own! Mikhail Lvovich Semenovsky, a famous personality.

We're talking about artificial organs, and I'm just wondering what motivates you - the desire to save people or some kind of scientific interest?

Hello, please! What does “scientific interest” mean... Any design, any innovation is born of demand...

- Well, does Professor Preobrazhensky live in you?

Professor Preobrazhensky believed in what he was doing. It is possible to transplant a human pituitary gland into a dog; this is called xenotransplantation, but in our country it is prohibited by law. This is a fantasy, a very interesting pamphlet, a magnificent satirical work. Professor Preobrazhensky expresses the ideology of that generation of intellectuals who were outraged by what was happening.

My grandfather was a professor at Moscow University, he recorded all this devastation from 1917 to 1922 in the form of a diary. He sent this diary to the USA, and if he had not sent it, he would have been spanked for sure. I learned about this diary somewhere in the late 80s. Such a typical Professor Preobrazhensky. The diaries were published in the USA. This is such a thick book, there is not much text and a lot of comments.

- Who was involved in the publication, some of your relatives?

There was such a historian, Terrence Emmond, he considered himself a student of my grandfather, he worked at Stanford University, where this very manuscript was kept. This book is on sale, called “Time of troubles”, in English “Time of troubles”. In Russia, it was published in the journal “Questions of History”, and then as a separate book.

- Was his last name also Gautier?

Certainly. Yuri Vladimirovich Gauthier. He was repressed, a little. In 1930 he was accused of monarchism, but then the film “Ivan the Terrible” was released, and he And They returned from exile in 1933. In 1939 he became an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He was a historian, wrote about Troubled times, about Polish invasion, then he was a historian of Zamoskvorechye, there was a lot of things. He eventually became head of the history department at the university. Previously, even before the revolution, he was deputy director of the Rumyantsev Museum.

I was recently sorting through my papers and found a bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences for 1939: “selected academicians Lysenko, Vyshinsky, Gauthier.” Here's the company! So he was quite adequate to that period of life. He died in 1943.

- Aren't you related to fashion designer Gaultier?

No, his last name is spelled a little differently, the letter “l” is there, it’s just not pronounced.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

- Sergei Vladimirovich, there is a Gaultier auditorium in First Gradskaya, is he related to you?

This has a lot to do with me. This is my great-great-uncle, Eduard Vladimirovich Gauthier. I received an absolutely stunning invitation from the Department of Cardiology of Second Med to give a lecture in the Gautier Auditorium. I talked with the head of the department, the absolutely wonderful Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Shostak, with whom we agreed that on March 23 I would give a lecture on heart transplantation in the Gautier Auditorium.

I can show you the artificial ventricle of the heart, if you want?

Valery Ivanovich Shumakov was faced with the task of creating an artificial heart. Work was started, which we managed to complete. This is an electric motor with a rotation speed of 5-8 thousand revolutions per minute. This thing is placed next to the heart and pumps blood from the cavity of the left ventricle of the heart, if the left ventricle itself does not contract well, into the aorta. It is installed during surgery and provides a person with severe heart failure with the opportunity to rehabilitate and live a normal life.

According to observations in the world, such a device allows you to live for more than five years. It weighs about 250 grams.

This was a very big step in the activities of our Institute, because after the collapse Soviet Union, for some time the development of an artificial heart was abandoned. When I came here in 2008, we decided to revive this program. We, together with Zelenograd engineers, have developed a pump that absolutely completely replaces similar German and imported ones. American models. This is not a copy, it is a slightly more advanced thing, because other materials, other technologies are used here, it is more reliable. And we are now working on this and are working on creating a children's analogue.

- That is, in principle, you can put this piece of iron instead of a living heart, and the person will live?

Absolutely right. This thing helps to survive until a heart transplant, but in good condition, and can even work for the rest of his life if a person has contraindications for a heart transplant or does not want to. He just walks around with this handbag, he has this wire sticking out and that’s it!

Sergei Vladimirovich, I once worked at the Kurchatov Institute, where about thirty years ago they wanted to make a radioisotope energy source for an artificial heart. Are you in contact with them?

We are in contact with them through other programs. In general, there are now only three or four models of such a device on the market, including ours.

- How long do the batteries last?

This another story. The battery lasts for eight hours, then another battery is inserted, the first one is charged at this time. Our first patient, to whom we transplanted this device, once went to pick mushrooms. He didn’t get lost, the lights in the village just turned off! He understands that if he doesn’t charge the battery now, then he will only have enough for eight hours, and no one knows when the lights will be turned on again.

Professor Viktor Ivanovich Sevastyanov:

We are developing two main directions. The first is related to the drug delivery system. We all take pills, give injections, use suppositories, and there is also a system for delivering drugs through the skin medicinal patches. In essence, this is the same dropper; the medicine goes through the skin gradually. We even managed to administer insulin in the same way, that is, instead of injections, we can use patches.

Victor Ivanovich Sevastyanov – a world-renowned scientist in the field of medical materials and products made from them, including delivery systems for drugs and vital cells. Sevastyanov is an Honored Worker of Sciences of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department for Research of Biomaterials of the Federal Scientific Center for Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after Academician V.I. Shumakov, professor.

The second direction is related to the creation of tissue-engineered structures. These are tissues of the liver, pancreas and cartilage. This bioartificial system consists of a scaffold and the cells that live there and make tissue, and the main task is to create the scaffold. We took two paths: we make a synthetic frame from polymers that gradually self-resorb and are replaced by their own liver tissue, this is the so-called biodegradable matrix. The second way is that we take liver tissue, make a frame out of it and then populate it with cells.

The first thing we worked with was cartilage. We can grow cartilage in a test tube in vitro, but this is a very long process, the cells die easily, they need to create conditions for them to live and make cartilage tissue. There is such a system as a bioreactor, where a nutrient medium and special conditions are created. If you look, there are red cells there—cartilages are grown there.

This process will take about 20-30 days. Then there will be testing on animals. Liver and pancreas tissues are grown in the same system.

That is, successful experiments have already taken place?

– Yes, we have good results in vitro. But we cannot work with cells in the clinic yet, because the law on biomedical cell products has not yet been adopted.

We can grow cells and look at them in real mode. This is a bone marrow stem cell, it divides. We see not only what happened later, we see the dynamics.

This is where we make cells, we cultivate them in this very box.

"They make cells"what does it mean?

“We isolate them from the bone marrow, from adipose tissue, cultivate them so that there are a lot of them, then we connect them to the frame, and they should already turn into tissue. That is, we first make a simple cellular structure, and then we get a tissue structure.

And in drug delivery systems, the most important thing is to find the carrier that pulls the drug through the skin. You understand that if it were so easy, then we would have been mutants long ago, because our skin plays a barrier role. The science-intensive task is to find safe carriers through the skin. We also already have everything for this.

Are carriers some substances or microorganisms?

- Substances. And we isolated the first substance from leeches, but the drug turned out to be very expensive. You can dilute leeches, but then the substance must be isolated separately; in addition to hirudin, there is a lot of other things mixed in there. And we found a synthetic analogue. Insulin passes through the skin precisely thanks to an analogue of the salivary glands of leeches.

In general, we are standing on the threshold of some kind of revolution...

- No, it’s not a revolution. This is all routine and hard work.

But this is breakthrough work, something that would not have even occurred to us a few years ago.

- Yes, of course, that didn’t happen. We started making these matrices in 2000, but we made them simply to replace soft tissue defects. Then it turned out, when cellular technologies began, that they are very good for cells - they are both a framework and a nutrient medium. They are the ones who help cells turn into tissue structures. That's why there was a breakthrough.

But very expensive consumables. Devices are one thing, but consumables are another. They are all imported. Now that the ruble has fallen, everything has literally become three times more expensive. We have to squeeze things in a little bit now. Nothing! We survived the 90s, and this is nonsense compared to them.

Do you work together with any Western scientific laboratories?

– We had a very close connection with the Americans, now with South Korea, there is now a very big breakthrough there. As Eastern people, it is, of course, difficult to work with them. I couldn’t work with the Chinese; they take everything, but don’t give anything back. But we have an agreement on joint work between the academies of sciences, a symposium is held every two years, one year here, the next year in China. This has been going on for twenty years now; it all started with me.

But it’s difficult to get anything out of them. The Chinese can make a report based on our old books. They somehow started reading, and our metallurgists said: “I taught this ten years ago, why are you telling me now my textbook?” The scandal was terrible! This story was with me. For the first 10 years there was nothing at all from China, they just watched, and then they rushed forward, and very strongly! All their work is done with the Americans, the lion's share of them study there, but they all return back to China.

If you are walking through a laboratory somewhere in the States at 10 o’clock in the evening and you see a light shining, it’s a Chinese person sitting there. Dorm and laboratory - they don't know anything else. The Chinese say: “We don’t see America, we were given the task to come here, gain knowledge and bring it back home.” They rushed very hard, the latest reports surprised me, specifically on medical materials.

Tamara Amelina:

What limit have you set for yourself?

“We need to do what we have in mind.”

Heart, liver, pancreas... will it get to the brain?

– About five years ago, already under Sergei Vladimirovich Gauthier, we were here from television. We in Russia were the first to begin this work. And so they pestered me with this printer: “When will you print a person?” I say: “I won’t dare to guess,” - they: “Well, tell me, tell me so that the people know!”

So did you give an answer to television?

- No, I didn’t!

And on this device we make liver frames, this porous fabric for rats.

Why for rats?

– Small in size. Porous, light, it will then self-absorb and be replaced by liver tissue. We populate it ourselves with cells. We do it on this Japanese device.

The Japanese make devices, but they themselves have achieved results in this?

– You see, many works are closed, especially on materials, because these works have a dual purpose - we also work for the army, we also have contracts on closed topics, especially for the delivery of medicinal substances. We recently made a carbon monoxide antidote, which will serve both the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the army; we had a large contract with the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

When we do model experiments, we look at which transporter carries drugs through the skin. With this device we can tell whether this substance has passed or not, and how much of it has passed. A very sensitive method for very good specialists. So far we are one of the best in this method, at least in Moscow. Many people turn to us for help.

Can you show us the printer?

– You see, with the printer that we have, it is impossible to print a person, because it is very rough for cells. You can print some kind of non-living prosthetic hand on it. A leg can be printed, a heart can be printed with all its vessels, but it will not be alive. It's just a dummy. The printer is made in such a way that there are special nozzles and tubes, and when a cell passes through them, it dies. If you read that a bioprinter has printed a living heart, don’t believe it. They once said on TV: “Well, American scientists have made a heart,” and they made a dummy.

Now in Germany, through our mutual work, they are making a new printer, a new generation, where the cell is delivered to the right place on the matrix with a laser beam, not through a nozzle. The device is not large, and when we install it, we will use it to carefully place the cells in the matrix in the right place.

It's still useful for surgeons.

- It's useful, yes. Useful to look for some optimal design, for example. But don't grow organs.

As I said, the frame is made of two types of materials - pure synthetics and biofabric. For the cartilage itself we take tendon tissue, and for the liver we take liver tissue. We process it all to remove the immunogenicity. This finely dispersed matrix is ​​made from liver tissue, all cells have been removed from it so that there is no immunogenicity, but the liver cell receptors themselves remain. That is, it will be good for the cell to sit on this matrix and reproduce. Now we are just removing excess water from there, this is freeze drying - removing water by freezing. This drug can be stored for a long time, and when we need it for experiments, we will use it.

The procedure for obtaining this matrix itself is very difficult and lengthy. We have received a patent for this method. We patent a lot, I have about 35-40 patents, I haven’t counted recently.

This is a finely dispersed tissue-specific matrix. If what I showed you, what you picked up, is not specific to any cells, then this is a tissue-specific matrix, specifically for hepatocytes, specifically for liver cells. That is, it is precisely created to ensure that cells feel good and grow. Here we show tissue-specific matrices. Today we are finishing the freeze drying process.

Then on this matrix you get the liver?

– Liver tissue, let’s say carefully, but which will perform the function of the liver. We have already succeeded in this with dogs; liver restoration is going well. In general, the liver, if not disturbed, recovers well.

To get a job with you, who do you need to be? Which university should I graduate from?

– For a long time we were the base for the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, I have a lot of biophysics students. They defend themselves in different areas - I have students who are candidates in medical sciences, chemical sciences, biological sciences, and technical sciences, that is, in all areas. There is from the medical and biological faculty of Second Honey. There is a chemistry department at Moscow State University. They all need to be taught, naturally. But the work is hard, sometimes you have to work almost in vain, you work and work, but it doesn’t work out, so we need people who love science more than money. First work, work and work, and then success comes.

By the way, I have a lot of young employees. Perhaps I have one of the youngest laboratories. For me, everyone is focused on work, others don’t come here. The salaries here are not so high, they have only now been increased to a decent level, with the arrival of a new director. And so, indeed, everything was built on enthusiasm and love for our business.


We continue the conversation in the office of the director of the Federal Scientific Center for Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after Academician V.I. Shumakov.

– surgeon, transplantologist, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Director of the Federal Scientific Center for Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after Academician V.I. Shumakov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Transplantologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Head of the Department of Transplantology and Artificial Organs of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenova, chairman of the all-Russian public organization "Russian Transplant Society", editor-in-chief of the journal "Bulletin of Transplantology and Artificial Organs", member of the board of the International Association of Hepatological Surgeons of Russia and the CIS countries, twice awarded diplomas of the national medical award "Vocation", which recognizes the best doctors in Russia . Twice winner of the Russian Government Prize (for liver transplantation in 2007 and for heart transplantation in 2014).

Tamara Amelina:

You said that a law on biomedical cell products will soon be adopted. What is he talking about?

– It is still impossible for us to use cellular technologies – you cannot introduce someone’s cells into the body, you can only use autocells. It is possible to use only stem cells, this is the same bone marrow transplant, as we used to call it, but these are donor bone marrow stem cells. Everything else is impossible. I cannot grow a culture of cells, eliminate differentiation so that it is universal for any person, and use them as a medicine to treat certain conditions. There is no law, I have no right to do this. And such technologies have already appeared, you just saw them.

Moreover, there is one more important detail here: these will be products that will cost some money, that is, they must be bought and sold like medicine. If in our country organ transplantation is exclusively free, then here it is a product that can be bought and sold, used for the treatment of various diseases, or for prevention, or for some cosmetic procedures.

Accordingly, this should be somehow spelled out in the legislative framework. We even heard the draft of this law in the Public Chamber, that is, it is ready, it passed the first reading in the Duma.

And now the rich and famous will be able to update everything for themselves, look younger and live forever?

– We are not yet at such a level, and neither is world medicine, to understand everything like this. But the unfortunate elderly Rockefeller has already had his sixth heart transplanted. He is over ninety years old.


- It's already the sixth! He underwent a heart transplant for the sixth time. We could have done this too, we also do retransplantations, but we didn’t get to six.

Besides, he's probably already replaced all his joints? Like Bulgakov, “monkey ovary” and so on?

– I don't think he's a monkey ovary recipient ( laughs).

I have an employee, Professor Semenovsky, he is a cardiac surgeon, he is 87 years old, and I am very proud that he works at our institute. The year before last he replaced two knee joints. If earlier he operated while sitting, now he operates standing! So, you see, what does Rockefeller have to do with it? I have my own! Mikhail Lvovich Semenovsky, a famous personality.

– We are talking about artificial organs, and I’m just wondering what motivates you – the desire to save people or some kind of scientific interest?

- Hello, please! What does “scientific interest” mean... Any design, any innovation is born of demand...

Well, does Professor Preobrazhensky live in you?

– Professor Preobrazhensky believed in what he was doing. It is possible to transplant a human pituitary gland into a dog; this is called xenotransplantation, but in our country it is prohibited by law. This is a fantasy, a very interesting pamphlet, a magnificent satirical work. Professor Preobrazhensky expresses the ideology of that generation of intellectuals who were outraged by what was happening.

My grandfather was a professor at Moscow University, he recorded all this devastation from 1917 to 1922 in the form of a diary. He sent this diary to the USA, and if he had not sent it, he would have been spanked for sure. I learned about this diary somewhere in the late 80s. Such a typical Professor Preobrazhensky. The diaries were published in the USA. This is such a thick book, there is not much text and a lot of comments.

Who was involved in the publication, some of your relatives?

– There was such a historian Terrence Emmond, he considered himself a student of my grandfather, he worked at Stanford University, where this very manuscript was kept. This book is on sale, called “Time of troubles”, in English “Time of troubles”. In Russia, it was published in the journal “Questions of History”, and then as a separate book.

Was his last name also Gautier?

- Certainly. Yuri Vladimirovich Gauthier. He was repressed, a little. In 1930 he was accused of monarchism, but then the film “Ivan the Terrible” was released, and he And They returned from exile in 1933. In 1939 he became an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He was a historian, he wrote about the Time of Troubles, about the Polish invasion, then he was a historian of Zamoskvorechye, there was a lot of things. He eventually became head of the history department at the university. Previously, even before the revolution, he was deputy director of the Rumyantsev Museum.

I was recently sorting through my papers and found a bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences for 1939: “selected academicians Lysenko, Vyshinsky, Gauthier.” Here's the company! So he was quite adequate to that period of life. He died in 1943.

Aren't you related to fashion designer Gaultier?

- No, his last name is spelled a little differently, there is a letter “l”, it’s just not pronounced.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko:

Sergei Vladimirovich, there is a Gaultier auditorium in First Gradskaya, is he related to you?

- This has a lot to do with me. This is my great-great-uncle, Eduard Vladimirovich Gauthier. I received an absolutely stunning invitation from the Department of Cardiology of the Second Med to give a lecture in the Gautier Auditorium. I talked with the head of the department, the absolutely wonderful Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Shostak, with whom we agreed that on March 23 I would give a lecture on heart transplantation in the Gautier Auditorium.

I can show you the artificial ventricle of the heart, if you want?

Valery Ivanovich Shumakov was faced with the task of creating an artificial heart. Work was started, which we managed to complete. This is an electric motor with a rotation speed of 5-8 thousand revolutions per minute. This thing is placed next to the heart and pumps blood from the cavity of the left ventricle of the heart, if the left ventricle itself does not contract well, into the aorta. It is installed during surgery and provides a person with severe heart failure with the opportunity to rehabilitate and live a normal life.

According to observations in the world, such a device allows you to live for more than five years. It weighs about 250 grams.

This was a very big step in the activities of our Institute, because after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the development of an artificial heart was abandoned for some time. When I came here in 2008, we decided to revive this program. We, together with Zelenograd engineers, have developed a pump that absolutely completely replaces imported similar German and American models. This is not a copy, it is a slightly more advanced thing, because other materials, other technologies are used here, it is more reliable. And we are now working on this and are working on creating a children's analogue.

That is, in principle, you can put this piece of iron instead of a living heart, and the person will live?

- Absolutely right. This thing helps to survive until a heart transplant, but in good condition, and can even work for the rest of his life if a person has contraindications for a heart transplant or does not want to. He just walks around with this handbag, he has this wire sticking out and that’s it!

– Sergei Vladimirovich, at the Kurchatov Institute, about thirty years ago they wanted to make a radioisotope energy source for an artificial heart. Are you in contact with them?

– We are in contact with them through other programs. In general, there are now only three or four models of such a device on the market, including ours.

How long do the batteries last?

– This is a separate story. The battery lasts for eight hours, then another battery is inserted, the first one is charged at this time. Our first patient, to whom we transplanted this device, once went to pick mushrooms. He didn’t get lost, the lights in the village just turned off! He understands that if he doesn’t charge the battery now, then he will only have enough for eight hours, and no one knows when the lights will be turned on again.

He got into the car, drove to the neighboring town to the store, and plugged into an outlet. After that, he said: “Guys, transplant my heart.” We transplanted his heart. When we removed this engine, disassembled it, and looked at it, there was not a single blood clot, not even a hint. This is where we realized we had come to the right place!

Photographer Anna Galperina

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