A letter in English about active recreation. Outdoor games

Topic by English language: Active leisure in summer (Summer holidays). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

Best time of year

In my opinion, summer is best time year. This is the time when we leave our homes to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. There are many options for summer activities.

Sports in summer

Let's take sports for example. Summer provides us unique opportunity swim, ride a boat, yacht or bike. My favorite thing to do is ride a bike. I think it's an incomparable feeling when you drive along a country road, find new places and admire the landscapes that open before you. In addition, you can stop at any place you like without worrying about parking problems. When you come home from a bike ride, you feel very good.

Outdoor games

Among outdoor games, football is the most popular. I think football is played all over the world. Undoubtedly, there are special grounds for such outdoor games as tennis, basketball, volleyball and cricket. There are many games you can play just in the yard. Take badminton for example, which is popular among people of all ages.

Other summer activities

Plus, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the nice weather. summer days. I think everyone has gone camping at least once in their life. You live in a tent in the forest and have a wonderful opportunity to admire the beauty of nature, walk barefoot through the thick grass and look at the clouds slowly floating in the sky. It is also interesting to pick berries and mushrooms. If you don't want to travel far from home, you can find plenty of fun activities right in your own backyard. Many people plant flowers and vegetables in gardens around their home, or barbecue with friends and relatives.


In conclusion, I would like to say that it is impossible to list all the possibilities for summer recreation, but each of us can undoubtedly choose an activity to our liking from this variety.

Download Topic in English: Active recreation in summer

Summer holidays

The best season of the year

In my opinion, summer is the best season of the year. It’s time when we leave our houses and do activities in the open year. There is a great variety of them.

Sports in summer

Let's take sport, for example. Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting and cycling. I really enjoy the last one. I think it’s remarkable to go along country roads in order to find new places and see new sights. Besides, you can stop anywhere you like as there are no parking problems. When you come back from a day’s ride you feel really good.

Outdoor games

Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interest. I believe it’s played in all the countries of the world. Of course, there are sports grounds for going in for other kinds of sports such as tennis, basketball, volleyball and cricket. There are lots of games that can be played just in the yard. Consider badminton, for example, which is very popular with people of all ages.

Other activities

Apart from this, you can enjoy summer in many other ways. I think everyone went camping at least once in his life. You live in a tent in the forest and have a great chance to observe all the beauty of our nature walking barefoot through thick green grass or lying down on it and watching clouds floating in the sky. Another interesting thing is picking berries and mushrooms. If you don’t want to go anywhere far you can always find activities to get busy with just near your house. Lots of people plant flowers and vegetables in their gardens, tiding the place around the house or have barbecues with friends and relatives.


In conclusion, I want to say that it’s impossible to enumerate all summer activities but every person is surely able to choose what he likes best.

So, let's look at four types of holidays during the holidays:

Use the phrases below and share your impressions on the topic “How I spent my summer holidays (vacation).”

Holidays. English words on the topic “Holidays. Vacation"

How I spent my summer (winter) holidays. / How I Spent my Summer (Winter) Holidays

General Phrases / General phrases

  1. be on holiday (on vacation) - to be on vacation
  2. make friends - make friends
  3. have a wonderful time - have a wonderful time
  4. take pictures of - take pictures
  5. enjoy... - enjoy...
  6. visit - to visit

A. Sightseeing Holidays

  1. travel round Europe (Russia, Great Britain) - travel around Europe (Russia, UK)
  2. travel by car (plane, train, bus) - travel by car (plane, train, bus)
  3. go abroad - go abroad
  4. go on a trip - take a short trip
  5. take pictures of... - take pictures...
  6. walk the streets of ... - walk along the streets ...
  7. visit some places on the way to... - visit... on the way to...
  8. see interesting places - see the sights
  9. meet different people - meet different people
  10. visit museums and art galleries - visit museums and art galleries
  11. stay at a hotel - stay at a hotel
  12. enjoy the beauty of the scenery (countryside) - enjoy the beauty of the landscape (surrounding area)

B. Seaside Holidays / Vacations on the coast

  1. go to the beach - go to the beach
  2. go to the seaside - go to the coast
  3. sit on the sand - sit on the sand
  4. look at the sea - look at the sea
  5. look at the clouds floating in the sky - look at the clouds floating across the sky
  6. spend a lot of time on the beach - spend a lot of time on the beach
  7. bathe in the river - swim in the river
  8. lie in the sun - sunbathe
  9. play football, volleyball - play football (volleyball)
  10. fly a kite - fly a kite
  11. build sand castles - build sand castles
  12. play about (dig) in the sand - play in the sand
  13. look for shells - look for shells

S. Holidays at my Grandparents’ / Vacations at the dacha with grandparents

  1. go for a walk in the forest - go to the forest for a walk
  2. pick up berries (mushrooms) - pick up berries (mushrooms)
  3. ride a horse - ride a horse
  4. ride a bicycle - ride a bicycle
  5. go fishing – go fishing
  6. catch fish - catch fish
  7. sit on a bench under a tree and read a book - sit on a bench under a tree and read a book
  8. take long walks with my friends - take long walks with friends
  9. help my grandparents in the garden - help grandparents
  10. dig the ground - dig the ground
  11. pull out the weeds - pull out the weeds
  12. pick up fruit - pick up fruits
  13. take care of domestic animals - take care of domestic animals
  14. eat healthy food- eat healthy food
  15. spend a lot of time outdoors - spend a lot of time in the fresh air

D. Camping Holidays

  1. go to a summer camp in ... - go to camp in ...
  2. go camping - go hiking
  3. go boating - ride a boat
  4. climb the mountains - climb the mountains
  5. fish by the river - fish by the river
  6. make a campfire – make a big fire
  7. sit round the fire - sit around the fire
  8. roast sausages on the open fire – fry sausages over a fire
  9. swim in the river (in the lake) – swim in the river (in the lake)
  10. pick up mushrooms – pick up mushrooms

Summary of an English lesson on the topic “Types of recreation”

  1. Organizational moment

Good afternoon, my dear boys and girls and our guests. Welcome to the lecture. I am glad to see you.

We start our lesson.

  1. Statement of a problematic question.

Tell me, please, do you have a free time? When?

What do you do after school?


We found out what you do after school or during the holidays, and now we’ll look at the board and see what else you can do in your free time.

Slide 1. Running pictures. (students look at the pictures and say what is shown there).

We have repeated some of the activities of teenagers, and now we will determine where they engage in this or that activity.

Slide 2. Students divide types of recreation into 2 groups. (outdoorsandindoorsactivity).

Guys, now tell me, how can you describe these pictures in one word?

And what do you think we will tell about?

What associations do you have when you hear the word “Rest”? Make a list of your associations. (association method)

  1. Activation of speech skills on the topic “Rest”

You are right. And how do you prefer to relax?

Follow-up questions for students:

Where would you like to travel?

What kind of transport do you prefer?

Do you like to go to the sea?

What sport do you prefer?

Where do you play this game?

Do you like any other game?

Do you like to go to the cinema?

Do you like to go to the park?(method “thick and thin questions”)

  1. Group work

My dear friends, I understood that you like to travel, to walk with friends and to take sports. I suggest you to get into groups.

Group 1 – those who love to travel

Group 2 – those who like to play sports

Group 3 – those who like to spend time with friends

Your next task is to prove why this particular type of recreation is the best.

Let's check how you work in groups.

In order for us to get a story, you need to know the vocabulary. Select one representative from your group to complete the task.

Slide 3. Distribute the words into 3 groups: types of transport, sports games, classes at home.

The secret to success in writing a story is a grammatically correct sentence. What needs to be taken into account when doing this? Let's choose a person from the group to do this exercise.

Slide 4. Make a sentence from scattered words.

I see that you are already ready to work in your groups. Now I give you 5 minutes to prepare to prove which type of rest is better.

Group 1 tells us what is good about traveling

Group 2 – why everyone needs to play sports

Group 3 – why do you like spending time with friends?

In the group, you need to distribute roles, who is responsible for what, 1 - for the design of the text recording, the other - for the accuracy of constructing grammatical structures; 3 – for spelling accuracy; 4 – for oral presentation. Either one person or several people from a group can speak. To help you, I will distribute texts that will help you in your work.. (See below)

Here we can see what is applied"Zigzag" technique . Students work in a group. They offer their opinions and discuss.

Text 1


Modern life is impossible without travel. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road.

For some people there is nothing so exciting as traveling, and I"m not an exception. And I"m happy that I have traveled a lot and I hope that every my journey wasn"t the last one. First of all, the members of our family usually have long walks in the country. During such walks we see a lot of interesting places, sometimes we meet interesting people. It"s useful for all members of our family. At this time we don"t think about tickets and there is no need to hurry up.

Traveling by sea is very popular. Large ships and small river boats can visit foreign countries and different interesting places/

Of course, traveling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too. Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are traveling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats.

There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means.

Every year my friend and I go somewhere to the South for holidays. The Black Sea is one of the most wonderful places which attracts holiday-makers all over the world. There are many sanatoriums and tourist camps there. Sometimes, we can place ourselves in a tent on the sea shore enjoying the fresh air and the sun all day long.

As a rule, I make new friends there during the trip. In the day-time with new friends we play volleyball, tennis, swim in the warm water of the sea. I like to sit on the beach watching the sea and enjoying the sunset. I"m fond of mountaineering. So I do a lot of climbing together with my friends. Time passes quickly and soon we have to make our way back. We return home sunburnt and full of impressions.

Sometimes I travel by ship. It"s wonderful to feel the deck of the ship under the feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind blowing in the face, hear the cry of the sea-gulls. Of course, the voyage isn't exciting for those who are sea-sick.

But I repeat again - the cheapest and enjoyable way to travel - is walking the forest, country.

I love traveling!

Text 2.

Sport in My School
If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport or otherwise.

Sport is an essential part of my daily life. Every morning all the year round I do my morning exercises. Almost every day I do some training. In summer I go swimming or rowing. During my summer holidays I go on hikes. I usually spend my winter holidays in the country where I ski, skate or toboggan. I also go in for track-and-field (athletics) events.

Different sports and games are popular with my classmates. All my friends go in for different kinds of sport, such as water polo, gymnastics, horse-riding, wrestling, fencing, weightlifting, boxing, ice-hockey, speed-skating, figure-skating, football, basket-ball, volley- ball, etc. We have fine teams at our school and different kinds of competitions take place there. The boys of my school are crazy about football, they play football and the girls are football fans. The girls never miss a single match played by school teams.

And now a few words about our physical training lessons. In winter our physical training lessons are held out-of-doors. We go skiing or skating. When it is cold outside P.T. lessons are held indoors, in our school gymnasium. We play different team-games such as basket-ball or volley-ball. Besides we have some training in gymnastics.

In autumn and in spring, when the weather is warm we have P.T. lessons at our school stadium. My school has a sports day once a year in late spring. On this day we have no lessons. All the competitors change into their sports clothes, the spectators find their seats round the track ready to cheer. All the events take place at the same time. This day is a great success every year. Even if the weather is not warm, we enjoy ourselves just the same.

  1. Monologue statement

Time is up. Who will be the first to tell about the rest?

While speaking, try to pay attention to the pronunciation of words.

Children's performance.Each group of children tells why certain types of recreation are good.

  1. Lesson summary

Have you listened to the speeches, what conclusions can you draw?

I realized that all types of recreation (travel, sports and going to the movies with friends) are interesting. And it is impossible to select the best one. In conclusion, I would like to say that the most pleasant rest is rest after hard work.

Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good bye.

Each of us has our own favorite time of year, but most will probably agree that the most best season- it's the holiday season ( a holiday season). It doesn’t matter when you decide to relax: in a cold winter, a sultry summer, a velvety autumn or a blooming spring. In this article we will talk about different types of holidays and holidays in English. So let's begin:

  1. An active holiday = an adventure holiday– active recreation.

    The concept of “active recreation” can be translated in English in two ways, but there is a slight difference between them. Active holiday suggests that you are purposefully going to do something. The activity can be absolutely anything, from drawing ( painting) and gardening ( gardening) to rock climbing ( climbing/rock-climbing) and canoeing ( canoeing).

    Do you like active holiday? Let's go canoeing. - Do you like it active recreation? Let's go canoeing.

    Adventure holiday- this is usually an organized tour where you do something new for yourself, for example, go hiking ( a trek) or on safari ( a safari).

    I like adventure holiday. We've just got back from a safari. It was amazing! - I love active recreation. We have just returned from a safari. It was amazing!

  2. Camping– camping.

    Tent ( a tent), fire ( a bonfire), nature ( nature) – romance ( romance). If you like relaxing in unity with nature, then you will love camping.

    They go camping regularly. They like to cook in a pot and to sleep in a tent. – They exercise regularly camping. They like to cook in a pot and sleep in a tent.

    Recently, a type of camping such as glamping(glamping): glamor(glamour) + camping. You also enjoy relaxing in nature, but at the same time you have all the benefits of civilization: a bed, a shower with hot water, wi-fi.

    – Do you go camping? – Are you studying? camping?
    – No, I go glamping. - No, I'm studying glamping.

  3. A walking holiday = a walking tour– walking tour.

    A walking tour in English can suggest both walking around unfamiliar city and sightseeing ( sightseeing), and a backpacking trip ( a rucksack (Br.E.) / a backpack (Am.E., Br.E.)) behind your back.

    My friend George advised me to take a guided walking tour of Athens. - My friend George advised me to take walking tour around Athens with a guide.

  4. A package holiday = a package tour- Vacation package.

    One of the most common types of recreation is package holiday. You purchase a voucher that includes flights, meals, hotel accommodation and a cultural program.

    This travel agency offers the best package tours. – This travel agency offers the best vouchers.

  5. A summer holiday- summer vacation.

    Sun, beach, pleasant sea breeze - all this can be found in resort town (a holiday village / a holiday resort). In the summer we can do aquatic species sports such as kitesurfing ( kitesurfing), windsurfing ( windsurfing), kayaking ( kayaking). You will learn even more about water activities from the article “”.

    – Where are you going to spend yours summer holiday? – Where are you going to spend summer vacation?
    – I’m thinking of visiting Spain. – I’m thinking of visiting Spain.

    Fans of more traditional and less extreme entertainment can swim in the sea or ocean ( to swim in the see / the ocean), sunbathe on the beach ( to sunbathe), go on an excursion ( to go on an excursion) or sightseeing.

    – Let's go windsurfing. It's so exciting! - Let's go windsurfing. It's so exciting!
    -Are you crazy? It's too dangerous! Let’s swim in the sea and then go on an excursion to the ancient city. -Are you crazy? This is very dangerous! Let's swim in the sea and then go on a tour of the ancient city.

  6. A winter holiday- winter vacation.

    If you don’t like the heat and want to relax during the cold season, we have also come up with a lot of entertainment for you. You can devote your winter vacation to skiing ( skiing), snowboarding ( snowboarding), snowmobiles ( snowmobiling) or dog sled ( dog sledding).

    I always take a winter holiday. Last year we went skiing and this year we want to go snowmobiling. - I always take winter holiday. Last year we went skiing, and this year we want to go snowmobiling.

    Our teacher Marina described different types of winter games in the article “”.

  7. A staycation– vacation spent at home.

    For those who spend their holidays at home, a word with a humorous connotation was invented in the English language - staycation: to stay(stay) + a vacation(vacation). Usually we spend such a vacation at home and visit interesting places that are located in our city or near it.

    Tomorrow I am going back to work after two weeks’ staycation. – Tomorrow I go to work after a two-week vacation spent at home.

    In order not to get bored within four walls during your staycation, we recommend reading the article “”. In it you will find many interesting events that take place within the city or close to it.

  8. A daycation– vacation for one day.

    And for those whom the evil boss does not allow on vacation, they came up with another word with a humorous connotation. Daycation– a short vacation when you go somewhere for one day and return home in the evening.

    I can’t take a holiday in July, but at least I can have a daycation. – I can’t take a vacation in July, but at least I can arrange for myself one day vacation.

  9. A study tour– educational/study trip.

    This type of vacation assumes that you go on vacation to study: attend lectures, classes and seminars.

    This summer I will undertake a study tour to Cambridge. – This summer I will go to study trip to Cambridge.

  10. A farm stay– holiday on the farm.

    This kind of holiday must have been invented by those who miss their holidays with grandma in the village :-) On the farm you can feed the animals ( to feed animals), harvest ( to bring in crops) or just relax as a guest.

    I’ve always liked country life. This autumn I’d like to have a farm stay. - I always liked rural life. This fall I would like to spend farm holiday.

Finally, we suggest watching a video about 10 cities that are worth visiting.

We hope our article helped you decide how you want to relax this year. Don't forget to download the worksheet and take the test to repeat the words on the topic "Rest and Vacation" in English.

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