Spelling of suffixes iva eva in verbs. Spelling suffixes of various parts of speech

Spelling suffixes various parts speech except -N-/-NN- is included in the Single state exam in Russian language for grade 11 (task 10).

Spelling noun suffixes

In nouns, the spelling of the suffixes -EK-/-IK- is most often checked. The suffixes -OK- and -ON- are written in a unique way.

Spelling of suffixes -EK- and -IK-

If you put a noun in the genitive case singular, and the vowel in the suffix has disappeared, then the suffix -EK- is written in the word. Otherwise - the suffix -IK-.

For example:

  • Key – suffix -IK-, since in genitive case The singular “key” vowel does not disappear in the suffix.
  • Zamochka is the suffix -EK-, since in the singular genitive case “zamochka” the vowel in the suffix is ​​missing.

The suffixes -NIK-, -CHIK-, -SHCHIK-, -IN-, -ITs-, -ETS- can be checked in the same way.

Spelling adjective suffixes

In adjectives, the spelling of the suffixes -K-, -SK- and -LIV-, -CHIV-, -CHAT-, -EV-/-IV- is most often checked.

Spelling of suffixes -K- and -SK-

If the adjective is qualitative (that is, it has degrees of comparison) or it was formed from a noun with a stem ending in K, Ch or C, then the suffix -K- is written. Otherwise the suffix -SK- is written.

For example:

  • Low – the suffix -K-, because the adjective is qualitative.
  • German - the suffix -K-, because the adjective was formed from the noun German ending in C.
  • French - the suffix -SK-, since the adjective is not qualitative and it was formed from the noun French, the stem of which does not end in K, Ch or C.

Spelling of suffixes -LIV-, -CHIV-, -CHAT-, -EV-, -IV-

The suffixes -LIV-, -CHIV- and -CHAT- are always written in a unique way.

For example:

  • Quirky - suffix -LIV-
  • Assiduous - suffix -CHIV-
  • Onion – suffix -CHAT-

The suffix -EV- is written only without stress, and the suffix -IV- is written only under stress. Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

For example:

  • Flannel - suffix -EB-, because no accent
  • Truthful – suffix -IV-, because. under stress

The main thing is to distinguish the suffixes -EV-/-IV- and -LIV-, -CHIV- from each other. To do this you need to do it correctly morpheme parsing words.

Spelling of participle suffixes

In participles, the spelling of the suffixes -A-, -I-, -E- and -OM-, -EM-, -IM-, -USCH-, -YUSCH-, -ASCH-, -YASCH- is most often checked.

Spelling of suffixes A, Z and E

To check the vowel in a suffix, you need to look at the initial form of the verb (infinitive) and see what suffix is ​​used there. If the verb ends in -AT or -YAT, then A or Z is written in the participle suffix. In all other cases, E is written in the participle suffix. In participles and gerunds, before the suffix -VSH- the same suffix is ​​used as in the infinitive.

For example:

  • Confused – suffix -A-, as it is formed from confuse (ends in -AT)
  • Sown – suffix -Я-, as it is formed from sow (ends with -YAT)
  • Glued - suffix -E-, as it is formed from glue (does not end in -AT or -YAT)

Spelling of the suffixes -OM-, -EM-, -IM- and -USH-, -YUSH-, -ASH-, -YASH-

To check which vowel is written in the suffix, you need to determine the conjugation of the verb from which the participle is formed. If the verb is of the first conjugation, then the suffixes -OM-, -EM- and -USH-, -YUSH- are used, if the verb is of the second conjugation, then -IM- and -ASh-, -YASH-.

For example:

  • Dependent – ​​suffix -IM-, as it is formed from the verb depend 2 conjugations
  • Cherished – suffix -EM-, as it is formed from the verb cherish 1st conjugation
  • Melting snow – suffix -YUSH-, as it is formed from the verb melt 1st conjugation
  • Gluing – suffix -YASH-, as it is formed from the verb to glue 2 conjugations

Spelling adverb suffixes

In adverbs, the spelling of the suffixes -O- and -A- is usually checked.

Spelling of suffixes -O- and -A-

If the adverb is formed suffix way(only using a suffix), then the suffix -O- is written. If an adverb is formed by the prefix-suffix method (using a prefix and a suffix at the same time), then with the prefixes IZ-, DO- and S- the suffix is ​​written -A-, and with the prefixes B-, NA- and ZA- the suffix -O- is written.

For example:

  • Long since - formed from the adjective long ago in a prefix-suffix way, and with the prefix IZ- the suffix -A- is written.
  • To the right - formed from the adjective right in a prefix-suffix way, and with the prefix NA- the suffix -O- is written.
  • Initially - it was formed from the adjective original in a suffixal way (although the word has the prefix IZ-, it was already in the adjective), so the suffix -O- is written.

Spelling of suffixes of verbs and gerunds

In verbs, the spelling of the suffixes -EVA-/-OVA- and -IVA-/-YVA- is usually checked.

Spelling of the suffixes -EVA-/-OVA- and -IVA-/-YVA-

To check the vowel in the suffix of a verb, you need to put it in the first person singular form. If the suffix disappears, then it is written -EVA- or -OVA-, if the suffix remains, then -IVA- or -YVA-. In nouns, participles and gerunds formed from verbs with these suffixes, the suffixes are written according to the same rule.

For example:

  • Grieve – the suffix -EVA-, since in the first person singular form it disappears (I grieve)
  • Assimilate – the suffix -IVA-, since in the first person singular form it is preserved (I assimilate)

It is worth distinguishing the suffixes -EVA- and -IVA- from the suffixes -E-/-I- and -VA-. If you can remove -BA- from a verb, and such a word exists, then it has 2 suffixes -E-/-I- and -VA-, otherwise there is only one suffix.

Spelling suffixes in past tense verbs

The vowel in the suffix of a past tense verb can be checked by placing the verb in the infinitive. The past tense verb uses the same suffix as the infinitive before -t.

For example: offended - suffix -E-, since in the infinitive to offend the suffix -E- is written.

You can make a mistake here!

1. Participles hung, hung, hung, hung etc., according to the above rule, are formed from verbs ending in - IT: to hang, to hang, to hang, to hang: a curtained window (he was curtained), a hung door, sugar hung in bags, a hung customer (he was hung). Forms on - AT matter “to hang throughout the space, on all sides, everywhere” or “to hang in abundance”: the walls are hung with bunches of herbs; ships hung with colorful flags, a Christmas tree hung with toys. In participles with other roots, it is only important to correctly determine the form of the infinitive: kneaded dough- the one that was kneaded, involved in a bad story- get confused; sighted gun- shoot (“adjust aiming”), shot predator- shoot, etc.

2.Forms imperative mood are formed using the ending - I(TE)-: shut up, wipe up, sweep up). These forms are easily identified: if we discard - THOSE, the meaning is preserved, only a polite request turns into a demand. Sometimes these forms are confused with forms indicative mood in sentences like When you dry your hands, hang the towel in the closet., where you will wipe out - the form of the future tense from the infinitive to wipe out (owl aspect), I conjugation (therefore you will wipe out). But: Wipe your hands! (wipe it off).

3. Basic verb suffixes: - VA- (percussion), - OVA- (-EVA-), -YVA- (-IVA-). Before -VA the same vowel is written that was in the infinitive before - TH: overcome - overcome. (Exceptions: get stuck, overshadow, prolong, corrupt). -YVA-(-IVA-) is written if the same suffix is ​​present in the form of 1st person singular: insist because (I) I insist, hide - hide. Please note: verbs ending in - YVA-/-IVA- - imperfect form. Suffix -OVA-(-EVA-) in the 1st person form of the present tense alternates with U(Yu): advise - I advise, confess - I confess. When forming the infinitive, pay attention: all verbs are imperfect.

4. A relatively small group of verbs with initial BEZ- forms different shapes depending on the meaning: dehydrate (oneself) - deprive someone, depopulate (oneself) - depopulate someone: the village was depopulated - the Nazis depopulated the village.

1. Form from these infinitives the forms of the present tense of the verb and participle (if possible) and past tense (verb and participle). Indicate conjugation where necessary

Sample. See - saw, visible. II reference - see, see, seeing; seen.

Hate, sow, smell, build, cherish, offend, offend, winnow, depend, choke, torment, weed, bark, melt, cost, choose, remember.

2. Insert the missing letters and distribute these verbs into groups:

a) verbs with suffixes -ova- (-eva-);

b) verbs with suffixes -iva- (-ыва-),

c) verbs with the suffix -va-.

Doctor..., cross..., holy..., reconnaiss..., confess..., look..., face..., visit, manage..., smear... wail, gur...g, reassure, taste, dance, scatter, get sick, realize, taste, find out, overcome...

3. Fill in the missing letters.

A man breathing heavily, a worker grinding flour, lumberjacks sawing wood, children splashing in the water, a boy pecking a box, a owner chopping wood, a bor... .sailors fighting the storm, cutting banners...in the wind, a child...cherished by his mother, a man hungry...for storms and worries, a voice cutting...ears, hated...by everyone, magnificent... a healthy face, tears invisible to the world, a dozing child, a creeping fog.

4. Fill in the missing letters.

Where there is str...sh..., there is ro...sh.... Save time - don’t waste it...in vain. A creeping fog descended into the valley. You write with errors, write correctly. The patient can't...t...s. The shot dog la...la loudly. The earthquake in Turkey bled many people dry. It is necessary to constantly reconnaissance the situation and report to the commander. Independent...my state. The grass is sown...on. Calm sea. Offended child. The patient was tossing and turning in bed. The grass doesn't sway. The grain is swept away and the bread is baked. Barely a sight...my plane. You woke me up at dawn...sh..., saw me out barefoot...sh..., you will never forget me...sh..., you will never see me...sh... As you go to bed, so will you sleep. Jump on skis from this springboard! You will feel great satisfaction when you jump. The birch leaves rustle slightly, barely swayed by the wind. Words fall on thoughts breathing with power, like pearls. Fulfill three indispensable conditions, and when you complete all three, return.

5. Fill in the missing letters.

A stone pumped up a mountain is air pumped out of a vessel

Kneaded dough - a person involved in a crime

Dumped...in the mud - dumped...in the mud

A cutlet covered in breadcrumbs is a pile of garbage

A bitch shot by a bullet is a shot by a wolf

Mixed forest - mixed solution

Walls covered with paintings - a window covered with curtains

A chest hung with medals is a weighed product

A balanced person - bunches of herbs hanging everywhere

Dumped shoes - dumped firewood

Infused herbal tea – attached outbuilding

A targeted gun is a targeted predator




study the spelling of verb suffixes; vowels in the suffix -ova- (eva), -yva- (iva); instill a love for the Russian language; develop memory and thinking.


Develop oral and written communication skills, analytical thinking, the ability to systematize and generalize acquired knowledge in practice.

Develop spelling and punctuation awareness.


Promote development communication skills students, ability to work in a team, listening skills;

Cultivate interest in Russian language lessons.


textbook by G.K.Lidman-Orlov, S.N.Pimenov, A.P.Eremeev, A.Yu.Kupalov, worksheets for students, interactive whiteboard, presentation, handout with tasks.

Lesson type – learning new material.


    Organizational moment.

Hello guys. Sit down. Now I will ask you to look at each other and smile, give me your smiles too. Thank you! A smile always encourages communication. I'm glad you have good mood, and I hope that you and I will work together and actively today.

2.. Repetition using flashcards

"Dear Word Formation."
When answering the question, students fill out a card.

- How does word-formation analysis help solve a spelling problem?

See - saw, autumn-autumn

(On interactive whiteboard picture of a very messy girl.)

- What suffix will help a girl get herself in order?

washing, combing, dressing, getting ready

(The teacher opens the curtain. On the other side of the screen is an image of a neat girl.)

- Which prefix will help the student complete the action?

Taught - learned

3. Explanation of new material.

Statement of the problem. Card " Riddles of Word Formation":

- What spelling problem occurs in these verbs? In what morpheme?

Report..to command..to grieve, to insist..to.

Lesson topic message: “Spelling verb suffixes. Vowels in the suffixes -ova- (eva-), -yva- (iva)”-.

- We made sure that when writing verb suffixes, you need to choose a vowel. There must be a rule to help us make this choice. The purpose of today's lesson is to get acquainted with the rule and learn how to write verbs with the indicated suffixes without errors.

Introduction to theoretical material (in the textbook edited by V.V. Babatseva, this material is presented in § 97).

Students read the text of the paragraph and write instructions for applying the rule:

Algorithm for spelling the suffixes -ova- (eva), -yva- (iva).

Gor..wat, report..wat

1. I put the verb

in the form of crust, or bud. vr.

/,th person units. h.

What am I doing? what will I do?

2. I look at where the verb ends.
-yu, -yu -yu, -iva

-ova, -eva-- -yva, -iva-

Application of the algorithm. Spelling designation.

We “pass” the verbs we have written down through the algorithm, inserting the missing letters:


I'm grieving - to grieve

I command - to command

I insist - insist

Orally, students answer the question: “Why do we talk about two suffixes in each case?” (The vowels o, ы in the suffixes ova-, -ыва- show the hardness of the preceding consonant, and the vowels e, and in the suffixes -eva-, -iva- show the softness of the preceding consonant.)

Whenever there is such an opportunity, I try to use it different ways explanations of new material. After logical, scientific explanation you can tell a grammatical tale. This associative-figurative approach will allow you to imagine the rule and remember it better.

Once upon a time there were suffixes -ova-, -eva- and -yva-, -iva- in Russian grammar. They worked honestly: they formed verbs. But they behaved differently.

The suffixes -yva-, -iva- were very loyal. They never left the verb forms and did not trust their place to other suffixes: I'm telling you

You're telling me


Evil tongues, however, said that it’s not a matter of devotion - it’s just the letters s, and it’s hard to walk, all their lives they walk with sticks and can’t get away from suffixes. One way or another, the suffixes -ыва-, -iva have always remained true, constantly present in verb forms.

But the suffixes -ova-, -eva- did not differ in such constancy and gave way to the suffixes -u-, -yu-, remaining only in some forms:


I command

commands Eat


This is how they are now distinguished. If the suffix does not leave its place, it is -yva-, -iva, and if it tries to run away like a bun, then it is

- The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows. What lesson does this tale give us? Let's formulate the rule again.

4. Consolidation of new material. Algorithm work.

Students receive cards with missing words and letters (what they must write is in italics).

1. Replace verbs or phrases with similar meanings (see words for reference) with verbs with the suffixes in question. Do a spelling review.

He was treated extensively, (treated - treated)

The coachman urged the horses, (I spurred on - I spurred on)

You cannot come to lessons late. (to be late - I'm late)

The wounded man underwent surgery, (operated on - undergone surgery)

The street was covered with asphalt, (paved - paved)

I walked down the street for two hours, (walked - strolled)

Words for reference: p..dstёgi shaft, z..asphalted, operated on, late.

2. Explain the meaning of proverbs by producing according to the algorithm necessary actions, determine the verb suffix.
Indicate the spelling.

Not the housewife who (I talk) talks, but the one who (I boil) cooks the cabbage soup. The enemy wanted to (feast) feast, but had to (grief) grieve.

He who does not know how to carry out should not (I urge) give orders. Every coward loves to talk about courage (talk).

Make new friends (live), but don’t lose old ones.

The last verb is “provocative”, since the spelling in it is not in the suffix, but in the root. Such “traps” help keep students’ attention and emphasize the need to check which morpheme is spelled before applying a rule. Our rule is applicable only when we knock out a vowel in the suffix of a verb.

3". Phraseological pause.

Combine phraseological units and verbs with the same meaning. Explain spellings.

add fuel to the fire be zealous

take water into your mouth to encourage

go out of your way to remain silent

(On the interactive whiteboard)



pour oil on the flame

take water into your mouth

go out of your way

egg on

remain silent

be diligent



Follow me.

a) Close your eyes, mentally think about something good;

b) open your eyes, look forward, left, then right;

c) lower your head, look sharply down;

d)raise your head, look sharply up;

d) do rotational movements eye;

Independent work.

The verbs are written on the board in pairs. From each pair of verbs, select a word with the required suffix and write it in the table, selecting the suffix.

-yva~ Justify - attack

-ova- To educate is to triumph.

-ova- Varnish - test.

-ova- Report - investigate.

-ova- Write down - feel..vat.

-ova- Indignant..to bite off.

-yva- Act..vat - form.






be indignant



- Circle the column consisting of the first letters of each word; If the task is completed correctly, then you will read your mark.

We analyze the mistakes made.

6. Independent work.

Working according to the algorithm, insert the missing letters.

Use, complain, dance, question, dance, dig, calculate, plow, weed, fold, try, touch, ventilate, day and night.

On the interactive whiteboard.


y y y and



Making marks, analyzing mistakes made.

7. Summing up the lesson and grading.

Using the words written on the board, make up a sentence that matches the pattern: [=, =, =, = and =]. In your sentence, tell us about what we did in class. Explain vowels in verb suffixes.

Educated..trained..used, used..vali, proved..vali, tried..valiable.

Today at the Russian language lesson we

formed new words, practiced writing verb suffixes, used an algorithm, proved the choice of a vowel in a suffix, and tried their hand at independent work.

8. Tricky suffixes.

look - consider - (watch)

weed - weed - (flight)

keep silent - keep silent - (silently)

- Are the selections correct here? test words? To check the unstressed vowel in the root, you cannot take verbs with the suffixes -yva-, -iva-. Select test words, determine the vowel in the root.

Evening meeting of species pairs.

I'm weakening - weakening. I command - command.

These verbs do not have suffixes familiar to us, this is easy to verify if you form species pair. Imperfective verbs are formed using the suffix -va-, and the suffix that precedes it is checked using perfective verbs.

9. Lesson summary.

(Teacher works with guitar)

So, let's draw conclusions based on the material we worked with today.

10. Reflection.

Guys, finish my sentence.

Today we repeated……..

I was wondering (to do what?)

You all did a good job, well done. Now you can evaluate yourself. Those who worked well, raise a red circle, and those who think they could have worked better, raise a green one.

11. Homework(on card):

1. From these words, form verbs with the studied suffixes. Don't forget to indicate the spelling.

team - expense -

envy - participation -

grief - sympathy -

2. Choose antonyms for these verbs
with studied suffixes.

blame - accumulate -

to be sad - to be silent

3. Replace the phrases with verbs with the studied suffixes.

Go solemnly -

varnish - ,

to be a boss -,

"Vowels in suffixes

-ova-, –eva-, -yva-, –iva-.”

Teacher: Grosheva A.V.



The lesson on this topic was held using cards with printed base. Each student receives such a card during class.

Cards are used to explain new material and for subsequent development of spelling skills. The use of such cards makes it possible to quickly and clearly repeat and preparatory work, save time, increase the number of exercises to consolidate what you have learned.


1. Organizational moment.

2. Review using the Dear Word Formation card. When answering the question, students fill out a card (everything written by students is in italics):

How does word-formation analysis help solve a spelling problem?

autumn ← autumn saw ← see

(On the board there is a picture of a very messy girl.)

What suffix will help a girl get herself in order?

washes, combs, gets dressed, gets ready

(The teacher turns the picture over. On back side- image of a neat girl.)

Which prefix will help the student complete the action?

Taught → learned

3. Explanation of new material.

Statement of the problem.Card “Riddles of Word Formation”:

What spelling problem occurs in these verbs? In what morpheme?

report, command,

It's getting hot, it's getting hot.

Lesson topic message:“Spelling verb suffixes. Vowels in suffixesova- (-eva-), -yva (-iva-).”

- We made sure that when writing verb suffixes, you need to choose a vowel letter. There must be a rule to help us make this choice. The goal of today's lesson is to get acquainted with the rule and learn how to write verbs with the indicated suffixes without errors.

Getting to know theoretical material.

Students read the text of the paragraph and write instructions for applying the rule:

Suffix spelling algorithm-ova- (-eva-), -yva- (-iva-)

gory e vat, report about y vat

1. Put the verb into form present or bud. vr. 1st person unit h.

What am I doing? what will I do?

2. I look what does the verb end with?

↓ ↓

I wow, I wow, I wow

↓ ↓

Ova, -eva- -yva-, -iva-

Application of the algorithm.Spelling designation.

We “pass” the verbs we have written down through the algorithm, inserting the missing letters:


Grieve - to grieve.

I command - to command.

I insist - insist.

Orally, students answer the question: “Why do we talk about two suffixes in each case?” (Vowels o, s in suffixes-ova-, yva- show the hardness of the preceding consonant, and vowels e, and in the suffixes -eva-, -iva- show the softness of the preceding consonant.)

Whenever there is such an opportunity, I try to use different ways of explaining new material. After a logical, scientific explanation, you can tell a grammatical tale. This associative-figurative approach will allow you to imagine the rule and remember it better.

Once upon a time there were suffixes in Russian grammar-ova-, -eva- and -yva-, -iva-. They worked honestly: they formed verbs. But they behaved differently.

Suffixes -yva-, -iva- were very loyal. They never left the verb forms and did not trust their place to other suffixes:

I'm telling

you tell


Evil tongues, however, said that it was not a matter of devotion - just letters s, and It’s hard to walk, they walk with sticks all their lives and cannot escape the suffixes.

One way or another, but suffixes-yva-, -iva- always remained true, constantly present in verb forms.

But the suffixes -ova-, -eva- did not differ in such constancy and gave way to suffixes-u-, -yu-, remaining only in some forms:


I command



This is how they are now distinguished. If the suffix does not leave its place, it is-yva-, -iva-, and if it tries to run away like a bun, then this is a suffix with “round” letters - oh, yeah

- The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows. What lesson does this tale give us? Let's formulate the rule again.

4. Consolidation new material. Algorithm work.

Students receive cards with missing words and letters (what they must write is in italics).

1. Replace verbs or phrases with similar meanings (see words for reference) with verbs with the suffixes in question. Do a spelling review.

(This is a task of the first level of difficulty, so in words for reference the vowel in the suffix is ​​already inserted. Students need to explain why this particular suffix is ​​in this verb. Further tasks will gradually become more difficult.)

He was treated extensively,(treat - treat)

The coachman urged the horses(I spurred on - I spurred on)

You cannot come to lessons late.(to be late - I'm late)

The wounded man underwent surgery(I operated - I will operate)

The street was covered with asphalt(paved - paved)

I walked down the street for two hours(I was walking - I’m walking)

Words for reference:p..dstёgi shaft, p..asphalted, pr..operated, treated, be late, walked..walked.

2. Explain the meaning of proverbs. After performing the necessary actions according to the algorithm, determine the verb suffix. Indicate the spelling.

Not the mistress who(TALKING) talking, and the one who(I'm cooking) brews. The enemy wanted(feasting) feast, but had to(grief) to grieve.

Anyone who can't do it shouldn't(I order) order. Every coward loves courage(conversation) to talk.

New friends (live) make money, but don’t lose your old ones.

The last verb is “provocative”, since the spelling in it is not in the suffix, but in the root. Such “traps” help keep students’ attention and emphasize the need to check which morpheme is spelled before applying a rule. Our rule applies only when we choose a vowel in the suffix of a verb.

3. Phraseological pause. Combine phraseological units and verbs with the same meaning. Explain spellings.

add fuel to the fire be zealous

take water into your mouth to encourage

go out of your way to remain silent

5. Intermediate control

Independent work.

The verbs are written on the board in pairs. From each pair of verbs we select a word with the required suffix and write it in the table, selecting the suffix.

1. -yva- To justify is to attack.

2. -ova Educate...to celebrate..to celebrate.

3. -ova- Varnish..varnish - test..test.

4.ova Report..research..research.

5. -ova- To write down is to feel..to write.

6. -ova- Indignant...bite off..bite.

7. -yva- Act..to form..to form.






be indignant



Circle the column consisting of the first letters of each word; If the task is completed correctly, then you will read your mark. We analyze the mistakes made.

6. Independent work.

Working according to the algorithm, insert the missing letters.

Use, complain, dance,

ask and dance, dig up,

calculate, plow and plow, disappear,

to put together, to try, to touch upon,

ventilate, sleep day and night.

Self-test by writing on the board:





Making marks, analyzing mistakes made.

7. Summing up the lesson

Using the words written on the board, make up a sentence that matches the pattern: [=, =, =, = and =]. In your sentence, tell us about what we did in class. Explain vowels in verb suffixes.

Educated..trained..used, used..vali, proved..vali, tried..valiable.

Today in Russian language lesson weformed new words, practiced writing verb suffixes, used an algorithm, proved the choice of a vowel in a suffix, and tried their hand at independent work.

8. Additional material.

Tricky suffixes.

look - consider - (watch)

weed - weed - (flight)

keep silent - keep silent - (silently)

Are the test words chosen here correctly? To check the unstressed vowel at the root, you cannot take verbs with suffixes yva-, willow. Select test words, determine the vowel in the root.

Evening meeting of species pairs.

I'm weakening - weakening. I command - command.

These verbs do not have suffixes familiar to us, this is easy to verify if you form a species pair. Imperfective verbs are formed using a suffix-va-, and the suffix preceding it is checked using perfective verbs.

Homework: come up with and draw a sign prohibiting the use of these suffixes to check for an unstressed vowel in the root of a word; complete the tasks on the card.

9. Homework (on the card):

1. From these words, form verbs with the studied suffixes. Don't forget to indicate the spelling.

team - _____ expense - _____

envy - _____ participation - ________

grief - _______ sympathy -_______

2. For these verbs, select antonyms with the studied suffixes.

blame - _________ accumulate - __________

be sad - be silent -

3. Replace the phrases with verbs with the studied suffixes.

Go solemnly- ___

varnish -_____________________________________________,

to be a boss - __________________________________________________,

take part -____________________________________________,

travel to new places -_______________________________________,

conduct an investigation -_______________________________________,

send a telegram -_________________________________________,

give advice -__________________________________________________ .

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