Development of an English lesson on the topic “PAST SIMPLE.

Explanatory note for the lesson

This work is presented in the humanitarian direction. The topic of the lesson is “Past Simple”. The group is average in terms of language proficiency. The work uses the program M.Z. Biboletova and N.N. Trubaneva “Enjoy English” for grades 2-11 of secondary schools, the textbook “Enjoy English”, authors M. Z. Biboletova, O. A. Denisenko, N. N. Trubaneva, 2 hours a week, 68 hours a year, section of the textbook “The holiday is approaching.”
The proposed methodological development of an English lesson for the 4th grade can be used both when mastering the grammatical topic “Past Simple” and to consolidate the material studied.

There are different methods of learning a foreign language: some suggest focusing on colloquial speech, others prefer grammar above all. In school practice great attention devoted to the study of difficult grammatical rules.

Lesson structure(stages):

1) Organizational moment

2) Phonetic exercise

3) Checking homework

4) Learning new material

5) Physical education minute

6) Getting to know regular and irregular verbs.

7) Constructing affirmative sentences in the Past Simple

8) Construction of negative and interrogative

sentences in Past Simple

9) Constructing special questions in the Past Simple

10) Evaluation of student activities

11) Reflection

12) Homework

During the lesson, methods are used to stimulate interest in learning: games, team competition, group work, handout, which contributes to more easy to remember complex grammatical material and the involvement of all students in lesson activities. The lesson uses a communicative technique. The lesson is accompanied by a computer presentation. The use of an interactive whiteboard allows you to implement the principles of clarity, accessibility and systematic presentation of the material. It stimulates the development of students’ mental and creative activity, passion for the subject, and ensures the effectiveness of learning the material in the lesson. The lesson also uses an audio supplement to the textbook “Enjoy Englis” for grade 4.

The presentation “Past Simple - Past Simple Tense” is intended for use in class when explaining new material. From it, students will learn what the meaning of this category of time is, in what form the auxiliary verb is used in different numbers. To find the past simple in a sentence or construct a phrase yourself, you need to know which phrases are “signals” about the use of the past simple - the children also become familiar with them in the lesson using a presentation.

The children have a positive attitude and are interested in conducting non-standard lesson using multimedia information display tools.



English lesson on the topic "Past Simple"

Target: Development of foreign language communicative competence of students.



  • training students' pronunciation skills;
  • formation and development of grammatical skills
  • development of reading skills;


  • cultivate a culture of communication in different types collective interaction.


  • develop students’ linguistic conjecture, memory, and attention;
  • develop students' interest in learning English;

Equipment: computer; interactive whiteboard; computer presentation with lesson material; handout material.

Lesson progress

Organizational moment

Good morning, boys and girls!

I am glad to see you!

How are you? (We are fine, thanks)

Sit down please!

Phonetic exercise

- Let's remember the monkey we met last year and stretch our tongues.

Our friend monkey - and monkey - went for a walk.

She invites a squirrel for a walk: , , , but the bell rings, [n], [n], [n].

The monkey and the squirrel tease the mosquitoes: [z], [z], [z].

The mosquitoes get angry and bite the monkey. She shouts:, , .

The mosquitoes bit the monkey painfully, she even speaks with difficulty: [m], [m], [m].

Bees flew to the monkey and calmed it down: [d], [d], [d].

The monkey returns home and warms his frozen paws with his breath: [h], [h], [h].

The monkey goes to bed and blows out the candle: [w], [w], [w].

Very good, children!

Checking homework

Teacher: It’s time to check up your homework. Now I want three pupils to go to the blackboard and write down their homework on it.

Learning new material

Teacher: Today we are going to visit the town of the Past Simple(2 slide). It"s a very beautiful town. Who lives in this town? Look! These are funny gnomes. What are their names? Their names are Ted, Jack, Tim and Ben. They are nice, kind and friendly. They will show us the town .

(3 slide)

The past simple is formed by adding the endings –ed and –d to regular verbs, as well as the second form of irregular verbs. Negative and interrogative form is formed using the auxiliary verb did and the infinitive without the particle to. Past Simple denotes in a period of time that has already expired and the action can be expressed by indicating the time.

Teacher: Look! These are the names of the streets. Listen and repeat. (Reads. Students repeat in chorus, then one at a time.)

(4 slide)


The day before yesterday

Last week

Last month

Last year


Teacher: Let's recall the meaning of the words and word combinations.(5 slide)

day before yesterday;

last year;

a week ago;

10 days ago;

last summer; yesterday;

a month ago.

Ten days ago

Last summer


A week ago

The day before yesterday

Last year

A month ago

Physical education minute

Teacher: And now it’s time to have a rest

Clap, clap, clap your hands!

Clap your hands together.

We are clapping

We are clapping

We are clapping our hands!

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet!

Stamp your feet together!

We are stamping, we are stamping,

We are stamping our feet.

Introducing regular and irregular verbs.(Slide 6)

Teacher: And great workers live in this city - regular verbs. See how they are formed. Now listen to how the ending sounds - ed for these verbs.

Teacher: Open your books page 52, exercise 6.(7 slide)

















Teacher: Why do you think it sounds different? Students explain the rule.

Teacher: Dwarves also love to go fishing. But they don’t catch simple fish. Regular verbs are written on each of the fish. Let's help the gnomes put the correct verbs into baskets. (Baskets with inscriptions[t], [d], ).

Watched, learned, collected, cried, skated, played, finished, painted, walked, wanted, looked, talked, tried, smiled, needed.

Teacher: And this city is also home to naughty, lazy irregular verbs. There are not so many of them, but their forms need to be remembered(9 slide).

Teacher: Now listen to me and repeat after me: (Students repeat in chorus)(10 slide).

be - was/were - been

begin - began - began

bring - brought - brought

buy - bought - bought


come - came - come

do - did - done

drink - drank - drunk

eat - ate - eaten

get - got - got

give - gave - given

go - went - gone

have - had - had

know - knew - known

let - let - let

make - made - made

meet - met - met


read - read - read

see - saw - seen

sit - sat - sat

speak - spoken - spoken

sleep - slept - slept

take -took - taken

tell - told - told

think - thought - thought

win - won - won

write - wrote - written

Teacher: Now let's remember the forms of irregular verbs. The teacher shows the first form on the card, the students name the 2nd and 3rd.

Sample card:




Teacher: Open your books page 53, exercise 9.

Game "Find friends"

Teacher: And now I will give you cards with different forms of irregular verbs. At my command “One, two, three, start!” you must find your comrades and stand in groups of three.

Group work

Teacher: Now we will divide into 3 groups. Each group receives a short text in which they need to find and underline irregular verbs.

Mary got up at 7 o"clock yesterday. She washed her face and cleaned her teeth. Then she had breakfast. She took her bag and went to school.

Jane came home at 2 o"clock yesterday. She had dinner. Then she cleaned her room. She did her homework. Then she played games.

My mother came home from work at 6 o"clock yesterday. She cooked supper. Then she watched TV. She read a book. She went to bed at 10 o"clock.

Constructing affirmative sentences in the Past Simple(11 slide).

Teacher: Dwarves are very hardworking. They work all day in their workshop and remake sentences from Present to Past. Let's help them.

They skate in the yard every day.

They skated in the yard yesterday.

The weather is fine today.

The weather was fine yesterday.

We go to the park every day.

We went to the park yesterday.

I see my friend and his mother.

I saw my friend and his mother.

Children have five classes every day.

Children had five classes yesterday.

Teacher: Now we will divide into teams. Each team member receives a card with a word. I will say: “One, two, three, start!”, and the teams must form their sentences in the correct order.

Construction of negative and interrogative sentences in the Past Simple(12 slide).

Teacher: Gnome Tim loves to brag. Let's disagree with him. See how it should be done.

You didn't watch TV at night.

You didn't wash your hands and face ten times.

You didn't play chess with a champion.

You didn't help your friends to do their homework.

You didn't clean your teeth three times.

Teacher: Now let's ask him again. See how to do it(13 slide).

Sample: I watched TV at night.

Did you watch TV at night?

I washed my hands and face ten times.

Did you wash your hands and face ten times?

I played chess with a champion.

Did you play chess with a champion?

I helped my friends to do their homework.

Did you help your friends to do their homework?

I cleaned my teeth three times.

Did you clean your teeth three times?

Ball game

The teacher asks the students general questions, throwing the ball one by one. Students give a short answer “Yes, I did” or “No, I didn’t.”

Constructing special questions in the Past Simple(14 slide).

Teacher: Our gnomes have helpers What, Where, When, Who, How, Why. See how they help them.

I played football yesterday.

When did you play football?

What did you play yesterday?

Who played football yesterday?

Teacher: Open your books page 60, exercise 34.

Assessment of student activities.

Teacher: Thank you for the lesson. You have worked very well.


Students give their feedback about the lesson. Using special emotional symbols, they react to the past lesson (reflect):

the lesson went well.

I know and can do a lot.

the lesson went well.

I know and can do a lot.

the lesson went well.

I know and can do little.

Teacher: Let's learn the new poem. Let's learn a new goodbye poem at the end of the lesson.

(Students are asked to come up with suitable movements)

I can jump, I can run,

I can sing, I can dance,

I can swim, I can't fly,

I can climb and say “good-bye!”

Teacher: Our lesson is over. Goodbye! (16 slide)


Execute exercise 1, 2 on page 62 in writing; repeat the rule, learn five irregular verbs on page 53.

Presentation for an English lesson in 4th grade on the topic “Past Simple” Done by the English teacher: MBOU “Bakaevskaya Secondary School” Elvira Nurmukhametovna Shakurova

The town of the Past Simple

The Past Simple rule is formed by adding the endings – ed and – d to regular verbs, as well as the 2nd form of irregular verbs. The negative and interrogative form is formed using the auxiliary verb did and the infinitive without the particle to. Past Simple denotes a period of time that has already expired and an action can be expressed by indicating the time.

Yesterday The day before yesterday Last week Last month Last year Ago

ten days ago last summer yesterday a week ago the day before yesterday last year a month ago 10 days ago the day before yesterday last year a week ago last summer yesterday a month ago

REGULAR VERBS Rule!!! Regular verbs are formed by adding the ending - ed

The ending - ed for regular verbs sounds like: [t] Watch ed Walk ed Talk ed Finish ed Look ed [d] Play ed Learn ed Tri ed Cri ed Smil ed Studi ed Skat ed Want ed Collect ed Paint ed need ed

[t] [d] [id] watched played skated walked learned wanted talked tried collected finished cried painted looked smiled needed


be - was/were - been begin - began - begun bring - brought - bought brought - bought - bought build - built- built came - came - come do - did - done drink - drank - drunk eat - ate - eaten get - got - got give - gave - given go - went - gone have - had - had know - knew - known let - let - let make- made - made meet - met - met put - put- put read - read - read see - saw - seen sit - sat - sat speak - spoke - spoken sleep - slept - slept take -took - taken tell - told - told think - thought - thought win - won - won write - wrote - written

Change the sentences from Present to Past 1) The weather is fine today. 2) We go to the park every day. 3) I see my friend and his mother. 4) Children have five classes every day.

Form negative sentences in Past Simple. Sample: I watched TV at night. You didn't watch TV at night. 1) I washed my hands and face ten times. 2) I played chess with a champion. 3) I helped my friends to do their homework. 4) I cleaned my teeth three times.

Form interrogative sentences in Past Simple. Sample: I watched TV at night. Did you watch TV at night? 1) I washed my hands and face ten times. 2) I played chess with a champion. 3) I helped my friends to do their homework. 4) I cleaned my teeth three times.

What, Where, When, Who, How, Why 1) I played football yesterday. 2) When did you play football? 3) What did you play yesterday? 4) Who played football yesterday?

Subject:"Formation of interrogative sentences in Past Simple»


1) contribute to the improvement of students’ dialogic and monologue speech skills, reading with a full understanding of listening and writing on the topic.

2) develop the mental activity of students through methods of control, consolidation and systematization,

3) contribute to the development of independent work skills in students


1) develop skills and abilities oral speech: learn to convey the content of a read text using the Past Simple.

2) develop skills in reading:

Learn to reconstruct the text by inserting verbs into it in the Past Simple/

3) Introduce students to the formation of general and special questions in the Past Simple.

4) Introduce students to a work of children's folklore (poem).

Equipment: table of irregular verbs, grammar support tables, cards with text.

New irregular verbs are written on the board:

Lesson steps: 1. Organizational moment.

    Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    Phonetic exercise.

    Speech warm-up.

    Setting and solving an educational problem.

    Improving grammatical skills.

    Physical education moment.

    Development of dialogical speech skills.


    Consolidation of grammatical skills.


Lesson steps

Good morning, children!

I am glad to see you too.

Sit down, please. Who is onduty today? -What date is it today?

Who is absent today?- Emoticons

Please look at the blackboard and say-“What is the topic of our lesson? (anagram on the board) THE STPA IMSLEP TSEEN-Well, the topic of our lesson is THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE. Today we will discuss the past simple tense, regular and irregular verbs, the formation of affirmative and interrogative sentences.

Kangaroo KangarooShe said in the morning:“We need to get up quicklyAnd repeat the verbs:Towrite- wroteToeat- TospeakTobreakTocome- Tobecome- To swim

Guys, distribute the words into three columns (the words are given on blackboard) collected paintedlooked playedskated neededsmiled helpedtalked livedstudied finished

Sample question : What did you do yesterday?Scheme answer : I…. yesterday.

a) repetition of question types:-What main types of questions do you know?

All right, thank you. Now write the questions formulas on the blackboard.

b) formation of questions in PastSimpleTenses - Guys, what is the auxiliary verb in PastSimple do we use to form the negative form?-This means that for the formation of questions in PastSimple what auxiliary verb will we use?

Let's guys form formulas in PastSimpleTenses.

Read the sentences. Then ask the questions.

Example: Icame to Russia last spring.- Did did you come to Russia last spring?

Game "Magic Ball".Ume in your arms magic ball- I ask a question, the first student, taking it, answers, then, passing the ball, asks a question to a neighbor, he answers, and so on along the chain until the last of you asks a question. But first, you must definitely remember what you did yesterday, a week ago or last year - this is what your questions and answers will be about.

I offer you to work on 2 options within 3 minutes.These letters are in the envelopes.LettersareVordinaryenvelopes. Take them and begin your work, please.

Guys, I will tell you suggestions in PresentSimple and you pronounce them in PastSimple.

Theyskate in the yard every day.

The weatheris fine today.

Wego to the park every day.

I see my friend and his mother.

Childrenhave five classes every day.

Heis at the lesson every day.

Thereare many people in the street.

    Summing up

Teacher: - What did we do at the lesson? - Pupils what kinds of questions do you know? -How have we made the questions in the Past Simple Tense? Now you know how to use time PastSimple in speech and writing.

2. Grading and homework.

So, today you have done your best and I`m very pleased with you. You marks are the following (grading).

Good morning, Lyubov Ilyinichna! - We are glad to see you too.


Children name the second form of irregular verbs.

Wrote-ate- -spoke-broke- came- became-ran-swam

[t]- looked,helped,talked,finished[d]- played, smiled, lived, studied-painted, needed,collected, skated

We know the General question; the Special Question, the Alternative Question and the Tag-Question.

(the General question)

(the Special Question)

Question .sl. ?

(the Tag-Question.) , not ?

(theAlternativeQuestion) …or…?

To form a negative form in SimplePastTenses we use an auxiliary verbDid.

To generate questions in PastSimple we will use an auxiliary verbdid.

Did + + + …? (the Gen. Ques).

Did + + + …? (the Spec. Ques.).

V 2…, didn’t + ? (The Tag. Ques.).

Did + + + … or … ?((Alt. Ques.).

    We played badminton yesterday.

    The children drew a nice picture last night.

    Jim read an interesting fairy tale last Sunday.

    Jill wrote a letter to Santa Claus last week.

    They skied in the park yesterday.

    Simon caught a big fish a month ago.

The Wale

One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Last month Icaught a whale alive

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Then I let it go again!

Why did you let it go?

Because itbit my finger so!

What finger did itbite ?

The little finger on the right!

Sample question : What did you do yesterday?Scheme answer : I…. yesterday. I…… last year.I…… last month.I……. last week.

    Yesterday I /go/________ to the park. I /meet/ _________ my friends there. We /ski/________, /skate/______- in the park. We /like/__________ it very much. I /see/_________ a wonderful dream. I /go/_____ to a green garden. I /see/__________ a dark house. In this house there /live/____________ a big lion.I /open/ ________ my eyes then.

Theyskated in the yard yesterday.

The weatherwas fine yesterday.

Wewent to the park yesterday.

Isaw my friend and his mother.

Childrenhad five classes yesterday.

Hewas at the lesson yesterday.

Therewere many people in the street.


In this lesson we will learn the rules for forming the past simple tense, Past Simple, as well as various cases of its use. Let's learn marker words that indicate the need to use the past simple tense Past Simple.

Topic: English verb tenses

Lesson: Using the past simple tensePastSimple

Past simple tensePastSimple is formed as follows (using the example of the verb play).

Affirmative sentences:

Table 2. Interrogative sentences in PastSimple tense

Negative sentences:

I did not play football yesterday

We did not play football yesterday

You did not play football yesterday

You did not play football yesterday

He/she/it did not play football yesterday

They did not play football yesterday

Table 3. Negative sentences in PastSimple time

Thus, to form past simple tensePastSimple, must be supplied semantic verb into the second form. For regular verbs ( regularverbs) you need to add an ending to the infinitive - ed , and for irregular verbs ( irregularverbs) this form must be looked at in the second column of the table of irregular verbs.

Please note that to form the interrogative and negative forms you must use auxiliary verb did. It is the same for all persons, but when used, the semantic verb will be in the initial form (infinitive).

Exception makes up a verb tobe. He independently forms interrogative and negative forms. In questions, it comes first before the subject, and in the negative form it takes the particle not - was not (wasn’t) / were not (weren’t).

It's also worth noting that the negative form did not is often shortened to didn't.

Past simple tensePastSimple has several cases of use:

1. To describe the sequence of events in the past.

I got up, washed, dressed and went to school. - I got up, washed, got dressed and went to school.

2. To describe events that happened at a certain point in the past.

He finished school last year. - He graduated from school last year.

3. To describe events that happened in the past and have no connection with the present. The exact time of action is usually not indicated, but most often these are those cases when we are talking about people who are no longer alive.

Mozart wrote a lot of magnificent music. - Mozart wrote a lot of great music.

4. To describe conditions or habits in the past.

We went to the cinema twice a week. - We went to the cinema twice a week.

She liked the rain. - She loved the rain.

There was an old oak tree near the house. - An oak tree used to grow near the house.

In the same meaning the phrase used to + infinitive can be used and verb would+ infinitive

Please note that the verb would cannot be used with stative verbs.

We used to go to the cinema twice a week = We would go to the cinema twice a week.

She used to like the rain.

There used to be an old oak tree near the house.

In sentences with pastsimpletimePast Simple Often there are such time circumstances - yesterday, the day before yesterday, the other day, last year (month, week), on Sunday, in 1998, on the first of September, ago.

  1. Afanasyeva O.V., Dooley D., Mikheeva I.V. English language (basic level). - Enlightenment, 2012.
  2. Biboletova M.Z., Babushis E.E., Snezhko N.D. English language (basic level). - Title, 2009.
  3. Kaufman K.I., Kaufman M.Yu. English language (basic level). - Title, 2010.
  4. Golitsynsky Yu.B., Grammar. Collection of exercises. - Karo, 2011.
  1. ().
  2. English grammar online ().
  3. Courses foreign languages ().
  1. Open the brackets by putting the verbs in the Past Simple form.

1) The building of the trade center (begin) a month ago.

2) It (be) bitterly cold yesterday. I (put) on my warm coat but I (catch) a cold still.

3) The postman (bring) the morning mail only at 10 o"clock.

4) I (see) you the other day coming out of the library with a stack of books. Are you preparing for the exams?

5) We (have) a picnic yesterday, but the rain (spoil) the whole pleasure.

6) You (go) to the South when you (be) a child?

7) As soon as I came up, they (get) into a taxi and (go) away.

8) What sights did you (see) when yon (be) in Egypt?

9) Every winter Nick (go) to the Swiss Alps to ski.

10) He (come) in, (take) off his hat, (move) a chair to the table and (join) the conversation.

11) When did he (arrive)? — The plane was delayed and he (come) two hours later.

12) How much your bag (cost)? — I (pay) $80 for it.

  1. Ex. 180, 208. Golitsynsky Yu.B., Grammar. Collection of exercises. - Karo, 2011.
  2. * Ex. 210. Golitsynsky Yu.B., Grammar. Collection of exercises. - Karo, 2011.

Target: Development of foreign language communicative competence of students, past simple familiarization with the grammatical topic.



    Training students' pronunciation skills;

    Formation and development of grammatical skills

    Development of reading skills;

Educational :

    cultivate a culture of communication in different types of collective interaction.


    develop students’ linguistic conjecture, memory, and attention;

    develop students' interest in learning English;

Equipment: computer; projector; interactive whiteboard; flipchart presentation with lesson material; handout material.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment

Teacher: Good morning, children!

Good morning! Good morning to you!

Good morning! Good morning!

We are glad to see you!

II. Speech charger

Teacher: How are you today?

Students (one by one): Fine, thanks. And you?

III. C communicating the goals and objectives of the lesson

Teacher : Today we are going to visit the town of the Past Simple. It's a very beautiful town. Who lives in this town? Look! These are funny gnomes. What are their names? Their names are Ted, Jack, Tim and Ben. They are nice, kind and friendly. They will show us the town. We shall learn some grammar rules, do exercises, sing songs and play games at the lesson.

IV. Phonetic exercise(Flipchart 2)

Teacher: Look! These are the names of the streets. Listen and repeat. ( Reading. Students repeat in chorus, then one at a time).

The day before yesterday

Teacher : Let’s recall the meaning of the words and word combinations. (Flipchart 2). Exercise: After familiarizing yourself with these words, arrange them according to the translation.

Day before yesterday; last year; a week ago; 10 days ago; last summer; yesterday; a month ago.

The day before yesterday

V. Regular and irregular verbs.(Flipchart 3)

And great workers live in this city - regular verbs. See how they are formed. Now listen to how the ending sounds - ed for these verbs.



Teacher: Why do you think it sounds different? Students explain the rule.

(Flipchart 4) Now let's help the gnomes put the correct verbs into baskets. (Baskets with inscriptions [ t ], [ d ], [ id ]).

Watched, learned, collected, cried, skated, played, finished, painted, walked, wanted, looked, talked, tried, smiled, needed

Teacher: And in this city there live naughty lazy irregular verbs. There are not so many of them, but their forms need to be remembered. ( Flipchart 5 )

Now listen to me and repeat after me: ( Students repeat in chorus)

be – was/were - been

begin – began - began

bring – brought - brought

buy – bought – bought

build – built-built

come - came - come

do – did – done

drink - drank - drunk

eat – ate - eaten

get - got - got

give – gave - given

go – went - gone

have - had - had

know – knew - known

let - let - let

make – made – made

meet – met – met

put – put- put

read - read - read

see – saw - seen

sit - sat - sat

speak – spoke - spoken

sleep - slept - slept

take -took – taken

tell – told – told

think – thought – thought

win – won – won

write – written – written

Teacher: Now let’s remember the forms of irregular verbs. The teacher shows the first form on the card, the students name the 2nd and 3rd.

Sample card:




Game "Find comrades"

Teacher: Now I will give you cards with different forms of irregular verbs. At my command “One, two, three, start!” you must find your comrades and stand in groups of three.

Group work

Now we will divide into 3 groups. Each group receives a short text in which they need to find and underline irregular verbs.

    Mary got up at 7 o’clock yesterday. She washed her face and cleaned her teeth. Then she had breakfast. She took her bag and went to school.

    Jane came home at 2 o’clock yesterday. She had dinner. Then she cleaned her room. She did her homework. Then she played games.

    My mother came home from work at 6 o’clock yesterday. She cooked supper. Then she watched TV. She read a book. She went to bed at 10 o’clock.

VI. Relaxation.

Song “Clap your hands”

Clap, clap, clap your hands

As slowly as you can!

Clap, clap, clap your hands

As quickly as you can!

As slowly as you can!

Shake, shake, shake your hands

As quickly as you can!

VII. Constructing affirmative sentences inPast Simple

Teacher: Dwarves are very hardworking. They work all day in their workshop and remake sentences from Present to Past. Let's help them. (Flipchart 6)

They skate in the yard every day.

They skated in the yard yesterday.

The weather is fine today.

The weather was fine yesterday.

We go to the park every day.

We went to the park yesterday.

I see my friend and his mother.

I saw my friend and his mother.

Children have five classes every day.

Children had five classes yesterday.

Teacher: And gnomes also like to go fishing. But it’s not an easy fish to catch. Each of the fish has a sentence written in Present or Past. Let's help sort the fish into buckets. (Present and Past are written on the buckets). Students take a paper fish, read the sentence, and place the fish in the correct bucket.

Teacher: And now we will again divide into teams. Each team member receives a card with a word. I will say: “One, two, three, start!”, and the teams must form their sentences in the correct order.

VIII. Construction of negative and interrogative sentences inPast Simple

Teacher: Gnome Tim loves to brag. Let's disagree with him. See how it should be done. (Flipchart 7)

Sample: I watched TV at night.

You didn't watch TV at night.

You didn't wash your hands and face ten times.

You didn't play chess with a champion.

You didn't help your friends to do their homework.

You didn't clean your teeth three times.

Teacher: Now let's ask him again. See how to do it. (Flipchart 8)

Sample: I watched TV at night.

Did you watch TV at night?

I washed my hands and face ten times.

Did you wash your hands and face ten times?

I played chess with a champion.

Did you play chess with a champion?

I helped my friends to do their homework.

Did you help your friends to do their homework?

I cleaned my teeth three times.

Did you clean your teeth three times?

Ball game. The teacher asks the students general questions while throwing the ball one at a time. Students give a short answer “Yes, I did” or “No, I didn’t”.

IX. Construction of special questions inPast Simple

Our gnomes have helpers What, Where, When, Who, How, Why. See how they help them. (Flipchart 9)

I played football yesterday.

When did you play football?

What did you play yesterday?

Who played football yesterday?

X. Summing up. End of lesson.

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