System of work for conducting non-standard lessons. Non-standard forms of conducting lessons using active teaching methods

Report on pedagogy by first-year student M.A. Nechaeva.

Ural State University named after. A. M. Gorky



The orientation of the modern school towards the humanization of the educational process and the diversified development of the child’s personality presupposes the need for a harmonious combination of the actual educational activities, within which they are formed basic knowledge, abilities and skills, with creative activities related to the development of individual inclinations of students, their cognitive activity. Non-standard lessons are one of the important means training, because they form students’ sustainable interest in learning, relieve stress, help develop learning skills, and have a positive impact on emotional impact on children, thanks to which they develop stronger, deeper knowledge. The peculiarities of non-standard lessons lie in the desire of teachers to diversify the student’s life: to arouse interest in cognitive communication, to class, to school; satisfy the child’s need for the development of intellectual, motivational, emotional and other areas. Conducting such lessons also testifies to teachers’ attempts to go beyond the template in building the methodological structure of the lesson. And this is their positive side. But it is impossible to build the entire learning process from such lessons: by their very essence, they are good as a release, as a holiday for students. They need to find a place in the work of every teacher, as they enrich his experience in the varied construction of the methodological structure of the lesson.

In non-standard lessons, students should receive non-standard tasks. A non-standard task is a very broad concept. It includes a number of features that make it possible to distinguish tasks of this type from traditional (standard) ones. Main hallmark non-standard tasks - their connection “with activity, which in psychology is called productive,” creative. There are other signs:

students’ independent search for ways and options to solve the problem learning task(choosing one of the proposed options or finding your own option and justifying the decision);

unusual working conditions;

active reproduction of previously acquired knowledge in unfamiliar conditions.

Non-standard tasks can be presented in the form of problem situations (difficult situations from which one must find a way out using acquired knowledge), role-playing and business games, contests and competitions (based on the principle “who is faster? Bigger? Better?”) and other tasks with elements of entertainment (everyday and fantastic situations, dramatizations, linguistic tales, riddles, “investigations”).

Of course, non-standard lessons, unusual in design, organization, and delivery methods, are more popular with students than everyday training sessions with a strict structure and established work schedule. Therefore, all teachers should practice such lessons. But turning non-standard lessons into the main form of work, introducing them into the system is inappropriate due to big loss time, lack of serious cognitive work, low productivity and others.

Chapter I Forms of training.

Forms of training organization ( organizational forms) - This external expression coordinated activities of the teacher and students, carried out in in a certain order and mode. They have social conditioning, arise and improve in connection with the development of didactic systems.

1.1 Classification of organizational forms.

Organizational forms of education are classified according to various criteria: number of students; place of study; duration of training sessions and others.

I Based on the number of students, the following are distinguished:

mass forms of education





II Depending on the place of study, they differ:

school - school lessons(lessons), work in workshops, at the school experimental site, in the laboratory and more.

extracurricular activities - independent homework, excursions, classes at enterprises and more.

III According to the length of training time, they are distinguished:

classic lesson (45 min)

double lesson (90 min)

paired shortened lesson (70 min)

“no bell” lessons of arbitrary duration.

1.2. Forms of training.

The history of the school's development knows various systems training in which preference was given to one or another form of organization: individual-group (in schools of the Middle Ages), mutual education (Bell-Lancaster system in England), differentiated learning according to student abilities (Mannheim system), team training (which existed in the 20s in Soviet school), the American “Trump plan”, according to which students spent 40% of their time in large groups(100-150 people), .20% - in small ones (10-15 students) and 40% of the time was devoted to independent work.

The most widespread both in our country and abroad was the classroom-lesson system of education, which arose in the 17th century. and has been developing for more than three centuries. Its contours were outlined by the German teacher I. Sturm, and developed theoretical basis and embodied in practical technology Ya.A. Comenius.

The classroom-lesson form of teaching organization is distinguished by the following features:

a constant composition of students of approximately the same age and level of preparedness (class);

each class works in accordance with its annual plan (learning planning);

the educational process is carried out in the form of separate interconnected parts (lessons) that follow one after another;

each lesson is devoted to only one subject (monism);

constant rotation of lessons (schedule);

leadership role of the teacher (pedagogical management);

apply different kinds and forms of cognitive activity of students (variability of activity).

Class-lesson form of organization academic work has a number of advantages compared to other forms, in particular individual: it is more strict organizational structure; economical, since one teacher works simultaneously with large group students; creates favorable conditions for mutual learning, collective activity, competition, education and development of students. At the same time, this form is not without shortcomings that reduce its effectiveness, the main one of which is the reliance (orientation) on the “average” student, the inability to carry out individual educational work with students.

The classroom-lesson form of organizing training is the main (basic) one. In addition to it, in a modern school, other forms are used, called differently - auxiliary, extracurricular, extracurricular, home, independent, etc. These include: consultations, additional classes, briefings, conferences, study groups and extracurricular activities, club work, extracurricular reading, homework for students and more. Sometimes to outside cool shapes training organizations include educational excursions, work at school experimental sites, work in workshops, school cooperatives, trips to native land, physical education competitions in stadiums and sports fields, etc. In this case, confusion and terminological substitution usually occur: the class as a permanent composition of students is identified with classroom for conducting classes, lessons “with bells” are contrasted with lessons without them, etc. Based on this, only students’ home independent work and hobby groups (clubs) can be called auxiliary extracurricular forms organization of training.

The key component of the classroom-lesson system of organizing training is the lesson.

A lesson is a complete segment (stage, link, element) of the educational process in terms of meaning, time and organization. Despite the short duration, the lesson is a complex and important stage of the educational process - from the quality individual classes ultimately depends overall quality school preparation. Therefore, the main efforts of theorists and practitioners around the world are directed to the creation and implementation of such lesson technologies that allow effective and short terms solve the problems of teaching this composition of students. Giving a good (quality) lesson is not an easy task even for an experienced teacher.

1.3. Requirements for the lesson.

Much depends on the teacher’s understanding and fulfillment of the lesson requirements, which are determined by the social order, personal needs students with the goals and objectives of learning, patterns and principles of the educational process.

Among the general requirements that a quality product must meet modern lesson, the following stand out:

Usage the latest achievements science, advanced teaching practice, building a lesson based on the laws of the teaching and educational process.

Implementation in the classroom in an optimal ratio of all didactic principles and rules.

Providing appropriate conditions for productive cognitive activity of students, taking into account their interests, inclinations and needs.

Establishing interdisciplinary connections that students recognize.

Connection with previously learned knowledge and skills, reliance on achieved level student development.

Motivation and activation of the development of all areas of personality.

Logicality and emotionality of all stages of educational activities.

Effective use of pedagogical tools.

Connection with life, production activities, personal experience students.

Formation practically necessary knowledge, abilities, skills, rational techniques thinking and activity.

Formation of the ability to learn, the need to constantly expand the amount of knowledge.

Careful diagnosis, forecasting, design and planning of each lesson.

Each lesson is aimed at achieving a triune goal: to teach, educate, develop. With this in mind General requirements for the lesson are specified in didactic, educational and developmental requirements.

Non-standard lesson forms are the starting point for interactive learning, which inherently expresses novelty and originality. Depending on the goals and objectives of the literature lesson, the forms of organization of educational activities, a non-standard lesson may cover different types of teaching technologies. There can be many of them, it all depends on the skills and imagination of the teacher and students.

A non-standard lesson is an impromptu lesson that has an unconventional structure.

Non-standard lessons are one of the important means of learning; they form a stable interest in learning among schoolchildren, relieve stress and help develop learning skills, and have an emotional impact on students.

Distinctive features of non-standard lessons:

Connection with creative activity,

Students’ independent search for ways and options to solve a problem.

Unusual working conditions,

Active reproduction of previously acquired knowledge.

Non-standard lessons are characterized by:

Refusal from a template in organizing a lesson, from routine and formalism in its implementation;

Maximum involvement of class students in active work at the lesson;

Not entertainment, but entertaining and engaging as the basis of the emotional tone of the lesson;

Support for multiple opinions;

- “hidden” (pedagogically appropriate) differentiation of students according to educational opportunities, interests, abilities, and inclinations.

The pedagogical and methodological literature offers various classifications of non-standard lessons. For example, NN. Vinglivskt offers the following classification: lesson-conference, lesson-KVN, lesson-debate, lesson-fair, lesson-auction, lesson-concert, lesson-travel, lesson-acquaintance, lesson-testing for a role, lesson-interview, lesson-training and so on.

I.V. Otsabrik bases his classification on interactive learning technologies. He highlights:

Interactive technologies for cooperative learning of work in the lesson: Socratic conversation, work in pairs, carousel, work in small groups (dialogue, synthesis of thoughts, circle of ideas...), aquarium, etc.;

Interactive technologies for collective and group learning: discussion of a problem in a general circle, “microphone”, “Brownian motion”, situation analysis, etc.;

Interactive technologies for discussing controversial issues: “unfinished chain”, “take a position”, talk shows, debates, etc.

IN AND. Shular identifies the following methods:

Literary analysis of literary text,

Socratic conversation,

Literary simulation game,


Creative work,

Situational modeling,

Training workshop, etc.

American professor Wendy Kropid suggests techniques conducting non-standard lessons:

Taking jigs (The class is divided into groups of 5 people. In each group, a student is selected who prepares the material in advance, and then presents it to all members of the group. After this, the students perform certain exercises to control the assimilation of the material, and a discussion is held. A speaker is selected in the group who speaks to the class students);

- “three stages of interview” (Students are divided into pairs. At the first stage, one student interviews the other, at the second stage the partners change places, at the third stage they speak in front of the team);

- « brain attack"(Students spontaneously answer asked question, and the teacher records the answers on the board. Then all ideas are substantiated and developed);

- “numbered heads” (The teacher gives a question to each team, which consists of 4 people. The answer is discussed in the group. During the survey, the teacher calls a number, for example, 3. And all students numbered “3” answer the question);

- “partners” (The class is divided into small groups. Half of each group is given a task, which they complete together, then they explain the material to the other half. The other part of the group does the same. Through certain time everyone gets together and discusses information).

In the methodological literature, they are considered non-standard

- lessons in the form of competitions and games: competition, tournament, relay race, KVN, business game, role-playing game, quiz, crossword, etc.;

Lessons that remind public forms communication: press conference, auction, rally, discussion, TV show, panorama, teleconference, oral journal etc.;

Lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations: court, academic council;

Lessons based on fantasy: lesson-fairy tale, lesson-surprise, lesson-gift, lesson-doubt, lesson-fantasy, etc.;

Integrated lesson, binary lesson;

Traditional forms transferred within the lesson extracurricular activities: KVN, concert, dramatization, performance, club of experts, etc.;

Transformation of traditional ways of organizing a lesson: lecture-paradox, lesson-test (assessment defense), lesson-consultation, protection of the reader’s form, etc.

Non-standard techniques are: “aquarium”, “circle of ideas”, “microphone”, “scientific advice”, “find the mistake”, “ interest Ask”, “forbidden question”, “storyteller competition”, “tree of wisdom”, “mail”, “why”, “key word”, “write a letter”, “rainbow”, etc.

Highlight three periods of preparation and conduct of non-standard lessons.

The first period is preparatory . not only the teacher, but also the students take an active part in it (they are divided into groups, teams, receive assignments, prepare materials, etc.)

The second period is the lesson itself , which has three taps:

1) stating the problem, finding ways to solve it, motivating activities;

2) communication of new material in “non-standard” forms of organizing students’ mental activity;

3) formation of skills and abilities of schoolchildren.

The third period of the lesson is its analysis, where not only the results of training, development and education are assessed, but also the nature of student communication.

The value of the methodology lies in the fact that non-standard lessons

Make classes more memorable and emotional;

Promotes deep assimilation of the material;

Have a beneficial effect on the development of creative abilities;

Develop logical thinking, curiosity, interest in the subject;

Organize the connection between the literature lesson and other types of art.

A teacher planning a non-standard lesson should remember that

Too often resorting to non-standard lesson forms is inappropriate, as this can lead to a loss of sustainable interest in the learning process,

A non-standard lesson must be preceded by careful preparation,

When choosing a form non-traditional lessons it is necessary to take into account the level of preparedness and special characteristics of the class and each student individually,

It is advisable to use non-standard lessons as final ones when generalizing and consolidating the knowledge, skills and abilities of students

For example, in high school students are happy to accept

participation in a discussion in a literature lesson. Because the discussion- this is a dispute, a verbal competition in which everyone defends their point of view, its main goals are:

Finding out different points of view on one or another aspect of what is being studied

works (which contributes to the formation of reading competencies),

Developing communicative competencies in students.

Discussion allows you to organize live communication and involve the majority

students in discussing a problematic issue, it involves tension in thought, stimulates speech activity and independent judgment, and contributes to the formation of the student’s personality.

Not traditional forms and methods of conducting lessons as one of the ways to increase the cognitive activity of students

A teacher lives as long as he learns; as soon as he stops learning, the teacher in him dies.

K.D. Ushinsky

Lessons can be different: good and bad, interesting and boring, educational and useless. One lesson gives way to another, incompleteness is repeated, and dissatisfaction with the results of the work of the teacher and students accumulates. All this causes negative attitude students to the lesson in particular and to the school in general, and the teacher - to teaching activities.

But it also happens differently. How to make a lesson so that the student looks forward to a new meeting with the teacher? And is this possible?

A lesson is a flexible form of teaching organization. It includes a variety of content according to which it is used necessary methods and teaching techniques

Traditional lessons: lessons in learning new material, consolidating knowledge, skills, testing and taking into account acquired knowledge, skills, analysis tests, generalization and systematization of what has been learned, repetition of a topic or section.

A non-traditional lesson is “an impromptu learning activity that has a non-traditional structure.”

Non-traditional forms of education involve:

Usage collective forms work;

Instilling interest in the subject;

Development of skills and abilities independent work;

Activation of student activities;

When preparing for a lesson, students themselves look for interesting material;

Formation of new relationships between teacher and students.

Target non-traditional lessons: development of new methods, forms, techniques and means of teaching, which leads to the implementation of the basic law of pedagogy - the law on the activity of learning.

Basic tasks each lesson, including non-standard ones: general cultural development; personal development; development of cognitive motives, initiative and interests of students; developing the ability to learn; development of communicative competence

Signs of a non-traditional lesson

Carries elements of a new venue.

Extra-program material is used.

Collective activities are organized in combination with individual work.

People from different professions are invited to organize the lesson.

The emotional uplift of students is achieved through the design of the classroom and the use of ICT.

Creative tasks are carried out.

Self-analysis is carried out during the preparation for the lesson, during the lesson and after it.

A temporary initiative group of students to prepare a lesson.

The lesson is planned in advance.

The most common types of non-standard lessons

“Immersion” lessons

Lessons - business games

Lessons - press conferences


KVN lessons

Dramatic lessons

Computer lessons

Lessons with group forms of work

Lessons of mutual learning of students

Creativity lessons

Lessons - auctions

Lessons taught by students

Test lessons

Lessons - doubts

Lessons - creative countdowns

Lessons - formulas


Binary lessons

Lessons - generalizations

Fantasy lessons


Lessons - “courts”

Lessons in Searching for Truth

Lessons-lectures “Paradoxes”


Lessons - dialogues

Lessons “Investigations are conducted by experts”

Lessons - role-playing games


Integrated Lessons


Lessons - “circuit training”

Interdisciplinary lessons

Lessons - excursions

Lessons - games “Field of Miracles”

Classification of non-traditional lessons

Types of lessons and forms

Lessons in the formation of new knowledge

Skills and Skills Lessons

Lessons on repetition and generalization of knowledge, consolidation of skills

Lessons on testing and recording knowledge and skills

Combined lessons

Lectures, expedition lessons, travel lessons, research lessons, dramatization lessons, educational conferences, integrated workshop lessons, essays, dialogue lessons, lessons with role-playing, business games, seminars extracurricular reading, repetitive and generalizing debates, games: KVN, “What? Where? When?”, “Field of Miracles”, “Happy Accident”, theatrical (lesson-court), lessons-consultations, lessons-competitions, lessons-competitions, test quizzes, competitions, lessons-auctions, lesson-public review of knowledge, defense creative works, projects, creative reports

Tips for a teacher preparing a lesson in a non-traditional form

Use as many motivational factors as possible both at the preparatory stage and during the lesson.

Don't allow any excesses.

The lesson must be complete.

Reward students according to their contributions to the lesson.

Try to maintain rapport with the class throughout the lesson.

The key to the success of your non-traditional lesson is advance, clearly planned preparation, thinking through the forms and methods of its delivery.

Evaluate not only the results of training, education and development, but also the picture of communication - the emotional tone of the lesson: communication between the teacher and students, students with each other.


Promotes the development of initiative and communication skills

Involves an independent search for means and methods of solving problems related to real situations

It eradicates the negative phenomena of traditional learning and, most importantly, brings joy.

Non-traditional lesson forms are used primarily to increase efficiency educational process by intensifying student activity in the classroom.


For students - a transition to a different psychological state, this is a different style of communication positive emotions, feeling yourself in a new capacity means new responsibilities and responsibilities.

For a teacher, this means independence and a completely different attitude towards one’s work. Non-traditional lesson forms are an opportunity to develop your Creative skills And personal qualities, evaluate the role of knowledge and see its application in practice, feel the relationship different sciences.

Parental Involvement

Important when using non-traditional forms education has the participation of parents in the educational process. Experience convinces us that cognitive activity and the interest of children increases significantly if parents are involved in organizing the educational activities of students. It is important for a teacher to organize joint activities parents and children. Children may be given homework assignments that involve obtaining information from their parents and grandparents.

Non-traditional lessons are best conducted as final lessons. To successfully prepare a lesson, the teacher must know the subject and methodology well, and approach the work creatively. Interest in the work is aroused and unusual shape conducting a lesson, which removes the traditional nature of the lesson and enlivens the thought. Non-traditional forms of lessons are an opportunity to develop your creative abilities and personal qualities, evaluate the role of knowledge and see their application in practice, and experience the interconnection of different sciences. .

But when choosing non-standard lessons, moderation is needed. Students get used to in unusual ways work, lose interest. Place of non-traditional lessons in common system should be determined by the teacher himself, depending on the specific situation, the conditions of the content of the material and the individual characteristics of the teacher himself.

The success of non-traditional lessons depends on individual pedagogical conditions:

The relationship between the content of non-traditional lessons and the educational material of the lesson;

The focus of the game is to develop students’ interest in the material being studied;

Formation of moral qualities in students

Non-standard forms lessons increase the effectiveness of the lesson and help maintain stable interest in academic work and better assimilation of program material.

Most important features modern lesson:

A friendly atmosphere is created;

Formed high level motivation;

Given great importance methods of educational work;

Special attention is paid to the development of students' skills in independent cognitive activity.


Taking into account the characteristics of students in the class: class level; students' attitude to the subject; pace of class work; attitude to different types educational activities; attitude to different forms educational work, including non-traditional; general discipline students.

General rules to ensure a successful lesson:

1. Determine the place of the lesson in the topic, and the topic in the annual course, highlight common task lesson.

2. Review the curriculum, read the standard requirements on this topic, find out what is required from the teacher for this lesson.

3. Restore the textbook material in memory, select the reference knowledge.

4. Specify the objectives of the lesson, highlight the leading task.

5. Formulate and write it down in a plan in such a way that it is accessible, understandable to students, and understood by them.

6. Determine what the student should understand and remember during the lesson, what he should know and be able to do after the lesson.

7. Determine what educational material to communicate to students, in what volume, what Interesting Facts, inform students.

8. Select the content of the lesson in accordance with its task, the most effective ways formation of new ZUN.

9. Think about what and how should be written on the board and in students’ notebooks.

10. Write down the intended course of the lesson in the lesson plan, imagining the lesson as a holistic phenomenon.

Questionnaire “Teacher’s Activity Style”

1. If the class is not in order

1) my reaction depends on the situation

2) I don't pay attention to it

3) I can’t start the lesson

2. I consider it my duty to make a remark if a child disrupts order in a public place

1) depending on the situation

2) no

3) yes

3. I prefer to work under the guidance of a person who

1) offers room for creativity

2)Does not interfere with my work

3)Gives clear instructions

4. During the lesson I stick to the plan.

1) depending on the situation

2) I prefer improvisation

3) always

5. When I see a student behaving defiantly towards me

1) I prefer to sort things out

2) I ignore this fact

3) I pay him with the same coin

6. If a student expresses a point of view that I cannot accept, I

1) trying to accept his point of view

2) I move the conversation to another topic

3) I try to correct him, explain to him his mistake

7. In my opinion, in school team Most important

1) work creatively

2) absence of conflicts

3) labor discipline

8. I believe that a teacher can raise his voice at a student.

1) no, this is unacceptable

2) find it difficult to answer

3) if the student deserves it

9. Unexpected situations on lessons

1) can be used effectively

2) better to ignore

3) only interfere with the educational process

10.My students treat me with sympathy

1) no

2) when how

3) I don’t know

If you have more than 1, then this indicates the democratic style of the teacher. The teacher provides students with the opportunity to make their own decisions, listens to their opinions, encourages independent judgment, and takes into account not only academic performance, but also the personal qualities of students. Basic methods of influence: encouragement, advice, request. The teacher has satisfaction with his profession, flexibility, a high degree of acceptance of himself and others, openness and naturalness in communication, a friendly attitude that contributes to the effectiveness of teaching

The predominance of answer option 2 indicates the features of a permissive teacher’s style of activity. Such a teacher avoids making decisions, transferring the initiative to students, colleagues, and parents. Organizes and controls the activities of students without a system; in difficult pedagogical situations, he shows indecision and hesitation, experiencing a feeling of certain dependence on students. Many of these teachers are characterized by low self-esteem, a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty in their professionalism, and dissatisfaction with their work.

The predominance of option 3 indicates authoritarian tendencies in the activities of the teacher. The teacher uses his rights, as a rule, regardless of the opinions of children and specific situation. The main methods of influence are orders and instructions. Such a teacher is characterized by dissatisfaction with the work of many students, although he may have a reputation strong teacher. But in his lessons the children feel uncomfortable. A significant part of them do not show activity and independence.

Analyze your achievements and mistakes. Discover your potential. Give up hope on prescription methods, on other people's notes, on reproducing ready-made lessons. Treat the process of preparing for lessons not as a punishment, but as a source of your professional growth, intellectual, spiritual and creative powers. I wish you creative success!








Usenko E.N.

Biology and Chemistry Teacher

GOU LPR "Seleznevskaya school "18"



The orientation of the modern school towards the humanization of the educational process and the diversified development of the child’s personality presupposes the need for a harmonious combination of educational activities themselves, within the framework of which basic knowledge, skills and abilities are formed, with creative activities associated with the development of individual inclinations of students and their cognitive activity.

Since the mid-70s. V domestic school A dangerous trend has been revealed to reduce the interest of schoolchildren in classes. Teachers tried to stop the alienation of students from cognitive work different ways. Mass practice responded to the aggravation of the problem with so-called non-standard lessons that have main goal arousing and maintaining students’ interest in educational work.

A lesson is a dynamic and variable basic form of organizing the educational process, in which, within a precisely set time, the teacher studies with a certain group of students - with the class - according to a fixed schedule, using various methods and teaching aids for solving the tasks of education, development and upbringing.

A traditional lesson is a lesson that is characterized by order, proven regulation, discipline, and diligence of students subordinate to the teacher; precise outlines educational material, established traditions and stereotypes.

A non-standard lesson is an impromptu training session that has a non-traditional (unspecified) structure. A non-standard lesson is unusual in concept, organization and delivery methods.

Non-standard lessons are one of the important teaching tools, because... They form a stable interest in learning in students, relieve stress, help develop learning skills, and have an emotional impact on children, thanks to which they develop stronger, deeper knowledge. The peculiarities of non-standard lessons lie in the desire of teachers to diversify the life of a student: to arouse interest in cognitive communication, in the lesson, in school; satisfy the child’s need for the development of intellectual, motivational, emotional and other areas. Conducting such lessons also testifies to teachers’ attempts to go beyond the template in building the methodological structure of the lesson. And this is their positive side. But it is impossible to build the entire learning process from such lessons: by their very essence, they are good as a release, as a holiday for students. They need to find a place in the work of every teacher, as they enrich his experience in the varied construction of the methodological structure of the lesson.

In non-standard lessons, students should receive non-standard tasks. A non-standard task is a very broad concept. It includes a number of features that make it possible to distinguish tasks of this type from traditional (standard) ones. The main distinguishing feature of non-standard tasks is their connection “with activity, which in psychology is called productive,” creative. There are other signs:

    students’ independent search for ways and options for solving a given educational task (choosing one of the proposed options or finding their own option and justifying the solution);

    unusual working conditions;

    active reproduction of previously acquired knowledge in unfamiliar conditions.

Advantages of non-standard lessons:

    non-standard lessons fill gaps reproductive methods, lack of differentiation;

    mobility of the structure;

    the formation of subjective relationships by increasing the activity of students not only during the lesson, but also during its preparation;

    change emotional background lesson;

    assessment of students' knowledge at all stages of the lesson.

    use of collective ways of working: responsibilities are distributed among team members taking into account their individual characteristics and interests, in the process teamwork search is underway optimal ways relationships among group members, correction of the activities of individual students if their actions are not consistent with general plan collective work;

    development of skills and abilities of independent work, desire for independent search: material presented in a new form is perceived as information that makes you think, understand and remember;

    interested attitude to educational material: when preparing for a lesson, students themselves look for interesting material, find amazing facts, questions, compose poems, songs on a specific topic;

    intensification of student activity: these are no longer ordinary students, but active participants in the educational process;

    mastering ways to manage collective activities: lessons teach you to listen, analyze, learn to argue, convince, defend your opinion, listen to the opinions of your comrades, find a quick way out of a current situation, and solve problematic issues;

    the formation of new relationships between teachers and students: students become partners with the teacher in creativity in an atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork;

    assessment of students’ activities by their friends and fellow students: this assessment is sometimes more significant for them than the teacher’s assessment.

Disadvantages that teachers make when organizing non-standard lessons:

    spontaneity and unsystematic application;

    lack of forecast of positive changes, shifts in the development of students;

    not all teachers can determine the idea of ​​a lesson and its developmental possibilities;

    the predominance of reproductive learning technologies;

    attention is paid primarily to the form rather than to its content;

    overloading some lessons with educational material, often factual.

Basic principles of non-standard lessons.

    relationship of mutual understanding with the student;

    teaching without coercion;

    the principle of a difficult goal;

    the principle of support for the student, which can be a guiding thread of a story, a rule, or a method of solving a problem;

    principle of evaluation respectful attitude not only to children's knowledge, but also ignorance, encouraging a sense of duty and responsibility;

    principle of self-analysis;

    principle of appropriate form;

    the principle of the intellectual background of the class and personal approach;

    refusal of a template in organizing a lesson, of routine and formalism in conducting;

    maximum involvement of class students in active activities in the lesson. Not entertainment, but fun and passion as the basis for the emotional tone of the lesson;

    support for alternativeness, plurality of opinions;

    development of the communication function in the lesson as a condition for ensuring mutual understanding, motivation to action, and a feeling of emotional satisfaction;

    “hidden” (pedagogically appropriate) differentiation of students according to educational capabilities, interests, abilities and inclinations;

    using assessment as a formative, and not just a resultant, tool.

Non-traditional lesson forms can be considered as one of the forms of active learning.

Preparing and conducting a lesson in a non-traditional form consists of four stages:

1. Intent.

2. Organization.

3. Carrying out.

4. Analysis.


This is the most difficult and responsible stage. It includes the following components:

    determination of time frames;

    determining the topic of the lesson;

    determining the type of lesson;

    class selection;

    choosing a non-traditional lesson form;

    choice of forms of educational work.


This stage in preparing a non-traditional lesson consists of substages:

    distribution of responsibilities (between teacher and students);

    writing a lesson script (indicating specific goals);

    selection of tasks and criteria for their assessment, lesson methods and teaching aids; - development of criteria for assessing student activities.

Individual work. Possible options for composing tasks:

all students receive the same task;

Same type of tasks with different data (or with similar wording);

Miscellaneous tasks(by wording, method of solution, complexity);

Other options.

Carrying out.

During the lesson, individual or group work of students is organized.

Group work. Groups can be offered:

the same task (if the group is of the same level);

tasks that are the same in difficulty level, but different in wording, methods of solution, initial data (for same-level groups);

Tasks that differ in difficulty level (for groups of different levels); in particular, if the lesson decides difficult task, it can be divided into several subtasks and distributed into groups;

Other options.

The volume of tasks, their level of complexity, the number of tasks for each student (or group) - all this depends on the time of the lesson, the characteristics of the class (for example, the pace of work), the individual characteristics of students and other factors.


The final stage conducting a non-traditional lesson is its analysis. Analysis is an assessment of the past lesson, answers to questions: what worked and what didn’t; what are the reasons for failures, assessment of all the work done; looking back to help draw conclusions for the future. It is necessary to pay attention to the following important points.

Thus, the effectiveness of learning is directly dependent on the student’s level of activity in cognitive activity and the degree of his independence in this process. Inclusion of schoolchildren in educational cognitive activity to achieve learning goals is ensured with the help of activation means, which are the content of education, methods and forms of training. Therefore, the teacher should always set himself the task of forming the cognitive activity of schoolchildren as the motive for their activity and correctly using it as a means of teaching. One of the forms of teaching that activates the cognitive activity of students is a non-standard lesson.


1. What requirements did you follow?

2. How is the relationship between the lessons in the topic taken into account?

3. How were the characteristics of students, including strong and weak, taken into account?

4. How did you determine the triune task of the lesson?

5. How are student activities planned?

6. Is the educational material chosen correctly for the lesson?

7. Have the techniques and methods of the teacher and students justified themselves, if not, then why?

8. Are the ones used justified? visual aids and TSO, if not, then why?

9. What contributed to the development cognitive abilities students?

10. What is pedagogical value independent work of students?

11.What did the lesson give for the formation of the students’ worldview, for the education of their moral traits, will, character, and culture of behavior?

12. How was the course of the lesson anticipated and justified?

13. What difficulties did the whole class and individual students have? How were they overcome? Causes of difficulties and ways to eliminate them.

14. Have the goal and objectives of the lesson been achieved, by what criteria was this determined, if not, then why?

15. Assessing the effectiveness of the lesson.

16. Self-assessment of the lesson by the teacher.

17. Ways to improve the lesson.

Teachers’ opinions on non-standard lessons differ: some see progress in them pedagogical thought, the right step in the direction of democratization of the school, while others, on the contrary, consider such lessons a dangerous violation of pedagogical principles, a forced retreat of teachers under the pressure of lazy students who do not want and do not know how to work seriously.

Of course, non-standard lessons, unusual in design, organization, and delivery methods, are more popular with students than everyday training sessions with a strict structure and established work schedule. Therefore, all teachers should practice such lessons. But turning non-standard lessons into the main form of work, introducing them into the system is impractical due to a large loss of time, lack of serious cognitive work, low productivity, etc.

Types of non-standard lessons.

Analysis pedagogical literature allowed us to identify several dozen types of non-standard lessons. Their names give some idea of ​​the goals, objectives, and methods of conducting such classes. We list the most common types of non-standard lessons.

Teachers have developed many methodological techniques, innovations, innovative approaches to conducting various forms classes. Based on the form of delivery, the following groups of non-standard lessons can be distinguished:

1. Lessons in the form of competitions and games: competition, tournament, relay race (linguistic battle), duel, KVN, business game, role-playing game, crossword puzzle, quiz, etc.

2. Lessons based on forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice: research, invention, analysis of primary sources, comments, brainstorming, interviews, reportage, review.

3. Lessons based on non-traditional organization educational material: wisdom lesson, revelation, block lesson, “understudy” lesson begins to take effect.”

4. Lessons reminiscent of public forms of communication: press conference, auction, benefit performance, rally, regulated discussion, panorama, TV show, teleconference, report, dialogue, “living newspaper”, oral journal.

5. Lessons based on fantasy: lesson-fairy tale, lesson-surprise, lesson-gift from Hottabych.

6. Lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations: court, investigation, tribunal, circus, patent office, academic council.

7. Traditional forms of extracurricular activities carried over into the lesson: KVN, “experts conduct the investigation,” matinee, performance, concert, dramatization work of art, debate, “gatherings”, “club of experts”.

8. Integrated lessons.

9. Transformation of traditional ways of organizing a lesson: lecture-paradox, paired survey, express survey, lesson-test (assessment defense), lesson-consultation, reader’s form protection, TV lesson without television.

Non-standard tasks can be presented in the form of problem situations (difficult situations from which you need to find a way out using acquired knowledge), role-playing and business games, contests and competitions (based on the principle “who is faster? Bigger? Better?”) and other tasks with elements entertainment (everyday and fantastic situations, dramatizations, linguistic tales, riddles, “investigations”).

1. Non-standard lessons should be used as final lessons when generalizing and consolidating the knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

2. Too often resorting to such forms of organizing the educational process is inappropriate, as this can lead to a loss of sustainable interest in academic subject and the learning process;

3. A non-traditional lesson should be preceded by careful preparation and, first of all, the development of a system of specific training and education goals;

4. When choosing forms of non-traditional lessons, the teacher must take into account the characteristics of his character and temperament, level of preparedness and specific features the class as a whole and individual students;

5. It is advisable to integrate the efforts of teachers when preparing joint lessons, not only within the framework of the subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle, but also in the subjects of the humanities cycle;

6. When conducting non-standard lessons, be guided by the principle “with children and for children,” setting one of the main goals to educate students in an atmosphere of kindness, creativity, and joy.

Example of a non-standard lesson

At school:

General fairy tale lesson on chemistry in 8th grade

The purpose of non-traditional lessons is development of new methods, forms, techniques and means of teaching, which leads to the implementation of the basic law of pedagogy - the law on the activity of learning.

Non-traditional forms of education involve:

  • · use of collective forms of work;
  • · instilling interest in the subject;
  • · development of skills and abilities of independent work;
  • · activation of students' activities;
  • · use of auditory and visual aids;
  • · adaptation of material to age characteristics students;
  • · when preparing for a lesson, students themselves look for interesting material;
  • · more complete implementation of practical, educational, educational and developmental learning goals;
  • · activation mental processes: attention, memorization, perception, thinking;
  • · formation of new relationships between teacher and students.

Classification of non-traditional lesson forms

The lesson was, is and will remain in the figurative future main form organization of training and education of students. All attempts to find an equivalent to a lesson, to replace it with other forms of organizing educational activities, either in Russia or abroad, were unsuccessful. However, this does not mean that the lesson is something frozen and indestructible.

Searching for new forms of lesson organization, preparing and conducting such lessons requires a lot of effort, energy, and time.

One of the effective forms of non-traditional forms of training is seminars. Their effectiveness is greatly enhanced by the use of group work.

The seminar is:

  • - type of student activities, discussion by students under the guidance of a teacher of prepared messages or reports;
  • - form student process, built on the independent study of students on the instructions of the leader of individual issues, topic problems, followed by the presentation of the material in the form of a report, abstract and joint discussion.

A research seminar is a form whose meaning is to acquire and partially implement knowledge with the involvement of scientific research components in this process. The term research means “to subject to scientific examination for the purpose of knowledge, identification of something; study, study."

The research seminar includes three stages and often goes beyond the time and content of one or two lessons:

  • Stage 1. Preparatory work:
    • - formulation of the problem;
    • - formulation of the initial problem;
    • - seminar planning;
  • Stage 2. Discussion of the seminar topic:
    • - implementation of the functions of the seminar (cognitive-research, educational, practical, methodological).
  • Stage 3. Final - orienting:
    • - evaluation of the seminar and participants;
    • - determining the degree of completion of the study of the topic;
    • - identification of issues for further research.

Seminar - research can be strengthened or weakened or changed in some aspects. When introducing elements of research into a lesson, it significantly increases students’ interest in history, makes them think more, see patterns of development, and appreciate historical experience, more purposefully seek answers to complex life questions.

This type is also practiced in modern schools. seminar class like "Round Table".

The expression "for round table"is considered as a meeting, meeting:

  • - “on equal rights and conditions”;
  • - forms of public discussion or coverage of any issues, when participants speak in a certain order;
  • - “meeting, discussion of something with equal rights participants";

The term allows you to calculate its three components:

  • 1) unresolved issue;
  • 2) equal participation of representatives of all interested parties;
  • 3) development of proposals and recommendations on the issue under discussion acceptable to all participants.

His distinctive feature is a combination of individual and group forms of activity. Some groups work on the questions posed, other groups carry out practical tasks: make a crossword, lotto, game, make a plan. At the end of the lesson, students talk about the results of their work.

A “round table” is a seminar session that is deliberately based on several points of view on the same issue, a discussion that leads to positions or solutions acceptable to all participants.

IN Lately Such an unconventional form of lesson organization as “Brainstorming” is increasingly being used.

“Brainstorming” in the classroom is a seminar method that contains targeted orientation of students to perception and commented decision complex issue based on the maximum mental stress of the class participant; expedient, active thinking and discussion of the issue.

Quite often, teachers conduct competition lessons. This form of organizing a lesson allows you to: test the strength theoretical knowledge, practical skills and skills for the entire course of study, systematize students’ knowledge, develop in students a conscientious attitude to work, conscious attitude to carry out work tasks: to cultivate the will to win, to develop in students independent thinking, creative initiative, and activity.

Along with lessons, educational work at the school is carried out in the form of excursions. Word excursion from Latin origin and translated into Russian means a foray, a visit to a place or object for the purpose of studying it.

An excursion is understood as a form of educational organization in which students perceive knowledge by way of exit and the location of the objects being studied (nature, factories, historical monuments) and direct acquaintance with them.

Excursions are a very effective form of organizing educational work. In this regard, they perform the following functions:

  • 1) with the help of an excursion, the principle of visual learning is implemented, because in the process, students directly become acquainted with the subjects and phenomena being studied.
  • 2) excursions make it possible to increase the scientific nature of learning and strengthen its connection with life and practice.
  • 3) excursions contribute technical training, as they provide an opportunity to introduce students to production.

IN educational programs For each subject, a mandatory list of excursions is established and their content is determined.

Excursions are:

  • - local history: organized for the purpose of studying the nature and history of their native land.
  • - complex excursions.

The classification of student excursions depends on what didactic tasks are resolved during their implementation. From this point of view, two types of excursions are distinguished. Some of them serve as a means for students to learn new material, while others are used to reinforce material previously studied in class.

The main objective of the excursion is to study new material, which is to visually communicate new knowledge to students.

When consolidating this or that material during an excursion the most important task The teacher’s job is to achieve a thorough understanding of it. The excursion is preceded by a lecture in which its problems are revealed. Before the excursion, students receive questions about its content. They will answer them after the excursion in the final review lesson.

Relatively new form lesson is a discussion lesson. The essence of the discussion is that as a result of researching an issue (topic) and identifying difficulties in solving it, students in the course of the dispute outline attempts to find a way out (favorable outcome) to resolve problematic situation. At the same time, students identify the prerequisites for the emergence of this problem, its origins. This is how projects are born - various hypotheses by her decision. Each group prepares its own solution to the problem, and they are discussed during the discussion.

On modern stage In the development of education, history teachers increasingly began to conduct lessons - presentations. Presentation is the presentation of any information. A presentation (slide movie) on a computer is a series of slides. The slides are designed in the same style and contain the information necessary for illustration during the lesson. Proper use of presentation enhances learning motivation and the effectiveness of students' perception of information. The use of presentation fills teaching methods with new content, as it offers new solutions pedagogical tasks and is treated as new didactic tool for organizing the student process.

Computer presentations can be used at various stages training session to achieve your specific goals:

  • - when updating knowledge, it is advisable to use a computer presentation primarily as a means of illustrating previously studied material, basic definitions of a topic or section of educational material;
  • - in the formation of new knowledge computer presentation used as an illustrative demonstration tool when explaining new material and as a means for self-study students' basic definitions of a topic or section;
  • - when forming new and developing existing skills - to illustrate, demonstrate how this or that teacher’s task is performed;
  • - when generalizing, systematizing and repeating theoretical material topic, section or previous lesson - to highlight the most important educational information;
  • - when assessing and monitoring students’ knowledge, it is possible to use a mini-presentation in which the teacher’s tasks are given. A form of control in the form of a written survey, with questions illustrated on the monitor screen, is also possible.

Thus, we can conclude that it is necessary to introduce pedagogical process non-traditional forms of lessons, since they make it possible to make the learning process truly attractive for students, that is, to increase the motivation of knowledge.

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