Shestakov history of art history. History of English art

M.: Galart, 2010. - 480 p.

Real book- first national history English art, representing all the main periods of its development from its origins to the present. The book is richly illustrated with paintings from museums in the UK, USA and Russia. It is intended for art critics, artists and art lovers.

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Chapter 1. English art and national character
Chapter 2. Art of the Middle Ages
Development medieval architecture
Book miniature
Chapter 3. The Art of the English Renaissance
Socio-historical background
Hans Holbein the Younger in England
The Rise of English Portrait
Shakespeare and the ideas of Italian humanism
Chapter 4. Emergence national school painting: William Hogarth
Chapter 5. Foundation Royal Academy arts and formation academic school
Chapter 6. “Grand Tour” - a journey to the Renaissance
History of the Grand Tour
From "Grand Tour" to "Grand Style"
“Features of fatal beauty”: Italy in English poetry
The Image of Italy in English Literature
John Ruskin and Walter Pater: two views of Italy
Chapter 7. The Golden Age of English Caricature
Characteristics of the genre
Peculiarities English humor
The emergence of the satirical press
Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827)
James Gillray (1757-1815)
George Cruikshank, 1792 -1878
Russia in English caricature
Chapter 8. Between classicism and romanticism: Henry Fuseli
Chapter 9. English Romanticism
Chapter 10. Pre-Raphaelites: religion of beauty
Chapter 11. Russian-English artistic connections: dialogue of arts
Chapter 12. English landscape: the discovery of “picturesque” nature
Chapter 13. “The British Face”: the history of the English portrait
Chapter 14. Art of the 20th century
Post-Impressionism: the path to the avant-garde
Return to realism
Religious vision
Search abstract forms
From realism to surrealism
Pop art
The search for a “new substance”: Lucian Freud
Name index of English artists
List of illustrations

The book is devoted to cultural aspects English literature. It analyzes literary texts related to traditional phenomena English culture And national character: sports, education, travel, humor.

The book is intended for anyone interested in English history, literature and culture.

Antiquity as the genome of European and Russian culture

The book is dedicated to the role and significance ancient culture in history European culture. Its special aspect is philosophical understanding antiquity from I.I. Winckelmann to modern thinkers, including Russian theorists and historians Ancient Greece and Rome.

The book is intended for students studying humanities, as well as everyone who is interested European history and philosophy.

Harmony as an aesthetic category

In our time, any formulation of the question of harmony seems to some art theorists untimely and even curious.

How can we talk about harmony in an era when acute social and spiritual conflicts are making themselves felt, which contemporary art expresses with extraordinary force?

Therefore, aren’t discussions about harmony just idle talk, a revival of frivolous utopias about some unrealizable country of Arcadia?

John Maynard Keynes and the fate of European intellectualism

The book describes life and scientific creativity famous English economist John Maynard Keynes.

In terms of his influence on economic theory, he is not without reason compared to Karl Marx. About economic theory Keynes has written many works in all languages ​​of the world. Moreover, "Keynesian economics" was used in economic policy in many countries of the world, in particular in the USA and Great Britain.

This book is selected works D.M.Keynes about Treaty of Versailles, monetary reform, articles about Russia.

European eros. Philosophy of love and European art

The book is dedicated to the philosophy of love in its historical development.

The author reveals the evolution of views on the nature and essence of love in European philosophy from Antiquity to our time; examines how ideas about the origin, nature and meaning of love were formed in the context of Western philosophical thought, and also explores the influence of these ideas on morality, literature, poetry and the visual arts.

History of English art. From the Middle Ages to the present day

This book is the first Russian history of English art, representing all the main periods of its development from its origins to the present.

The book is richly illustrated with paintings from museums in the UK, USA and Russia. It is intended for art critics, artists and art lovers.

Catharsis: metamorphoses of tragic consciousness

The book is dedicated to "catharsis" - the concept of "purifying compassion" that worried European thinkers from Aristotle to Sigmund Freud.

The book explores the evolution of the category of the tragic in art and aesthetic consciousness. The book is intended for everyone who is interested in the fate of tragedy and the tragic beginning in modern culture.

About the love and beauty of women. Treatises on love during the Renaissance

This book is at its most sublime human feeling- about love, about worship female beauty, in a word, about that area human existence, which has been sung by all peoples at all times.

Here are collected both serious philosophical treatises on this topic, as well as light, playful works, in which wit, elegance of style and entertaining plot clearly prevail over philosophy.

Pre-Raphaelites: dreams of beauty

This book is the first domestic study of the work of English artists who united in a union called the Pre-Raphaelites.

It explores the struggle of the Pre-Raphaelites against academicism, their contribution to the development of English art, as well as their influence on the art of other countries, in particular the USA and Russia. The book is richly illustrated. It is intended for art critics and art lovers.

Russians in British universities. Experience intellectual and cultural exchange

This book is devoted to the history of Russian-British educational contacts.

Russian students appear in English universities already in the 16th century. Initially, they attended only Oxford and Cambridge, two of the oldest universities in the world, but then their sphere of interest expanded to other universities. Since the 20th century, Russians have become not only students, but also teachers, researchers, and outstanding scientists. Many of them made a significant contribution to the development of English culture and science.

The book is intended for students, teachers, as well as all those interested in issues of culture and education in the modern world.

Russian Eros, or Philosophy of Love in Russia

This book introduces the works of Russian authors of the early 20th century, considering issues of the theory and philosophy of love.

It publishes forgotten or little-known to the modern reader works of philosophers and religious thinkers, writers and poets: Vl. Solovyov, N. Berdyaev, P. Florensky, K. Balmont, E. Gippius, D. Merezhkovsky, V. Khodasevich, S. Bulgakov, L. Karsavin, V. Rozanov and others. The publication is illustrated with works of outstanding Russian artists.

Russian Eros does not stand apart from the tradition of European and world culture, however, much in the works of Russian philosophers has no analogue in Western European thought. It is obvious that the contribution of Russian culture to the world tradition associated with attempts to understand love should be carefully assessed and studied. This is the purpose of publishing this book.

Aesthetics of the Renaissance: An Anthology in 2 volumes. Volume 1

This two-volume work is a publication of monuments to aesthetic thought of the Renaissance.

It publishes works on aesthetics by outstanding thinkers and artists of this era: Petrarch, Boccaccio, Alberti, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicholas of Cusa, M. Ficino, F. Patrizi, T. Campanella, X. Vivss and others.

The first volume contains works on philosophical aesthetics. Most of the materials in the anthology are published for the first time in Russian. The book is intended both for specialists - philosophers, philologists, musicologists - and for anyone interested in issues of aesthetics.

Readers are presented with a textbook on the history of art history. It examines the development of the theory fine arts, architecture, music and drama from antiquity to the twentieth century. The book contains lists of recommended literature and topics for writing classes. This is the only thing in our Russian literature a manual for those studying the history of art and culture. The publication is intended primarily for students and teachers of art and humanitarian universities. It will also be useful to a wide circle readers interested in art history.

Publisher: "URSS" (2015)

ISBN: 978-5-9710-1667-0

Buy for 568 rubles in My-shop

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Available in formats: EPUB | PDF | FB2

Pages: 336

Year of publication: 2015

Language: Russian

Readers are presented with a textbook on the history of art history. It examines the development of theory in the visual arts, architecture, music and drama from antiquity to the twentieth century. The book contains lists of recommended readings and topics for writing classes. This is the only manual in our domestic literature for those who study the history of art and culture. The publication is intended primarily for students and teachers of art and humanities universities. It will also be useful to a wide range of readers interested in the history of art.


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