Dictionary and reference book on symbolism. The meaning of the word symbol in the dictionary of literary terms

Meaning of the word SYMBOL in the Dictionary literary terms


- (from the Greek symbolon - sign, identification mark) - universal aesthetic category, a special artistic image-sign. Unlike a sign-symbol containing an unambiguous practical significance(for example, in mathematics), metaphors (see metaphor) and allegories (see allegory), symbols have not one or several, but an inexhaustible variety of meanings and have an extraordinary semantic capacity. S. has been known since ancient times (ancient mythological images - S. different nations, archetypes, Christian S., for example, Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, etc.). S. is not designed to be comprehended by the mind or consciousness, but strives to evoke associations, to emotionally influence the perceiver (reading, listening, watching, etc.), to “inspire” a certain impression, mood, state, and thereby force one to see in an object or phenomenon their deep, hidden essence. S.'s artistic task is to influence feelings, imagination, emotions, to awaken a readiness to perceive ideal (intangible) concepts, and not to explain them logically; give some hint, an indication of the existence of the depicted hidden meaning and become a “guide” to him (Vyach. Ivanov). “Category S. indicates that the image goes beyond its own limits, to the presence of a certain meaning that is inseparably fused with the image, but is not identical to it” (S.S. Averintsev).

Dictionary of literary terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what a SYMBOL is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • SYMBOL in the Dictionary of Analytical Psychology:
    (Symbol) - the best possible expression or image of something unknown. The concept of a symbol should be distinguished from the concept of a sign. “Every mental product, since ...
  • SYMBOL in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (Greek symbolon - sign, identifying mark; symballo - connect, collide, compare) - in in a broad sense a concept that captures the ability of material things...
  • SYMBOL in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    (Greek symbolon - sign, identifying mark; symballo - connect, collide, compare) - in a broad sense, a concept that captures the ability of material...
  • SYMBOL in the Dictionary of Fine Arts Terms:
    - (from the ancient Greek sumbolon) is an image, a sign that is associated with the objectivity it denotes in such a way that the meaning of the sign and its subject...
  • SYMBOL in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Greek symbolon - an identifying mark), 1) in science (logic, mathematics, etc.) the same as a sign. 2) In art, a characteristic ...
  • SYMBOL in Bolshoi Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from the Greek symbolon - sign, identifying mark), 1) in science (logic, mathematics, etc.) - the same as a sign. ...
  • SYMBOL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • SYMBOL in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (from the Greek symbolon - sign, identifying mark), 1) in science (logic, mathematics, etc.) the same as a sign. 2) In...
    [Greek] 1) among the ancient Greeks, conditional real identification mark for members of a particular social group, secret society etc.; 2) real...
  • SYMBOL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. 1. That which serves symbol some concept, something abstract. Dove - s. peace. and the Creed is...
  • SYMBOL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. That which serves conventional sign some concepts, phenomena, ideas. Dove - s. peace. Anchor - p. ...
    SYMBOL OF FAITH, summary Christ dogmas, unconditional recognition of which is Orthodox. and Catholic. churches prescribe to every Christian. Was formulated 1st (325) ...
  • SYMBOL in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SYMBOL (from the Greek symbolon - sign, identifying mark), in science (logic, mathematics, etc.) - the same as a sign. ...
  • SYMBOL in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    si"mvol, si"mvola, si"mvola, si"mvolov, si"mvolu, si"mvolam, si"mvol, si"mvola, si"mvolom, si"mvolami, si"mvole, ...
  • SYMBOL in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, m. 1) An object, action, etc., serving as a symbol for something. concepts, ideas. Scepter - symbol royal power. Elei,...
  • SYMBOL in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
  • SYMBOL in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (gr. symbolon) 1) among the ancient Greeks - a conventional material identification mark for members of a certain social group, secret society and ...
  • SYMBOL in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [gr. symbolon] 1. among the ancient Greeks - a conventional material identification mark for members of a certain social group, secret society, etc. ...
  • SYMBOL in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    1. Syn: designation, image, display (in email), (conventional graphic) symbol, pictogram, emblem 2. Syn: letter, ...
  • SYMBOL in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    cm. …
  • SYMBOL in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • SYMBOL in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. 1) That which serves as a symbol for something. concepts, ideas. 2) Artistic image, conditionally conveying some kind of thought, idea, experience. 3) ...

A is the first letter in most alphabets. The letter is of Phoenician origin. Numeric value hers is one. In Egyptian hieroglyphics, the letter A, the beginning and the solar warmth of the day, was symbolized by an eagle. The Greek Alpha also signifies the beginning of all things. Az - the first letter of the Slavs means the pronoun “I” (correlating with “I am, who I am”). Its numerical value is also equal to one. Magic word The Magi Aum expresses the essence of the Universe. According to the Hindu tradition, Om (phonetics a-oo-mm) is an image of the breath of God, the first sound heard in the universe, and at the same time an expression of cosmic rhythm. A means the descent of pure Spirit into matter. This is the symbol of the Ego, or Manas.

Article from encyclopedic dictionary Brockhausa F.A. and Efron I.A.
The first letter of all European alphabets, with the exception of the runic one. IN Slavic alphabet the letter A is called az from the pronoun az, Russian i; in the Phoenician alphabet, from which all European alphabets originated, it was called aleph, that is, calf, since it was formed from the original hieroglyphic design representing the head of a bull.

The sound denoted by this letter in Russian is produced under the following physiological conditions: the mouth canal throughout its entire volume is quite wide open, and the tongue - compared to its usual position - is slightly moved back. Thanks to this, the sound is full, pure, and clear. In other languages, this sound can take on countless shades, bringing it closer, on the one hand, to the sound o, on the other, to the sound of the letter e; this occurs, for example, in English. And in Russian, in addition to the pure sound a, we also have a sound intermediate between a and o, which, however, is not expressed in writing as a separate sign: this medium sound comes from pure o if it comes before the stress, which is called akan and is a feature of the South Great Russian and Belarusian dialects.

IN literary monuments signs of Akani are first noticed in Moscow texts of the first half of the 14th century. Sound a in various languages can be long or short; in Russian - only short, but it originated from Indo-European originally long sounds a, o and partly e. A number of sounds of the letters a, i, u were played important role in the comparative grammar of Indo-European languages: since in Sanskrit, of the short vowels, only a, i are found, and the same thing is repeated in Gothic language, it has been suggested that the original Indo-European or Proto-Aryan language had only these three sounds; then, over time, the original a was divided into a, e, o. IN modern times this was recognized as a delusion: already the proto-Aryan language had the sounds e, o near a, i, u, so now it is no longer inappropriate to look at the vowel a as the most natural, noble and ancient sound in the language.

Symbol and letter A as separate word plays the role of an interjection expressing surprise, as well as a dividing conjunction. In Russian, the sound a does not appear at the beginning of words, and therefore all words starting with a must be considered borrowed.

As a symbolic sign, the letter A denotes something first, definite, known. In logic, the symbol A denotes an object of thought, especially a thing. The formula A=A expresses that every thing is equal to itself. In addition, a generally affirmative concept is expressed through the sign A, for example, in a syllogism - a generally affirmative proposition. B Latin alphabet A and Z, in Greek A and Ω denote the beginning and the end and in this meaning represent the concept of universality, eternity. In algebra, a denotes a conventional known quantity. In the Greek and Church Slavonic systems, the sign A denotes one.

Tyumen State University scientists are developing technical algorithms that can determine whether a statement contains humor, irony and metaphor.

The results of the study were presented at the traditional youth scientific and practical conference “Multiple Interpretations -7: Digital Reboot”, held at Tyumen State University.

A person who successfully speaks his native language can usually easily determine whether a particular expression is connected with reality or is used in a figurative sense. At the same time, a person most likely has a universal cognitive mechanism for identifying allegory, which means that a similar mechanism can be reproduced in a machine. This is exactly the task that the developer of the PunFields program, Associate Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of Tyumen State University Elena Mikhalkova, set herself.

“Recognizing humor and other types of allegory is necessary to solve applied problems. Firstly, for machine translation, which is still almost completely unable to interpret artistic speech, and also for dialogue systems, such as Alice or Siri, who again do not perceive allegory; secondly, these studies reveal the very nature of the phenomena being studied - that is, what humor is in principle and how it functions,” notes Elena Mikhalkova.

The PunFields program is designed for English language and recognizes puns with the same efficiency as foreign linguistic students of 1-2 years. The results of the program have been confirmed by experiment, and currently experts are setting themselves the task of making the program equally successful in recognizing humor and irony, using the same algorithm.

"The program is based on machine learning, which is on large quantities examples of humor, irony, metaphor, one learns to recognize the semantic “incongruence” of a statement: the discrepancy in the statement of two semantic planes - the direct one, what is perceived in the first place, and the figurative one. figurative meaning can be considered hidden. When its presence in a statement becomes clear, we understand that this is not a statement of facts, but an allegory, such as humor, metaphor or irony,” says Elena Mikhalkova.

Studying the tone of statements in social media and processing the contexts of huge volumes of posts is just one of the applied tasks that modern digital linguists are required to solve. At Tyumen State University, a university participating in Project 5-100, these tasks are carefully studied by sociologists, linguists, and IT specialists.

“Our task is to study algorithms for interpreting text, to try to find objective truth in interpretations,” explains Elena Mikhalkova, PhD, associate professor at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities at Tyumen State University. “At the same time, we should not forget that humanitarian knowledge can be verified using computer methods. There are now powerful computer word processing algorithms for different purposes,” she adds.

This year youth scientific-practical conference“Multiple Interpretations -7: Digital Reboot” took place at Tyumen State University for the seventh time and attracted the attention of Russian and foreign scientists, including philologists, historians, linguists, anthropologists, sociologists, mathematicians, teachers, and specialists in the field of IT technologies. Special attention focused on corpus linguistics, culturomics, thesaurus development, and information ethics.

Director of SotsGuma Tyumen State University, Professor Igor Chubarov notes: “New directions scientific research in the field of humanities deserve a separate discussion. I'll mark them common feature- they are built on the principles of Digital Humanities, associated, for example, with the application of Big Data methods to humanitarian research. In other words, we unite and move beyond our disciplinary boundaries on the basis of implementation digital technologies in humanities, in in this case into linguistics."

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