Which means figuratively. What is the literal and figurative meaning of the word

Words, phrases, phrases and sentences - all this and much more is inherent in the concept of “language”. How much is hidden in it, and how little we actually know about language! We spend every day and even every minute next to him - whether we say our thoughts out loud or read or listen to the radio... Language, our speech is a real art, and it should be beautiful. And its beauty must be genuine. What helps in the search true beauty

Direct and figurative meaning words are what enriches our language, develops it and transforms it. How does this happen? Let's understand this endless process when, as they say, words grow from words.

First of all, you need to understand the figurative meaning of the word, and what main types they are divided into. Each word can have one or a number of meanings. Words with one meaning are called unambiguous words. In the Russian language there are significantly fewer of them than words with many different meanings. Examples include words such as computer, ash, satin, sleeve. A word that can be used in several meanings, including figuratively, is a polysemantic word, examples: house can be used to mean a building, a room for people to live, a family way of life, etc.; the sky is the air space above the earth, as well as the location visible luminaries, or divine power, conducting.

With polysemy, a distinction is made between the literal and figurative meaning of a word. The first meaning of the word, its basis, is direct meaning words. By the way, the word “direct” in in this context is figurative in nature, i.e. the main meaning of the word is “something even,

without bends” - is transferred to another object or phenomenon with the meaning “literal, expressed unambiguously.” So we don’t have to go far - we just need to be more careful and observant in what words we use, when and how.

From the above example it already becomes clear that a figurative meaning is a secondary meaning of a word that arose when the literal meaning of the word was transferred to another object. Depending on what feature of the object served as the reason for the transfer of meaning, there are different types of figurative meaning such as metonymy, metaphor, synecdoche.

Direct and can resonate with each other based on similarity - this is a metaphor. For example:

ice water - ice hands (by attribute);

poisonous mushroom - poisonous character (by attribute);

star in the sky - star in hand (by location);

chocolate candy - chocolate tan (based on color).

Metonymy is the selection of some property in a phenomenon or object, which by its nature can replace the others. For example:

gold jewelry - she has gold in her ears;

porcelain dishes - there was porcelain on the shelves;

headache - my headache went away.

And finally, synecdoche is a type of metonymy when one word is replaced by another on the basis of a constant, really existing relationship of part to whole and vice versa. For example:

He is a real head (meaning very smart, the head is the part of the body in which the brain is located).

The entire village took his side - every resident, i.e. the “village” as a whole, which replaces its part.

What can we say in conclusion? Only one thing: if you know the direct and figurative meaning of a word, you will be able not only to use certain words correctly, but also enrich your speech, and learn to beautifully convey your thoughts and feelings, and maybe one day you will come up with your own metaphor or metonymy... Who knows?

Topic: “Gold Mama” (“Figurative meaning of words”)

Lesson objectives:


  1. Be able to find words with a figurative meaning in the text, use words with a figurative meaning in speech
  2. Be able to distinguish between the literal and figurative meaning of words
  3. Develop skills and abilities in using a dictionary


  1. (Speech development) Enrichment and complexity vocabulary
  2. Mastery artistic images
  3. Strengthening communicative properties
  4. (Development of thinking) Learn to analyze
  5. Learn to compare, build analogies


  1. Encourage human good relations with mom
  2. Develop the ability to work and help loved ones
  3. Develop sensitivity to evil, untruth, and humiliation of human dignity

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The guys sit in groups

2. Call stage.

2.1 Guys, 2-3 days ago I was walking down the street, and a mother and daughter were walking in front of me. I found myself an unwitting listener to their conversation.

You come to us great evening do not go. And the way the collective farmer is always dressed, you will only disgrace me, the daughter scolded her mother.

And mom walked with her head down and was silent.

Can you give me a hundred rubles for gas water and candy? – the daughter continued as if nothing had happened.

2.2 After hearing the conversation, I wanted to talk to you about my mother. Lesson topic “Golden Mother”. As you understand theme - mystery, you yourself will formulate both the topic and objectives of our lesson.

2.3 But first, let's compete. Write down in a notebook those qualities that need to be developed by a girl who has offended her mother (warmth, humanity, humanity, kindness, caring, good nature, responsiveness *, sensitivity * - *work with the dictionary of Ladyzhenskaya’s textbook).

2.4 Write it down negative qualities character of the girl (selfishness, selfishness, heartlessness*, inhumanity*, cruelty* - *work with the dictionary of Ladyzhenskaya’s textbook).

2.5 In what work did the son feel ashamed of his mother’s outer clothing and renounce it? (“The Boy Is a Star” by O. Wilde)

2.6 Give some good advice to a girl? (The girl needs to apologize to her mother. You can learn to feed a tamagochi - a toy chicken - in one day, but it takes a lifetime to learn how to become a human.)

3. Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson.

The guys get case no. 1.

Guys, listen to the poem “Golden Mother” and determine the meaning of the word “golden”

Case No. 1

Mom has a heart of gold
And the golden head
And mother’s hands are golden,
And her affairs are in dispute.
And dad calls mom:
You are our golden man!
My sister just sighs:
“After all, gold is such a metal,
True, there is a ring on the finger,
But my hands don't shine at all,
And there are wrinkles on the face near the eyes,
Not gold - five of them...
And there is no gold in my heart,
And the heart... that's how it is inside,
It beats in my mother's chest,
Try and see the sample!

Application task:

  • Analyze how many times the word golden appears in the text.
  • Formulate the lexical meaning of the word “golden” in each case.
  • What do all the words have in common?
  • Suggest your own ideas for the title of today's topic and the objectives of the lesson.
  • Make a conclusion about the role of these meanings in the text.

One person in the group is looking for the lexical meaning of the word “golden” in Ozhegov’s dictionary.

Groups answer questions.

(Golden mother - good mom; golden heart - kind, humane, sympathetic; golden head - smart; golden hands - skillful; golden man - good, kind.)

Yes, this is not the direct meaning of the words, it is figurative.

What mark is it designated in the dictionary? (translated). IN dictionary entry the figurative meaning is at the end of the article.

The figurative meanings of words are means of expressive speech. They make the text lively, colorful, and expressive.

4. Working with case No. 2. Analysis.

There is a case in front of you. Read the suggested text carefully


The mother had an only son. He married a girl dazzling beauty. But heart the young wife had black, A difficult character. She says to her husband: “Move your mother into the barn, don’t let her go into the hut.” Mother was afraid cold eyes daughter-in-law, only at night she came out of the dark barn. But this was not enough for the beauty.

So she says to her husband: “If you don’t want to lose me, take the heart out of your chest and bring it.” My son's heart did not tremble, bewitched his beauty wives.

The son took his mother to the river and killed her. He went back and put his heart in his palm. He tripped over a stone, fell, hit himself, and warm heart fell bloodied onto the cliff and whispered: “ Golden son, is it painful to hurt your knee? Sit down and relax!”

Underline the phrases with a figurative meaning in the test. How do they characterize the heroes?

Match the found words with examples with direct meaning.

Above each phrase, put a number corresponding to the transition of meaning based on similarity: 1 color (dazzling beauty, black heart); 2 weights (difficult character); 3 heat (cold eyes, warm heart); 4 high quality metal ( golden son); 5human actions are attributed to inanimate objects (lose me, bewitched by beauty)

4.2 Now, guys, come up with a continuation of the legend. Write 2-4 sentences, including words with figurative meanings.

4.3 Socialization. Several people read out their options for the ending of this story.

5. Do you want to know how the author ends this legend?

(Continuation of the legend).

Tears ran from my son’s eyes and his head began to spin. He put his heart back and poured it with hot tears. He realized that no one had ever loved him as devotedly and selflessly as birth mother. And it was so huge and inexhaustible mother's love, so deep and omnipotent was the desire of the mother’s heart to see her son joyful and carefree that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her curly head to her chest.

After this, the son did not want to return to his wife, in whose chest there was a heart of stone. The mother did not return either.

6. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Conversation on questions:

Did we manage to answer the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson? Formulate a definition. Did we name the lesson well? Come up with other options for the title of the lesson. (“cold heart”, “difficult character”, etc.)

Where can we apply the acquired knowledge? Why do we need figurative meanings of words?

Discuss in groups what main topic legends of Sukhomlinsky? What does this legend teach us?

Work in groups.

Conclusion: External beauty, like that of a beautiful wife, sometimes means nothing. We judge a person by his actions and deeds. You can't betray your loved ones. Mother's heart forgiving. The worst thing for a person is to look and not see evil (like his son), to get used to evil or help create it. Do not allow human dignity to be humiliated!

7. Homework

Compose a syncwine dedicated to figurative meaning.

From the textbook's dictionary, write down 5-6 words with a figurative meaning. Compose a text with these words (for weak students - sentences).

A word can have both direct and figurative lexical meaning. Polysemantic words have a figurative meaning.

Direct meaning of the word- this is its main lexical meaning. It is directly directed to the designated object, phenomenon, action, sign, immediately evokes an idea of ​​them and is least dependent on the context. Words most often appear in their literal meaning.

figurative meaning of the word- this is its secondary meaning, which arose on the basis of the direct one.

Toy, -And, and. 1. A thing used for playing. Kids toys. 2. trans. One who blindly acts according to someone else's will is an obedient instrument of someone else's will (disapproved). To be a toy in someone's hands.

The essence of the transfer of meaning is that the meaning is transferred to another object, another phenomenon, and then one word is used as the name of several objects at the same time. In this way, the polysemy of the word is formed.

Depending on the basis on which sign the value is transferred, there are three main types of value transition:

  • metaphor,
  • metonymy,
  • synecdoche.

Direct meaning of the word

The words of our speech name objects, their signs and actions. Single meaning words directly correlate with the object of reality, directly name the object, its attribute or process of action. This direct meaning words.

In the flow of speech, such words immediately evoke the idea of ​​what they name. Their meaning does not depend on the context, for example:

The blue sky stretched over the forest, over the field, over the villages.

The sky beckons future cosmonauts.

White shaggy clouds float lazily across the sky.

Most words in the Russian language have a literal meaning, for example:

daughter, house, grass, polite, huge.

Direct meaning of the word- this is its main lexical meaning.

figurative meaning of the word

A word can have several lexical meanings, which arise based on the direct meaning. Such a new additional lexical meaning is called portable. It appears based on the similarity of objects in terms of appearance, by attribute or action (function), for example:

in a phrase "stone building" word "stone" names the material from which the building is made and denotes a direct attribute of the object "strong, solid, immovable".

In the phrase "stone face" adjective "stone" stands for " harsh, insensitive" or "malevolent" face. In this example the word "stone" has a secondary figurative meaning, formed on the basis of the direct meaning.

The essence of transferring meaning is that it is transferred to another object, another phenomenon or process by common points contact in meaning. Then one word is used as the name of several objects at the same time. This is how words have multiple meanings. Polysemantic words have a figurative meaning, for example:

  • the blue sea is a sea of ​​wheat - a sea of ​​people;
  • light burden - light hand - light industry.


The word can be found both in a literal and figurative meaning. Such words are called polysemous.

Direct meaning of the word

In order to directly designate an object, its action or the characteristic it possesses, the direct meaning of the word is used. Such lexical units do not raise doubts about the designation and do not change the semantic load or emotional coloring of the text. Examples:

There is a table in the middle of the room with textbooks on it.
A hare gallops along the edge of the forest among trees and bushes.
The sun's rays reflected in the window, creating glare.

Many words are used in speech only in their literal meaning: with yn, apartment, sun, sad, famous.

Direct meaning of the word- this is its main lexical meaning.

The emergence of a figurative meaning of the word

The main lexical meaning can serve as the basis for the formation of others, side meanings. Such values ​​are called figurative meanings and give a completely different meaning. The basis for using a word in a different sense is the similarity of one object to another, their characteristics or actions.

For example, when using the word “ gold" in the phrase " Golden ring ", the meaning of the adjective is clear, denoting a precious metal that determines the cost and value of an item.

In another example - "z golden hands", word " gold"takes on a figurative meaning because it is used figuratively lexical meaning and stands for “skillful”, “active”, “irreplaceable”.

Replacement explained general features in meaning, external similarity. IN in this example for both direct and figurative meanings we can use the synonym “ precious" This justifies the polysemy. Words that can be used not only in literally, are called polysemantic. Examples:

Examples of words in a figurative meaning

  • the heart muscle is the heart's friend;
  • earthworm - bookworm;
  • hit with a stick - thunder struck;
  • door handle - ballpoint pen;
  • red tongue - English;
  • an idea was born - a daughter was born;
  • wave crest - hair comb;
  • artistic brush - hand;
  • building column - column of demonstrators;
  • the sleeve of clothing is the sleeve of the river.

The figurative meaning allows you to add emotionality and imagery to artistic speech. Thanks to him, trails are formed - the ambiguous use of words in fiction(litotes, metonymy, comparison, epithet, metaphor).


Richness and diversity vocabulary Russian language is noted not only by specialists - scientific linguists, but also writers and poets. One of the factors in the richness of our language is the polysemy of most words. This allows them to be used not in one specific context, but in several, sometimes completely different ones.

The meanings of polysemantic words can be direct and figurative. Figurative meanings are involved in the creation of vivid figurative texts. They make literary language richer and more intense.

Purpose of the work: to find examples of use in the text by M. Sholokhov “ Quiet Don» words with direct and figurative meanings.

Job objectives:

  • · Determine which values ​​are considered direct and which are figurative;
  • · Find examples of words with direct and figurative meanings in M. Sholokhov’s text “Quiet Don”.

The work consists of two chapters. The first chapter outlines theoretical information on the problem of direct and figurative meanings of words. The second chapter is a list of examples illustrating words used in their literal and figurative meaning.

Direct and figurative meaning of words in Russian

Words in Russian have two types of meanings: the main, direct meaning, and the non-basic, figurative meaning.

The direct meaning of the word is “a direct connection between a sound complex and a concept, a direct nomination” Modern Russian literary language / Ed. P. Lekanta - M.: Higher. school, 1988. - pp. 9-11..

The figurative meaning is secondary; it arises on the basis of associative connections between concepts. The presence of similarities between objects is a prerequisite for the fact that the name of one object begins to be used to name another object; thus, a new, figurative meaning of the word arises.

The use of words in a figurative meaning is a generally recognized method of expressive speech. The main types of figurative meaning are the techniques of metaphor and metonymy.

Metaphor is “the transfer of a name from one object to another based on any similarity of their characteristics” Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B., Telenkova M.A. Modern Russian language. - M.: International relationships, 1995. - 560 pp.

The similarity of objects receiving the same name can manifest itself in different ways: they can be similar in shape (ring 1 on the hand - smoke ring 2); by color (gold medallion - golden curls); by function (fireplace - room stove and fireplace - electrical appliance for heating the room).

The similarity in the location of two objects in relation to something (the tail of an animal - the tail of a comet), in their assessment (clear day - clear style), in the impression they make (black blanket - black thoughts) also often serves as the basis for naming different things in one word phenomena. Similarities are also possible based on other characteristics: green strawberries - green youth (the unifying characteristic is immaturity); fast running - fast mind ( common feature- intensity); the mountains stretch - the days stretch (associative connection - length in time and space).

Metaphorization of meanings often occurs as a result of the transfer of qualities, properties, actions inanimate objects to the animated: nerves of iron, hands of gold, empty head, and vice versa: gentle rays, the roar of a waterfall, the talk of a stream.

It often happens that the main, original meaning of a word is metaphorically reinterpreted on the basis of the convergence of objects according to different signs: gray-haired old man - gray-haired antiquity - gray-haired fog; black blanket - black 2 thoughts - black ingratitude - black Saturday - black box (on an airplane).

Metaphors that expand the polysemanticism of words are fundamentally different from poetic, individually authored metaphors. The first ones wear linguistic character, they are frequent, reproducible, anonymous. Linguistic metaphors, which served as a source for the emergence of a new meaning for the word, are mostly non-figurative, which is why they are called “dry”, “dead”: the elbow of a pipe, the bow of a boat, the tail of a train. But there can also be transfers of meaning in which the imagery is partially preserved: a blooming girl, a steely will. However, the expressiveness of such metaphors is significantly inferior to the expression of individual poetic images.

Dry metaphors that give rise to new meanings of words are used in any style of speech (scientific: eyeball, root of a word; official business: retail outlet, alarm signal); linguistic figurative metaphors tend to expressive speech, their use in formal business style excluded; individual author's metaphors are property artistic speech, they are created by masters of words.

Metonymy is “the transfer of a name from one object to another based on their contiguity.”

Thus, it is metonymic to transfer the name of the material to the product from which it is made (gold, silver - Athletes brought gold and silver from the Olympics); names of the place - to the groups of people who are there (audience - Audience listens carefully to the lecturer); the names of the dishes - based on their contents (porcelain dish - delicious dish); names of the action - on its result (doing embroidery - beautiful embroidery); names of the action - to the place of action or those who perform it (crossing the mountains - underground transition); the name of the item - to its owner (tenor - young tenor); the name of the author - on his works (Shakespeare - put Shakespeare) etc.

Like metaphor, metonymy can be not only linguistic, but also individually authored.

Synecdoche is “the transfer of the name of a whole to its part, and vice versa” Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B., Telenkova M.A. Modern Russian language. - M.: International Relations, 1995. - 560 pp. For example, a pear is a fruit tree and a pear is the fruit of this tree.

Transfers of meaning in such expressions as, for example, the feeling of an elbow, the right hand, are based on synecdoche.

word ambiguous metaphor expressiveness

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