Bends elastic bushes. “Autumn Will” A. Blok

« Autumn will" Alexander Blok

I set out on a path open to view,
The wind bends the elastic bushes,
The broken stone lay along the slopes,
There are scant layers of yellow clay.

Autumn has sprung up in the wet valleys,
Revealed the cemeteries of the earth,
But thick rowan trees in passing villages
The red color will shine from afar.

Here it is, my fun is dancing
And it rings, rings, disappearing in the bushes!
And far, far away it waves invitingly
Your patterned, your colored sleeve.

Who lured me onto the familiar path,
Smiled at me through the prison window?
Or - drawn by a stone path
A beggar singing psalms?

No, I’m going on a journey uninvited by anyone,
And may the earth be easy for me!
I will listen to the voice of drunken Rus',
Relax under the roof of a tavern.

Should I sing about my luck?
How I lost my youth in drunkenness...
I will cry over the sadness of your fields,
I will love your space forever...

There are many of us - free, young, stately -
He dies without loving...
Shelter you in the vast distances!
How to live and cry without you!

Analysis of Blok’s poem “Autumn Will”

The work, created in the summer of 1905, anticipates the appearance of the original interpretation patriotic theme, in which the awareness of acute life contradictions cannot drown out the sad, sincere love for one’s native land.

The “stone path” motif that appears at the beginning evokes the classic “Lermontov” “effect” is supported by a memorable rhythmic pattern based on a trochaic pentameter line. However, the philosophical content of the two texts differs. The tired, suffering soul of Lermontov's hero longs for harmony achieved by eternal peace. Blok's subject of speech cannot imagine himself without his native land - mired in poverty, but beautiful. In ideological terms, another Lermontov creation is much closer to the analyzed poem - "", the hero of which prefers a reverent, intimate declaration of love for birch trees, fields, and the night lights of village huts to the official pathos of doxologies.

The landscape that appears in the first stanzas of “Autumn Will” is sparse and disharmonious: a gusty damp wind blows over slopes covered with fragments of stone and islands of yellow clay. The gloomy picture gives rise to the motive of death. The personified image of the wild autumn revealed to the world the “cemeteries of the earth.” Rowan berries become the only bright dominant, however, here too the author relies on the ambivalent characteristics of shades of red, which can indicate anxiety, danger, and spiritual dissonance.

Summarizing impressions from the picture of nature, the subject of speech resorts to key concept“fun” - reckless, lively behavior, which formed the basis of one of the versions national character. It also corresponds to the characteristics of the lyrical “I,” a carefree wanderer whose leisurely path runs through a poor land.

The desire for unbridled fun is demonstrated not only negative sides folk character. It symbolizes the thirst for freedom. Conflicting desires, in which freedom is combined with self-will, prompted the lyrical subject to hit the road.

The solution to the personified image of Russian fun, reminiscent of the actions of a young impudent peasant woman, is interesting. Dancing, ringing, an attempt to hide, and finally a colorful sleeve as a visual reference - these features are designed to emphasize the dynamism of the image.

The motive of a futile existence gives the ending a sharp tragic sound. The poem ends with a request addressed to native land, which becomes the only joy and peaceful refuge for unfortunate wanderers.

Have you ever had a major renovation done at home? Think of pipes clogged with rust. Your blood vessels may look very similar. Then coronary heart disease (CHD) develops, causing ischemia ( oxygen starvation) myocardium.

The cause of narrowing of the blood vessels of the heart is atherosclerosis , the nature of which is not entirely clear. However, it is precisely established that in

in certain critical circumstances under the inner lining of the vessel (and in the main arteries it consists of three layers)

killer cholesterol is deposited. At first, these deposits look like lipid (fat) stains. As cholesterol accumulates and

As the disease progresses, atherosclerotic plaques form from the spots. They sprout connective tissue, and they can

calcium salts are deposited.

As the size of the plaque increases, the vessel narrows from the inside. At the beginning it does not manifest itself at all, and the person does not feel

illness. But later (sometimes after years), when the vessel narrows by more than half, a terrible discrepancy arises: the need for

red muscle in oxygen during physical activity and emotional stress, with increased blood pressure increases and

a defective vessel is not able to pass the amount of blood necessary to “nourish” the myocardium. In this situation, cardiac ischemia occurs.

Symptoms of the disease

What does a typical patient look like? coronary disease? Most often, this is an obese man 40-60 years old (the stronger sex is more susceptible to coronary artery disease), a smoker, leading a sedentary lifestyle, whose work is associated with constant psycho-emotional stress. The disease is manifested by attacks of characteristic angina pain.

Those suffering from angina pectoris unmistakably distinguish this pain from any other, since it is quite stereotypical for everyone. But when these sensations arise for the first time, it would seem absolutely healthy person, very often he finds any explanation for them - a cold, radiculitis, myositis, but not angina. Therefore it is very important to know What is characteristic of angina? pressing, squeezing burning pain behind the sternum,less often - to the left of the sternum, in the region of the heart, arising from

physical activity . At rest, it goes away within 5-10 minutes. On initial stage disease, the duration of an attack rarely exceeds 10-15 minutes. Sometimes the patient describes his condition as if “a stone lay on his chest.”

The pain usually radiates to left shoulder, shoulder girdle, elbow, forearm. brush; numbness appears. crawling goosebumps on the left r u ke. Pain is often accompanied by shortness of breath. Sometimes it even dominates or is the only symptom. Sometimes the nature of the pain and the place of its occurrence differ from typical ones: there may be aches in the left arm, under the left shoulder blade, in the neck, lower jaw. In this case, a clear connection between pain and physical activity and the fact that it disappears at rest allows one to suspect angina pectoris.

In case of atypical localization of pain, it helps to recognize the nature of the disease nitroglycerin or validol. A clear decrease in the intensity of the pain attack or its disappearance within a few minutes after taking these medications confirms the diagnosis.

Quite indicative is the occurrence of an angina attack in the morning, when a person goes outside (the so-called starting angina), especially in cold and windy weather, while physical activity during the day, even exceeding morning intensity, does not cause pain.

We must remind you once again: the stress on the heart is not only physical overload (as some people think), but also emotions and worries.

The appearance of signs that even vaguely resemble angina pectoris should be a signal for an urgent visit to the doctor. Why? The danger is that if treatment is not started, the risk of developing a cardiovascular disaster increases many times over. . Today, cardiologists have many drugs in their arsenal for the treatment of coronary artery disease. Determine what examinations need to be completed to clarify the diagnosis, on what medications and

doses, of course, a specialist should decide.

In addition, with the so-called unstable form of angina (this is possible in those who have had a myocardial infarction, as well as in the event of the first attack, when the patient’s condition sharply worsens), immediate hospital observation and treatment are necessary. And for the first time DAYS - in the intensive care unit and resuscitation department due to the high likelihood of developing myocardial infarction and other severe, sometimes fatal complications.

If there are no signs of the disease yet and the “experience” of your disease is short, try not to let things get into trouble yourself. First of all, eliminate risk factors. Harm from excess weight, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, stress is more or less clear to everyone, but the question is: How can you reduce blood cholesterol levels? requires clarification.

- Start with a diet. Food should be sufficient in volume, but low in calories. Limit ketchups, mayonnaise, and various flavorings. Avoid animal fats, lard, fatty meats, and high-fat dairy products. Use sugar, confectionery, white bread, chocolate, strong coffee, eggs in minimal doses. Include in your diet lean chicken, turkey (especially the breasts of these birds), egg whites, skim milk, low-fat cottage cheese, fish ~ even fatty ones (except caviar), vegetable oil, fresh and frozen vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread. But let “moderation in everything” be your motto now.

If after several months of diet the cholesterol level has returned to normal (and normally this figure is less than 250 mg/% and it is simply detected using biochemical analysis blood in any clinic), in the future you can limit yourself to observing it. If this indicator remains unchanged or decreases insufficiently, after additional tests blood, the doctor may prescribe medication or, if necessary, remove cholesterol from the blood by plasmapheresis and hemosorption. It should be noted that Cholesterol is conventionally divided according to its density into high, medium and low. The higher the amount of cholesterol present in the blood high density, the lower the likelihood of atherosclerosis, and vice versa.

- Well, what if you are “overtaken” by the pain characteristic of angina pectoris? First of all, peace is necessary. Be sure to sit down, or better yet, lie down and take a nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue. Does the pain not subside within 5-10 minutes? Take another nitroglycerin tablet. If repeated administration of the medicine after 15-20 minutes does not stop the attack, call an ambulance. Procrastination becomes dangerous!

- When placing nitroglycerin under your tongue for the first time, remember: this drug can cause headache, weakness, perspiration, dizziness, even fainting. This side effects drug. Then you definitely need to lie down with your legs slightly elevated. As a rule, after 10-15 minutes the discomfort disappears. And in the future, the doctor will adjust first aid measures if an angina attack occurs.

If you have the opportunity to measure blood pressure, then nitroglycerin severe pain can be taken every 5-10 minutes, but until blood pressure has dropped to 100/60 millimeters of mercury. This will allow you to stop the attack on your own while waiting for the doctor to arrive and minimize the risk.

Keep in mind that an overdose of nitroglycerin threatens a significant decrease in blood pressure, which often leads to loss of consciousness. This is why blood pressure control is so important during intensive drug use!

“Probleme” Fyodor Tyutchev

Having rolled down the mountain, the stone lay in the valley -
How did he fall? no one knows now -
Did he fall from the top by himself,
Or was he overthrown by the will of someone else!..
Century after century has flown by,
No one has resolved the issue yet...

Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “Probleme”

In the early 1830s, Tyutchev wrote the poem "Problème" (from French - "Problem"), relating to philosophical lyrics. The text was subsequently revised. The second option, now considered the main one, appeared in the late 1850s. The work includes only six lines, but in such a small volume the poet managed to say a lot. main topic text - man’s inability to fully understand the nature and mysteries of existence. At the very beginning of the poem, an accomplished event is given, quite ordinary, there is nothing unusual in it - a stone rolled down the mountain and ended up in the valley. How this happened, no one knows - did he “fall from the top by himself” or was the reason for this due to some external circumstances? Time goes by, centuries pass by, but no one has been able to find the answer. Theses about the impossibility of knowing nature and existence are also found in other poems by Tyutchev different periods his works, among them - “Alas, that our ignorance ...” (1854) and “...” (1869). The miniature “Problème” also touches on the theme of opposition of will thought process. Tyutchev compares two approaches. The first is that the world is governed by rational views. The second is that everything that happens to man and nature is influenced by someone else’s command. Most likely, this means a command Higher powers. In the text under consideration, the poet makes a very specific choice. Comparing two states - thoughts and will - Fyodor Ivanovich decides to prefer the second. In his opinion, it is the will that has a creative role in our world.

The poem “Problème” had a strong influence on representatives of Acmeism. In the article “Morning of Acmeism”, Peruvian Mandelstam, it is said that Tyutchev’s stone, which rolled down the mountain and lay in the valley, is a word. According to Osip Emilievich, “the voice of matter in this unexpected fall sounds like articulate speech.” It goes on to say that there is only one possible answer to this challenge: architecture. Acmeists are artists who reverently lift Tyutchev’s stone and place it at the base of their building. During the period of his passion for Acmeism, Mandelstam himself actually followed the thoughts expressed in the above-mentioned article. Architecture played a significant role in his work, important place devoted to the symbolism of stone, even the debut collection of the young poet was called “Stone”.

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