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Kurban Bayram 2016: what date will the beginning and end of the holiday be, residents of St. Petersburg are interested in. The fact is that during the holiday there are many difficulties with moving around the city, especially for residents of the Petrograd side.

Muslims with great joy and celebrate Eid al-Fitr with respect. The Muslim holiday falls on the 10th day of the 12th month of Dhul-Hijjah according to the lunar calendar. The festivities last for four days. In addition, Kurban Bayram is celebrated exactly 70 days after another significant holiday for devout Muslims - Eid al-Fitr.

In 2016, Kurban Bayram begins to be celebrated on September 12 (according to some sources, September 13). On this day, the celebration begins immediately after sunrise and ends on September 15 (or 16).

On this holiday, Muslims try to make a pilgrimage to holy place. Hajj is performed to Mecca. Islamic laws allow sacrifices to be carried out in any corner of the planet. Including in Northern capital. Therefore, celebration is possible anywhere on Earth.

Literally from Arabic the name of the holiday is translated as “festival of sacrifice.” On this day, Muslims sacrificed and continue to sacrifice to Allah. Usually it is a ram, a bull or a camel. After the sacrifice it is arranged noisy holiday and a magnificent feast.

According to the main book of Islam, the Koran, the angel Gabriel appeared to the prophet Ibrahim in a dream. He conveyed a message from Allah to the prophet. The Great ordered him to sacrifice his own son. Ibrahim could not go against the will of God and arrived in the Mina valley (where Mecca is now located). It was this place that he chose for the sacred rite. When the prophet was ready to finish the job. Allah prevented him and ordered him to replace his own son with a ram. This legend echoes Old Testament history about Arvaam, who was ready to sacrifice his son Isaac.

By Islamic traditions Believers must begin preparing for the holiday 20 days in advance. To begin with, the faithful are not allowed to cut their hair, buy or wear new clothes and shoes. In addition, it is undesirable to take part in noisy celebrations. And ten days before the holiday, fasting begins.

At dawn on Eid al-Adha (this year September 12), every Muslim must perform ablution and dress smartly. Then go to prayer. It will feature a sermon by the imam-khatib. And after that it will begin main part festivities are sacrifices. A prayer is read over the animals and then their throats are cut. Muslims believe that this custom helps them avoid going to hell. Since the enchanted animal after death will help the faithful cross the Sirat bridge over the receptacle of sinners. Words over animals are pronounced in the name of living relatives, as well as deceased loved ones. The selection of an animal should also be approached in a special way. For example, the rules prohibit taking the first animal you come across.

Non-Muslims have particular problems in connection with the Eid al-Adha holiday on the Petrograd side. Due to the service in the St. Petersburg Cathedral Mosque, traffic in the area of ​​the Gorkovskaya metro station is blocked. This year, in connection with the holiday, the station entrance and exit vestibules will also be closed. St. Petersburg residents will face similar restrictions this year as well. Authorities have already announced the schedule for road closures and subway entrances.

Kurban Bayram in 2018 will be celebrated from the evening of August 21 to the evening of August 25

This event completes the whole general ritual of Hajj. This is the time when Muslims all over the world rush to Mecca. And the essence of the festive event itself is not a sacrifice, but with the help of special rituals an opportunity to get closer to Allah.

This holiday arose, as the Koran says, thanks to the prophet Ibrahim, who in a dream heard the command of Allah to sacrifice his son. This dream was repeated three times. Then Ibrahim realized that he must fulfill the will of Allah. Together with his son, he went into the desert, precisely to the place where the majestic and beautiful city later arose - Mecca. And when he had already raised a knife over his obedient son, Allah, appreciating Ibrahim’s devotion, made the knife dull and sent him a paradise ram forty years old. Allah just decided to test how strong his prophet’s faith was. That is why this event is a celebration of mercy, which is against the shedding of human blood.

Traditions and customs of celebration

On this holiday, Muslims read prayer and distribute sacrifices regardless of where in the world they are located. Usually Eid al-Fitr begins with a festive prayer, but before that you need to get up early to get yourself in order, perform ablution and put on your best clothes. best clothes. As soon as it begins to get light, Muslims go to the mosque to hold morning prayers, and then slaughter a ram, a cow, a camel, or a goat. Then they can divide the meat into parts, of which one goes to needy people as a sacrifice, the second is eaten after cooking with close relatives and friends, and the third remains in the family. But if a person does not have financial capabilities, then he can simply accept a gift from a richer person.

After this, Muslims gather in courtyards or on the streets, where they glorify Allah in chorus. Traditions of sacrifice Then again the time comes when you need to go to a mosque or to a special site to listen to the sermon of a mullah, in which people are explained where the Hajj came from and what the ritual of sacrifice is. Eid al-Adha is celebrated for four days, and throughout the entire period all Muslims exalt Allah. Why are sacrifices needed? Muslims are confident that those animals that were sacrificed and distributed to the poor will visit people on the day of judgment and help them cross the abyss of hell to heaven along the bridge called Sirat. For good people this bridge will be wide and comfortable, and they will rush across it on the back of the animal that was sacrificed in seconds. For bad people the bridge will be very thin, shaky, and instead of railings there will be hands that will grab sinners and throw them into the abyss of hell.

Kurban Bayram holiday: features of celebration and gift giving

Celebrated this event for 3 days. At this time, Muslims make mass pilgrimages to Mecca. Celebrating Kurban Bayram begins early in the morning with morning prayers in the mosque. In this case, you must wear a clean, new and tidy outfit and not have breakfast before going to the mosque. At the end of the morning prayer, people go to their homes or can gather in small groups to praise Allah. Afterwards they return to the mosque again to preach.

Having completed the sermon, Muslims go to the cemetery, where they remember the dead and pray for them. Upon returning from the cemetery, the ritual of sacrifice begins. As a rule, the animal is specially fattened for this purpose. Typically this animal may be a ram or a cow. Interestingly, the animal that is sacrificed should not have visible defects, for example, be lame, with shabby hair, be very thin or blind. And it should not be a very young animal, a ram should be older than 6 months, a cow or goat should be older than two years.

If a sacrificed animal suddenly turns out to be pregnant, the fetus is not eaten, but buried. The skin of a killed animal should not be sold. It is either given to poor people or stored. According to the customs of this holiday, one animal from one family must be sacrificed.

On this day, it is customary to treat the poor and needy in order to avoid grief and trouble. And after the holiday, as a rule, you need to visit loved ones, relatives and friends. And, as on any holiday, on this holy day it is customary to give gifts to loved ones and relatives. Special rules There is no gift to choose from. Most often, as a gift for Kurban Bayram, souvenirs are chosen that will always remind of the person who presented this gift. You can give a woman a beautiful scarf or box self made, putting the decoration inside. It is practical for men to give money. A set of knives or barbecue utensils would also be a useful gift for men. As usual, children are given all kinds of toys. You can also make a gift for the whole family by purchasing things for the interior or a large beautiful album for family photos. You can also give identical gifts to all family members, for example, a set of warm bathrobes and a set of bath towels and accessories.

People professing the Muslim faith greet and see off the holy holiday of Kurban Bayram (another name: Eid al-Adha) with great joy and respect. Literally from Arabic the name translates as “festival of sacrifice,” NewsTut reports. It is on this day that Muslims sacrifice a ram, a bull or a camel to Allah, and then celebrate the holiday noisily and cheerfully, organizing a huge feast.

Eid al-Adha always falls on the 10th day of the 12th month of Dhul-Hijjah according to the lunar calendar, and the duration of the holiday is 4 days. It is also worth knowing that this event is celebrated exactly 70 days after another important event in the life of Muslims - Eid al-Adha. This year 2016, Eid al-Fitr begins on September 12 (according to other sources: September 13) immediately after sunrise and, accordingly, ends on September 15-16.

What date is Kurban Bayram 2016 celebrated in Moscow?

In the Russian capital Moscow, Eid al-Fitr celebrations in 2016 will also be held on September 12. On this day, in specially designated places, followers of Islam will be able to perform ancient rite- sacrifice. In this regard, vehicle traffic will be closed on a number of streets in the capital. In total, 38 sites have been allocated in Moscow and the cities of the Moscow region for performing morning prayers and slaughtering sacrificial animals. Also, during Kurban Bayram 2016, Muslim pensioners will have the opportunity to order the meat of a slaughtered ram or bull by a special phone.

The Moscow Cathedral Mosque will gather these days huge amount celebrating Muslims.

Millions of Muslims around the world are preparing to celebrate the most important holidays in Islam- Eid al-Adha, or Eid al-Adha.‎ Eid al-Adhathis is the holiday of sacrifice and the end of the Hajj, celebrated 70 days after the holiday of Eid al-Adha on the tenth day last month islamic year Zul-Hijjah in memory of the sacrifice of the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham).

History of the holiday

Kurban Bayram is one of the main Muslim holidays, the origin of which, according to the Koran, is the events that happened to the prophet Ibrahim. An angel appeared to him, conveying the will of Allah, which consisted of a great and difficult sacrifice - the killing of his eldest son Ismail. The Prophet suffered a lot mental anguish before deciding on such a desperate act. But his faith in God and in his justice won, and Ismail’s life was almost interrupted. However, at the most fateful moment, the knife in the father’s hands lost its sharpness and was unable to inflict any injury on the young man. It was Allah, seeing how devoted the prophet was to him, who had mercy on the child. As a result, a ram was sacrificed, and Ibrahim was rewarded with the birth of a second son. It is because of these events that Kurban Bayram got its name - the holiday of sacrifice.

When is Eid al-Fitr celebrated in 2016?

The main Muslim holidays are determined according to the Islamic calendar (the so-called Hijri calendar), which is based on lunar calendar. In 2016, the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah, which marks Eid al-Adha, falls on September 12th.

In Russia, September 12 is a working day, but in republics with a predominantly Muslim population, as in the majority Islamic countries, Eid al-Fitr has been declared a holiday. In some Muslim countries, three days are allocated for the holiday.

IN Russian Federation September 12 was declared a non-working day in Adygea, Bashkiria, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Crimea, Tatarstan and Chechnya.

Celebrating Eid 2016

According to tradition, during Eid al-Adha, Muslims are required to perform a complete ablution (ghusul) and change into clean clothes prepared for the holiday. The main place of celebration is the mosque, where believers flock to solemnly read prayers and pay a number of honors to the just Allah.

Main course for festive table on Eid al-Fitr it is prepared from the meat of an animal that is sacrificed in honor of this event. Most often, this animal is a ram, whose meat is prepared for a family feast, and the skin is given to the mosque. In addition, the table is replete with other meat dishes and sweets, of which a great variety is prepared for children. The table also includes soups, pilaf, kebabs, flatbreads, homemade bread and pies.

How many parts is the meat of a sacrificial animal divided into?

The meat of the sacrificial animal is divided into three parts: one– poor, secondfor distribution to neighbors or for treating relatives and friends, and the third remains at home for later consumption. It is desirable that what is distributed to the poor and needy is at least a third of total number. Selling the meat of a sacrificial animal is strictly prohibited. If a person wishes, he can give away everything except a small part, which he will keep for himself and his family as “tabarruq” (asking for blessings from the Almighty).

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