Literary reading lesson "Guys about animals" (E.I. Charushin "Hedgehog"; educational complex "Planet of Knowledge")

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Charushin Evgeniy Ivanovich

Stories about animals

Charushin E.I. Stories about animals.

What kind of animal?

The first snow fell. And everything around became white. The trees are white, the ground is white, and the roofs, and the porch, and the steps on the porch - everything is covered with snow. The girl Katya wanted to take a walk in the snow. So she went out onto the porch, wants to go down the steps into the garden and suddenly sees: on the porch, in the snow, some holes. Some animal was walking in the snow. And there are footprints on the steps, and there are footprints on the porch, and there are footprints in the garden.

“That’s interesting!” thought the girl Katya. “What kind of animal walked here? We need to find out.” Katya took the cutlet, put it on the porch and ran away. The day has passed, the night has passed. It's morning. Katya woke up and quickly went out to the porch to see if the animal had eaten her cutlet. He looks - the cutlet is intact! Where she put it, here it lies. And there were even more traces. This means the animal came again. Then Katya removed the cutlet and put a bone in its place. From soup. In the morning Katya runs out onto the porch again. He looks - the animal didn’t touch the bone either. So what kind of animal is this? And he doesn't eat bones. Then Katya put a red carrot instead of a seed. In the morning he looks - there are no carrots! The animal came and ate all the carrots! Then Katya's dad made a trap. He turned the box upside down on the porch, propped it up with a splinter, and tied a carrot to the splinter with twine. If you pull the carrot, the splinter will bounce off, the box will fall and cover the animal. The next day, dad went, and mom, and even grandma - they all went to see if the animal had fallen into a trap. And Katya is ahead of everyone. There is a beast in the trap! Someone slammed a box and fell off the stand! Katya looked into the crack and saw an animal sitting there. White-white, fluffy-fluffy, pink eyes, long ears, pressed into a corner, chewing on a carrot. It's a rabbit! They took him home to the kitchen. And then they made a big cage. And he began to live in it. And Katya fed him carrots, hay, oats and breadcrumbs.

Teddy Bear

The hunters killed three mother bears and sold three litters of cubs to the zoo.

At the zoo they were all put in one cage - brown, red, blackish, unequal in color and height - some larger, some smaller.

The smallest is the most gloomy. He sits in the corner, scratches his tummy, sucks his paw and grumbles all the time.

And others are funny: they fight, climb around the cage, flounder, scream, puff - shaggy, pot-bellied, big-headed, club-toed bear cubs.

One of them has outgrown everyone else, but he doesn’t really know how to eat.

His attendant feeds him with a pacifier. He will pour milk into a bottle, put a rag in the neck and give it to him. He touches the bottle and sucks. He doesn’t let anyone near him, he grumbles. It's so scary!

The other one, blackish, with a white bib spot, keeps climbing and climbing. He climbed along the iron bars of the cage to the ceiling. The rods are slippery - it can crawl through two inches and slide back an inch. I climbed and climbed, got halfway, but couldn’t go any further. Tired. He works with his paws with all his might, squeals with anger, he wants to climb onto the ceiling, but nothing comes of it - he slides down.

I came up with it. He grabbed the iron rod with his teeth and hangs - his paws are resting.

He hung there, rested, and immediately reached the ceiling. Then he climbed up the ceiling, but fell, fell and screamed in a desperate voice.

The servant came running, took him in her arms, rocked him, stroked him.

Little Bear calmed down, smelled candy in his pocket, took it out and started sucking it and smacking it along with the piece of paper.

They brought milk porridge to the cubs. Everyone was leaning on the trough, pushing, getting right into the mess, snapping, slurping, smacking, sniffling.

Suddenly someone screamed again.

Screaming at the top of his lungs, straining himself.

And this is the same sucker who doesn’t really know how to eat. He got out of the cage when the porridge was given, and climbed on the broom - the broom stood by the cage.

The bear climbed on the broom and fell down with it. He hurt himself on the floor, and even the broom stick hit him on the head.

He lies with his eyes closed and screams. But he doesn’t let go of the broom.

They gave him a pacifier again.

The cubs ate the porridge. They were taken out in such a way that you couldn’t recognize any color - everything was a mess. They became striped and spotted. Let's eat and let's play again.

I wanted to buy a bear cub, but I couldn’t: they don’t sell bear cubs at the zoo.

Bear fisherman

Last year I lived in Kamchatka all winter. But this is the very edge of our Motherland. There I celebrated spring. The Kamchatka spring begins interestingly, not our way.

As the streams run, as the Kamchatka rivers open, the red lentil sparrow flies from India and everywhere sings its song with a clear, flute whistle:

Have you seen Chinook salmon?

Have you seen Chinook salmon?

Have you seen Chinook salmon?

And Chinook salmon is a type of salmon fish. And here the most interesting thing in the Kamchatka spring begins.

At this very time, all the fish from the ocean enter rivers, streams, so that at the very sources, in the flowing fresh water spawn.

The fish come in herds, shoals, schools; the fish are climbing, hurrying, pushing, it’s obvious that it’s hard for them: their bellies are swollen, full of caviar or milk. Sometimes they swim so thickly that the lower ones crawl along the bottom, and the upper ones stick out of the water.

Oh, how many fish there are!

And they say that in the old days, when there were very few people in Kamchatka, the fish were even thicker. In the ancient records it is said that the oar stood in the rivers and went against the current “butt”.

Everyone is happy and making noise. And they also ask each other:

– Have you seen Chinook salmon?

– Have you seen Chinook salmon?

– Have you seen Chinook salmon?

And it will occasionally swim by - this Chinook salmon is a huge, precious salmon.

She swims along the bottom among small fish - pink salmon. It's like a pig and piglets are walking through the yard.

And after a few days all these fish fall back into salt water. Only she doesn’t swim in shoals, not in herds, but randomly, each in her own way. Some are tail first, and some are rolled along the bottom and rolled out onto the shore like a rotten log. All the fish are barely alive, sick, and dead. She spawned and became exhausted.

And now other fishermen are operating all over Kamchatka. Some croak, some quack, some growl, some meow.

Wild fishermen are fishing.

I think I’ll go into the forest, rest, and watch the forest fishermen. Somehow they get the job done. And he went far, far away from the village.

It's nice in the forest in spring! The birches are spreading their sticky leaves and standing transparent, as if not trees, but green smoke. Among them, dense spruce trees and tall junipers grow dark.

The air is clean, light, smells of spruce resin, young leaves, rotten earth.

And a choir of birds... And the flute sings, and the trill crumbles, and the tapping, and the whistling.

The sun is burning with all its might. And the shadow is still cold.

I approached the river bank, hid and immediately saw a fisherman.

Hey man, he's a hero! As tall as a sparrow. The fish is thirty times larger.

This is a bare-footed sandpiper fishing. There are fish running around, fussing, fussing, pecking. And the fish was thrown out of the water onto the shore - dead.

The sandpiper squeaks and minces with its feet.

Then two crows flew in. They scared off the sandpiper, but didn’t bother the fish themselves.

Apparently they've already eaten their fill. As soon as we sat down on the sandbank, we fell asleep. They are sitting, big nosed, with their eyes closed. The seagulls flew in screaming and making noise. They began to gut this fish. One head remains.

How well I chose the place!

There is a sharp bend near the river, and everything that floats on top is thrown ashore by the water.

While I was here, three fish were washed ashore by the current.

I look - a fox is climbing down the rocks from the other bank. Such a lousy one. The fur hangs in clumps on the sides - Lisa Patrikeevna is shedding her winter coat.

She went down to the water, stealthily grabbed a nearby fish and hid with it behind a stone.

Then she appeared again, licking her lips. And she dragged away the second fish.

Suddenly, barking, howling, and squealing arose: the village dogs came running and rushed from the cliff to the water, to the fox. Apparently they smelled it from above. Fox along the bank, up the bank - and into the forest. The dogs are behind her.

Well, I left. Who should I wait for here?

Not a single animal will come here now: it will be afraid of dog tracks.

Again I walked along streams and rivers.

I saw how another fox ate fish and savored it. She only ate the backs.

I also saw a big merganser - from a goose. He slept among the scraps. I swallowed a lot of fish.

And then I lay down and fell asleep unnoticed. It made me tired. I don’t know how long I slept. I just have a dream: it’s like I’m making some wonderful thing, maybe an airplane, or a thresher, or maybe some kind of tower. The dream appears in order: first I worked, then I got tired and also went to bed. He lay down and snored loudly and loudly.

And then in a dream I realize:

“How is this so? After all, I never snore. I can’t.”

And then everything somehow got confused for me. I’m already half awake, but I continue to dream that I’m lying down and snoring.

I know this is not true. I'm even angry.

I got angry, woke up, opened my eyes. What kind of miracle? I snore. I was even scared. How so? What's happened?

Then I woke up... No, it’s not me snoring... And it doesn’t look like snoring at all.

It’s someone growling nearby, snorting, splashing.

I raised my head. I look - a bear is sitting in the river. The big bear is an old Kamchadal. So much for sleeping with snoring!

But I don't have a gun. What to do? We need to clean up quickly.

I began to carefully, carefully crawl away from the river... And suddenly I touched some stone. This stone rolled and into the water - splash! I froze. I lie there, not breathing, and my eyes are closed. Now the bear is going to kill me. When he gets ashore, he sees, and that’s the end.

I lay there for a long time, afraid to move. Then I hear: as if everything is fine. The bear barks in the old place and grumbles. Didn't he hear the stone splash into the water?

Is he deaf or what?

I became bolder and looked out from behind the bushes. And then I looked a little closer and completely forgot the fear. This bear also caught fish. And how wonderful!

Mikhailo Ivanovich sits up to his neck in water, only his dry head sticks out of the water like a stump. His head is huge, shaggy, with a wet beard. He tilts it on one side, then on the other: he is looking for fish.

And the water is completely transparent, I can just see the bear, how he moves his paws there, and I see the bear’s body.

The fur is stuck to the body, and the bear’s body seems to be misaligned with its head. He turns out to be such a big-headed guy. Small and big-headed.

This bear is sitting. And suddenly he began to grab something in the water with his paws.

I see him taking out a pink salmon fish. He bit the pink salmon and... sat on it.

Why did he, I think, sit on a fish?

He sat down and sat in the water on a fish. Moreover, he checks with his paws: is it here, is it under him?

Now the second fish swims past, and the bear caught it. He bit it and also sits on it. And when he sat down, of course, he stood up. And the first fish was dragged away from under him by the current. I can see from above how this pink salmon rolled along the bottom. And how the bear barks! Lost fish. Oh you! It is not clear to him, poor fellow, what is being done with his reserve, where it goes. He will sit and sit, and then feel under him with his paw: is the fish here, has it run away? And as soon as he grabs the new one, I see again: the old one rolled out from under him and look for a fistula!

After all, in fact, what a shame: the fish are lost, and that’s it!

He sat on the fish for a long, long time, grumbled, even missed two fish, and did not dare to catch; I saw them sail by. Then again - once again! I picked up a pink salmon with my paw. And again everything is the same: the same fish are no longer there.

I’m lying on the shore, I want to laugh, but I can’t laugh. Try and laugh! Here the bear will eat you out of anger along with your buttons.

A huge, sleepy Chinook salmon was dragged onto the bear. He grabbed it and put it under him...

Well, of course, underneath it is empty.

Then the bear was so offended that he forgot the Chinook salmon and roared at the top of his lungs, just like a steam locomotive. He reared up, hit the water with his paws, knocking the water into foam. Roars and chokes.

Well, I couldn’t stand it either. How I'll laugh! How I want! The bear heard me and saw me. He stands in the water like a man, on two legs, and looks at me.

And it’s so funny to me that I’m no longer afraid of anything - I burst out laughing, waving my arms: go away, you fool, there’s no more urine! Leave!

And fortunately for me, that’s exactly what happened.

The bear barked, climbed out of the water, shook himself off and went into the forest.

And the Chinook salmon were again dragged by the current.

Punka and the birds

Cats are hunters. They love to catch birdies.

Our Punya is also not averse to hunting, but not at home. He doesn't bother anyone at home.

They once brought me several songbirds in a small cage. Goldfinches, canaries.

“Where,” I think, “should I put them, what should I do with them?”

Released into the wild - it's blizzardy and frosty outside. In a cage is also not suitable.

I put a Christmas tree in the corner. Cover the furniture with pieces of paper so they don't get dirty, and... do what you want. Just don't interfere with my work.

Goldfinches and canaries flew out of their cages and towards the Christmas tree.

They're crawling around in the tree, singing! Like!

Punka came, looked and was interested.

“Well,” I think, “now we need to catch Punka and throw him out of the room.”

The hunt will certainly begin.

But Punka only liked the Christmas tree. He sniffed it and didn’t pay any attention to the birds.

Goldfinches and canaries are afraid. They don’t jump close to Punka.

And it doesn’t matter to him whether there are birds here or not. He lies down and sleeps near the Christmas tree.

But I still drove Punka away. Who knows? Even though he doesn’t look at the birds, he suddenly catches one.

Time has passed. The birds began to build nests: they were looking for different pieces of fluff, pulling threads out of rags.

Punka goes to see them. He sleeps with them. Goldfinches and canaries are not afraid of him: why be afraid of him if he doesn’t catch them.

And the little birds became so brave that they began to pull at Punka’s fur.

Punka is sleeping. And the birds pull the wool out of it.

Scary story

The boys Shura and Petya were left alone. They lived in a dacha - right next to the forest, in a small house. That evening, their father and mother went to visit their neighbors. When it got dark, Shura and Petya washed themselves, undressed themselves and went to bed in their own beds. They lie and are silent. There is no father or mother. The room is dark. And in the darkness someone is crawling along the wall - rustling; maybe a cockroach, or maybe someone else!... Shura says from her bed:

– I’m not scared at all.

“I’m not scared at all either,” Petya answers from the other bed.

“We are not afraid of thieves,” says Shura.

“We’re not afraid of cannibals either,” Petya answers.

“We’re not afraid of tigers either,” says Shura.

“They won’t come here,” Petya answers. And just Shura wanted to say that he is not afraid of crocodiles, when suddenly they hear - behind the door, in the entryway, someone quietly stamping their feet on the floor: stomp... stomp... stomp... splat. ... slap... stomp... stomp.... How Petya rushes onto Shura’s bed! They covered their heads with a blanket and clung to each other. They lie quietly so that no one can hear them.

“Don’t breathe,” Shura says to Petya.

- I'm not breathing.

Thump... thump... thump... thump... thump... thump... thump... thump... And through the blanket you can still hear someone walking behind the door and puffing in addition . But then mom and dad came. They opened the porch, entered the house, and turned on the light. Petya and Shura told them everything. Then mom and dad lit another lamp and began to look around all the rooms, in all corners. There is no one. We arrived in the hallway. Suddenly, in the hallway along the wall, someone runs into the corner... He ran and curled up in the corner like a ball. They look - yes, it’s a hedgehog! He must have climbed into the house from the forest. They wanted to pick it up, but it twitched and stabbed with thorns. Then they rolled him up in a hat and took him to the closet. They gave me milk in a saucer and a piece of meat. And then everyone fell asleep. This hedgehog lived with the guys at the dacha all summer. He still puffed and stamped his feet at night, but no one was afraid of him anymore.

The Amazing Postman

The boy Vasya and his dad went to the dacha. But Vasya’s mother stayed in the city: she needed to buy something else. Mom wanted to come with shopping in the evening. Here comes the train. Vasya sits on a bench in the carriage next to his dad and looks out the window. And trees, and fences, and different houses. A boy is also sitting on a bench opposite Vasya, with a watch on his left hand. He is carrying some kind of basket. This boy is already big; he is probably fifteen years old. As the train approaches the station, the boy looks at his watch and writes something down in pencil. notebook, bends over his basket, pulls something out of it and runs out of the carriage. And then he comes again and sits, looking out the window. Vasya sat and sat, looked and looked at the boy with the basket, and suddenly he started crying at the top of his voice! He remembered that he had forgotten his bicycle at home.

- How can I live without a bicycle? - cries. “I spent the whole winter thinking about how I would ride through the forests on it.”

“Well, well, don’t cry,” said his dad. - Mom will go and bring you a bicycle.

“No, he won’t bring it,” Vasya cries. - She doesn't love him. It creaks...

“Well, boy, stop, don’t cry,” the boy with the watch on his hand suddenly said. - I’ll arrange this for you now. I myself love to ride a bike. Only it is real, two-wheeled. Do you have a telephone at home? - he asks Vasya’s dad.

“Yes,” dad answers. - Number five fifty-five zero six.

“Well, everything’s okay,” says the boy. – We will urgently send a postman with a letter. He pulled out a tiny paper ribbon from a thin piece of tissue from his pocket and wrote on it: “Call 5-55-06, tell him: “Mom needs to take Vasya’s bicycle to the dacha.” Then he put this letter in some shiny little tube, opened his basket. And there, in the basket, sits a dove - long-nosed, gray.

The boy pulled out a pigeon and tied a tube with a letter to its leg.

“Here is my postman,” he says. - Ready to fly. Look.

And as soon as the train stopped at the station, the boy looked at his watch, noted the time in his notebook and released the dove out the window. The dove flies straight up - that’s all they saw!

“I’m teaching carrier pigeons today,” says the boy. – At each station I release one and record the time. The dove will fly straight to the city, to its dovecote. And there they are waiting for him. And on this last one, they will see the tube, read the letter and call you at your apartment. If only the hawk didn't catch him along the way. And it’s true: Vasya arrived at the dacha, waited and waited for his mother - and in the evening his mother arrived with a bicycle. We received a letter. This means that the hawk did not catch the dove.

Cat Epifan

Good and free on the Volga River! Look how wide it is! The other shore is barely visible! This living thing shines, flowing water. And the whole sky looks like this water: clouds, and blue azure, and little sandpipers that, whistling, fly in a bunch from sand to sand, and flocks of geese and ducks, and an airplane on which a man flies somewhere on his business, and white steamships with black smoke, and barges, and shores, and a rainbow in the sky. You look at this flowing sea, you look at the walking clouds, and it seems to you that the shores are also going somewhere - they also walk and move, like everyone else around. There, on the Volga, in a dugout, on the very Volga bank - in a steep cliff, lives a watchman-buoy. If you look from the river, you will only see a window and a door. You look from the shore - one iron pipe sticks out of the grass. His whole house is in the ground, like an animal hole. Steamboats sail along the Volga day and night. Tugboats puff, smoke, pull barges behind them on ropes, carry various cargoes or drag long rafts. They slowly rise against the current, splashing through the water with their wheels. Here comes a steamer, carrying apples, and the whole Volga will smell of sweet apples. Or it smells like fish, which means they are bringing roach from Astrakhan. Mail and passenger ships, one-story and two-story, are running. These float on their own. But the fastest ships are double-decker fast steamers with a blue ribbon on the funnel. They stop only at large piers, and after them high waves disperse through the water, roll out on the sand. An old buoy keeper places red and white buoys along the river near the shoals and rifts. These are floating wicker baskets with a lantern on top. Buoys show the right path. At night the old man rides a boat, lights the lanterns on the buoys, and puts them out in the morning. And at other times the old beacon keeper fishes. He is an avid fisherman. One day the old man was fishing all day. I caught some fish in my ear: bream, white bream, and ruff. And he came back. He opened the door to the dugout and looked: that’s the thing! It turns out that a guest has come to see him! An all-white, fluffy cat sits on the table next to a pot of potatoes. The guest saw the owner, arched his back and began to rub his side against the pot. His entire white side was stained with soot.

– Where did you come from, from what areas? And the cat purrs and squints his eyes and stains his side even more, rubbing it with soot. And his eyes are different. One eye is completely blue, and the other is completely yellow.

“Well, help yourself,” said the beacon keeper and gave the cat a ruff. The cat grabbed the fish in his claws, purred a little and ate it. He ate it and licked his lips - apparently he still wants it. And the cat ate four more fish. And then he jumped onto the old man’s hay and dozed off. Lounging on the hay field, purring, stretching out one paw, then the other, putting out claws on one paw, then on the other. And he apparently liked it so much that he ended up living with the old man. And the old beacon keeper is happy. It's much more fun together. And so they began to live. The baker had no one to talk to before, but now he began to talk to the cat, calling him Epifan. Before there was no one to fish with, but now the cat began to go boating with him. He sits in the stern of the boat and seems to be in charge. In the evening the old man says:

- Well, Epifanushka, isn’t it time for us to light the buoys, because, perhaps, it will be dark soon? If we don’t light the buoys, our ships will run aground. And the cat seems to know what it is to light beacons. Without saying a word, he goes to the river, climbs into the boat and waits for the old man when he comes with oars and kerosene for lanterns. They will go, light the lanterns on the buoys - and back. And they fish together. An old man is fishing, and Epifan is sitting next to him. The cat caught a small fish. I caught a big one - in the old man's ear. That's how it happened. They serve together and fish together. One day, the beacon keeper was sitting with his cat Epifan on the shore and fishing. And then some fish bit hard. The old man pulled it out of the water and looked: it was a greedy brush that swallowed a worm. It's as tall as your little finger, but it moves like a big pike. The old man took it off the hook and handed it to the cat.

“Here,” he says, “Epifasha, chew a little.” But Epifasha doesn’t exist. What is it, where did it go? Then the old man sees that his cat has gone far, far along the shore, whitening on the rafts. “Why did he go there,” the old man thought, “and what is he doing there? I’ll go and take a look.” He looks and his cat Epifan catches fish himself. He lies flat on a log, puts his paw in the water, doesn’t move, doesn’t even blink. And when the fish swam out in a school from under the log, he - one! - and picked up one fish with his claws. The old beacon keeper was very surprised.

“You’re such a trickster,” he says, “what an Epiphan, what a fisherman!” Well, catch me,” he says, “a sterlet in my ear, and a fatter one.” But the cat doesn’t even look at him. He ate the fish, moved to another place, and again lay down from the log to fish. Since then, this is how they fish: separately - and each in their own way. The fisherman uses tackle and a fishing rod with a hook, and the cat Epiphanes uses his paw and claws. And the beacons are lit together.

Purpose and objectives of the lesson:

  • organize student activities to systematize knowledge on the topic “For kids about animals”;
  • create conditions for understanding the writer’s work, for the development of cognitive activity, creative imagination, provide interdisciplinary connections;
  • during the dialogue, turn to self-understanding, to expressing one’s opinion on the problem under discussion, making decisions and choosing a personal position;
  • development of personal and educational competence, readiness and ability for continuous self-improvement and self-education;
  • create such a mood and such a chain of questions that will help the child’s voice to sound, revive the creativity and imagination of children, evoke high and good feelings;
  • promote the ability to communicate with each other, foster citizenship and love for nature.


I. Organizational moment

U: The bell rang. The lesson begins. Lesson literary reading.

U: Continue the proverb ( children read the beginning of the proverb and continue it)
U: So why do we need to read?... ( Children's answers)

Make friends with books and you will always find the answer to any question. ( student reads)

II. Updating knowledge

U: Who is this? Name these writers. (Sladkov N.I. Bianki V.V. Charushin E.I.)
U. What do these writers have in common? (They write about nature)
U. Formulate the topic of the lesson. GUYS ABOUT ANIMALS.
- Let's remember the works of these writers.

Sladkov N.I.
– What works have you read by this author? (Children's answers)

“Who’s sleeping?”
– What interesting things did you learn from this story? (children's answers)

"Wolf and Owl".
Which main idea? (Children's answers)

Bianki V.V. What works have you read by this author? (Children's answers)

« Hare and tortoise»

U: What are the main words you remember? (Children's answers)

« The Mouse and the Fox."(Staging prepared by a group of children)

U: Make a guess. Which writer said this about himself: “MOST ALL THINGS IN THE WORLD I LOVE TO PICTURE ANIMALS”? (Children's answers)

U: Right. This is Charushin E.I. After all, he is not only a writer, but also an artist.
This means that he himself draws illustrations for his works.
Today in class we will read the work of E.I. Charushina. And about whom?
Guess the riddles.

A group of children ask pre-prepared riddles.

There are needles on the back
Long and stinging.
And he will curl up into a ball
There is no head or legs.

The master sewed himself a fur coat,
I forgot to take out the needles.

He's like a Christmas tree, covered in needles,
Bravely catches scary snakes.
And although he is very prickly,
Don't you dare offend him.

U. And my riddle is this... The first letter begins the word Christmas tree, and the second is in the alphabet before the letter “z”.
– Who will we talk about? (Children's answers)

– What do you know about him? ( Children's answers)

Lesson topic: CHARUSHIN E.I. "Hedgehog"

Preparatory work


1. Tongue twister. Hedgehog, hedgehog is an eccentric. I sewed a scratchy jacket. ( Several students repeat).

2. Read the words. – What word is unclear? (explanation of the meaning of the word)
Reading one at a time and in groups.

Working with text

1. Primary reading(teacher)

U. Did you like it? What did you like? What do you remember?

2. Independent reading.

U. Get to know the text for yourself. Read it. (Read independently)

U. How many parts are there in a story?

3. Work on the text in parts.

1st part (read by one student)
U. Tell me what you read about? (Children's answers)

Part 2. (Read on your own)

U. Explain what “did not move” means? (Children's answers)

Part 3 (chain reading)

U. Why did the hedgehog move? (Children's answers)

Part 4 (buzzing reading)

U. Tell each other what you read about. (Work in pairs)

Part 5 (Reading after the announcer)

U. How did the story end? (Children's answers)

-Why did he run away? (Children's answers)


The hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse,
Neck, skin on belly.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
– Won’t you rub my back?

4. Work in pairs.

U. Tell the story to each other. You can use supporting words. (Work in pairs)

U. Who liked your friend's story? (children's answers)

5. Selective reading.

– This is how Charushin E.I. himself depicted the hedgehog.
– Sign the illustration by E.I. Charushin with the words of the text.
– In which Russians? folk tales Is the hedgehog the main character?
(Teremok, Mitten.)

U. Pick up related words By the way, hedgehog. (Children's answers)

(Hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog)
– How many children are there in the hedgehog’s family? How many family members are there in total?

Summing up the lesson

U. So who does E.I. Charushin write about?
He has a lot of stories for children. Here are some of them.
(Wolf, About Tomka, Cat Epifan, etc.)
– What does the last illustration tell us? (Children's answers)

– In 1965, at an international exhibition in Germany, E.I. Charushin received a medal for his illustrations.

U. What do you think? Where else can you learn about the hedgehog?
(Encyclopedia, Internet)

U. Read the text. This is from the encyclopedia “The World of Plants and Animals” for kids. (Book demonstration)
U. What new have you learned about the life of hedgehogs?

U. Look. These are the newborn hedgehogs. I took this from the Internet.

– How small and helpless they are! Did you like them?

U. So. What work did we read?

And the hedgehog ran away at night.
Nobody offended him.
He was sad already in the morning,
He was sad yesterday.
What was he stupidly yearning for?
Nobody pestered him
We loved him so much
And they ironed and washed.
And he curled up and trembled,
And then he took it and ran away.

U: How are a story and a poem similar? (children's answers)

– What should you remember if you find small hedgehogs in the forest?

- And here farewell words:
It's time to finish the lesson

And I hope now
You have become a little smarter.
Learned a lot of truths
And a lot of stuff
And if everyone remembers -
Your day is not wasted.


U. What new did you learn in the lesson?
You have hedgehog stencils on your desks.
If you felt comfortable during the lesson, pick up a picture of a hedgehog of the desired color and tell him “Thank you.” (Children's answers)

Abstract open class on speech development in the middle group.

Topic: Retelling the story “The Hedgehog” according to E. Charushin.

Goal: Formation of retelling skills short text using a magnetic board.

Main tasks:

● Formation of skills to answer questions with a phrase of 3-4 words, combine phrases into short story from 4-5 sentences.

● Exercise in agreeing nouns in indirect cases.

● Development of auditory and visual attention of children.

Methodical techniques: Guessing riddles, conversation, reading; examining subject pictures, building a story plan based on the pictures; finishing sentences by children; grammar exercise“Finish the sentence.”

Equipment: Magnetic board, demonstration picture or toy hedgehog; subject pictures: guys, hedgehog (two types), house, saucer of milk.

Preliminary work:

● Reading stories, looking at illustrations from the book by E. Charushin.

● Study lexical topic"Wild Animals"

● Drawing, manual labor on the topic "Hedgehog".

Lexical material:

Words with complex semantics: Verbs: curled up, rolled up, ran away.

Words that are complex syllable structure: Nouns: fear; Verbs: curled up, turned around, ran away.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, look how many guests we have, let's say hello to them.

Today you and I will not have an ordinary activity; we will go to the forest. What time of year is it now, and what month? How can you and I get to the forest? (by car, train, etc.). So let's get there whoever wants to. (Musical accompaniment.)

We arrive in the forest and find an envelope with a task from the hedgehog. Children, I found a letter under a tree, and from whom we will find out by guessing the riddle

1. Organizational moment. Development voluntary attention, verbally - logical thinking.

Teacher: Children, guess the riddle.

Fur coat - needles,

Curls up - prickly,

You can't take it with your hand.

Who is this? (Hedgehog) correctly from the hedgehog.

Let's quickly read the letter, what is the hedgehog writing to us? Dear guys, the kids took me from the forest, help me get home to the forest. I really want to go home. As soon as you write a story about me with good ending for me I will immediately return to the forest. Thanks guys, I'll be looking forward to it.

2. Preparation for text comprehension. Creation emotional background perception of the story. Revival personal experience children.

Examination (drawing or toy).

Why do hedgehogs have spines on their back? (The hedgehog uses needles to protect itself from enemies)

How does a hedgehog escape from enemies? (The hedgehog curls up into a ball and puts out its needles)

What does a hedgehog eat? (The hedgehog eats mice, beetles, worms, milk...)

3. Reading a story. Development of voluntary attention and memory.

Listen to the story written by E. Charushin. It's called "Hedgehog".

As you read adapted story The teacher displays pictures on

magnetic board.

4. Conversation based on content. Development dialogical speech. Children answer in complete sentences.

● Where did the guys go? (The guys walked through the forest)

● Who did they find? (They found the hedgehog)

● Where was the hedgehog sitting? (The hedgehog was sitting under a bush)

● What did the hedgehog do out of fear? (He curled up into a ball in fear)

● Where did the children bring the hedgehog? (The children brought the hedgehog home)

● Why didn't they inject themselves? (They rolled the hedgehog into a hat)

● What did they give him? (The guys gave him milk)

5. Physical education “Walk”. Coordination of speech with movement.

The teacher invites the children onto the carpet and performs the movements with them.

One, two, three, four, five, (Children stand in a line, clap their hands.)

We're going for a walk in the forest. (They walk one after another.)

We will find strawberries (Bending down, they “pick” the berries.)

And we'll take it to my brother. (They walk one after another in the opposite direction.)

6. Didactic exercise“Finish the sentence.” Agreement of nouns in indirect cases.

● How to speak correctly?

● The children found (who?) ... (hedgehog)

● We approached (to whom?)…(to the hedgehog)

● They gave him (what?) to drink… (milk)

● The hedgehog got drunk (what?)… (milk)

● So the children took care of (about whom?) ... (about the hedgehog)

The teacher repeats the children’s answers, emphasizing the endings of the words in his voice.

7. Re-reading story. Development of long-term auditory-verbal memory. Agreement of nouns in indirect cases.

I will read the story again, and you will help me.

Children finish the phrases started by the teacher.

The guys walked through (the forest).

Found under a bush (hedgehog).

He curled up (in a ball) out of fear.

The guys rolled the hedgehog into (the hat).

And they brought the hedgehog (home).

They gave him (milk).

The hedgehog turned around and started eating (milk).

And then the hedgehog ran back to his place (into the forest).

8. Drawing up a picture plan for the content of the story. Development of verbal - logical thinking, dialogical speech.

Look at these unusual pictures. Let's look at them in order. Where did it all start? What happened next?

The teacher, together with the children, arranges the pictures in order on the chalkboard.

9. Retelling according to plan with visual support from pictures. Development of coherent speech. Formation of skill in working with an algorithm.

Tell a story about a hedgehog. The pictures will help you with this.

All children in the chain take part. At the end, one child repeats the entire story. The hedgehog appears and thanks the children and gives them his portraits.

What did we do today? What were you doing? What did you learn today? What did you remember? (children's answers)

The teacher positively evaluates the activities of each child.

Once I was walking along the bank of our stream and noticed a hedgehog under a bush. He noticed me too, curled up and started tapping: knock-knock-knock. It was very similar, as if a car was walking in the distance. I touched it with the tip of my boot; he snorted terribly and pushed his needles into his boot.

- Oh, you do this to me! - I said and pushed him into the stream with the tip of my boot.

Instantly, the hedgehog turned around in the water and swam to the shore, like a small pig, only instead of bristles there were needles on its back. I took a stick, rolled the hedgehog into my hat and took it home.

I had a lot of mice, I heard that a hedgehog catches them, and I decided: let him live with me and catch mice.

So, I put this prickly lump in the middle of the floor and sat down to write, while I kept looking at the hedgehog out of the corner of my eye. He did not lie motionless for long: as soon as I quieted down at the table, the hedgehog turned around, looked around, tried to go there, there, and finally chose a place for himself under the bed and became completely quiet there.

When it got dark, I lit the lamp and - hello! — the hedgehog ran out from under the bed. He, of course, thought to the lamp that the moon had risen in the forest: when there is a moon, hedgehogs love to run through forest clearings. And so he started running around the room, imagining what it was like forest clearing. I took the pipe, lit a cigarette and blew a cloud near the moon. It became just like in the forest: the moon and the clouds, and my legs were like tree trunks and, probably, the hedgehog really liked it, he darted between them, sniffing and scratching the back of my boots with needles.

After reading the newspaper, I dropped it on the floor, went to bed and fell asleep.

I always sleep very lightly. I heard some rustling in my room, I struck a match, lit a candle and only noticed how a hedgehog flashed under the bed. And the newspaper was no longer lying near the table, but in the middle of the room. So I left the candle burning and stayed awake, thinking: “Why did the hedgehog need the newspaper?” Soon my tenant ran out from under the bed and straight to the newspaper, hovered around it, made noise and noise, and finally managed to somehow put a corner of the newspaper on the thorns and drag it, huge, into the corner.

That’s when I understood him: the newspaper was like dry leaves in the forest to him, he was dragging it for his nest. And it turned out, however, that soon the hedgehog wrapped himself in newspaper and made himself a real nest out of it. Having finished this important task, he left his home and stood opposite the bed, looking at the candle - the moon.

I let the clouds in and ask:

- What else do you need?

The hedgehog was not afraid.

- Do you want something to drink?

I got up. The hedgehog doesn't run.

I took a plate, put it on the floor, brought a bucket of water, and then I poured water into the plate, then poured it into the bucket again, and I made such a noise as if it was a stream splashing.

“Well, go, go,” I say, “you see, I made the moon for you, and sent up the clouds, and here is water for you...”

I look: it’s like he’s moved forward. And I also moved my lake a little towards it. He moves, and I move, and that’s how we agreed.

“Drink,” I say finally.

He began to cry.

And I ran my hand over the thorns so lightly, as if I was stroking them, and I kept saying:

- You’re a good guy, you’re a good one!

The hedgehog got drunk, I say:

- Let's sleep.

He lay down and blew out the candle.

I don’t know how long I slept, but I hear: I have work in my room again.

I light a candle - and what do you think? A hedgehog is running around the room, and there is an apple on its thorns. He ran to the nest, put it there and ran to the corner after another, and in the corner there was a bag of apples and it fell over. So the hedgehog ran up, curled up near the apples, twitched and ran again - on the thorns he dragged another apple into the nest.

So this is how my hedgehog settled down. And now, when drinking tea, I will certainly bring it to my table and either pour milk on a saucer for him to drink, or give him some buns for him to eat.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second junior group
E. Charushin “Hedgehog”.
Objectives: to consolidate the pronunciation of sounds v, f; develop speech breathing; teach how to pronounce the word peck correctly; introduce children to a story about a hedgehog; promote the development of children's imagination.
Planned results: able to holistically and emotionally perceive a work with natural history content; ideas about the world around us are generalized and systematized; knows how to coordinate adjectives with nouns.
Materials and equipment: subject pictures of wild animals (hedgehog, wolf, fox, bear); illustration for the work, magic bag.
GCD move:
Organizational point:
The teacher shows the children a cube with pictures. Rotates it with the side on which the plane is glued. Kids pronounce (in chorus and one at a time) the sound v. Then they sing a long song (pronounce the sound for a long time). The teacher monitors the correctness and clarity of pronunciation.
Then it continues. There is a cherry tree on the board in front of the children. “You see how the harvest is ripening,” says the teacher. “If you and I save the cherries from the sparrows, then today we will certainly taste the delicious and juicy berries.”
A sparrow appears. He declares: “I am a cheerful sparrow - a gray little thief. I’ll peck cherries.” And asks the children: “Who am I?” (You are a cheerful sparrow, gray, etc.).
The sparrow repeats its song and is about to peck the berries, but the children and the teacher say: “Shoo, sparrow, shoo! Let our cherries ripen! “So our cherries are ripe,” says the teacher
The teacher spins the cube again. When the cube turns towards the children with the side on which the hedgehog is depicted, the teacher asks a riddle.
The fur coat is like needles, when it curls up it’s prickly, you can’t pick it up with your hand. Who is this? (Hedgehog.)
The teacher shows the children a hedgehog toy.
Preparation for text comprehension.
“Why do the hedgehogs have needles sticking out on their back? (Protection.)
How does he escape from his enemies? (Curls up into a ball.)
The teacher invites the children to pronounce the sound “f” (we snort like hedgehogs - quietly, but angrily). Reminds me that recently a titmouse’s song was heard on the site: “whew - whew - whew.” “Tell me how the titmouse sang, rejoicing in the spring”?
3. Reading an adapted story.
“Guys, listen to the story “Hedgehog,” written by Evgeny Charushin. As the reading progresses, the teacher displays subject cards.
“The guys were walking through the forest. We found a hedgehog under a bush. The hedgehog curled up into a ball with fear. The guys rolled the hedgehog into a hat and brought it home. They gave him milk. The hedgehog turned around and began to drink milk. And then the hedgehog ran back into the forest to his place.”
Conversation on content:
Why did the children - the heroes of the story - roll up the hedgehog in a hat?
Why did the black hedgehog's nose come out of the thorns and move?
Next is the game “Hedgehog, do you want milk?” First, the teacher explains its content: “I’ll ask: hedgehog, do you want milk? And the hedgehog must answer: fff.” The role of the hedgehog is played by 7-8 children in turn.
5. In conclusion, the teacher reads Evgeny Charushin’s story again.
6. Result: “Children, what story did we meet today?”

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