II. Exploring New Chapters

A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches you to find it.

A. Diesterweg

Zankov Leonid Vladimirovich(1901-1977) - teacher and psychologist, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, follower of the school of L. S. Vygotsky, put forward and experimentally confirmed his model of developmental education.

L.V. Zankov’s system appeared and became widespread in the 50s. According to the scientist, the school did not disclose reserves mental development child. He analyzed the state of affairs in education and ways of its further development. In his laboratory, the idea of ​​development as a leading criterion for school work first arose.

Today, on the basis of the former laboratory, the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center named after L.V. Zankov under the Ministry of Education of Russia has been opened.

The system of developmental education according to L.V. Zankov can be called a system of early intensified comprehensive development of the individual.

Classification characteristics

By level of application: general pedagogical. According to the main development factor: sociogenic + psychogenic. According to the concept of assimilation: associative-reflex + developmental. By orientation to personality structures: COURT + SEN + ZUN + SUM + SDP.

By the nature of the content: educational, secular, general education, humanistic.

By type of control: small group system.

By organizational form: classroom, academic + club, group + individual.

By approach to the child: personality-oriented.

By the prevailing method: developing.

In the direction of modernization: alternative.

Target orientations

High overall personality development.

Laying the foundation for a comprehensive harmonious development(harmonization of content).

Hypotheses of L. V. Zankov

L.V. Zankov understands development as the appearance of new formations in the child’s psyche, not directly determined by training, but arising as a result of internal, deep integration processes.

General development there is the emergence of such new formations in all spheres of the psyche - the mind, will, feelings of a schoolchild, when each new formation becomes the fruit of the interaction of all these spheres and advances the personality as a whole.

Knowledge in itself does not ensure development, although it is its prerequisite.

Only general development creates the foundation for the harmonious development of a person (ZUN + SUD + SUM + SEN + SDP).

In the learning process, it is not knowledge, skills and abilities that arise, but their psychological equivalent - cognitive (cognitive) structures.

Cognitive structures are the schemes through which a person looks at the world, sees and understands it.

Cognitive structures are the substrate of mental development. These are relatively stable, compact, generalized semantic system representations of knowledge, methods of obtaining and using it, stored in long-term memory.

Cognitive structures are the essence that develops with age and in the learning process. The results of this are expressed in the features mental activity: in perception, thinking, speech, level of arbitrariness of behavior, memory, in the quantity and clarity of knowledge and skills.

Complex structures are created from simpler, diffuse ones, but they are never formed from them, and every time a new quality is born. This is the essence of development.

Conceptual didactic provisions

For the greatest effectiveness of the overall development of schoolchildren, L.V. Zankov developed didactic principles of RO:

Purposeful development based on an integrated developmental system;

Systematicity and integrity of content;

Leading role theoretical knowledge;

Training on high level difficulties;

Progress in learning the material at a rapid pace;

The child’s awareness of the learning process;

Inclusion in the learning process of not only rational, but also emotional sphere(the role of observation and practical work);

Problematization of content (collisions);

Variability of the learning process, individual approach;

Work on the development of all (strong and weak) children.

Content Features

The content of the initial stage of education is enriched in accordance with the goal of comprehensive development and organized; it highlights the richness of the overall picture of the world based on science, literature and other arts. In the first grade, the beginnings of natural science are presented, in the second - geography, in the third - stories about history. Special attention devoted to fine arts, music, reading truly works of art, labor in its ethical and aesthetic meaning.

Not only the classroom life, but also the extracurricular life of the children is taken into account.

The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge by L.V. Zankov

Training programs are structured as a division of the whole into diverse forms and stages, the emergence of differences in the process of content movement.

The central place is occupied by work on clear demarcation various signs of the objects and phenomena being studied. The distinction is made within the framework of the principle of systematicity and integrity: each element is assimilated in connection with the other and within a certain whole. Zankovites do not deny the deductive approach to the formation of concepts, ways of thinking, and activity, but still the dominant principle in their system is the path is inductive.

A special place is given to the process comparisons, since, through a well-organized comparison, they establish in what ways things and phenomena are similar and in what ways they are different, and differentiate their properties, aspects, and relationships.

The main focus is on development analyzing observation, excretion abilities different sides and properties of phenomena, their clear verbal expression.

Features of the technique

Main motivationeducational activities is cognitive interest.

The idea of ​​harmonization requires combining rational and emotional, facts and generalizations, collective and individual, informational and problematic, explanatory and search methods in the methodology.

Methodology L.V. Zankova suggests involving the student in various types of activities and using them in teaching didactic games, discussions, as well as teaching methods aimed at enriching imagination, thinking, memory, and speech.

. Lesson in the developmental education system

The lesson remains the main element of the educational process, but in L.V. Zankov’s system its functions and form of organization can vary significantly. Its main invariant qualities:

Goals are subject not only to the message and verification of the ZUN, but also to other groups of personality properties;

Polylogue in the classroom, based on children’s independent mental activity;

Collaboration between teacher and student.

The methodological goal is to create conditions in the lesson for the manifestation cognitive activity students.

This goal is achieved in the following ways:

The teacher creates problematic situations and collisions;

Uses various forms and methods of organizing educational activities, allowing to reveal the subjective experience of students;

Creates and discusses a lesson plan with students;

Creates an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class;

Encourages students to speak up and use in various ways completing tasks without fear of making mistakes, getting the wrong answer, etc.;

Used during the lesson didactic material, allowing the student to choose the most significant type and form of educational content for him;

Evaluates not only the final result (right - wrong), but also the process of the student’s activity;

Encourages the student’s desire to find his own way of working (solving a problem), analyze the methods of work of other students, choose and master the most rational ones.

Lesson Features

The progress of knowledge is “from the students.”

The transformative nature of the student’s activity: observe, compare, group, classify, draw conclusions, find out patterns. Hence the different nature of the tasks: not just to write down and insert the missing letters, to solve the problem, but to awaken them to mental actions and their planning.

Intensive independent activity of students associated with emotional experience, which is accompanied by the effect of surprise of the task, the inclusion of an indicative-exploratory reaction, a mechanism of creativity, help and encouragement from the teacher.

Collective search directed by the teacher, which is provided by questions that awaken the independent thoughts of students, and preliminary homework.

Creating pedagogical communication situations in the classroom that allow each student to show initiative, independence, and selectivity in ways of working; creating an environment for the student’s natural self-expression.

Flexible structure. Selected common goals and the means of organizing a lesson in developmental education technology are specified by the teacher depending on the purpose of the lesson and its thematic content.

. Development tracking

When involving a student in educational activities focused on his potential capabilities, the teacher must know what methods of activity he mastered during previous training, what psychological characteristics this process and the degree of students’ understanding of their own activities.

To identify and track the level of general development of the child, L.V. Zankov proposed the following indicators:

Observation is the initial basis for the development of many important mental functions;

Abstract thinking - analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization;

Practical actions - the ability to create material object. Successful solution difficult problems ends with the powerful inclusion of positive reinforcement systems.


Theoretical works, which serve the scientific disclosure of the problem of the relationship between training and development: Development of students in the learning process / Ed. L.V. Zankova. - 1-P class. - M.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the RSFSR; PYU class. - M.: Education, 1967; Zankov L.V. Didactics and life. - M.: Pedagogy, 1968; Training and development / Ed. L.V. Zankova. - M.: Pedagogy, 1975; Individual options development junior schoolchildren/ Ed. L.V. Zankova and M.V. Zvereva. - M.: Pedagogy, 1973; Assimilation of knowledge and development of junior schoolchildren / Ed. L.V. Zankova. -M., 1965; Chuprikova N.I. Mental development and learning. - M.: JSC "Century", 1995; Zankov L, V. Memory. - M., 1949; Zankov L, V. Visibility and activation of students in learning. - M.: Uchpedgiz, 1960; Zankov L.V. About initial training. - M., 1963; Zankov L.V. Commonwealth of scientist and teacher. - M., 1991; Kabanova-Meller E.N. Formation of mental activity techniques and mental development of students. - M., 1968; Zvereva M.V. About the system primary education aimed at the overall development of students // Psychological Science and education. - 1996. - No. 4.

Curricula, teaching aids, educational assignments for the teacher: High school programs. Primary classes. - M.: Education, 1997; New system primary education - I, II, III grades / Ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1965, 1966, 1967; Experimental educational tasks / Ed. L.V. Zankova. - M.: NIIOP APN USSR, 1978; Studying the development of students by a teacher / Ed. M.V. Zverevoy. - M.: NIIOP APN USSR, 1984; Training and development / Ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1975; Development of schoolchildren in the learning process (grades 3-4) / Ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1967; Berkman T.L., Grishchenko K.S. Musical development of students in the process of learning to sing / Ed. ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1961; Zankov L.V. Conversations with teachers. -M., 1970, 1975; Commonwealth of Scientist and Teacher / Comp. M.V.Zvereva, N.K.Indik. - M.: Education, 1991; The history of human development. For teachers and students of 2nd grade. Educational and methodological manual. -Minsk: Belarusian Press House, 1996; Training program according to the L.V. Zankov system, grades 1-3. - M., 1996; Nechaeva N.V. Planning the literacy period (system I-III). -M.: FNMC, 1996; Nechaeva N.V. Studying the effective development of speech activity of primary schoolchildren. - M.: FNMC, 1996; Nechaeva N.V., Roganova Z.N. Experimental program and materials for teaching the Russian language in grades 5-6. - M.: FNMC, 1996.

Textbooks, books for students: Romanovskaya Z.I., Romanovsky A.P. Living word: Book to read in I, II, III class / Under general ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1965, 1966, 1967; Polyakova A.V. Russian language: textbook for I, II, III grades / Under general. ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1965, 1966, 1967; Zankov L.V. Mathematics textbook for 1st grade. -M., 1965; Arginskaya I.I. Mathematics textbook for grades II, III / Ed. ed. L.V. Zankova. - M., 1966, 1967; Chutko N.Ya. Educational materials on history - III grade. -M.: Education, 1967; Zankov L.V., Arginskaya I.I. Mathematics, I class. -M.: Education, 1979; Dmitrieva N.Ya. Book on natural history. I class - M.: Education, 1979; ABC / Ed. Nechaeva N.V. - M., 1996.

Currently in Russian Federation three are recognized as state school systems training: traditional, L.V. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova.

Traditional system learning has been around for almost 400 years. It was developed by the largest Czech scientist and teacher Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670). He was the first to substantiate the idea of ​​universal education in the native language, created a coherent system of all general education, developed a classroom-lesson form of teaching. The system contributed to the development in schoolchildren of those qualities that were necessary for a decent life in the conditions of handicraft production and the advent of the first steam engines: complete obedience, the ability to repeat the actions of the teacher (master). Throughout his life, a person could do the same thing, performing it using the same methods.

Generations of Russians who grew up in the 20th century were faced with virtually the same requirements; they also had the opportunity to engage in one profession throughout their lives, in which little changed. However, it was in the 20th century that global changes in science and public life, the flow of information has sharply increased, people began to live at fundamentally different speeds. All this led to the need to significantly reconsider the tasks and methods of teaching schoolchildren, and the Comenius system, which had been successfully used for several centuries, could no longer meet the requirements of the 20-30s of the third millennium, when your child would look for his place in adulthood.

What are the main ideas of L.V. Zankov’s system?

Currently, people with high communicative culture who have a broad outlook and are able to independently make decisions in new situation. After all, modern man is constantly faced with a choice. For example, now you are choosing a teacher, a teaching system. Your child will have to choose a profession, friends, place of recreation, residence, etc. And it is unlikely that he will be able to limit himself to one profession in life, and if he does, he will have to constantly improve, mastering new techniques. In order to make the choice most acceptable to him, in order to quickly change if necessary, you need to have the ability to analyze, compare, establish connections, and draw conclusions. Special role To acquire these qualities, an educational start is given. It is at the start that the child must learn the basic methods of communication, not be afraid problem situations, gain experience in solving them, develop curiosity and the need for knowledge.

Conditions for the development of necessary to modern man qualities are created by a system developed by your compatriot, a leading specialist in the field of psychology and pedagogy, Academician Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov (1901-1977).

He called the goal of teaching schoolchildren the achievement of optimal overall development of each student on the basis of mastering subject knowledge, skills and abilities. By general development, he understood the holistic development of the child - his mind, will, feelings, morality while maintaining the health of the student, and he attached equal importance to each of these components. Training according to the system of L. V. Zankov in no way rejects or diminishes the importance of acquiring factual knowledge necessary for everyone educated person; it only sets priorities somewhat differently, highlighting the acquisition of solid knowledge and skills through the child’s advancement in overall development. A long-term mass experiment showed a direct dependence of the quality of education on the dynamics of its progress in overall development.

An important feature of L.V. Zankov’s system is that the learning process is conceived as the development of the child’s personality, that is, learning should be focused not so much on the entire class as a single whole, but on each individual student. In other words, learning must be person-centered. In this case, the goal is not to “bring up” weak students to the level of strong ones, but to reveal the individuality and optimally develop each student, regardless of whether he is considered “strong” or “weak” in the class. That is why, in our opinion, there are no “main” and “non-main” subjects at school: each of the subjects makes its own contribution to the overall development of the child and for some will be the subject that will determine his future life. Thus, we have already answered the question of who we teach in Zankov’s classes - all children, starting from the age of six, who are recommended to study in a comprehensive school.

Let's quote from normative document Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Standard of Primary General Education" (2004): "The federal component of the State Standard is aimed at implementing a personality-oriented developmental model of a mass primary school." In essence, this is the same goal that Zankov formulated almost 50 years ago. Even then he was able to correctly predict the main directions in the development of education in the third millennium. Therefore, now we can offer your child a time-tested, technologically developed whole system training, which is able to take into account its specific features.

The main long-term results of the system are: high socialization children, choosing a life path in accordance with your aspirations, additional data - high performance in these classes by participants and winners in Olympiads, the number of medalists and those entering secondary and higher educational institutions.

Answer the question yourself: can the statement be reasonable: “We were taught the old fashioned way, and I became a worthy person. Why change my education at school?”

What content does a child learn in a Zankov class?

  1. the goal of education is the overall development of each child;
  2. characteristics of students;
  3. educational standards.

Now developed and recommended by the Ministry of Education complete educational and methodological kit for a four-year primary school, it won the competition for the title “Textbook of the New Generation”, held by the National Foundation for Personnel Training and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the new learning goal, the selection and structuring of the content of training courses, the nature of the tasks encourage children to search creative activity filled with emotions and experiences. When selecting the content of books, when composing texts and assignments, the authors proceed from the fact that surprise serves as the impetus for the beginning of knowledge. And in accordance with age characteristics students in training courses priority is given to the emotional factor, which gives impetus to the intellectual, moral, and creative principles.

Such a feature of younger schoolchildren as syncretism (unity) of thinking was also taken into account. This is later, having gained learning experience and life experience, the child will develop analytical thinking. At first he perceives the world holistically. We took advantage of this ability of children by providing for consideration not individual facts and phenomena, and their connections, which form a whole accessible to the child. Therefore on initial stage teaching we provide the child with a broad, holistic picture of the world.

To illustrate, we give examples from textbooks. Assignment from a Russian language textbook for 2nd grade (beginning of the school year): “Read, inserting the appropriate animal names. Write down the sentence.” (The assignment includes a drawing depicting a fox, beaver, wolf, mouse, bear, stork and swallow.)

_____ lives in a den, _____ in a nest, _____ in a nest, _____ in a hole, _____ in a mink, _____ in a hut, _____ in a den.

“Find words with the same root, identify the root in them. Explain the difference in the meaning of these words. Compare how the same vowel letters in the root sound in them.”

The teacher suggests closing the sentence with a ruler and opening and reading it gradually. Children smile, waiting for a secret.

Student 1: A bear lives in a den.

The class agrees and moves the ruler to the right.

Student 2: Both a stork and a swallow can live in the nest.
Student 3: In the nest... ( falls silent.)
Exclamations:“No, it’s not like that: there’s a stork in the nest, it’s big, and there’s a swallow in the nest, it’s small.” Children laugh and shout: what a trap!
Student 4: In the hole there is a fox, a beaver, a wolf, a mouse.
Student 5: In the mink...

Again (let's call it in an adult way) a collision, a collision, and first the mouse goes into the hole, then the beaver goes into the hut, finally the wolf goes into the lair, and only the fox remains in the hole (surprise, smiles). Then the children worked on grammar tasks. As a result, they significantly expanded their vocabulary, learning the names of the homes of different animals; having an idea only of the root of the word, they established how the suffix changes the meaning of the word; We observed weak and strong positions of vowels in the root. Some completed everything, and some completed only part of the tasks, but the main thing is that each child found his niche in this multifaceted task.

When second graders begin to study the composition of the word and the unstressed vowel being tested, they will be ready to master this material. After studying it, this knowledge will be included in new material. Thus, the content required for mastering passes through the entire textbook and, therefore, will be mastered. Thus, in a traditional textbook, children learn to correctly choose the letter for an unstressed vowel sound in 38 exercises, and in our textbook - in 56, including the given example. But the main thing is that when working with the task, an emotion of surprise appeared, and this was followed by discovery.

We have mentioned and illustrated with an example only two positions that were taken into account when selecting and structuring the content primary education. One shows that we, adults, and our children are similar: we all need an emotional attitude to work; and the other is that we are very different, for example, we perceive and evaluate information differently and real world. Therefore, adults must learn to evaluate the content offered to the child from the perspective of requirements tomorrow(and not his yesterday) and from the perspective of his age capabilities. Give up the desire to compare with yours school experience modern textbooks and teaching style.

We remind you that despite the richness and unusual content of the textbooks, they contain a mandatory educational standard. Therefore, in case of everyday necessity, you can transfer your child to study according to a different system, starting from any grade. It will easily fit into new conditions.

Comment on the article "L. V. Zankov's training system - what is it? Part 1"

Zankov's program. Education, development. Zankov program. I don’t agree: it depends on the child: Peterson is suitable for mine, but Zankov is better. There are more opportunities in this program creative development child, teaching thinking skills is much more effective than...


Honestly? personally, I hate.. no, not like that.. NOT-ON-VI-ZHU Zankov’s program.. my daughter is in the 3rd grade, I have never seen more terrible textbooks ((I bought textbooks from the regular program, hired a tutor in mathematics and Russian language..crap in general..
In this program, the teacher is VERY important, how he can explain everything to the children...
In general, I don’t recommend it..

Thank you very much for the answers and your opinions!!! :)))

And Zankov is absolutely horror-horror? School. Child from 7 to 10. Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, additional classes, hobby.


We have Zankov. 2nd grade. I didn’t notice any problems with any item. The child does the homework quickly and on his own, without checking. Both my child and I like the teacher. She has been working on this program for a long time. I also read passions about this program at one time. Either there's still more to come, or...

She's muddy. You can’t spoil a capable child; an average one would be better off with something simpler.

What is your opinion about the Zankov system? Training programs. Children's education. In our class, children study according to the Zankov system. But when they decided to send their daughter to first grade, the determining factor was, of course, the teacher, not the system. Zankov system. Education, development.


In our class, children study according to the Zankov system. But when they decided to send their daughter to first grade, the determining factor was, of course, the teacher, not the system. It so happened that one of the strongest teachers teaches according to this system. There are statistics: its three previous graduating classes are the strongest in school performance. Children - winners of various Olympiads are also among her former students. It's hard to say whether it's the system or the teacher. Perhaps all together.
My opinion is that you need to choose a teacher.

I think that everything, as always, depends on the teacher. Mine studied according to the regular system in 1st grade, 2nd grade, and moved to the school where Zankov was. I didn't notice anything special. Those. If the school administration had not told me that they had Zankov, they would not have noticed anything like this. I think more difference in what textbooks are taught, what subjects are taught and how much the child needs them. By the way, different schools in which they say that they teach according to Zankov, they also teach everything according to different textbooks Perhaps this should be decisive, and of course the personality of the teacher.

Zankov's program. Education, development. Child from 7 to 10. Section: Education, development (Whose children are studying according to the Zankov program, please tell me: Is this a strong gymnasium program?)


It's difficult to talk about the program. The teacher is important here. We were lucky, the teacher tries to sort everything out in class (methodologically correctly, and not as they explained to us in childhood).
In Russian, Nechaev’s textbooks are much more interesting and stronger than Polyakova’s. I like working ahead. In 2nd grade. they concerned the addition, and this year they are already studying it thoroughly. The only thing I don't like is that you have to change the handles. But we were allowed to simply underline with a green pen.
Often mathematics tasks (Arginskaya) are formulated in such a way that an adult can hardly understand them. But now, in 3rd grade, it’s easier. The teacher tries to choose from the textbook those that are more understandable for self-execution a child, and the child has probably already learned to understand what is meant.

02/14/2006 17:33:14, Irina

My child is studying according to Zankov. What can I tell you... To be honest, I would strangle Mr. Zankov with my own hands....
But if seriously - in my opinion - it is extremely poorly founded methodologically, illogical, overloaded with unnecessary and underloaded with necessary knowledge, and - perhaps most importantly - extremely poorly scalable, that is, the program is very dependent on the teacher using it.... I am very dissatisfied.

Zvonkov system. Education, development. A child from 7 to 10. This is the Zankov system, probably. We just started studying using it. I looked through the copybooks and textbooks given to us, some together with the child. All the tasks there are somehow ambiguous. That is, they have...


Did you only start studying in 3rd grade??? Did you work under a different program for the previous 2 years?
Or did you study for 2 years according to Zankov, but only found out now?
The system itself is not bad, there are a lot of interesting things, but like any system, it is not ideal. A lot depends on the teacher. It is built on proper operation with kids. And if the teacher shifts this work to the parents, then the result will not be great (of course, if the parent is not a specialist). Naturally, the system is not suitable for all children; it teaches them to search and not follow a model. I really like their Russian (they study it gradually, already in the first and second grades they talked about nouns and verbs, and in the third they will finally study it). The topic is given ahead of time, but children are not required to know this clearly. And by the time of studying, almost everyone already knows, the information has been postponed. My son really likes the world around him. I really like the versatility of the textbook.

09/15/2005 11:20:14, Irina

Since the late 50s. In the last century, a research team led by L.V. Zankov began a large-scale experimental study to study the objective laws of the learning process. It was undertaken with the aim of developing the ideas and provisions of L. S. Vygotsky on the relationship between learning and the general development of schoolchildren.
The efforts of L.V. Zankov’s team were aimed at developing a system of teaching younger schoolchildren, with the goal of their general mental development, which is understood as the development of the mind, will, and feelings. The latter acts as the main criterion for the effectiveness of training.
Development is not reduced to assimilation; it is expressed in the emergence of mental formations that are not directly determined by training. Such new formations seem to “run ahead”, beyond the scope of what the child was taught. For example, students develop the rudiments scientific definition concepts that were not taught during the learning process; the ability for subtle detailed observation, for multidimensional understanding of phenomena, for generalization of received partial impressions appears, and this manifests itself when solving new problems that were not previously taught. Another aspect is also important: new formations arising as a result of internal integrative processes may appear later than the corresponding pedagogical influences.
L.V. Zankov names three main lines of development: 1) development of abstract thinking; 2) development of analyzing perception (observation); 3) development of practical skills. These three sides of the psyche reflect three general lines a person’s relationship to reality: obtaining data about reality using one’s own senses - through observations; abstraction, abstraction from direct data, their generalization; material impact on the world with the aim of changing it, which is achieved through practical actions.
L.V. Zankov set the task of building a system of primary education that would achieve much more high development younger schoolchildren than when teaching according to the canons of traditional methods. This system was supposed to be created by organizing experimental research, the implementation of which would change existing practice, demonstrating the effectiveness of the use of specific programs and methods. The impact of training was constantly compared with the level of development of children in regular classes.
This training was comprehensive. This was expressed in the fact that the content of the experiment was not individual items, methods and techniques, and “checking the legality of th
the effectiveness of the principles themselves didactic system» .
L.V. Zankov, setting the task of intensive development of schoolchildren, critically evaluates the unlawful, from his point of view, relief educational material, unjustifiably slow pace its study and monotonous repetitions. At the same time, the educational material itself often suffers from the scarcity of theoretical knowledge, its superficial nature, and subordination to the instillation of skills. Developmental education is aimed, first of all, at overcoming these learning deficiencies.
The experimental system of developmental education developed by L.V. Zankov contains the following principles:
- the principle of learning at a high level of difficulty. Its implementation involves observing the measure of difficulty, overcoming obstacles, understanding the relationship and systematizing the phenomena being studied (the content of this principle can be correlated with the problematic nature of learning);
- the principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge, according to which the development of concepts, relationships, connections within academic subject and between subjects is no less important than practicing skills (the content of this principle can be correlated with the importance of understanding the general principle of action);
- the principle of student awareness own teaching. It is aimed at developing reflection, at realizing oneself as a subject of learning (the content of this principle can be correlated with the development of personal reflection and self-regulation);
- the principle of working on the development of all students. According to him, must be taken into account individual characteristics, but training should develop everyone, because “development is a consequence of training” (the content of this principle can be correlated with the humanization of the educational process).
Thus, distinctive features L.V. Zankov’s systems are:
- high level of difficulty at which training is conducted;
- fast pace of learning material;
- sharp increase specific gravity theoretical knowledge;
- students’ awareness of the learning process;
- focus on high overall development of all schoolchildren (this is the core characteristic of the system).
The principle of teaching at a high level of difficulty means, according to L.V. Zankov, not so much that training exceeds the “average norm” of difficulty, but that it reveals the spiritual strength of the child, gives them space and direction. The teacher meant the difficulty associated with understanding the essence of the phenomena being studied, the dependencies between them, and introducing schoolchildren to the true values ​​of science and culture. The most important thing here
lies in the fact that the assimilation of certain knowledge becomes both the property of the student and a means of ensuring the transition to a higher stage of development. Training at a high level of difficulty involves observing a measure of difficulty that is relative in nature.
Another principle is organically connected with the principle of learning at a high level of difficulty: when studying program material you need to move forward at a fast pace, refusing the monotonous repetition of what has been passed. At the same time, the most important thing is the continuous enrichment of schoolchildren with more and more new knowledge. However, one should not confuse the fast pace of learning with haste in educational work, also you should not strive for a large number tasks performed by schoolchildren. What is more important is to enrich the student’s mind with diverse subject content and create favorable conditions for a deep understanding of the information received.
An effective means of allowing both strong and weak students to move at a fast pace is the use of a differentiated methodology, the specificity of which is that the same issues of the program can be studied in different depths.
The next principle of L.V. Zankov’s system is the leading role of theoretical knowledge already in initial period training. This principle was put forward in opposition to traditional ideas about the concrete thinking of younger schoolchildren. However, L.V. Zankov’s statement does not at all mean a denial of the role figurative representations students. It only says that concrete thinking cannot be considered a leading indicator of the level of mental development of younger schoolchildren.
Thus, younger schoolchildren are capable of mastering scientific term, which is based on a correct generalization. Research has shown that students primary classes abstraction and generalization, clothed in verbal form, are observed in the process of formation of new concepts, in the course of generalized recognition of unfamiliar objects and in awareness moral qualities characters when reading fiction. The concept according to which the development of thinking of a primary school student is presented as a gradual increase in abstraction and generalization of thinking is outdated. Even L. S. Vygotsky, based on a study of the formation of concepts at school age, noted that it is carried out in different ways, including from abstract to concrete in the learning process. Therefore, limiting ourselves to the formation of only concrete thinking in younger schoolchildren means slowing down their development.
Along with mastering terms and definitions great place in teaching primary schoolchildren the study of dependencies, laws (for example, the commutative law of addition, mental
knowledge of mathematics, laws seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals in natural science, etc.).
On the basis of full-fledged general development, on the basis of a deep understanding of relevant concepts, relationships, and dependencies, practical skills and abilities are formed.
L.V. Zankov attached great importance to the principle of students’ awareness of the learning process. He emphasized the importance of understanding educational material, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, mastering mental operations(comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization), and also recognized the need positive attitude schoolchildren to educational work. All this, according to L.V. Zankov, is necessary, but not sufficient for successful learning. The process of mastering knowledge and skills should become an object of awareness for the student.
A special place in this system is occupied by the principle of targeted and systematic work on the development of all students, including the weakest.
With traditional teaching methods, an avalanche falls on weak students training exercises necessary to overcome their underachievement. The experience of L.V. Zankov showed the opposite: overloading underachievers with training tasks does not contribute to their development, but only increases the lag. Underachieving students, not less, but more than other students, need systematic training. Experiments have shown that such work leads to shifts in the development of weak students and to best results in acquiring knowledge and skills.
The principles considered were concretized in programs and methods for teaching grammar, reading, mathematics, history, natural history and other subjects.
A comparative study of the general mental development of junior schoolchildren in experimental and regular classes was carried out by individual examination. The characteristics of observation (perception), thinking, practical actions for the production of a given item. The developmental characteristics of some children were specifically monitored throughout primary education (longitudinal study). In particular, the relationship between thinking and emotions, observation and thinking was analyzed, and the state of general mental, and not just mental development, was examined.
L. V. Zankov’s system is distinguished by its richness of content. It sets the task of giving a general picture of the world based on science, literature, and art. There are no main or non-main subjects here. The content of learning should create harmony of colors, sounds, and human relationships.
The methods are characterized by versatility, focus on awakening the mind, feelings, positive emotional experiences.
vaniya. The didactic core of the lesson is the activity of the students themselves. Students do not just decide and discuss, but observe, compare, classify, find out patterns, and draw conclusions. “Development is in cooperation” is the most important idea that permeates the methods and forms of educational activities of schoolchildren. In a joint search, the child strains his mind, and even with minimal participation in joint activities he feels like a co-author, which significantly restructures the motivational sphere.
The flexibility and dynamism of the lesson structure is due to the fact that the learning process is organized “from the student.” The lesson is structured taking into account the logic of children's collective thoughts and at the same time maintains integrity, organicity, logical and psychological completeness.
Particular attention is paid to the selection and formulation of tasks and questions. They should awaken students’ independent thoughts, stimulate collective search, and activate the mechanisms of creativity.
The structure of textbooks for primary grades is such that it is associated with certain idea on the formation of a knowledge system among schoolchildren.
L.V. Zankov considers it fair that when mastering a concept (in any class), the term is communicated to schoolchildren not as a result of studying the relevant phenomena, but during the study, since it serves as a means of generalization. The process of mastering a term goes through a series of steps that the STUDENT goes through and which lead him to the desired result. They are like that. At first, the term is used by the teacher; children are not required to operate with the term. Next, exercises are practiced in selecting particular cases to the general concept. Then such exercises are carried out when students recognize and distinguish the phenomena designated by this term from a number of others. This is followed by exercises that, in their logical and psychological structure, represent the selection general concept to a special case. As a result of this work, the term is transferred from the passive vocabulary of schoolchildren to an active one.
Educational material is built and absorbed by schoolchildren in the logic of increasing differentiation of knowledge, from the whole to the part. Students are introduced to a concept that remains at first as an “unformulated generalization.” This concept is increasingly differentiated, clarified, and specified when studying other, new sections of the topic. The material is arranged in such a way that each of the proposed tasks finds its natural continuation in subsequent sections. Returning to what has been covered is not limited to formally reproducing the material in the form in which it was studied. In the system of L.V. Zankov, a return to what has been passed is at the same time a significant step forward.
The didactic system proposed by L.V. Zankov turned out to be effective for all stages of the learning process. However, despite its productivity, to date it remains insufficiently in demand in school practice. In the 60s and 70s. attempts to introduce it into mass school practice did not produce the expected results, since teachers were unable to provide the new programs with appropriate teaching technologies.
Orientation of the school in the late 80s - early 90s. on personal development education led to the revival of this didactic system. But, as practice shows, the didactic principles proposed by L.V. Zankov are not fully used.

The Zankov system was introduced in Russian schools in 1995-1996 as a parallel system of primary education. We can say that it corresponds quite well high degree principles set out in the Law of the Russian Federation on Education. According to them, education should be of a humanitarian nature. In addition, it should ensure the development of the personality of each child.

The essence of the Zankov system

Today, the Zankov system is one of those that is approved for use, like other elementary school programs. Let's briefly talk about what its essence is. This system assumes that children must “acquire” knowledge. They should not simply be presented to students, as Zankov believed. Its system is aimed at the fact that the teacher sets a certain problem, and the children must solve it on their own, naturally, under the guidance of the teacher. During the lesson there is an argument, a discussion in which many opinions appear. Gradually, knowledge crystallizes from them. Intellectual movement, therefore, proceeds in the reverse of the traditional order: not from simple to complex, but vice versa.

Other features of the program proposed by Zankov (his portrait is presented above) include high speed training, many tasks to study the material. This process is not easy. It should be as varied and dynamic as possible. For example, schoolchildren often visit libraries, museums, exhibitions, and large extracurricular activities. All this contributes to successful learning.

Now let’s take a deeper and more detailed look at the methodology proposed by Zankov. His system is very popular today. However, its principles are often misunderstood. First, we will briefly describe the ideas that Zankov proposed. Its system will be considered by us in general outline. Then we'll talk about what mistakes people make modern teachers in implementing these principles in practice.

The purpose of the Zankov system

So, the popular method of primary education was developed by Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov. His system pursued the following goal - high overall development of children. What did L.V. Zankov mean by this? Comprehensive development of the child’s personality, which affects the “mind” ( cognitive qualities, governing all activities (“will”), as well as moral and ethical qualities (“feelings”) that manifest themselves in various types activities. General development is the formation and qualitative transformation of personality properties. These properties are the foundation of successful education in school years. After leaving school they become the basis creative work V various fields activities. The development of imagination promotes effective solution challenges in many areas. L.V. Zankov wrote that the learning process when using this system least of all resembles a cold and measured perception of the material. He is imbued with the feeling that appears when a person is delighted with the treasury of knowledge that has opened up to him.

In order to solve this problem, it was impossible to simply improve existing programs elementary school. Therefore, in the 60-70s of the 20th century, it was created new training. Its core and unified foundation are the principles on which the entire educational process is built. Let's briefly talk about each of them.

High difficulty level

It was necessary to proceed from the fact that existing at that time school programs were not rich in educational material. In addition, the teaching methods did not at all contribute to the manifestation of children's creative activity. Therefore, the first principle was the principle of teaching schoolchildren at a high level of complexity. This is most important in Zankov’s system, since only the educational process, which provides abundant food for the mind, can contribute to intensive and rapid development. Difficulty means straining both the student’s intellectual and spiritual strengths. When solving problems, intensive work of thought and development of imagination should occur.

Learning Consciousness

Equally important is the awareness of learning. It meant an understanding of the content of the material. The system of L.V. Zankov expands this interpretation. The learning process itself must be conscious. Related to this is another principle proposed by Leonid Zankov. Let's talk about him too.

Connections between parts of the material

Objects close attention The connections that exist between parts of the material, the patterns of computational, grammatical and other operations, as well as the mechanism for the occurrence of errors and their overcoming should become visible.

This principle can be explained as follows. Junior schoolchildren have important feature studying the material, which consists in the fact that the activity of its analytical comprehension decreases rapidly if students for several lessons in a row are forced to analyze one or another unit of material, carry out the same type (for example, by changing the form of a word, select test words). Zankov's mathematics is therefore very different from mathematics taught using other systems. After all, it is this subject that is studied more often than others using problems of the same type, which Leonid Vladimirovich opposes. It is known that at this age children very quickly get bored of doing the same thing. As a result, the efficiency of their work decreases and the development process slows down.

L.V. Zankov’s system solves this problem as follows. In order not to “tread water”, it is necessary to examine units of material in connection with others. Each section should be compared with the others. It is recommended to conduct a lesson using the Zankov system in such a way that students can find similarities and differences between various parts of the educational material. They should be able to determine the degree of dependence of a didactic unit on the rest. The material should be conceptualized as a logical, interacting system.

Another aspect of this principle is to increase the capacity of time allocated for training, increasing the coefficient useful action. This can be done, firstly, by comprehensive development material, and secondly, by the absence in the program separate periods, designed to repeat what was previously learned, as in the traditional method.

Thematic blocks

Zankov's teaching system assumes that the material is compiled by the teacher in thematic blocks. They include units that closely interact with each other and depend on each other. Studying them simultaneously saves school time. It also gives you the opportunity to explore units over multiple lessons. For example, with traditional planning, 4 hours are allocated for studying each of two such units. When combining them into a block, the teacher has the opportunity to touch each of them for 8 hours. In addition, by finding connections with similar units, the material covered earlier is repeated.

Creating specific learning conditions

We have already said that extracurricular activities play a big role in this system. But she's not the only one. The employees of Zankov’s laboratory, like the scientist himself, were based on the fact that certain learning conditions in the classroom have a beneficial effect on the development of all students, both weak and strong. Development occurs individually. Its pace may be different, depending on the abilities and inclinations of each individual student.

Current state of the Zankov system

More than 40 years have passed since the development of all these principles. Nowadays, there is a need to understand these ideas from the point of view modern pedagogy. Having examined the current state of Zankov’s system, scientists came to the conclusion that the interpretation of some principles has become distorted in pedagogical practice.

Distorting the meaning of "fast tempo"

“Fast pace” began to be understood mainly as a reduction in the time allotted for mastering the material. However, the pedagogical means and conditions that Zankov used were not implemented to the proper extent. But it was they who made schoolchildren’s education more intensive and easier.

Zankov proposed to intensify the process of studying subjects due to the fact that didactic units were considered comprehensively. Each of them was presented in its different aspects and functions. Previously covered material was constantly included in the work. With the help of these means, it was possible to abandon the “chewing” of what students already knew, which was traditionally practiced. Zankov sought to avoid monotonous repeated repetitions, which lead to spiritual apathy and mental laziness, and therefore inhibit the development of the child. The words "fast pace" were introduced by him to counter this. By them we mean qualitatively new organization training.

Misunderstanding of the meaning of theoretical knowledge

Another principle, according to which the leading role should be given to theoretical knowledge, is also often misunderstood by teachers. The need for this was also due to the nature of the techniques used in the mid-20th century. At that time, primary school was considered a special level school education. It had a so-called propaedeutic character. In other words, she only prepared children for education in high school. The traditional system, based on this, formed in the child - mainly through reproduction - the necessary skills to work with material that can be applied in practice. Zankov opposed this purely practical way schoolchildren's acquisition of first knowledge. He noted his inherent cognitive passivity. Zankov pointed out the need for conscious mastery of skills, which is based on working with theoretical data about what is being studied.

Increasing intellectual load

IN modern implementation this principle, as an analysis of the state of the system showed, there was a bias towards schoolchildren acquiring theoretical knowledge too early. At the same time, their comprehension with the help of sensory experience is not developed at the proper level. This leads to the fact that the intellectual load increases significantly and unjustifiably. The most prepared for school began to be selected for the classes where training takes place according to the Zankov system. Thus, the conceptual foundations of the system were violated.

Today, English for schoolchildren using the Zankov method is especially popular. This is understandable, because this language is in great demand today, and traditional methods of teaching it do not suit everyone. However, you need to understand that if you choose English for schoolchildren according to the Zankov system for your child, you may be disappointed. The fact is that this technique is not always used correctly. Modern teachers Zankov's system is often distorted. Russian language, mathematics, biology and other subjects are also taught using this method. The effectiveness of its use largely depends on the teacher.


Audio book by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, story "Taras Bulba", chapter 11. Execution of the Cossacks and Ostap Bulba. Art illustration E. Kibrika.
Taras Bulba trusted the cunning, dexterous and omnipresent Jews in his desire to see his son Ostap. Taras Bulba was in a strange, unprecedented position: he felt anxiety for the first time in his life. His soul was in a feverish state. He was not the same, unyielding, unshakable, strong as an oak; he was cowardly; he was now weak. He shuddered at every rustle, at every new Jewish figure that appeared at the end of the street. At night, Yankel took him to prison, but he did not see Ostap. The next morning the execution of the Cossacks was scheduled. They walked with open heads and long forelocks; their beards were grown. They walked not fearfully, not gloomily, but with a kind of quiet pride. Ostap walked ahead of everyone. He was the first to drink the bitter cup of torment and execution. The whole city gathered in the square. The torture that preceded the execution was a product of that rough, ferocious age. The king and many enlightened knights were against such cruelty. But the power of the king and intelligent opinions was nothing compared to the disorder and daring will of the state magnates, who, with their thoughtlessness, short-sightedness and insignificant pride, turned the Diet into a satire on government. Ostap endured torment and torment like a giant. Just before his death, Ostap shouted into the crowd: - Father! where are you? Can you hear? - I hear! - Taras shouted to him. But the horsemen did not find Taras. He managed to hide from everyone.

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