My daughter studies at home: personal experience.

School is over, the path is open,
Go ahead boldly through life.
We wish you success in the future,
May happiness and good luck await you everywhere.

Don't get lost and always remember
The fighters don’t give up, no matter where, no time.
Don't forget your school years,
After all, you can’t turn back time.

School is over, the bell has rung,
The graduation party was noisy with waltzes.
The first dawn of an adult, meeting,
Good luck, I wish you success.

I want to make the right choice,
And make decisions boldly.
Bravely go towards fate,
I wish you a safe journey.

Congratulations on graduating from school and from pure heart I want to wish you to go through life, adhering to the course of happiness and good luck, to strive for your cherished dream and believe in yourself. May your adult life be full of new opportunities and prospects, brilliant ideas and success.

You are no longer a schoolboy,
These doors closed.
So the years flew by quickly,
Which is hard to believe.

I wish you new successes,
The roads are big and bright.
Let it just set sails
The wind will be fair.

Congratulations! Well done!
School is in the past, finally.
And now you're a contender
The proud title is student.

Learn to be able to in advance
Don't snore loudly during classes.
You might have to
Live in a dorm and be hungry.

But this is not a problem at all -
A student will always find food:
Make more friends
Visit them more often.

And don’t be afraid to take the test,
Otherwise the freebie won't come.

Years have passed in an instant,
It's time to leave school
Such a familiar one will fill the yard
Already a different child.

I want to congratulate you now,
I wish you great success,
Let knowledge not be a burden,
They will help open doors.

May your life be happy
Let the adult world not burn you,
Memories of school
Let it give you the impulse to move.

The last bell has already rung,
There are so many roads ahead...
I wish you to choose your path,
Move forward confidently.

Do not be afraid of obstacles in life,
Complex problems to solve
Smile always and everywhere
You don’t know adversity and sorrow.

Here you are saying goodbye to school,
Your lessons are over.
May life always be fun,
And your destiny is easy and simple.

There are so many new things ahead
You are starting your adult life.
We want to achieve the desired height,
Everything you dream about has come true.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts -
School days are over today.
In adult life stepping in carefully
Try not to go astray along the way.

Smile at fate, don’t give up in trouble,
Always come to each other's aid.
Try to take the good things from life,
Let the bad things go away forever.

School time sang, called back,
A new life of chaos awaits you,
No matter how much school teaches you,
Life is no longer a child's play.

Let the road be bright,
Let no trace of friends disappear,
Let there be a lot of good news,
There will be many meetings, awards, victories.

It’s a little sad to say goodbye to school,
I wish you nothing but happiness in your future life.
More success, fewer obstacles,
Always stay positive
And you will certainly achieve your goals.
Drive away all sorrows, being sad is very harmful.

Two years ago my Oleska graduated from school. And she didn’t go anywhere.

Just two sentences, two facts. And how much tragedy lies behind them! And not mine, not Lesina’s, not our family at all. Tragedies of strangers.

Acquaintances, friends, colleagues, relatives asked the same question: “Where does my daughter study?” And when they heard that they were nowhere yet, they began to roll their eyes and wring their hands, as if something terrible and irreparable had happened. I was shamed by everyone and everything: “How can this be, you are an irresponsible mother, you don’t think about the future of the child!”

And I was just thinking.

It’s just that by the end of 11th grade it became clear that Leska didn’t know who she wanted to be. Either a producer, or a psychologist, or glue paper airplanes. That's all he doesn't know. Enroll just for the sake of a diploma, so that you have a “crust”? Sitting through your pants at the university just for the sake of a tick in the “higher education” column?

As a family, we decided that admission should be postponed. To give Lesya the opportunity to find what she wants to do, if not all her life, but at least a significant part of it. Try to work - wherever it is interesting, try on different professions.

Neither for me nor for her this decision was something difficult and forced. Olesya lived and studied in Germany for a year at a gymnasium, winning a grant from a cultural foundation. So, this is generally a common thing among Germans - children take a year or two after school to “think.” They volunteer, travel, try to hear themselves, and find their calling through trial and error. This is a year of rest, when nothing hangs over you, nothing presses you. You can calmly think and, for example, prepare for exams without fever, haste, nervous breakdowns and buckets of valerian.

Leska did not go to university. I went on vacation to St. Petersburg, then created my own agency with master classes, then went to work, found what was “right for me, mom!” At the same time, I was engaged in various cool projects, making my dreams come true - for example, I visited Korea, for which I earned money myself. And I enjoyed it.

Her best friend, a medalist, went where her parents told her to go. She is unlikely to work in this specialty - it was not her choice, it was necessary to make everyone happy. The second classmate was pushed into a paid class just so she could study and not hang around doing nothing. 300 thousand per year. Dad chose the faculty: the one where they give a fashionable “grain” profession. This girl also understands that she doesn’t need this education, but she can’t quit. But both have been studying for two years now. Relatives and surroundings are calm.

My friends lamented: “The girl is losing a year!” I fell into a stupor when someone started scolding me for Leska’s failure to study. At first I tried to explain, sometimes I even caught myself making excuses.

Then one day she interrupted her friend with a simple phrase: “But she has international project, great experience and a salary exactly twice as high as yours.” She was offended. I probably shouldn’t have said that, but I had to defend myself somehow.

This year Leska entered. She will get the profession that she really needs - she already knows for sure that she wants to produce and organize large events. Yesterday they washed her student ID.

We're not late. We just go at the pace that is comfortable for us. And, most importantly, where we need it.

When Dasha Zorina turned 7 years old, she did not go to school with the other children. Her parents decided that it would be more suitable for a girl family form education. For the project “Children of Mail.Ru”, Dasha’s mother spoke about why their family made such a decision and about the main pros and cons home education.

What is “family education”

Broad concept " home schooling” actually means that teachers from the school teach the child at his home. For those who study at home, without being attached to school (or being attached to pass certifications), another concept applies - “family education”.

In this case, parents themselves decide when and what their children do. However, they are responsible for ensuring that they successfully pass the GIA (state final certification), in 9th grade. In grades 10 and 11, certifications are also required.

We chose for our daughter family education with passing certifications in a private distance school, which is located in St. Petersburg. This school and its curriculum meet state educational standards.

Why did we decide this?

Somehow it turned out that my daughter was quite developed for her 7 years. Dasha loves to read. She would be bored at school - the teachers themselves say so.

We are not supporters early development, but we are of the opinion that if a child is interested in something, this interest must be supported.

At school we were offered to enroll the child straight into second or third grade. But we don’t see the point in this yet. We don’t want our daughter to finish school at age 13.

In addition, Dasha still has gaps in her knowledge. For example, her last Russian language Olympiad showed that the child does not know what sounds are. True, I’m not sure whether this knowledge will be useful to her in the future.

How we learn

Dasha is attached to a school in which the curriculum complies with the Federal State Educational Standard - Federal State Educational Standard educational standard. Certification questions depend on it.

We know what will happen at the end, what topics and what questions the child must understand in order to pass the certification. Depending on this, we choose literature. If Dasha does not pass the certification, she will be sent to full-time education to school.

Now the main thing we teach children is to search for information correctly and to take a creative approach to solving difficult problems. We also teach discipline, the ability to finish what you start. We don’t stand over our heads waiting for Dasha to complete the task, we immediately explained that it’s not us who need the study, but she herself.

Pros: interest in learning and convenient schedule

Of course, we didn’t immediately decide: that’s it, our children will study at home. The second daughter is still 4 years old, and with her, for example, the issue has not yet been resolved.

At first, the husband did not agree to family education. But then, talking with other parents, comparing, watching our daughter, we determined for ourselves the pros and cons of home education - and there were more advantages.

1. The child wants to learn on his own.

We don't force children to do their homework (“children” - because youngest daughter imitates the older one and also “studies”, this is such a “bonus” of homeschooling). Sometimes we remind you that it would be worthwhile to go through the following pages in the mathematics textbook. Dasha sits down, reads, writes, then does tasks from the textbook or workbook.

But this is the “school” side of the issue. If you look more globally, you get the feeling that the child is eager to know everything.

All we have time to do is help look for answers to her questions, and at the same time we educate ourselves.

2. There is a mode, but there are no overloads.

We create a schedule for the child. Mandatory classes – once or twice a week. Everything else is at personal request and if it remains free time from walks and other creative activities.

Our regime is quite strict. It’s not like children sleep until 10 am and then wander around all day, not knowing what to do.

Dasha is a morning person and usually gets up earlier than everyone else, goes to do some classes or just reads. In general, if you look at our usual day, in which classes are “woven”, they occur in the morning.

3. The child is influenced by the family, not the school.

This question usually causes the most heated debate. But we believe that it is the family that forms the initial ideas about the world (which is very important in at a young age) and that the influence on the child should be exerted by adults who understand how this world works, and not by peers.

4. Children don't get sick.

For the entire past " academic year“Our children have never gotten sick. Even a common cold.

At the same time, we communicate weekly with various children in small groups; our children regularly attend classes in clubs.

Cons: you have to work on yourself

1. Have to resist social pressure.

A child who does not go to school is “not like everyone else.” This may or may not be difficult - it depends on the environment and on how the parents themselves present this information.

For our environment (we live in a village), family education is something beyond fantasy. However, many are certainly impressed that a child is studying remotely at a school in St. Petersburg, and usually after that they start asking us: “How did you do it?”

2. Children need group work.

This is not about the absence of a team (there is one outside of school as well), but rather about the lack of work in a group. We are now solving this problem additional mugs, where tasks are given to solve creative tasks, including in a group.

Dasha also participates in skits where it is important to be able to interact with other participants, to be able to determine the sequence of her actions, etc.

3. Parents lack experience teaching at home.

Often the most big problem Parents themselves become involved in family education, because our generation, for the most part, has no experience of homeschooling. Sometimes it seems that if you take a step to the right or a step to the left, that’s it – you’ll fail in raising your child.

It was a discovery for us that children can be responsible if the degree of this responsibility is determined and given freedom. It is not necessary for a parent to play the role of a teacher at home until the 11th grade. It is important to give direction in learning: where and how to look for information, how to use a textbook, build a learning plan, filter the necessary from the unnecessary.

I think homeschooling is a way of life and not for everyone. But we think that for our eldest daughter this is the best option. After all, as my dad, the father of a large family, likes to say: “The main thing in the pursuit of the correct scheme education, not education, not raising someone else’s child.”

We recently left the city for the countryside, and now I write a lot about it. I help my husband achieve his dream - opening a creative workshop for local children. To do this, I make jam, and the proceeds go to the construction and furnishing of the workshop.

She is not only the winner of VseRosa in Russian,
and several more strong Olympiads,
she also managed to graduate from school with honors,
and today she was awarded as many as 2 gold medals, state and Moscow,
however, she is not the only one at their school.

I specially came from Samara for her graduation, and Galya really appreciated it, and she was pleased that I went to school with her.
At the last call she was a “girl-girl”, today - on the contrary, she showed off by not dressing up as a princess.
That, however, did not stop her from dancing the waltz, sirtaki, hustle and waltz again.

179 school is wonderful because they don’t make long speeches,
children and parents, teachers and their assistants stage funny performances,
making a movie
and at the same time it is clear that they respect each other.


This is how Galya showed up for graduation
Everyone patted her on the shoulder and said that this is cool.
And Galya smiled and clearly appreciated the opportunity to be different from everyone else

Galya and Vasya receive their honors diplomas and 2 medals each


Tanya - classroom teacher E-class

and for contrast I dressed up as a girly girl

and now - dancing!

It seems like just yesterday I brought her to first grade with a huge bouquet and bows on her braids. 11 years flew by, I didn’t have time to look back. Or maybe take a look back? Celebrations coming up soon: last call, high school graduation. We'll have to make obligatory speeches, words of gratitude teachers, give gifts. The words are all well-known and not always sincere. And if you think about it, what impressions do I have from my school years?
1.Crazy joy that this period of life is ending. To be honest, I’m tired of parent-teacher meetings, where for 1.5-2 hours you, gritting your teeth, are forced to sit and listen to something absolutely unnecessary and of little interest to you. For example, the results with which completely unknown to you students from your school from other classes won some competitions. Or “you understand, the fact that one of our teachers shouted at your boys in the corridor is explained by her severe personal life. School for her - native home, she’s worried about him, and your boys were banging their feet on the wall...” Or: “Oh, if only I could write some kind of slander for the whole class so that they would all be retained for the second year. They are so good, and I really don’t want to part with them..." Or listen to a half-hour lecture on how we need to win the trust of our children (children are 17 years old, parents are also life experience. That is, if you succeeded, then you have already won; if not, then standard moral teachings will not help). IN Lately I tried not to go to meetings; if necessary, I met directly with subject teachers.
2. I’m happy that this period turned out to be useful for my daughter in many ways.. The decision to send the child to a school with advanced English skills was dictated more by one’s own unfulfilled desires than by an understanding of what the child was inclined to do. But I guessed right. There is a clear inclination towards languages ​​and philology; he plans to continue his studies in this direction. My daughter has a good group of friends at school, and I hope that these connections will last for a long time. There were many good events, skit performances, performances organized by the students themselves and leaving the most pleasant memories.
3. Insane joy that never again in my life will I have to deal with some, so to speak, teachers.
4. They are unprofessional, indifferent, or have developed delusions of grandeur, yelling at children and considering this to be in the order of things. At the same time, they do not hesitate to read moral teachings to parents about how to communicate with their son or daughter. Or declaring that “your children are not coping well with my subject. In class, I don’t have time to explain twice what they didn’t immediately understand. Study on your own, look for tutors.” And after parents, by hook or by crook, encouraged their children (there was a period when more than half of our class studied with math tutors), proud of the results that the class showed on the test. But this is not their merit!
- Chertykovtseva Irina Ivanovna (English);
- Sinitsyna Zhanna Aleksandrovna (English);
- Natalya Viktorovna Dodonova (English);
- Stolyarova Lidiya Pavlovna (algebra-geometry);
- Gorozhankina Elena Yurievna (Russian language);
- Botina Natalya Yurievna (literature).

Incredibly smart, loving their subjects, understanding and respecting children, forcing them to think and develop their own independent point of view. One thing distinguishes them all overall quality: they have clear system the way they teach. To put it briefly, “I will inevitably ask everyone everything I asked.” At the same time, they are able to explain the topic clearly and interestingly, rather than stupidly reading information from the first website they come across (we’ve also encountered this). Was interesting situation. Once again the English teacher changed (as a rule, they went on maternity leave - good luck and happiness to you!). The day has been announced for the new teacher to meet with parents. I'm coming. "How is my daughter doing?" “Everything is fine, she works in class, does her homework, I’m happy with her.” - “Why are the ratings 4, 2, 3?” - “Ah! Don’t worry, I gave them several tests according to difficult topics, in order to find out what the class's problems are, we are now working on them. Everything is fine." And many of the teachers listed did just that. They identified mistakes and began to clearly and systematically explain these topics. Thank you for that!

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