Hydrogen is released during electrolysis of an aqueous solution. Example: Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of magnesium chloride on inert electrodes

Electrolysis is the decomposition of an electrolyte (solution of salts, acids, alkalis) by electric current.

Electrolysis can only be carried out using direct current. During electrolysis, hydrogen or metal contained in the salt is released at the negative electrode (cathode). If the positive electrode (anode) is made of metal (usually the same as in the salt), then the positive electrode dissolves during electrolysis. If the anode is insoluble (for example, carbon), then the metal content in the electrolyte decreases during electrolysis.

The amount of substance released during electrolysis at the cathode is proportional to the amount of electricity that flows through the electrolyte.

The amount of substance released by one coulomb of electricity is called the electrochemical equivalent A, therefore G=A Q; G=A I t,

where G is the amount of released substance; Q – amount of electricity; I – electric current; t – time.

Each metal has its own electrochemical equivalent A.

Calculation examples

1. How much copper will be released from copper sulfate(CuSO4) (Fig. 1) with current I=10 A for 30 minutes. Electrochemical equivalent of copper A=0.329 mg/A sec.

Rice. 1. Scheme for example 1

G = A I t = 0.329 10 30 60 = 5922 mg = 5.922 g.

An object suspended from the cathode will release 5.9 g of pure copper.

2. Permissible current density for electrolytic copper plating = 0.4 A/dm2. The cathode area that should be covered with copper is S=2.5 dm2. What current is needed for electrolysis and how much copper will be released at the cathode in 1 hour (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 . Scheme for example 2

I= S =0.4-2.5=l A; G=A Q=A I t=0.329 1 60 60=1184.4 mg.

3. Oxidized water (for example, a weak solution of sulfuric acid H2SO4) during electrolysis decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen. Electrodes can be carbon, tin, copper, etc., but platinum is best. How much oxygen will be released at the anode and how much hydrogen will be released at the cathode in 1/4 hour at a current of 1.5 A. An amount of electricity of 1 A sec releases 0.058 cm3 of oxygen and 0.116 cm3 of hydrogen (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 . Scheme for example 3

Ga=A I t=0.058 1.5 15 60=78.3 cm3 of oxygen will be released at the cathode.

Gк=A I t=0.1162 1.5 15 60=156.8 cm3 of hydrogen will be released at the anode.

A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in this proportion is called detonating gas, which, when ignited, explodes to form water.

4. Oxygen and hydrogen for laboratory experiments are obtained using (oxidized sulfuric acid) (Fig. 4). Platinum electrodes are soldered into glass. Using a resistance, we set the current I = 0.5 A. (A battery of three dry cells of 1.9 V each is used as a current source.) How much hydrogen and oxygen will be released in 30 minutes.

Rice. 4 . Figure for example 4

In the right vessel, Gк=А I t=0.1162 0.5 30 60=104.58 cm3 of hydrogen will be released.

Ga=A l t=0.058 0.5 30 60=52.2 cm3 of oxygen will be released in the left vessel (gases push water into the middle vessel).

5. The converter unit (motor-generator) provides current to produce electrolytic (pure) copper. In 8 hours it is necessary to obtain 20 kg of copper. What current should the generator provide? The electrochemical equivalent of copper is equal to A=0.329 mg/A sec.

Since G=A I t, then I=G/(A t)=20000000/(0.329 8 3600)=20000000/9475.2=2110.7 A.

6. It is necessary to chrome 200 headlights, each of which requires 3 g of chrome. What current is required for this work to be completed in 10 hours (electrochemical equivalent of chromium A = 0.18 mg/A sec).

I=G/(A t)=(200 3 1000)/(0.18 10 3600)=92.6 A.

7. Aluminum is produced by electrolysis of a solution of kaolin clay and cryolite in baths at a bath operating voltage of 7 V and a current of 5000 A. The anodes are made of carbon, and the bath is made of steel with carbon blocks (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5.Figure for example 5

Baths for producing aluminum are connected in series to increase the operating voltage (for example, 40 baths). To produce 1 kg of aluminum, approximately 0.7 kg of carbon anodes and 25–30 kWh of electricity are required. Using the given data, determine the power of the generator, electricity consumption for 10 hours of operation and the weight of the resulting aluminum.

Generator power when operating for 40 baths P=U I=40 7 5000=1400000 W =1400 kW.

Electrical energy consumed in 10 hours, A=P t=1400 kW 10 hours=14000 kWh.

Amount of aluminum produced G=14000: 25=560 kg.

Based on the theoretical electrochemical equivalent, the amount of aluminum produced should be equal to:

GT=A I t=0.093 5000 40 10 3600=0.093 7200000000 mg=669.6 kg.

Coefficient useful action electrolytic installation is equal to: efficiency = G/Gt = 560/669.6 = 0.83 = 83%.


One of the methods for producing metals is electrolysis. Active metals occur in nature only in the form chemical compounds. How to isolate these compounds in the free state?

Solutions and melts of electrolytes conduct electric current. However, when current is passed through an electrolyte solution, chemical reactions. Let's consider what will happen if two metal plates are placed in a solution or melt of an electrolyte, each of which is connected to one of the poles of a current source. These plates are called electrodes. Electric current is a moving stream of electrons. IN as a result of that When electrons in a circuit move from one electrode to another, an excess of electrons appears at one of the electrodes.

Electrons have a negative charge, so this electrode is negatively charged. It is called the cathode. A deficiency of electrons is created at the other electrode and it becomes positively charged. This electrode is called the anode. An electrolyte in a solution or melt dissociates into positively charged ions - cations and negatively charged ions - anions.

Cations are attracted to the negatively charged electrode - the cathode. Anions are attracted to a positively charged electrode - the anode. At the surface of the electrodes, interactions between ions and electrons can occur.

Electrolysis refers to processes that occur when electric current is passed through solutions or melts of electrolytes.

The processes occurring during the electrolysis of solutions and melts of electrolytes are quite different. Let's consider both of these cases in detail. Electrolysis of melts
As an example, consider the electrolysis of a sodium chloride melt. In the melt, sodium chloride dissociates into ions

Na+ Electrolysis of melts and Cl - : NaCl = Na + + Cl - Electrolysis of melts Sodium cations move to the surface of a negatively charged electrode - the cathode. There is an excess of electrons on the cathode surface. Therefore, electrons are transferred from the electrode surface to sodium ions. In this case, the ions

are converted into sodium atoms, that is, cations are reduced

. Process equation: Na + + e - = Na Chloride ions Cl - Na + + e - = Na move to the surface of a positively charged electrode - the anode. A lack of electrons is created on the anode surface and electrons are transferred from anions Cl-

to the electrode surface. At the same time, negatively charged ions

are converted into chlorine atoms, which immediately combine to form chlorine molecules C

l 2 : 2С l - -2е - = Cl 2 Chloride ions lose electrons, that is, they oxidize.

Na + + e - = Na

2 C l - -2 e - = Cl 2

One electron is involved in the reduction of sodium cations, and 2 electrons are involved in the oxidation of chlorine ions. However, the law of conservation of electric charge must be observed, that is, the total charge of all particles in the solution must be constant. Therefore, number of electrons, involved in the reduction of sodium cations, must be equal to the number of electrons involved in the oxidation of chloride ions. Therefore, we multiply the first equation by 2:

Na + + e - = Na 2

2С l - -2е - = Cl 2 1

Let's add both equations together and get the general reaction equation.

2 Na + + 2С l - = 2 Na + Cl 2 (ionic equation reactions), or

2 NaCl = 2 Na + Cl 2 (molecular equation reactions)

So, in the example considered, we see that electrolysis is a redox reaction. At the cathode, the reduction of positively charged ions - cations - occurs, and at the anode, the oxidation of negatively charged ions - anions. You can remember which process occurs where using the “T rule”:

cathode - cation - reduction.

Example 2.Electrolysis of molten sodium hydroxide.

Sodium hydroxide in solution dissociates into cations and hydroxide ions.

Cathode (-)<-- Na + + OH - à Анод (+)

On the surface of the cathode, sodium cations are reduced, and sodium atoms are formed:

cathode (-) Na + +e à Na

On the surface of the anode, hydroxide ions are oxidized, oxygen is released and water molecules are formed:

cathode (-) Na + + e à Na

anode (+)4 OH - – 4 e à 2 H 2 O + O 2

The number of electrons involved in the reduction reaction of sodium cations and in the oxidation reaction of hydroxide ions must be the same. Therefore, let's multiply the first equation by 4:

cathode (-) Na + + e à Na 4

anode (+)4 OH - – 4 e à 2 H 2 O + O 2 1

Let's add both equations together and get the electrolysis reaction equation:

4 NaOH à 4 Na + 2 H 2 O + O 2

Example 3.Consider the electrolysis of the melt Al2O3

Using this reaction, aluminum is obtained from bauxite, a natural compound that contains a lot of aluminum oxide. The melting point of aluminum oxide is very high (more than 2000º C), so special additives are added to it to lower the melting point to 800-900º C. In the melt, aluminum oxide dissociates into ions Al 3+ and O 2- . H and cations are reduced at the cathode Al 3+ , turning into aluminum atoms:

Al +3 e à Al

Anions are oxidized at the anode O2- , turning into oxygen atoms. Oxygen atoms immediately combine into O2 molecules:

2 O 2- – 4 e à O 2

The number of electrons involved in the processes of reduction of aluminum cations and oxidation of oxygen ions must be equal, so let’s multiply the first equation by 4, and the second by 3:

Al 3+ +3 e à Al 0 4

2 O 2- – 4 e à O 2 3

Let's add both equations and get

4 Al 3+ + 6 O 2- à 4 Al 0 +3 O 2 0 (ionic reaction equation)

2 Al 2 O 3 à 4 Al + 3 O 2

Electrolysis of solutions

In the case of passing an electric current through an aqueous electrolyte solution, the matter is complicated by the fact that the solution contains water molecules, which can also interact with electrons. Recall that in a water molecule, the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are connected by a polar covalent bond. The electronegativity of oxygen is greater than that of hydrogen, so the shared electron pairs are biased towards the oxygen atom. On the oxygen atom a partial negative charge


, it is denoted δ-, and on hydrogen atoms there is a partial positive charge, it is denoted δ+.

N-O δ-

H δ+

Due to this shift of charges, the water molecule has positive and negative “poles”. Therefore, water molecules can be attracted by the positively charged pole to the negatively charged electrode - the cathode, and by the negative pole - to the positively charged electrode - the anode. At the cathode, reduction of water molecules can occur, and hydrogen is released:

At the anode, oxidation of water molecules can occur, releasing oxygen:

2 H 2 O - 4e - = 4H + + O 2 Therefore, either electrolyte cations or water molecules can be reduced at the cathode. These two processes seem to compete with each other. What process actually occurs at the cathode depends on the nature of the metal. .

Whether metal cations or water molecules will be reduced at the cathode depends on the position of the metal in

If the metal is in the voltage series to the right of hydrogen, metal cations are reduced at the cathode and free metal is released. If the metal is in the voltage series to the left of aluminum, water molecules are reduced at the cathode and hydrogen is released. Finally, in the case of metal cations from zinc to lead, either metal evolution or hydrogen evolution can occur, and sometimes both hydrogen and metal evolution can occur simultaneously. In general, this is a rather complicated case; a lot depends on the reaction conditions: solution concentration, electric current, and others.

One of two processes can also occur at the anode - either the oxidation of electrolyte anions or the oxidation of water molecules. Which process actually occurs depends on the nature of the anion. During the electrolysis of salts of oxygen-free acids or the acids themselves, anions are oxidized at the anode. The only exception is fluoride ion F-

.In the case of oxygen-containing acids, water molecules are oxidized at the anode and oxygen is released.

Example 1. Let's look at the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium chloride.

An aqueous solution of sodium chloride will contain sodium cations

Na +, chlorine anions Cl - and water molecules.

2 NaCl à 2 Na + + 2 Cl -

2H 2 O à 2 H + + 2 OH -

cathode (-) 2 Na + ;

2H+; 2Н + + 2е à Н 0 2 anode (+) 2 Cl - ; 2 OH - ;

Example 2.2 Cl - – 2е à 2 Cl 0 2NaCl + 2H 2 O à H 2 + Cl 2 + 2NaOH Chemical activity anions are unlikely activity decreases. And if the salt contains

SO 4 2-


Consider the electrolysis of a nickel sulfate solution ( II ).

Nickel sulfate (

) dissociates into ions Ni 2+ and SO 4 2-: NiSO 4 à Ni 2+ + SO 4 2-

H 2 O à H + + OH -

Nickel cations are located between metal ions

Al 3+ and Pb 2+

Nickel sulfate (

, occupying a middle position in the voltage series, the reduction process at the cathode occurs according to both schemes: 2 H 2 O + 2e - = H 2 + 2OH - Anions of oxygen-containing acids are not oxidized at the anode (

anion activity series

), oxidation of water molecules occurs:

On the right side of the equation there are both H + and OH- , which combine to form water molecules:

H + + OH - à H 2 O

Therefore, on the right side of the equation, instead of 4 H + ions and 2 ions OH- Let's write 2 water molecules and 2 H + ions:

Ni 2+ +2 H 2 O + 2 H 2 O à Ni 0 + H 2 +2 H 2 O + O 2 + 2 H +

Let's reduce two water molecules on both sides of the equation:

Ni 2+ +2 H 2 O à Ni 0 + H 2 + O 2 + 2 H +

This is a short ionic equation. To get the complete ionic equation, you need to add a sulfate ion to both sides 2NaCl + 2H 2 O à H 2 + Cl 2 + 2NaOH , formed during the dissociation of nickel sulfate ( activity ) and not participating in the reaction:

Ni 2+ + SO 4 2- +2H 2 O à Ni 0 + H 2 + O 2 + 2H + + SO 4 2-

Thus, during the electrolysis of a solution of nickel sulfate ( activity ) hydrogen and nickel are released at the cathode, and oxygen at the anode.

NiSO 4 + 2H 2 O à Ni + H 2 + H 2 SO 4 + O 2

Example 3. Write equations for the processes occurring during the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of sodium sulfate with an inert anode.

Standard electrode system potential Na + + e = Na 0 is significantly more negative than the potential of the aqueous electrode in a neutral aqueous medium (-0.41 V). Therefore, electrochemical reduction of water will occur at the cathode, accompanied by the release of hydrogen

2H 2 O à 2 H + + 2 OH -

and Na ions + coming to the cathode will accumulate in the part of the solution adjacent to it (cathode space).

Electrochemical oxidation of water will occur at the anode, leading to the release of oxygen

2 H 2 O – 4е à O 2 + 4 H +

since corresponding to this system standard electrode potential (1.23 V) is significantly lower than the standard electrode potential (2.01 V) characterizing the system

2 SO 4 2- + 2 e = S 2 O 8 2- .

SO 4 2- ions moving towards the anode during electrolysis will accumulate in the anode space.

Multiplying the equation of the cathodic process by two and adding it with the equation of the anodic process, we obtain the total equation of the electrolysis process:

6 H 2 O = 2 H 2 + 4 OH - + O 2 + 4 H +

Taking into account that simultaneous accumulation of ions in the cathode space and ions in the anode space occurs, the overall equation of the process can be written in the following form:

6H 2 O + 2Na 2 SO 4 = 2H 2 + 4Na + + 4OH - + O 2 + 4H + + 2SO 4 2-

Thus, simultaneously with the release of hydrogen and oxygen, sodium hydroxide (in the cathode space) and sulfuric acid (in the anode space) are formed.

Example 4.Electrolysis of copper sulfate solution ( II) CuSO 4 .

Cathode (-)<-- Cu 2+ + SO 4 2- à анод (+)

cathode (-) Cu 2+ + 2e à Cu 0 2

anode (+) 2H 2 O – 4 e à O 2 + 4H + 1

H+ ions remain in the solution 2NaCl + 2H 2 O à H 2 + Cl 2 + 2NaOH , because sulfuric acid accumulates.

2CuSO 4 + 2H 2 O à 2Cu + 2H 2 SO 4 + O 2

Example 5. Electrolysis of copper chloride solution ( II) CuCl 2.

Cathode (-)<-- Cu 2+ + 2Cl - à анод (+)

cathode (-) Cu 2+ + 2e à Cu 0

anode (+) 2Cl - – 2e à Cl 0 2

Both equations involve two electrons.

Cu 2+ + 2e à Cu 0 1

2Cl - --– 2e à Cl 2 1

Cu 2+ + 2 Cl - à Cu 0 + Cl 2 (ionic equation)

CuCl 2 à Cu + Cl 2 (molecular equation)

Example 6. Electrolysis of silver nitrate solution AgNO3.

Cathode (-)<-- Ag + + NO 3 - à Анод (+)

cathode (-) Ag + + e à Ag 0

anode (+) 2H 2 O – 4 e à O 2 + 4H +

Ag + + e à Ag 0 4

2H 2 O – 4 e à O 2 + 4H + 1

4 Ag + + 2 H 2 O à 4 Ag 0 + 4 H + + O 2 (ionic equation)

4 Ag + + 2 H 2 Oà 4 Ag 0 + 4 H + + O 2 + 4 NO 3 - (full ionic equation)

4 AgNO 3 + 2 H 2 Oà 4 Ag 0 + 4 HNO 3 + O 2 (molecular equation)

Example 7. Electrolysis of hydrochloric acid solutionHCl.

Cathode (-)<-- H + + Cl - à anode (+)

cathode (-) 2H + + 2 eà H 2

anode (+) 2Cl - – 2 eà Cl 2

2 H + + 2 Cl - à H 2 + Cl 2 (ionic equation)

2 HClà H 2 + Cl 2 (molecular equation)

Example 8. Electrolysis of sulfuric acid solutionH 2 SO 4 .

Cathode (-) <-- 2H + + SO 4 2- à , occupying a middle position in the voltage series, the reduction process at the cathode occurs according to both schemes: (+)

cathode (-)2H+ + 2eà H 2

, occupying a middle position in the voltage series, the reduction process at the cathode occurs according to both schemes:(+) 2H 2 O – 4eà O2 + 4H+

2H+ + 2eà H 2 2

2H 2 O – 4eà O2 + 4H+1

4H+ + 2H2Oà 2H 2 + 4H+ +O 2

2H2Oà 2H2 + O2

Example 9. Electrolysis of potassium hydroxide solutionKOH.

Cathode (-)<-- K + + OH - à anode (+)

Potassium cations will not be reduced at the cathode, since potassium is in the voltage series of metals to the left of aluminum; instead, reduction of water molecules will occur:

2H 2 O + 2eà H 2 +2OH - 4OH - -4eà 2H 2 O +O 2

cathode(-) 2H 2 O + 2eà H 2 +2OH - 2

, occupying a middle position in the voltage series, the reduction process at the cathode occurs according to both schemes:(+) 4OH - - 4eà 2H 2 O +O 2 1

4H 2 O + 4OH -à 2H 2 + 4OH - + 2H 2 O + O 2

2 H 2 Oà 2 H 2 + O 2

Example 10. Electrolysis of potassium nitrate solutionKNO 3 .

Cathode (-) <-- K + + NO 3 - à , occupying a middle position in the voltage series, the reduction process at the cathode occurs according to both schemes: (+)

2H 2 O + 2eà H 2 +2OH - 2H 2 O – 4eà O2+4H+

cathode(-) 2H 2 O + 2eà H2+2OH-2

, occupying a middle position in the voltage series, the reduction process at the cathode occurs according to both schemes:(+) 2H 2 O – 4eà O2 + 4H+1

4H 2 O + 2H 2 Oà 2H 2 + 4OH - + 4H ++ O2

2H2Oà 2H2 + O2

When an electric current is passed through solutions of oxygen-containing acids, alkalis and salts of oxygen-containing acids with metals located in the voltage series of metals to the left of aluminum, electrolysis of water practically occurs. In this case, hydrogen is released at the cathode, and oxygen at the anode.

Conclusions. When determining the products of electrolysis of aqueous solutions of electrolytes, in the simplest cases one can be guided by the following considerations:

1.Metal ions with a small algebraic value of the standard potential - fromLi + beforeAl 3+ inclusive - have a very weak tendency to re-add electrons, being inferior in this regard to ionsH + (cm. Cation activity series). During the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of compounds containing these cations, ions perform the function of an oxidizing agent at the cathodeH + , restoring according to the scheme:

2 H 2 O+ 2 eà H 2 + 2OH -

2. Metal cations with positive values ​​of standard potentials (Cu 2+ , Ag + , Hg 2+ etc.) have a greater tendency to add electrons compared to ions. During the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of their salts, the function of the oxidizing agent at the cathode is released by these cations, while being reduced to metal according to the scheme, for example:

Cu 2+ +2 eà Cu 0

3. During electrolysis of aqueous solutions of metal saltsZn, Fe, Cd, Nietc., occupying a middle position in the voltage series between the listed groups, the reduction process at the cathode occurs according to both schemes. The mass of the released metal in these cases does not correspond to the amount of electric current flowing, part of which is spent on the formation of hydrogen.

4.B aqueous solutions In electrolytes, monoatomic anions (Cl - , Br - , J - ), oxygen-containing anions (NO 3 - , SO 4 2- , P.O. 4 3- and others), as well as hydroxyl ions of water. Of these, halide ions have stronger reducing properties, with the exception ofF.OHIonsHCl, occupy an intermediate position between them and polyatomic anions., Therefore, during the electrolysis of aqueous solutionsHBr

2 H.J. - -2 eà H.J. 2 0

or their salts at the anode, oxidation of halide ions occurs according to the following scheme:

4 X – 4 eà 2 H 2 O + O 2 + 4 H +


During the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of sulfates, nitrates, phosphates, etc.

The function of a reducing agent is performed by ions, oxidizing according to the following scheme: HOH Tasks.

ZAcottage 1. During the electrolysis of a copper sulfate solution, 48 g of copper was released at the cathode.0 4 2 ".

Find the volume of gas released at the anode and the mass of sulfuric acid formed in the solution.

Copper sulfate in solution dissociates no ions

C 2+ and12

S |1

CuS0 4 = Cu 2+ + S0 4 2 "

Let us write down the equations of the processes occurring at the cathode and anode. Cu cations are reduced at the cathode, and water electrolysis occurs at the anode:

Cu 2+ +2e- = Cu

2H 2 0-4e- = 4H + + 0 2

The general equation for electrolysis is:

2Cu2+ + 2H2O = 2Cu + 4H+ + O2 (short ionic equation)

Let's add 2 sulfate ions to both sides of the equation, which are formed during the dissociation of copper sulfate, and we get the complete ionic equation:

According to the reaction equation, when 2 moles of copper are released at the cathode, 1 mole of oxygen is released at the anode. 0.75 moles of copper are released at the cathode, let x moles of oxygen be released at the anode. Let's make a proportion:

2/1=0.75/x, x=0.75*1/2=0.375mol

0.375 mol of oxygen was released at the anode,

v(O2) = 0.375 mol.

Let's calculate the volume of oxygen released:

V(O2) = v(O2) «VM = 0.375 mol «22.4 l/mol = 8.4 l

According to the reaction equation, when 2 moles of copper are released at the cathode, 2 moles of sulfuric acid are formed in the solution, which means that if 0.75 moles of copper are released at the cathode, then 0.75 moles of sulfuric acid are formed in the solution, v(H2SO4) = 0.75 moles .

Let's calculate the molar mass of sulfuric acid:

M(H2SO4) = 2-1+32+16-4 = 98 g/mol.

Let's calculate the mass of sulfuric acid:

m(H2S04) = v(H2S04>M(H2S04) = = 0.75 mol «98 g/mol = 73.5 g. Answer:

8.4 liters of oxygen were released at the anode; 73.5 g of sulfuric acid was formed in the solution

Problem 2. Find the volume of gases released at the cathode and anode during the electrolysis of an aqueous solution containing 111.75 g of potassium chloride. What substance was formed in the solution? Find its mass.

Potassium chloride in solution dissociates into K+ and Cl ions:

2КС1 =К+ + Сl

Potassium ions are not reduced at the cathode; instead, water molecules are reduced. At the anode, chloride ions are oxidized and chlorine is released:

2H2O + 2e" = H2 + 20H-|1

CuS0 4 = Cu 2+ + S0 4 2 "

2SG-2e" = C12|1

2СГl+ 2Н2О = Н2 + 2ОН" + С12 (short ionic equation) The solution also contains K+ ions formed during the dissociation of potassium chloride and not participating in the reaction:

2K+ + 2Cl + 2H20 = H2 + 2K+ + 2OH" + C12

Let's rewrite the equation in molecular form:

2KS1 + 2H2O = H2 + C12 + 2KON

Hydrogen is released at the cathode, chlorine at the anode, and potassium hydroxide is formed in the solution.

The solution contained 111.75 g of potassium chloride.

Let's calculate the molar mass of potassium chloride:

M(KS1) = 39+35.5 = 74.5 g/mol

Let's calculate the amount of potassium chloride:

According to the reaction equation, during the electrolysis of 2 moles of potassium chloride, 1 mole of chlorine is released. Let the electrolysis of 1.5 mol of potassium chloride produce x mol of chlorine.

Let's make a proportion:

2/1=1.5/x, x=1.5 /2=0.75 mol

0.75 mol of chlorine will be released, v(C!2) = 0.75 mol. According to the reaction equation, when 1 mole of chlorine is released at the anode, 1 mole of hydrogen is released at the cathode. Therefore, if 0.75 mol of chlorine is released at the anode, then 0.75 mol of hydrogen is released at the cathode, v(H2) = 0.75 mol.

The volume of hydrogen is equal to the volume of chlorine:

Y(H2) = Y(C12) = 16.8l.

According to the reaction equation, the electrolysis of 2 mol of potassium chloride produces 2 mol of potassium hydroxide, which means that the electrolysis of 0.75 mol of potassium chloride produces 0.75 mol of potassium hydroxide. Let's calculate the molar mass of potassium hydroxide:

M(KOH) = 39+16+1 - 56 g/mol.

Let's calculate the mass of potassium hydroxide:

m(KOH) = v(KOH>M(KOH) = 0.75 mol-56 g/mol = 42 g.

m(H2S04) = v(H2S04>M(H2S04) = = 0.75 mol «98 g/mol = 73.5 g. 16.8 liters of hydrogen were released at the cathode, 16.8 liters of chlorine were released at the anode, and 42 g of potassium hydroxide were formed in the solution.

Problem 3. During the electrolysis of a solution of 19 g of divalent metal chloride, 8.96 liters of chlorine were released at the anode. Determine which metal chloride was subjected to electrolysis. Calculate the volume of hydrogen released at the cathode.

Let's denote the unknown metal M, the formula of its chloride is MC12. At the anode, chloride ions are oxidized and chlorine is released. The condition says that hydrogen is released at the cathode, therefore, the reduction of water molecules occurs:

2Н20 + 2е- = Н2 + 2ОH|1

2Cl -2e" = C12! 1

CuS0 4 = Cu 2+ + S0 4 2 "

2Cl + 2H2O = H2 + 2OH" + C12 (short ionic equation)

The solution also contains M2+ ions, which do not change during the reaction.

Let us write the complete ionic equation of the reaction:

2SG + M2+ + 2H2O = H2 + M2+ + 2OH- + C12

Let's rewrite the reaction equation in molecular form:

MC12 + 2H2O - H2 + M(OH)2 + C12

Let's find the amount of chlorine released at the anode:

According to the reaction equation, during the electrolysis of 1 mole of chloride of an unknown metal, 1 mole of chlorine is released. If 0.4 mol of chlorine was released, then 0.4 mol of metal chloride was subjected to electrolysis. Let's calculate the molar mass of the metal chloride:

The molar mass of the unknown metal chloride is 95 g/mol.

There are 35.5"2 = 71 g/mol per two chlorine atoms.

m(H2S04) = v(H2S04>M(H2S04) = = 0.75 mol «98 g/mol = 73.5 g. Therefore, the molar mass of the metal is 95-71 = 24 g/mol. Magnesium corresponds to this molar mass.

According to the reaction equation, for 1 mole of chlorine released at the anode, there is 1 mole of hydrogen released at the cathode. In our case, 0.4 mol of chlorine was released at the anode, which means 0.4 mol of hydrogen was released at the cathode.

Let's calculate the volume of hydrogen:

V(H2) = v(H2>VM = 0.4 mol «22.4 l/mol = 8.96 l.

2H2O - 4e" = 4H+ + O2! 1

Let's add both equations together:

6H2O = 2H2 + 4OH" + 4H+ + O2, or

6H2O = 2H2 + 4H2O + O2, or

2H2O = 2H2 + 02

In fact, when electrolysis of a solution of potassium sulfate occurs, the electrolysis of water occurs.

The concentration of a solute in a solution is determined by the formula:

С=m(solute) 100% / m(solution)

To find the concentration of the potassium sulfate solution at the end of electrolysis, you need to know the mass of potassium sulfate and the mass of the solution. The mass of potassium sulfate does not change during the reaction. Let's calculate the mass of potassium sulfate in the original solution. Let us denote the concentration of the initial solution as C

m(K2S04) = C2 (K2S04) m(solution) = 0.15 200 g = 30 g.

The mass of the solution changes during electrolysis as part of the water is converted into hydrogen and oxygen.

Let's calculate the amount of oxygen released: 2(O

)=V(O2) / Vm =14.56l / 22.4l/mol=0.65mol

According to the reaction equation, 2 moles of water produce 1 mole of oxygen. Let 0.65 mol of oxygen be released during the decomposition of x mol of water. Let's make a proportion:

1.3 mol of water decomposed, v(H2O) = 1.3 mol.

Let's calculate the molar mass of water:

M(H2O) = 1-2 + 16 = 18 g/mol.

Let's calculate the mass of decomposed water:

m(H2O) = v(H2O>M(H2O) = 1.3 mol* 18 g/mol = 23.4 g.

The mass of the potassium sulfate solution decreased by 23.4 g and became equal to 200-23.4 = 176.6 g. Let us now calculate the concentration of the potassium sulfate solution at the end of electrolysis:

m(H2S04) = v(H2S04>M(H2S04) = = 0.75 mol «98 g/mol = 73.5 g. C2 (K2 SO4)=m(K2 SO4) 100% / m(solution)=30g 100% / 176.6g=17%

the concentration of the solution at the end of electrolysis is 17%.

*Task 5. 188.3 g of a mixture of sodium and potassium chlorides was dissolved in water and an electric current was passed through the resulting solution.

During electrolysis, 33.6 liters of hydrogen were released at the cathode. Calculate the composition of the mixture as a percentage by weight.

After dissolving a mixture of potassium and sodium chlorides in water, the solution contains K+, Na+ and Cl- ions. Neither potassium ions nor sodium ions are reduced at the cathode; water molecules are reduced. At the anode, chloride ions are oxidized and chlorine is released:

Let's rewrite the equations in molecular form:

Let us denote the amount of potassium chloride contained in the mixture by x mol, and the amount of sodium chloride by mol. According to the reaction equation, during the electrolysis of 2 moles of sodium or potassium chloride, 1 mole of hydrogen is released. Therefore, during the electrolysis of x mole of potassium chloride, x/2 or 0.5x mole of hydrogen is formed, and during the electrolysis of x mole of sodium chloride, 0.5y mole of hydrogen is formed. Let's find the quantity

hydrogen substances

, released during electrolysis of the mixture: Let's make the equation: 0.5x + 0.5y = 1.5 Let's calculate

molar masses

potassium and sodium chlorides:

M(KS1) = 39+35.5 = 74.5 g/mol

M(NaCl) = 23+35.5 = 58.5 g/mol

Mass x mole of potassium chloride is equal to:

m(KCl) = v(KCl)-M(KCl) = x mol-74.5 g/mol = 74.5x g.

The mass of a mole of sodium chloride is:

m(KCl) = v(KCl)-M(KCl) = y mol-74.5 g/mol = 58.5y g.

The mass of the mixture is 188.3 g, let’s create the second equation:

74.5x + 58.5y= 188.3

So, we solve a system of two equations with two unknowns:

0.5(x + y)= 1.5

74.5x + 58.5y=188.3g

From the first equation we express x:

x + y = 1.5/0.5 = 3, x = 3-y Let's substitute this value of x into

second equation

, we get:

74.5-(3-y) + 58.5y= 188.3

223.5-74.5y + 58.5y= 188.3

, released during electrolysis of the mixture: -16у = -35.2 y = 2.2 100% / 188.3g = 31.65%

mass fraction

m(H2S04) = v(H2S04>M(H2S04) = = 0.75 mol «98 g/mol = 73.5 g. sodium chloride:

w(NaCl) = 100% - w(KCl) = 68.35% the mixture contains 31.65% potassium chloride and 68.35% sodium chloride. Electrolysis are called electrochemical processes of direct conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy, occurring on the electrodes under the influence of

direct current

. Under the influence of an electric field, the random movement of ions in the electrolyte turns into a directional one: positively charged ions (cations) move to the negative electrode - the cathode, negatively charged ions (anions) move to the positive electrode - the anode. During electrolysis, the cathode is connected to the negative pole of an external current source, and the anode is connected to the positive pole. ) On cathode (K

. Under the influence of an electric field, the random movement of ions in the electrolyte turns into a directional one: positively charged ions (cations) move to the negative electrode - the cathode, negatively charged ions (anions) move to the positive electrode - the anode. reduction processes occur: positive ions or neutral molecules accept electrons and transform into a reduced form. + ) Anions, neutral molecules, and the anode material itself can be oxidized. The anode may be soluble, i.e. oxidize under electrolysis conditions, and inert, insoluble, i.e. do not participate in the anodic process. Soluble or partially soluble anodes include Zn, Cu, Fe, Cd, Ag, Ni, Co, etc., insoluble anodes include Pt, Pd and some other noble metals under certain conditions, as well as graphite C. At the anode, stronger reducing agents are oxidized first, i.e. processes are occurring that are characterized by a more negative potential.

In order to correctly determine the electrolysis processes, it is necessary:

1) consider the ionic composition of the electrolyte;

2) distribute ions over the electrodes;

3) determine the equilibrium potentials of possible processes. To calculate the equilibrium potentials of possible processes, the Nernst equation is used. If specific conditions are not specified, then standard potentials of the anode material and anions are used to evaluate the processes
and cations

Equilibrium potentials of oxygen and hydrogen evolution processes at relative gas partial pressures
And T= 298 K are calculated using the formulas:

, (3.1),

, (3.2)

4) Write down the electrode processes after comparing the electrode potentials.

With a relatively small difference in equilibrium potentials (less than 0.8 1.0 V), several processes can occur in parallel on the electrodes. If several processes occur simultaneously on the electrode, then the proportion of the amount of electricity that goes to each of the processes is called the current output ( IN j ):

, (3.3),

Where Q j – the amount of electricity used for a specific process;

Q – the total amount of electricity passed through the electrochemical system.

Complex oxygen-containing ions such as SO 4 2-, NO 3 -, PO 4 3- and others from aqueous solutions at the anode are not oxidized, because have a significantly more positive discharge potential than hydroxide ionOH – .

Ions of elements (Appendix 1, Table 1) with a highly negative electrode potential (Al 3+, Na +, etc.) are not reduced from aqueous solutions at the cathode. Their discharge at the cathode is possible only from melts corresponding salts or from non-aqueous solutions.

The amount of a substance that has undergone electrochemical transformations at the electrodes is calculated according to Faraday's law.

During electrolysis, as a result of direct electric current passing through the system, polarization of the electrodes occurs ( E K, E A): the anode potential becomes more positive, and the cathode potential becomes more negative and an ohmic voltage drop occurs across the internal resistance of the electrochemical circuit R(E ohm = R . I). Therefore the voltage ( U ), which must be applied to the electrodes from external source DC, greater than the minimum potential difference ( U min), equal difference equilibrium potentials of processes:

The course of polarization curves during electrolysis is shown in Fig. 3.1. :

E i To

U min

Rice. 3.1. Polarization curves during electrolysis.

Example 3.1. Consider electrolysis melt potassium chloride salts KCl on insoluble Pt electrodes. Write the equations electrode processes. Calculate the minimum potential difference U min electrolysis.

Solution. 1) Let's write down the ionic composition of the electrolyte:

KCl→ K + +Cl -

2) and 3) standard potentials of electrode processes:

TO - :


4)Electrode processes:

K - : K + + → K

A + : 2Cl - → Cl 2 + 2 .

This electrolysis can be used to produce lithium and chlorine.

U min =E = E 0 Cl - / Cl 2 - E 0 K + /K =1.36V – (-2.925V) = 4.285V

Polarization curves:

Example 3.2. Determine the minimum potential difference U min , which must be supplied to the Pt electrodes to carry out the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of KOH, pH = 12. Write the equations for the electrolysis processes. Calculate the volumes of gases (reduced to normal conditions) that are formed on the electrodes in 10 hours at a current of 5A.

Solution. 1) In order to determine the ionic composition of the electrolyte, we write the dissociation equations of the electrolyte solution:

KOH → K + + OH - ;H 2 O H + +OH -

2) Distribution of ions over the electrodes:

A () (OH -), K () (K +, H +)

3) let us determine the equilibrium potentials of possible electrode processes:

TO - :


4) Since E 0 K + /K is significantly more negative
, then only the reduction process of H + ions will occur at the cathode, and the oxidation process of OH - ions at the anode:

K - : 2H 2 O + 2e → H 2 + 2OH - ,

A + : 2OH - - 2e → 1/2O 2 + H 2 O.

Minimum potential difference for electrolysis of a given solution (back EMF):

The volume of gases released on the electrodes will be calculated using Faraday’s law (normal conditions):



Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide is widely used for the electrochemical production of hydrogen.

Example 3.3. Consider the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of CuCl 2 on graphite (insoluble) electrodes. Write the electrode processes, show the course of the polarization curves. Calculate the mass of copper formed at the cathode if, during the same time, 5.6 mlCl 2 and 5.6 mlO 2 were released at the anode.


CuCl 2 → Cu 2+ + 2Cl -

H2O H + + OH - .

The salt CuCl 2 is formed by a weak base Cu(OH) 2 and a strong acid HCl, therefore, when it is dissolved in water, a hydrolysis process will occur with the formation of an excess of H + ions, the electrolyte solution will have a weakly acidic reaction of the medium (assuming pH = 5).

Let's determine the potentials of possible processes on the anode and cathode and write down the equations of electrode processes:

TO - :

more positive than
, then only the process of reduction of copper ions Cu 2+ from the electrolyte solution will take place at the cathode.


more negative than
, then first of all the process of oxidation of OH - ions will take place at the anode. However, due to polarization at high current densities, the potentials of the processes of oxygen and chlorine evolution are quite close, so the process of oxidation of Cl – ions from the electrolyte solution will also occur at the anode. Thus, the following processes occur on the electrodes:

K - : Cu 2+ + 2 → Cu

A + : 2H 2 O → O 2 + 4H + + 4

2Cl - → Cl 2 + 2 .

Electrolysis of this solution can be carried out to apply a copper coating to the product, as well as to produce oxygen and chlorine gases.

Rice. 3.2. Polarization curves of the electrolysis process of an aqueous solution of copper chloride on insoluble electrodes.

Let us determine the mass of copper formed at the cathode, for which we first calculate the volumes of moles of gas equivalents at normal conditions. and the mass of a mole equivalent of copper:


Using Faraday's law, we determine the amount of electricity required to release given volumes of oxygen and chlorine at the anode (no):



The total amount of electricity passing through the anode is:


The same amount of electricity at the cathode ( Q K = Q A) will go through only one process of copper formation. Using Faraday's law, we determine the mass of released copper:

g = 48.3 mg

Let us determine the current output ( B j ) for all electrolysis processes:

%, (since there is one process at the cathode);

% ;

Example 3.4. Consider the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of CuCl 2 on copper electrodes. Write equations for electrode processes and show the course of polarization curves. How does the course of the polarization curves in this version differ from the version considered in example 3.3?

Solution. The ionic composition of the electrolyte solution is the same as in example 3.3. Therefore, at the cathode, as in the case of electrolysis on insoluble electrodes, only the process of reduction of copper ions will occur.

Potentials of possible processes at the anode:

V, (see example 3.3), potential of the anode material
B. Since the equilibrium potential of copper oxidation is much more negative than the equilibrium potentials of oxygen and chlorine release, then at the anode, first of all, the process will begin oxidation of the copper electrode. If during electrolysis at the cathode and anode the equilibrium potentials of the systems are not achieved
(small polarizations  E K,  E A and current density i), then the electrode processes will be as follows:

K - : Cu 2+ + 2 → Cu

A+ : Cu → Cu 2+ + 2 .

At high cell voltages U, can be achieved
, then gas evolution will begin and the equations from example 3.3 will be added to the indicated equations of electrode processes.

Due to the dissolution of the copper anode under the influence of current, the supply of Cu 2+ ions in the electrolyte solution will be replenished, and the process of formation of a copper coating on the cathode will proceed more intensively than in the case of using inert electrodes (Ex. 3.3.).

Rice. 3.3. Polarization curves of the electrolysis process of an aqueous solution of copper chloride on copper electrodes.

Example 3.5. Consider the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of a mixture of salts Pb(NO 3) 2 and Sn(NO 3) 2 on graphite (insoluble) electrodes. Write the equations of electrode processes. Calculate the current efficiency of substances if 30 g of Sn, 52 g of Pb and 2.8 l of H 2 are simultaneously formed at the cathode (normal conditions).

Solution. Let's determine the ionic composition of the electrolyte solution and estimate the hydrogen index of the medium. Let us write down the equations for the dissociation of salt and water molecules:

Pb(NO 3) 2 → Pb 2+ + 2NO 3 -

Sn(NO 3) 2 → Sn 2+ + 2NO 3 -

H2O H + +OH - .

Salts Sn(NO 3) 2 and Pb(NO 3) 2 are formed weak grounds and strong acid, therefore, when they are dissolved in water, a hydrolysis process will occur with the formation of an excess of H + ions, the electrolyte solution will have a slightly acidic reaction of the medium (let’s assume pH ≈ 5).

Let us determine the equilibrium potentials of possible processes at the anode and cathode:

TO - :


have close value, then at the cathode the processes of reduction of Pb 2+, Sn 2+ and H + ions from the electrolyte solution will proceed in parallel. At the anode, NO 3 - ions, as complex oxygen-containing ions, will not be oxidized, and in this electrolyte solution at the insoluble anode only the oxidation process of OH - ions will occur.

Thus, the following processes occur on the electrodes:

K - : Pb 2+ + 2e → Pb

Sn 2+ + 2e → Sn

A + :H 2 O→O 2 + 4H + + 4 .

Let us write down the masses and volume (under normal conditions) of moles of equivalents of substances formed at the cathode:

l/mol (n.s.).

Using Faraday's law, we determine the amount of electricity required to be generated at the cathode given quantity substances (n.s.):




The total amount of electricity passing through the cathode:

Let us determine the current output ( B j) for all electrolysis processes:

o / o , (since one process occurs at the anode);

100 % =
100% = 40,2%;

100%= 39,9%;
100% = 19,9%.

Rice. 3.4. Polarization curves of the electrolysis process of an aqueous solution of a mixture of salts Pb(NO 3) 2 and Sn(NO 3) 2 on graphite (insoluble) electrodes.

Example 3.6. Consider the process of refining nickel containing impurities of zinc and copper in an aqueous solution of H 2 SO 4. What processes will take place at the anode and cathode? How long does it take to carry out refining at a current of 500 A to separate 5 kg of nickel with a current efficiency of 98%?

Solution. Refining is the purification of metal from impurities using electrolysis. The base metal and impurities, the potential of which is more negative than the base metal, dissolve at the anode. Impurities having more positive potential, do not dissolve and fall out of the anode in the form of sludge. At the cathode, the metal with the most positive potential is released first.

The anode is a purified Ni metal with Zn and Cu impurities. Ionic composition of the electrolyte solution: H + , SO 4 2- , OH - . Let us write down the equilibrium potentials of possible electrode processes at pH = 2:




, then the first process at the anode during refining will be the oxidation of zinc impurities, then the oxidation of the base metal (nickel), copper impurities do not dissolve, but precipitate (sludge) in the form of metal particles at the end of the process.


, and the concentration of nickel ions is higher than the concentration of zinc ions, then pure nickel is deposited on the cathode. However, at the beginning of the process, when there are no Ni 2+ ions in the electrolyte solution, the process of hydrogen evolution occurs at the cathode.

Let us write down the equations of electrode processes:

A + :Zn→Zn 2+ + 2e

K - : 2H + + 2e→H 2

Ni 2+ + 2e→Ni.

We calculate the time required for refining according to Faraday’s law (
g/mol) :

or τ = 9.27 hours.


Corrosion is the spontaneous destruction of metal materials under the influence of environmental components. As a result of corrosion, a total redox reaction occurs between the metal and the oxidizing agent:

nM+mOx→M n Red m , (4.1).

In this case, oxidation of the metal and destruction of metal structures occurs.

For a metal, it is the oxidized state that is thermodynamically more stable. Therefore, the corrosion process is always spontaneous, i.e. the change in Gibbs energy during corrosion is negative

Thermodynamic calculation
allows only to determine the possibility of the corrosion process occurring, but does not give a real idea of ​​​​the corrosion rate. For example, for a process:

4Al + 3O 2 + 6H 2 O = 4Al(OH) 3,
kJ< 0.

It would seem that aluminum should corrode intensively under the influence of oxygen dissolved in water. However, aluminum is widely used as a structural material. The reason is the properties of corrosion products. Corrosion is a heterogeneous process occurring at the M – Ox interface. Corrosion products can form oxide, hydroxide, salt and other films on the metal surface that have protective properties that make it difficult for the metal to contact the oxidizing agent and inhibit the further corrosion process. As a result of this reaction, a dense protective film is formed on the surface of aluminum, causing passivation of the metal and protecting it from corrosion, therefore aluminum is stable in the atmosphere.

According to the mechanism of flow, a distinction is made between chemical (in a medium that does not conduct electric current, for example, in dry gas, in aggressive organic liquids) and electrochemical (in a medium with ionic conductivity, for example, in aqueous solutions of salts, acids, bases, etc.) sea ​​water, in the atmosphere, in the soil) corrosion. The most common is electrochemical corrosion.

In electrochemical corrosion, the destruction of the metal occurs as a result of its anodic oxidation. The metal surface is energetically inhomogeneous. In areas with a more negative potential value, the process of metal oxidation occurs. Such areas play the role of anodes of corrosive galvanic cells and are oxidized:

A – : M → M n + +n .

In areas of the metal that have a more positive potential value, processes of reduction of oxidizing agents present in the environment take place:

K+:Ox+n →Red.

The Gibbs energy of the electrochemical corrosion process is directly related to the EMF of the corrosive galvanic cell:

, (4.2).

The EMF of a corrosive galvanic cell is equal to the difference in the equilibrium potentials of the metal and the oxidizing agent:

, (4.3).

Therefore, electrochemical corrosion is possible if
. To establish the possibility of oxidation of a given metal under the influence of a possible oxidizing agent, it is necessary to compare the potentials of the metal and the oxidizing agent in a given environment. The equilibrium potential of the anodic reaction of metal oxidation and the equilibrium potentials of reduction of oxidizing agents (H +, O 2) are calculated using the Nernst equation. For evaluation calculations, standard electrode potentials of metals can be used

The most common oxidizing agents in electrochemical corrosion are air oxygen O 2 dissolved in the electrolyte and hydrogen ions H + . In this regard, the following may be observed:

Corrosion with oxygen depolarization, corrosion with oxygen absorption, if
, (for example, corrosion of Cu, Ag in a neutral environment in air), dissolved O 2 acts as an oxidizing agent:

O 2 + 2H 2 O+ 4 → 4OH - , (pH7);

O2 + 4H + + 4 → 2H 2 O, (pH< 7);

Corrosion with hydrogen depolarization, corrosion with hydrogen evolution, if
, (for example, corrosion of Fe, Cd in acid), in this case H + acts as an oxidizing agent:

2H + + 2 → H 2 , (pH< 7);

2H2O+2 → H 2 + 2OH – (pH  7);

Corrosion with mixed depolarization, if
, (for example, corrosion of Mg in a neutral environment in air), simultaneously dissolved O 2 and H + act as an oxidizing agent.

, then under these conditions the process of electrochemical corrosion of the metal will not occur (for example, Pt, Au do not corrode in a neutral environment in air).

The main characteristics of electrochemical corrosion are the stationary corrosion potential E core, installed on the surface of the metal, during which conjugate reactions of ionization M and reduction Ox and corrosion current occur I core, or corrosion current density i core, reflecting the rate of the corrosion process in electrical units. The corrosion rate can be expressed in terms of metal loss per unit time, in terms of the magnitude of the current or the corrosion current density, calculated according to Faraday's law.

The rate of the electrochemical corrosion process is determined according to the laws of electrochemical kinetics. The rate of electrochemical corrosion is generally limited by the rate of the slowest stage of the process. For most metals, the cathodic reaction is the limiting reaction.

If corrosion with hydrogen depolarization occurs, then the rate of the corrosion process is determined by the rate of cathodic hydrogen evolution. The slowest stage of this process, which determines the rate of the entire corrosion process as a whole, is the reaction of the reduction of hydrogen ions to atomic hydrogen adsorbed by the surface H ads:

N + + → N ads

The rate of this process depends on the nature of the cathode sites on the surface of which it occurs. The presence of cathode impurities Hg, Pb, Cd, Zn in the metal composition slows down the rate of hydrogen evolution and the rate of corrosion in general.

If electrochemical corrosion with oxygen depolarization occurs, then the rate of the process is determined by the rate of cathodic reduction of oxygen. The limiting stage of this cathodic process is the process of diffusion of oxygen molecules through the diffusion layer. Changing the composition of cathode impurities in a metal alloy has little effect on the rate of cathodic reduction of oxygen. The rate of cathodic reduction of oxygen is determined by the limiting current density i etc:

i etc = 4F . D O2 . c O2 . δ -1 , (4.4)

Where D O2- oxygen diffusion coefficient;

c O2- oxygen concentration in solution;

δ - thickness of the diffusion layer.

Stirring the corrosive environment significantly increases the rate of corrosion with oxygen absorption.

In some cases, the rate of electrochemical corrosion is limited by the anodic oxidation reaction of the metal. This is typical for metals that can be passivated (Cr, Al, Ti). Passivation is caused by the formation on the metal surface of a dense, poorly soluble protective film of corrosion products, which inhibits the anodic process and the rate of electrochemical corrosion in general.

Corrosion protection methods include:

– alloying (usually with components that increase the passivation of the metal (Cr, Ni, Al, Mn, Mo, Cu);

– protective metal (anodic and cathodic) and non-metallic coatings;

– electrochemical protection: a) cathodic protection – connecting the protected product to the negative pole of an external current source, in which case it becomes a cathode and does not oxidize, b) connecting a protector to the protected product – metal with a more negative potential value, c) anodic protection – connecting the protected metal to the positive pole of an external current source and transferring it to a passive state, applicable to metals capable of passivation (Cr, Al, Ti, Zr, etc.);

– change in the properties of the corrosive environment (removal of dissolved oxygen, increase pH, adding corrosion inhibitors).

Let's consider a method of protecting metal from electrochemical corrosion using a metal coating. Based on the nature of the behavior of metal coatings during corrosion, they can be divided into cathodic and anodic. Cathodic coatings include coatings whose potentials in a given environment have a more positive value than the potential of the base metal. When the coating is damaged, a corrosion element appears in which the base metal serves as an anode and dissolves, and the coating metal acts as a cathode on which the oxidizing agent is reduced. Anodic coatings have a more negative potential than the potential of the base metal. In this case, the base metal serves as the cathode of the corrosion element, so it does not corrode when the coating is damaged.

Example 4.1. There is a junction of tin (Sn) with silver (Ag). Determine the possibility of corrosion when operating the product in an alkaline environment (pH = 9) in contact with oxygen. Write equations for possible corrosion processes.

Solution. Using Table 1 of the appendix, we determine the standard electrode potentials of metals:



, then in the resulting galvanic pair the anode will be tin and the cathode will be silver.

Because the
, then only corrosion of tin under the influence of oxygen will be possible:

A – : Sn → Sn 2+ + 2e.

K + : O 2 + 2H 2 O + 4e → 4OH – .

Example 4.2. During the corrosion of an iron product with the absorption of oxygen, 0.125 gFe(OH) 2 was formed in 3 minutes.

Solution. Calculate the volume of oxygen consumed for the corrosion of iron, the strength of the corrosion current and the mass of the metal destroyed by corrosion.

Let's calculate the number of mole equivalents of the formed Fe(OH) 2:


Let's calculate the number of mole equivalents of the formed Fe(OH) 2:

Since all substances interact in equivalent quantities, 2.8 was destroyed. 10 -3 mole equivalents of Fe and the same number of mole equivalents of O 2 were consumed.

Then the volume of oxygen (no.) consumed for the corrosion of iron:

Using Faraday's law, we calculate the strength of the corrosion current:


Let us determine the mass of corroded iron: Example 4.3 . Suggest an anodic coating to protect iron products from electrochemical corrosion in an oxygen-containing environment at pH = 7, R

Solution. gas =1. Write the equations of corrosion processes when the integrity of the coating is damaged.
Metals with a more negative potential value (for example, Zn, Cr, Al, etc.) can be used as an anodic coating for Fe. For example, choose chrome, standard potential

B, more negative than

, then if the integrity of the chrome coating on an iron product is damaged, chromium will play the role of an anode.

, then in this environment corrosion of chromium with oxygen and hydrogen depolarization is thermodynamically possible:

A - : Cr → Cr 3+ + 3e

K + : O 2 + 2H 2 O + 4e → 4OH -

2H 2 O + 2e → H 2 + 2OH -

In a neutral environment, chromium has high corrosion resistance due to its tendency to passivation. Chromium corrosion products (Cr 2 O 3 , Cr(OH) 3, etc.) form dense, sparingly soluble oxide-salt films on the metal surface, which have protective properties that make it difficult for the metal to contact the oxidizing agent and inhibit the further corrosion process. Therefore, although corrosion is thermodynamically possible, an iron product coated with chrome is not actually destroyed by corrosion.

Example 4.4. Propose a cathodic coating to protect iron products from electrochemical corrosion in an oxygen-containing environment at pH = 8 and . Suggest an anodic coating to protect iron products from electrochemical corrosion in an oxygen-containing environment at pH = 7, gas =1. Write the equations of processes in a corrosive galvanic cell when the integrity of the coating is damaged.

Solution. Metals with a more positive potential value (for example, Ni, Cu, Ag, etc.) can be used as a cathode coating for Fe.
For example, let's choose copper, standard potential

B, more positive than

B, more negative than

, then if the integrity of the copper coating on an iron product is damaged, the role of the anode will be played by the iron.

, then in this environment corrosion of iron with oxygen depolarization is thermodynamically possible and corrosion with hydrogen evolution is impossible. Equations of corrosion processes:

A - : Fe → Fe 2+ + 2e

K + : O 2 + 2H 2 O + 4e → 4OH --

The iron product will be destroyed. Example 4.5.

Write the equations for electrochemical corrosion of the Sn-Zn pair at pH = 5 and 298 K. How much and what metal was corroded if 56 ml of oxygen was absorbed during the corrosion process and 22.4 ml of hydrogen was released? Determine what the corrosion current is if the corrosion duration is 20 minutes. Solution


. Standard metal potentials:

B, more negative than

then in a given galvanic pair the anode will be zinc and the cathode will be tin.

, then in this environment electrochemical corrosion of zinc with oxygen and hydrogen depolarization is thermodynamically possible:

A - :Zn→Zn 2+ + 2e

K + :O 2 + 2H 2 O+ 4e→ 4OH -

2H 2 O+ 2e→H 2 + 2OH - .


Let's calculate the number of mole equivalents of the formed Fe(OH) 2:

Thus, the cathode has undergone a change of 1.2. 10 -2 mol equivalents of the substance. According to the law of equivalents, the same amount of substance will dissolve at the anode:
. Mass of corroded zinc (taking into account the mass of a mole of zinc equivalent

The magnitude of the corrosion current is determined by Faraday's law:

Using Faraday's law, we calculate the strength of the corrosion current:

Example 4.6. Select a protector to protect steel structure (Fe) in an acidic environment (pH=4) in air. Write equations for corrosion processes. Calculate how the mass of the tread will change if, over a period of time, during the corrosion process, 112 ml of oxygen are absorbed and 112 ml of hydrogen are released.

Solution. In sacrificial protection, a metal or alloy with a more negative potential value than the potential of the protected product is connected to a metal product directly or through a metal conductor. For iron (
C) magnesium can be used as an anode protector (
B), zinc (
B), aluminum (
IN). Upon contact with the oxidizing agent, the protector metal dissolves, but the protected product is not destroyed. For example, let's choose magnesium. Because
, then paired with iron, magnesium will be the anode.

According to the Nernst equation, the equilibrium potentials of the probable oxidizing agents (H + and O 2) are equal:

, then in this environment electrochemical corrosion of the magnesium protector with oxygen and hydrogen depolarization is thermodynamically possible:

A - : Мg → Мg 2+ + 2e

K + : O 2 + 4H + + 4e → 2H 2 O

2H + + 2e→H 2 .

In accordance with the assignment, we determine the number of mole equivalents of absorbed oxygen and released hydrogen (we consider the conditions to be normal,
2H 2 O+ 2e→H 2 + 2OH - .


Let's calculate the number of mole equivalents of the formed Fe(OH) 2:

Thus, 3 has undergone a change at the cathode. 10 -2 mol equivalents of oxidizing agent. According to the law of equivalents, the same amount of protective material dissolved on the anode:
mol-eq. Mass of dissolved protector (taking into account the molar mass of magnesium equivalent
g/mol) is equal to.

Hydrogen is a valuable raw material that has wide and varied applications. A large amount of hydrogen is used as a raw material for a number of important processes in the chemical industry: the synthesis of ammonia and benzene. In metallurgy, hydrogen is used for the selective reduction of non-ferrous metals from ammonia solutions and for the reduction of ores. Hydrogen is used to create the necessary atmosphere in furnaces, for cutting and welding metals, etc.

Industrial methods for producing hydrogen are divided into physical, chemical and electrochemical.

Physical methods are based on the fractional separation of hydrogen from a hydrogen-containing gas mixture by changing the physical state of the mixture (for example, the method of deep cooling of coke oven gas with the conversion of all components except hydrogen). Chemical methods are based on the thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons or on processes of conversion of carbons and carbon monoxide, for example:

CH 4 +N 2 ABOUTCO+ 3N 2 ;CO+N 2 ABOUTCO 2 +N 2 

and on the recovery of water vapor, for example:

4N 2 ABOUT+ 3FeFe 3 ABOUT 4 + 4N 2 

Electrochemical method hydrogen production is based on the electrolytic decomposition of water. Electrochemical methods account for approximately 3% of the world's hydrogen production, but current estimates suggest that the share of electrolytic hydrogen produced by electrochemical methods will increase due to declining reserves of natural gases and oil. In recent years, the prospect of using hydrogen as a fuel has been widely discussed, the combustion of which in fuel cells produces virtually no environmentally harmful substances.

It is not advisable to subject pure water to electrolysis due to its low specific conductivity (4∙10 -6 S/m for distilled water and 1∙10 -1 S/m for tap water). Electrolysis of water is carried out with the addition of acid, alkali, or salt to increase the electrical conductivity of the electrolyte and reduce energy consumption. The electrical conductivity of sulfuric acid solutions is higher than that of alkali solutions; however, alkaline solutions are used in industry because in them, conventional construction materials are sustainable.

The main electrode processes during electrolysis are the release of hydrogen at the cathode and oxygen at the anode according to the total reaction 2 N 2 ABOUT→ 2N 2 +ABOUT 2. Oxygen is a by-product during electrolysis; this product has no independent significance, since it is more economical to obtain oxygen from air. Basics of reaction in an alkaline environment:

on cathode 2 N 2 ABOUT+ 2→N 2 + 2HE- (7.a)

on anode 4 HE - → 4N 2 ABOUT+ 2ABOUT 2 + 4; (7.b)

in an acidic environment:

on cathode 2 N + +N 2 (7.v)

on anode 2 N 2 ABOUT→ 4Н + + ABOUT 2 (7.g)

There are no cations in an alkaline electrolyte that could be discharged at the cathode and lead to the occurrence of electrode reactions other than the formation of hydrogen gas.

The only side reaction at significantly more positive potentials than the reaction of cathodic formation of hydrogen is the reaction of electroreduction of dissolved oxygen

ABOUT 2 + 2H 2 O + 4 → 4OH - (7.d)

However, its rate is limited by the low solubility of oxygen in alkaline solutions, especially at high temperatures. Only a fraction of a percent of the current is wasted. Therefore, electrolysis baths all operate with very high cathode current outputs (about 97-98%, taking into account current leakage).

The process of oxygen evolution at the anode is accompanied by oxidation of the anode material with the formation of surface oxides such as MeO. Therefore, during long-term electrolysis, the discharge of anions occurs not on the metal, but on the oxidized surface. Over time, the overvoltage of oxygen evolution increases slightly until it reaches a constant value after a long period of time. Therefore, the value of the anode potential in an industrial, long-running bath is more positive than that determined in laboratory conditions.

Electrode materials. There is a requirement for materials for electrodes: the overvoltage of hydrogen and oxygen evolution on them should be as low as possible. The choice of electrode materials is dictated by the need to reduce wasteful energy consumption for electrode polarization.

As can be seen in Fig. 7.1 the best cathode material is platinized platinum, however, due to the high cost and instability of the sponge layer, platinum cannot be used as an electrode material.

Fig. 7.1 Polarization curves of hydrogen evolution on some metals from solutionNaOH (16 wt%):at 25WITH; - - - at 80WITH.

Metals of the iron group are stable in alkaline solutions, have low overvoltage and are suitable as materials for cathodes. The overvoltage on iron and cobalt is several tens of millivolts less than on nickel. Other metals ( Ti, Pb) are characterized by higher values ​​of hydrogen overvoltage on them and are not used in practice.

In Fig. Figure 7.2 shows the anodic polarization curves of oxygen evolution from an alkaline solution, from which it follows that on metals of the iron group the overvoltage of oxygen evolution is also small. Consequently, this group of metals is quite suitable as materials not only for cathodes, but also for anodes.

For the manufacture of cathodes, ordinary steel is used. The cathode is sometimes activated by depositing nickel containing sulfur or platinum group metals onto its surface.

Fig. 7.2 Polarization curves of oxygen release on some metals from solutionNaOH (16 wt%) (Ni(cottage 1. During the electrolysis of a copper sulfate solution, 48 g of copper was released at the cathode.) – sulfur-containing nickel coating):at 25°C; - - - at 80°C

Carbon steel is used as anodes in the electrolysis of aqueous alkaline solutions, onto which a nickel coating 100 microns thick is electrochemically applied. Such an anode retains sufficient corrosion resistance in alkaline solutions even in the presence of 1.5∙10 3 pores per 1 m 2. The low wear of such an anode, even with a higher porosity of the galvanic coating, is explained by clogging of the pores with corrosion products of the steel base. Nickel plating of the anode transfers it to a passive state and makes it insoluble in the potential region at which oxygen is released.

In all industrial baths, diaphragms made of asbestos fabric are used to separate gases. The role of the diaphragm is to prevent the mixing of gases. The mechanical strength of asbestos fabric is enhanced by incorporating nickel wires into the yarn.

Composition of the solution. The choice of composition and concentration of the electrolyte, as well as the design of the bath and its operating modes are dictated by the intended purpose of the electrolyzer and are determined by the need to minimize the unproductive consumption of electricity due to ohmic losses in the electrolyte and contacts. Solutions of potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide solutions are used as an electrolyte for the electrolysis of water. 2 – 3 g/l is introduced into the electrolyte TO 2 WITHr 2 ABOUT 7 to suppress steel corrosion. Water with a specific electrical conductivity of no higher than 10 -3 Sm∙m -1 and containing no more than 10 mg/l of chlorides and up to 3 mg/l of iron is considered suitable for the electrolyzer. However, it is recommended to use purer water to power electrolyzers; conductivity not higher than 10 -4 S∙m -1, iron content not higher than 1 mg/l, chlorides 2 mg/l and dry residue 3 mg/l.

During the electrolysis process, impurities accumulate in the electrolyte - carbonates, chlorides, sulfates, silicates, as well as iron, formed as a result of the destruction of parts of the electrolyzer and diaphragm. Foreign anions that accumulate in the solution do not participate in electrochemical reactions, with the exception of chlorine ions, which can cause depassivation of the anode.

The iron ions present in the electrolyte are discharged at the cathode to form an iron sponge. The thickness of the sponge increases during the electrolysis process, its layer reaches the diaphragm, causing its metallization, as a result of which hydrogen begins to be released on the anode side. It has been established that when potassium or sodium chromate is introduced into a solution, the electrodeposition of iron on the cathode decreases. A film of products of incomplete reduction of chromates forms on the cathode, making the electroreduction of iron compounds difficult.

The main impurity in hydrogen is oxygen, and in oxygen it is hydrogen. The alkali content in hydrogen is usually up to 20 mg/m3, in oxygen up to 100 mg/m3. Electrolytic hydrogen must have the following composition: no less than 99.7% (vol.) hydrogen, no more than 0.3% (vol.) oxygen. Electrolytic oxygen must contain no more than 0.7% (vol.) hydrogen.

Gas purification from alkaline fog is carried out in packed filters filled with glass wool. Hydrogen is purified from oxygen impurities in contact devices on nickel-aluminum and nickel-chromium catalysts at 100 - 130 °C. The purification of oxygen from hydrogen occurs on catalysts: platinized asbestos, platinum deposited on aluminum oxide. After cooling, the gases are dried with sorbents (silica gel, amomogel).

To select the optimal alkali concentration, it is necessary to know the dependence of the specific electrical conductivity of solutions on concentration at different temperatures. The curves expressing this dependence pass through a maximum at all temperatures (Fig. 7.3).

Fig.7.3. Dependence of specific electrical conductivity of solutionsNaOH (a) and KOH (b) on concentration at different temperatures

Maximum electrical conductivity of solutions CON more than NaOH, but the cost of sodium hydroxide is less. Therefore, how CON, so Nand he can equally be used in electrolysis baths. In industrial baths, a 21% solution has the maximum electrical conductivity. Nand he and accordingly 32% CON. In practice, a 16–20% solution is used Nand he and 25 - 30% solution CON.

Temperature. Electrolysis of aqueous solutions of alkalis is carried out at elevated temperatures in order to reduce the overvoltage of gas evolution and the resistivity of the electrolyte. In Fig. Figure 7.4 shows the relationship between temperature, resistivity and optimal concentration of alkali solutions.

Rice. 7.4 Dependence of the optimal concentration (1, 2) and resistivity (3, 4) of KOH solutions (1, 3) andNaOH (2, 4) on temperature.

Electrolysis process indicators behind ( U p) The voltage at the electrolyzer terminals consists of the water decomposition voltage E pr – oxygen equilibrium potential differences and hydrogen
(E pr = -
), hydrogen and oxygen overvoltage
And on these electrodes and the amounts of ohmic losses Σ IR Ohm, the main of which is the voltage drop in the electrolyte IR El + IR gas, in diaphragm IR aperture and in electrodes and contacts IR Ohm, V:

U p = E pr +
+ +I(R email + R gas + R cont.), (7.1)

Where I– operating current in the electrolyzer, A.

The hydrogen (oxygen) overvoltage at a given operating current density can be determined using the Tafel equation η =HOH+b lg i, using the reference values ​​of the coefficients HOH And b, corresponding to the electrode material and electrolyte solution.

The voltage drop in the electrolyte is calculated from the area of ​​the electrodes S, the distances between them l and specific electrical conductivity of the electrolyte , the value of which can be taken from the reference book (taking into account the temperature of the electrolyte during the experiment).

The increase in voltage drop due to gas evolution is approximately 10% of the voltage drop in the electrolyte. The voltage drop in the electrodes and contacts is assumed to be 0.1 - 0.5V.

Approximate voltage balance of a filterpress bipolar bath having an interelectrode distance of 3.6 cm and operating at a pressure of up to 100 atm. with a current density of about 1000 A/dm 2, is given in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

Stress balance of filter press bipolar bath

Electrode current densities. The value of electrode current densities during the electrolytic decomposition of water varies widely depending on the design of the electrolyzer. Advances in the creation of designs of electrolyzers with electrodes that provide rapid removal of gases and a reduction in gas filling, activation of the surface of the electrodes, an increase in the temperature of the electrolyte and a resulting reduction in gas overvoltage have made it possible to increase the current density in new designs of industrial electrolyzers to 2.5 - 3.7 kA/m 2 (0.25 – 0.37 A/cm2)

Electrolyzer designs. All modern designs of electrolyzers are of the filter-press type with bipolar inclusion of electrodes. The diagram of a filter-press bipolar electrolyzer for producing hydrogen and oxygen is shown in Fig. 7.5

Rice. 7.5. Bipolar filter-press electrolyzer: 1 – remote electrode; 2 – monopolar electrode – anode; 3 – bipolar electrode; 4 – monopolar electrode – cathode; 5 – diaphragm; 6 – tie plate; 7 – coupling bolt; 8 – diaphragm frame.

Filter-press bipolar electrolysers can have an equivalent load of up to 1200 - 1800 kA and consist of 160 - 170 individual cells.

The set of redox reactions that occur on electrodes in solutions or melts of electrolytes when an electric current is passed through them is called electrolysis.

At the cathode of the current source, the process of transferring electrons to cations from a solution or melt occurs, so the cathode is a “reducing agent”.

At the anode, electrons are given away by anions, so the anode is an “oxidizing agent.”

During electrolysis, competing processes can occur at both the anode and cathode.

When electrolysis is carried out using an inert (non-consumable) anode (for example, graphite or platinum), as a rule, two oxidative and two reduction processes are competing: at the anode - oxidation of anions and hydroxide ions, at the cathode - reduction of cations and hydrogen ions.

When electrolysis is carried out using an active (consumable) anode, the process becomes more complicated and the competing reactions on the electrodes are the following:

at the anode - oxidation of anions and hydroxide ions, anodic dissolution of the metal - the anode material; at the cathode - reduction of the salt cation and hydrogen ions,

reduction of metal cations obtained by dissolving the anode.

When choosing the most probable process at the anode and cathode, one should proceed from the position that the reaction that requires the least amount of energy will proceed. In addition, to select the most probable process at the anode and cathode during the electrolysis of salt solutions with an inert electrode, the following rules are used.

1. The following products can form at the anode: a) during the electrolysis of solutions containing anions, as well as alkali solutions, oxygen is released; b) during the oxidation of anions, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are released, respectively; c) during the oxidation of anions of organic acids, the process occurs:

2. During the electrolysis of salt solutions containing ions located in the voltage series to the left, hydrogen is released at the cathode; if the ion is located in the voltage series to the right of hydrogen, then metal is deposited at the cathode.

3. During the electrolysis of salt solutions containing ions located in a series of voltages between, competing processes of both cation reduction and hydrogen evolution can occur at the cathode.

Let us consider, as an example, the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of copper chloride on inert electrodes. The solution contains ions that, under the influence of an electric current, are directed to the corresponding electrodes:

Metallic copper is released at the cathode, and chlorine gas is released at the anode.

If in the considered example of electrolysis of a solution we take a copper plate as the anode, then copper is released at the cathode, and at the anode, where oxidation processes occur, instead of discharging ions and releasing chlorine, the anode (copper) oxidizes. In this case, the anode itself dissolves, and in the form of ions it goes into solution. Electrolysis with a soluble anode can be written as follows:

Thus, the electrolysis of salt solutions with a soluble anode is reduced to the oxidation of the anode material (its dissolution) and is accompanied by the transfer of metal from the anode to the cathode. This property is widely used in the refining (cleaning) of metals from contaminants.

To obtain highly active metals (sodium, aluminum, magnesium, calcium, etc.), which easily interact with water, electrolysis of molten salts or oxides is used:

If an electric current is passed through an aqueous solution of a salt of an active metal and an oxygen-containing acid, then neither the metal cations nor the ions of the acid residue are discharged. Hydrogen is released at the cathode, and oxygen is released at the anode, and electrolysis is reduced to the electrolytic decomposition of water.

Let us finally note that electrolysis of electrolyte solutions is energetically more favorable than melts, since electrolytes - salts and alkalis - melt at very high temperatures.

The dependence of the amount of substance formed under the influence of electric current on time, current strength and the nature of the electrolyte can be established on the basis of Faraday’s generalized law:

where m is the mass of the substance formed during electrolysis (g); E is the equivalent mass of the substance (g/mol); M is the molar mass of the substance (g/mol); n is the number of electrons given or received; I - current strength (A); t - process duration (s); F is Faraday's constant, characterizing the amount of electricity required to release 1 equivalent mass of a substance.

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